Make Here: Toolkit

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Make Here. TOO LK I T

What is Make Here? Make Here​is a project aiming to share information about local production - cultivating a community that revolves around making, from small objects to large scale products. We want to connect people who make, to people wanting to make. We are students of the Master in Design for Emergent Futures from IAAC. Initially, we mapped information about maker’s spaces, material suppliers, workshops and other creative places in the neighborhood of Poblenou, in Barcelona. The idea is that anyone can go through the same process and develop the project in their own cities by learning from this


toolkit. A global network can be developed and communities can learn from each other. Thereby, people can rethink their relationships with their localities and collaborate for changes towards a more circular economy.


Should you start?

Definitely! Every city has its hidden gems and it’s no different when we’re finding workshops. Our first tour through Poblenou led us to some amazing creative spaces, hidden behind the facades of a post-industrial district. Through mapping such places in your own district or city you are visualising a network of workshops, maker spaces and other funky places - in which others can then discover.


Start with someone you know!

Start from someone you know! If you don’t know creative spaces yet, we recommend you to find a FabLab in your city and visit it. Talk to people working there and try to interview them about local producers, makers, workshops. Explain the concept and try to connect to those places. No FabLab? Find a design school or open-minded craftsman. Arrange a meeting, talk with makers. Document your visit to create the content for the platform. But mostly - spread the word and engage people! We recommend taking a camera, a phone for recording audio, a smile and

Here are some questions we usually ask that get our makers talking:

What is your story? What is your skill / background?

patience - people may be busy but usually they’re kind enough to take the time if you ask politely.

What technologies do you use?

To continue, let the makers guide your visit to new places! Ask them for recommendations to where to go, with whom they collaborate for projects and by that, decide which new places you will explore.

What materials do you use? Where do you source your materials? What do you do with your waste? How do you envision that students could interact with your space? How do you interact with the existing community? (Suppliers, other makers etc.)



Starting Out

To be able to share the information with others about the creative spaces in your city, you can create a simple html website in gitlab, just like we did. You can find the whole template for it in our gitlab page: https:// For the website, we suggest some topics for creating content. Create your own narratives of the journey, people and spaces. Below, we have some suggestions on content categories and keywords that can guide topics to be written about.

Content Insights / Profiles / References / Quotes / Artwork


Keywords Skills / Story / Tech / Material / Interaction.


Identity C O LO U R












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Our visual style is flexible, playful and bold – indicative of the vibrancy in the urban and material landscapes within our cities. Assets can be found in the repository, and are open to further exploration and interpretation.


To spread the word about the project, social media can be a highly valuable tool. We recommend creating an Instagram account with ‘makehere**insertyourcity**’ - creating an Instagram account is a great way of quickly getting followers and exploring all the different maker-spaces and studios in your area. Instagram can also be a great tool to message these guys and say a quick hello - so if you go and knock on their doors they might have already seen your profile online!

Platform: Instagram (ttps://

Username: We suggest you to use @makehere + name or shortcut of your city. Include hashtags! We suggest you some on the next page.



# M A K E H E R E # O P P O R T U N I S T # FA B L A B # M A K E R # M A K E R S M OV E M E N T # M A K E R S G O N N A M A K E # M A K E A L M O S T E V E RY T H I N G # D I G I TA L FA B R I C AT I O N # D I G I TA L I Z AT I O N # I N N OVAT I O N # D E S I G N # M AC H I N E # M AC H I N E D E S I G N # 3 D P R I N T I N G # C I R C U L A R EC O N O M Y # LO C A L # P R O D U C T I O N # M AT E R I A L S # C R E AT I V E # D E S I G N E R # D E S I G N # VA LU E # C R E AT I V E # FA B C I T Y # F U T U R E # M D E F # I A AC # C R E AT I V E E U R O P E # D I S T R I B U T E D E S I G N # M A N U FAC T U R I N G # LOW I M PAC T M OV E M E N T # S U S TA I N A B L E # E VO LU T I O N # M OT I VAT I O N # W E M A K E H E R E # M A K E H E R E B C N #A R TA N DT EC H N O LO GY #A R TA N DT EC H # D I G I TA L A R T # M A K E H E R E # O P P O R T U N I S T # FA B L A B # M A K E R # M A K E R S M OV E M E N T # M A K E R S G O N N A M A K E # M A K E A L M O S T E V E RY T H I N G # D I G I TA L FA B R I C AT I O N # D I G I TA L I Z AT I O N # I N N OVAT I O N # D E S I G N # M AC H I N E # M AC H I N E D E S I G N # 3 D P R I N T I N G # C I R C U L A R EC O N O M Y # LO C A L # P R O D U C T I O N # M AT E R I A L S # C R E AT I V E 14





Up Studio

What is Biciclot? Biciclot is a space for bike lovers. It’s a co-operative which operates on the principles of fixing bikes for social change. Biciclot offers bike servicing with a twist - you must learn how to fix it. Not only does Biciclot promote self-sufficiency, but it runs cycling proficiency classes with children but also campaigns for a more bike-friendly Barcelona. We like their dedication to bikes, and fix-it spirit.

Juan has a professional history of architecture, moving on to a more intimate production of making various craft pieces for clients. Whilst walking through the space @ Verdlimona you could perhaps tell that Juan has a passion for wood. Even the CNC machine was beautiful - also constructed with wood. Juan has a well established network in Poblenou, working everyday with other maker-spaces, creatives and students.

A different kind of maker, Leka is an opensource restaurant bringing about social transformation through feeding hungry bellies. Leka sources their produce locally and responsibly, reducing waste in all areas - from using the whole animal to experimenting with lacto-fermentation of excess vegetables. We were lucky enough to try the pickled radish with panca chili (a spice brought all the way from Peru) - rather delicious and spookily similar in taste and texture to chorizo.. Leka have collaborated with IAAC and the Fab Lab on many different levels, from their stylish open-source furniture to their vegetable delivery from Valldaura. You can download their recipes, furniture and even their chef’s clothes online.

UpStudio is a beautiful space - naturally, as they are interior designers by trade. UpStudio moved from Poble-sec to Poblenou around 3-4 years ago, fitting snugly into the creative vibes of Poblenou. It is not a maker-space, but a studio which works from large-scale to small scale-projects with the help from individuals

Poblenou, Barelona We only scratched the surface of the different creator and maker-spaces in Poblenou. That’s why this platform was created - for a shared knowledge exchange of different people, professions and places. We thoroughly enjoyed delving behind mysterious doors and peeking into the daily routines of different people. It was refreshing to jump out of our MDEF-bubble and see what other exciting projects are occurring.

17 @makeherebcn

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