2021 Summer Programs OTS Summer Programs 2021
COVID Protocols
Table of Contents
Old Trail School's COVID-19 health and safety protocols have been vetted by Summit County Public Health (SCPH), University Hospitals and the school's consulting physicians, and informed by guidelines established by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Mask Wearing and Social Distancing
COVID Response/FAQs
Summer Programs | By Month
Summer Programs | By Week
Welcome! Old Trail School Summer Camp represents an exciting array of specialized summer camps for every interest. Each week, we offer programs designed to provide children opportunities to explore, discover, play and learn. Most camps are one week long, and all have a special focus or theme with some programs offered in the morning, some in the afternoon, and some all day. Many people combine a morning camp and a different afternoon camp to fill each day with variety. Lunch, transportation, and before and after camp care are all available for the convenience of our families. OTS is flexible to meet the needs of busy families, and stimulating to meet the needs of curious children ready to dive deeper into their passions.
Contact Us
Campers are required to wear masks during the day unless otherwise instructed by an adult. This would include both indoor and outdoor activities with the exception of snack and lunch. Campers violating the mask wearing and social distancing policies are subject to discipline. Regular or flagrant abuse of these policies could result in the camper being removed from camp. No refunds will be issued for failure to comply with camp rules.
Outdoor Mask Policies
Students will wear masks outdoors unless they are passively sitting, not talking, and/or can maintain social distance of more than eight feet. If this distance cannot be maintained, students will wear masks during outdoor instruction and during recess. Staff members may allow outdoor mask breaks using the above criteria. If a student is struggling and needs a mask break, he or she should communicate with the classroom teacher. The teacher can then support the student with a passive break, sitting socially distanced from others.
Hand Hygiene and Disinfection
Campers will be required to wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer routinely throughout the day. Critical times when hands must be washed: • • • • • • •
Upon entering the building Upon entering or exiting a space Before and after eating (both snack and lunch) Before and after going outside or participating in recess After (and if possible before) taking a mask off Before putting a mask back on After using a tissue
Please contact Auxilliary Programs Coordinator Jessica Cvelbar with any questions. She may be reach by emailing scamp@oldtrail.org or by calling (330) 666-1118.
Classrooms and individual workspaces will be clearned routinely throuhgout the day and thoroughly overnight.
Our mailing address is P.O. Box 827, Bath, OH 44210. Old Trail School is located at 2315 Ira Road. Visit oldtrail.org/summer for more information or to register.
Lunch is scheduled from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Campers will eat outdoors in a designated area as often as possible. Campers are welcome to bring a beach towel or camp chair for their comfort. In the event of inclement weather, campers will eat lunch indoors with social distancing when possible.
OTS Summer Programs 2021
Old Trail busses follow all CDC guidelines for cleaning and spacing. Only one (1) camper will be permitted per seat. Campers must wear a mask while on the bus. All busses will be sanitized in between runs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I drop off my camper? ECP and Primary School campers (age 3 to grade 2) will use Sisler Entrance, all other campers will use the Noble Entrance. Members of the OTS staff will be available to assist campers to find their camp space. Due to our COVID-related health and safety protocols, only campers and staff are permitted in the building. Please remain in your car during drop off and call (330) 666-1118 if you have questions or need assistance.
Where do I pick up my camper?
Campers will be escorted outside for dismissal at either 11:45 a.m. or 3 p.m. Campers are only released with an authorized signature by the designated pick-up person. Dismissal pickup maps will be provided prior to each week.
Does my camper need to bring a lunch? What are the Camp Hours of Operation?
Our summer camp hours of operation are as follows: • • • •
Full Day Camps: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Morning Camps: 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Lunch: 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Afternoon Camps: 12:15-3 p.m.
Morning and full-day campers may be dropped off at the Firestone (main) entrance between 8:45 a.m. and 9:10 a.m. Campers attending an afternoon camp should be dropped off between 12:05 p.m. and 12:20 p.m.
Is Before Camp Care Available?
Before Care is available for campers in grades K-8 for a daily fee of $10 and begins at 7:45 a.m. Campers should come to the Firestone (main) entrance where they will be greeted by a camp representative and directed to the Harrington McLaughlin Athletic Center (HMAC) until their camp begins. Due to health and safety precautions, parents should not accompany campers into the building. If your camper is in need of assistance please call (330) 6661118 and a camp representative will come out to help.
Is After Camp Care Available?
After Care is available from 3-:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. for a daily fee of $20. Campers who attend After Care will be escorted to the Harrington McLaughlin Athletic Center (HMAC) for supervised free play until they are picked up. Parents who are picking campers up from After Camp Care should use the service entrance near the athletic fields, pull up to the back of the HMAC, then call the reception desk at (330) 6661118. Their camper will then be brought to their vehicle by a member of our staff.
Does OTS Offer Transportation?
As a convenience to families and campers, bus transportation is available for a fee of $50 per week to and from the communities listed below. Each bus departs at 8:20 a.m. and returns at approximately 3:25 p.m. All riders must be preregistered. • • •
Hudson - Redeemer Church, 190 W. Streetsboro Road Brecksville - Saint Basil the Great Catholic Church, 8700 Brecksville Road Medina - Grace Church, Medina East Campus, 2325 Medina Road
Note: There is no mid-day run or transportation to or from before/after camp care. Minimum of four (4) riders are necessary for a route to run.
Campers have the option of bringing their own lunch or purchasing meals from the dining hall for a fee of $30 per week. Lunch may be pre-purchased for the week or on a day-to-day basis.
What if my child has allergies or takes medication? Please contact Jessica Cvelbar (jcvelbar@ oldtrail.org) to receive the necessary medical forms (allergy action plan, prescription and non-prescription forms, asthma action plan, etc.) and submit them to the School Nurse prior to summer camp.
What is your cancelation policy?
A full refund, minus a $50 registration fee per class, will be given if families cancel a camp for any reason more than two weeks prior to the class start date. Please understand that Old Trail makes financial commitments to faculty and staff and purchases supplies based on the number of registrants for each camp. After that date, no refunds will be given unless a program is canceled by the school. Exceptions will be considered for medical circumstances (letter from a licensed physician is required). Schedule changes initiated by families will incur a $10 per class change fee. Old Trail reserves the right to change or cancel a camp due to low enrollment or for COVID-19 health and safety concerns. Should this happen, camp registrants will be notified immediately and a full refund or credit for another camp will be issued. OTS Summer Programs 2021
Summer Programs By Month – June 2021 Week 1: June 7-11
Full Day Camps (ages) • Abstract Playful Sculptures (6-10) • Forts and Tunnels (6-14) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14) • Yogi Bear (6-10) Morning Camps (ages) • Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Girls Field Hockey Skills and Drills (8-10) • Hawaiian Hullabaloo (4-8) • Red Cross Swim Lessons (45-Minute Camp) (5-7) • What’s Cooking: Picnic Edition! (5-10) Afternoon Camps (ages) • Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (9-10) • Girls Field Hockey Skills and Drills (11-14) • Messy Monets (4-10) • Red Cross Swim Lessons (45-Minute Camp) (5-7) • Slumber Party (4-8)
Week 2: June 14-18
Full Day Camps (ages) • Artistic Explorations (6-10) • En Plein Air Landscape Painting Workshop (9-14) • Forts and Tunnels (6-14) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14) Morning Camps (ages) • Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Famous Composers (6-10) • Mindfulness Movement and MORE! (6-8) • Number Crunchers (for grades 7-8) • Pete the Cat (3-5) • What’s Cooking: Picnic Edition! (5-10) Afternoon Camps (ages) • Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Messy Monets (4-10) • Mindfulness Movement and MORE! (9-12) • Musical Improvisation (9-14)
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Week 3: June 21-25
Full Day Camps (ages) • Forts and Tunnels (6-14) • Harry Potter’s World (6-14) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14) Morning Camps (ages) • Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Akron Zoom Does STEM (6-10) • Number Crunchers (for Grades 7-8) • Pinkalicious (4-5) • What’s Cooking Jr. (3-4) Afternoon Camps (ages) • Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Messy Monets (4-10)
Week 4: June 28-July 2 Full Day Camps (ages)
• TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14) Morning Camps (ages) • Coding & Robotics (6-10) • Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (11-14) • Slime & Goop (6-9) • Star Wars Level 1 (5-8) • The Magical World of Disney (3-8) Afternoon Camps (ages) • A Challenge a Day Keeps the Makers at Play (8-12) • Famous Composers (6-10) • Knights and Princesses (3-7) • Soccer is Fun! (6-10) • Star Wars Level 2 (8-13)
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Week 5: July 6-9
Full Day Camps (ages) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14) Morning Camps (ages) • Archaeology (5-10) • Creating AR and VR with CoSpaces (9-14) • Devising Theater: A 4-Week Camp (9-14)* • Finding Art in Nature (6-10) • Slumber Party (4-8) • The Doc Is In (3-5) Afternoon Camps (ages) • Adventures With Your American Girl Doll (6-10) • Keep S.A.F.E. Self Defense (6-10) • What’s Cooking Jr. (3-4)
Week 6: July 12-16
Full Day Camps (ages) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14) Morning Camps (ages) • Adventures in Science and Outdoor Play (6-10) • Creating AR and VR with CoSpaces (9-14) • On the Path to Math (for Grades 3-5)
Summer Programs By Month – July 2021 Week 7: July 19-23
Full Day Camps (ages) • Broadway Bound (6-10) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14) Morning Camps (ages) • Adventures with your American Girl Doll (6-10) • Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (9-10) • On the Path to Math (for Grades 3-5) • Outdoor Adventure Club (6-10) • Tennis Camp Level 2 (10-14) Afternoon Camps (ages) • Do You Love Slime? (8-14) • Kung Fu: Staff & Sword (11-14) • Outdoor Adventure Club (6-10) • Tennis Camp Level 1 (6-9)
Week 8: July 26-30
Full Day Camps (ages) • Speech & Debate (10-14) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14) Morning Camps (ages) • Eric Carle Series (4-5) • On the Path for Math (for Grades 3-5) • Tinkering Studio: Toy Take-Apart (9-14) • Wild About Wild Kratts (5-8) Afternoon Camps (ages) • Coding & Robotics (6-10) • Get in the Glow (4-8)
Special Note
* Devising Theater: A 4-Week Camp will run each weekday morning from July 6-30.
Afternoon Camps (ages) • Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (11-14) • Number Crunchers (for grades 7-8) • Tiger Kids Kung Fu (6-10)
OTS Summer Programs 2021
By Week
Week 1: June 7-11 | Full Day Camps Abstract Playful Sculptures (ages 6-10)
June 7-11 Full Day Camps (ages)
• Abstract Playful Sculptures (6-10) • Forts and Tunnels (6-14) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14) • Yogi Bear (6-10)
Morning Camps (ages)
• Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14)
• Girls Field Hockey Skills and Drills (8-10) Hawai-
ian Hullabaloo (4-8) • Red Cross Swimming (5-7) • What’s Cooking: Picnic Edition! (5-10)
Afternoon Camps (ages)
• Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Full STEAM Ahead (9-10) • Girls Field Hockey Skills and Drills (11-14) • Messy Monets (4-10) • Red Cross Swimming (5-7) • Slumber Party (4-8)
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OTS Summer Programs 2021
Campers will explore a variety of fantastic and familiar art materials including clay, wire, wood and unconventional materials to create lively sculptures. The week will culminate with an art exhibit of students’ abstract playful sculptures. $315. • Instructor: Patty Wyman, BS, BFA, OTS Visual Arts Teacher.
Forts and Tunnels (ages 6-14)
Campers will explore a variety of fantastic and familiar art materials including clay, wire, wood and unconventional materials to create lively sculptures. The week will culminate with an art exhibit of students’ abstract playful sculptures. $325. • Instructor: Alice Goumas, BA, MA, retired OTS Grade 1 Teacher.
TrailBlazers Day Camp (ages 3-14)
TrailBlazers is designed for campers who want to take advantage of all that is summer! Hiking, swimming, games and activities will fill those long summer days with action and excitement. Campers will enjoy opportunities to connect with nature through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park while making new friends and having fun. This camp will offer a safe and playful environment for campers to make summer memories that will last a lifetime. Full day ($320), AM Only ($165), PM Only ($165 - No PM option for ages 3-5). • Junior TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 3-5): Hannah Haas, BS, Akron Public Schools Teacher • TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 6-10): Sheila O'Connor, BA, Avon Local Schools Music Teacher • Advanced TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 11-14): Gabby Yost, OTS After Care Supervisor
Yogi Bear (ages 6-10)
Old Trail School turns into Jellystone National Park for the week! Inspired by the classic cartoon, this week students will have all sorts of activities, from basket weaving to pie making. Students will start off their day with children’s Yogi-bear yoga, followed by games and activities that would be found in Jellystone National Park that teaches students about plants and animals in our nation’s parks. The week’s highlights would include a park ranger visit, a picnic basket launch and an outdoor movie event to show the classic cartoon! Option to visit Bear exhibit at the Akron Zoo. Taught by Lindsay Gryskewich, who has backpacked through “Yellowstone” quite a few times and has seen some REAL Yogi-bears! $320. • Instructor: Lindsey Gryskewich, Master of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing from Oregon College of Art and nationally shown painter
June 7-11 | Morning Camps Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (ages 7-14)
Discover the astonishing beauty of Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) in this action-packed, fun-filled outdoor adventure camp. Campers will frolic in creeks, view spectacular waterfalls, gaze at panoramic vistas and enjoy the astounding beauty of the CVNP. Be ready to hike for two hours in comfortable hiking shoes/boots. Bring a water bottle and creek shoes with you when you come for the carefree enjoyment of the marvelous Cuyahoga Valley. $235 (includes daily trips). • Instructor: Holly Wilson, BS, retired OTS Grade 4 Teacher and former National Park Volunteer
Girls Field Hockey Skills and Drills (ages 8-10)
A fun-filled camp with a review of all introductory field hockey skills which includes: dribbling, passing, dodging, tackling, shielding and small-sided game play. In addition, the rules, strategies and overall history of the game will be presented in activities that make young ladies feel confident about this unique sport! $175. • Instructor: Kathy Novak, OTS Phys. Education Teacher
Hawaiian Hullabaloo (ages 4-8)
Doesn’t a week at the beach sound lovely? This camp will take your child on a great adventure- from making leis to coconut bowling the excitement won’t stop. Fun beach themed crafts and games will entertain all day. Who knows your child may even pick up some Hawaiian phrases to use at home. $180. • Instructor: Abigail Siegfried, BA, Old Trail Primary Assistant.
Forts and Tunnels
Red Cross Swim Lessons | 45-Minute Camp (ages 5-7)
Children ages 5-7 learn water safety, basic swimming competency, and progress through Levels 1 and 2 of the Red Cross water safety continuum as they develop skills. Swimmers current ability level will be assessed on the first day. Children should come dressed in their suits and ready to get wet. This one week intensive course will last a total of 45 minutes from 11:00-11:45 a.m daily, taught by our long time water safety instructors. Consider adding an afternoon camp after swim lessons for a full day of fun! $100. • Instructor: Kathy Novak, OTS Phys. Education Teacher
What’s Cooking: Picnic Edition! (ages 5-10)
Time to cook up some fun! Campers will make yummy snacks while learning the basics of cooking and creating new treats to share. Campers will also learn the importance of eating healthy, design their own apron and create a cookbook of the fabulous creations they make. It’s time to discover the fun of cooking! $195. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
OTS Summer Programs 2021
June 7-11 | Afternoon Camps Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (ages 7-14)
Discover the astonishing beauty of Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) in this action-packed, fun-filled outdoor adventure camp. Campers will frolic in creeks, view spectacular waterfalls, gaze at panoramic vistas and enjoy the astounding beauty of the CVNP. Be ready to hike for two hours in comfortable hiking shoes/boots. Bring a water bottle and creek shoes with you when you come for the carefree enjoyment of the marvelous Cuyahoga Valley. $235 (includes daily trips). • Instructor: Holly Wilson, BS, retired OTS Grade 4 Teacher and former National Park Volunteer
Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (ages 9-10)
Join in on the adventure as we explore STEAM topics and careers! Compete in fun challenges and get creative in hands-on demonstrations. We will hear from experts and have fun discovering different aspects of careers in science, technology, engineering, art and math. Expect to get messy! $190. • Instructor: Ellie Gally, BS, Biologist and OTS Substitute Teacher
Girls Field Hockey Skills and Drills (ages 11-14)
A fun-filled camp with a review of all introductory field hockey skills which includes: dribbling, passing, dodging, tackling, shielding and small-sided game play. In addition, the rules, strategies and overall history of the game will be presented in activities that make young ladies feel confident about this unique sport! $175. • Instructor: Kathy Novak, OTS Phys. Education Teacher 8
OTS Summer Programs 2021
Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley
Messy Monets (ages 4-10)
Campers will explore their inner artists through a messy process of artistic expression! Campers will have fun as they do slip-and-slide painting, create splatter art, body prints and more creations that drip, goo and splatter! Each day will conclude with “cleaning off” under a sprinkler. Bathing suits must be worn under clothes and extra clothes are recommended! If it’s not messy, it’s not fun! $200. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
Red Cross Swim Lessons | 45-Minute Camp (ages 5-7)
Children ages 5-7 learn water safety, basic swimming competency, and progress through Levels 1 and 2 of the Red Cross water safety continuum as they develop skills. Swimmers current ability level will be assessed on the first day. Children should come dressed in their suits and ready to get wet. This one week intensive course will last a total
of 45 minutes from 3:30-4:15 p.m daily, taught by our long time water safety instructors. Consider adding an afternoon camp after swim lessons for a full day of fun! $100. • Instructor: Ronald Teunissen, OTS Phys. Education Teacher
Slumber Party (ages 4-8)
Want to have sleepover fun with your girlfriends for an entire week? A perfect chance to make new friends or bond with old friends while learning how to do things like practicing your favorite braid or trying some cool nail art techniques. We will do things such as pamper ourselves, make yummy snacks, play classic sleepover games and even have a pajama party with a movie and popcorn. So grab your jammies and slippers! Let’s have some fun. $180. • Instructor: Abigail Siegfried
Week 2: June 14-18 | Full Day Camps
By Week
Artistic Explorations (ages 6-10)
Each day is a new adventure! Campers will spend the morning traveling to a variety of locations and enjoy an afternoon creating works of art that directly relate to that day’s adventure. Campers will visit the wild Akron Zoo, beautiful Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens, fascinating Akron Art Museum and fun Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railway. Campers will participate in studio art explorations in clay, printmaking, painting and wire. $345 (includes field trips and admission fees). • Instructors: Patty Wyman, BS, BFA, OTS Visual Arts Teacher
June 14-18 Full Day Camps (ages)
• Artistic Explorations (6-10) • En Plein Air Landscape Painting Workshop (9-14) • Forts and Tunnels (6-14) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14)
En Plein Air Landscape Painting Workshop (ages 9-14)
Campers will utilize the Cuyahoga Valley National Park as their source of inspiration and learn how to paint en plein air (French for “in the open air”) like the great French Impressionists and American Landscape artists. Each day, students will assemble a mobile pack and hike to a serene destination. Lunch will be spent as picnics in the National Park, followed by games, art history lesson activities, and perhaps even bird watching! Students will accomplish many sketches and watercolors and finish the week with a larger work. Option for a guest artist, Tom Baldwin to show students his incredible bird- carving skills. $345. • Instructor: Lindsay Gryskewich, Master of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing from Oregon College of Art and nationally shown painter
Morning Camps (ages)
• Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Famous Composers (6-10) • Mindfulness Movement and MORE! (6-8) • Number Crunchers (for Grades 7-8) • Pete the Cat (3-5) • What’s Cooking: Picnic Edition! (5-10)
Forts and Tunnels (ages 6-14)
Campers will explore a variety of fantastic and familiar art materials including clay, wire, wood and unconventional materials to create lively sculptures. The week will culminate with an art exhibit of students’ abstract playful sculptures. $325. • Instructor: Alice Goumas, BA, MA, retired OTS Grade 1 Teacher.
Afternoon Camps (ages) • Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Messy Monets (4-10) • Mindfulness Movement and MORE! (9-12) • Musical Improvisation (9-14)
TrailBlazers Day Camp (ages 3-14)
TrailBlazers is designed for campers who want to take advantage of all that is summer! Hiking, swimming, games and activities will fill those long summer days with action and excitement. Campers will enjoy opportunities to connect with nature through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park while making new friends and having fun. This camp will offer a safe and playful environment for campers to make summer memories that will last a lifetime. Full day ($320), AM Only ($165), PM Only ($165 - No PM option for ages 3-5). • Junior TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 3-5): Hannah Haas, BS, Akron Public Schools Teacher • TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 6-10): Sheila O'Connor, BA, Avon Local Schools Music Teacher • Advanced TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 11-14): Gabby Yost, OTS After Care Supervisor
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OTS Summer Programs 2021
June 14-18 | Morning Camps Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (ages 7-14)
Discover the astonishing beauty of Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) in this action-packed, fun-filled outdoor adventure camp. Campers will frolic in creeks, view spectacular waterfalls, gaze at panoramic vistas and enjoy the astounding beauty of the CVNP. Be ready to hike for two hours in comfortable hiking shoes/boots. Bring a water bottle and creek shoes with you when you come for the carefree enjoyment of the marvelous Cuyahoga Valley. $235 (includes daily trips). • Instructor: Holly Wilson, BS, Retired OTS Grade 4 Teacher and former National Park Volunteer
Famous Composers (ages 6-10)
Get ready for a week filled with music, art and fun! This week will give campers the chance to learn about famous composers and their music. Campers will have the opportunity to hear iconic pieces of music, and then “paint what they hear!” We will also learn some basic principles of rhythm and theory, as well as play musical games! This is the perfect camp for any young musician! $185. • Instructors: Abigail Seigfried
Pete the Cat learn effectively, and regulate their own behaviors. Making healthful snacks and crafts will also be incorporated into each daily work-out indoors and outdoors. Yoga mats provided. $190. • Instructors: Kathy Novak, OTS Phys. Education Teacher and Cathy Varley, certified Yoga Instructor
Number Crunchers (for Grades 7-8)
This camp is for students who will be in seventh and eighth grade in the 2021 school year. Number Crunchers will be a fun and explorative way to solidify foundational Mindfulness Movement and concepts and skills needed to be successful in high school and beMORE! (ages 6-8) yond. We will explore mathematics Time to bring some balance to our in nature and build ideas together children’s lives! Join Mrs. Novak and a from the ground up. From this certified Yoga Instructor (Mrs. Cathy camp the hope is that you enter the Varley) in exploring Yoga and Mindfulness activites that will keep you moving, next year with a renewed sense of calm your body and energize your brain. enjoyment for the subject as well as Yoga and mindfulness are effective tools a deeper and fuller understanding to give the campers fundamental skills of the beauty of mathematics. $165. necessary to manage everyday physical • Instructor: Jeff Kramer, OTS and emotional stress. These activities Math intervention specialist also increase the camper’s capacity to 10
OTS Summer Programs 2021
Pete the Cat (ages 3-5)
Move and groove with Pete the Cat and his friends. Campers will channel their inner musician by writing songs after they get inspired by reading Pete the Cat books. Phonemic awareness and rhyming along with descriptive storytelling will be emphasized. Participation in movement and craft activities will help support their journey. $170. • Instructors: LLA Therapy Speech-Language Therapy Staff
What’s Cooking: Picnic Edition! (ages 5-10)
Time to cook up some fun! Campers will make yummy snacks while learning the basics of cooking and creating new treats to share. Campers will also learn the importance of eating healthy, design their own apron and create a cookbook of the fabulous creations they make. It’s time to discover the fun of cooking! $195. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
June 14-18 | Afternoon Camps Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (ages 7-14)
Discover the astonishing beauty of Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) in this action-packed, fun-filled outdoor adventure camp. Campers will frolic in creeks, view spectacular waterfalls, gaze at panoramic vistas and enjoy the astounding beauty of the CVNP. Be ready to hike for two hours in comfortable hiking shoes/boots. Bring a water bottle and creek shoes with you when you come for the carefree enjoyment of the marvelous Cuyahoga Valley. $235 (includes daily trips). • Instructor: Holly Wilson, BS, Retired OTS Grade 4 Teacher and former National Park Volunteer
Messy Monets (ages 4-10)
Campers will explore their inner artists through a messy process of artistic expression! Campers will have fun as they do slip-and-slide painting, create splatter art, body prints and more creations that drip, goo and splatter! Each day will conclude with “cleaning off” under a sprinkler. Bathing suits must be worn under clothes and extra clothes are recommended! If it’s not messy, it’s not fun! $200. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
Mindfulness Movement and MORE! (ages 9-12)
By Week
Time to bring some balance to our children’s lives! Join Mrs. Novak and a certified Yoga Instructor (Mrs. Cathy Varley) in exploring Yoga and Mindfulness activites that will keep you moving, calm your body and energize your brain. Yoga and mindfulness are effective tools to give the campers fundamental skills necessary to manage everyday physical and emotional stress. These activities also increase the camper’s capacity to learn effectively, and regulate their own behaviors. Making healthful snacks and crafts will also be incorporated into each daily work-out indoors and outdoors. Yoga mats provided. $190. • Instructors: Kathy Novak, OTS Phys. Education Teacher and Cathy Varley, certified Yoga Instructor
June 14-18 Full Day Camps (ages)
• Artistic Explorations (6-10) • En Plein Air Landscape Painting Workshop (9-14) • Forts and Tunnels (6-14) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14)
Morning Camps (ages)
• Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Famous Composers (6-10) • Mindfulness Movement and MORE! (6-8) • Number Crunchers (for Grades 7-8) • Pete the Cat (3-5) • What’s Cooking: Picnic Edition! (5-10)
Musical Improvisation (ages 9-14)
Using music as a language and improvisation as a tool, the method of Creative Ability Development (CAD) replicates the creative process through musical group games and exercises. CAD uses musical improvisation as a tool to develop the creative side of the brain. Its pedagogical purpose is to teach unique self-expression or musicality. Its philosophical purpose is to develop the ethical character of artistry in every student, which is the search for, and expression of, truth and beauty. Students will learn how to create together and share ideas, which will help to cultivate a non-competitive internal drive for excellence in any subject or field. The CAD method is based on research, which explains how the process of creativity works in the brain to solve problems. No experience necessary. Bring your own instrument, or play a classroom instrument. $200. • Instructor: Aaron Fried.
Afternoon Camps (ages) • Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Messy Monets (4-10) • Mindfulness Movement and MORE! (9-12) • Musical Improvisation (9-14)
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OTS Summer Programs 2021
By Week
Week 3: June 21-25 | Full Day Camps Forts and Tunnels (ages 6-14)
June 21-25 Full Day Camps (ages)
• Forts and Tunnels (6-14) • Harry Potter’s World (6-14) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14)
Morning Camps (ages)
• Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Akron Zoom Does STEM (6-10) • Number Crunchers (for Grades 7-8) • Pinkalicious (4-5) • What’s Cooking Jr. (3-4)
Afternoon Camps (ages) • Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (7-14) • Messy Monets (4-10)
June 2021
Campers will explore a variety of fantastic and familiar art materials including clay, wire, wood and unconventional materials to create lively sculptures. The week will culminate with an art exhibit of students’ abstract playful sculptures. $325. • Instructor: Alice Goumas, BA, MA, retired OTS Grade 1 Teacher.
Harry Potter’s World (ages 6-14)
What is better than a half day of Harry Potter’s World? A whole day! Experience classes in potions and spells, try your hand at Quidditch, meet magical creatures and learn from a number of visiting professors. So get your robes cleaned and head to 9 ¾ ! See your there! $315. • Instructor: Anne Riede, BS, MS, St. Sebastian School Technology Teacher
TrailBlazers Day Camp (ages 3-14)
TrailBlazers is designed for campers who want to take advantage of all that is summer! Hiking, swimming, games and activities will fill those long summer days with action and excitement. Campers will enjoy opportunities to connect with nature through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park while making new friends and having fun. This camp will offer a safe and playful environment for campers to make summer memories that will last a lifetime. Full day ($320), AM Only ($165), PM Only ($165 - No PM option for ages 3-5). • Junior TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 3-5): Hannah Haas, BS, Akron Public Schools Teacher • TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 6-10): Ryan Smith, BS, Brunswick Schools Physical Education Teacher • Advanced TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 11-14): Gabby Yost, OTS After Care Supervisor
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Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (ages 7-14) 20
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Discover the astonishing beauty of Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) in this action-packed, fun-filled outdoor adventure camp. Campers will frolic in creeks, view spectacular waterfalls, gaze at panoramic vistas and enjoy the astounding beauty of the CVNP. Be ready to hike for two hours in comfortable hiking shoes/ boots. Bring a water bottle and creek shoes with you when you come for the carefree enjoyment of the marvelous Cuyahoga Valley. $235 (includes daily trips). • Instructor: Holly Wilson, BS, Retired OTS Grade 4 Teacher and former National Park Volunteer
Akron Zoo Does STEM (ages 6-10)
OTS Summer Programs 2021
Join the staff from the Akron Zoo to learn about how and where animals and STEM meet. Learn about the Science of animals, the Technology needed to care for them, the Engineering it takes to keep them healthy and happy, and the Mathematics required to exhibit them in a zoo. Every day students will meet new animals from the zoo and learn something new in the field of STEM. $180. • Instructors: Carrie Bassett, Education Specialist, Akron Zoo and Deb Brady, Education Specialist, Akron Zoo
June 21-25 | Afternoon Camps Amazing Wonders of the Cuyahoga Valley (ages 7-14)
Number Crunchers (for Grades 7-8)
This camp is for students who will be in seventh and eighth grade in the 2021 school year. Number Crunchers will be a fun and explorative way to solidify foundational concepts and skills needed to be successful in high school and beyond. We will explore mathematics in nature and build ideas together from the ground up. From this camp the hope is that you enter the next year with a renewed sense of enjoyment for the subject as well as a deeper and fuller understanding of the beauty of mathematics. $165. • Instructor: Jeff Kramer, OTS Math intervention specialist
Pinkalicious (ages 4-5)
Have a pinkariffic time exploring the world of Pinkalicious! After reading pinktastic stories, children will have the opportunity to engage in rich literacy activities like phonemic awareness, role playing, identifying characters, themes, and settings; all while having fun engaging in movement and craft activities. $170. • Instructors: LLA Therapy occupational therapy staff
What’s Cooking Jr. (ages 3-4)
A junior edition of a favorite camp is now offered for our younger campers! Children will make yummy “no-bake” snacks as they explore the science of combining ingredients, exploring with texture and mixing up some fun! They will create an apron and cookbook that features all recipes from the week. *Please note- dairy products will be used in this camp. $195. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
Discover the astonishing beauty of Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) in this action-packed, fun-filled outdoor adventure camp. Campers will frolic in creeks, view spectacular waterfalls, gaze at panoramic vistas and enjoy the astounding beauty of the CVNP. Be ready to hike for two hours in comfortable hiking shoes/boots. Bring a water bottle and creek shoes with you when you come for the carefree enjoyment of the marvelous Cuyahoga Valley. $235 (includes daily trips). Instructor: Holly Wilson, BS, Retired Old Trail School Grade 4 Teacher and former National Park Volunteerastounding beauty of the CVNP. Be ready to hike for two hours in comfortable hiking shoes/boots. Bring a water bottle and creek shoes with you when you come for the carefree enjoyment of the marvelous Cuyahoga Valley. $235 (includes daily trips). • Instructor: Holly Wilson, BS, Retired OTS Grade 4 Teacher and former National Park Volunteer
Messy Monets (ages 4-10)
Campers will explore their inner artists through a messy process of artistic expression! Campers will have fun as they do slip-and-slide painting, create splatter art, body prints and more creations that drip, goo and splatter! Each day will conclude with “cleaning off” under a sprinkler. Bathing suits must be worn under clothes and extra clothes are recommended! If it’s not messy, it’s not fun! $200. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
OTS Summer Programs 2021
By Week June 28-July 2 Full Day Camps (ages)
• TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14)
Morning Camps (ages)
• Coding & Robotics (6-10) • Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (11-14) • Slime & Goop (5-8) • Star Wars Level 1 (5-8) • The Magical World of Disney (3-8)
Afternoon Camps (ages)
• A Challenge a Day Keeps the Makers at Play (8-12) • Famous Composers (6-10) • Knights and Princesses (3-7) • Soccer is Fun! (6-10) • Star Wars Level 2 (8-13)
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Week 4: June 28-July 2 | Full Day Camps TrailBlazers Day Camp (ages 3-14)
TrailBlazers is designed for campers who want to take advantage of all that is summer! Hiking, swimming, games and activities will fill those long summer days with action and excitement. Campers will enjoy opportunities to connect with nature through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park while making new friends and having fun. This camp will offer a safe and playful environment for campers to make summer memories that will last a lifetime. Full day ($320), AM Only ($165), PM Only ($165 - No PM option for ages 3-5). • Junior TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 3-5): Hannah Haas, BS, Akron Public Schools Teacher • TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 6-10): Ryan Smith, BS, Brunswick Schools Physical Education Teacher • Advanced TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 11-14): Gabby Yost, OTS After Care Supervisor
June 28-July 2 | Morning Camps Coding & Robotics (ages 6-10)
Do you want to learn how to code? Already started coding but ready for more? We will explore coding with Ozobot Robots. We will also use the apps Codespark, Tynker, and Swift Playgrounds to learn fundamental programming concepts with Lego-like visual languages. Students will snap together blocks of code to solve puzzles and control their characters! These Blockly languages teach the basics that lead to JavaScript, Python, and Swift. This is a fun easy way to practice the reading and logic skills that help us succeed! $175. • Instructor: Shannon Edwards Grade 1 Teacher Revere Schools, OTS After School Enrichment Teacher
Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (ages 11-14) Join in on the adventure as we explore STEAM topics and careers! Compete in fun challenges and get creative in hands-on demonstrations. We will hear from experts and have fun discovering different aspects of careers in science, technology, engineering, art and math. Expect to get messy! $190.
• Instructor: Ellie Gally BS, Biologist & OTS Substitute Teacher
Slime & Goop (ages 6-9)
Plunge your hands into a vat of Slime! Learn the science behind making goop. Join your friends as you create and discover various recipes for some of the most fun substances on the planet! Have you ever made Playdough? That will be fun too. Come ready to get messy and and ready to think of the endless possibilities when it comes to Slime and Goop. $175. • Instructor: Christy Solis, MA, OTS Literacy Specialist
OTS Summer Programs 2021
Star Wars Level 1 (ages 5-8) It’s here - the galaxy that was far, far away…. Come to the Star Wars Academy for the Youngest of Jedis. Experience the World of Star Wars. Come in costume as your favorite character or you can make an original costume of your choice. Have a fun time learning about the Force and the battle of Good and Evil. $225. • Instructor: nne Riede, BS, MS, St. Sebastian School Technology Teacher
The Magical World of Disney (ages 3-8)
This is the most magical camp on Earth! The possibilities are endless as we explore everything Disney- from enjoying recipes from the Magic Kingdom (who’s ready for a Dole Whip?!) to creating projects from various Disney favorites, campers will experience endless enchantment! Get ready to explore the fairytales behind favorite princesses, the wickedness of Disney villains, the silliness of Pixar characters and of course Mickey and Minnie Mouse! The Magic Kingdom will be at the very heart of this enchanting camp, where campers’ fantasies become reality! $195. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
June 28-July 2 | Afternoon Camps A Challenge a Day Keeps the Makers at Play (ages 8-12)
More challenges are waiting for you! You will build, create, and build some more using a wide range of materials. You can choose your own projects or accept our design engineering challenges. Can you make your own lava lamp, parachute, marble run, rube goldberg, bridge, tower, or catapult? Each morning you will be given a new challenge which will let you use your creativity and imagination as a true
Knights and Princesses on Parade Maker. Plan on having fun, making mistakes, and trying again… because that’s what Makers do! $175. • Instructor: Shannon Edwards, Grade 1 Teacher Revere Schools, Old Trail School After School Enrichment Teacher
princess essentials, especially kindness and manners. The week will conclude with a Fairytale Festival as we parade home in our custom ensembles! $195. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
Famous Composers (ages 6-10)
Children are introduced to the world of soccer using various ball games and fun activities. Your child will learn the basics of the game and be a part of fun drills to learn how to kick a ball. The name of this game is fun! No cleats or other equipment is necessary. $180. • June 28-July 2 (PM) • Instructor: Molly Loar, OTS Primary School Assistant
Get ready for a week filled with music, art and fun! This week will give campers the chance to learn about famous composers and their music. Campers will have the opportunity to hear iconic pieces of music, and then “paint what they hear!” We will also learn some basic principles of rhythm and theory, as well as play musical games! This is the perfect camp for any young musician! $185. • Instructors: Abigail Seigfried, BA, Old Trail Primary Assistant
Knights and Princesses on Parade (ages 3-7)
Proudly announcing a summer camp filled with magical things for every princess and knight! From kissing frogs, sitting on peas, to slaying dragons, campers will engage in many fun and exciting opportunities. Building castles, creating magic fairy dust, crafting a coat of arms, and designing a custom knight/princess costume are just some of the excitement this camp has to offer. We will cover all the knight and
Soccer is Fun! (ages 6-10)
Star Wars Level 2 (ages 8-13)
Star Wars Academy for Young Jedis is accepting registrations. Learn the ways of the Force and practice skills to become Jedi Masters. Be prepared to go against the Dark Side. Dress up if you’d like, make your own light saber if you don’t have one, and share the stories of Star Wars. Who are your favorite good and bad characters? Do you have a favorite robot? What is your favorite vehicle? Share and immerse yourself in the Star Wars World! May the Force Be With You! $225. • Instructor: Anne Riede, BS, MS, St. Sebastian School Technology Teacher OTS Summer Programs 2021
By Week July 6-9 Full Day Camps (ages)
• TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14)
Morning Camps (ages)
• Archaeology (5-10) • Creating AR and VR with CoSpaces (9-14) • Devising Theater: A 4-Week Camp (9-14) • Finding Art in Nature (6-10) • Slumber Party (4-8) • The Doc Is In (3-5)
Afternoon Camps (ages) • Adventures With Your American Girl Doll (6-10) • Keep S.A.F.E. Self Defense (6-10) • What’s Cooking Jr. (3-4)
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Week 5: July 6-9 | Full Day Camps Please note: This is a four-day week.
TrailBlazers Day Camp (ages 3-14)
TrailBlazers is designed for campers who want to take advantage of all that is summer! Hiking, swimming, games and activities will fill those long summer days with action and excitement. Campers will enjoy opportunities to connect with nature through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park while making new friends and having fun. This camp will offer a safe and playful environment for campers to make summer memories that will last a lifetime. Full day ($320), AM Only ($165), PM Only ($165 - No PM option for ages 3-5). • Junior TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 3-5): Hannah Haas, BS, Akron Public Schools Teacher • TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 6-10): Ryan Smith, BS, Brunswick Schools Physical Education Teacher • Advanced TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 11-14): Gabby Yost, OTS After Care Supervisor
July 6-9 | Morning Camps Please note: This is a four-day week.
Archaeology (ages 5-10)
Do you like to dig in dirt? Find things that are lost? Put things together? Or figure out things from clues? These are all things that you will do as an archaeologist. Children will become real archaeologists for a week. The only surprise is what they will find! In this camp we will be outside digging tons of dirt! $200. • Instructor: Alice Goumas, BA, MAT, retired OTS Grade 1 Teacher
Creating AR and VR with CoSpaces (ages 9-14)
Campers will use CoSpaces Edu to create and code an Augmented Reality/Virtual (AR/VR) reality game, story, or wherever their imagination takes them to share with others. They will learn to code using block-based programming language to bring their 3D creations to life! Campers can bring their own VR headset or use one of our Oculus Go headsets to walk through their creations. Code, collaborate, and use your imagination to immerse yourself into the experience! $210. • Instructor: Sharon Winfrey, OTS Technology Director
Devising Theater: A 4-Week Camp (ages 9-14)
This exciting theater experience is conducted over 4 weeks running from July 6 -July 30. Join us for acting games, activities, and a chance to explore your creative side! Devising theatre is a process over a course of four consecutive weeks, in which the whole creative team develops a show collaboratively. Children will work together to create a script based on a theme chosen by them. They will also make costume, lighting, and many other choices as they develop the script. The four weeks will culminate in a production of their work. $760. • Instructor: Angela Klimatys, OTS music teacher 16
OTS Summer Programs 2021
Finding Art in Nature (ages 6-10)
Adventures with your American Girl Doll
Campers will be able to learn about Andy Goldsworthy and how they can make the world more beautiful without disrupting nature. Andy used objects found in nature to create works of art outdoors. We will go around the property of Old Trail as well as some of the national park, leaving beautiful creations in nature while learning about our environment and Andy’s work. $195. • Instructor: Caroline Wedding, BA, Teacher at Heritage Classical Academy
Slumber Party (ages 4-8)
Want to have sleepover fun with your girlfriends for an entire week? A perfect chance to make new friends or bond with old friends while learning how to do things like practicing your favorite braid or trying some cool nail art techniques. We will do things such as pamper ourselves, make yummy snacks, play classic sleepover games and even have a pajama party with a movie and popcorn. So grab your jammies and slippers! Let’s have some fun. $180. • Instructor: Abigail Siegfried, BA, OTS Primary Assistant
The Doc is In (ages 3-5)
Spend a week immersed in the wonderful world of Doc McStuffins! Each morning will be filled with activities inspired by the popular Disney Jr. show, including creating a “Big Book of BooBoos,” a custom doctor’s bag, bandaids, “The Doc is In” sign and more. We also invite campers to bring in toys and stuffed animals to our clinic for a check-up! The Doc Is In! $185. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
July 6-9 | Afternoon Camps Please note: This is a four-day week.
Adventures With Your American Girl Doll (ages 6-10)
Campers will bring their American Girl dolls and experience a week of fun and adventure! Campers will have a picnic, tea party, salon day, fashion show, and sports day. So pack your bags and bring your doll for a week of sharing and friendship! $180. • Instructors: Abigail Siegfried, BA, OTS Primary Assistant
Keep S.A.F.E Self Defense (ages 6-10)
Keep S.A.F.E. Self Defense class is geared to give our students confidence and a solid game plan on how to defend themselves without having to use violence or be aggressive. Each day of the week, we will talk about one letter of the acrostic S.A.F.E. - S for Self esteem, A for awareness, F for fitness and E for education (on the mindset
of bullies and bad guys). While we are having fun learning these methods, we are also teaching the students how to use these skills in real life situations. There will be crafts each day that deal with the different topics of self defense and expression, aiding in learning the material that is covered. The last day is a review of all of the material and culminates in a short 1/2 hour presentation for parents, family and friends. $105. • Instructor: Adam Boyer, Instructor Victory Defense Systems
What’s Cooking Jr. (ages 3-4)
A junior edition of a favorite camp is now offered for our younger campers! Children will make yummy “no-bake” snacks as they explore the science of combining ingredients, exploring with texture and mixing up some fun! They will create an apron and cookbook that features all recipes from the week. *Please note- dairy products will be used in this camp. $195. • Instructor: Rachel Rich, BS, MEd, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
OTS Summer Programs 2021
By Week July 12-16 Full Day Camps (ages)
• TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14)
Morning Camps (ages)
• Adventures in Science and Outdoor Play (6-10) • Creating AR and VR with CoSpaces (9-14) • On the Path to Math (grades 3-5)
Afternoon Camps (ages) • Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (11-14) • Number Crunchers (for grades 7-8) • Tiger Kids Kung Fu (6-10)
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Week 6: July 12-16 | Full Day Camps TrailBlazers Day Camp (ages 3-14)
TrailBlazers is designed for campers who want to take advantage of all that is summer! Hiking, swimming, games and activities will fill those long summer days with action and excitement. Campers will enjoy opportunities to connect with nature through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park while making new friends and having fun. This camp will offer a safe and playful environment for campers to make summer memories that will last a lifetime. Full day ($320), AM Only ($165), PM Only ($165 - No PM option for ages 3-5). • Junior TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 3-5): Hannah Haas, BS, Akron Public Schools Teacher • TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 6-10): Ryan Smith, BS, Brunswick Schools Physical Education Teacher • Advanced TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 11-14): Gabby Yost, OTS After Care Supervisor
July 12-16 | Morning Camps Adventures in Science and Outdoor Play (ages 6-10)
Students will have a blast in this summer program at the OTS outdoor classroom. Explore the works of famous scientists including Newton and Bernoulli. Experiment with photovoltaic cells. Design and construct simple and parallel circuits. Send cork rockets sky high and learn how to make paper airplanes that really fly. Explore the outdoor campus and nearby parkland. Play outdoor games, water balloons, and slip-n-slide for those who want to. Wear a swimsuit under your clothes and bring a towel! Everyone will receive their own educational electronic kit to keep. These kits are an OTS science favorite! $200. • Instructors: Jodi Johnson, BS, OTS science teacher
Creating AR and VR with CoSpaces (ages 9-14)
Campers will use CoSpaces Edu to create and code an Augmented Reality/Virtual (AR/VR) reality game, story, or wherever their imagination takes them to share with others. They will learn to code using block-based programming language to bring their 3D creations to life! Campers can bring their own VR headset or use one of our Oculus Go headsets to walk through their creations. Code, collaborate, and use your imagination to immerse yourself into the experience! $210. • Instructor: Sharon Winfrey, OTS Technology Director
On the Path to Math (for grades 3-5)
This camp will be a fun and explorative way for students in 3rd through 5th grade to solidify foundational concepts and skills needed to be successful in high school and beyond. We will explore mathematics in nature and build ideas together from the ground up. From this camp the hope is that you enter the next year with a renewed sense of enjoyment for the subject as well as a deeper and fuller understanding of the beauty of mathematics. $165. • Instructor: Jeff Kramer, OTS Math intervention specialist 18
OTS Summer Programs 2021
July 12-16 | Afternoon Camps Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (ages 11-14)
Join in on the adventure as we explore STEAM topics and careers! Compete in fun challenges and get creative in hands-on demonstrations. We will hear from experts and have fun discovering different aspects of careers in science, technology, engineering, art and math. Expect to get messy! $190. • Instructor: Ellie Gally, BS, Biologist & OTS Substitute Teacher
Number Crunchers (for grades 7-8)
This camp is for students who will be in 7th and 8th grade in the 2021 school year. Number Crunchers will be a fun and explorative way to solidify foundational concepts and skills needed to be successful in high school and beyond. We will explore mathematics in nature and build ideas together from the ground up. From this camp the hope is that you enter the next year with a renewed sense of enjoyment for the subject as well as a deeper and fuller understanding of the beauty of mathematics. $165. • Instructor: Jeff Kramer, OTS Math intervention specialist
Junior TrailBlazers cess, helping students broaden their horizons by learning about China, the birthplace of Kung Fu. We will end our week of camp with a medal ceremony, where the campers will display what they have learned to family and friends. Come join us for one of the most fun weeks of the summer! $185. • Instructor: Adam Boyer, Instructor Victory Defense Systems
Tiger Kids Kung Fu (ages 6-10)
Kids will have a blast learning the basics of Kung Fu, playing skill reinforcing games, developing positive character traits, and creating crafts that will educate the camper about Chinese Culture and martial arts. During this week, campers will learn the basic stances, strikes, and kicks of Kung Fu, culminating in a short form that combines their newly acquired skills. We will use a variety of games that reinforce and develop the aforementioned skills in a fun and challenging way. Crafts will also be a part of the educational proOTS Summer Programs 2021
By Week July 19-23 Full Day Camps (ages)
• Broadway Bound (6-10) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14)
Morning Camps (ages)
• Adventures with your American Girl Doll (6-10) • Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (9-10) • On the Path to Math (for grades 3-5) • Outdoor Adventure Club (6-10) • Tennis Camp Level 2 (10-14)
Afternoon Camps (ages)
• Do You Love Slime? (8-14) • Kung Fu: Staff & Sword (11-14) • Outdoor Adventure Club (6-10) • Tennis Camp Level 1 (6-9)
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Week 7: July 19-23 | Full Day Camps Broadway Bound (ages 6-10)
“Start spreading the news....” Broadway lovers, come join the fun! Be part of this exciting camp that works on developing acting, singing and dancing skills, as well as increasing confidence, all while having a blast learning small pieces of famous Broadway musicals! The week will conclude with a small performance for families! “Break a leg!” $300. • Instructors: Teresa McCombs, BA, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
TrailBlazers Day Camp (ages 3-14)
TrailBlazers is designed for campers who want to take advantage of all that is summer! Hiking, swimming, games and activities will fill those long summer days with action and excitement. Campers will enjoy opportunities to connect with nature through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park while making new friends and having fun. This camp will offer a safe and playful environment for campers to make summer memories that will last a lifetime. Full day ($320), AM Only ($165), PM Only ($165 - No PM option for ages 3-5). • Junior TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 3-5): Hannah Haas, BS, Akron Public Schools Teacher • TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 6-10): Ryan Smith, BS, Brunswick Schools Physical Education Teacher • Advanced TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 11-14): Gabby Yost, OTS After Care Supervisor
July 19-23 | Morning Camps Adventures With Your American Girl Doll (ages 6-10)
Campers will bring their American Girl dolls and experience a week of fun and adventure! Campers will have a picnic, tea party, salon day, fashion show, and sports day. So pack your bags and bring your doll for a week of sharing and friendship! $180. • Instructors: Abigail Siegfried, BA, OTS Primary Assistant
Full STEAM Ahead: Competitions and Careers (ages 9-10) Join in on the adventure as we explore STEAM topics and careers! Compete in fun challenges and get creative in hands-on demonstrations. We will hear from experts and have fun discovering different aspects of careers in science, technology, engineering, art and math. Expect to get messy! $190. • Instructor: Ellie Gally, BS, Biologist & OTS Substitute Teacher
On the Path to Math (for grades 3-5)
This camp will be a fun and explorative way for students in 3rd through 5th grade to solidify foundational concepts and skills needed to be successful in high school and beyond. We will explore mathematics in nature and build ideas together from the ground up. From this camp the hope is that you enter the next year with a renewed sense of enjoyment for the subject as well as a deeper and fuller understanding of the beauty of mathematics. $165. • Instructor: Jeff Kramer, OTS Math intervention specialist 20
OTS Summer Programs 2021
Outdoor Adventure Club (ages 6-10)
Do You Love Slime?
Come join Ms. O'Connor and the coolest campers in town for Outdoor Adventure Club! We will be taking field trips to different wilderness spots around the CVNP and will be hiking, playing games, learning about nature, swimming in the pool, building cool forts and more. $195. • Instructor: Sheila O'Connor, BA, Avon Local Schools Music Teacher
Tennis Camp Level 2 (ages 10-14)
This Camp will combine fun activities and individualized tennis instruction for beginner to intermediate players. Daily we will work on a stroke of the day, effective serving techniques, as well as beginning match play for singles and doubles. Each session will include a fitness component to increase flexibility, speed and agility. $190. • Instructor: Wendy Barnett, OTS tennis coach
July 19-23 | Afternoon Camps Do You Love Slime? (ages 8-14)
Did you know there is science behind slime? Slime is made after a chemical reaction between two main ingredients; polyvinyl alcohol and borate ion. Once you know this, the possibilities seem to be endless. Join your friends as you create and discover different recipes for slime. All the successful recipes will be recorded and saved in a recipe book to keep. Have you ever made floam? Let’s make it! Playdoh is fun to play with too! Come ready to get a bit messy and think outside of the box when it comes to creating new recipes. $170. • Instructor: Shannon Edwards, Grade 1 Teacher Revere Schools, OTS After School Enrichment Teacher
Kung Fu: Staff & Sword (ages 11-14)
Campers will learn the basics on how to safely use the most common classical Kung Fu weapons the Staff, sword and short sword. Padded foam versions of the staff and swords will be provided. Campers will learn safety and strategies used with each weapon during skill challenges and fun projects. This camp will help develop coordination, speed, agility and mental concentration. Join this camp for one of the most unique experiences offered at Old Trail Summer Camp. $195. • Instructors: Adam Boyer, Instructor Victory Defense Systems
Tennis Camp Level 1 (ages 6-9)
This Camp will combine fun activities and individualized tennis instruction for beginner to intermediate players. Daily we will work on a stroke of the day, effective serving techniques, as well as beginning match play for singles and doubles. Each session will include a fitness component to increase flexibility, speed and agility. $190. • Instructor: Wendy Barnett, OTS tennis coach
Outdoor Adventure Club (ages 6-10)
Come join Ms. O'Connor and the coolest campers in town for Outdoor Adventure Club! We will be taking field trips to different wilderness spots around the CVNP and will be hiking, playing games, learning about nature, swimming in the pool, building cool forts and more. $195. • Instructor: Sheila O'Connor, BA, Avon Local Schools Music Teacher OTS Summer Programs 2021
By Week July 26-30 Full Day Camps (ages)
• Speech & Debate (10-14) • TrailBlazers Day Camp (3-14)
AM Camps (ages)
• Eric Carle Series (4-5) • On the Path to Math (for grades 3-5 ) • Tinkering Studio: Toy Take-Apart (9-14) • Wild About Wild Kratts 5-8)
PM Camps (ages)
• Coding & Robotics (6-10) • Get in the Glow (4-8)
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Week 8: July 26-30 | Full Day Camps Speech & Debate (ages 10-14)
This camp is designed to introduce middle school students to the world of speech and debate competition. We will work on a variety of public speaking and debate activities designed to help build skills and prepare for competition during the school year in any of the Ohio Speech and Debate Association middle school events. In a fun and supportive environment, students will enjoy implementing the new skills they learn through a variety of projects and activities throughout the week, including practice rounds of competition where they will receive feedback from judges. $375. • Instructor: Jason Habig, Debate Hall of Fame Inductee, Debate Coach at Hathaway Brown
TrailBlazers Day Camp (ages 3-14)
TrailBlazers is designed for campers who want to take advantage of all that is summer! Hiking, swimming, games and activities will fill those long summer days with action and excitement. Campers will enjoy opportunities to connect with nature through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park while making new friends and having fun. This camp will offer a safe and playful environment for campers to make summer memories that will last a lifetime. Full day ($320), AM Only ($165), PM Only ($165 - No PM option for ages 3-5). • Junior TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 3-5): Hannah Haas, BS, Akron Public Schools Teacher • TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 6-10): Ryan Smith, BS, Brunswick Schools Physical Education Teacher • Advanced TrailBlazers Instructor (ages: 11-14): Gabby Yost, OTS After Care Supervisor
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July 26-30 | Morning Camps
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Eric Carle Series (ages 4-5)
Calling all Hungry Caterpillars, Brown Bears and Grouchy Lady Bugs! Your child will be “hungry” for these fantastic stories and all of the fun that comes along with learning, playing, crafting and creating. Campers will be exposed to early literacy skills that include phonemic awareness, rhyming and new vocabulary. Guaranteed Head to Toe fun for all! $170. • Instructors: LLA Therapy Speech-Language Therapy Staff
On the Path to Math (for grades 3-5)
This camp will be a fun and explorative way for students in 3rd through 5th grade to solidify foundational concepts and skills needed to be successful in high school and beyond. We will explore mathematics in nature and build ideas together from the ground up. From this camp the hope is that you enter the next year with a renewed sense of enjoyment for the subject as well as a deeper and fuller understanding of the beauty of mathematics. $165. • Instructor: Jeff Kramer, OTS Math intervention specialist
OTS Summer Programs 2021
Tinkering Studio: Toy TakeApart (ages 9-14)
Have you ever wondered how a toy works? What’s inside? How they light up? Move? If you like to be creative, take things apart, and rebuild them, this is the camp for you. Calling all Makers! We will use tools such as screwdrivers, scissors, and seam rippers to explore the inner circuitry and mechanisms. We will build simple circuits to help our ‘new’ toy light up. Take apart more than one toy and hack them together to make something new! $170. • Instructor: Shannon Edwards, Makerspace Teacher Revere Schools and OTS After School Enrichment instructor
Wild About Wild Kratts (ages 5-8)
Wanna go Wild Kratts? Come on an adventure with the coolest creatures! Cheetah speed and lizard glide, falcon flight and lion pride! Make your own creature suits and learn about a different animal and their awesome creature powers every day. There will be so many ways for us to play and learn about animals: dramatic play, crafting & art, fine and gross motor activities, literacy and math practice, and lots of science. If you love animals, if you love adventure, and if you love the Wild Kratts, then this is the camp for you! $190. • Instructor: Teresa McCombs, BA, OTS Early Childhood Program Teacher
Coding & Robotics
July 26-30 | Afternoon Camps Coding & Robotics (ages 6-10)
Do you want to learn how to code? Already started coding but ready for more? We will explore coding with Ozobot Robots. We will also use the apps Codespark, Tynker, and Swift Playgrounds to learn fundamental programming concepts with Lego-like visual languages. Students will snap together blocks of code to solve puzzles and control their characters! These Blockly languages teach the basics that lead to JavaScript, Python, and Swift. This is a fun easy way to practice the reading and logic skills that help us succeed! $175. • Instructor: Shannon Edwards Grade 1 Teacher Revere Schools, OTS After School Enrichment Teacher
Get in the Glow (ages 4-8)
Get into the Glow with a week filled with designing and creating glow in the dark gear! Throughout the week, campers will engage in glow in the dark crafts and projects, including glow in the dark bouncy balls, t-shirts, face paint, and bowling. We will end the week with a glow in the dark mini golf field trip adventure! $200. • Instructor: Jennifer Coduto, BA Art, Professional Artist
OTS Summer Programs 2021
Old Trail School is a vibrant educational community focused on academic excellence. We develop intellectually curious, independent-thinking students who emerge with a passion for discovery, critical thinking and collaborative learning.
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OTS Summer Programs 2021
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