Physical Phenomena as Presented in Quran

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Krichkov A., Snailbel O. Physical Phenomena as Presented in Quran. – M.: Publishing House «Sputnik+», 2016. ISBN 978-5-9973-3894-7

Scientific edition

© Krichkov A., Snailbel O., 2016


Physical Phenomena as Presented in Quran From the moment Homo sapiens appeared up to the present moment people could be tentatively divided into two categories. The first one includes the believers, and the other one – non-believers. Believers trust religious sources due to their internal beliefs. Non-believers do not trust religious sources and insistently demand for proofs of God’s existence or no-existence. That is how in ancient times the science appeared. Some people searched for proofs of God’s existence, others searched for proofs of the concept that God doesn’t exist in people’s life. Scientific knowledge grew; a great deal of scientific knowledge was integrated into the everyday human life. At the certain stage it seemed to a human being that almost everything was known, practically everything was explained, investigated and proved. That made a human being to decide that since the evidence base of God’s existence was weak it resulted in the conclusion that God doesn’t exist. And then a human declared himself the king of the Nature. But both the science and the science environment, in addition to the inherent steadiness of advancement possess other features such as a systematic analysis, records keeping, data exchange, various information processing techniques, and patience. More time passed and the science started to gather obviously non-standard data. Physical phenomena without any explicit connection to each other appeared to be correlated, coherent, and interdependent. Einstein A. was in the opinion of that “With the help of coincidence God keeps his anonymity” [1]. The following Einstein wrote in his letter in 1936: “…Anyone who is seriously engaged in science comes to acknowledge that in the laws of Nature a Spirit is revealed, which is beyond a human spirit, a Spirit in the face of which we, with our limited powers, have to feel our lack of abilities. In that sense a scientific research leads to the specific religious feeling, which, indeed differs in many respects from the more naïve religiousness” [2]. Recently the statement has been popular: “created by nature” basically means “…by Creator”. Scientists made a cautious conclusion: either a human being didn’t know everything or there was somebody more knowledgeable above the knowledgeable people. Scientific knowledge kept growing. Seventy-eight years after Einstein’s letter, in 2014 the following was said during the lecture of Russian nuclear physicist: “today both in experimental and theoretical physics there is a significant lack of answers necessary to explain a number of physical phenomena”. On the other hand Salam A., the Nobel Prize winner, believed that 750 verses of Quran which was almost one-eighth of the book, persuaded to investigate the Nature, to use the mind in the best way and to gather knowledge for the scientific comprehension of life [3]. Prophet Mohammad said “Look for knowledge from the cradle to the grave” [4]. 3

For this work not to be speculative and to avoid confusion between the work of science and religious concepts the material is presented in a simple manner: the quote from Quran in the beginning followed by references to the scientific researches. And conclusions are to be drawn by the reader who is being persuaded. The essential and significant physical phenomena are described in Quran. The striking and convincing description of the nature physics makes a reader to ask: “What is the energy source for the physical phenomena described?” The initial step in a cognition process is to observe and to describe. The more fundamental step is a physical experiment and mathematical calculations. Many physical phenomena have been described but there is no common opinion on their energy source. One of the authors’ tasks is to relate well-known but not entirely explained physical phenomena and to attract to science people who care. Day and Night The following is written in Quran on the alteration of day and night: “Verily! In the creation of the heaven and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding” [5]. “…and His is the alternation of night and day. Will you not then understand?” [6]. “Verily, in the alternation of night and day and in all that Allah has created in the heavens and in the earth are manifestations for those people who… fear Him much” [7]. According to information from Quran the alteration of night and day is a manifestation and a proof for a human that God exists. There is one more unique feature: “Allah originates the creation and the He repeats it” [8]. From the scientific point of view that means constant and credible reproducibility and repeatability of a physical phenomenon or results of research experiments. People have been thoroughly studying the phenomenon of Earth rotation since long ago. Currently science has determined a number of Earth rotation physical parameters. The Earth rotation axis inclination to the Earth orbit plane is 66.34 degrees. The linear Earth rotation speed at the equator or at any altitude and height above the sea level is also known. It is known that Earth rotates from the west to the east. This physical phenomenon is important and significant in the life of the whole mankind – it is the diurnal Earth rotation that enables the alteration of night and day. There is one more parameter credibly reproducible in the common time observations: “Earth performs one full revolution (in the inertial reference system) over one sidereal day (86164.09050833 seconds ~ 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds) [9]. In 1851 Foucault L., the French physicist, conducted the experiment visually demonstrating the Earth rotation. Finally, it is known that the Earth, having physical mass of 5.9726×1024 kg [10] and linear rotation speed of 1674.4 km/h [11], performs one full revolution around its axis in 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds. This rotation results in the alteration of night and day. The diurnal Earth rotation is 100 % reproducible. Further the question comes – why does Earth rotates? There were a number of assumptions and hypotheses on that matter in science. Some believed that the Earth 4

rotation was resulted from the original angular momentum at the moment of the planet formation. The Earth age is 4.54 billion years [12]. Over that period any original momentum would dissipate and the earth rotation would stop. There was an assumption that huge water masses impacted by Moon redistributed over the Earth surface causing tides, and that the movement of water masses drove the Earth rotation. But then the other question appeared: why do other astrophysical bodies rotate which are known to have no water on surface? So this hypothesis was also rejected. There is still one more hypothesis based on geophysics and geochemistry. The rotation of the Earth core dynamically impacts the Earth mantle. At the current moment a human has no access to the Earth core, so knowledge is very limited. For now it is just a theory. For science the Earth rotation is a paradox. The physical phenomenon exists, it is 100% reproducible, but it doesn’t have the logical explanation. Science uses logic as a tool for the cognition of the world. Any paradox is a stimulus for the deeper investigation of the physical phenomenon. Sometimes that deeper investigation may provide unexpected results leading to new laws, new knowledge, and changes of the concepts of the Universe. It is reasonable to state that Adam’s sons do not know why the Earth rotates. Termination of the Earth rotation is one of the worst scenarios for the end of the world. On the other hand one reads in Quran that the alteration of the night and day is the proof of the God’s existence. In that case it would be sensible for an understanding human being to thank God for the Earth rotation. The rotation of the object possessing the mass of 5.9726×1024 kg requires substantial energy and force. Allah rotates Earth spending His efforts for a man to have the sequence of days and nights. And while doing that He doesn’t ask a man for salary, food, vacation, and bonuses. Except for the pride and vanity nothing prevents a human from saying thanks to God. The modern human is so used to have a day changed by a night and a night changed by a day that he considers this to be a natural physical phenomenon. This physical creation recurs and brings good to a human life. It is not good to perceive this creation indifferently and ungratefully. Fresh Water Concerning fresh water there was a question to a human in Quran: “Then tell Me about the water you drink. Is it you who cause it from the rainclouds to come down, or are We the Causer of it to come down? If We willed We could verily make it salt (and undrinkable): why then do you not give thanks?” [13]. “And We send the winds fertilizing, then caused the water to descend from the sky, and We give it to you to drink, and it is not you who are the owners of its stores” [14]. “And We sent down from the sky water in measure and We gave it lodging in the earth, and verily, We can take it away” [15]. There was a statement in Quran that God is the keeper of the fresh water and distributes it at His own discretion. Other Quran verses identified that water was stored in the sky. “He it is Who sends down water from the sky: from it you drink and from it the vegetation on which you send your cattle to pasture. With it He causes to grow for you the crops, the olives, the date-palm, the grapes, and every kind of fruit. 5

Verily! In this is indeed an evident proof and manifest sign for people who give thought” [16]. A human gave thought. In the fourth century B.C. Aristotle postulated: “The waters are the same as the soils they come through”, laying the foundation for the condensation theory of origins of the underground water. In 1001 Al-Biruni, the Persian scientist discovered the role of a hydrostatic head in the origination of springs. Fifteen years later, in 1016 Karadi M., another Persian scientist, wrote the work “The First Representation of Information on a Search for Underground Waters”; this work also raised an issue of the water cycle in nature. In 1674 the book of Perrault P. “On the origination of springs” was published. This was the first scientific work on the basics of the water cycle in nature. This year became the official date of the scientific hydrology appearance. To study the water cycle in nature a hydrology science and a number of interrelated sciences were founded. Hydrology studies the Earth hydrosphere: seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, atmosphere in respect of the water balance and the water circulation. Hydrology is divided into land hydrology, glaciology, and oceanology according to the objects of study. The land hydrology includes in turn a hydrometrics (a quantitative accounting of water resources), a hydrochemistry (chemical characteristics of water), a hydrogeology (underground waters), a hydrography (rivers, lakes, reservoirs), and more than ten other branches. The water distribution over the Earth is provided in the table below. Table 1. Hydrosphere volumes and water exchange intensity (as provided by Lvovich M.) [17]. Water type World oceans Underground waters Underground water in the intensive exchange layer (up to 5 km depth) Glaciers Lakes Soil water Atmosphere vapour River waters

Water volume (thousands km3) 1370323 (60000) 4000

Share (%) 93.96 (14.12) 0.27

24000 1.65 280 0.019 (85) (0.006) 14 0.001 12 0.0001 Comment: Values in parenthesis are estimates.

Turnover time, years 2600 (5000) 330

(10000) (10) 0.027 0.033

Observations and researches conducted over many years resulted in the conclusion that fresh water amounts to 2.5–3% of total Earth water volume. It is fresh water that is required for all living creatures on Earth to live. Without water life is impossible. Where is this invaluable for a human resource stored? The table above shows that the most part of fresh water resides in glaciers, lakes, and rivers. For a long time fresh water was wrongly considered to be stored in rivers, Lakes, springs, glaciers, and 6

man-made reservoirs. Even in the 21st century there may be found some traces of this misconception. Picture 1. Estimated global fresh and marine water reserves in 2002 [18].

Picture shows that fresh water is distributed between rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, and eternal snow. The erroneous conclusion on the fresh water storage has been caused by the superficial comprehension of the global physical phenomenon. According to the table above the biggest number of cubic meters of fresh water is observed in rivers, lakes, underground waters. And indeed, a human uses mostly these resources for his needs. But how did fresh water get in these resources and why did it stay fresh? Water in nature is always going through a closed cycle. The US Geological Service provides the visual representation of this process. Picture 2. Water circulation in nature (hydrologic cycle) [19].


The Earth water shell is called hydrosphere and includes the World Ocean, underground waters, and continental surface waters. The Earth hydrosphere, the Earth surface and the atmosphere are continuously participating in the cyclic water exchange. Water evaporates from the Earth surface by the sun radiation, the vapour condenses in atmosphere and moves with airflows, and then comes to Earth as a precipitation. The process is called hydrologic cycle. There is an amazing fact: in the hydrologic cycle water occurs to be in different aggregate states (rain, snow, ice) but the total amount of it remains constant [20]. Over many years of observations the physical mass of all water on the Earth surface and under it is constant. In addition to the volumes of water contained in rivers, lakes, glaciers scientific researches provided extensive data on water exchange rates. From the Table 1 data it is clear that all glaciers will have their water evaporated and returned in the ice over 10000 years, all water of the world ocean will evaporate and will come back in 2600 years. Interesting data are provided by the observations of the Earth atmosphere. “In total the atmosphere contains 14000 km3 of water – 11.6 times more as in rivers. And all this volume is replaced approximately every 10 days or 36 times a year” [21]. A simple calculation gives an estimate how much water comes from the sky to the earth during one year. 14000×36=504000 (km3). This volume of water is significantly greater than the sum of the volumes contained in glaciers, lakes, rivers, underground waters, and soil. After 342 years of observations of the Earth water balance (time that has passed since the official appearance of scientific hydrology in 1674) the question has been answered – where is fresh water stored? It is stored in the sky and there is no doubt about it. It is not just stored there; it is being cleaned from the human activity waste, disinfected by the sun and cosmic radiation and turns to useful fresh water needed by humans. In an ordinary sense there are no water storage reservoirs in the sky, but there are physical and chemical processes there, which effectively replace water storage tanks. As an extreme simplification the hydrologic cycle may be considered as a chemical distiller with disinfecting filters added. Is a human able to reproduce anything similar? Yes, he can do it in the scope of a laboratory or a production facility, spending a lot of energy in the process. But as for the scope of even a single continent – no, he is not able to do so. Even the processing of sewage water on the industrial scale was deployed only in 20 th century. The global hydrologic cycle, the stability of the total mass of water passing through various states of aggregation, the 100% reproducibility of these phenomena, the understanding that in reality fresh water is stored and distributed in the sky – all these allow us to go back to the beginning of this chapter and to recall questions stated before a human in Quran. Where is the water stored? Who is the keeper of water? May it happen that you bring thanks for fresh water? And who rules the whole business? A man who reads and understands can answer himself.


Atmospheric Phenomena In addition to the hydrologic cycle, other atmospheric phenomena need to be mentioned. The following is written in Quran: “See you not that Allah drives the clouds gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap of layers, and you see the rain comes forth from between them; and He sends down from the sky hail mountains, and strikes therewith whom He wills, and avert it from whom He wills. The vivid flash of His lightning nearly blinds the sight” [22]. “And He is Who sends down the rain after they have despaired, and spreads His Mercy. And He is the Protector, Worthy of all Praise” [23]. “And it is Allah Who sends the winds, so that they raise up the clouds…” [24]. Clouds floating in the sky are the creations of God, as well as mountains, wind, rain, lightning are. “It is He who shows you the lightning as a fear and as a hope. And it is He who originates the clouds, heavy with water. And thunder glorifies and praises Him, and so do angels because of His Awe. He sends thunderbolts, and therewith He strikes whom He wills, yet they dispute about Allah. And He is Mighty in strength and Severe in punishment” [25]. A human tried to prove otherwise by the careful investigation of these physical phenomena. As a result of considerations, observations, researches, and experiments the science of atmospheric physics appeared. Meteorology or atmospheric physics was established as a science in 17th century. The inventions of thermometer by Galileo Galilei and barometer by Otto von Guericke were the starting events of this science. It studies physical phenomena in the Earth atmosphere. There are various areas of research: cloud physics, atmospheric electricity, atmospheric optics, and dynamic meteorology. Meteorology models the climate and forecasts weather through the investigation of physical and chemical processes, thermal conditions, air mass circulations, electrical fields, and optical effects. Now there is a comprehensive knowledge accumulated in this area. Below some atmospheric phenomena are discussed. “Lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere, it occurs usually during a thunderstorm, it is observed as a bright flash of light followed by a thunder. … In 1989 the specific kinds of lightning were discovered in the upper atmosphere: elves and sprites. In 1995 another kind of lightning in the upper atmosphere was discovered, jets” [26]. Picture 3. Diagram of lightning and electrical discharges in the upper atmosphere (provided by


Then the lightning generated in thunderclouds needs to be considered. The lightning that strikes the ground is a ground lightning. This type of lightning is most commonly observed in everyday life. Picture 4. Lightning in the near-ground air. Author’s photos.



There is an opinion that “the process of the ground lightning development includes several stages. At the first stage the collision ionization begins in the area where the electrostatic field strength exceeds the critical value; free charged particles that are always present in small amounts in the air are accelerated by the electric field in the direction of the ground and gain high velocities; then they ionize air molecules in collision… High energy particles initiate lightning causing the runaway electron breakdown (cosmic radiation provides the trigger of that process)” [27]. There is another professional opinion on the issue of the generation of electric charges in a thunder cloud: “Since in the middle of the 18th century the thunderstorm electricity had been discovered (Lomonosov M., Richmann G., Franklin B.), multiple attempts have been performed to build a theory of cloud charge generation and precipitation. However, up to now all of them have been more like hypotheses than comprehensive theories and their explanations of the various features of this complicated phenomenon are far from complete. At first it is necessary to note some facts well established trough the observations of ground precipitation: the amount of positive charge brought down with the precipitation and the duration of such precipitation are greater than in the case of negative charge; the number of positively charged drops and snowflakes is approximately 1.7 times greater than of negatively charged; bigger drops and snowflakes as a rule carry greater charges; the current density grows with the intensity of precipitation. Several mechanisms of the cloud charge generation can be identified: drop charging by ion capture; charging during phase transition. The mechanisms mentioned do not make the full list of processes providing for cloud drops and crystals charging. Moreover, every such mechanism has to be considered as a hypothesis since there are no reliable estimates and experimental data on the contribution of the various processes to cloud charging” [28]. The following types of lightning were scientifically investigated: strike lightning, cloud-to-cloud lightning, ball lightning, bead lightning. The temperature of lightning discharge channel has been measured and found to be 15 000 – 20 000 K. The thunder sound wave frequency is 20 Hz; thunder propagation speed is close to the speed of sound that is 331.8 m/s. The pattern of the electric charge layout in the thunderstorm cloud was suggested but “in spite of the great number of the hypotheses for generation of electric field and for thundercloud structure there is no generally accepted approach to this complicated issue” [29]. Scientific researches provided for an understanding of cloud generation processes. The atlases of clouds were composed with the description of features for every type of clouds. In fact a cloud is a water vapour condensation products suspended in the atmosphere. “To generate clouds the transition of vapour into the state of liquid drops is necessary. Theoretical investigations by Bezold based on the Aitken’s experiments showed that such a transition is a very complicated phenomenon. Through the very inventive experiments Aitken proved that it was not enough just to cool air mass below vapour saturation temperature for transition to the liquid drops state; at least the tiniest hard particles had to be present on which vapour would condense into liquid” [30]. It is reliably known that clouds float over the earth. What 12

keeps them up in the air? When a cloud starts to form it may be considered as vapour condensed in the air. On the other hand when a cloud has formed it consists water drops and ice crystals. What keeps tons of water and ice in the air? There is a hypothesis that ascending airflows support tons of ice, water, hard particles, and vapour in the air. But the physical mass of the cloud is too big to accept this assumption. Again, the physical paradox is observed: It is credibly know that clouds exist, they are observed, described, but there is no commonly accepted opinion what keeps them in the air. Not only a universal opinion on that is missing, but also there is no large-scale experiment to produce a cloud in the open area. Currently among known physical characteristics of the atmosphere are the following: “mass of dry air is 5.13×1018 kg, total mass of water vapour equals in average 1.27×1016 kg” [31]. In science an experiment either confirms the theory or disproves it. “Elements of physical reality can’t be identified by a priori philosophical reasoning, they have to be found based on experiments and measurements results” [32]. But up to now a human has not conducted such experiment. Picture 5. Clouds. Author's photo.

Picture 6. Clouds, top view. Author’s photo.


All physical phenomena occurring in the atmosphere influence significantly life of mankind and the planet as a whole. Not only wind moves air fronts and precipitation but it also transfers plant seeds, cleans the air which people breathe. With the help of wind ships sailed that had discovered new continents and brought people into new lands. Wind assisted in trade and cultural connections. Clouds transfer fresh water which people need. In fact lightning ionizes and disinfects near-ground air. These physical phenomena appear to be created and put into mankind’s service by somebody. And all these physical phenomena are interconnected and integrated. Water evaporates, then it condenses, a cloud forms, wind moves a cloud, fresh water is transferred and precipitates. Clouds generate lightning that results in thunder and disinfection of significant volume of air. For a long time atmospheric phenomena were observed and their physical characteristics and effects were described. There are opinions, hypotheses, and theories but suggestions do not spare the truth. All theories have essential flaw, they do not explain and do not consider the origin of energy necessary to generate observable physical phenomena in the atmosphere. “Atmospheric mechanism is driven by the energy of the Sun radiation, which, aggregated over all altitudes and times of the day, equals to explosion of a hydrogen bomb every second. Even a small thunderstorm releases the energy equivalent of ten atomic bombs, and the energy dissipated by а typical hurricane is equivalent to several hundreds of hydrogen bombs. If meteorological disturbances of even larger scale are considered then the kinetic energy associated with them is immense since it is necessary to move air masses in the order of magnitude of trillion (1012) tons to create a pressure drop” [33]. Considering the amount of energy necessary to form an atmospheric front it is easy to comprehend that a full-scale attempt to recreate a thunderstorm, a hurricane, or a cyclone using nuclear weapons will lead to the conditions when for those who will survive the weather forecast for tomorrow won’t matter any more. The quotes from the researches provided above allow those who think to answer the questions. Who sends the winds; who grows the clouds and moves them through the sky; who owns lightning and thunder; by whose will does rain fall? The statement that God strikes those who yet dispute about Him with lightning is based on the scientific statistics. “According to the modern data gathered by satellites which are able to detect lightning in the areas with no on-the-ground monitoring the frequency of lightning strikes on Earth averages to 44 ± 5 times per second; that corresponds approximately to 1.4 billion strikes a year” [34]. “Every year globally 24000 people are killed, 240000 are hurt by lightning strikes” [35]. And these statistical data can’t be considered as ancient people’s myths. These are the facts.


Earth The Earth formation was described in Quran in the following way: “And He it is Who has created the heavens and the earth in six Days and His Throne was on the water, that He might try you, which of you is the best in deeds” [36]. “And indeed We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six Days and nothing of fatigue touched Us” [37]. In most cases a human draws a conclusion based on available information and knowledge. It is generally known that a day lasts for 24 hours. Therefore, six days of the creation equals to 24 × 6 = 144 hours. That may cause doubts: is it possible to create the planet and the sky in such a short time frame? A man of thought continues to read Quran and finds the following: “… And verily! A day with Your Lord is as a thousand years of what you reckon” [38]. And according to that information 6 days of the earth creation turns into 6000 years of the continuous act of Creation. Reading Quran further the following verses are found: “The angel and Gabriel ascend to Him in a Day the measure whereof is fifty thousand years. So be patient with a good patience. Verily, they see it afar off. But We see it near” [39]. In that case six days of the creation correspond to another time period by the common calendar, namely 6 × 50000 = 300000 years to form a planet. Calculations and numbers provided show that the creation of the planet in six day is not a trick. It was a continuous work resulted in the Earth appearance. By the common calendar that took from 6000 to 300000 years. There is information in Quran that the planet surface was covered with water. Based on physical climate modelling the Australian scientists supposed: “The first dry spot of land on our planet was formed 2.5 billion years ago, and before that the whole planet was covered with a relatively uniform layer of water” [40]. Currently scientists believe that the Earth age is 4.54 billion years. Therefore, after the planet had been formed, it was covered with water blanket for 2 billion years. Based on their studies of geological samples the Carnegie Institute scientists suggested some details on how the Earth looked like 3.3 billion years ago: “Probably there was a time when the planet didn’t have continents at all, and their base had only started to form. The most part of earth was covered then with water; on the bottom of the ocean volcanoes were constantly erupting” [41]. Further formation of the planet was described in the following way: “Then He rose over towards the heaven when it was smoke and said to it and to the earth ‘Come both of you willingly or unwillingly.’ They both said: ‘We come willingly” [42]. “Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, when We parted them? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” [43]. “Do you then feel secure that He will not cause a side of the land to swallow you up, or that He will not send against you a violent sand-storm? Then you shall find no guardian” [44]. “And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and Allah has power over all things. Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding” [45]. 15

Are the statements like “the heaven was smoke, the earth and the heavens joined in one piece; the earth and the heavens were parted, then they came both willingly” incorrect from the scientific point of view? Besides the archaic language there are no misconceptions observed. The scientific data indicate that 4.5 billion years ago the Earth was formed from the solar nebular by accretion. “Accretion – astronomy, the coming together and cohesion of matter under the influence of gravitation to form larger bodies” [46]. In the process of accretion gas, dust, fragments and primary planetoids had started to join in larger astrological bodies and to form the planet Earth. At this stage the heaven was a smoke and was joined with the earth. Ancient Earth was hot; metals were melted. Elements of high density were coming down to the centre of the Earth. Elements of density lower than that of iron were redistributed in the internal Earth layers so that these layers were divided. The produced metallic core generated the magnetic field that practically attracted the heaven to the earth. The magnetic field was one of the essential factors of the Earth atmosphere existence, it was the magnetic field that formed the atmosphere and provided for the separation of the heaven and the earth. The process of the Earth emerging resulted in the layer structure of the earth as well as atmosphere. “It is Allah Who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof. His Command Descends between them, that you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah surrounds all things in His Knowledge” [47]. Below are the considerations on seven layers of Earth from the point of view of science. Table 2. General structure of the earth [48]. № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Depth (km) 0-60 0-35 35-60 35-2890 100-700 2890-5100 5100-6378

Layer Lithosphere (may vary from 5 to 200 km) Crust (may vary from 5 to 70 km) Upper mantle Mantle Asthenosphere External core Internal core

Density (g/cm3) 2.2-2.9 3.4-4.4 3.4-5.6 9.9-12.2 12.8-13.1

As the table shows the modern knowledge of the earth structure coincides with the description in Quran. The similar coincidence exists also for the structure of the atmosphere. Scientific researches provided for more deep knowledge of the atmosphere structure and that allowed subdividing major layers into sub layers with specific physical and chemical properties. But the essential structure with seven layers remained valid.


Picture 7. Atmospheric layers up to 120 km height. Picture copyright: I, RedAndr, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The picture provided shows that seven scientifically identified layers of atmosphere match the Quran description. There is a statement in Quran that God can swap locations of plots of land. One part of land submerged under water; the other one emerged from water. Geology confirms that statement. Tectonic movements result in rising of some plots of land above the sea level, and in sinking other plots below the sea level. “The evidence of the descent was found in the Illinois coal mine where fossilized tree stems with roots in normal growth position were discovered in the river mouth sediments 300 meters below the ground and 200 meters below the sea level” [49]. “Direct evidences may be seen also far in the mainland where the rock with sea fossils outcrops significantly above the sea level. In Himalayas the sea fossils were lifted up by more than 8500 meters above the sea level” [50].


Picture 8. The bottom of the former ocean. 268 m above the sea level. Author’s photos.

The stages of Earth formation and the geological evolution as described in Quran correlate with modern scientific knowledge. It is necessary to consider that Quran had been written in the 7th century, and the main body of knowledge about the Earth formation started to be developed in the 18th century. One more issue has not yet been discussed in this chapter – what has the Earth been created for?


“We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them for a play. Had We intended to take a pastime, We could surely have taken it from Us, if We were going to do” [51].

Birds and Bees The following description is given in Quran: “Do they not see the birds held in the midst of the sky? None holds them but Allah. Verily, in this are clear proofs and signs for people who believe” [52]. “And your Lord inspired the bees, saying: ‘Take your habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect. Then, eat of all fruits and follow the ways of your Lord made easy.’ There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying colour wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think” [53]. Soaring birds have always attracted people’s attention. The whole science branch, ornithology, studies birds. The major distinctive feature of birds is flight. Scientific researches and observations have provided extensive data. Birds were classified; their evolution, habitats, and distribution were investigated. Birds’ anatomy and physiology were carefully studied; some birds’ anatomy features enabling flight were recorded. These were the features that were implemented in industrial developments, as a result of which not only birds but aircrafts as well went up into the sky. Birds are amazing: “ Rooks achieve the speed of 65 km/h, starlings – of 70-80 km/h, sandpipers – of 90 km/h, black swifts – of 150 km/h; the recorded distance of one day flight is 91, 120, 240 km for storks, 55 km for rooks, 44 km for redstarts. Under special conditions, mostly over seas, birds perform long non-stop flights. So in a season migration a lesser golden plover covers the distance between Aleut and Hawaii islands, approximately 3000 km, above the Pacific Ocean. Many birds cross Mexican Gulf where it is 1300 km wide. Many migratory birds are observed over Nordic Sea at the height of 3900 m, and at the maximum height of 6400 m. Birds have a breathing feature, they extract oxygen from the air both during inhaling and exhaling. This specific ‘doubled’ breathing influences birds’ physiology. Breathing frequency for passeriformes is about 90-100 times per minute, while for a kite it is 18 times per minute, for a condor – 6, for an emu 2-3 times per minute. A sparrow’s heart makes 460 strokes per minute, jackdaw’s heart – 342, turkey’s heart – 93, ostrich’s heart – 140 strokes. … When the bird rests its pulse frequency is almost twice less than when it moves fast. The hummingbird’s pulse frequency in the rest is 500 strokes per minute, in the flight – 1200 strokes per minute, breathing frequency is 600 times per minute [54].


Picture 9. A flight of a bird. Author's photos.


Scientists have found that a bird is perfectly aligned for a flight up to the smallest detail; from the engineering point of view birds are comparable to aircrafts. One question is still open – due to which energy birds fly. An aircraft has engines and fuel tanks. But no one has ever seen yet a bird with a propeller and a fuel tank. But they still fly, that is a credible physical fact. It was assumed in the twentieth century that a bird takes the energy for living and flying from fat and carbon hydrates stored in its body. Energy exchange of birds is close to the limits of a living body. It is necessary to know how much energy a bird spends to provide for living to calculate the energy required for migration flights. “Kendeigh Ch., American ornithologist, suggested to consider the energy of existence, or the energy spent by a bird while it feeds, leans feathers, sleeps, leaps by the ground and trees, as a criterion of the energy exchange intensity. As measurements show birds of 20 – 30 g mass (sparrows, buntings, warblers, robins, tomtits) spend about 1 kcal per hour, or 15 – 25 kcal per day. In is amazingly high. Had a human the same level of energy exchange intensity, his power would be extremely high… Energy spent for the flight is from 2 to 4 times greater than for regular existence… Small birds spend from 3 to 8 kcal per 100 km distance. The regular length of the migration is 1–2 thousand km, but there are routes of 6-10 thousand km. It means that even the one-way flight makes a bird to spend from 100 up to 300 kcal. … Distant migrants of 15-30 g mass have to take ‘on board’ about 100 kcal of ‘fuel’. A bird can store it in the form of fat (specific energy 9.5 kcal/g) and carbohydrates (glycogen or animal starch with specific energy 4.2 kcal/g). … To provide 100 kcal of energy a bird needs to accumulate 11 grams of fat. That is why the mass of a migrating bird exceeds normal mass by 20–40 %; a half of the mass accounts for fat” [55]. The 21st century data on the food specific energy, including fat, carbohydrates, proteins are different. A calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to increase a temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade under the standard atmospheric pressure. In twentieth century it was assumed that 1gram of fat contains 9.5 kcal. By the definition of a calorie, burning of one gram of fat will heat up 9500 grams of water. In other words it will heat up almost full 10-liter bucket by one degree. The question is – have any of the scientists ever done that? The answer is no. This were the scientists who conducted first experiments to determine the specific energy of food, and they wrote: “1 gram of protein being decomposed in the body into urea and other substances releases 4 calories of energy; 1 gram of carbohydrates yields 4 calories; 1 gram of fat – 9 calories” [56]. The attentive reader noticed that the scientists never wrote that the adequate amount of food contains kilocalories, only calories. That is a significant difference of three orders of magnitude. The additional details on human energy, food, and how the prefix “kilo” has appeared, are provided in additional resources” [57]. Assuming the reader is informed that there should be no the prefix “kilo” in the values of specific energy of fat, below the energy a bird spends for a migration flight is calculated. The bird characteristics are provided above: mass 15–30 gram, 11 gram of 21

fat stored for the migration flight. Over the time of the migration flight a bird spends on average 150 kcal. 11 grams of fat provide for 104.5 calories, while 150000 calories were spent. Where do these additional 149895.5 calories come from? Converting that amount to Joules gives 627600 J. For any scientist 627.6 kJ is a significant amount. The question remains open when and how a bird gets this energy. And it is that energy a bird uses to perform long distance flights by flapping motion. Bees were being observed for a long time. Karl von Frisch, Nobel Prize winner for physiology and medicine, is known mostly for his studies of bees. Science has classified the bees, has studied their evolution, their organization, their anatomy, the pollination they perform. “A bee can fly with the speed up to 65 km/h (unloaded, and loaded up to 20–30 km/h), making 200–250 wing flaps per second. It can travel the distance up to 3 – 4 kilometres from the hive” [58]. With all the depth to which the life of bees has been investigated there is just one fact that spoils everything. According to the laws of aerodynamics a bee can’t fly at all. A bee flies not according to laws but in spite of them. “All bees have two pairs of wings; the back pair is smaller than the front one; only in few species one gender or one caste have very short wings which makes flying very difficult or impossible” [59]. At the current moment science doesn’t have the answer to the question – what energy do birds and bees use when flying? And only Quran reminds people who read that bees follow the ways of their Lord, and that none but Allah supports birds flying. Birds and bees play a significant role in the life of a mankind. They, in fact, prevent people from starving to death. One of the functions of a bee is pollination that results in fruits and vegetables appearing at the table. Birds eliminate pests of crops and that results in bread appearing on the table. Neglecting physical laws leads to adverse consequences. In 1958 the Chinese leader Mao Tse Tung called to kill sparrows. The explanation was simple: sparrows eat part of the crops damaging the national wealth. The war on sparrows was declared; about two billion of sparrows were killed along with other small birds. In the next year the harvest grew, but at the same time a number of locusts and caterpillars multiplied. One more year later starvation occurred which killed from 10 to 30 million people [60]. Monkeys and Pigs Further in Quran the following lines are found: “Say: ‘Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allah: those who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, and those of whom He transformed into monkeys and swine, and those who worshipped Tagut; such are worse in rank, and far more astray from the Right Path” [61]. “So when they exceeded the limits of what they were prohibited We said to them: ‘Be monkeys, despised and rejected’” [62]. According to Quran the people who enraged God were transformed to monkeys and pigs. Even at the end of the twentieth century the quotes above were considered to be just a horror story. But the advancement of science in the 21st century casted some 22

doubts that this transformation was an imaginary horror story. The hints appeared that this story might be not imaginary but real. The Human Genome Project, sponsored by the US National Health Institutes and headed by Watson J., was initiated to determine the sequence of nucleotides comprising DNA and to identify 20 – 25 thousand genes in the human genome. In 2000 the working draft of the genome structure was published followed in 2003 by the report on the full genome sequence [63]. During the research it was found that the genetic bases of a chimpanzee and of a human match on 98,7%. This allowed assuming that the evolution path of a human and a chimpanzee branched 6 million years ago [64]. A chimpanzee and a human are 99% identical genetically. “Since the genetic sequences are so close, the different activity regulation of available genes plays an important role, meaning that 99% of genes that are in common seem to be activated in somewhat different way” [65]. According to the genetic researches monkey and human ancestors had parted genetically 6 million years ago. Is the possibility ruled out that exactly at that time, 6 million years ago, a part of humans was transformed into monkeys? A human started to study himself comparatively recently, from the middle of th 19 century. That study is performed by sciences such as archaeology, ethnography, and anthropology. A human knows very little about himself, and even less about the ancient past. Homo sapiens emerged about 200000 years ago. This conclusion was drawn from researches conducted by “comparing of mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms and fossil age determination; this was approximately the time when ‘Mitochondrial Eve’ lived – the women which was the last common ancestor in a mother line for all currently living people” [66]. From 200000 years that a human exists on the Earth only 150 years were dedicated to the study of own being. That explains limited knowledge about a human and the absence of a reliable assessment of credibility of events occurred before the threshold of 200000 years ago. Therefore having no answer what happened 6 million years ago the possible transformation of some people into monkeys at that time couldn’t be ruled out. Carrel A., the Nobel Prize winner, French surgeon, founded the experimental transplantation of vitally important human body organs. Voronov Yu., the Soviet surgeon, performed in 1933 the first transplantation from one man to another. The obvious question emerged in medicine - where to find organs for transplantation. Human donors provide only for 5% of necessary number. Researches found that internal organs of a pig and a human are similar in size and physiology. “Pig’s skin is similar to human’s one; pigs can even get suntanned. There are similar features of teeth, eyes, liver, kidneys. The mass of pig’s heart is 320 grams, the mass of human’s one 300 grams. The pig’s lungs mass is 800 grams; a human has lungs of 790 grams mass. Even the deceases of new-born piglets are similar to that of infants” [67]. Geneticists from the University of Harvard expect to create in 2016 first embryos of pigs with organs fully compatible with a human body [68]. The planet earth is populated by millions species of living things, including a human. And with all diversity of the biological life there are only two creatures similar to a human: a chimpanzee is similar genetically, and a pig is similar in physiology. 23

As it was cited in the beginning of this chapter, Creator punished a part of people transforming some to pigs, and some to monkeys. It is worth considering – the punishment of Almighty is to beware of. “And if Allah touches you with harm, there is none who can remove it but He, and if He intends any good for you, there is none who can repel His Favour. He causes it to reach whomsoever of His slaves He wills. An He is Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful” [69]. A human doesn't understand pigs grunting, monkeys screaming, he passes by and pays no attention. But may it be that they try to warn a human of something? Tenth Part Pages of Quran persuade a man of thought to accept the concept of monotheism. There are people who believe that they live in the world built with human efforts; and physical phenomena like the alternation of day and night, clouds, rain, and fresh water are just ordinary things inherent to nature. Currently there are no proofs and experimental data that would confirm that these phenomena are just a part of given natural background. When these physical phenomena are explained and described there is always a significant flaw: the energy necessary for these phenomena to occur is never explained, described, and accounted for. If there is the Creator behind the natural phenomena, the One who created the Earth, people and provided for their comfortable living, then it is worth thinking. It is morally and ethically unacceptable to assign colleagues, partners, and assistants to the single and unique Creator. In this case it is necessary to admit that people live in the world built by the Creator and it is reasonable to learn how to thank Him. For people the unwillingness to thank the single Creator doesn’t pass unpaid. Generations after generation go by the same road: wars, injustice, early death, illness, and senility. This was written in Quran: “Then do they wait for anything save for like of the days of the men who passed away before them? Say: ‘Wait then, I am with you among those who wait.’” [70]. In the modern world human life rarely exceeds 100 years. The fertile age when it is possible to conceive and to bear a child lasts from 15 to 49 years. On the other hand the other numbers are known. Human forefathers who worshipped only the Creator had different life span. Adam had lived for 930 years, conceived a child in the age of 130 years. Seth (Shis ‫ ) ش يث‬had lived for 912 years, conceived a child in the age of 105 years. Noah (Nuh ‫ )حون‬had lived for 950 years, conceived a child in the age of 500 years. Abraham (Ibrahim ‫ )ميهاريإ‬had lived for 175 years, conceived a child in the age of 100 years [71]. Abilities given to a human are significant but a human uses only one-tenth part of them. That was written in Quran: “And those before them belied; these have not received a tenth of what We granted to those; yet they belied My Messengers. Then how was My denial!” [72]. What are the scientific criteria to determine human abilities and a part of them that is used? Millions of living species populate the Earth, but only a human stands out in the biological diversity. A human has a brain of very elaborated structure. From the 24

engineering point of view a human brain is the most complex system. A brain comprises 2% of the body mass while consumes 20% of oxygen a human receives. In the central neural system, which includes a brain, the signal transfer speed is about 290 km/h; the cerebral hemispheres mass is 70 % of total brain mass. “A human brain consists of neurons, neuroglia cells and blood vessels. The estimated number of neurons is about 100 billions” [73]. “The degree of brain development may be assessed, for instance, by the ratio of the spinal cord mass to the brain mass. Cats have the ratio 1:1, dogs have the ratio 1:3, monkeys have the ratio 1:16, a human has it 1:50” [74]. Scientific researches provide for the conclusion that a human has the most developed brain among all living creatures on the Earth. Due to the brain activity science appeared as well as painting, architecture, industry, and everything what is man-made. Therefore, a brain has abilities, the potential. What part of this potential is actually used? In 20th century it was assumed that a human utilizes 5–9 % of a brain. Further researches provided some corrections. A human utilizes all areas of the brain; the whole brain is active almost all the time. But the conscious intellectual potential, which is mostly located in cerebral hemispheres, is utilized not more that by 10%. One can only guess what the world would look like if a human utilized 100% of intellectual abilities of his brain. A human brain is a great mystery. American researches wrote that it was unclear how neuron clusters from different parts of the brain interact to produce a consciousness. Another mystery: only 10% of brain cells are neurons, the other 90% are glial cells; they support neurons but their exact functions are quite unclear. So it is more that we know only 10% of how a brain works, not that we utilize only 10% of its capabilities. [75]. There is one more mystery: the fact that only one tenth of brain capabilities is used, was stated in 7th century A.D. The corresponding quotes are provided here above. But in the 7th century there were no neurobiology, no computer tomography, no positron-emission tomography, and no encephalogram. These methods and tools have been used to acquire the most part of the knowledge about the brain structure. The 10% utilization of the brain potential by modern people leads to some considerations. How can more of that potential be brought into action? In quotes from Quran above the persuasion was given: this potential develops in sync with right thoughts, right deeds, and with acceptance of the monotheistic concepts. Giants and Archaeology Further reading of Quran leads to the tales of the giants that lived on the Earth at some time in the past along with the regular people (homo sapiens). The tales of giants can be found in many cultures in the world. The contemporary science considers the tales of giants as folklore pieces. There is the following verse in Quran referring to giants: “O my people! Enter the holy land which Alla has assigned to you and turn not back; for then you will be returned as losers. They said ‘O Musa! In it are a people of a 25

great strength, and we shall never enter it till they leave it; when they leave, then we will enter’” [76]. The statement about giants contradicts Darwin’s theory, which assumes that people’s ancestors were apes. But then who were the ancestors of giants? The Darwin’s theory is being criticised and there are reasons for that. But a plain criticism is not productive in science. It is more reasonable to join scientific efforts and to develop a new theory confirmed by archaeology researches and findings. It is this approach that provides for objective scientific studies and reliable proofs on the origins of homo sapiens. Nowadays there is scientific evidence that giants lived on the Earth at the same time with human beings. Kotliarevsky A., the corresponding member of SaintPetersburg Academy of Science, archaeologist, described the archaeology diggings in the Mecklenburg area in Germany: “… there was found a method to identify not only the age of the graves, but also their nationality: it was based on the set of historic and ethnographic features, i.e. tombstones and historical evidence. In that way the system of Lisch was established, the most widely accepted in science. Lisch identified the distinctive indicators of pre-Christian Mecklenburg and that is why he also referred to Slavonic graves. According to his findings there were three types of graves in Mecklenburg: 1) graves of giants, belonging to the unknown ancient European folk, 2) graves of German tribes, and 3) graveyards of Wends. The latter were made by Slavs both because of their name and because they belonged to the latest area population” [77]. Count Uvarov A., the founder of the archaeological society and of the Historical Museum in Moscow, dug out an old temple in the ancient town of Vschizh in Bryansk region, Russia. The crypt was discovered there with a huge skeleton in it. [78]. Ahmad ibn Fadlan wrote in his traveller’s notes about giants (alyps) and about amazing events involving them. Abu Khamid Al-Garnati, the Arabian traveller, during his travel to Central and Eastern Europe in the years of 1131 – 1153 described the graveyards of these giants in the lands of bulgars and bashkirs [79]. In Russia giants were called ‘volots’. Still there are settlements of this name all over the country. The satellite has registered an ancient mound near one of such settlements. The shot made by the satellite is shown below, and the conclusions are to be drawn by the reader. Is it a giant’s skeleton or is it just a glare of light?


Picture 10. Satellite image.

Further reading of Quran reveals the verses on the people who lived on the Earth before the modern human. “And how many a generation We have destroyed before them who were stronger in power than they. And they ran for a refuge in the land. Could they find any place of refuge?” [80]. This quote contradicts Darwin’s theory. Despite of this contradiction there were up to now scattered evidences that other civilizations existed on the Earth before the modern human. «Moir J., a member of Royal Anthropology Institute and President of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia, found stone tools of the ancient people and campfire spots in stone quarries where rock beds of two million years of age were excavated. This finding made him to conclude: ‘This is the time to admit that the human race is more ancient than it has been, and still is generally supposed’” [81]. “In 1860 professor Ragazzoni, geologist and tutor of the Brescia Technical Institute, found fragments of a human skull in the layer of coralline sediments settled in the time of Pliocene glaciation (about ten million years ago). Twenty years later one of Ragazzoni’s friends found in the same excavation scattered skeleton remains of two children. In 1883 professor Sergi visited Ragazzoni in Brescia and studied human remnants found in Pliocene layer Castenedolo. He confirmed that there had been no mistake in Ragazzoni’s interpretation of his findings. In other words human remains were really located in the untouched Pliocene layers, and they belonged to the species matching a modern human” [82]. This discovery means that modern people lived about 10 million years ago. “There are also extremely irritating for everyone reports on human remains in coal layers. If a human existed in the carboniferous epoch when all the massive coal layers were formed then we had to state that the age of ancestors of modern people amounted to 600 million years” [83].


“People of hominidae descended from earlier hominidae, but not from apes (chimpanzee) as Darwinists assert. … modern humans were preceded by other humans for tens and hundreds millions years” [84]. “Now it is becoming clear that the age of a mankind goes back to the appearance of primary reptiles (500-600 million years). … Certainly, it is difficult to imagine that at some point giants walked on the planet or that modern humans never looked like wild apes. We were so well taught in school that the human history proceeded slowly and step by step from wild era to the progressive present; so now the very thought of possible alternative history repels us” [85]. Scientific data show a human that before homo sapiens there were other people civilizations. Who were these people? This question requires further studies. The equally important question: why were these proto-civilizations destroyed? “And how many a generation before them have We destroyed! Can you find a single of them or hear even a whisper of them?” [86]. The reason of the previous generations destruction was explained in various verses of Quran: people didn’t value what the Creator provided them with, didn’t follow the monotheism concept, ignored the signs of God’s existence, and assumed Allah had some helpers. Comparing to all goods God has given to a human not asking for any payment or award, the only request to worship the only God and to assume Him no helpers seems really small. “And We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember; then is there any that will remember?” [87]. Besides giants and ancient pre-human civilizations Quran described people for which history provided evidence. Messengers came to these people and taught them about one God. People exiled messengers, didn’t believe them, killed them; and then the Creator punished those unjust. What proof of that can be provided? The proof is the following: the quote from Quran and scientific studies performed. Again the archaeology provides assistance. One of the most ancient people that lived in Arabia were adites (‫)داع‬. The tribe Ad (adites) was of skilful stockbreeders and farmers; they were exceptionally well built. Adites prospered for a long time, but due to their pride and vanity they didn’t follow the prophet Khud (‫ )روع‬who urged them to believe in one God. For that they were destroyed. “Ad belied; then how was My Torment and My Warnings? Verily, We sent against them a furious wind of harsh voice on a day of evil omen and continuous calamity. Plucking out men as if they were uprooted stems of date-palms. The, how was My Torment and My Warnings?” [88]. “And as for Ad they were destroyed by a furious violent wind! Which Allah imposed on them for seven nights and eight days in succession, so that you could see men lying overthrown, as if they were hollow trunks of date-palms! Do you see any remnants of them?” [89]. Many considered adites as an ancient myth not worth of paying attention. But then the archaeologists Nickolas Clapp found an ancient town. “In the beginning 1990 decade the world press reported important discovery in archaeology under the titles ‘Magnificent Arabian town found’, ‘The Atlantis of sands – Ubar’, and so on. The most interesting was that the name of this town is mentioned in Quran. During the excavations the high pillars were found, that were specifically mentioned in Quran. 28

The excavation confirmed that the ancient town was buried in sand due to the storm” [90]. Since 1992 this ancient town in Oman is being excavated. What was written in Quran in 7th century A.D. has been confirmed by the excavations of 20 th and 21st centuries. That was said in Quran: “Saw you not how your Lord dealt with Ad of Iram like pillars, the like of which were not created in the land?” [91]. The scientific information is: “Iram zat al-Imad, Iram of Multiple Pillars – an ancient building or town, mentioned in Quran and many pre-Islamic sources. Its rainbow towers were built from metal and precious stones” [92]. Human reporting Quran verses asked a human: “Did you think that We had created you in play and that you wouldn’t be brought back to Us?” [93]. “Does man think that he will be left neglected?” [94]. In many verses of Quran the reader was persuaded that Allah knew what a man did and that couldn’t be hidden. And that was true not only about the deeds of a man, but also his words, and possibly thoughts. “Have you not seen that Allah knows whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth? There is no secret counsel of three but He is their fourth, not of five but He is their sixth, not of less or more but He is with them wheresoever they may be. And afterwards on the Day of Resurrection He will inform them of what they did. Verily, Allah is All-Knower of everything” [95]. People thought and tried to understand – how the Creator gathered information on everyone. There was a standard image formed of the Creator looking to a human life through the spyglass. In 1999 the world population exceeded 6 billion people [96], in January 2016 it achieved 7.3 billion people [97]. So a human being decided that too many spyglasses and eyes were required to observe everyone. Therefore the surveillance couldn’t be so thorough; there was a room to relax and to live in leisure. The scientific knowledge grew, and it was found that the Creator had wisely arranged the information exchange. There was no a workshop to produce spyglasses but there was a physical law according to which a human being was constantly transmitting information on oneself. In the nuclear human physiology researches the electromagnetic radiation of a human body in the daily cycle was observed. Experiments provided data on an inherent human body radiation over the 24-hour period. The radioactive isotopes distributed in the body were the source of that radiation.


Picture 11. Chart of body gamma-radiation events over 24 hours [98]. Horizontal axis – time, Vertical axis – gamma-radiation, μSv/h. Red line showed average room background. Green line showed the signal of a human body dose rate.

0:00:00 1:00:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

0,25 0,24 0,23 0,22 0,21 0,20 0,19 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0,00

In the passive state during the day the measured activity was the same as the estimated value, while in the time of life activities the intrinsic radiation grew. “Comparing to passive time of the day, the radioactivity of the body in active time of the day for a number of natural isotopes increased: for Ra and its daughters by factor of 2, for 40K by factor of 1.7, for 235U by factor of 3.4, for 214Bi by factor of 2, for 232Th by factor of 14” [99]. “Low energy emission of natural radionuclides incorporated in a human body plays an important role in the human body physiology processes. Every day the radioactive sources are redistributed, their activity and energy yield change. To put it in a simple way a human, like a flashlight, lights stronger five times a day” [100]. The spectrum of radiation of a human body is beyond the visible range for a human. This radiation may be detected only by nuclear spectrometry methods. Human body radiation is a stream of photons. Photon is a quantum of electromagnetic emission, or, in a less general terms, a quantum of light, indivisible portion of light; that is why human body photon radiation may be compared to a flashlight going on and off five times a day. As it is known in science, the stream of photons enables the investigation of the surrounding world. This feature is used in spectral analysis to identify chemical composition of a substance. “Atoms of every chemical element have precisely defined resonance frequencies, and as a result, they absorb and emit light exactly of these 30

frequencies. That leads to the fact that absorption and emission spectra of atoms and molecules they form are individual, like human fingerprints” [101]. Mankind studies the Universe by gamma-telescopes. The gamma-radiation stream carries information on the emitting object, which is in our case a human; and according to this physical law a human transmits information on himself. Physicists are already working on memory cells, where pairs of entangled photons store information [102]. In other experiments scientists translate quantum state of microwave photons into oscillation of a micromechanical oscillator [103]. Japanese researchers have theoretically developed method for long distance teleportation of energy with the help of squeezed states [104]. Chinese scientists have conducted an experiment and have teleported photon quantum status over 16 km of air. The successful teleportation near the earth surface through 16 kilometres, which is more than the effective thickness of the atmosphere, demonstrates the possibility to use this effect for optical communication of satellites with ground stations [105]. Thus, natural radionuclides incorporated in a human body emit electromagnetic wave. This electromagnetic emission is the stream of photons. The stream of photons carries information about a human. It is confirmed by scientific researches that photons transfer information. Wherever a human being is, whatever a human being does, he/she transmits information about oneself. There is one more important feature: there is no emission without reason. If there is a transmitter, then there is an object receiving its emission. This fact was mentioned by Vavilov S., the founder of the scientific school of physical optics in the USSR: “According to Tetrode’s theory the emission in one point of the world and the absorption in another are necessary conditions for each other. It is predetermined for any emission event where and how it is to be absorbed. The Sun wouldn’t emit light if it existed as isolated in the Universe and unless some bodies absorbed its emission” [106]. If a human emits radiation, it is to be used for something. The researches provide for the following working hypothesis: “It is feasible to suppose that all physical objects, capable of generating electromagnetic wave in the gamma range are in correlation interdependence” [107]. As a summary: a human being is the source of electromagnetic emission due to radioisotopes distributed in the body. Electromagnetic emission is an agent that carries information on the human – source of emission. This physical law is continuously in effect. A human emits in a wide spectrum, not only in a gamma range, but also, for example in thermal and acoustic spectra. But it is gamma radiation that carries information over long distances. Scientists Studying descriptions of the physical phenomena given in Quran, it is necessary to mention people involved with science. These are scientists, called in Arabian ‘alim’ (‫)دال إ‬: meaning learned, knowledgeable, informed. Who are the scientists and what is science needed for according to Islamic concepts? 31

The prophet Mohammad: “Look for learning from the cradle to the grave. Look for science even it is in the land of China. Let those who wants to find a bliss in this world enter the trade, let those who wants to find a bliss in another world keep to abstinence and devotion, but those who strive for a bliss in both worlds have to look for it in learning and knowledge” [108]. “If someone hits the road to search for science and knowledge then God will open for him a path to paradise, and angels will touch him with their wings to show honour and respect to the searcher; all pray for a scientist both in the heavens and on the earth; even fish in water do. The scientists-benefactor is extremely superior to the one who prays alone and doesn’t use his knowledge to the use of people; they differ like full moon and stars. Verily, the scientists are the heirs of prophets. Prophets didn’t receive and didn’t leave any dirhams or dinars as a heritage; but their heritage were only teaching and knowledge” [109]. “Almighty and All-Knower is also the source of any science and knowledge. The service to science is a form of service to its Source… Islam aims to bring peace between science and religion, and not to put any obstacles on the ways of scientists in their praiseworthy striving” [110]. An attentive reader will note that in this work Quran quotes are confirmed by scientific researches of academic institutions. The scientists who conducted researches were of different confessions and opinions, but the result of their work was the same, they all provided for proofs of Quran quotes. The scientists’ work not only brings knowledge to society, but also forms the community of intellectual, thoughtful people. That is why the work of scientists is not endorsed by political and religious establishment. It is impossible to affect a man who reflects and thinks with slogans, rhetoric and authority. Those who think ask for proofs, and don’t believe when there are no any. It was written in Quran that any distortion of true knowledge was not to be tolerated, that statement should be based of provable data: “There are among them unlettered people, who know not the Book, but they thrust upon false desires and they but guess. Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, ‘This is from Allah’, to purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for that they earn thereby”[111]. Society Quran is closely tied with social life. Below are the opinions of historians on the contribution of Muslim society to the development of science. The principles on which the society development was based were also interesting. “Umayyads of Cordoba covered Andalucia with a net of academies, high and middle schools; khalif al-Hakham II (961 – 976) collected huge library of 400 000 volumes; at that time almost everyone in Spain could read and write, and Cordoba university was famous around the world” [112]. “Many Arabian words turned into common terms of science, for example: elixir, alcohol, alkali, algebra, cipher, zenith, nadir, azimuth” [113]. 32

Arabian scientists, wise men, philosophers were known everywhere, and for Europe the name of Arabian physician Avenzoar (ibn-Zuhr, died in 1162) was as respected as the names of Razes, Persian scientist, physician, astronomer, chemist and philosopher (Abu Bakr Mohammad ar-Razi, 865-925) and Avicenna (ibn Sina, 9801037) [114]. Philosophers, physicians, scientists received support and direct patronage at the Arabian courts. The court of Saif ad-Daula Ali (945 – 967, belonged Hamdanide dynasty that ruled in Northern Iraqi and Syria in 890-1004) in Aleppo was in general a very important think centre [115]. Contemporary resources confirmed that: “Saif adDaula Ali ruled Northern Syria from Aleppo in 945 – 967, his court was the centre of science and Arabian literature” [116]. Under the rule of al-Mansur (ibn Abu Amir, 939 – 1002) Andalucia became the strongest and most powerful state in the world, that power was demonstrated not only by the armed force, but also in the growth of people’s wealth, in the development of culture and science. The modern source describes this flourishing in the following way: “Al-Andalus is Islamic Arabian civilization existed in VIII—XV centuries at the Iberian Peninsula. To the year of 713 Muslims had conquered almost an entire peninsula. This conquest was mostly peaceful. It had been performed through the treaties with rulers of single areas and towns, which in exchange for recognition of themselves as the subjects of the caliph in Damask not only kept their lands and property but also still had the right to profess Christianity. Jews and Christians, as in other parts of the caliphate were proclaimed “zimmi”; which meant protected communities of the ‘people of the Book’. The tolerance of the conquerors to other confessions (in the contrast to cruelty and intolerance of western Goths) attracted the most part of the population to their cause… Islamic Al-Andalus was characterized by the tolerance to people of other confessions and the cultural exchange among confessions. Christians could take any official positions, and constantly communicating with Muslims in everyday life contributed to the country wealth, provided for more flexible state governance, for identification various talents in economics, science, arts, and politics. The Al-Andalus country had no competitors in that, both in the East and West” [117]. The book “History of Culture” which was based on the works of Von Schweiger-Lerchenfeld A., German writer and traveller, Lippert J.,Austrian historian and ethnographer, Buckle H., English historian Buckle, and Milyukov P., Russian historian, contained the following description of Muslim society: “So we could see that Islam that had appeared in the middle of VII century had achieved at the beginning of VIII century as much success as no other religion had. It helped very much to the success of the Arabian conquest that the winners were very mild with the losers. The righteous caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (585 – 644) prohibited suppressing and robbing the conquered people. He ordered the governors to forgive tax debts to those unable to pay them. Umar didn’t try to enrich the Islamic state at the expense of the conquered but wanted to multiply the number of faithful rather by persuasion than by force; he was personally fair and humane to those who refused to join Islam” [118]. “Fast development of Arabs in the intellectual respect was indeed amazing… At the time of prophet Mohammad very few could write, but in the second half of VIII 33

century Arabian writers in history, theosophy, law, land governance, grammar, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine appeared already” [119]. “Caliph al-Mamun (Abdullah al Mamun, 786 – 833), who had a very liberal views for those times, ordered to gather Greece manuscripts and to translate them not only to Arabian, but also to Syrian and Persian languages; among others the works of Euclid, Ptolemy, Hippocrates, and Galen had been translated. After the successful campaign against Byzantium al-Mamun informed Emperor Michael III that he would return all the conquered lands if Michael III provided him a possibility to translate academic works collected in Greece. In astronomy and geometry Arabs surpassed Greeks. Their observations served later as a basis for Newton’s and Kepler’s studies. The observatory of Antioch became especially famous. Well-known both in the East and West Avicenna was born in 978. His Canon even in XVI century was considered to be the most important medical work in the western world. Arabian culture prospered not only in the capital town of caliphs, but also in Central Asia; high schools, libraries, observatories were emerging in Tatar, in Bokhara. Bokhara, Samarkand, Merv, Nishapur, and Gerat were the major centres of Islamic education and science. In Spain the Umayyad’s court in Cordoba competed with Abbasid’s court in Baghdad not only in luxury and splendour but also in protection for sciences and arts. Even many of women were educated in literature; a number of woman poets were mentioned. The musical school that existed in Cordoba proved that Arabs deliberately studied the music. There were seventeen high schools and seventy libraries in Spain at the time of caliphs. The most famous of Arabian scientists was Averroes (ibn Rushd, 1126 – 1198) who lived in Cordoba. Arabs originated chemistry. They discovered the differences of alkali and acid and they were the first to use mineral poisons as medical treatment. Sovereigns in West Europe hired Arabian and Jewish physicians and entrusted them their health” [120]. Arabian scientist Alhazen (ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Hathem, 965 – 1039) had developed 92 works, 89 of which were dedicated to mathematics, astronomy, optics, and mechanics. He combined in his studies accurate experiments with rigorous mathematical proofs. He was often called “the Father of optics” [121]. Arabs had brought to Europe many cultivated plants and improved agriculture. Date-palms, rice, sugar cane, cotton, mulberry trees, figs, olives, and oranges began to be planted. Mining was also developed. The most important metals produced were gold, silver, and tin. Animal husbandry prospered [122]. Intensive trade lead to emergence of the “incense road”: myrrh, incense, cinnamon, nutmeg were introduced and that drove the development of cooking. Production of textile, cosmetics, and jewellery grew. The post system and roads were well developed. “It was known that in XIII century after Crusades there was a well-established post exchange system that provided for sending messages from Damask to Cairo twice a week… A woman could be travelling alone from Cairo to Damask safely and having no trouble in finding food” [123]. 34

“In the West, similar to the East, the wealth of people grew along with the development of sciences and arts; that was happening not only in Spain but also in Sicily, South Portugal, and South France. The population everywhere was numerous. Everywhere new towns and villages emerged, the old ones grew and improved. Arabs built civil buildings, temples, caravanserai, roads, dug wells, constructed aqueducts, and irrigation channels. Their whole country was like a huge garden. Baghdad was a match for Constantinople; it was surpassed only by Cordoba that had according to Arabian sources about 200000 households; 130000 people were producing silk; there were 70 libraries, 900 public baths, and a number of mosques, Christian churches, and Jewish synagogues in the town. People of different confessions lived in peace and agreement among them due to the high level of culture.” [124]. Abbas ibn Firnas, the inventor and engineer, (887 – 887) who lived in Cordoba, was the first man to perform the controlled flight on man-made wings; he also invented the prototype of a parachute [125]. It is a known fact that the development of science is impossible without the personal freedom. Science can’t exist in the environment where researches, conclusions and publications are limited by the frame of mediocre dogmatic rules. The quotes provided above prove that over hundreds of years the Muslim society was forming the community of free, thoughtful, fair people. According to the facts these people lived in accordance with what Quran teaches: worship single God, do good to others, avoid evil things. “The day that some of the Signs of your Lord do come, no good will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good through his Faith” [126]. “And whosoever submits his face to Allah while he is a good-doer, then he has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold. And to Allah return all matters for decision” [127]. Prophet Mohammad There are a lot of written sources of information on the life of Prophet Mohammad. The description of his life from the point of view of history science can augment what the religious and cultural sources provide on the course of his life. Prophet Mohammad believed Quran to be the exact replica of the truth written in the heavens. Even when he was still alive there were groups of people who didn’t believe in that truth. And even now there are people who stand to these opinions. The facts of such disbelief were described in Quran: “Those who disbelieve say: ‘this is nothing but a lie that he has invented, and others have helped him at it. In fact they have produced an unjust wrong and a lie.’ And they say: ‘tales of the ancients, which he has written down: and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon.’ And they say: ‘Why does this messenger eat food and walk about in the markets. Why is not an angel sent down to him to be a warner with him? Or why has not a treasure been granted to him, or why has he not a garden whereof he may eat?’ And the wrong-doers say: ‘You follow none but a man bewitched’” [128]. The European historians gave the following assessment of Mohammad activities through his life: “He had never turned to miracles to support his influence or 35

substantiate his persuasions. He constantly referred to the natural phenomena as the signs of divine presence. He addressed man’s conscience and mind, not his weaknesses and gullibility. “Insane men! You ask for signs while the whole universe is full of manifestations of God. How amazingly complex and miraculous are the built of your body; the alternation of night and day; the dream and the awakening; your strive for gathering by abundant provisions of God; winds driving away dark clouds to proclaims God’s Mercy; harmony and order among the diversity; differences in humans and their kinship at the same time; fruits, flowers, animals, and humans themselves; are all these signs not enough to prove the presence of the superior spirit?” The very nature was a sign and a revelation for the prophet of Islam. “ There is a voice in every leaf. There is a voice in every spring; the voice that sounds everywhere, in the nice day and in the foul weather, from the underground, and in the clouds. The voice that is never silent.” His moral appeal and his statement of the only God are based on rational, intellectual comprehension of the order intrinsic to everything; of obvious presence of the superior single Mind, single Will governing, balancing and managing the whole Universe. His greatest miracle was the book, which he in inspired language filled with all revelations of nature, conscience and prophecy” [129]. That is what European historians wrote about prophet Mohammad. The life of the prophet and the description of physical phenomena in Quran provides with one more important thing from the point of scientific view. As any scientist knows that any work (a book or an article) based on scientifically unreliable facts, inaccurate experiments with non-robust assessments of the events contains always some inconsistencies. And the repeated experiments disprove statements made in such works. The descriptions of physical facts and phenomena had been written down in Quran in the time period of 610 – 632 A.D. Such sciences as geophysics, hydrology, atmosphere physics, biophysics, nuclear physics etc. didn’t exist at that time. There were no measurement tools and techniques. On the other hand, in the last 14 centuries every quote from Quran provided here was robustly proved in the course of science development. Some phenomena were explained and proved, others turned into a paradox, which means that the phenomenon is observed, it is 100% reproducible, but the energy driving it is not known. It is difficult to imagine that a man who lived in 7th century can invent something he had no knowledge of, and what would be discovered through the science development many centuries later. That is why it is reasonable to believe that prophet Mohammad carefully and honestly transferred to the people the revelations of Allah.


Unity and Energy Energy is a scalar physical parameter, which is a universal measure of various forms of movement and interaction of matter, a measure of transformation of one form of movement of matter to another. The term energy was mentioned first in the works of ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. In 1686 and in 1695 Leibniz G., German physicist, introduced in his works energy under the name of ‘living force’. Intuitively Leibniz supposed the conservation of total ‘living force’, which corresponds to a contemporary law of energy conservation. In 1807 Young Th. used the term ‘energy’ in its current meaning instead of ‘living force’ [130]. The following statements naturally comes to an attention: energy – the universal measure, living force, energy conversation law – energy remains constant, it doesn’t disappear, it exists forever, the origin of energy has not been understood. These words seem to be familiar. Scientific researches tend to record and describe a physical phenomenon with an obvious flaw – they do not consider what is the source of energy that drives such phenomenon. It is known that observation and description are the initial steps of the cognitive process. Physical experiment and mathematical calculation provide reliable assessment of the events occurred. The experiment might be the rotation of a steel ball with the diameter of 1 km over one year at the speed of the Earth rotation, 1674.4 km/h. Then it would be possible to calculate energy spent for rotation. After that the resulted value would have to be multiplied by the correction factor to estimate the energy required to rotate the Earth, considering that it had a mass of 5.9726×1024 kg. To understand the fundamental features of a physical phenomenon it has to be recreated in experiment, and the energy required for this phenomenon to occur has to be calculated. What energy is required to rotate the Earth, or to form a thunderstorm front in the atmosphere? Is it one thousand in the power of one thousand (10001000) J or more? When the experiment has been conducted and the calculation has been performed the question arises: where one can find the required energy. Mankind doesn’t possess the energy of this scale. Who is the source of energy needed to keep balance and continuously reproduce conditions on the Earth? Physiologists put the same issue more specifically. When energy processes of a human body, of a living world and energy exchange on the earth surface have been investigated, the following question appears: “Below is one of such questions which leads to quite a problem. The Earth receives about 2 one-billionth (2×10-9) shares of total energy the Sun dissipates in space. This is about 1×1021 kcal a year. It is known that this energy, whatever intermediate form it takes, entirely leaves the Earth in the form of heat. If some of the solar energy had been captured and accumulated on our planet, then Earth temperature would increase constantly. Vice versa, if the Earth had dissipated more energy than received then the Earth would have to cool down. However, despite of the seasonal and more long-term oscillations the temperature of the Earth and nearby area as whole is practically constant. There comes a reasonable 37

question: if the planet gives as much energy as it gets then what is the source of energy for the existence of living world in particular?” [131]. Energy rules the world where a human lives, as well as other worlds too. Nothing occurs without energy. The continuing scientific researches have provided the following results. “The researches and the received results are related to some extent to the area of philosophy and Weltanschauung. Methods and instruments of nuclear physics and radiation technology provide a possibility to answer questions that are considered to be of “tales of the ancients” category, and to answer them in the form of statistically processed results of experiments. The question “At what moment does the human being become the source of electromagnetic emission?” has required a prolonged study. There has been an assumption that a fetus becomes the source of electromagnetic emission at the certain period of its growth in mother’s body but it has been found that a pregnant woman, even at the latest stages of pregnancy does not differ in that respect from a nonpregnant woman of the same age and mass. The hypothesis has been proposed that energy is transferred from a mother to a child at the moment of birth but it has not been proved by the spectrogram analysis. Spectrogram analysis provided for the conclusion that energy is transferred to a child via a nuclear reaction. And this impact occurs only once and simultaneously through the whole energy spectrum from 0 to 2700 keV. The spectrogram of a child at the moment of the first breath differs from the spectrogram of a mother only by lesser number of events during the pre-childbirth examination; one hour later the child spectrogram is similar to the spectrogram of an adult. The fact that new radionuclides both natural and generated by cosmic radiation appear at the moment of the first breath and that they disappear in 5-20 minutes casts some concerns on the purity of the experiment. On the other hand the stability of this effect of appearance at the moment of the first breath and following fast disappearance of these new natural and cosmically generated radionuclides leads to the assumption that an unknown phenomenon exists. The unknown phenomenon is revealed in the form of the detected and measured energy of the number of both natural and generated by cosmic radiation radionuclides that cause low energy nuclear reaction in the child’s body. It is known that energy does not come from nowhere and does not vanish without a trace; the energy conservation law has to be valid. To bring the unknown phenomenon in compliance with currently known physical laws the notion of Highly Organized Energy Medium has been introduced. It can be assumed that if the spectrometer does not detect nuclear reaction in child’s body, or, in other words, an unknown phenomenon does not interact with child’s body through low energy nuclear reactions, then the appropriately developed child’s body will not acquire what is called the phenomenon of life. Childbirth that goes without pathologies has its own individual details, especially in relation to the moment when the child takes the first breath. In average (under the regular observation conditions) the following happens: a child passes through birth canal, then goes to a 38

tray for newborns with uncut umbilical cord and then there is silence and waiting for 20-120 seconds, then there is the first inhalation and a cry. During that silence period of 20-120 seconds the spectrometer detects and measures activity of radionuclides. If it does not detect the activity of radionuclides from the actinide family, the forecast for the baby health goes to negative, if trans uranium radionuclides are not detected, then the respiration stops after the first breath and reanimation procedure is necessary. If these nuclides are detected, then the child breathes and cries. The example of experiments in the birth chamber revealed an unknown and unexplored phenomenon of the following character – unidentified possessor of energy transferred the energy to a newborn human being via Highly Organized Energy Medium. Based on observations and experiments it is possible to provide the primary descriptive characteristics of an unexplored phenomenon. It was friendly to a human being since it granted a part of its own energy that accompanied a human being for the whole life. Considering that every living human being receives a share of energy granted by an unexplored phenomenon the phenomenon own energy has to be enormous. Because of the vast power of an unexplored phenomenon and of the possibility it is involved in the origination of life of other forms, families and types it can be assumed that an unexplored phenomenon exists beyond the limits of laws known to a mankind. Further studies of nuclear transmutations in a human being and system analysis of the astrophysical, geophysical, nuclear physics data as well as analysis of the archive information from the age of protoscience to the beginning of the 21 st century provide the ground to state a concept. There is an unknown owner of energy beyond the limits of Earth. Primary observable characteristics of the energy owner are as follows. This is energy aware of its own existence and self-identifying, it influences the radioactive decay under the conditions of Earth; this is energy capable of processing information since every object capable of emitting electromagnetic waves broadcasts information about itself. The energy owner is of a kind nature since granting part of its own energy it enables appearance of life in some form. In fact a human being inherits energy of the unexplored phenomenon. Experimental data provide for assumption that behind the cascade shower of elementary particles and electromagnetic wave there is a subject historically known for mankind as the Creator. In that case energy inherited by a human being is a tiny part of the Creator. Whatever event of human life is measured by nuclear spectrometry methods, would it be a performance of a heart muscle, conscious thinking process, the first inhalation or the last exhalation, the measurements are done in the same energy range. Since energy of a human being is a small part of the Creator the very important conclusion can be drawn. As the energy measurement is performed in the sole range the Creator is a sole entity as well. And in all His creation acts He has no partners, no assistants and He never had. There is only the sole Creator� [132]. 39

Energy that is conscious of its own existence, energy that creates, universal energy, energy that never disappeared. Again these are all familiar words. Scientific researches bring to focus the following concept: one of the manifestations of the Creator in a human life is energy, mostly in the form of radioactive decay energy.

Conclusion Quran is not only the book without inconsistencies; it is also a life-asserting book. The quotes below provide the necessary conclusion. “We have not sent the Quran unto you to cause you distress” [133]. “He is Allah beside Whom none has the right to be worshipped, the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. He is Allah beside Whom none has the right to be worshipped, the King, the Holy, the One Free from all defects, the Giver of security, the Watcher over His creatures, the All-Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! High He is above all that they associate as partners with Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the best Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. An He is the All-Mighty, The All-wise” [134]. “There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taguth and believes in Allah, the he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. An Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. Allah is the Protector of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into light” [135].

When writing this work authors followed the revelations they discovered. The reader may draw own conclusions. Authors thank the sole God Allah, the Graceful and the Merciful for their lives and for the possibilities provided in it. Authors are grateful to prophet Mohammad for his labour as a result of which Quran is available to read and study. This work wouldn’t be possible without the works of scientists and research organizations mentioned in the text and in the reference list. Authors are grateful to Shikalov V., the head of laboratory of the Kurchatov Institute, Doctor of technical science for his comments and additions.


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