Brandon Dickerson color schemes

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Color schemes by Brandon Dickerson

complementary Complementary is the color right across the color you choose for example i choose orange, so the color right across from it is blue.

Analogous Complementary choose one main color, then selet the colors complementary to the main color, lastly choose the two colors directly next to the complementary. The main color i choose was green, then the color complementary to it was red,next to it was a shade of red and orange,andpur-

triadic Tradic colors are colors that are a distance apart on the color wheel. so i choose orange, green, and purple. which are all primary colors which is an example of triadic colors.

Monochromatic Monochromatic is just tints and shades of one color on the color wheel, so i choose green with just tints and shades of green.

Neutral Neutral colors can be tan, gold, black, white, beige, brown. The neutral colors i choose were black and white.

Complementary Triad Complementary triad is you start with two complementary colors then the thrid color is the one halfway between the two colors. the three colors i used where light green, orange and light orange, and red.

Accented Neutral Accented neutral are neutral colors plus an accent color, which i choose black and white, and as the accent color i choose green.

Analogous Analogous colors, are colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. the colors i choose that are next to each other on the color wheel are light orange, light green, and yellow.

Split Complementary Split complementary is were you start with main colors complient, ignore and split to left or right, the colors i choose was the main color was yellow, then blue and blue ish purpilish and red blue ish, with a light blue.

Tetrad Tetrad is four colors that have some form of logical relationship, the colors i choose that have a from of logical relationship were orange, purple, light green, and light blue kinda darkest.

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