imPERFECT By Suite20Seven & Hannie Munday Lisboa, Portugal
To be over exposed is to be seen as unusable Broken is to be thrown away. Cracks are imperfection and should be disregarded 08/06/16
Hello World, imperfect adjective 1. not perfect; faulty or incomplete. “an imperfect grasp of English�
Look into my eyes and see the reflection of the world. Imperfect yet functioning A collection of lost souls
R E A L E Y E S R E A L I Z E R E A L L I E S Quote: Unknown
CONQUER Is the puppet masters agenda
together we are stronger, together we can breathe.
Frail Film Un-timed and Underwhelming Too shoot on film, is to take chance. Trust in yourself and your abilities. A leap of faith. for the unafraid Riff-Raff
A lifetime searching for perfect. Do you know what perfect is? It’s something these real eyes cannot see. Realize that those two little letters are the ones we should be We are IMPERFECT Perfect is the real lie.
Like the cracks in the walls that let the city breathe, My imperfections make me, me. Life is a story. New buildings emerge, shiny and new but it’s those cracked and tarnished streets That make up the view
imPERFECT By Suite20Seven & Hannie Munday All Rights Reserved 2016