Biophysics Human being energy carriers

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Krichkov А., Shnaybel О. Biophysics. Human being energy carriers. – М.: Publishing House «Sputnik +», 2015. – 35 p.

ISBN 978-5-9973-3469-7

УДК 577.3 ББК 28.671


Krichkov A. Shnaуbel O. Biophysics Human being energy carriers This article investigated energy carriers of a human being in their interrelation with human physiology. The contributions of the energy carriers to the total human being energy intensity were defined using decomposition, theoretical calculations, experiments, and logical system analysis. In addition new experimental data on human brain and breathing were provided. Key words: energy carriers, nuclear physics, biophysics, and physiology.

Energy is an intrinsic part of life. For a human being energy is not only an intrinsic part of life but is a necessary provision for it. As it is understood currently energy is a unified measure of various forms of matter movement and interaction, measure of transformation between different forms of matter movement. … The word “energy” had been introduced by Aristotle in his work “Physics” but it meant the activity of a man there.… Gottfried Leibniz had introduced the notion of “vis viva” in his works of 1686 and 1695…, and he supposed that the lost share of the “vis viva” transferred to atoms.… In 1807, Thomas Young was the first to use the term "energy" instead of “vis viva”, in its modern sense [1]. Human being energy has a feature to impact a human body. Due to energy the ensemble of components forming human organs and systems exists in the balanced interaction. Energy is that very force which keeps in unity and balance “1028 protons composing human body” [2]. Energy can't be seen but its manifestations can be detected. The number of single inspirations and expirations does not measure the life. The life is not evaluated by the readings of aging indicators and blood biochemistry data. People observations have some elements of statistical validity and scientific significance. Looking at a running kid or an active person of age one says, “he has got lots of energy” and almost never says, “he has got lots of health”. Part I One of the energy sources for a human being is food. It is necessary to use decomposition method to evaluate the contribution of the metabolic food breakdown energy to the total energy of a human being. Here is the calculation of the amount of energy required to lift blood from a heart to a brain in a human body. It is known that a heart performs pump functions among others. The power required to lift blood from a heart to a brain is calculated here without consideration of pump efficiency, difference of power consumption and output, total length and 3

diameter variations of blood vessels and arteries. In fact the calculation relates to only one function of the important cycle of a lesser circulation. The power of such a pump is given by the equation: P = Q × ρ × g × H, where: Q – pump delivery ρ – pumped liquid density. g – free fall acceleration. H – height to which liquid is lifted. Lift height Н – 0,45 m. Blood density – 1,060 g/cm3 Free fall acceleration – 9,81 m/s2 Heart discharge rate – 7,5 m3/day Bringing all values to the same dimension: Heart discharge rate– 7,5 (m3/day) = 0,0000868 (m3/s) Blood density – 1,060 (g/cm3) = 1060 (kg/m3) P = m3/с × kg/m3 × m/s2 × m = (kg × m2)/s3 = J/s Р = 0,0000868 × 1060 × 9,81 × 0,45 = 0,406 J/s = 0,4 W The amount of energy consumed by such a pump equals to 35088 J or 8 381 calories per day. Now the amount of food has to be calculated which a person needs to consume to compensate for 8381 calories spent to lift blood from a heart to a brain over a day. Before reviewing the data on the calorie content of human food it is necessary to emphasize what a calorie is. “A calorie is defined as energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C under standard atmospheric pressure… The calorie content or the energy value of the food is the amount of energy the organism receives when the food is entirely digested. To determine the total energy value of food it is burned in the calorimeter and then the amount of heat released into the surrounding water bath is measured. Energy consumption of a human being is measured in the same way: the heat release by a human being into the insulated (hermetically sealed) calorimeter chamber is measured and then converted into the “calories burnt” — in that way the physiological value of food can be determined. Carbohydrates have the energy value of 4 kilocalories per gram, proteins – 4 kilocalories per gram, fats – 9 kilocalories per gram” [3]. “Energy value or calorie content is the amount of energy released in a human body from food in the digestion process if it is completed. Energy value of a nutrition substance is measured in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) per 100 grams of nutrition substance. Kilocalorie used to measure the energy value of food is also called “food calorie”, so when the calorie content is given in kilocalories the prefix “kilo” is often omitted. Food value of a nutrition substance is the content of carbohydrates, fats and protein in 100 grams of it”. [4]. 4

Handbooks on the calorie content of food state that rabbit meat has the calorie content of 199 kcal per 100 grams. Prefix “kilo” means 10 in the third power so 100 grams of rabbit meat contains 199000 calories. Based on the physical meaning of a calorie that, in turn, means that the amount of heat from burning of 100 grams of rabbit meat is sufficient to increase the temperature of 199000 grams of water, the water tank of approximately 199 kilograms, by one degree centigrade. In that case the rabbit farm by the energy capacity may replace a thermal power plant. Did food and plants possess such an energy capacity the mankind wouldn’t need to build neither conventional nor nuclear power plants. The prefix “kilo” added to the energy value of nutrition substances has no physical meaning and is not valid. May be the biophysicist conducting these experiments were mistaken? The original source states: “1 gram of protein burning in the organism to urea and other substances releases 4 calories of energy; 1 gram of carbohydrates yields 4 calories; 1 gram of fat – 9 calories” [5]. But in modern sources the information part of which is quoted above always contain the prefix “kilo”. Does this invalid and remote from physical reality prefix appear due to the wicked intent? The calorimetric experiments to determine the energy value of food was conducted much earlier than the researches on the total energy capacity of a human body. Physiology data on the measured energy characteristics of a human being are the following: heat generated by a man of 64,3 kg mass during one day is 8616 kJ, 2064030 calories. And from these 2064 kcal per day a man in rest state has spent 1728 kcal for respiration and blood circulation [6]. The received data on total human being energy capacity do not match in any way the amount of energy received by a human being from food. Energy capacity of a human being has an order of magnitude of 106 calories and all food can provide has an order of 103 calories. Food was considered to be the major resource of energy for a human being and since there was no explanation for 103 times difference the prefix “kilo” appeared. Based on the given above information that the prefix “kilo” is not taken into account as invalid, the calculation of one of the heart functions shall be reconsidered. What amount of food a human being shall consume to compensate 8381 calories spent to lift blood from a heart to brain during one day. According to calorie content tables: 100 grams of rye bread – 214 calories. Therefore it is necessary to eat 3,9 kilograms of rye bread to compensate the energy spent in rest state to lift blood from a heart to brain during one day. As for lamb (100 grams – 203 calories) it is necessary to consume 4,1 kilograms during one day. The only conclusion that can be drawn from the above given calculation is that food contributes significantly to the total energy capacity of a human being and that there are no doubts catalysers are involved in chemical reactions. Prefix “kilo” added to the food energy values has no physical meaning and this is confirmed by biophysical researches. Any adequate amount of food consumed by a human being may provide not more than 50% of total energy capacity of a human body.


Part II In 1978 Mitchell P. British biochemists was awarded the Nobel Prize and in spite of traditions the Prize was awarded not for the discovery of a new phenomenon but rather for the hypothesis of existence of such a phenomenon. The theory of chemosmotic oxidative phosphorylation was accepted as a basis of biological energy processes. “Chemiosmosis is a biochemical mechanism of conversion of electron transport chain energy into the energy of ATP (adenosine triphosphate)” [7]. “Oxidative phosphorylation is the metabolic pathway in which the energy released by the oxidation of nutrients is stored in cell mitochondria in the form of ATP. … The energy released by electrons flowing through this electron transport chain is used to transport protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane into intermembrane space. So due to the combination of proton gradient and electrical potential the potential energy is accumulated. This energy is released when protons flow back to the mitochondrial matrix down the electrochemical gradient. The return of protons occurs through a large enzyme called APT synthase; the very process of passing the protons down the electrochemical gradient is called chemiosmosis. ATP synthase utilizes the energy released in chemiosmosis to generate ATP from ADP (adenosine diphosphate) in a phosphorylation reaction. This reaction is driven by the proton flow, which forces the rotation of a part of the enzyme; the ATP synthase works as a rotary molecular motor” [8]. The bioenergy mechanism described above is implemented when protons pass through the cell membrane. A human organism needs glucose to utilize the ATP energy storage. “Indeed, the exothermic reaction of the glucose oxidation is an energy foundation of living systems“ [9]. People use sugar in everyday life. What is sugar in everyday life is saccharose in chemistry. Saccharose is hydrolysed and converted to glucose and fructose in the digestive tract, and then they are absorbed by blood. What happens to glucose next? The professional information resources describe it in the following way: “Glucose is the major and the most universal energy source to supply metabolic processes. Glucose is a substrate for glycolysis in the process of which glucose may be converted by oxidation either into pyruvate under aerobic conditions or into lactate under anaerobic conditions. Pyruvate (a salt of pyruvic acid) produced so in glycolysis then undergo decarboxylation and turn into Acetyl-CoA (acetyl-coenzyme A). Also the coferment NAD+ (oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is restored in the process of oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate. Acetyl-CoA is then utilized in the Krebs cycle, and the reduced conferment is used in the breathing chain” [10]. Further in the Krebs (or tricarbonic acid) cycle the reaction of oxidizing phosphorylation occurs and ATP is generated. To put it simply the following occurs: man consumes sugar – protons pass the cell membrane – ATP stores energy. 6

For more complete understanding of the above-described process the series of thoroughly prepared experiments involving unique measurements was performed. The goal of the experiments was to find out if the protons flow through the cell membrane relates to the interaction of protons with matter. In the course of the experiment preparations the research phantom was made. While the phantoms used in 20th century presented a human being as 70 kilograms of water, the modern phantom contained (per 1 litre of water): NaCl – 25 grams, pepsin – 2000 milligrams, 30% HCl – 25 grams, potassium sulphate (К2SO4) - 20 grams, N – 2,4 grams, P2O5 – 2,4 grams. Thus the research phantom in the in vitro model allowed accounting for basic digestive ferments in interrelation with the natural radioactivity to which the natural potassium mainly contributed. If the increase of the intrinsic phantom radioactivity would be observed during the food digestion that would mean that nuclear reaction occurred. The BECQUEREL-MONITOR LB-200 instrument produced by German company Berthold was used to measure radioactivity in the experiments. The measurements were performed in the lead protective container with Marinelli vessel. Since the background measurement quality had the same impact on the total error as the expected effect measurement error, the experiment series started with a control measurement of a background activity, its stability and repeatability nbg = 3,0 ± 5% [1/s]. During several months the background activity under the measurement conditions selected had been controlled multiple times and it remained constant within the limits of the statistical and instrument errors. The background activity measurement with the increased activity accuracy provided the value nbg = 2,9 ± 3% [1/s]. This background value was stored in the instrument memory and used automatically in the further measurements of the phantom activity. Picture № 1. Natural background radioactivity in the region at the time of the experiment. Specific activity, Bq/l 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 12:37











Then the specific activity of the research phantom was measured. Picture № 2. Specific activity of the phantom without background compensation. Specific activity of the phantom without background compensation, Bq/l 500 400 300 200 100 0 12:37










Picture № 3. Specific activity of the phantom with automatic background compensation.


Specific activity of the phantom measured with automatic background compensation in the protective container, Bq/l

60 50

Удельная активность



30 20 10 0 12:37










5 grams of sugar and 5 grams of common salt were added to the measured phantom. Further measurements provided the following result. Picture № 4. Specific activity of the phantom with automatic background compensation, sugar added.


Specific activity, Bq/l 70 60 50

Удельная активность



30 20 10 0 12:37





Within the limits of the instrument and method error no change of the sample radioactivity was observed despite of geometry and composition changes. Currently available instruments and methods even with unique features do not allow detecting the supposed effect. Moreover for experiments with short accumulation times the activity values over the background level appear and that can be mistaken for the reproducible effect. But this conclusion is erroneous and related to the statistical error calculation specifics especially for lesser statistical significance. Based on the experiment results the conclusion can be drawn that the energy released in ATP high-energy bonds hydrolysis does not relate to nuclear transmutations. In that respect the following notions – proton transport, proton return, proton movement, proton flow – require further analysis. Proton flow is the proton radiation. Protons have positive charge and interact with negatively charged atom electrons when passing through matter. Ionisation of the matter atoms occurs that is revealed as an ionizing radiation detectable by the nuclear technology methods. Nothing of that kind was found or recorded during the experiment. The only issue not entirely clarified is the following: if glucose is the universal energy source and the glucose oxidation reaction is a basis of living system energy supply then why is doping used in sports? Part III In 1940th Vernadsky V. suggested that the chemical composition of organisms is their species character. His follower, Vinogradov A., member of the Academy of Science of the USSR, demonstrated in the number of his works that all organisms contain the most part of the chemical elements and that elementary composition of the organisms is their species character. “Thermodynamically ordered isotope distribution is really observed in the majority of biological systems. This law is of universal nature. It is intrinsic to the compounds of various structure and composition, organisms belonging to different ecological environments and taxonomy groups, and appears at the inter- and intramolecular levels” [11]. 9

The similar question was raised during the research – is the content of natural radionuclides in living creatures the species character. Considering radioactive isotopes they are present everywhere. They are in water which living organisms drink. They are in the air respired, food consumed. Theoretically it can be supposed that the radio isotopic compositions of living organisms are similar. Radiobiological data are the following: cattle and pigs contain 40К, 210Po, 226Ra, 228 Th; reindeers - 40К, 210Po, 226Ra; poultry - 40К, 210Po, 228Ra, 228Th; human being 40 К, 210Po, 226Ra, 228Ra, 232Th, 230Th, 87Rb, 14С, 3Н, 210Pb, 238U[12]. According to the additional resources a human body also contains the following radionuclides: 234U, 222 Rn, 214Po, 224Ra, 210Rn, 208Tl [13]. One more resource adds 235U [14]. As a result the big mammals and birds contain four natural radionuclides as a maximum while a human being contains eighteen natural radionuclides. Physical mass of natural radioisotopes distributed in a body of the statistically average human being is within the limits from 0,092[15] grams up to 0,302[16] grams. Each natural radionuclide has its own physical characteristics such as energy, decay chain, quantum yield and decay time. Considering physical characteristics of the major energy intensive radionuclides the total amount of energy they produce during one day contributes 2569890 GeV to the energy capacity of a human being. This value converted to joules is just 0,0004 J. Results of the researches conducted over the last sixteen years provide more and more facts confirming that a chain nuclear reaction is taking place in a human body [17]. Natural fissile radionuclides distributed in a human body are subject to the thermal neutron flux. Modern researches explain the origin of neutron by the following factors. Interaction of cosmic radiation with the Earth atmosphere, neutron generation by the Sun, activities of the Earth crust. “Researches of the Earth atmosphere conducted during number of years with the help of sounding balloons by the Moscow University Institute of Nuclear Physics discovered the anisotropy of the thermal neutron flux. It was found out that the neutron flux at the heights up to 3 – 5 km directed from the Earth surface is much more intense than the neutron flux in the opposite direction. These facts gave the ground to assume that there is a field of thermal neutron near the Earth crust the characteristics of which appeared to be defined by the endogenous activity of the Earth” [18]. Applied geophysics provides additional data: “Neutron flux near the Earth surface is mostly determined by the thermal neutrons (with energy of 0,02 – 0,5 eV) due to their thermalization by the atmosphere. The value of a background neutron flux density depends on the solar activity, geographical location, increases with the height above the sea level and equals approximately to 10 n/(s∙m2)»[19]. In this case considering the nuclear chain reaction it is known that “the energy of a fission event converted to heat recalculated for 1 gram of the fissioned 235U equals to 8,1·1010J”[20]. Human body contains 7×10-6 grams of 235U. Therefore this amount of natural uranium provides for energy release in a human body of 567 kJ. It is a significant value comparable to the total energy capacity of a human being. Even


more significant energy value is received when all eighteen natural radionuclides distributed in a human body are accounted for. To understand better the total energy capacity of a human being it is necessary to introduce the theoretically calculated total energy capacity of a human being. Applying the reduction method and considering a human being as a heat engine. The amount of measured heat released during one day for statistically average human being equals to 8616 kJ, the reference is given in the first part of this paper. It is not an exaggeration to consider a human being as the most perfect heat engine, so the calculation is based on the efficiency of 47 %. It is known that the efficiency is the characteristic physical parameter, which determines the system effectiveness in respect to the energy transfer or conversion. The equation to calculate the heat engine efficiency is the following. Ƞ = (Qh – Qc) / Qh, where Qh – amount of heat, which the heater transfers to working substance. In this case it is the total amount of heat generated by a human body (J). Qc – amount of heat, which working substance transfers to the cooler. In this case it is the total amount of heat released by a human body (J). To simplify the equation. 1 - Ƞ = Qc / Qh 1 – 0,47 = Qc / Qh 0,53 = 8616000 / Qh Qh = 16256603 J = 16256 kJ per day – this is the theoretically calculated value of the total energy capacity of a human being. Further researches on a human phenomenon will correct the total energy capacity value of a human being and it may be supposed that this value will be increased. Part IV Here is the summary of what is known today about researches in the area of nuclear human physiology. The presence of radioactive isotopes in a living organism is a natural phenomenon and as a result a human being is a source of radiation. Radioactive substances in an organism emit energy in the form of alpha, beta and gamma radiation carrying to the environment a part of energy (completely or partially) depending on their distribution. Part of the energy is lost in this process. It can occur, for example, inside a body or its surface. The entropy of a body can be changed in this case including temperature conditions. All types of radiation interact with human 11

body tissues. Particles loose their radiation tissues; therefore tissues acquire energy. Depending on the shares of energy released from or absorbed in a organism the extent of impact on life processes differs. It can be stated that there is a fine controller inside the organism influencing the energy potential. Natural radionuclides distributed in a human body are directly involved in the human physiology. There are five periods during the day when the intrinsic human gamma radiation is active and releases energy. These are the major radionuclides participating in this process: 232Th (thorium), 40K (potassium), 235U (uranium), Ra (radium) + daughter isotopes. Human gamma radiation cycle is determined by human upper airways and vision system. Electromagnetic wave generated by a human being has a function in a human physiology to cool down all organism systems and organs including in the first place a human brain structures. A human being interacts with the world around with a help of intrinsic electromagnetic emission; such interaction is possibly or probably characterized by human gamma radiation. On the other hand the gamma radiation can serve as a way of information transfer. So a human being consistently and naturally interacts with the surrounding world with the help of intrinsic gamma radiation, exchanging energy and information and utilizing in this process the principle of an open quantum bio system. Part V In addition to the data received on the human nuclear physiology a number of experiments were performed which extended the spectrum of knowledge about the influence of radionuclides on the physiological processes. The human brain structures were the subject of interest in the first place. To study the interrelation of human brain activity and nuclear transmutations the series of experiments were conducted. The values of radionuclide activities for a human being in a state of rest with eyes closed were compared against a human being reading texts of confessional content. The measurement time in each case was 9 minutes. Equipment: Canberra InSpector 1000 – digital scintillation gammaspectrometer, the Genie-2000 software, stabilized scintillation gamma detection unit with the NaI (TI) crystal. IPROS - 2.


Table № 1. Average values of radionuclide activity in a human being during the experiment (errors are given in brackets).

1 2 3



Energy. keV.



Th + daughters 238 U

77,11 92,60 1001,03

Activity Activity (background). (room μCi. background). μCi. 8,49×10-2 9,85×10-2 (2,0×10-2) (2,04×10-2) 3,92×10-1 no -2 (9,3×10 ) 1,84 2,15 -1 (4,36×10 ) (4,45×10-1) no no

Activity in body (control). μCi. 8,91×10-2 (1,96×10-2) no 2,01 (4,36×10-1) 3,03 (7,90×10-1)

Activity in body (experiment). μCi. 6,90×10-2 (1,81×10-2) 4,06×10-1 (9,37×10-2) 1,50 (3,95×10-1) no

Table № 2. Changes of measured peak areas during the experiment (errors are given in brackets). № Energy range (keV).

1 547,13 – 557,40 2

1362,23 – 1364,84

External backgrou nd. Peak area (counts per second). Error (counts per second) %. no

Room. Peak area (counts per second). Error (counts per second) %.

Human being control. Peak area (counts per second). Error (counts per second) %.

Human being experiment. Peak area (counts per second). Error (counts per second) %.


7,06×10-1 (17,76 %)

4,86×10-1 (20,85 %)

3,77×10-1 (23,39 %)

Th+ daughter s


1,87 (5,13 %)

1,69 (4,53 %)

1,70 (4,48 %)


Table № 3. Change of peak areas during the experiment (errors are given in brackets). №

Energy range (keV).


Peak area, room background. Errors in brackets.

Peak area, human being - control. Errors in brackets.

219,50 257,3

Peak area, external background. Errors in brackets. 4,74×102 (194,19)

Peak area, human being experiment. Errors in brackets. 3,87×102 (118,13)




322,54 – 327,04

7,31×102 (115,35)



2,93×102 (72,88)


547,13 – 557,40

9,76×102 (82,21)

2,18×102 (38,73)

2,32×102 (46,11)

2,46×102 (37,2)


1362,23 – 1364,84

2,77×103 (64,09)

5,77×102 (29,59)

8,34×102 (35,0)

8,33×102 (35,32)

The radionuclide 238U was chosen to calculate energy change in the course of the experiment. During 9 minutes when a human being was reading the text with confessional content the radionuclide activity decreased by 0,51 μCi. The gammaquantum energy is known to be 92,6 keV, measurement time 540 seconds, 0,51 μCi corresponds to 18870 decays per second. “Gamma radiation associated with 238U is in fact produced by the decay of 234mPa, the daughter isotope” [21]. Quantum yield equals to 0,0066 %. (18870 × 540 × 92,6 × 0,0066)/100 = 62275,98 keV Reading of the text lead to the decrease of a human body radioactivity: for 238U it decreased 1,3 times, for 201Tl - 1,2 times. In nature 201Tl is found in small quantities and is the intermediate product of the natural uranium decay. Simultaneous decrease of 238U and 201Tl activities gives the ground to consider the measurement as correct ones. One shall take into account that a human brain has a mass of 1020 – 1970 grams and this allows stating the importance of the experiment – during 9 minutes of reading the nuclear reaction has occurred in such a small mass under the normal atmospheric pressure and temperature of 36,6 0C. The fact confirming the nuclear reaction has really occurred is that the experimental measurement has detected the decrease of the activity of the mother radionuclide 238U and the appearance of its daughter radionuclides.


Picture â„– 5. The control measurement of a human being. The sensor is located in the parietal region.

Picture â„– 6. Experimental measurement of a human being. The sensor is located in the parietal region.


Picture â„– 7. The control measurement of a human being. The sensor is located on the frontal lobe.

Picture â„– 8. Experimental measurement of a human being. The sensor is located on the frontal lobe.


The equipment used to measure a human being has a specific technical characteristic. When its sensor is located directly on the body surface the equipment detects events occurring up to 10 mm in the depth of the body. In the experiments discussed the sensor was located in the parietal region of a head, so the events detected had occurred in the depth of a brain. Based on this experiment data it is not possible to find out how the energy has been distributed: has it been emitted from the body or inside the body. The decrease of radionuclide activity allows stating that the energy has been released and additional sensors located at the distance of 10 – 25 cm from the body are necessary to access credibly the energy distribution. If the remote sensor detects the activity increase it means that energy is emitted from a body and vice versa. Energy and thoughts have similar characteristics – they cannot be seen or heard; they belong to the invisible world. In everyday life a human being can register only the manifestations of energy and thought. An architect thinks and the building is erected over the time but an outside observer does not see and detect the architect’s process of thinking, he registers only the building erected. Based on the equation where there is an interrelation between mass and energy, one can calculate approximately – what was the physical mass of a human thought in the experiment conducted. Е = m×c2 Change of the energy in the experiment equals to 62275,98 keV or 9,97×10-12 J. Light speed is 299792458 m/s. Dimension m = Е/c2 = J×s2/m2 = kg×m2× s2/ s2×m2 = kg. m = 9,97×10-12/8,987×1016 = 1,11×10-28(kg). Comparison table:

1.67×10-27 1.67×10-27 9.11×10-31 1,11×10-28

Proton mass (kg) Neutron mass (kg) Electron mass (kg) Thought mass (kg)

Human thought is significantly lighter than the proton and neutron masses but at the same time has the mass exceeding the electron mass. Therefore the intermediate conclusion of the experiment conducted is – it is necessary to think what one is thinking of. This is because the particle with mass exceeding the electron mass can disturb the atom nuclear characteristics by interacting with the atom electrons in the external shell. Such interaction can add to or distract from the energy of an atom. Human thought is tightly connected to the nuclear physiology of a human being and revealed in human life as an electromagnetic wave. The above mentioned 17

experiment proved in practice the hypothesis stated by Lazarev P, director of the first research institution in Russia for physics and biophysics in 1919 – 1931: “The activity of brain centres is accompanied by variable electromotive forces... Variable electromotive forces have to emit into space the electromagnetic waves, which can possibly be detected by brain centres of another person. Thus according to Lazarev there is a possibility in principle to transmit thoughts over the distance. To avoid the misunderstanding it is necessary to emphasize as Lazarev P. himself used to do that this assumption is just a physical hypothesis in nature and has not been proved experimentally in any way” [22]. About a century ago Vernadsky V. raised a question: “Here there is a new puzzle. A thought is not a form of energy. Then how can it change the material processes? There is no scientific solution of this problem still.” [23]. It has required about a hundred years to answer the raised question in the experiment – a thought is energy. Due to the activity of the cerebral cortex a human being differs fundamentally from other living creatures on the planet. Human brain is an organ of the central nervous system and is defined as the physical and biological matter within a skull, which accounts for major electrochemical neuron processes. The brain represents a complex neuron network, which generates and processes the vast amount of logically connected electrochemical pulses. “Despite of the significant progress in studies of a brain over the last years a great deal in its operation is still puzzling. The functioning of separate cells has been explained quite well, however only the very simplified understanding exists of how a brain works as a whole as a result of interactions of thousands and millions of neurons, and this issue requires further deep studies” [24]. Modern specialists in the field of a nervous system focus their studies that are often non-public on a search for organisational principle, which would provide for physical definition of a consciousness and approaches to this phenomenon suitable for experimental tests. The highest level of a human brain activity is thinking. There is an opinion that thinking, mind and inner world of a human being are products of the brain activity and implemented through neuron network and electrochemical processes. Human brain is an organ of the central nervous system, which has the following functions: perform simple and complex highly differentiated reflectory reactions called reflexes. Control activity of the separate organs and systems of a highly developed organism, connect them and provide for their interaction to ensure the organism unity and integrity of its activity. But at the same time the highest part of the central nervous system (cerebral hemisphere cortex) controls only the connection and interrelations of the organism as a whole with the environment [25]. Experimental data make it possible to divide a human brain activity into two components. The first one is the explored function of the central nervous system to provide for the human organism self-regulation and integrity, which is implemented through neuron network, biochemical reactions and electrochemical pulses. Higher nervous activity including thinking and consciousness that allows a human being to interact as a whole with the surrounding world is implemented through the 18

electromagnetic emission. A human being utilizes biochemical reactions to meet the internal needs and nuclear reactions to interact with the surrounding world. Based on the experimental data it is possible to state that the conscious thinking process is implemented by a human being through emission or a set of emissions. Part VI Similarly interesting data were received when studying nuclear reactions in the human upper airways. According to the human nuclear physiology it was known that the human upper airways and vision system define the human gamma radiation day cycle. When investigating the limits of chemical elements accumulation in lungs and bronchus it was found that the human upper airways contain a number of actinides and transuranium elements in addition to the non-transportable uranium [26]. A theory of proto-science ages has been tested experimentally stating that air contains energy and a human being may significantly influence his physiology through breathing practices. The concept of breathing practices is described more completely in Hatha Yoga; the teaching emerged at the turn of the 15th century. The part studying breathing is historically called pranayama – “(breathing control or suspension) - control of prana (life energy) with breathing exercises”[27]. According to this theory of protoscience ages a human being can achieve outstanding results by breathing control, suspension or cycle change. He can neutralise toxic substances, improve own psychological characteristics, and enhance adaptive capabilities. It is necessary to note that the respiration is one of a few organism functions, which a human being can consciously control. Prior to the start of researches on human upper airways capabilities the question had to be answered – were energy really present in the atmospheric air? To answer to this question the digital scintillation gamma spectrometer was used. Two spectra were used for comparison. The first one was accumulated in the room with low background radiation and limited air intake. The second was received in the natural environment. The accumulation time was the same in both cases. Picture № 9. Spectrogram of the air in the low background room with limited air intake.


Picture â„– 10. Spectrogram of the atmospheric air.

Comparing these two spectrograms accumulated over the same period it was possible to give the affirmative answer: the atmospheric air possessed energy as a physical characteristic. It was determined before measurements started that average human being could stop breathing for 130-150 seconds as a maximum. This time is not sufficient to accumulate the valid spectrum. Due to this reason the measurements were arranged in 20

the following way: for the control measurement the spectrum was accumulated during 9 minutes with regular breathing; the test measurement started at the moment when breathing stopped, after 130 seconds the fresh breath was taken without intensive lung ventilation, and then again there were 130 seconds of breathing suspension. As a result the human breathing was on hold 6 minutes 30 seconds from 9 minutes of the test measurement, the remaining time being used for air replacement without deep lung ventilation. Picture â„– 11. Spectrogram of a regularly breathing human being. The detector is located on the chest.

Picture â„– 12. Spectrogram of a human being with breathing on hold. The detector is located on the chest.


Table № 4. Average radionuclide activity values in the experiment (errors are given in brackets). №






3 4

Tl U


U+ daughters Pu

Energy. keV 69,00 81,30 92,60 63,29

Activity in the body (control). μCi. 8,28×10-2 (2,02×10-2) no 1,8 (4,41×10-1) no



Activity in the body (test). μCi. 5,53×10-2 (2,84×10-2) 6,52×10-2 (4,91×10-2) 0,718 (4,51×10-1) 0,851 (2,835×10-1) 0,188 (1,62×10-1)

Table № 5. Change of the detected peak areas in the experiment (errors are given in brackets). №

Energy range (keV).




1349,47 – 1365,39 1361,99 – 1366,80

Human control measurement. Peak area (counts per second). error (counts per second) %. no

Human test measurement Peak area (counts per second). error (counts per second) %. 4,86×10-1 (18,39 %)


1,36 (7,22 %) 1,49 (6,74%)



Со Ra+ daughters

Currently the statistic data on the human upper ways gathered in experiments are limited and it is too early to draw any conclusion. Based on the existing experimental observations the following assumption may be proposed for further discussion: when breathing is held not only the fission reaction occurs in the human being but also the fusion reaction does. It is a contradictory statement from the nuclear physics point of view, but it is entirely logical as a protoscience statement. Generation of the mother radionuclide from the daughter ones is characterized by the energy increase and it is the increase of the internal energy that enables a human being to achieve an outstanding health improvement by holding the breathe. It is necessary to take into account that it is not proper to keep from air refreshment in the lungs, at the sixth minute the brain oxygen starvation starts causing brain degradation. One more function of lungs has to be mentioned. Not only the upper airways regulate day cycle of the intrinsic radiation of a human being but they also provide for control of nuclear reactions occurring in the human body. It is related to the following objective physical factors. In an everyday life a human being, besides an intrinsic radioactivity, is subjected to the radiation of external sources. These are the cosmic radiation and the radioactivity of the Earth crust. Gamma particles interacting with human body collide with orbital electrons of atoms in the first place and lose their energy in this process. The amount of energy left is not sufficient to impact nuclei and initiate nuclear reactions. Proton and alpha beams are scattered by nuclei as a rule. The probability is very low that a cosmic radiation is an external radiation supporting a chain fission reaction in a human body. But there is also the thermal neutron flux discussed in the third part of this paper. Thermal neutrons have the energy less than 0.5 eV and they are in a thermal equilibrium with the atoms of matter composing a human being. At the level of Earth surface where a human being is located the thermal neutron flux density is 10 neutrons per second per square meter, see the reference in the Part III. If the thickness of one square meter area crossed by a neutron flux is 1 millimetre, the cubic meter of near-surface air contains 10000 thermal neutrons. This is the air a human being breathes. The average volume of the human lungs is 2680 ml or approximately 2Ă—10-3 m3. During one second of inhalation 20 thermal neutrons can enter human lungs. As the average duration of one inhalation is 2.45 seconds, each inhalation brings to the human lungs 49 thermal neutrons. An average adult inhales and exhales 16 times a minute, that means 8 inhalations per minute. That amounts to 11520 inhalations per day for an average adult. Since a human being absorbs 49 thermal neutrons per day, considering the number of inhalations the total amount of thermal neutrons entered human lungs during a day is 564480. Assuming thermal neutron energy is 0,4 eV the human lungs are activated by the neutron radiation energy of 225792 eV or 225,8 keV per day. The chemical composition of upper airways of a human being was always interesting due to the exotic combination of elements. There are scandium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, dysprosium, holmium, thulium, ytterbium, hafnium, tungsten, 23

bismuth, and lutetium found in lungs, windpipes and larynxes. The biological role of the elements listed above has not been known. But from the nuclear physiology point of view it is clear that the human upper airways accumulate spontaneously thermal neutrons along with the energy on an everyday basis. How a human being distributes this free energy, on what ground and depending of which conditions – this issue is to be studied. At the moment available knowledge is limited. This situation requires some kind of control, and the regulatory mechanism shall exist. In the first place this regulatory provides for thermal neutron moderation and absorption. The exotic elements listed above and found in lungs, bronchi, and tracheas possess such characteristics. It is these explicit properties of them that provide for their applications in nuclear technology and industry. Samarium is involved in the nuclear reactor control. Europium is used as a neutron absorber in the nuclear power industry. Borates of holmium, thulium, and ytterbium are also used in nuclear technology. Lutetium is used in nuclear technology as a neutron absorber. Hafnium with its ability to capture neutrons is used in the nuclear industry. Tungsten and bismuth are characterized by low thermal neutron capture cross-section. To calculate total neutron irradiation of a human body its surface area shall be also taken into account. The average area of a human body surface is 1.73 m2. The neutron flux density is 10 per second per square meter. Therefore the body absorbs 17.3 thermal neutrons per second. The day equals 86400 seconds. So during the day the average human body absorbs 1494720 thermal neutrons. Energy of a thermal neutron is assumed to be 0.4 eV for these calculations. That means the human body surface is activated by the neutron flux with energy of 597888 eV or 597.9 keV per day. When the energy of thermal neutrons absorbed both in the upper airways and by the whole human body surface is taken into account the total energy absorbed by a human being per day amounts to 823.7 keV. The human body also fits for the thermal neutron flux moderation and absorption. The average human body of 70 kilograms of physical mass contains 47.6 kilograms of water and 12.6 kilograms of carbon. From the total mass of 70 kilograms a part weighing 60.2 kilograms suits for the thermal neutron absorption and moderation. This feature of water and carbon has been used for a long time in the nuclear industry, and the same principle has been applied to build first nuclear reactors. As a result a slightly radioactive human being having 18 natural radioactive isotopes in a body is continuously subjected to the thermal neutron flux, which performs neutron activation and causes nuclear reactions in a human body. Nuclei of 238 U relatively rare capture thermal neutrons while nuclei of 235U do it easily initiating nuclear reactions. Therefore the chain nuclear reaction can occur using thermal neutrons. How is the thermal nuclear reactor described in the language of nuclear physics? “This is a nuclear reactor that uses neutrons from the thermal part of energy spectrum to support nuclear chain reaction. It is effective to utilize neutrons of 24

thermal spectrum since the cross-section for interaction of 235U with neutrons involved in the chain reaction increases while the neutron energy decreases. … The core of the thermal reactor consists of moderator, nuclear fuel, coolant, and construction materials. To reduce the fuel load of the thermal reactors the construction materials are used with small values of the neutron radiation capture cross-sections. They include aluminium, magnesium, zirconium etc.”[28]. The similar construction is observed in a human being. There is nuclear fuel in the form of natural radioisotopes including natural uranium 235U, 238U. There is moderator in the form of water and carbon. There is a fine controller in the form of upper airways, which performs absorption and moderation. Part VII The researches and the received results are related to some extent to the area of philosophy and Weltanschauung. Methods and instruments of nuclear physics and radiation technology provide a possibility to answer questions that are considered to be of “tales of the ancients” category, and to answer them in the form of statistically processed results of experiments. The question “At what moment does the human being become the source of electromagnetic emission?” has required a prolonged study. There has been an assumption that a fetus becomes the source of electromagnetic emission at the certain period of its growth in mother’s body but it has been found that a pregnant woman, even at the latest stages of pregnancy does not differ in that respect from a nonpregnant woman of the same age and mass. The hypothesis has been proposed that energy is transferred from a mother to a child at the moment of birth but it has not been proved by the spectrogram analysis. “Spectrogram analysis provided for the conclusion that energy is transferred to a child via a nuclear reaction. And this impact occurs only once and simultaneously through the whole energy spectrum from 0 to 2700 keV. The spectrogram of a child at the moment of the first breath differs from the spectrogram of a mother only by lesser number of events during the later postnatal supervision and one hour later the child spectrogram is similar to the spectrogram of an adult. The fact that new radionuclides both natural and generated by cosmic radiation appear at the moment of the first breath and that they disappear in 5-20 minutes casts some concerns on the purity of the experiment. On the other hand the stability of this effect of appearance at the moment of the first breath and following fast disappearance of these new natural and cosmically generated radionuclides leads to the assumption that an unknown phenomenon exists. The unknown phenomenon is revealed in the form of the detected and measured energy of the number of both natural and generated by cosmic radiation radionuclides that cause low energy nuclear reaction in the child’s body. It is known that energy does not come from nowhere and does not vanish without a trace; the energy conservation law has to be valid. To bring the unknown phenomenon in 25

compliance with currently known physical laws the notion of Highly Organized Energy Medium has been introduced. It can be assumed that if the spectrometer does not detect nuclear reaction in child’s body, or, in other words, an unknown phenomenon does not interact with child’s body through low energy nuclear reactions, then the appropriately developed child’s body will not acquire what is called the phenomenon of life. Childbirth that goes without pathologies has its own individual details, especially in relation to the moment when the child takes the first breath. In average (under the regular observation conditions) the following happens: a child passes through birth canal, then goes to a tray for newborns with uncut umbilical cord and then there is silence and waiting for 20-120 seconds, then there is the first inhalation and a cry. During that silence period of 20-120 seconds the spectrometer detects and measures activity of radionuclides. If it does not detect the activity of radionuclides from the actinide family, the forecast for the baby health goes to negative, if trans uranium radionuclides are not detected, then the respiration stops after the first breath and reanimation procedure is necessary. If these nuclides are detected, then the child breathes and cries. The example of experiments in the birth chamber revealed an unknown and unexplored phenomenon of the following character – unidentified possessor of energy transferred the energy to a newborn human being via Highly Organized Energy Medium. Based on observations and experiments it is possible to provide the primary descriptive characteristics of an unexplored phenomenon. It was friendly to a human being since it granted a part of its own energy that accompanied a human being for the whole life. Considering that every living human being receives a share of energy granted by an unexplored phenomenon the phenomenon own energy has to be enormous. Because of the vast power of an unexplored phenomenon and of the possibility it is involved in the origination of life of other forms, families and types it can be assumed that an unexplored phenomenon exists beyond the limits of laws known to a mankind”[29]. Further studies of nuclear transmutations in a human being and system analysis of the astrophysical, geophysical, nuclear physics data as well as analysis of the archive information from the age of protoscience to the beginning of the 21 st century provide the ground to state a concept. “There is an unknown owner of energy beyond the limits of Earth. Primary observable characteristics of the energy owner are as follows. This is energy aware of its own existence and self-identifying, it influences the radioactive decay under the conditions of Earth; this is energy capable of processing information since every object capable of emitting electromagnetic waves broadcasts information about itself. The energy owner is of a kind nature since granting part of its own energy it enables appearance of life in some form”[30]. In fact a human being inherits energy of the unexplored phenomenon. Experimental data provide for assumption that behind the cascade shower of elementary particles and electromagnetic wave there is a subject historically known 26

for mankind as the Creator. In that case energy inherited by a human being is a tiny part of the Creator. Whatever event of human life is measured by nuclear spectrometry methods, would it be a performance of a heart muscle, conscious thinking process, the first inhalation or the last exhalation, the measurements are done in the same energy range. Since energy of a human being is a small part of the Creator the very important conclusion can be drawn. As the energy measurement is performed in the sole range the Creator is a sole entity as well. And in all His creation acts He has no partners, no assistants and He never had. There is only the sole Creator. The conclusion drawn can be considered from the contemporary point of view. Higgs P, British physicist who won 2013 Nobel Prize for prediction of the Higgs boson said at the press-conference in Ovjedo: “Discovery of the Higgs boson provides a physical foundation” of the existence of life, but in his opinion it did not contradict the concept of God. “Although I am an atheist myself, there is no contradiction between God-Creator and everything that has been discovered about the Universe; it is possible to be a religious person and a scientist at the same time”[31]. Below is a description of a popular science concept. Metaxas E., a writer and a showman wrote: “When our knowledge of the Universe has expanded it has become obvious that many more conditions are required for the existence of life. Gradually it has turned out that the existence of life on any planet, Earth included, contradicts the probability theory. Now we know more than 200 conditions that are necessary for the planet to support the existence of life. They all have to be met exactly. Otherwise everything breaks to pieces… But we do exist. Is it possible that all these conditions are an exact match by chance only? Isn’t it a time to acknowledge that the science indicates that we can’t be an outcome of random forces? …The fine-tuning required for life to exist on a planet is nothing comparing to the fine-tuning required to provide for the existence of the Universe itself. Astrophysicists have found that the strength of four fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear interaction and weak nuclear interaction) has been predefined less than 1 millionth part of a second after Big Bang. Should any of these characteristics be a little different, the Universe wouldn’t be able to exist. The idea that “everything appeared by itself” does not go along with common sense. The Universe is a wonder of wonders that inevitably points out to the existence of something or Somebody beyond its limits” [32]. Fermi E., the designer of the first world nuclear reactor, is also known due to his Fermi paradox – “there are no visible traces of activity of the extraterrestrial civilizations which would have settled throughout the Universe during billions of years of development. This paradox casts doubt on the possibility to discover the extraterrestrial civilizations and is related to the attempt to answer one of the most important questions of all times: “Is the mankind the only technologically developed civilization in the Universe?” The paradox can be stated in this way: on the one hand there are numerous arguments that there have to be significant number of technologically developed civilizations in the Universe. On the other hand there are 27

no observations to confirm this. This situation is paradoxical and leads to the conclusion that either our knowledge of nature or our observations are incomplete and erroneous. As Fermi E. said: “Well, where are they in this case?” One of the modern hypothesis, called the hypothesis of the unique Earth, states that multicellular form of life can be extremely rare because of possible exclusiveness and rarity of the Earth type planets. This hypothesis also argues that the complicated life forms emerge on the Erath only due to quite a number of improbable coincidences. Spiral arms of a galaxy contain many supernovas, radiation of which, as assumed, prevents the higher life forms from existence. Our Solar system stays on the specific orbit inside of Milky Way: its orbit is almost ideal circle of such a radius that the system moves with the same speed as gravitational shock waves forming spiral arms. The Earth stays between spiral waves of the Galaxy during hundreds of millions of years or more than thirty rotations of the Galaxy, i.e. all time while higher forms of life exist on the Earth” [33]. In 1960 Drake F., astronomy and astrophysics professor, suggested a formula to calculate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the Galaxy, which a mankind has a chance to contact with. According to Drake’s equation (Drake’s formula) the number N (number of rational civilizations ready to contact) was 10 by the year of 1961. More contemporary reliable data on all parameters of Drake’s equation provide the number N = 0,002275 (no contacts)[34]. According to the anthropic principle the values of many dimensionless fundamental physical parameters (i.e. non-depending on measurement unit system), such as elementary particle mass ratios, dimensionless constants of fundamental interactions seem not to follow any regular pattern. However it turns out that if these parameters differ from the observed values to a very small extent the intelligent life (as it is commonly understood) would not be able to develop. … The free neutron is heavier than the proton-electron system and that is why the hydrogen atom is stable. If the neutron were lighter at least by one tenth of percent, the hydrogen atom would quickly turn into a neutron. As a result matter would have just one level of organization – nuclear and atoms and molecules would not exist at all [35]. Indeed the proton – electron system mass is 1,673531× 10-27 (kg) and free neutron mass is 1,674927 × 10-27 (kg). Similar to the hypothesis of the unique Earth the anthropic principle argues that the Universe is “finely tuned” to the known form of life. It states that if any of many characteristics of the physical Universe were even slightly changed, the life on the Earth would not be possible. Number of papers by Hawking S. published in 2004 are even more convincing and state that the probability that a universe of the type observed now will appear as a result of the Big Bang is 98 %[36]. Upledger J., PhD, Professor of biomechanics, Michigan State University wrote the following about the human energy: “As physicists state the energy can neither be created nor destroyed. However there is also no doubt that the nature of energy is rather volatile, pliable, flexible and even adaptive. As for myself, I strongly believe 28

that matter is a condensed form of energy, … I assume that energy state is connected with matter through density continuum with infinite number of states in between of these two extremities, … it seems that there is a constant movement from energy state to solid matter and back. … I have a strong suspicion that all information is nothing else but energy. … So let us assume that information is energy and energy is consciousness. … When we come to comprehension of all this we will be amazed”[37]. Part VIII The study of the human energy carriers relates not only to physical phenomena but to the ways of technical solutions as well. It is known that a human being has his/her own radioactive component and is additionally subject to the impact of thermal neutrons energy. According to the radiobiology data a human being receives annually an equivalent dose rate of 0.65 mSv from external natural sources in the regions with usual background radiation and an equivalent dose rate of 1.34 – 2.0 mSv from internal radiation. The effective dose rate from internal radiation is twice as large as the external radiation dose rate. The contribution of the cosmic radiation is significantly less than that of the Earth radiation [38]. Internal human radiation dose rate is caused by natural radionuclides distributed in the human body, which are constantly renewed by respiration, food and water intake. Radioactive component of the Earth crust also contributes to the human internal irradiation. While the human equivalent dose rate and the activity of natural radionuclides are within the normal range the radiation is useful rather than harmful for a human being. In addition a human being is continuously subject to thermal neutron flux. It is known that interactions with neutrons can cause the nuclei of radioactive substances to split producing both radioactive daughter nuclides and stable isotopes. Stable chemical substances can produce both radioactive daughter nuclides and stable isotopes under the neutron flux impact. All these chains of transmutations occur in a human organism. From the point of view of nuclear physics the nuclear reactions occurring in a human being under certain conditions are interesting. How does a human being control a nuclear reaction? Additional observations provide evidence that it is possible the fusion reaction occurs in a human being. When studying the natural human radioactivity the physical phenomena can be explored that are now disputable or technically unachievable. As initial observations of a human being show the reaction with generation of a mother nuclide can occur and it is characterized by the increase of intrinsic energy of a human being which influences beneficially the physiological processes. Indeed, the radioactivity is a physical phenomenon and one of its features is to be a human energy carrier. For a human being the radioactive decay is a continuous leak of energy. Human energy is emitted to the environment and is converted to heat. At the early stage of radioactivity discovery and research Nernst W. wrote: “Exactly in the same way the radioactive decay phenomena are the processes 29

interrelated with energy degradation… It is even possible to say that the theory of radioactive element decay adds to the above-mentioned degradation of energy the equally continuous degradation of matter and thus doubles the threat of Goetterdaemmerung (Twilight of the Gods) the universe is approaching. Nevertheless the salvation seems to be possible if the process opposite to the radioactive decay is assumed to exist” [39]. The same author had also prophetically stated: “Kant said further: “Give me matter, and I will construct a world out of it”. It is possible but this world will not be our world. It may be the better approach to the truth to state: “Give me matter consisting of radioactive elements of high atomic weight””[40]. There are also interesting phenomena occurring in a human organism irradiated by external emission in the environment of stable isotopes. In science this phenomenon is called isotope fractioning and is characterized by the shift of the isotopic composition of an element. Isotope shifts of stable isotopes contained in a human being can be explained by the current knowledge. In nature the isotope fractioning also occurs but it requires long time. In a human being the similar effect caused by intrinsic radioactivity is observed over the time of an average life span. In fact a human being irradiates stable elements contained in the own body causing the isotopic composition shift. It is known that calcium plays an important biological role in human life. At the same time the following stable calcium isotopes are known: 40 Са, 42Са, 43Са, 44Са, 46Са, 48Са; during the time of a human life span 41Са also can be considered conditionally stable. On the other hand it is very little known about the selectiveness of a human bone system in respect to accumulation of specific calcium isotopes. Up to now very few isotope changes of stable elements in a human organism have been studied. Natural iron consists of four stable isotopes: 54Fe (abundance of 5,84%), 56Fe (abundance of 91,75%), 57Fe (abundance of 2,11%), and 58Fe (abundance of 0,28%). At the same time the light isotope of iron ( 54Fe) prevails in the isotopic composition of human intestines. The liver is enriched with 56Fe, and human blood inclines to accumulate 57Fe [41]. Venous blood is the most enriched by 13С, while in a thymus gland 13С is most depleted [42]. The performed experiments on isotopic composition of magnesium in a human organism have shown that patients with distinct pathology have blood enriched with 25Mg, although there are three stable isotopes of magnesium: 24Mg, 25Mg, 26Mg [43]. The following differences are observed for higher and lower vertebrates: “Organs and tissues of all studied species are divided in two groups by the carbon isotopic ratio. One group includes internal organs (liver, kidneys, muscles, heart, intestinal epithelium) that as a rule are not differentiated by the isotopic ratio. The other includes skin, bone tissue, sinews, and crystalline lens, which are significantly (comparing to the previous group of tissues) enriched with the heavy carbon isotope. … The tissues of 1 month old mice contain significantly higher share of the heavy carbon isotope than the tissues of 22 month old mice; the carbon isotopic ratio of mouse fetus tissues is identical to the isotopic ration in the mother organism but 30

directly before the birth it shifts in the direction of higher heavy isotope content” [44]. In relation to isotopic transmutations and energy carriers in a human being the point of view in geochemistry is the following: “All living matter including human beings continuously use energy produced by decays and transmutations of unstable isotopes in an organism. This is especially true for life activity of such most active organs and systems as brain, heart, muscle tissue, kidneys, liver, and lungs. In that respect it is natural to assume that the very origination of life on the Earth has not been possible without active involvement of decay and transmutations of many unstable isotopes (40К, 222Rn, 226Ra, 87Rb etc.) So even the brief review of the issue makes it obvious that the basis of everything alive on the earth from the origination of life to the modern times have been and still are all the most active unstable isotopes of chemical elements which have released free energy in atom decays and various isobaric transmutations; this free energy being a unique source of life existence. However due to the difficulties in monitoring these processes they are almost never taken into account even in scientific researches. Therefore isotopic geochemistry for dead matter and isotopic biochemistry for living matter have to become the most important area for fundamental and applied researches of the XXI century, since without the identification of the role and the significance of every unstable isotope in all processes flowing in various natural systems comprised by living and dead matter it is almost impossible with a certain credibility to discover their causality which has to be the postulated principle for researches. Without identification of the causes leading to certain processes the cardinal solution of almost any problem in natural sciences is impossible…. These problems have to be considered among the most fundamental ones since their solutions are necessary to clarify a number of the most complicated issues of genesis, appearing and existing both in dead and living matter” [45]. “It is necessary to emphasize that all mutual transmutations of unstable isotopes can occur and really occur only in living matter, which is able to perform even more complex transmutations of many elements. Characteristic examples of such transmutations in human organism are: 14N to 12C, 13C, 14C; 40K to 40Ca; 32Р to 32S; 59Fe to 59Со; 35S to 35 Cl; etc.” [46]. For a long time it was assumed without facts and proves that nuclear reaction cannot occur in a human being. What is the objective picture? In the near-Earth life cycle the limited number of nuclear reactions are observed in the Earth crust, atmospheric air, greater number in nuclear reactors and even greater number in a human being. Therefore the study of natural radioactivity of a human being will provide for new knowledge about nuclear reaction control, and it is possible that new types of nuclear transmutations will be explored. Here the field for researches emerges but it requires new methods and instruments. In any case radiation technologies and technologies for nuclear emission detection provide prototypes for prospective researches. The prospects involve development of means to study weak interactions meaning lesser energy changes, for instance, comparable to the energy of a single quantum or particle. 31

Improvement of methods and equipment of the mass spectrometry providing for credible stable isotopic ratio measurements will lead to new possibilities in the study of a human being. There will be statistic data gathered on isotopic composition of human organ and systems and its changes depending on the age, gender, and pathologies. This knowledge will push the pharmacology to develop isotopic medicine characterized by the selective impact, minimal side effects and high therapeutic ratio. Isotopic pharmaceuticals are the most probable candidates for aging cure. In 1928 Biogeochemical laboratory had been established in the USSR. Vernadsky V. had been appointed as its head. Three areas of researches were planned for the laboratory: radioactivity of living organisms, chemical composition of an organism, and the relation of an organism to the geochemical phenomena. Vernadsky V. was among the founders of the Radium Institute and Isotopic Commission, many of his ideas and research directions were not accepted by the party and government of that time. The party bosses in science called him insulting names. It was difficult to say how but Vernadsky V. had found common grounds with Khlopin V., Kurchatov I., Khariton Y. and the Uranium Problem commission had been established. It was this Commission that initiated the atomic project. [47]. The modern people witness the advanced technological development of an atomic industry. But for further progress in this direction the identification and study of new physical phenomena are required. Unexplored field for such researches is natural radioactivity of a human being. Almost a hundred years have passed from the establishment of the Biogeochemical laboratory (which has never got proper funding) but the results of the research are persistently demonstrating that it is necessary to return to the study of energy and energy carriers of a human being and other living systems. Authors appreciate professional comments and advices on presentation of technical issues provided by Shikalov V., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Head of the Kurchatov Institute laboratory.

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