After Effects 5. Working with keyframing, grouping mulitple layers and using audio.
Accelaration and Deccelaration Better known as easing in and easing out. Select Keyframe of specified object and select ‘animation’ then ‘keyframe assistant’ then select ‘easy ease out’ (keyframe changes to arrow)
Applying ‘Easy Ease’ does the same thing but with both ends, so select both keyframes and select ‘easy ease’
After Effects 5.
After Effects 5.
Graph Editor
Pendulum. Creating a pendulum, to begin with we changed the anchor point of the object using the shortcut ‘Y’, after this we change the rotation from + to - to of the values, this makes the object swingfrom left to right and if we again apply Easy Ease, the object has momentum.
By selecting graph editer it open this window and gives us the chance to experiment with the curve of the line, which then affects the acelaration and deccelaration of the object.
If we move the curve with a high middle and lower ends we get slow acceleration then high speeds then slowing down smooth but quick.
After Effects 5.
After Effects 5.
Estabilishing parent child relatiions
We are going to select one of the 6 layers and make it the parent, there is a ‘toggle switches/modes’ and this brings up the ‘parent’ option, the driop down menu will then have all the other layers in the composition.
The child layer can moves where it wants on its own, untill the parent layer is moved, then the child layer must stay with the parnt layer, its like the the moon (child) orbiting the earth (parent) whilst that moves around the sun (Earths parent).
Using parent / child with the yellow squares as the child rotating but statying attached to the moving red ‘Car’.