WELCOME FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Freshers, Congratulations on meeting all of your offers and welcome to Arcsoc! We thought we'd give you a little advice before you arrived here in Cambridge to hopefully ease any uncertainty you may have about the course and what you need to do before you arrive. As you may already know Arcsoc is an entirely studentrun society responsible for running many events throughout the year including talks, films, life drawing, club nights and the summer exhibition. We hope to make the lives of Cambridge architects more enjoyable as well as running events to improve our understanding of the subject. We are always looking for people to get involved with everything we do, so throughout the year make sure you sign up to help with the events we run. If you have any questions you can ask us on the 'Cambridge Architecture Freshers 2014-2015' page on Facebook. This will also be kept up to date with any information you need when you arrive. Finally, make sure you come and say hello at the Freshers' Society Fair on the 7th and 8th of October. If you are unable to find us there, there will be plenty of other opportunities to sign up. Look forward to meeting you all in October!
Alex Baker [Arcsoc President, 2014-2015] 4