UPSU Freshers' guide 2017

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WELCOME TO PLYMOUTH You’re finally here! After months of preparation you’ve finally arrived in Plymouth. So... what now?

Have the rest of your house/ flatmates arrived? Yes? Go and say hello! No? Make the most of a bit of quiet time, start to unpack and begin to make yourself at home.

@upsu /upsunion plymsu UniversityPlymouthSU

The first couple of days are a good time to suss out the local area. Where’s your nearest supermarket? Where’s the laundry room?

the services we provide. Our purpose is to empower students at the University of Plymouth through experiences - both academic and non-academic.

The Students’ Union will be open over Arrivals Weekend. Come in and grab a coffee, pick up some leaflets or visit the bar!

We provide free independent advice, support sports clubs and societies, run sports facilities, provide volunteering opportunities and entertainment, run a shop and an accommodation service, and provide catering and bars on campus.

bu t, W hat is t he st u dent s’ unio n? UPSU exists to ensure all students of the University of Plymouth have a voice, fulfil their potential and have their academic interests supported. We are a registered charity and a not for profit organisation where all the surpluses we generate are invested back into improving the student experience through

We represent a collective voice of University of Plymouth students, led by six Sabbatical Officers and overseen by a Trustee Board. This ensures we always have the needs of the students at the heart of what we do.


You r Sa b b at ic al Off i ce r T e am


t ry out s o m e th in g n e w


G u i d e to A r r i va l s We e k e n d


e at, d rin k & b e me rry


Fa i r s, sa l e s & M a r ke ts


s u & c a mpus m a p


ge t in volve d all ye a r


h o w to b e a good n e igh b our


I nte r nati o n al S t ud e n t f ocu ss e d e v e n t s


bi g ni g hts o ut


ca su a l nigh t s o ut


n an cy a stor s p orts c e n tre


ta ke ca r e d ur in g f r e s he r s’ w e e k


c o m in g up l ate r in th e ye a r


Facu lty we l c o m e pa r ti e s


d ire c tory


f re sh e rs’ we e k 2017 : wh at’s on ?


bu d g e t & s avi ng ti p s



Your Sabbatical Officer team are elected by you, University of Plymouth students, to represent your views at high level University and UPSU meetings and create and run campaigns on issues affecting you. Each Sabbatical Officer focuses on specific areas of the student experience such as; education, sports, societies, welfare, academic partners and international students. Any student can run for one of these full-time positions and comprehensive support and training will be given. For more information visit

read so m e to p ti ps f rom yo u r sa b b ati ca l of f i c e r te a m For more tips on how to make the most of Freshers’ Week and to read the full interviews with the team visit

Lowri Jon e s // P re side nt “Don’t burn yourself out by trying to do everything on offer. It’s not worth it to have Freshers’ Flu during your first full week of lectures the next week!”


ph ilippa willia m s // vp sport & deputy President “Try not to be too shy. We all like our me time, although don’t be scared to push yourself out of your comfort zones to meet new people.”


Ja m es wa rre n // vp w e lfare “Don’t leave it until tomorrow because that soon becomes a week. Plus, save money back so you can pop home if you really need to.”


a le x d oyle // vp Act ivities “Join a Society and/or Sports club, they are all so welcoming even for people as inexperienced as I was. Also, take all the freebies! They will be everywhere and you’ll need them once you break the bank.”


m a ja sm it h // vp e ducat ion “Don’t be afraid to ask for help, there are so many of us here to help and support you. Also, download Microsoft Office; it’s free using your University email address.”


h a d iza a da h // vp int e rnational & outreach “Be safe and careful. Call your family, they miss you. Be open-minded, and try new things out.”


GUIDE TO ARRIVALS WEEKEND The first few days of University are bound to be an overwhelming experience so we’ve compiled a few top tips and bits of advice to get you started. Got any questions? Tweet us @upsu using #plymfresh17.

exp l or e you r ne w su r r ou nd i ng s.

ge t yo ur t- sh irt for in t e r ha lls.

If you’re new to the City use these first couple of days to explore the University of Plymouth campus and the local area. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the buildings you’ll have your lectures in, you won’t want to get lost and be late to your first lecture!

Not only will it be a great event but each individual Hall is assigned a different coloured t-shirt so you’ll be able to spot your new neighbours in the crowds.

Be so ci a b l e .

Plymouth is one of the best cities in the South West for shopping. Grab an NUS card from the SU and head in to town to pick up some student friendly bargains.

Introduce yourself to your housemates at the first opportunity. You’re bound to be nervous but everyone is in the same boat.

Stay s a f e . Use your common sense and don’t put yourself in dangerous situations, it’s not worth it!

f o r go t te n som e th in g? d o n ’ t pa n ic.

YOUR INDUCTION SCHEDULE There’s a lot going on in your first weeks with us at university.


Keep track of your schedules, guidance, checklists and course-specific events at: Have a great start to your course and life as a Plymouth student!

FAIRS, SALES & MARKETS We host five different major Fairs over the course of Freshers’ Week focussing on different areas of your student experience. These are a great opportunity to meet current students and ask them questions.

In t ernati ona l Fair

s p o r ts Fa ir

If you’re looking for a bargain from companies who have great international offers for international students, this is the place for you. This bustling market place will be full of stalls and services with amazing offers tailored to international students.

The biggest Sports Fair in the South West for University of Plymouth students. We have over 50 sports clubs to choose from, so come and find out more and discover how to get involved.

F riday 1 5th Septemb e r

we dn e sday 2 0 th s e pte mbe r

1 0a m - 4pm // r LB crosspoin t

11a m* - 4 pm // r o l l e ma r q ue e , Th e S u & d e mos o n th e s u r o o f

Vo l u nte e r i ng Fair

S o c ie tie s & A c tivitie s fa ir

t u e s day 1 9 th s eptemb e r

th ursday 2 1s t s e pte mbe r

With over 50 different community partners and organisations this is the event to attend if you are interested in volunteering with the community! Volunteering is also a great way to boost your CV.

We have over 120 different societies and activities to choose from at UPSU. Discover the many ways you can find new hobbies, meet people and/or try something completely new.

1 1 a m - 3pm // r olle marque e

11a m* - 4 pm // r l b, r o l l e ma r q ue e , th e su & de mo s o n th e s u r o o f

Make the most of our sales over campus to personalise your new room, flat or home. We regularly hold sales throughout the year including posters, plants and vintage clothing, these will be listed on

p o s t e r sa le

Sun day 17th - tue s day 19 th & friday 2 2 n d S e pte mbe r Just moved into your new flat, and want some artwork to decorate the place? in the SU we have a huge poster sale, from classic movies, to sports teams and celebrities.

8a m - 5pm // Th e s u

fr e she r s’ Fa i r

f ri day 22nd s epte mb e r Your one stop shop for some of the hottest brands in the South West. Head down to campus and meet local businesses, find some discounts and grab some free stuff!

p l ant Sa le

k e e p a n e y e o n ups u.c o m Brighten up your new room with some great deals on plants.

10am - 4 pm // Th e s u

1 0am - 4 pm // across camp us*

m arke t day

mon day 18 th S e pte mbe r

* quiet hour; 11am - 12pm At this years Sports and Societies & Activities Fairs we will be offering a ‘Quiet Hour’. If you’re not a fan of crowds and prefer a quieter environment please come down between 11am - 12pm. Find out more about the Quiet Hour at

With a wide selection of mouth-watering dishes and the finest products from the South West, there will be so many flavours for you to try at our Market Day. Market Days take place throughout the year every month during term time. Check to see when the next ones are.

10a m - 4 pm // th e s u r o o f

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FOCUSSED EVENTS Before the official start of Freshers’ Week 2017 there’s International Arrivals Week which runs from Monday 11th - Friday 15th September. These first few days are a great opportunity to get to know campus, the SU and to explore the city while it’s a bit quieter.

vo l u nte e r i ng w i t h t h e s u d r op- i n s e s s io n s m onday 1 1 th, T u es day 12 th & t h u rsday 1 4 th septe mb e r

Sign up and discover all the great projects you can be a part of!

2 - 4 p m // the hi ve, st ude n t s’ un ion

St ude nts’ U ni on S p o r t s Tast e r Se ss i on W e d nes day 1 3th S epte mb e r

Come along and take a look at what the sports centre and gym has to offer you. Wear your trainers if you would like to try out some sports in the Sports Hall (no payment required).

1 0a m - 1 2pm // nancy a st or s p or t s centr e

f is h & C h ip Suppe r

we d n e sday 13th s e pte mbe r Enjoy a traditional British seaside treat. Ticketed event for international students only.

6 or 6:30 pm // th e s u

b as k e t b a ll fun

t h ursday 14 th s e pte mbe r Come along and have fun playing basketball, even if you’re a complete beginner! Just turn up there is no need to book, make sure you take suitable sports footwear with you.

7 - 8p m // n a n cy a s to r s po r ts c e n tr e

in t rod u cti on t o yo ur s u in c. a tou r of t h e s u t h u rs day 1 4th & f ri day 1 5th S epte mb e r

Discover what UPSU can do for you while you study and how you can get involved.

f r om 1 0am // the su

Kar aoke ni g ht

t h u rs day 1 4th S ep te mb e r Test your singing skills, sing along or just take in the atmosphere at this fun karaoke session. This is a perfect opportunity to meet new people and connect with other students.

f r om 9 - 1 1 pm // th e su

st u d e nts’ u ni o n in t e r nati ona l fair

t h u rs day 21 s t s ep te mb e r (See page 5)

1 1 a m - 4pm // Acr o ss camp us

mus i c & Sa l sa dan c in g f r iday 1 5th septemb e r

This is a great opportunity to make friends while you enjoy listening to some Latin sounds. A Latino Dance expert will be on hand to teach you some new salsa moves. Stay around afterwards and enjoy some music from around the world.

I nt e r n atio n a l stu d e n t adv ice ( ISA ) Ground Floor of the Roland Levinsky Building, University of Plymouth

f r om 9 - 1 1 pm // th e su

bad m i nton fu n

01752 587740

satur day 1 6t h s ep t em b e r

A fun and social badminton taster for all International students to take part in.

10 - 11 am // nancy as t o r spo r ts ce n tr e



With a range of events all year round, UPSU provides so much to entertain you during your time at University. When better to make a start than Freshers’ Week?

wh it e t- s hi r t so c ial F riday 1 5th Septemb e r

A Freshers’ classic... wear a white t-shirt, bring a pen and write all over your new mates. With Freejak on the decks and the best drinks deals in town, it’s a night not to be missed!

1 0p m - 3am // the su // £3 e n t ry* *Included wi t h t he F res h e r s’ w r istb a n d

su p er he r oe s pa rt y

s at ur day 1 6 th S epte mb e r Dress up as your favourite superhero for one of the biggest club nights of the year. Future Dropout will be on the decks bringing the biggest tunes of the summer, the perfect way to kick off Freshers’ Week.

In t e r h a lls soc ia l

sun day 17th s e pte mbe r R ate d the b e s t e ve nt o f F r e sh e r s’ We e k 2 0 16 .

1 0p m - 3am // the su // £3 e n t ry*

The Interhalls Social is a rite of passage for any fresher at Plymouth University. The biggest welcome party in Plymouth. It’s the age old fresher’s question – which halls is the best? On the 17th September we will find out!

*Included wi t h t he F res h e r s’ w r istb a n d

8pm - 2 a m // th e s u // £ 5 e n try * * b u y a t- s hir t fr o m the s u, this ac ts a s yo u r ticke t o n the night

Miami B e ach Pa r t y

M onday 1 8th Septemb e r Get your best beach party wear on and head to the SU for a night of exotic beach fun. The first 500 people through the door get a free Hawaiian necklace.

1 0p m - 3am // the su // £3 e n t ry* *Inclu ded wi t h t he F re sh e r s’ w r istb a n d

C h e e ky M onday l aun c h

w i t h m a rc e l & t he blazin squad M o n day 1 8th s epte mb e r Cheeky Monday! Plymouth’s biggest student night returns. The madness begins this September with weekly themed content and giveaways.

1 0 pm - 5am // pryzm // £4/ £3 on lin e

vod ka pl ayg ro un d

t ues day 1 9th s epte mb e r Welcome to the Vodka Playground, amazing Cocktails and Revolutions’ very own Vodka Flavours alongside the epic DJ Jonezy bringing Vodka Limbo to the table and Shot Roulette for your entertainment.

1 0 pm - 3am // r evolution s // £2

Wa l ka b ou t w e d n e s day we dnesday 20th se p te mb e r

Wednesday, the biggest night of your midweek social calendar can only mean one thing... your dedicated student night, crammed full of themes, guests, giveaways and prizes. Expect the expected.

1 0 pm - 3am // walk ab out // £3

sw i tch thu r sdays

t h u r sday 21 st se pte mb e r To celebrate Freshers’ Week the Switched Up team are giving away a pair of Kanye’s iconic Yeezys to one lucky winner. Hollywood Hannah & Just Daniel will be holding down the decks with those urban and EDM bangers you’ve become accustomed to every Thursday!

1 0 pm - 5am //walk ab out // £2

Freshtival disco f t. pix ie l ott One of the biggest nights of the year. This years Freshtival is disco themed and will be headlined on the Main Stage by Pixie Lott amongst other acts. Freshtival is the perfect way to round off your first week at University. There’ll be food stalls, drink deals, inflatables, live music and much more!

8p m - 3a m // c a mpus // £ 15 e n try * * In cl ud e d with the Fr e s he r s’ wr is tb a nd

n o ugh tie s

tue sday 19 th s e pte mbe r Join us for a trip through the early 2000’s. Relive your youth and party down to the club classic anthems in the SU.

10p m - 3a m // th e s u // £ 3 e n try * * I n clu d e d with the Fr e s he r s’ wr is tb a nd

d ic k & d om in da su

we dn es day 2 0 th s e pte mbe r DJ set from the famous Dick & Dom. Bringing their comedy style and set to the SU during Freshers’ Week. Anyone for a game of Bogies?

10p m - 3a m // th e s u // £ 3 e n try * * I n clu d e d with the Fr e s he r s’ wr is tb a nd

P ir at e Pa rty

friday 2 2 n d s e pte mbe r Get the hook and wooden leg out of the cupboard it’s Pirate Fancy Dress night in the SU!

10p m - 3a m // th e s u // £ 3 e n try * * I n clu d e d with the Fr e s he r s’ wr is tb a nd


Freshers’ Week is a marathon, not a sprint. We’ve put together a range of entertaining events that offer a slightly tamer alternative to our club nights. Perfect for the nights you want to go out but not out out...

r oc k ‘n’ r ol l b i n go

b ig s un day quiz

Replace bingo balls with 15 second music clips, replace the numbers on a bingo card with the name of an artist or song and when you hear a song or artist on your card you mark it off.

Test your general knowledge with our weekly Big Sunday Quiz. Regularly hosted by Sports Clubs and Societies and with different themes throughout the year the Big Sunday Quiz is a great way to wind down the weekend with friends.

F riday 1 5th Septemb e r

8 - 9 : 30pm // the su // £2 e n try

karaoke w e d ne s days

w e d nesday 20th septe mb e r Come along, show us what you’ve got. Settle the debate of the best singer in the flat. Karaoke Wednesdays will be running every Wednesday night throughout term time.

8 - 1 0pm // the su

sun day 2 4 th s e pte mbe r

8 - 10p m // th e s u // £ 2 e n try

C id e r & Pa sty Fe stiva l friday 22 n d s e pte mbe r

See page 19 for more information.

3 - 8p m // th e s u

jam hou se

t hu r sday 1 4 th & 2 1st se p te mb e r The biggest open mic in the South West is back, come down to your SU to enjoy some live music every Thursday night during term time. On the 21st September we’ll be welcoming The Funky Monks - a Red Hot Chilli Peppers cover band.

8 : 30pm - 1 am // the su

l ou ng e l i ve s e s s io n s t u e sday 1 9 th s epte mb e r

We’ve brought together live music and good coffee. Come down to the Lounge (proud to serve Costa Coffee), sit back, relax and listen to some of the South West’s freshly brewed musical talent.

8 : 30pm - 1 am // the su

b ig sc re e n footb a ll all y e a r r o un d

Come and watch live football in the SU. Every week from 12:30pm. We show all sports when possible on BT Sport & Sky Sports. If there’s an event you want on simply let us know and we’ll do our best to show it.

c om e dy ce ntr al

m o nday 1 8th septe mb e r Comedy Central are bringing you the best local comedians to make you laugh your socks off. Line up as follows**:

Gian t C in e m a

t h ur s day 2 1s t s e pte mbe r

*Inc l u ded w i t h t he F r e sh e r s’ w r istb a n d

Head down to our Giant Cinema, watch a movie voted for by you on our Facebook page. This will be shown outside on the SU roof subject to rain, please bring warm clothes and blankets. If it’s raining the event will be moved to the Main Hall.

**Line up subject to change

8 - 10 pm // th e s u r o o f

• Suzi Ruffell • Liam Pickford • (MC) Danny Ward

8 - 1 0pm // the su // £5 e n try*

TAKE CARE DURING FRESHERS Take ca r e o f yo u r b e l ong i n gs.

Tak e c a re o f yo ur sa n ity.

There will be people, not necessarily students, with an eye on your phone, laptop, wallet, handbag, etc. Keep an eye your belongings and make sure you always know where they are. If you are out in public don’t leave them unattended.

Fresher’s is fun, exciting, noisy and vibrant. There is a lot to do, lots of freebies, lots of events, lots of new people to meet and get to know. But do make sure you get enough sleep, eat sensibly and keep things in perspective. If things get too much, take a walk up on the Hoe and have some fresh air, have a siesta to catch up on some sleep, say no to more alcohol and opt for a soft drink.

Take ca r e o f yo u r I D. Do not disclose too much information about yourself to people you have just met, no matter how friendly and trustworthy they appear to be. Don’t disclose any personal information on-line unless they are a trusted source. Scammers know when Student Finance England make their payments and will be targeting students at this time of year.

Take ca r e o f yo u r sa fe ty. You are probably new to Plymouth and do not fully know your way around yet. Stick to well-lit routes if you are walking home late at night, and always walk with a friend if possible. Make sure you have a local taxicab phone number saved on your phone, we recommend Need A Cab 01752 222 666. Make sure you know about UPSU’s Safe Taxi scheme too.

Tak e c a re o f yo ur stud e n t status. The University has a reputation to protect and will not tolerate inappropriate and illegal behaviour by its students. Make sure you understand the University’s Code of Conduct. What you may think is a private communication on social media is only private until it is shared. Drugs in Halls and private student accommodation are a no-no and the University will take a dim view of anyone contravening the law. If you’re on a professional course, or someone in your group of friends is, and you get caught up in something inappropriate or illegal, you are likely to face disciplinary proceedings and potentially be asked to withdraw from your course.

FACULTY WELCOME PARTIES The Faculty Welcome Parties are your opportunity to meet informally with other students new to your Faculty, as well as some current students and your academic staff.

All of the Faculty Welcome Parties are held in the Graduation Marquee on The Hoe, see below for your specific Faculty date.

fac u lty of sci e n c e & En gi ne e r i ng m o n day 1 8th s epte mb e r Sc hool of bi olog i cal & mar in e sc ie n c e s a n d sc h o o l of geogr aphy, ear th & en vir o nm e n ta l sc ie n c e s

we dnesday 20th se p te mb e r Sc hool of computi ng, elec tr o nic s & m ath e m atic s a nd s chool of eng i neer i n g

7: 1 5 - 9 : 4 5 p m

fac u lty of b u s in e s s t ue s day 1 9th S epte mb e r

7: 1 5 - 9 : 4 5 p m

fac ulty of h e a lth & h uma n s c ie nc e s an d plym outh un ive rsity s c h o ols of m e d ic in e & d e ntistry th urs day 2 1s t S e pte mbe r

7:15 - 9:45pm

Fac ulty of a rts & H uma n itie s friday 2 2 n d S e pte mbe r

7:15 - 9:45pm

BUDGET & SAVING TIPS Make it your mission to maximise your income whilst you are studying as worrying about money will detract from your studying. Here are a few tips but if you still need help making ends meet then visit the Advice Centre, our contact details can be found at

St ude nt L oa ns & Ban k accou nts Make sure you are getting the maximum amount of Student Loan visit for current rates. Open a student bank account with a student overdraft facility. You will be expected to use this before being able to apply for other sources of income such as the University’s Financial Support Fund – free money that you can apply for from October.

Emp l oym e nt See if you can find employment or self-employment to fit in with your studies. Student Ambassadors are normally recruited by the end of October, look at Student Jobs.

t ip s & tric ks Use your NUS card, whether it’s eating out, dining in, going to the cinema or buying online, loads of places give NUS discount, if you’re not sure just ask at the till they won’t be offended. Find out more at Use loyalty cards, whether this is Nectar, Tesco or regular coffee stamps, it all amounts to free money which you may need by the end of the term. Utilise free tools to help you manage your bank account such as bPay & Pingit. For more information visit If home is far away get a rail card or look at the Megabus to see if you could get home for £1.

TRY OUT SOMETHING NEW Making a fresh start at University is a great opportunity to try out brand new activities and experiences.

Already have a hobby? Check out the Sports Clubs and Societies list there’s something for everyone. If not, why not start your own?

Su r f the chu r ch e s

M Ga powe rb oun c e ta ste r

Looking for a church service on Sunday morning? Meet at the Chaplaincy (1, Kirkby Terrace) for breakfast before going off to various different local churches.

Bored of running on a treadmill? Why not try Powerbounce; a whole new workout that will put more than a skip in your step! Powerbounce is suitable for all fitness levels and abilities.

s u n day 1 7th septemb e r

f rom 9:30am // the c h a plain cy

MGA B e g i nne r Yo ga Tas t e r

tue sday 19 th s e pte mbe r

7 - 8pm // po w e r bo un c e s tudio // £ 3

M onday 1 8th septemb e r

guid e d cyc le rid e

Yoga is not only a great way to improve strength, flexibility balance and posture, it’s also a time for reflection and an uplifting practice that promotes physical health and mental wellbeing. No previous experience is needed but you’ll need to book a ticket at prior to the session.

See the city on two wheels with our free bike tours. We will take in the major sights! Led by an experienced instructor the group will move at a steady, comfortable pace avoiding any major roads. Bike and helmets will be provided, simply dress for the weather.

8 - 9 a m // the hou se // £3

th ursday 2 1s t s e pte mbe r

3 - 5 p m // me e t o n th e s u r o o f

Throughout Freshers’ Week the Give it a Go programme will be offering free taster sessions for a number of their usual activities. All equipment is provided and sessions are suitable for complete beginners.

n e tb a l l Monday 18th september 5 - 6pm // nancy astor sports centre

G ig r ow i ng tuesday 19th & thursday 21st september 4 - 6pm // meet at the su reception

baske tb a l l thursday 21st september 6 - 7pm // nancy astor sports centre

bad m i nton thursday 21st september 7 - 8pm // nancy astor sports centre

m e n ’s h oc ke y c lub friday 22nd september 6:30 - 9:30 pm // meet on the su roof

l adie s footb a ll c lub saturday 23rd september 12 - 2pm // meet on the su roof

s ai lin g & powe rb oat C lub : s ai lin g se ssion saturday 23rd september 1 - 5pm // meet on the su roof

s ta n d up pad d le b oa rd in g C lub saturday 23rd september 1:30 - 4:30pm // meet on the su roof

Surf L e s son

f r iday 22nd s eptemb e r What better way to enjoy Plymouth’s amazing coastal location? This lesson is ideal for beginners, giving you the opportunity to try a new activity. All equipment is provided; you simply need to bring something to wear beneath a wetsuit and a towel.

1 1 : 4 5am - 6pm // wh itsan d b ay // £2 5

c h e e rle a d in g C lub saturday 23rd september 5 - 7:30pm // pitts hall Gym

s k ate C lub : skate & l o n gb oa rd se ssion sun day 24th september 2 - 6pm // the hoe

EAT, DRINK & BE MERRY The Quarterdeck and the Lounge, both situated in the SU, offer delicious meals if you need to grab something between lectures during term time. Take a look at the food and drinks based events taking place over Freshers’ Week.

F r e e C re a m Te a s

e ve ry day dur in g Fr e s h e r s’ W e e k, e xclud in g w e e ke n ds The University Chaplaincy is providing free cream teas in true West Country fashion. A chance to taste a traditional Devon cream tea and meet new friends.

2 - 4:3 0pm // th e c h a pl a in cy

F r e e Me a ls Cide r & Pa sty F e s t ival f riday 22nd septemb e r

Local ciders, pasties and live music. It’s the perfect introduction to the South West. Head down to the SU any time from 3pm to see what’s on offer.

3 - 8 p m // the s u

mon day 18th - th ur s day 2 1s t se pte mb e r For new students to enjoy a free meal and meet new friends.

from 6pm // s h e r w e l l c h ur c h h a l l

Pay your share without the ‘mare Pingit links your mobile number with any UK bank account so you can pay without the hassle. Download it free from your app store today. To get Pingit, you must be 16+ and have a UK bank account.

SU & CAMPUS MAP g r ou n d f l o o r o f t he su

s u b li m e

G r ou nd f l o o r

first fl oor

Accommodation Venue Managers (Lost Property) Sports Development Volunteering Societies & Activities Sabbatical Officer Team Bars Main Bar Zigzag Bar Cocktail Bar Illusion Bar The Quarterdeck Nightclub Sublime Illusion The Lounge Toilets Marketing Events Facilities & Cleaning

SU: Shop Advice Centre Student Voice Partner Students

il l u s io


se cond f l oor Finance (Clubs & Societies) Human Resources Senior Management Team

GET INVOLVED ALL YEAR Your student experience begins with Freshers’ Week but it definitely doesn’t end there.

UPSU offers a huge range of opportunities to get involved alongside your studies from leading on campaigns to volunteering with the local community and part time employment.

H o w d o i sign up? sp o r ts cl u bs Joining a sports club is really easy, you can find all the info you need on If you can’t find the info you need you can contact the club and talk about what it involves. Then you need to login to, navigate to the sports clubs A-Z and sign up through the sports club pages.

soc ie ti e s It’s really quick to join a society. Check out for all the info and speak to a society to find out more about them. Then you need to login to, navigate to the societies A-Z and sign up through the society pages.

vo l unte e rin g The Volunteering Toolkit can be found online at, feel free to come and visit the Volunteering department us in the Hive in the SU and discuss what student volunteering involves.

s t ud e n t forums We have 15 student forums that focus on a wide range of topics and issues and are here to represent the enormous diversity of students that we have here in Plymouth. Each forum is chaired by an elected student who then represents their forum at the highest level of political decision making at UPSU, the Union Council. Any student can come along to the Forums or the Union Council, get their voice heard and influence positive change. Find out the info you need on

S p or ts Clu bs • Adventure & Expo (Caving/ Climbing) • Air Soft • American Flag Football • American Football • Archery • Athletics • Badminton • Basketball (M) • Basketball (W) • Canoe • Cheerleading • Clay Pigeon Shooting • Cricket • Cycling • Dance • Darts • Dodgeball • Fencing • Football (M) • Football (W) • Futsal • Golf • Hockey (M) • Hockey (W) • Ice Skating • JKD (Kung Fu) • Ju Jitsu • Judo • Karate • Kickboxing • Lacrosse • MMA • Motorsport • Netball • Pole Dancing • Pool & Snooker • Riding & Polo • Rounders • Rowing • Rugby (M) • Rugby (W) • Sailing & Powerboat • Skateboard

• Snowriders • Squash • Surf • Surf Lifesaving • Swimming & Waterpolo • Table Tennis • Tennis • Trampoline • Ultimate Frisbee • Underwater Hockey • Volleyball • Windriders • Yacht

PLus... Our range of social sports programmes allow you to get involved in sport without committing to joining a sports club. With most of the events you can just turn up and play (read more on page...) • Give it a Go • Intramural • Motivate Generate Activate • Watersports

Socie t ie s • A Cappella Soc • Afro Caribbean • Ahlulbayt Islamic • Amateur Dramatics • Anime Society • Art History • Asian • Assassins Guild • Baking Society • Big Band • Biology • Biomedical • Burlesque and Cabaret • ChemSoc • Chinese • Choir • Christian Union

• Circus Society • Civil Engineering • Computer Information Security Society • Concert Band • Conservative Society • CoppaFeel! • CrimSoc • Debate • Dentsoc • Design • Disney Society • DJ Soc (UPBeat) • Eden Project Horticultural Society • Enactus • Environmental • ESN • Events Society (UPES) • EyeSoc (PU Optometry Society) • Feminist Society • First Aid • First Love Society • Food Society • Friends of MSF • Games Soc • Geek Society • GeogSoc (Geography) • Geology • Gospel Choir • Harry Potter • History • Howard League for Penal Reform • International Latin Society • Islamic Society • Knit Fast, Die Warm • Knowledge • LGBT+ • Literature Society • Malaysian Society • Marine Biology • Marine Science • Marrow • Maths Society

• MedSin • MedSoc • Midwifery Society • MTG (Musical Theatre Group) • Nepalese Society (NSPU) • Nerf Soc • Nigerian Students Society • Occupational Therapy • Overcomers Christian Students Society • People & Planet Photography Society • PLUGS (Guides and Scouts) • Plymatures! • PlymEng • Plymouth Architecture and Design Society • Plymouth Labour Students • Plymouth University Chess Society • Pokemon Trainers • Poker • Politics & International Affairs • Post Grad • PsySoc • PUBs (Plymouth University Building Society) • PUP (Plymouth University Printmakers) • Real Ale & Cider • Rock & Live Music • Russian Speaking • Salem Campus Fellowship • Scuba • Sexpression • Student Mind Society • SU:TV • Taiko Drumming Society • Tech Soc • Ukulele • University of Plymouth Business Society (UPBS) • University of Plymouth Law

Society (UPLS) • University of Plymouth Unicycling Society • UoP Vegetarian and Vegan Society • UPSU:Radio • Viking • Welsh Society • Women’s Engineering Society • Zoological

PLUS... • Duke of Edinburgh Award Find out more at

stude n t forums • Academic • Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic (BAME) • Environment & Sustainability • Faith & Belief • Global Students • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT+) • Mature Students • Partner Institutions • Postgraduate • Students with Disabilities • Societies • Sports • Volunteering • Welfare • Women’s

PLUS... If you’re interested in representing the views of your fellow students there are numerous other ways that you can get involved, including: • Course Rep • School Rep • Partner College Rep

• Senate Rep • NUS Delegate These are all elected positions; find out more at

vo l un te e r in g o ppo r tun itie s • Education, children and young adults • Conservation, environment, wildlife and gardening • Fundraising • Animals • Student led volunteering • Mental health • Arts and culture Sports volunteering

E mpl oy me n t Looking for a part time job alongside your studies? UPSU offers the following employment opportunities: • Bar Staff • Catering Staff • Baristas • Tech Staff • SU Ambassadors • Membership Assistants • Cashiers • Cleaners • Administrators • Shop Assistants • Design Assistants Keep an eye on for current vacancies.

Welcome to your Careers & Employability Service! The Careers & Employability Service delivers a range of support and activities across the year to help you develop your key employability skills, meet employers and explore the wide variety of career paths open to you. Our service includes;

• Help to find part-time jobs, placements, internships and graduate roles • Support with exploring career options, CVs, applications and interviews • One to one guidance appointments • Accelerate skills development workshops • Employer events – recruitment fairs, presentations and workshops, networking evenings and practice interviews • Employer Mentoring Scheme • The Plymouth Award • Skills competitions name just a few! Drop in to the Careers & Employability Hub in RLB for advice and information or check us out by visiting: f plymuniemp t @plymuniemp < /employability 0 01752 587456


The official University of Plymouth app – the must have resource for all students Full of helpful University information that is easily accessible wherever you are, this is your guide to campus life. Download the app today for quick access to course materials, your timetable, email, and many more services.

Available on iOS and Android devices or via a web browser.

More information at:


10 tips for being a good housemate and a good neighbour

Everyone knows that students like a good party and in those first few weeks of Freshers it can get a bit raucous. Here are some tips on how to try and keep the peace with your neighbours.

Be p olite .

Par kin g .

When you move in go and introduce yourself and find out who your neighbours are. If they are night workers it won’t matter if you’re noisy in the evening as long as you’re quiet in the day, yet if you’re living next to a young family they will not appreciate your drum and base at 3am!

If you bring a car and the rest of your housemates have one too, then be considerate there are others living around you that will also want to park near their home.

Re m em be r your bi ns.

If you smoke then you will be used to the wind and rain by now, but be considerate and don’t stand next to an open window where the smell of your smoke will inevitably go.

Plymouth City Council are very clear on when you can put your bins out and failure to follow their rules could cost you £100. Your neighbours will not appreciate an alley full of pizza boxes and bottles so follow the rules.

S moki n g.

Cou nse lling. Living with other people can sometimes prove too much for some, if you are worried about a housemate then you can always talk to the University Counselling service about the best way to help them.

Uni (3)


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Annual Unirider valid until 15 June 2018 . Price based on an online annual ticket valid in Plymouth. Prices in other regions may vary.

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stay up to date with current campaigns book places on our sport sesssions learn about job opportunities at the SU browse available properties to rent ...and more!





University of Plymouth Students’ Union




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in the heart of


D r op in a nd V i s i t the Gy m

g low stic k a e r o b ic s

Visit the Nancy Astor Sports Centre to check the facilities available.

Workout in a UV rave with our aerobics instructors from the Sports Centre.

5 : 30 - 6 :30pm na ncy astor sport s ce n t re

5 - 6pm n an cy a s to r s po r ts c e n tr e

M onday 1 8th - F r iday 22 n d Se pte mb e r

We d n e s day 2 0 th s e pte mbe r

Monday 18th September Kettlercise H.I.I.T. Body Conditioning Dynamic Yoga

07:30 - 08:15 08:20 - 08:50 12:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00

gainz core conditioning Body Conditioning Pumpercise

07:30 - 08:15 08:20 - 08:50 12:00 - 12:45 13:00 - 13:45

Spin Roulette bootylicious Fighting Fit

17:10 - 17:55 18:00 - 19:00 19:00 - 20:00

Tuesday 19th September dance fitness dynamic yoga Legs, Bums & Tums

17:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 19:00 19:00 - 20:00

Wednesday 20th September Spin pilates body conditioning

07:30 - 08:15 08:20 - 09:00 12:00 - 13:00

low impact glow stick aerobics hatha yoga

13:00 - 14:00 17:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 19:00

Thursday 21st September Spin pilates dynamic yoga flow

07:30 - 08:15 08:20 - 09:00 12:00 - 13:00

Pilates Legs, Bums & Tums kettlercise

13:10 - 14:00 14:10 - 15:00 17:00 - 18:00

Friday 22nd September Spin ballet conditioning H.i.i.t. conditioning

07:30 - 08:15 08:20 - 09:00 12:00 - 12:45

kettlercise spin

09:00 - 10:00 10:10 - 10:55

fitball high/lo aerobics stott pilates

13:00 - 13:45 16:00 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00

Saturday 23rd September abs free class taster

11:05 - 11:35 12:00 - 16:00

COMING UP LATER IN THE YEAR... SE PT EM BE R Postgraduate Tea Break.

Oc t o ber Oktoberfest, Halloween Celebrations, UPSU By-elections, Black History Month.

N ove m be r Thanksgiving celebrations, Find a Flatmate.

D e c em be r

Winter Ball, UPSU AGM, Festive Campus Market.

Ja n ua ry Chinese New Year

Fe b rua ry UPSU Elections, Six Nations, Pride on Campus, Beer Festival, Refresh Fair, Super Bowl LII, Student Volunteering Week.

Mar ch Varsity, St Patrick’s Day Celebrations, Green Week.


UPSU Award season, Eurovision Party.

Ju ne End of year celebrations, Summer Ball.

Re gular Events: · Open Mic Night · Quiz Night · Biggest Student Club Bights · Outdoor Cinema · Market Day · Poster Sales · Vintage Clothing Sales · Indie Nights · Cheese Nights · Fancy Dress Parties

DIRECTORY Ac c ommodat i on /upsuaccommodation 01752 588381

A dvic e @upsu_advice 01752 588380 // 0800 953 0155

Ba rs & Cat e r i ng /upsubar @UPSUbar

D uke of E d i nb u r gh Awa r d

E nterta i nm e nt

sa bbati ca l Offi ce r T e a m /execofficers

Fund ra i s i ng @UPSUfundraising

Give it a Go

I n tr am u r al Sp o r t s

Jobs University of Plymouth Students’ Union

S oc i eti es & Ac ti vi ti es 01752 588388 /UPSUSocietiesAndActivities UPSUSocActs

S p ort


/UPSUjobs 01752 588366

M o ti vat e, G en er ate, Ac t i vate

n an cy ast o r Sp o r ts C en t re @UPSUSportCentre /UPSUsportscentre 01752 588510

Par tn er st u d en t s @UPSU_Partners 01752 588392

R el ays@ U P SU

@UPSUsports /UPSUsports upsusports

S tu dent Voi c e @upsuvoice /UPSUstudentvoice upsuvoice 01752 588380

Vol u nteeri ng


01752 588389



01752 588389


Sh o p @shopUPSU /UPSUShop


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freshe r s’ we ek 2 01 7: wh at’s on? GIAG INTERNATIONAL SPORTS TASTER > 10:00 - 12:00 // nancy astor sports centre free cream teas > 14:00 - 16:30 // the chaplaincy Pre-freshers welcome back party > 22:00 - 03:00 // walkabout

spin roulette > 17:10 - 17:55 // nancy astor exercise studio // free meals > from 18:00 // sherwell church hall bootylicious > 18:00 - 19:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // fighting fit > 19:00 - 20:00 // nancy astor exercise studio Welcome Party: Faculty of science & Engineering // 19:15 - 21:45 // the hoe // (see page 14 for more details) comedy central > 20:00 - 22:00 // the su // cheeky monday launch party with marcel & the blazin squad > 22:00 - 05:00 // pryzm // miami beach party > 22:30 - late // the su //



introduction to the su > from 10am // The SU volunteering drop in > 14:00 - 16:00 // the hive, the su free cream teas > 14:00 - 16:30 // the chaplaincy GIAG INTERNATIONAL basketball TASTER > 19:00 - 20:00 // nancy astor sports centre jam house > 20:30 - 01:00 // the su, sublime international karaoke > 21:00 - 23:00 // the su, illusion

gainz > 07:30 - 08:15 // nancy astor exercise studio // poster sale > 08:00 - 17:00 // the su core conditioning > 08:20 - 08:50 // nancy astor exercise studio // volunteering fair > 11:00 - 15:00 // rolle marquee body conditioning > 12:00 - 12:45 // nancy astor exercise studio // pumpercise > 13:00 - 13:45 // nancy astor exercise studio // free cream teas > 14:00 - 16:30 // the chaplaincy giag gig rowing > 16:00 - 18:00 // mount batten watersports centre dance fitness > 17:00 - 18:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // drop in & visit the gym > 17:30 - 18:30 // nancy astor sports centre free meals > from 18:00 // sherwell church hall dynamic yoga > 18:00 - 19:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // lounge live sessions > 18:00 - 20:00 // the lounge, the su mga powerbounce taster > 19:00 - 20:00 // powerbounce studio Welcome Party: Faculty of business // 19:15 - 21:45 // the hoe // (see page 14 for more details) legs, bums & tums > 19:00 - 20:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // noughties night > 22:00 - late // the su // vodka playground > 22:00 - 03:00 // revolutions


friDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER international fair > 12:00 - 16:00 // rlb crosspoint free cream teas > 14:00 - 16:30 // the chaplaincy salsa night > 19:00 - 22:00 // THE SU ROCK ‘N’ ROLL BINGO > 20:00 - 21:30 // THE SU WHITE T-SHIRT SOCIAL > 22:00 - LATE // THE SU //



moNDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER Kettlercise > 07:30 - 08:15 // Nancy astor exercise studio MGA beginner yoga taster > 08:00 - 09:00 // the house // h.i.i.t. > 08:20 - 08:50 // nancy astor exercise studio // poster sale > 08:00 - 17:00 // the su market day - Freshers’ edition > 10:00 - 15:00 // the su roof body conditioning > 12:00 - 13:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // dynamic yoga > 13:00 - 14:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // free cream teas > 14:00 - 16:30 // the chaplaincy drop in & visit the gym > 17:30 - 18:30 // nancy astor sports centre giag netball taster > 17:00 - 18:00 // nancy astor sports centre

WEDNESDAY 20TH SEPTEMBER spin > 07:30 - 08:15 // nancy astor exercise studio // PIlates > 08:20 - 09:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // SPORTS FAIR > 11:00 -16:00 // THE SU body conditioning > 12:00 - 13:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // low impact > 13:00 - 14:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // free cream teas > 14:00 - 16:30 // the chaplaincy drop in & visit the gym > 17:30 - 18:30 // nancy astor sports centre free meals > from 18:00 // sherwell church hall glow stick aerobics > 17:00 - 18:00 // nancy astor SPORTS HALL //

HATHA YOGA > 18:00 - 19:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // Welcome Party: Faculty of science & Engineering > 19:15 - 21:45 // the hoe // (see page 14 for more details) KARAOKE NIGHT > 20:00 - 22:00 // THE SU DICK & DOM IN DA SU > 22:00 - 03:00 // THE SU // Walkabout Wednesday ft. artful dodger > 22:00 - 03:00 // Walkabout

THURSDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER spin > 07:30 - 08:15 // nancy astor exercise studio // PIlates > 08:20 - 09:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // SOCIETIES & ACTIVITIES FAIR > 11:00 - 16:00 // THE SU, SU ROOF, RLB & ROLLE MARQUEE DYNAMIC YOGA FLOW > 12:00 - 13:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // PILATES > 13:10 - 14:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // free cream teas > 14:00 - 16:30 // the chaplaincy LEGS, BUMS & TUMS > 14:10 - 15:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // GUIDED CYCLE RIDE > 15:00 - 17:00 // MEET ON THE SU ROOF // GIAG GIG ROWING > 16:00 - 18:00 // MOUNT BATTEN WATERSPORTS CENTRE KETTLERCISE > 17:00 - 18:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // drop in & visit the gym > 17:30 - 18:30 // nancy astor sports centre GIAG BASKETBALL TASTER > 18:00 - 19:00 // NANCY ASTOR SPORTS CENTRE free meals > from 18:00 // sherwell church hall GIAG BADMINTON TASTER > 19:00 - 20:00 // NANCY ASTOR SPORTS CENTRE Welcome Party: Faculty of health & human sciences and plymouth university peninsula schools of medicine & dentistry > 19:15 - 21:45 // the hoe // (see page 14 for more details) GIANT CINEMA > 20:00 - 22:00 // THE SU ROOF* (MAIN HALL IF RAINING) JAM HOUSE > 20:30 - 01:00 // THE SU

FRIDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER spin > 07:30 - 08:15 // nancy astor exercise studio // poster sale > 08:00 - 17:00 // the su BALLET CONDITIONING > 08:20 - 09:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // FRESHERS’ FAIR > 10:00 - 16:00 // THE SU, SU ROOF, RLB & ROLLE MARQUEE SURF LESSON > 11:45 - 18:00 // WHITSAND BAY // H.I.I.T. CONDITIONING > 12:00 - 12:45 // nancy astor exercise studio // FITBALL > 13:00 - 13:45 // nancy astor exercise studio // free cream teas > 14:00 - 16:30 // the chaplaincy CIDER & PASTY FESTIVAL > 15:00 - 20:00 // THE SU HIGH/LO AEROBICS > 16:00 - 17:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // STOTT PILATES > 17:00 - 18:00 // nancy astor exercise studio //

drop in & visit the gym > 17:30 - 18:30 // nancy astor sports centre MEN’S HOCKEY CLUB TASTER > 18:30 - 21:00 // LIPSON ACADEMY PIRATE PARTY > 22:00 - LATE // THE SU //

sATURDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER KETTLERCISE > 09:00 - 10:00 // nancy astor exercise studio // spin > 10:10 - 10:55 // nancy astor exercise studio // mount edgcumbe walk > from 10:45 // tbc ABS > 11:05 - 11:35 // nancy astor exercise studio // ladies football club taster > 12:00 - 14:00 // central park FREE CLASS TASTER > 12:00 - 16:00 // nancy astor SPORTS CENTRE Sailing & powerboat Club - sailing taster > 12:00 - 17:00 // Mount batten watersports centre stand up paddleboarding club taster > 13:30 - 16:30 // Mount batten watersports centre giag cheerleading taster > 17:00 - 19:30 // pitts hall freshtival: disco > 20:00 - 03:00 // CAMPUS, NORTH HILL ENTRANCE //

sunDAY 24th SEPTEMBER big sunday quiz > 20:00 - 22:00 // the su skate club - skate & longboard session > 14:00 18:00 // the hoe

All events are subject to change, visit and download the su app for an up to date list of events all year round. these events require the purchase of a ticket and/or prior booking

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