UPSU Partners Guide 2017/18

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in this guide you’ll ďŹ nd: sabbatical ofďŹ cers


mission, vision & values




student voice



F o r up t o dat e i n format i on t hroughout the ye a r, visit accommodation jobs



sports centre


student voice

bars & catering


societies & activities volunteering


here for you UPSU exists to ensure all students of the University of Plymouth have a voice, fulfil their potential and have their academic interests supported. We are a registered charity and a not for profit organisation where all the surpluses we generate are invested back into improving the student experience through the services we provide. Our purpose is to empower students at the University of Plymouth through experiences – both academic and non-academic. We provide free independent advice, support sports clubs and societies, run sports facilities, provide volunteering opportunities and entertainment, run a shop and an accommodation service, and provide catering and bars on campus.

We represent a collective voice of University of Plymouth students, led by six elected Sabbatical Officers and overseen by a Trustee Board. This ensures we always have the needs of students at the heart of what we do. Though you may be studying away from the main Plymouth campus, UPSU is still dedicated to supporting you through your time as a Plymouth student. This guide should help you understand a little bit more about what UPSU can do for you!

We a r e t h e i n dep en den t voi ce of stud e nts at Plymouth Unive rsit y


To make a positive impact on the lives of all our members, through understanding, empowering and delivering on their needs.


To transform lives through experience.

values S tud e nt Le d


Dem oc rati c

We place students at the heart of everything that we do, so that all of our decisions are made for the benefit of our students and the organisation.

We want to ensure that your time with us is as enjoyable as possible.

We are student led through strong democratic structures. We believe in the principle and power of democracy.

Pr ogre ssive We look to the future, seeking new opportunities and partnerships. We are innovative, inclusive, creative and happy to work in collaboration with others.

Em p o w er i n g We provide opportunities for our staff and students to develop their life skills, to use their initiative and make a positive difference to their lives and communities.

S u s tai nabl e We make sure we have, and will continue to have, resources available to protect our ability to meet our members’ needs now and in the future.

sabbatical ofďŹ cers

elected to represent your views Our six Sabbatical Officers are elected by you to represent all University of Plymouth students for one year. Any student can stand for one of these full-time positions and comprehensive support and training will be given. The successful students either take a year out from their studies or do an extra year at the end of their degree, all to improve your student experience. The Sabbatical Officers focus on specific areas of the student experience such as; education, sports, societies, welfare, academic partners and international students; as well as working together on the big issues affecting the student body. They are also trustees of UPSU, so the whole organisation is led by students.

Pr esid ent

V P Sp o r t & D ep u ty P r esi d en t

VP Wel fare

Lowri is responsible for leading the Sabbatical Officer Team and representing Plymouth students, both nationally and across the University. She supports UPSU’s organisational communications and leads on sustainability, employability and community campaigns.

Philippa is responsible for representing Plymouth students involved in sporting activities and student clubs, supporting their development and improving their experiences, leading on campaigns and development opportunities within sport. She also develops partnerships, strategies and opportunities in the University and local community.

James is responsible for representing Plymouth students and improving their experience in all areas related to welfare (health, wellbeing, equality and diversity etc.) and students in the community (housing, environment, safety etc.). He is also the lead officer for mature students.

Lowri Jones @UPSUpresident 01752 588372

Philippa Williams @UPSUsport 01752 588379

James Warren @UPSUwelfare 01752 588379

V P Internat i ona l & Ou t r e ac h

V P Ed u c at i o n

VP Ac ti vi ti es

Hadiza is responsible for representing and improving the experience of our International Students and those that are studying at any one of our Partner Colleges. She is also the lead officer with the college Rep system.

Maja is responsible for representing Plymouth students and improving their experience in all areas related to education (feedback, course costs placements etc.). She also works to support the Course and School Reps and is the lead officer for postgraduate students.

Alex is responsible for representing the views of Plymouth students and improving their experiences and breadth of opportunities in all areas relating to student media, fundraising, volunteering and societies.

Hadiza Adah @UPSUIntOut 01752 588378

Maja Smith @UPSUeducation 01752 588372

Alex Doyle @UPSU_activities 01752 588378

partnerships Did you know that you are part of one of the UK’s largest and longest established academic partnerships? Plymouth University and UPSU are proud to work alongside 12 academic institutions across the whole of the South West and the Channel Islands, supporting over 5,000 students studying for a Plymouth Award. Despite all the fantastic opportunities the Students’ Union can offer to enhance your student experience, you are primarily here to learn. It is important that you remember that although you are based away from the main campus, you still have access to all of our learning facilities, including the four storey state of the art library, over 2.5 million online e-resources, the ability to borrow 20 books for up to 6 weeks, 24/7 library access and inter-library loans to name a few!

One of your key resources is for more information about the University and library services.

o u r par tn er s ar e: • Bridgwater & Taunton College • City College Plymouth • City of Bristol College • Cornwall College • Exeter College • Highlands College, Jersey • PETROC • South Devon College • Strode College • Truro & Penwith College • Weymouth College

Ou treac h C oordi nator Alec Cockram

Alec is responsible for providing links between our off-campus students and UPSU.

01752 588392 @UPSU_Partners /UPSUPartnerInstitution

P ly m o u th em ai l ad d r ess As a student of Plymouth University, you have your own student email account. It is important that you keep checking this account to ensure you don’t miss out on any opportunities or news. If you don’t want to worry about checking multiple accounts, don’t worry, you can set up a forward onto an email account of your liking!

ap p ly for you r u ni vers i ty c ard

Decide which of your email accounts you use most often

Get a university card from your college HE Office or equivalent

If this is going to be your Plymouth account, then you are done! If not, move onto step 3

Fill in the form and hand back to the office with a passport photo

Select ‘set up a forward’ in your account settings, under the file tab Enter your most used email address, this may be your college address Stay updated and informed on all things Plymouth University and UPSU!

Collect your card when ready

SSTA R Awa r d s

P ly m o u t h Awar d

The Student & Staff, Teaching & Representation (SSTAR) Awards are our way of highlighting all the fantastic work being done by staff and student reps across the university. Every year students can nominate lecturers, support staff and student reps in a range of categories from Most Inspirational Lecturer to Most Innovative Teaching.

The Plymouth Award is designed to recognise and celebrate student achievements outside the curriculum. Many Plymouth University students already make significant contributions to university life and to the communities in which they live and work, The Plymouth Award is one way of recognising these contributions as well as the learning and personal growth that students gain from these actives.

Any student can nominate and there are no limits on entries so look out for more information in the second term to make sure your staff and students are getting the recognition they deserve!

Lea d Stud ent R e p s The lead student rep is responsible for being the conduit between their own Institution, UPSU and the student population. They will advocate UPSU campaigns, messages and engagement opportunities for the benefit of UPSU members at your Institution.

This is a fantastic way of receiving recognition for your hard extracurricular work. Find out more by visiting:

student voice

get your voice heard and make changes

UPSU visits

c o u r se r ep s

s tu dent foru ms

We aim to ensure that you are making the most of every opportunity provided by UPSU. That is why we have a dedicated member of staff whose role it is to visit you on your campuses.

Your academic experience should be as good as it can be. To make sure this happens, UPSU supports elected student volunteers called Course Reps to communicate the student voice and work with University, College and Students’ Union staff to improve your experience. We offer training and support to help reps achieve improvements, as well as champion change for your course. Your Course Reps are a crucial contact for you to pass ideas and feedback to, as they will represent your views at meetings across the year. They are also a fantastic link to UPSU, helping us to understand what issues are cropping up across the board.

Your University experience isn’t just limited to your course. This is why we also have 15 student Forums in place that engage with other aspects of student life. These forums focus on a wide range of topics and issues and are here to represent the enormous diversity of students that we have here in Plymouth.

The Outreach Coordinator will plan a number of different visits throughout the year to promote activities such as; Induction and Fresher events, full and part time officer elections, SSTAR awards and many more. They will also be on hand to hear your views, organise events and ultimately to build strong links between all partner students and UPSU. To see when UPSU are planning on visiting your campus check out

Each forum is chaired by an elected student who then represents their forum at the highest level of political decision making at UPSU, the Union Council. Any student can come along to the Forums or the Union Council, get their voice heard and influence positive change.

A-Z foru m s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Academic Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic Environment & Sustainability Faith & Belief Global Students LGBT+ Mature Students Partner Institutions Postgraduate Students with Disabilities Societies Sports Volunteering Welfare Women’s


feel supported during University The UPSU Advice Centre provides independent, confidential and impartial advice to students regarding any aspect of their life. The Advice Centre operates a drop in service from 11am - 3pm Monday to Friday, with appointments available outside of these times. The service can be described as a ‘Citizens Advice Bureau for students’. We offer advice on a range of issues, including:

• Ac a d e mic I s s u e s

• C o n su m er Contracts (excluding housing agreements), utilities, retail internet/ phone/shop, TV licences, vehiclerelated issues.

• W el far e B en ef i ts The link between SFE / NHS funding and the DWP.

• D eb t P r o b l em s Identifying debt situations and onward referral.

• H o u si n g

Appeals, fitness to practice, complaints and disciplinaries.

Checking your tenancy agreement, ensuring deposits are protected and issues of disrepair.

• Stud e nt Fi na nce

• Em p l oy m en t

Getting your money, residency, estrangement, EU, migrant workers, postgrad loans and independent status.

Paying tax, receiving statutory benefits such as sickness or maternity pay.

...and much more!


your handy little campus shop The UPSU Shop is more than just a convenience store. Your handy little campus shop is located in the heart of the campus on top of the SU. We sell a variety of goods that you may need for everyday life and your studies. Grab a coffee and a fresh croissant to start your day, a meal deal for lunch, fresh fruit and snacks to keep your energy levels up, a wide range of stationery and not forgetting the essential Plymouth Uni hoodie. We like to think we have you covered. The best thing is that the money you spend in your shop is reinvested back into your Students’ Union to offer you and fellow students events, advice, societies and much more.

So why not pop in and pay us a visit and meet our friendly team of student staff. We are always happy to hear your feedback, and are happy to take requests for items you may require for your course.

volunteering help others in the community

UPSU’s Volunteering Team can help you get into volunteering in Plymouth and beyond. Enhance your studies, learn new skills, meet new people, try something different, grow your C.V. and have some fun! We work with numerous local community groups and charities to promote their volunteering opportunities for students. Those opportunities cover: • Education, Children and Young Adults • Conservation, Environment, Wildlife and Gardening • Fundraising • Animals • Student Led Volunteering • Mental Health • Arts and Culture • Sports Volunteering

Our Volunteering Toolkit can be found online at volunteering, but do feel free to come and visit us in the Hive, UPSU for a chat too.

R el ays@ U P SU Relays@UPSU offers a range of creative outreach activities for young people, and events focused around sport, culture and education. The project is run by the Volunteering Department and provides volunteering and training opportunities for students who would like to work with young people, raising their aspirations through exciting and innovative projects.

Fu ndrai s i ng Last Year, Plymouth University students raised an incredible £259,855 for charity, supporting local and national causes. The UPSU Volunteering Team can provide support & guidance on raising money for a charity of your choice. You can also get involved through your Sports Club, Society or with the student fundraising group Plymouth RAG (Raise and Give), who raise money for a number of charities through once in a lifetime Adventure Challenges such as climbing Kilimanjaro, embarking on a Uganda Gorilla Trek or cycling London to Paris to name just a few.

S tu dent L ed Vol u nteeri ng UPSU’s Student Led Volunteering projects offer a diverse array of one-off volunteering opportunities organised for students, by students. From swapping clothes at UniCycle’s swap shops, planting trees on Dartmoor with the Green Team and engaging adults with learning disabilities in sport with Special Olympics to volunteering days at Dartmoor Zoo with the Animal Conservation Project there really is something for everyone. With no ongoing commitment, it is the perfect way to give volunteering a go and give something back to your local community.

entertainment have a great time at University

UPSU provides an extensive array of entertainment and events throughout the year. Whatever music you are into UPSU will be sure to have you covered, from a bustling club night every Friday and Saturday nights to Jam House, the biggest open mic night in the South West every Thursday. With huge events throughout the year including a range of massive fresher’s events to The Summer Ball at the end of the year, UPSU has so much to entertain you during your time at Plymouth University.

Past performers have included: • Craig David • The Chuckle Brothers • Example • Professor Green • Noah and the Whale • Sub Focus • Cascada • Ben Howard • Wheatus • You Me At Six • Roots Manuva • Ella Eyre • Labrinth • Blonde And many more...

accommodation find accommodation to suit your needs Through our accredited landlords, the SU Accommodation office has a full range of rooms, flats and houses for students. We aim to offer reliable, safe and decent accommodation, to meet every student’s needs, a place they can call Home. We know how stressful dealing with letting agents, landlords and then finding the right property can be, this is why UPSU has our own accommodation service for you.

We are an agency that has our students at the heart of our accommodation, we ensure that you get the best service possible to enable you to enjoy your home whilst at Uni. We understand the financial burdens that students face and so we do not charge students any agency fees and we have no hidden charges. Conveniently located on campus, the accommodation office is situated in the entrance of the Students’ Union building next to the Hive.

directory get in touch

Accommodat i on

D u k e o f Ed i n b u r g h Awar d

/upsuaccommodation 01752 588381

Advic e

En t er tai n m en t


sab b at i c al O f f i c er Team


/execofficers /upsubar @UPSUbar

J obs University of Plymouth Students’ Union

B ars & C ate r i ng 01752 588380 // 0800 953 0155

I ntramu ral S p orts

F u n d r ai si n g @UPSUfundraising

Give it a Go


M oti vate, G enerate, Ac ti vate

nancy as tor S p orts C entre @UPSUSportCentre /UPSUsportscentre 01752 588510

Pa rtner stu d e nt s

So c i eti es & Ac ti v i t i es

S tu dent Voi c e


01752 588392

01752 588388






R elays@UP S U @RELAYSupsu /RelaysDevonandCornwall 01752 588389

Sp o r t

01752 588380

Vol u nteeri ng

01752 588366


01752 588389






S hop



• • • • •

sign up to clubs, societies & volunteering log volunteering & student voice hours buy tickets to events vote in elections & referenda buy University merchandise

• • • •

stay up to date with current campaigns book places on our sport sessions learn about job opportunities at the SU browse available properties to rent ...and more!

UPSU is a registered charity in England & Wales No. 1143614

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