PORTFOLIO Olga Alaminos 2018
Olga Alaminos +34 699 724 861
Selected Works
MoCAP Museum of Contemporary Art of Poznan
ZAPACH Parfum Factory in Poznan
FILMANIAC Film Library in Mรกlaga
FORMACION ACADEMICA Licenciatura en arquitectura Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Málaga (2009-2013) BECA ERAMUS_Poznan University of Technology. Polonia (2013-2014) Proyecto final de carrera_Escuela de Arquitectura de Málaga (2014-2015) BECA ISEP (International Student Exchange Porgram)_Louisiana State University. EEUU (enero-junio 2016) Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados (MPAA8) Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) (septiembre 2016 - septiembre 2017) Formación complementaria Curso, Rhinoceros e impresión 3D. FabLab Málaga; 40h. (2017) Curso, Revit Arquitectura e Instalaciones; 270 h. eAM (2017-2018) Curso, ‘Modelado y renderizado con 3D MAX + VRay’; 40h. ETSAM (2016) MAP: Música, arte y postmedia_Processing; 40h. La Térmica (2014) Workshop internacional. Bienal de Venecia. Escuela de Arquitectura de Málaga. (2014) Curso-taller internacional de nuevas materias en la arquitectura “Pieles’’. (2014) IV Taller de arqueología de la arquitectura. CIAM. (2014) Curso, ‘Comunicación para el desarrollo’. Universidad de Málaga. (2013) Curso-taller. Lógicas Locales. El valle del Mgoum Marruecos. eAM (2013) EXPERIENCIA INVESTIGADORA Proyecto final de carrera: El factor incertidumbre en el proyecto urbano. Escuela de Arquitectura de Málaga, eAM. (Octubre 2015 - Septiembre 2016). Director, Diego Jiménez López, de DJ Arquitectura. ( Investigación-propuesta sobre la problemática ambiental del entorno de las ciudades de la costa de Louisiana, Morgan City 2050. Louisiana State University, LSU (enero 2016- mayo 2016) Registering Change and Accommodating Exchange. Coastal Sustanaibility Studio. ( (proximamente en issuu) Programa de Innovación Educativa del MPAA. Estrategias de Innovación y Formación en la Docencia Mentorías en Proyectos 8. (Septiembre 2016- mayo 2017). Juan Carlos Sancho (S-M.A.O.), Fernando Rodríguez (FRPO architects) y Alberto Nicolau (Alberto Nicolau Architects). (Septiembre 2016- mayo 2017). (
Olga Alaminos
Tesis Fin de Máster. Tres narrativas urbanas. El caso concreto de las Mietskasernen en Berlín. Director, Fernando Rodríguez (FRPO architects). Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM. (Sept. 2017). EXPERIENCIA PROFESIONAL Estudio de arquitectura DJ Arquitectura (junio-septiembre, 2013) Modelados 3D, infografía, representación planimétrica, animación 3D y maquetas. Apoyo puntual en estudio. Angela Arriaza. (2015-actualidad) Elaboración de infografía, diseño de interiores, fachadas y cartelería. Estudio Sancho Madridejos S-MAO (Septiembre 2016 y Mayo de 2017) Concurso Al-Bourouj Cultural Hub (Ganadores). Diseño, planimetría e infografía. Estudio Raúl Rodríguez Ruíz, RRR. (Junio 2017 - Diciembre 2017) Diseño, planimetría, proyectos de ejecución, presupuestos y visado de proyectos. HERRAMIENTAS Autocad 2D/3D (alto)
3D Max Studio+Vray (alto)
Pinnacle Studio (medio)
Autocad MAP (medio)
Adobe Illustrator (alto)
Sketch-up + Vray (medio)
Revit (medio)
Adobe Photoshop (alto)
Wordpress (medio)
Rhinoceros (alto)
Office Pack (alto)
Processing (medio)
ArcGIS (intermedio)
Adobe In Design (alto)
RealFlow (medio)
IDIOMAS INGLES > Reading. High | Listening. High | Speaking. Fair | Writing. Fair Certificado por el “Test of English as Foreign Language” TOEFL (Calificación 86 = B2 Cambridge) INTERESES Mantenerme constantemente en renovación resulta fundamental, tengo un afán por aprender muy fuerte y que consume la mayor parte de mi tiempo. En el campo de mi profesión trabajo para alcanzar un nivel en el que pueda desarrollar proyectos de arquitectura que satisfagan completamente tanto las necesidades del cliente como mis propias aspiraciones en cuanto a la realización de proyectos de gran calidad formal y que respondan a las condiciones socio-económicas y ecológicas del contexto. El urbanismo es otra de mis pasiones, los trabajos de investigación que he realizado buscan la transformación de las lógicas urbanas desde la pequeña escala de la arquitectura, trabajando siempre con los valores propios del lugar como herramientas para el proyecto.
Museum of Comtemporary Art in Poznan
The fundamental objective pursued in the design of the new Museum of Contemporary Art in Poznan is to break with the closed configuration of the museum piece to transform it into a public space not only to enjoy it as a urban square, but also make art take part as a natural issue of daily live. The formal strategy is clear, there is an atomization of the routes and exhibition rooms in air volume equal to the direct extrusion of the maximum surface area of the plot up to the average height of the surrounding buildings. The empty space becomes the work material, the piece to be modeled. The public space of the museum is constituted as a plane freed from mass in its horizontality and full of routes, exhibition spaces, light, sky and emptiness in its verticality. Plot area: 4,722.75 m2 / Footprint: 356.87 m2 /
Built area: 18,267.94 m2
Museum of Comtemporary Art in Poznan
Museum of Comtemporary Art in Poznan
Temporal exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Museum of Comtemporary Art in Poznan
Longitudinal section
Museum of Comtemporary Art in Poznan
Exhibition rooms
Museum of Comtemporary Art in Poznan
Exhibition ramps
Exhibition rooms
Perfum Factory in Poznan
‘’Givaudan’s Mood Programme consists of a suite of proprietary research techniques that work synergisticaowerful insights and unique understanding of the fragrance drivers of human mood and emotions’’ The building is a perfume factory for the company Givaudan. The formal logics are born from the diagramming of the two fundamental factors that intervene in the production processes of a perfume: the functionality of a factory and the art of creating a new fragrance. The tours in the building are a cartography of the different aromatic combinations to make a perfume, becoming an icon for the company, the factory of all perfumes, a journey through all the possible fragrances. Starting from the ‘fragance map’ of the company Givaudan (1) a ‘fragrance-time’ diagram (2) is drawn up in which the possible olfactory combinations between the two fragrances and the time in which they are perceived by the human smell. A ‘production-space-time diagram’ (3) is drawn up in which the different phases of the production process appear, the area they require and the duration of each. Finally, the two elaborated diagrams are superimposed, resulting in the structural and ‘spatial pattern’ of the factory(4). Plot area: 40,340.17 m2 / Built area: 5,246.08 m2
Perfum Fabric in Poznan
Givaudan Fragance Map (1)
Factory production-space-time diagram (3)
Fragance-time (2)
Spatial pattern diagram (4)
Perfum Fabric in Poznan
Landscape design
Perfum Fabric in Poznan
Aldehidic Odor Space Materiality: Bronze cooper
Floral Odor Space Mat: Ivy
Citric Odor Space Mat: Glass and tulips
Spicy Odor Space Mat: Colour Textiles
Green Odor Space Mat: Stone
Woody Odor Space Mat: Wood Strips
Frutal Odor Space Mat: White Concrete
Musky Odor Space Mat: Polycarbonated
Gourmat Odor Space Mat: Red Wooden Pipes
Amber Odor Space Mat: Warm Colour Glass Bricks
Perfum Fabric in Poznan
Perfum Fabric in Poznan
East elevation
Film Library in MĂĄlaga
Filmaniac is a strategy that combines tradition, technology and society in one direction. The historic center of Malaga is inhabited by peculiar structures. Some voids contained in a shell, a historical facade held by a metal structure that does not belong to it. The great economic and touristic success of this urban area is filling all ‘void typologies’ and overloading the city without improving the quality of life and erasing one of the most characteristic and peculiar looks of the historic center identity. Filmaniac is a parasite that has arrived to the city of Malaga to stay. It is a bit shy and hides within the historical shells that the city offers as a shelter. Inhabits this new skin, filling it with activity and restoring the vitality it once had. Filmaniac is the sustenance of the historical archeology of the city and at the same time it is nourished by the history and memory of the pieces it colonizes. The proposal confronts architecture with the specific condition of a specific place and full of history. Finally, this project is also capable of undertaking an urban strategy extendable to the entire city.
Plot area: 1278.77 m2/ Footprint: 662.50 m2 / Built area: 2,077.76 m2
West elevation
Film Library in Mรกlaga
North-south section
Film Library in Málaga
Ground floor
Thrid floor
First floor
Fourth floor
Second floor
Fith floor
The program if the building includes a office space for ‘‘Birthplace of Pablo Picasso’’, the film library shop, garden with a outdoor cinema, coffe shop, restaurant, lounge bar, terraces with views, offices, film store, workshops, projection room S,M,L for rent or special events.
Film Library in Mรกlaga
Film Library in Mรกlaga
Film Library in Mรกlaga
Olga Alaminos +34 699 724 861