1 minute read
Learning through play. In good company The Olive Oil Game by Olio Officina
The rules are the same as for Snakes and Ladders. The aim is to land on square 63 by rolling the exact number needed. If you roll too high, you bounce back off the last square and move back towards the Start. Each player chooses a different piece and places it on the Start square. Players take it in turns to throw both dice and move their piece forward by the total number shown on the dice. There are some special squares, shown on the board in red, where specific rules apply. The winner is whoever first reaches square 63, where an athlete awaits, brandishing a bottle of the finest extra-virgin olive oil. What sort of prize goes to the winner? The players can decide before the start. We do, however, have one good suggestion, and that is miniature bottles of olive oil.
The Olive Oil Game is an Olio Officina project, the brainchild of Archimedia’s Giuditta Parisi, in conjunction with Luigi Caricato. Illustrations by Carlotta Parisi. The game is available on request by writing to posta@olioofficina.com