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WHAT’S ON THE MARKET The communication campaign Colavita oil takes to the field with Olivia
by Carla Colavita, Marketing Director
The inspiration behind Olivia originated from the need to give a face to the company, an actual testimonial who could embody the brand’s values and mission, and be able to act in a contemporary context, in step with the times.
Olivia arose from an old inspiration, an Italian popular tradition dating back to the beginning of Italian TV, in the 1950s, known as Carosello.
Olivia was created with 3D technology, using the latest and most sophisticated 3D animation interfaces.
The idea behind it was the implicit company mission: to take a classic moment from the Italian advertising tradition and make it into something new, something contemporary. Olive oil is a product that has based its success on tradition.
The communicative intention was to unhinge a preconception or perhaps more simply a basic misunderstanding.
Tradition is not a value that is exclusive to the past, immutable and venerable. Yes, tradition does stem from the past, but it is consolidated in the present and projected into the future.
This was our starting point for developing a campaign which came up with a modern vision of olive oil and how it is consumed. Olivia is teaching us that the value of tradi tion is changing, it is no longer ancient and immutable, but rather becomes something capable of renewing itself and keeping up with the times, where everything is chang ing from one moment to the next. Tradition has to understand the changes dictated by society so as to safeguard and narrate them from new and contemporary perspectives.
As in any integrated communication, Olivia acts on two major, fully-inte grated communication levels: above and below the line. The main communication and in teraction channels will be social media platforms such as Ins tagram and Facebook, but the strategy also involves Olivia with more traditional media, such as display stands, prize competitions, neck tag, promotion booths, gadgets and shops.
This character was created to inextricably reinforce the relationship between oil and food. Oil is the head chef in any kitchen, and therefore it is by right the first testimonial at the table.
Thus, in a game of creative cross-references, Olivia becomes the testimonial for food and olive oil. Born out of Colavita’s need to personify and express the personality of its oil and the values of its company, Olivia, as fresh, curious and pungent to the right point as she is sweet and harmonious, is the perfect guide to accompany the consumer in the rediscovery of taste, oil and the Colavita company.
The subtext of the communication strategy is to make olive oil more attractive and contemporary, but most of all to create a connection with a target that is middle to high, young, female as well as male, contemporary, open, curious and responsible. Inevitably Olivia’s character also makes her a vehicle for the youngest consumers, able to attract their attention and find a simple way to narrate the importance of knowledge, information, attention to the products we bring to the table and all the processes that enable this to be done while respecting the environment.