Journal m2

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DIGITAL DESIGN MODULE 2 Semester 1, 2018 Oliver McNamara 910844 Studio 7 Dan Parker

week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. The three fabrication techniques Kolerevic outlines are two-dimensional, subtractive and additive. In two-dimensional fabrication CNC cutting such as lasers, water or plasma, are used to cut materials on a 2D plane. Each method of cutting specialises to certain materials and thicknesses. Another method is subtractive fabrication, which is the removal of certain volumes from a chosen solid material. Finally the last method mentioned is additive fabrication this is the creation of a new solids by reconstructing a volume as thins layer, built on top of one another until the 2D layers for a 3D solid. In our investigation in Digital Design the most promising opportunities arise from parametric modeling paired with the fabrication techniques aforementioned. Parametric modeling is now at a stage where iterative designs can be mass-produced. Therefore a growing trend is emerging where mass-customisation is taking over the industries of design, architecture, and fashion. Subsequently, housing will follow this trend, allowing for houses to adapt to suit conditions, environment and budget.

Aegis Hyposurface - dECOI/Mark Burry, 2001 Cebit Trade Fair Highlights the adaptive capabilities of surfaces and strucures in the digital age.


week Three

Surface Creation

The completed script enabled designs to be customised and refined through a selection of components and sliders. By experimenting with the values of each slider I was able to preview in real time new surface possibilities, and critically reflect on their constructability. Below are the four selected surfaces from a range of possibilities generated. Rhino Surface Script

Surface 1

Surface 2

Surface 3


Surface 4

week Four

Panels Precedent

Here I have selected a precedent that underpinned the conceptual ideas of my paneled surface. This Cancer Care centre, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, a careful use of openings and light are utilised to create spaces of sanctuary, and protection.

In my design I aim to mirror the creation of protected spaces, formed by the perforations in the buildings threshold. This will be explored though the manipulation of my panels and their openings. Maggies Centre Fife, Scotland, Built 2001-2006, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects


week Four Panels & Waffle

The two completed surfaces were paneled with unique reference geometry, and refined through the iterative design process of scripting. On the left, the grid distorts to a point attractor, distorting the directionality of the pyramid tops. While the panels on the right explore the intricacies of openings as well the permeability of surface, which both paneled structures display.

The Waffle structure adapted quite well to my referenced surfaces, as the script required minimal adjustments. When I applying these surfaces I encountered problems with the contours across both axis. Noting this I troubleshooted the script to discover the shifting of one axis allowed the contour to form successfully. Moreover I gathered an understanding for importance of design problem solving when combing different information.


week Four

Laser Cutting

In the process of nesting the unrolled geometry into the fabrication document, I encountered the considerations and constraints. Allowing me to consider the transferal of digital information to the fabrication software to be critical to product quality. Hence I spent time with the laser cut file ensuring the work was formatted, aligned, and composed in such a manner that is would retain the accuracy of the digital work. Additional, visual cues such, as a labeling system was important for assembly of the panels and waffle.


week Five

Boolean Script & Iterations

In approaching the Boolean task the script was formulated to allow maximum customisation. At separate points in the script adding or removing components would drastically change the outcome. Examples of this are grid manipulation components such as curve attractors, point attractors and random attractors. Therefore by adjusting certain components, the geometry reacted in creative ways. Hence the most varied outcomes where achievable through simple adjustment. In order to further explore the creative outcomes I ustilited components from the Lunchbox plugin. This plugin provided new geometries from which the Boolean result would be affected. The four images displayed above experiment with subrtracting geometries such as spheres, dodecahedrons, icosahedrons and tetrahedrons.


week Five


The isometric view of the final booleaned object highlights role of perforations to creating spaces and thresholds. When examining the rectangular openings on the right face the internal geometric complexities are revealed. Highlighing the variation between external and internal form. Additionally, the varied sizes of these openings mirror the exploration of perforated surface explored in task one. Hence, they both investigate the function of openings in volumes. Moreover the conceptual links between models was a considered design choice When considering the spacial effects of the model the permeability plays an important role. The model allows light to pass through and hence illuminating internal spaces, further developing interaction between the internal and external. Moreover the openings are present on all sides of the object postulating the possibilities of circulation and transitions through space.






{182,79,33} {63,66,-9} {63,120,160}

{Attractor Point Location}


Oliver McNamara - 910844

Task 01

Grid Attraction

- Task 01

week Six


{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Attactor point location}





Design Matrix 1:5

Surfaces and Contours



Waffle structure was flipped, so that x-contours became y-contours and vice versa. This was done to imporve waffle buildability.





Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves


Grid Points


{0,150,150} {0,0,150} {50,0,150}

{50,150,150} {75,0,150}

{75,300,150} {0,150,0}


The triangulated openings created varied effects when viewed from different angles.



{50,0,0} {50,0,0}

Grid Attraction

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}





{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}




{182,79,33} {63,66,-9} {63,120,160}

{Attractor Point Location}


{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Attactor point location}




The 2D panels are slightly extruded, hence not planar. Therefore creating complex triangulations on the mesh surface.

View from the panels underside, the exploded strips highlight the creation of thresholds, through the traingulated sufaces.


Design Matrix 1:5

Waffle structure was flipped, so that x-contours became y-contours and vice versa. This was done to imporve waffle buildability.

The triangulated openings created varied effects when viewed from different angles.

Task 01 Matrix In refining the ideas of task one I began with surface experimentation. The surfaces were manipulated in terms of their curvature, while considering the requirement of constructing an internal frame. To develop non-uniform appearance the grid points where distorted using a point attractor. Moreover, the iterative process highlights that what the architect Bernard Cache stated ‘objects are no longer designed by calculated’. Once the grid was distorted and surfaces were selected I constructed a pyramid with four perforations and some curves that mirrored the internal effects of the pyramid openings. Therefore the ideas developed were chosen based on their exploration of internal spaces, and their use of perforations to create threshold. Finally these panels were applied to these two surfaces, further creating intriguing relationships in their display of openings in geometry and how this correlates to function the inner spaces. The 2D panels are slightly extruded, hence not planar. Therefore creating complex triangulations on the mesh surface.

View from the panels underside, the exploded strips highlight the creation of thresholds, through the traingulated sufaces.




Octahedron Extrutions

Oliver McNamara - 910844








3.4 {00,0,00}

{00,0,00} {0,0,0}

week Six Task 02

{Consistent Scale}

{Point Attractor}

{Curve Attractor}

{Adjusted Trucation}

Design Matrix 1:5

Grid Distorsion








Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves





{Point Attractor}

Geometry Experimentation


{Curve Attractor}


{Curve Attractor}

{Random Attractor}



The geometric complexity increases when comparing the external to the internal space.

The vertical openings will require interior scaffolding for the printer to build. Alternatively the object could be rotated to reduce the support angle.

Octahedron Extrutions








Perforations on each surface allow light to enter the internal space of the volume.

3.4 {00,0,00}

{00,0,00} {0,0,0}

Thickness of the model was iterated multiple times, until the thickness worked with the desired design and print constraints. {Consistent Scale}

{Point Attractor}

{Curve Attractor}

{Adjusted Trucation}

Design Matrix 1:5

Task 02 Matrix The geometric complexity increases when comparing the external to the internal space.

When developing the Boolean volume I experimented with grid distortion, attractor points, curves, and random attraction. After applying methods of grid transformation I moved on to trailing a variety of geometries such as spheres, triangles, and dodecahedrons, in order to generate new effects in the subtracted product. The icohedron developed intriguing results in the booleaned object, as the chosen geometry contrasted the subtracted volume. Moreover the resulting shape echoed the experimentation of openings apparent in task one. Therefore developing a consistent topic of investigation across both projects, hence creating works that explore the thresholds of spaces even at the abstract level. In this case utilising the digital controlled variations to explore archtectural relationships in space on a reduced scale.

The vertical openings will require interior scaffolding for the printer to build. Alternatively the object could be rotated to reduce the support angle.

Perforations on each surface allow light to enter the internal space of the volume.

Thickness of the model was iterated multiple times, until the thickness worked with the desired design and print constraints.


week Six

Final Isometric Views

These images are of the final Boolean volume, each highlighting different aspects of the solid. On the right a shaded preview highlights the internal volumes, the diffusion of light, as well as transition of thresholds. To the left a ghosted preview outlines the internal framework, and suface edges that the structure consists of, revealing the complexities of form.




The screen captures are zoomed and cropped to accentuate the details of my model process. In these shots I reveal the panels ability to create micro-spaces through the rotation of the triangle opening. While to the right the pyramids openings consist of three small triangular shapes, which highlight the patterns created by perforations. Although, its important question the functionality of the aesthetic choice, in it ability to be applied to real architectural space.


Appendix Process

The image above presents the trailing stage where the pyramid panels where distorted towards a point attractor. From left to right the strength of the attraction reduces. I chose a medium the level of attraction, so that the model displayed a dynamicism in its form while remaining constructible. Here is a rendered screen capture of the two final surfaces. The image highlights the panels interaction with light, as well as the visual impact of surface perforations.




When constructing 3D panels assembly was efficient and neat. I utilised super glue, hiding the glue marks behing the surface in the tabs. Therefore maintaining a clean front face. Additional tabs where unexpectedly added to perforated areas of the triangles, which I trimmed manually. Although this was the only issue in the assembly process. The triangulated 2D panels presented difficulties is assembly, due to small tab sizes and intricate internal connections. In some sections I extended the surface folds to create larger folding areas to improve the connections between panels.


Appendix Process

Above is the shaded preview of the selected octahedron geometry. The process of selection was streamlined through the use of iterative design. Therefore allowing me to adjust truncation, size, and grid distortion in real time.

The final boolean model was chosen for its rectanular opeings and its contrasting nature. When comparing the appearance of the octahdron to the subtracted volume the lack any visual correlations. Although at closer inspection internal structures highlight similarity. Therefore the process of removing materials from a solid is important to inspect for its varied effects and applications.


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