Ethan Butler - Color Schemes

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Color Schemes Ethan Butler

Complementary This color scheme is probably the most common because they are visually appealing. This is also an easy color scheme to achieve. People can also use their favorite color and the complemement of it

Monochromatic This is my personal favorite color scheme. It uses the same shades of a color. The shades of the colors really bring out the colors as well

Accented Neutral Accented neutral is also another one of my favorites. It almost achieves a minimalistic look to it. It uses black and white with a color on the color wheel.

Complementary Triad This color scheme uses a triangle o the color wheel. colors from all over the wheel are used to. It brings out very dark or bright colors depending on what color you choose.

Tetrads This color scheme has a rectangle shape on the color wheel. It is a very colorful color scheme since it uses 4 colors unlik the others. It blends all these colors and makes it look unique

Analogous Analogous colors incorporate shades of different colors blending with other colors too. It’s a very unique color scheme because of the shape it makes on the color wheel. This is pronbably one of the more popular color schemes too since it is easy to achieve

Analogous Complementary Similar to an anoalogous color scheme, it uses colors right next to each other on the color wheel. It also uses the complement of the color you decide to go off of. It can be used for many different design styles.

Neutral This is probably the most minimalistic color scheme. It doesn’t do much but it’s also very unique because it barely uses color besides shades of black and gray. It can be described as boring but this one of my favorites

Split Complementary This color scheme has a triangle shape on the color wheel as well. It is very easy to achieve and can be used in different ways. This is also a very simple color scheme

Triadic Tridadic color schemes use colors from different parts of the color wheel. It’s very colorful but can have different feels to it depending on the color you decide to go off of. This one is also very common

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