Color Scheme Ryen Lahey
Split Complementary Split complementary is when you pick a color and then find it’s complement. You then use the original color, and the two colors on the right and left of the complement. You dont use the complement itself. This design is using blue, red orange, and yellow orange.
Neutral is a color scheme based on all bland colors like black, white, and gray. There is occasionally beige and brown in these rooms. This color scheme is often used in modern homes and in large spaces.
Monochromatic Monochromatic is a color scheme all based off different shade of a color of your choice. The room does not only need to be filled by that color though, it is often decorated with neutral colors that make the color look good. Most of the space is decorated by the different shade of a single color.
Complementary Triad
Start with two complementary colors and then pick a color that is exactly between them on the color wheel. In this example, yellow and purple (complements) are use with green which is exactly between the two complements. There are many other colors you could use to make it a complementary triad giving you many opinions for your design space.
Complementary The complementary color scheme is when you take a color and the one directly across from it on the color wheel. These colors naturally look good together because the contrast. This room uses yellow and purple but some other examples of complementary are red and green, and blue and orange.
Analogous Complementary Analogous complementary is when you pick a color and then use it’s complement along with the colors on the right and left of the complement. In total you use four colors in this color scheme. Make sure you use the complement of the main color, not to be confused with split complementary color scheme.
Analogous Analogous is the color scheme that uses three to four colors on the color wheel that are directly next to each other. The colors look good together becuase they are close to each other due to there placement on the color wheel. The colors used in this scheme for example are red, red orange, orange, and yellow orange.
Accented Neutral Accented neutral is the color scheme that is based off of neutral, but with a pop of color. You could choose any color for the accent but the rest needs to be neutral. Most of the items are neutral with just a few things like a rug or pillows that are a pop of color.
Triadic is when a room has 3 hues that are equal in distance apart on the color wheel. I used green, purple, and orange for this example but there are multiple other combinations. Another example is red, blue, and yellow.
Tetrad is use of colors on the color wheel that make a rectangle when you draw a line to each of them. These photos show an example of yellow green, violet blue, red orange, and yellow orange. There are many other colors that could be used in a design that are tetrad.