clint city.
2:57 AM.
along the northern facade of the z-tower, two athletic figures are crawling.
Gettin’ dizzy, Breakdancer?
Svelthlana and Blaaster working together is no common sight…
… but Havok of the Sentinel has gathered them as part of a new team…
… The B-Team part 2
Girl, just let me get back on the dance floor and I’ll be making you swoon!
Editor-in-chief: Nicolas Caris A studio Makma production Story & letters: Edmond Tourriol Pencils & Inks: Samuel Ménétrer Colors: Fred Vigneau English Translation: Jérôme Wicky
Maciej… Uranus here. I’m with Shakra.
We’re on the spot!
Under the spot.
Fakir, very funny.
Get ready for the E-M impulse. Fixate the detonators!
Eagle unit: Green light.
Linda here… We’ll be in position in about 3 seconds.
Mole unit: Green light.
Rhino unit: Green light.
clic Fireworks are… go!
gr t zt grz
gr z
sh cra
Ladies first.
My, how considerate…
“The Eagle has landed…” Without Copper to hold him back, Havok’s gone extra-geeky.
Alright, Maciej. The Eagle has landed.
Uranus, the path is clear…
The mole has dug its hole. I repeat: the mole has dug its hole.
It’s not as fun when they’re paralyzed.
We’re in, Maciej.
C’mon, Linda, say it.
{Sigh} The Rhino has horned in.
Wishing you recruited Jungos instead, Havok? All right. It’s showtime. Uranus and Shakra are on their way to the map archive room.
Blaaster and Svethlana, you have 5 minutes to infect the robot guards with the virus.
In the meantime, I hope Havok and Linda will have lured all the robots in the hall.
Don’t you worry about this, Central.
The hall of Z-Tower…
the welcoming party has already begun
Are you using motor oil as a perfume, Linda? Boy do they have a crush on you!
That’s it,
that ‘music virus’ of yours better work.
Chill out.
The Tin Men don’t stand a chance.
I hope you’re right…
The Robots Control Room.
the blue prints room...
… or else we’ll be stuck in here!
The doors locked up after we entered.
clic Shakra, look!
This map of Clint City displays the location of every hiding place Zlatar’s using!
C’mon, take some shots and let’s get out!
Trust the boy, he knows what he’s doing.
Meanwhile, across the city…
Hold it, pal…
Say, Dayton… … you think Chloé’s friend is of the babelicious kind?
I don’t care, man. Chloé’s enough of a babe for me.
… I’m already spending half of my time protecting you from the Montana… … now if I have to watch your back whenever Havok’s around…
ha ha ha! Chill out, Coby. He’s got his hands full with Linda!
And I just have to work on my pick up lines.
If I can get an ice princess like Chloé, I can get’em all!
… in a building under construction… Don’t get any closer.
... nina!! And stay against the wind.
I don’t want to be poisoned by your perfume…
Come on, as if I’d do that to an old pal.
So friendship still means something to you? … right. I’m listening. Can the sarcasm. I called for this little meeting, didn’t I? I suppose Sigmund was kidnapped too?
he is missing indeed, and the gheist knows where he’s held prisoner.
If you want Copper alive, you’d better do something tonight.
For old times sake, I guess…
I like you, Chloé. Be careful.
hmm... You too, Nina.
The Gheist will attack soon, and if Copper gets caught in the crossfire, tough luck!
Why are you telling me this now?
Oh, don’t you worry about me. You should better worry about your boss. You don’t know what you’re getting into.
Good luck!
Inside the Z-Tower…
These low-grade robots are a piece of cake!
Yeah, but there’s a whole lot of them!
Oh no! Blaaster’s virus didn’t work?
Ah… So much for my negative thinking.
Couldn’t he just paralyze them?
That’s the Blaaster touch for you…
Come on, let’s go!
havok !
Maciej! Start up the A.P.C., we’re on our way!
Look out, behind you!
Man, this one should be dancing too!
geronimo !
Yo, Burger! Take a pill… Havok has his guardian angel… … watching him from the skies!
Get ready to rumble, you sack of…
… bolts??
Nellie?! You no-good spoiled brat!
man, I was this close to offing that kid...
... Waaah!!
Get on board, people!
Aieee! Leggo of my finger!
…Hang on!
Report. They’re holding the prisoners in an underwater base, right in the middle of Clint River, about 15 minutes from here by car.
I know the way, folks. We’re on the move!
Next time, I want a seat… and not on the roof!
{Sob} You broke my toooy!!
Shut up, you snotty brat! Aieee! Not my ear!
Easy, there!
Elsewhere… We didn’t even get to see your mystery girlfriend!
(Not too far away, actually…) Coby’s gonna cry! And I still need you.
You’d be dead if you had met her.
We’re almost arriv--
Who’s the nut job…? He drives like a…
... freak?!
To be continued!