As the them e of my zin e is covers underground the scene of in dependent s systems and ound rave crews – in partic group calle u lar d Spiral Tr ibe, I want zine to loo ed my k very raw and real. I have deci ded to choo se Courier as my font New to get the old-school of a typewr l o ok iter. I wan ted my zine look cheap to and hand-ma de almost. photocopied I have some of my text and pl it to look aced stuck in, I wanted to s the ripped how edges they had. Simila have photos r l y, I hoped maski ng tape to an illusion create that the pi ctures are inside almo put st by hand. I have deci to work mai ded nly with bl ack and whi as these co t e lours are m ost common the Spirals f o r and I wante d to keep t aesthetics. heir I have crea ted some im with white a ges circles to recreate th hallucinoge is n look that all the old posters see rave med to had at the time . in my zine, as I decided not to put references for that rave that would look to professional crew.
ned, I aimed I did not want my zine to look refi g aesthetics, for very underground, cheap-lookin not pay too due to the fact Spiral Tribe did things. They much attention to the materialist ween people focused more on the connection bet I think the and our spirituality, that is why ds with their final design of my zine correspon message.
T TH HE E R RA AV VE ER RS S The world has faced massive changes in the 20th century. People could act and look how they wanted and it was not as controversial as before. They started dressing and thinking differently. The idea of identity and expressing yourself emerged, pushing youth into creating their own original style and rebelling against the norms. People with similar views began hanging out with each other and, as a result, started creating their own subcultures.
In case of the
yle ravers, their st was supposed to t allow the bigges nt me freedom of move e and comfort whil , ng lo attending crowded parties. They adopted big hip-hop and h sportswear, whic ed is often combin with fluorescent accessories,
which glow under ultraviole t light, hence why ravers’ fashion is usually very colou rful and vibrant. D uring raves peop le could wear cloth es which were weird and out of place a nd that essentiall y was what created th is cra y, clubbing style – zcom plete freedom and lack of judgement by any other members (Go nzalez, n.d.).
E EMERGENCE OF SPIRAL TRIB was possible to diffeWithin this subculture it The differences lied in rentiate smaller groups. what genre of electrothe way they dressed or to. Often those varianic music they listened ea they lived in. One of tions depended on the ar e group originated in such was Spiral Tribe. Th 90s and formed a sound west London in the early then you DJ from some system “You work 9 to 5 work a rave all night towerblock flat, then you . You carry your own with bags under your eyes y your own records.� boxes, do your own PR, bu (Rose, 1991). e gained more and more By that time rave cultur d attending festivals popularity. Youths starte fashionable, what reand raves because it was ion of the whole subsulted in commercialisat no longer had seen it culture. Spiral founders as it became available as authentic and magical d afford it. only for those, who coul
MISSION MISSION They began experimenting with the idea of free parties available to anyone, who wanted to participate and not only for people who can afford it. “It seemed like a right thing to do – there were all these big commercial raves going on that had lost their mystery” (Collin & Godfrey 2009). They became known mainly for their big, illegal festivals, which were advertised by the word of mouth and sometimes by calling a special phone line, on which you could get the information about the upcoming festival.
The official fight with authorities began after Castlemorton, England’s biggest free festivals organized by the Spirals (Barnett, 2015), imposed a legislation, which banned open air gatherings of more than ten people listening to ‘repetitive beats’ music. “(It) Scared the crap out of the government, because what
could they do? There wasn’t a police
force in the country that could deal with 40,000 people arriving on a place. The Castlemorton thing was the straw that broke the camel’s back.” (Festivals Britannia, 2013).
Spiral Tribe played a key role in the history of rave subculture and has influenced the clubbing scene. It changed the meaning of a festival and brought back the real magic of ’s style is timeless electronic music. Spiral young people, who want and still inspires many ion. to manifest their rebell