N O MI N A T I ON S OV E RV IE W Diagram 1. Percentage of total nominations per faculty
Faculty of Arts & Humanities Faculty of Business Faculty of Health & Human Sciences Faculty of Science & Engineering Partner Institutions Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine & Dentistry
Diagram 2. Percentage of nominations per award Best Placement Support (2%) Best Student-Led Campaign/Idea (2%) Course Rep of the Year Excellence in Championing Career Development (1%) Inspirational Teaching Most Dedicated Project/ Dissertation Supervisor Most Effective Feedback Most Innovative Use of Teaching Methods (1%) One in a Million Support Staff Outstanding Personal Tutor Postgraduate Teacher/Supervisor of the Year School Rep of the Year Sensational Programme Lead Stand Out Part-Time Officer (1%) Sustainability in Curriculum Champion (1.5%) The Big Thank-You Award
S T UD E N T VO I CE GOLD A W A RDS The Student Voice Gold Award is for students who have logged over 60 volunteering hours through their roles within Student Voice. This includes anything from hosting a forum, attending a course rep meeting, planning a campaign or collecting student opinion. The Student Voice recognition scheme aims to reward students that contribute a lot of time and effort into making the student experience at the University of Plymouth even better. The following students have amassed a total of 628 hours between them. C H A R LE S MARKHAM LO U I SE CRICHTON K I ESH A TURNER JA M ES LORD LU C Y THATCHER GO D A CEGIALY TÉ V I C T O RIA HUNT K AT PI E RCE JEM A PAY NE “As Vice President Education, I have been truly blown away by the commitment by all of these individuals. They have all dedicated over 60 hours to ensuring that the student voice is heard across all faculties and partner colleges! They have advocated in the student interest, and worked collaboratively with the University to ensure a positive education and student experience for everyone. A massive well done to you all!”
T H E B I G THA N K-YOU A W A RD This award is for a member of service staff (catering, cleaning, tech, etc.) who makes the day-to-day experience of University for students and staff just that little bit better. Whether it’s making your 9am latte just how you like it, or providing a consistently reliable service from anything from keeping our classrooms clean to fixing any IT problems, these are the people we often forget to thank.
NOMINEES KATHY PARRETT SENI O R C AT E R I N G A S S I S TA NT, UNI VERS I TY CO MMERCIAL SER VICES “Kath is one in a million. No matter how busy she is, she always has time to speak to you and she is so perceptive when she knows something is just not quite right. She finds a common ground with all the people she comes into contact with in the cafe and always knows how to lighten the mood.”
SU S IE BIS SELL EVE N T S M A N A G E R , UNI VERS I TY EVENTS TEA M “Susie is a truly outstanding partner in our University community. Her tireless exemplary leadership, care in supporting students, and achievement of excellence through maximising the opportunities afforded by the boundless University events she and her team support, from graduation to research conferences, deserve a Big Thank You.”
O NE I N A MILLION SU P P ORT S T AF F Supporting students throughout their time at University can make a world of difference. This award is given to a member of support staff who goes above and beyond to make the lives of students better. This can be from Disability Assist, the UPSU Advice Centre or anyone who has been a support.
HI GH E R E D U C AT I O N S UPPO R T & WELLB EI NG O F F I CE R “Cat has worked tirelessly to increase the provision and support available for students experiencing mental health conditions at the University Centre South Devon. In June last year Cat wrote a research proposal for a sensory garden to be created to give students needing wellbeing support a calming space to go to when upset on campus. It is clear to see Cat genuinely cares about the welfare of the students and makes such a difference, even just being a shoulder to cry on.”
SAM DUF FIELD PAL S L E A D E R , U N I V ERS I TY PEER A S S I S TED LEA RNI NG SCH EME “Sam has been excellent at teaching in the PALS sessions. His way of displaying ideas and communicating them in a warm and friendly manner has been a great help to me. Even if I understood a subject, I would pop into PALS just to see how Sam approached the subject material. Sam also really knows his subject which is great if you have questions outside of the core subject material. Cheers Sam!”
B ES T P L A C E M E N T SU P P ORT Going on placement can be exciting, stressful and scary all at the same time, but with the support of a key staff member, these worries can often be managed. This could be someone who has given support, advice or guidance about placements (this can be either a year out placement or as part of the course).
P L AC EME N T S & E M P L O Y ER LI A I S O N “Remy has been a great help in finding me a placement for my third year at Uni, he has been an overall support and has equipped me with essential skills to ensure myself a placement. Remy has not only guided me in terms of interview structure, but also offered me both interview practice and secured private rooms for phone call interviews. Additionally Remy has provided regular one to one chats to help me secure a placement and overall has been a great support throughout this process.”
C LA I R E HORNSBY L E C T U R E R I N P H Y S I O T H E RA PY “Claire was my placement link and I felt she offered the perfect support when on placement. She was understanding, realistic and super supportive. I had a difficult placement but knew if needed I had the appropriate support available. I felt listened to, understood and fully supported - thank you Claire!”
S C HO O L R E P R E SE N TA TIV E OF THE YEAR Schools Reps give up hours of their time to represent students in their School. This can sometimes be a difficult job so a School Rep who listens to students, acts upon feedback and creates real change deserves recognition!
SC HOOL R E P R E S E N TAT I VE F O R THE S CHO O L O F PS YCHO LOGY “Vicky goes to several meetings a week to make sure that students within the Psychology degree are being fully supported and cared for. She is constantly making sure that everyone is okay, whether this be through Facebook pages or face to face, and when there is a problem she makes sorting it out her main priority. She has many meetings with the VP Education to ensure this. She has created questionnaires to enhance the learning within the course, to let lecturers know what students prefer in lectures and what is working well for them. She is also in the process of organising a placement ‘drop in’, allowing second year students who are considering placements to ask final year students who have done it, any queries that they have about the year, in an informal environment of the SU. This was because in previous years, some students felt lost in the process. She is constantly thinking of ideas to make the degree achieve its best potential and to help students across all stages. She is also doing a great job of breaking the student/ lecturer barrier. All these reasons are why I think she is the perfect candidate for this award!”
SC HOOL R E P R E S E N TAT I VE F O R THE S CHO O L O F HUMA NIT IES & P ERFORMING AR T S “Dani has been constantly committed in her role of School Rep over the past two years, always appearing to attend meetings with an enthusiasm for relaying the concerns, issues, and positive feedback of students back to staff members. I believe Dani has represented the school excellently as she is forever professional whilst addressing concerns - I know that many of us have felt confident in confiding in her with our questions and concerns. I believe Dani should be recognised for her commitment to this role over the past two years.”
E X C E L L E N C E IN CH A M P ION ING C A R E E R DE V E LOP M E N T Awarded to a staff member who champions student employability and career development, this award is there to thank those who put students’ futures in the heart of everything they do. This can be from CV advice, help finding a job or simply just being a motivating or encouraging voice, it all makes a difference.
NOMINEES A L ENA TKACOVA EMP L O YA B I L I T Y A S S I S TA NT, THE EMPLO YA B I LI TY S ER VICE “Alena doesn’t just help me with my CV but she also encourages me when applying for jobs. She enthuses me about how great the jobs I am applying for sound and even looks herself to see if she can find other jobs for me to apply for. Alena has really gone above and beyond to help me secure a job after I graduate university. I am pleased to say that thanks to Alena’s help I have now secured a role for when I graduate. I can’t thank her enough for everything she has done for me and all of the time she has dedicated to helping me; I wouldn’t have secured that job without her.”
D AVE W ORTHING TO N PR O G R A M M E M A N AGER, UNI VERS I TY CENTRE S O UTH DEVON “Dave is not only an inspirational lecturer but an incredible mentor to his students when it comes to career development. Maintaining strong links with industry, Dave regularly invites professionals and former students to deliver guest talks to his students to allow them to receive the most up to date and relevant information, advice and guidance on becoming a professional within the industry. Dave regularly circulates exciting placement, internship and graduate job opportunities to current and former students and supports his students to ensure they can get the most out of any available opportunities.”
S U S TA I N A B ILITY IN CU RRICU L UM C HAMPIO N Sustainability is the creation and maintenance of social, environmental and economic conditions that allow human and natural life to flourish and continue, without stalling the ability of future generations to flourish also. This award is a great way to thank and celebrate academics who have gone above and beyond to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attributes required to be sustainability leaders, as well as promoting good practice.
L ECT U R E R I N A N I M AL CA RE, UNI VERS I TY CENTRE S OUT H DEVON “I believe Stu is most deserving of this award as he is committed to living as sustainable life as possible and always integrates sustainability into his lessons. He recently signed up as an ambassador for the Global Goals Initiative and was enthusiastic to get all of his students involved. Stu always seems to be working hard to make the world a better and more informed place and I personally think he may end up saving the world one day!”
V I CTORIA HURTH ASS O C I AT E P R O F E S S O R I N MA RK ETI NG, FA CULTY O F BUSINESS “A true champion of sustainability education, practice and research. Victoria drives sustainability teaching across the Faculty of Business and wider University community. An inspirational lecturer who challenges students to redefine their priorities and does not spoon-feed facts! The world needs more thinkers and educators like her.”
MO S T D E D I C ATE D DI S S E R TA TI O N /P ROJE CT SU P E RVIS O R Completing a large project or a dissertation can be one of the biggest sources of stress for a student so having a dedicated supervisor by their side to support and guide them is vital. Postgraduate Teacher/Supervisor of the Year is an award designed specifically for Postgraduate students to recognise the efforts of their supervisor or a member of staff who teaches them.
FAC U LTY O F A R T S & H U MA NI TI ES “It feels like she’s genuinely interested and enthusiastic about your topic. She’s really helpful in terms of ideas, helping you to find sources, and figuring out your structure. I know that she’s been really inspiring and insightful to other students who were struggling to pick a topic, meeting with them and finding out what their interests are, and then going from there. Min is knowledgeable on a wide range of issues and topics, and she’s really encouraging and supportive.”
FAC U LTY O F B U S I N E S S “I was completely lost with my ideas however, Natalie was more than happy to sit down with me and talk them all through and again the following week when I was still confused. She has continually been there through each of the stages in research and has helped me develop my idea into something that I am extremely passionate about.”
FAC U LTY O F S C I E N C E & ENGI NEERI NG “Third year is such a hard time, there’s so much pressure to do well in your degree and to know what you’re going to do after you graduate. I think it’s really easy to get into a negative frame of mind and you really need an academic that is full of positivity and really believes in you, and that person is definitely Clare.”
FAC U LTY O F H E A LT H & H UMA N S CI ENCES “Dr Alyson Norman has been an exceptional dissertation tutor. She puts the time aside regularly to provide support and does so in an approachable manner. Whenever I have concerns, after a meeting with Alyson I walk away feeling reassured.”
P LY M OU T H U N I V E R S I T Y P ENI NS ULA S CHO O LS O F MEDI CI NE & DENT IST RY “From the start, he actively went above and beyond in putting in extra time to help guide and teach me skills and knowledge necessary for me to do my lab experiments. Looking back at what I have achieved so far, I would happily have Wondy as my dissertation tutor again without a second thought.”
PAR T N E R I N S T I T U T I O N S “He seems as excited by my project as I am and seems to genuinely care about getting good results and results which will mean something to my career. When other lecturers brush aside certain ideas or do not seem as concerned he always fights for me and understands how this project will mark the beginning of my career.”
S T A N D O U T P A RT-TIM E OFFICER UPSU has 15 Part-Time Officers ranging from Welfare to Environment & Sustainability. These officers help make UPSU an inclusive space for students to create real change within the University of Plymouth and the wider community.
NOMINEES G ODA CEGIALYTÉ L G B T + PA R T- T I M E O F F I CER “Last year Goda lead campaigns on deadnaming and gender neutral toilets, both through proposing motions to Union Council. This year, she has progressed both of these campaigns further. Firstly, she has instigated LGBT+ training for all UPSU staff which will include the topic of deadnaming. Her forum also helped with the development of the University Trans Policy last year. Secondly, Goda has taken a lot of action on the gender-neutral toilets, both within the SU and wider University campus. Furthermore, Goda has also joined a working group with three of the of the sabbatical officers and University staff that looks at safeguarding LGBT+ students abroad, she also sits on the University’s Student Life Committee, a highlevel committee to which student contribution is vital. She will also be attending NUS’ LGBT+ Conference, representing LGBT+ students at our university on a national level. Goda has truly gone above and beyond what the role asks for and is a dedicated student representative. It has been a pleasure supporting such an enthusiastic and passionate part-time officer and she really does deserve this award and recognition for her hard work.”
C HA I R O F A C C O U NTA BI LI TY BO A RD “Over the course of the year James has taken to his role as Chair of the Accountability Board with a sense of vigour, wanting to ensure that students have the right and ease to be able to hold their elected officers accountable… James has set up an email for the accountability board, created a Facebook group to allow students to make contact through social media, organised a Facebook live Q+A as well as writing materials to encourage people to join the Accountability Board… He continues to work to help students and ensure there is no risk that a student may be made to feel uncomfortable with their interactions with UPSU and NUS... A lot of his work goes unseen, including informal meetings and preparing arguments for Union Council. He has approached this role as if it was his job and does all he can to make sure the role is done to the best of his ability. He has clearly tried to lay down framework for his successor to follow in his footsteps … and has reminded people that accountability is not a dirty word but merely the asking of questions to ensure the best outcome for all students, that is something which will be his legacy. This is why I am nominating him. And why I believe he deserves an award.”
PEER T O P E E R TRA IN E RS UPSU’s Peer 2 Peer Training Scheme sees Plymouth University students design and deliver workshops on developing core skill areas, to their fellow students. In its inaugural year, the following 5 students have executed these sessions, as well as helped to better shape the Peer 2 Peer Training Scheme for the future: GEO R GINA MILLER
This evening shall see these students recognised with one of the following accolades:
PEER 2 PEER TRAINER This student has worked hard to design and deliver at least four training sessions this academic year, which they have evaluated and improved along the way.
DEDICATED PEER 2 PEER TRAINER This student will have put a great amount of effort (20 hours plus) into developing their sessions, have engaged in promoting the wider UPSU Training programme of events, and will have fed in to the development of the Peer 2 Peer Training scheme.
OUTSTANDING PEER 2 PEER TRAINER This student will have put a considerable amount of effort (40 hours plus) into developing their sessions, as well as have instigated their own promotional activity of UPSU’s Training programme of events and/or the Peer 2 Peer Training scheme. One of these students will also be awarded with the title of “ UP S U ’ S P E E R 2 P E E R T RA I NER OF THE YEAR 2 0 1 8 ” . “The Peer 2 Peer scheme has been an amazing programme which has helped me in a lot of ways become more positive about myself and my achievements. I have also come to develop new friendships which I hope will continue well after university.”
P O S TG R A D U A TE TE A CHE R/SUPERVIS O R O F T H E Y E AR An award designed specifically for Postgraduate students to recognise the efforts of their supervisor or a member of staff who teaches them. This award is to recognise any postgraduate staff (PhD, MA, MSc, PGCE, MRes, ResM, MPhil, MClinPsy, DClinPsy, PGDip PGCert) that has made a difference to student’s lives as they embark on furthering their education to their next milestone.
ASS O C I AT E P R O F E SS O R ( REA DER) I N MATHEMATI CS AND STAT IST ICS, SCH OOL OF C O M P U T I N G , E L E C T RO NI CS A ND MATHEMATI CS “Dr Julian Stander has offered me support and direction in my studies and has kept me motivated to take my work to the next level! I can’t thank him enough for being a patient personal tutor and for all the help he has given me so far and I know he will continue to offer his advice and knowledge to see me succeed in a achieving my masters.”
SU E W EBSTER & S IM O N WE B STE R L ECT U R E R S I N P LY MO UTH I NS TI TUTE O F EDUCATI O N “Outstanding teaching and support as a team. Always prepared to do anything for all of the students and they go above and beyond their duty. Approachable, kind and dedicated to their roles and nothing is ever too much. The resources they give us are excellent and they always offer to help as much as possible.”
I N S P I R A TI O N AL TE A CHIN G This award is for a staff member who shows passion and enthusiasm for teaching and inspires their students to be the best they can be. They share their depth of knowledge and demonstrate complex skills inside and outside a lecture or lab, with the potential to inspire a student to achieve great things.
FAC U LTY O F A R T S & H U MA NI TI ES “Kath clearly takes great pride in her teaching and cares for all the students she encounters, taking time to learn our names, and just overall making us feel valued as individuals. Her seminars were always engaging and fun, giving us room for discussion and exploration, and valuing our thoughts and opinions. I was always excited to attend her sessions and left feeling like I had truly learnt something or developed a deeper understanding of familiar concepts and ideas.”
K EV I N BURROW S FAC U LTY O F B U S I N E S S “Kevin inspired me throughout my financial reporting module. He is a very entertaining lecturer who interacts well with the class. His explanations and way of working left me feeling very fulfilled after every lecture/tutorial knowing the amount of knowledge I had learnt. He gave as much help as possible towards coursework and made me feel very confident going into the exam as I knew I’d be taught everything I needed to know.”
FAC U LTY O F S C I E N C E & ENGI NEERI NG “He is an amazing lecturer and personal tutor. He teaches differently from all the lecturers we have, he brings fun and captures people’s attention. In one of our first lectures with him, he played some of his favourite songs through speakers to show up the difference of amplifiers and it got the whole class listening. He spent time republishing slides after every lecture to add onto his notes written on his iPad in class with diagrams and question answers and always made time at the end of lectures so people could come and go over things and ask questions. Promptly responding to emails and making and effort to make sure everybody understands and is heard, I believe he deserves this award.”
FAC U LTY O F H E A LT H & H UMA N S CI ENCES “As students we can tell he is enthusiastic about his subject when teaching, making the subject easier and more enjoyable for us. He tries to accommodate everyone’s learning style within his teaching and he welcomes any feedback, he also works on improving his lectures continuously.”
JO NAT HAN UNSW ORTH- WHITE P LY M OU T H U N I V E R S I T Y P ENI NS ULA S CHO O LS O F MEDI CI NE & DENT IST RY “Mr Unsworth-White is very treasured at PUPSMD as he tells it how it is, and gives you real advice and teaching without using it as a method to make you feel bad about what you don’t know. This is a rarity amongst consultants, and although there are others who definitely shine in this regard, Mr Unsworth-White keeps us laughing too. He breaks things down into clear analogies and diagrams and is willing to slow things down to make sure you do see that anomaly/hear that murmur. He is a great teacher and should be championed for this. Thank you for your help over my time at medical school so far.”
PAR TN E R I N S T I T U T I O N S “Issy is a very enthusiastic and innovative teacher. Her lessons are inspired and are always encouraging. Her enthusiasm rubs off on the students and encourages us to stay engaged and have our own interest in the subject area. She has made even the most tedious and sensitive topics light-hearted and fun.”
M O ST E FFE CTIV E FE E DBA CK The award for Most Effective Feedback is for staff who provide clear and concise comments on what students did well and how they can improve. These staff members should return their feedback within 20 working days to a standard that will help student improve and learn.
L ECT U R E R I N A D U LT NURS I NG, S CHO O L O F NURS I NG & MIDWIFERY “Tristan is a new lecturer to our course, and has just delivered his first module. He provided extensive group feedback regarding our assignments, which was relevant to everyone, but also gave individual, very specific feedback, to each student. I am so impressed that he was willing to do this, as it clearly would have taken a lot of his personal time to read everyone’s drafts and respond with unique, useful suggestions.”
A L IS ON BACON L ECT U R E R I N P S Y C H O LO GY, S CHO O L O F PS YCHO LOGY “The coursework was graded and returned to us very quickly. However, when I got it back I was not happy with a grade that I had achieved and went to speak to Alison to find out how I could improve for the next essay. The feedback I received was extremely helpful and I implemented it in the next piece of work which vastly improved my grade and helped me to achieve a first in the module!”
C O U R S E R EP OF THE YE A R Course Rep of the Year recognises the hard work of the Course Reps at the University of Plymouth. Course Reps are there to listen to the views of the students on their course, represent those views and make a real difference to the academic experience for students on their course.
FACU LT Y O F A R T S & HUMA NI TI ES “A great communicator! She is an active member within the course community and dedicates herself to providing accurate information to students. She is very involved and does so with a huge smile on her face. Thank you Shauna!”
A NNE-CECILE S E M ICHO N FACU LT Y O F B U S I N ES S “Anne-Cecile is one of very few course reps within the School of Business who takes her role seriously. She has attended both SSLM and optional focus groups and even though she is in her first year at university is really giving everything she has into her role as being a course rep. I feel as if she is an invaluable member of the course rep group for her attendance and interaction with staff and me on a School Rep level. She is a great course rep and deserves the recognition. Well done and thank you Anne-Cecile!”
V I CKY W ILLIAMS FACU LT Y O F H E A LT H & HUMA N S CI ENCES “Vicky is a 3rd year student who has a passionate drive to become a nurse, and has overcome a great deal of obstacles to make it this far…Throughout my time studying with Vicky, her positive upbeat attitude has been phenomenal. She always goes out of her way to help, and this year has taken on the role of student rep as well, where she has diligently sought input from her cohort to feedback to the meetings, and is quick to pass on information back to everybody afterwards. She takes her position very seriously, and wants to ensure we, as students, all get the best deal possible. If anyone deserves recognition for being a ‘star’ it’s Vicky. Not only does she shine as an example to others, her care and compassion are exactly the kinds of qualities needed in a nurse…”
ELENA LICATA FAC U LT Y O F S C I E N C E & ENGI NEERI NG “Elena was initially sceptical about becoming a course rep but once in the role she has excelled. Actively engaging with people on the course, compiling feedback and opinions which can be passed along to staff members, Elena has established a communication network that was lacking last year… Giving everyone on the course a voice, she has been known for giving feedback anonymously, based on fellow course mates wanting to remain anonymous. She conducts herself professionally, whilst being friendly and approachable, making her easy to talk to, whether it be for guidance on who we should be referred to or personally raising the issue within a SSLC. From the SSLC, she provides the minutes, raises concerns and passes along information. Also, she has, as well as other chemistry course reps, established a communication network with ChemSoc - a more informal setting, where people can talk freely… So, thank you Elena. It means a lot to us all!”
LA U R A ROBERTS PAR TN E R I N S T I T U T I O N S “Laura has been student rep for the past two years and has passionately represented the views of her peers, she is enthusiastic and drives things forward. During her time as rep she has championed causes such as equality and sustainability and has helped to organise several charitable activities including food banks and a clothing exchange. She is a key member of the team and contributes effectively during quality meetings. Laura acts as an ambassador who passionately promotes higher education to FE students by sharing her own experiences. I robustly support this nomination and believe Laura truly deserves this award.”
AT I YYA ISLAM FAC U LT Y O F M E D I C I N E & DENTI S TRY “Atiyya came into the role of course rep after a previous course rep decided to leave the role. Since then her dedication has been incredible. Her efficiency is absolute, and I have never met someone who tells me the action points are completed on the evening of the meeting happening! She has come into the role like a firework and has made herself comfortable in the role incredibly quickly. She completes her own work and attends every meeting to share points that students are concerned about. It has led me to give her extra work, which she completes with gusto. She has even acted as a deputy for me at meetings, and always reports back to me on the discussion points held in those meetings. She is responsible, hardworking and organised. She has impressed me greatly in the short amount of time she has been a course rep, acting as a role model for me to point to say what the ideal course rep should look like.”
O U T STA N D IN G P E RSON A L TU TO R A Personal Tutor can often be a lifeline during a student’s time at University on all things academic, pastoral and even career development! Having a Personal Tutor who champions and inspires students to do their very best, but also being there if things go wrong can make a real difference.
FACU LT Y O F A R T S & HUMA NI TI ES “Considering how much he already does for the BEd Primary Education course he never fails to check up on us. He always sends out a message before/during and after placement to check up on how we are coping and holds regular in depth tutor meetings. He always ensures that everyone is happy and enjoying uni.”
N ATALIE SEMLEY FACU LT Y O F B U S I N ES S “She is constantly available to support me and even kept in contact with me while I was on placement for a year. Her door is always open for support and often spends much longer than the necessary time on personal tutor meetings, striving to help me succeed.”
A LYSON NORMAN FACU LT Y O F H E A LT H & HUMA N S CI ENCES “Alyson has been an incredibly supportive personal tutor this year. We meet regularly with her where she checks that we are keeping up with our work, checks that we are all okay emotionally, and receives feedback on how we are finding the course. She is one of the only personal tutors I have had that actually wants to see us!”
STACEY DEAMICI S FACU LT Y O F S C I E N CE & ENGI NEERI NG “I have always felt like whatever issue I have I could go to Stacey for support and she has been there for me throughout my degree from my first year struggling with mental health issues following struggles just before arriving to university, and is now supporting me through applying straight to PhD projects and masters projects. Stacey is always there for her tutees and is always pushing us to do our best and improve as much as we can.”
JU DITH CABOCHE FACU LT Y O F M E D I CI NE & DENTI S TRY “Anytime Judith comes up in conversation, any student will tell you how wonderful she is. Students who were so down for so long, will suddenly know what to do, and even when I mention writing this nomination, suddenly other students want to do it as well, just to thank her for what she has done.”
JES SICA ROBINS O N PAR T N E R I N S T I T U T IO NS “Jess really tunes in to each individual student, she quickly recognises their learning style, and supports each person in the way they need. Jess is very approachable; she has a way of making you feel at ease, when you are confused or under pressure. Jess has lots of tips to support your learning.”
S E N S A TI O N A L P ROGRA M M E LE A D This award is for a Programme Lead who has made a recognisable difference to the experience of students within their programme through listening to student feedback, creating a working relationship with Course Representatives, students and much more!
FAC U LTY O F A R T S & H U MA NI TI ES “Outstanding academic and amazing person. Jody’s positivity and enthusiasm are contagious. She generously invests in our projects with endless energy and support. Without her commitment to the role, the Art History programme would not be the same and my research project would not be developed.”
FAC U LTY O F B U S I N E S S “In my first module the feedback he gave me really helped me in future modules and I know that he takes feedback about modules seriously and is always looking to inspire and share opportunities with the students. He definitely deserves to be thanked and recognised for how much he’s helped me through exam season and my first semester.”
B EN B RILOT FAC U LTY O F S C I E N C E & ENGI NEERI NG “He has done everything in his power to ensure a smooth and enjoyable time at university while studying animal behaviour and welfare. He makes an effort to get to know his students a bit more personally and to help everyone as much as he can. Even though he is busy, he always makes time for his students.”
MAT T ROSER FAC U LTY O F H E A LT H & H UMA N S CI ENCES “He’s extremely open and receptive to student engagement. He is always on the School of Psychology Facebook page, where there are over 700 members. He posts information for all students, and is communicative regarding the changes and movements within the School of Psychology. I also know that Matt works hard behind the scenes at the faculty board meetings, and takes time to discuss matters with individual course reps.”
C LA R E MCILWAINE FAC U LTY O F M E D I C I N E & DENTI S TRY “A truly innovative programme has been successfully implemented under the leadership, dedication and hard work of Clare; she is an inspiration! I am nominating Clare for a Sensational Programme Lead because she is just that: Clare’s vision for inter-professional education in the field of dentistry means we are now the leading Dental School for integrated teaching in the UK.”
LA U R A W ES T-BURHAM PAR TN E R I N S T I T U T I O N S “Laura has given us numerous opportunities to feedback regarding the course and facilities. She is also willing to listen if any concerns or issues that arise, and then takes appropriate steps to try resolve these issues. We have also been consulted if there are any short courses, which will benefits us and been given the right contacts to allow this to happen.”
M O ST I NN O V A TIV E U SE OF T E A C H I N G M E TH ODS This award is for somebody who thinks outside the box when delivering the curriculum. Deviating from the standard of PowerPoint slides or reading from a textbook really engages students and keeps them interested in what is being taught.
C L I N I C A L L E C T U R E R I N BI O MEDI CA L S CI ENCES , PENINSULA DENTAL SCH OOL “Jane is passionate about using and developing new technology, particularly 3D printing, to enhance the student experience and improve patient safety by providing highly realistic simulation training models. I have no doubt her work will continue to positively change the future training of dental students and their learning experience.”
SARAH HOW ES L ECT U R E R I N M E N TA L HEA LTH NURS I NG, S CHO O L O F NURSING AND MIDWIFERY “Sarah role models the importance of self-care as an essential part of being a nurse, to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. As such, Sarah was supportive of a group of hardy sea-swimmers who brave a swim at Plymouth Hoe during the lunch break. As innovative teaching methods go; encouraging members of the cohort to take the plunge for their wellbeing (and taking the plunge herself) on a windy November day, is remarkable.”
YOU ARE THE CLASS OF 2018 www.plymouth.ac.uk/class-of-18