




TheEuropeanInstituteforSocialInnovationisanassociationbasedontheprinciplesofcooperation, integration,environmentalprotection,solidarity,humanity,anduniversalhumanvalues,promoting anenvironmentinwhichthecommunityisabletodevelopitsideas,think,realize,andtoelaborate positionsandresponsesonimportantissues.
Thedevelopmentofruralcommunityactivitiessuchasarts,sports,andculture,aswellasthe successfulimplementationandparticipationinEuropeanprojectstobringtheyouthandtheelderly closertoEurope.WeencourageyouthandadultstoparticipateinEuropeanprojects,forexample,to strengthencivicengagement,andsupporttheirlifelearningprocess,education,andemployment.We alsosupportEUyouthgoalsandEuropeanstrategiesandpromoteinterculturaldialogueforamore inclusivesociety.
Erasmus Network Belgium CZECHIA
Mission: Reconnect, z.s.
Asociación Juvenil Talasa
Congratulations! You are one of the 43 participants who will participate in the Erasmus+ Youth Mobility “Communities Got Talent" that will take place in Kasterlee, Belgium between 11-20 August 2023.
We want you to have a great experience during your stay here. We prepared this info pack with all the practicalities you need to know along with a brave summary about the project itself. We look forward to meet you all there!
Note: 11 August 2023 is check-in date and 20 August 2023 is the check-out date to/from the venue.
Participants are allowed to spend time by their own 3 days before and after the project each by covering their own expenses.
The pandemic, war, and economic crisis have a wide-ranging impact on people’s lives and livelihoods on unemployment to last for at least five years. The "Communities Got Talent" (CoGoal) youth project is focusing on the transformation of young people from unemployed individuals into self-employed social entrepreneurs by gaining entrepreneurship knowledge and related skills. Our project aims to help young people to find relevant conditions to build social enterprises. The main idea is to encourage them to learn about the concept of social entrepreneurship, reach the necessary tools and equipment, use them with their perspectives to create solutions for the problems they have in their communities, and provide a beneficial approach to those main issues.
An equal number of genders among the participants must be kept.
Participants with fewer opportunities are PRIORITIZED: those who lives in rural areas, NEETs, low-income, with social difficulties / under risk of social exclusion (migrants, LGBTs, etc.)
Age between 18 and 28 years old, interested in entrepreneurial concepts.
Interested in the proposed topic.
Presents the desire for civic and social involvement.
Open to working in a multicultural environment.
Having the motivation in sharing project results outside
Motivated to participate proactively at all stages of the project
Disadvantaged participants
Active cooperation and communication with national team members.
Preparing a workshop with national team members addressing one of the following topics: social entrepreneurship, non-formal learning, and soft-skills development.
Research inspirational success stories of social entrepreneurship to present.
Preparation of the cultural night of your country (foods, drinks, games, dances).
Bring your own towels, slippers, personal hygiene items, and fitting clothes for the night.
To keep all travel documents such as invoices, tickets, boarding passes, etc.
Fill out the online participant form shared by the coordinator and join the Facebook group.
It is recommended to buy health insurance coverage during your stay in Belgium.
The project will be held in the recreational center “de Hoge Rielen ” . Food and catering will be served on the spot. It offers a training room, kitchen, accommodation in shared rooms with a dormitory format, and a large garden as well as outdoor spaces with different kinds of social activities. The bathroom and toilets are common.
Location of venue: https://goo.gl/maps/fx1gQtkKakASDhSv9
Molenstraat 62, 2460 Kasterlee, Belgium
ThenearestairportsareCharleroiAirportandBrusselsAirportZaventem. Thosewhoarriveatthisairport shouldarriveinAntwerp,Belgiumbytrainorbus.
ThosewholandatBrusselAirport,shouldgetanICtraintoAntwerpen-CentraalfromBrusselAirport.Those whoarriveinCharleroishouldgetthe"Flipco"bustotheBrussel-MidiandgetthetraintoAntwerpfromthere. Payattentiontobuyinga"youthtrainticket"whichisdiscounted.
FromAntwerpCentraltrainstation,youshouldgetthetrainto"Turnhout"or"Leuven"andgetoffat"Tielen" station.Ourteamwillpickyouupfromthere.Thistriptakesaround1hour.
Duringthemobility,allexpensessuchasaccommodation,catering,training,etc.willbefreeofcharge,%100 coveredbytheprogram.Outsidethemobilitydatesparticipantsareresponsiblefortheirownexpenses.
TherealcostoftravelwillbereimburseduptoErasmus+rulesforeachparticipant.Participantswhoprefer GREENTRANSPORTATION(bus,train,carpooling)willhavemoretravelbudgetanditisrecommendedbythe Erasmus+program.(GreentransportisavailableonlyforparticipantsfromGermany)
Note:Alldigitalandphysicalinvoices,receipts,boardingpasses,andticketsrelatedtotravelmustbekeptand sentorbroughttothecoordinatorsinordertobereimbursed.