June 16 - 22, 2023

June 16 - 22, 2023
The Master Spinner Program consists of six progressive levels of classroom and independent study involving skill development, research studies and project assignments in the area of hand spinning of all major types of fibres, yarns and the end use of the spun yarns. Module content competencies and skill lists are available for viewing or download on the Master Spinner Program page at: www.oldscollege.ca/fibreweek
This is NOT a beginner spinning class. Students should have a working relationship with a spinning wheel. The Beginning Spinning course is strongly recommended for those with little or no experience.
Sunday, June 18 - Thursday June 22
$755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)
Sunday, June 18 - Thursday June 22
$755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)
Sunday, June 18 - Thursday June 22
$755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)
Sunday, June 18 - Thursday June 22
$755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)
Sunday, June 18 - Thursday June 22
$755 (includes marking fee) + $85 materials (+ GST)
Not offered at Fibre Week 2023
There are a limited number of wheels and table top looms available for rent on a first-come basis. Please call to reserve your wheel when you register for your classes.
This is NOT a beginner course (see Beginning Weaving in the Fibre Arts section). The Olds College Master Weaver Certificate Program is a formal process of sequential learning and evaluation consisting of 5 progressive levels of instruction and independent study involving skill development, research studies and project assignments, thus providing an educational environment in which an individual can acquire the skills to become an independent weaver.
Prerequisite: Students should be experienced weavers, and are expected to be able to warp a loom independently at the outset of the class, and be conversant with basic weaving language and tools. Independent weaving experience is essential.
Sunday, June 18 - Thursday June 22
$655 (includes marking fee) + $65 materials (+ GST)
Sunday, June 18 - Thursday June 22
$655 (includes marking fee) + $65 materials (+ GST)
Sunday, June 18 - Thursday June 22
$655 (includes marking fee) + $65 materials (+ GST)
Sunday, June 18 - Thursday June 22
$655 (includes marking fee) + $65 materials (+ GST)
Independent study course - check website for details.
All courses run from 9am – 4:30pm, lunch break from 12:00pm - 1:30pm unless otherwise noted
Whether you’ve never set foot in the same room as a spinning wheel before or you’ve been spinning for a while and just want a refresher, this class is for you! Working with wool rovings and tops, we’ll cover the basics of spinning both woolen and worsted singles, plying those singles together, and how to get a balanced yarn.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel with at least three bobbins (bobbins optional), Lazy Kate (optional), Sharpie, Notebook and pen, Non-slip mat or rug to put under spinning wheel (optional)
Instructor: Christie Schulze
Fri June 16 - Sat June 17 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$295 + $40 Materials + GST
Spinners can customize yarn by blending fibres and colours in almost limitless ways, but it’s still important to develop skills and knowledge to use blending tools properly and choose the right fibres and colours for the look you want. In this class, we will cover the most common blending tools and how they are used; how to evaluate and prepare different fibres for blending; and different fibre preparations and ways to spin them.
Prerequisite: Beginner - can spin a consistent singles.
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition with three bobbins (spindles can also be used), Hand cards, Hand combs (optional), Hackle (optional)
Instructor: Vanessa Bjerreskov
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $20 Materials + GST
Have you ever wanted to get crazy with your art yarns, like adding things like felted balls, beads, fake flowers, maybe even peanuts? Adding these things are easy if you have a by-passable yarn guide system, but what if you don’t? In this class, we will explore tricks and tips for adding these items so you can create the craziest yarns you’ve ever seen! (No peanuts in class: It will be an allergy friendly environment!)
Prerequisite: The ability to spin a singles yarn and ply
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition with large or bypass able orifice, Lazy kate, Wheel maintenance kit, Rug for under spinning wheel, Niddy Noddy
Instructor: Kara Perpelitz
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $50 Materials + GST
Weave a bag all in one piece using double weave. No seams, no sewing. Prerequisite: Basic weaving knowledge. Must be able to warp your own loom. Student Supplies: Four shaft loom to accommodate desired width of bag warped prior to workshop (instructions sent prior to workshop), Bobbins, At least three shuttles, Accessories for weaving, Yarns for weaving (any yarn will work, however, ensure they will all shrink the same)
Instructor: Catherine Ross
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $0 Materials + GST
Needle felting is a method of creating art using wool as your medium. In this workshop, you will learn about different
breeds of wool and their properties. The felting needle is a sharp, barbed tool that allows us to manipulate wool roving into shapes and pictures. We’ll start by needle felting a sample piece to help us understand how the needle works and gain confidence using the needle. Each participant will then put their new-found knowledge to use creating a needle felted picture.
Barbara Leighton, founder of the Leighton Art Centre, believed that every person is an artist - they just needed to find their right medium. Perhaps wool is yours. Try felting and find out!
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: 1 bath towel, 3 hand towels (ones that can be used for art), One or more landscape or flower image to create - simple images are best.
Instructor: Leah Cathleen Donald
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $30 Materials + GST
Love.Wear.Mend.Repeat explores the practice of mending our favourite pieces of clothing. Not only does mending prolong the life of our clothing, but it also encourages us to become more environmentally aware. Spend the day exploring different types of mending, looking at samples and examples of mending, and having meaningful discussions about extending life and stories to our favourite items. This hands-on workshop will make you love and wear your existing wardrobe.
Prerequisite: Some experience with sewing is helpful
Student Supplies: Small ruler, Notepad, Pen or pencil, Items to be mended (optional, Favorite sewing items (optional)
Instructor: Karla Mather-Cocks
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $65 Materials + GST
Learn how to “print” leaves and other plant material onto natural fabric to create beautiful, lasting one-of-a-kind garments! We will print an assortment of leaves on fabric to learn the process, then expand our skills to use a dye “blanket” to give the space around the leaves natural colour.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: Apron to protect clothing, N95 mask to provide protection from powdered natural dyestuff
Instructor: Lorelei Sommer
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $45 Materials + GST
Are you having trouble varying the thickness of your yarns? Do you want to break out of your default spin? Then learn to take control of your twist! Twist is the biggest factor in controlling the thickness of your singles and plied yarns, so it’s important to get comfortable with varying it in order to not spin the same thing all the time. In this ½ day class we will look at the factors involved in spinning our yarns THINNER, using three elements of spinning we can control: ratio, draft style, and treadling.
Prerequisite: Spin a singles yarn
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition, Spinning wheel maintenance kit, Niddy Noddy
Instructor: Kara Perpelitz
Sat June 17 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
$99 + $35 Materials + GST
Are you having trouble varying the thickness of your yarns? Do you want to break out of your default spin? Then learn to take control of your twist! Twist is the biggest factor in controlling the thickness of your singles and plied yarns, so it’s important to get comfortable with varying it in order to not spin the same thing all the time. In this class we will look at the factors involved in spinning our yarns THICKER, using three elements of spinning we can control: ratio, draft style, and treadling.
Prerequisite: Spin a singles yarn
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition, Spinning wheel maintenance kit, Niddy Noddy
Instructor: Kara Perpelitz
Sat June 17 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$99 + $35 Materials + GST
Plying can be a source of frustration long after people have mastered spinning. Understanding the factors involved in good plying can help you figure out how to achieve tension and consistency and make you happier with your final product. This class covers how to control different aspects of plying, plying techniques, and troubleshooting issues you may be having.
Prerequisite: Beginner spinning - can consistently spin a singles
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition, Minimum one empty bobbin, Two to three bobbins with spun singles on them (wool preferred but spinner’s choice), Lazy Kate, Diz (optional), Spindles can also be used
Instructor: Vanessa Bjerreskov
Sat June 17 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$99 + $0 Materials + GST
Come and have fun spending time working with fine fibres. In this class we will work with wonderful soft and luxurious fibres by taking a look at Cashmere, Camel, Qiviut, and Buffalo. Learn about what to look for when acquiring these fibres and the process to get these fibres ready to spin. Have fun exploring different ways to spin and blend the fibres to make a yarn just for you!
Prerequisite: Must be able to spin a consistent fine yarn.
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition, Fine hand cards and combs (some will be available in class), Pencil and paper
Instructor: Jayne Deardorff
Sat June 17 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$99 + $35 Materials + GST
All knitters make mistakes, but not everyone can fix them. In this workshop, learn how to identify and fix common knitting mistakes, including when to fix just a single dropped stitch and when to knit back an entire section of work.
Prerequisite: Able to knit and purl
Student Supplies: 2 needles, 5 mm or larger (singular or circular - your choice), 10 grams of scrap yarn (worsted or bulky weight), 2 grams of waste yarn (any weight), 2 locking stitch markers, Darning needle, Scissors
Instructor: Peggy Jubien
Sat June 17 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
$99 + $0 Materials + GST
Take your knitting skills to the next level and learn how to knit in the round. Learn how to cast on stitches, how to get started knitting in the round and the pros and cons of circulars and double-pointed needles. Participants will work on either a mitt or a hat as both projects are knit-in the round and require similar skills.
Prerequisite: Know how to cast on and knit and purl
Student Supplies: Worsted weight yarn (70-200 yards, depending on mitt or hat size), Mitt: Double-pointed needles, sizes 3.75 mm and 4.5 mm OR Hat: Circular needles, sizes 4 mm and 5 mm (length 40 mm), Scrap yarn (worsted or bulky weight), 1 metre of waste yarn (any weight), 3 stitch markers, Darning needle, Scissor
Instructor: Peggy Jubien
Sat June 17 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$99 + $0 Materials + GST
Wet felting is a method of creating art using wool as your medium. This felting method is thousands of years old and has a rich history in many cultures. In this workshop you will learn about different breeds of wool and their properties. We’ll start by making a sample piece of felt to help us understand the unique, natural properties of wool and get used to felting around a resist. Each participant will then put their new-found knowledge to use making a small satchel style purse with a flap opening. Wet felting is a hands-on, sometimes messy art process. Wear comfortable clothes that you can get wet and not worry about!
Barbara Leighton, founder of the Leighton Art Centre, believed that every person is an artist - they just needed to find their right medium. Perhaps wool is yours. Try felting and find out!
Prerequisite: Beginner
Student Supplies: Bath towel, 2 hand towels (ones that can be used for art)
Instructor: Leah Cathleen Donald
Sat June 17 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $30 Materials + GST
This one day workshop will forever change the way you approach preparing your loom for weaving. You will learn numerous little “gems” that will save you hours, whether you prefer to warp front to back, or back to front. The tricks and techniques learned for speeding up warp-making, winding on, sleying the reed and threading the loom make dressing your loom an enjoyable part of the creative process - not an obstacle to weaving.
This is a hands-on, “working” workshop where you will practice your new skills. Of all the weaving workshops Sharon teaches, she says this one is best loved by weavers from beginners to veterans because of its wonderful impact on their weaving lives.
Prerequisite: Must have warped a loom at least once.
Student Supplies: Loom, Warping board, Threading hook, Ball winder, 4 foot 1”x4” board with several ½” holes drilled approximately every 4” down the centre length of the board (or, a 45” #8 or #10 dent reed), 3 compatible, smooth and nonprecious yarns (to learn to warp not create your project)
Instructor: Sharon Eliason
Sat June 17 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $0 Materials + GST
Learn traditional rug hooking basics such as materials to use, tools, and techniques to work with fabric strips and yarn and make an 8 x 8” wall hanging/mat. Creating texture and interest with a variety of fibres including repurposed fabric will also be explored. Design your own picture or choose a pattern that’s provided for the class.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: Scissors, A simple design that will fit within 8” squared (optional, patterns will be available)
Instructor: Lorelei Sommer
Sat June 17 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$99 + $40 Materials + GST
Dip your feet into natural dying by learning the bundle dying technique while creating a bandana. While our bundles are steaming we will chat about the basics of natural dying and then I will demo how to create a fructose Indigo Vat. Then we will play with some Shibori techniques and dip a banadana in a pre made Indigo vat.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: N95 mask to wear while watching the indigo mix
Instructor: Jamie Bowen
Sat June 17 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$99 + $23 Materials + GST
There are a limited number of spinning wheels and table top looms available for rent on a first-come basis.
Please call to reserve your wheel when you register for your classes! www.oldscollege.ca/fibreweek
This class is designed for those who are brand new to weaving, as well as those who want to refresh their knowledge of four-harness loom weaving. Students will learn how to prepare a warp, put the warp on the loom and how to operate the loom. The “how-to’s” of planning a project, reading a draft, choosing materials, and finishing a project will be covered. Your supplies will include a practice warp and enough yarn to weave a beautiful scarf.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: 10 or 12 dent reed and a raddle (optional), Shuttles and bobbins (optional), Hand bobbin winder (optional), Seat cushion for comfort and height adjustment (optional), Threading/Reed, Hook (optional), Notebook, Pen or pencil, Ruler, Fabric measuring tape, Scissors, Large blunt tapestry needle, Pencil crayons, Ball of string
Instructor: Tracy La Rose
Sun, June 18 - Thurs, June 22 9:00 am4:30 pm
$495 + $65 Materials + GST
Every time we sit down to spin a new yarn, we make a series of choices. From choosing the right fibre to tying our finished skein, each choice contributes to the design of that yarn. This workshop will take you through a set of “choose your own adventure” exercises to design and spin that perfect yarn. Depending on your choices, you will end up with one of three different styles of yarn!
Prerequisite: Students should be able to spin a continuous single.
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition (e-spinner is allowed, Lazy Kate, 4 or more bobbins, Niddy Noddy, Scissors, Sense of play and adventure
Instructor: Michelle Boyd
Sun June 18 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
$99 + $25 Materials + GST
Have you seen those lovely yarns with the shell shapes along them and wondered how to make them? This class is for you! Beehives and cocoons are among the most dramatic of the novelty yarns and in this class we will learn how to make them. We will cover how to make four types of yarns that have similar techniques but different appearances: beehives, cocoons, knotted cocoons and halos. Although we will be focussing on these four type of yarns, you will also learn skills that you can bring to other spinning you do: adding insertions to your yarn, changing the size of the yarn you spin to match the yarn you want to make and techniques for improving your dexterity when plying.
Prerequisite: This class is suitable for beginner to intermediate spinners. You must be able to spin a continuous single using a worsted style draw.
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition with a bulky flying head (an e-spinner is acceptable), Empty bobbins, Lazy Kate, Niddy Noddy, Small amount of finished yarn to make ties for your finished skeins
Instructor: Elana Goodfellow
Sun June 18 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
$99 + $25 Materials + GST
Do you love knitting socks but want to take your creations up a notch by making your own sock yarn? This class is for you. Learn the basics of spinning your own sock yarn as we explore the world of spinning them. We will cover what makes a good sock yarn, blending natural fibres to make a strong sock yarn, techniques and tips that will help you spin your yarn and variations that address durability and comfort in your sock yarn. Although this class focusses on spinning to make sock yarn, we will cover skills that you can bring to other spinning: how to change your spinning to spin fine without losing your bulky spinning skills, blending fibre, basic principles of yarn design and spinning cables and crepe yarns.
Prerequisite: This class is suitable for beginner to intermediate spinners. You must be able to spin singles and ply them together.
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition (an e-spinner is
acceptable), 4 Empty bobbins, Lazy Kate, Niddy Noddy, Pair of hand cards, Diz, Small amount of finished yarn to make ties for your finished skeins, Bags to bring blending samples home
Instructor: Elana Goodfellow
Sun June 18 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$99 + $25 Materials + GST
Whether you are planning a project with pockets or wishing a finished project had pockets, this course will help you to make it happen! We will discuss a variety of pocket types and their properties, and will try out a few pocket making methods.
Prerequisite: Ability to knit and purl, work back and forth in rows, and work in the round.
Student Supplies: Worsted weighted yarn in two contrasting colours (approximately 50 - 100g each), Needles for working with this yarn, both flat and in the round (using your preferred method for small circumferences in the round, either double-pointed needs or circulars), Stitch holders, Waste yarn, Notebook, Pen or pencil
Instructor: Jessie McKitrick
Sun June 18 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
$99 + $0 Materials + GST
There are a limited number of spinning wheels and table top looms available for rent on a first-come basis.
Please call to reserve your wheel when you register for your classes!
This one day workshop will introduce you to various techniques used to intertwine fibres into beautiful pictorial and graphic images. You don’t need an art background to create beautiful tapestries and even beginner weavers can enjoy this exciting process on the simplest of looms.Through a series of exercises you will progress through basic moves into various types of joins and turns, learn how to shift colours, plan designs, and display your finished pieces. You’ll soon find that you view all your left-over bits of yarns as treasures to work into your next tapestry.
Prerequisite: Must be able to warp a simple loom. Instructions will be sent prior to the workshop.
Student Supplies: Warped Loom (Knitters loom, rigid heddle or a standard table loom are acceptable), Weaving tools (scissors, pins, darning needles, etc.), Weft yarns will be provided
Instructor: Sharon Eliason
Sun June 18 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $30 Materials + GST
An introduction to knitting fingers and thumbs for gloves and mittens that will leave you confident in approaching all manner of projects for hands in the future, whether plain, fancy, or downright fanciful. We will discuss different thumb constructions, testing them out in swatches, and walk through the process of setting up all the fingers for gloves. A pattern that can be adapted for basic mittens, handwarmers, or gloves will be included for those who want to practice their skills.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast on, knit and purl, work in the round over a small circumference, increase, decrease, and pick up stitches
Student Supplies: Fingering weight yarn approximately 100g, Short double-pointed needles (the length one would use for socks) for working with this yarn in the round, Several lengths of waste yarn (also in fingering weight), Notebook, Pen or pencil
Instructor: Jessie McKitrick
Sun June 18 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$99 + $0 Materials + GST
Fun for all ages! Wet felting is a method of creating art using wool as your medium. This felting method is thousands of years old and has a rich history in many cultures. Each participant will create a charming 3D bird nest and a few eggs. Wet felting is a hands-on, sometimes messy art process.
Barbara Leighton, founder of the Leighton Art Centre, believed that every person is an artist - they just needed to find their right medium. Perhaps wool is yours. Try felting and find out!
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: 2 hand towels per participant (ones that can be used for art)
Instructor: Leah Cathleen Donald
Sun June 18 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
$99 + $10 Materials + GST
Learn to needle felt while creating a hare. In this course, we will learn the basics of needle felting, chat about tools and wools and learn how to felt over pipe cleaners to create the cutest Alberta animal, the hare.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: None
Instructor: Jamie Bowen
Sun June 18 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
$99 + $15 Materials + GST
Learn to needle felt while creating the perfect plant for those of us without a green thumb. Learn all the basics of needle felting, learn about supplies and try many techniques while creating a succulent/cactus plant.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: None
Instructor: Jamie Bowen
Sun June 18 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$99 + $20 Materials + GST
Enhance your traditional rug hooking designs with dimension and texture by learning a variety of stitches. Add further interest using materials such as beads, buttons, and zippers! Suitable for beginners or experienced rug hookers. Design your own picture or choose a pattern that’s provided for the class to create a wall hanging or mat with lots of visual interest.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: Scissors, Rug Hooking Frame or Embroidery Hoop (12 - 14” working area), Medium rug hook
Instructor: Lorelei Sommer
Sun June 18 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $40 Materials + GST
In addition to workshops and the Master Spinner and Weaver Programs, Fibre Week hosts a variety of events open to the public. No registration is required and we highly encourage participants and walk-ins to make Olds College of Agriculture & Technology a destination to drop by, unwind, spin in and shop! These events are held across campus - for more information please inquire at the registration booth in the Werklund Agriculture and Technology Centre.
Fibre Artists unite to enjoy a casual evening of your favourite craft. A casual, no commitments, informal social, come as you are, in and out as you like. It’s a great opportunity to meet fellow participants, and see what other exciting projects fellow fibre enthusiats are working on!
Fri June 16, 2023 at 6:30pm
Donations are gratefully accepted and will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Bring your item when you come. Items can include fibres, tools, creations, or anything you think fibre artists might be interested in. Fill out a “Friends of Fibre Week” donor form at the information desk and leave it with your item before 10am Saturday. Proceeds are used to offset Fibre Week expenses.
Sat June 17, 2023: Bidding open from 12 - 5 pm
Join us for a celebration of Fibre Arts: the craft and the people that carry it forward. This celebration is a formal presentation of the graduates of our program and a keynote speaker. It’s an evening that recognizes hard work and appreciates our mutual passions.
Following the celebration social and keynote speaker, join us for our Fibre Week Fashion Show! Are you proud of your first handmade item? Have you finally completed that epic project? Made something cool in class? Show off your stuff and inspire other kindred spirits with your handiwork. All fibre work welcome! Items can be dropped off with an entry form at the Registration Booth before 1pm on Saturday (day of show).
Sat June 17, 2023 at 6:30pm
403-556-4740 or 1-800-661-6537
AMEX Cheques
Olds College
Continuing Education Room 143
Duncan Marshall Place
Mon-Fri, 8:15am-4:30pm
Thurs, June 15: 12pm–6pm
Fri, June 16: 8:30am-12pm
Sat, June 17: 8am -10am
* Saturday set up only applies to single day table bookings.
Sun, June 18: 2pm-6pm
Sat, June 17: 6pm -7pm
* Saturday take-down only applies to single day table bookings.
Mon, June 19: 8:30am–12pm
The personal information which you provide on this application form is being collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation of the Government of the Province of Alberta for the purpose of registering for a Program or Course through Continuing Education at Olds College. In certain instances, this information may be shared with third party organizations who are actively involved in providing specific educational offerings. If you object to information being shared with third party organizations associated with Olds College courses, please check the box to the right.
If you wish to declare that you are an Aboriginal person, please specify: Status Indian/First Nations
Non-Status Indian/First Nations Meti Inuit
For further information or inquiries contact the FOIP Coordinator, Olds College of Agriculture & Technology: 4500 – 50th Street, Olds, AB T4H 1R6, Phone: (403) 507-7912
Refund requests, accompanied by the original course receipt, received at Olds College three (3) full working days prior to the start date of a course will be granted in full, less course specific material fees that have been incurred, non-refundable deposits and an administration fee of 20% of the course tuition or $150, whichever is less. No refunds will be issued less than three (3) full work days prior to the start date of a course. Non-attendance does not constitute notice of withdrawal. In the event that a course is cancelled, registrants will receive a full refund.
Select options will be available to registrants only for a shuttle between Calgary airport and Olds. There will be a $65 fee (one way) for this service payable upon registration. Check the website, as pre-registration is required.
Check our website under “Guest Information” for directions to the College. Free parking is available for the duration of Fibre Week!
Accommodation arrangements are the responsibility of Fibre Week Participants. It is recommended that airline tickets not be purchased until courses have been confirmed.
College Accommodation:
Townhouse & Dormitory Rooms on campus are available. A booking form can be found on the website under “Guest Information.”
On-campus food venues will be available and there are a variety of restaurants and fast food outlets accessible in the Town of Olds.
Online registration is available beginning March 1, 2023 and this form will also be available for download on the “Registrations” page of the Fibre Week website.
$500 Friend of Fibre Week: < $250 or silent auction donation
For more information, visit our website or contact: coned@oldscollege.ca
*Please remember to add 5% GST to all prices OTHER FEES
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TOTAL PAYMENT IN FULL: $________________