Living a life of gratitude

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NATIONAL SPLASH Olivet’s inaugural swim team made a splash at the 2013 NAIA National Tournament, including 21 All-American performances. Andrew Fischer ’16 was among the leaders of the pack, capturing three individual national championships (500 free, 200 free and 1,640 free). Under Coach Scott Teeters, the men’s team finished in third place overall; the women placed fourth.



THE MAGAZINE In the midst of this spring and resurrection season, we pause to center our thoughts on the enormity and expanse of God’s kindness and generosity to each of us. As we accept the invitation of the hymn writer to “ponder anew what the Almighty can do,” may the magnitude of our gratitude exceed the extent of our blessings! As you turn the pages of this issue, may you be overwhelmed by the love of Christ. Gratefully, The Editorial Board P.S. Our thanks to those of you who responded to our request for stories of thanksgiving and blessing. Read a sample of your responses at

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ON THE COVER Updated in 2010, Milby Clock Tower remains one of the most iconic structures on campus.

Olivet: The Magazine is the official publication of Olivet Nazarene University

Living a Life of Gratitude

OLIVET: THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing Communications under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Dr. Carl Leth, Dr. Beth PatrickTrippel and Dr. Karen Dean Frye uncover blessings for which to be grateful.


Reproduction of material without written permission is strictly prohibited. EDITORIAL BOARD Heather (Quimby) Day ’02/ ’12 E.M.B.A. Brian W. Parker ’93/ ’11 Ed.D. George Wolff ’93 ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 GRAPHIC DESIGN Matthew Moore ’96 Monique Perry ’03 Donnie Johnson PHOTOGRAPHY JonesFoto or as credited PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPORT Amy (Duerrwaechter) Smith ’10/’12 M.B.A. Nick Garcia ’13 Wes Taylor ’14 Kylie McGuire ’13

NEWS AND EVENTS Latest headlines from the Olivet campus and around the globe

THE WORLD AND OUR BACKYARD Five students living out their life's work

STATE OF THE UNIVERSITY Reflections from Dr. John C. Bowling

VOLUME 80 ISSUE 4 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2013 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., M.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Gregg Chenoweth ’90, M.A., Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR GRADUATE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 M.B.A., D.B.A.

EDITORIAL SUPPORT Martha Thompson Laura Wasson Warfel Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. A.E. Sarver ’15 Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet: The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Ave. Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345




Dreams Born of Gratitude, Promises Born of Grace. University President John C. Bowling



In the hymn “For All These Things,” the writer expresses gratitude for a multitude of blessings. One line of that hymn, tucked away in the fourth stanza, has recently caught my attention. “For promises from age to age that caused our hearts to dream.” I am particularly grateful for the promises of God that have “caused our hearts to dream” of what could be accomplished through Olivet Nazarene University. And I am thankful for the grace that has turned those promises into reality. From its earliest days, the Olivet community has had a sense of destiny. Across its first century, the University grew step by step from humble beginnings to its present state as a vibrant, Christ-centered University with a global reach and a well-regarded reputation of scholarship and faithfulness. Today, the University has before it a set of opportunities unmatched since our founding in 1907. It is time to dream again of God’s preferred future for Olivet. This is a decisive moment; the landscape of higher education is rapidly changing. The future calls for careful consideration and thoughtful responses, coupled with decisive and timely action. Olivet must ensure that it remains true to its founding vision and the mission and values that have guided it for more than a century. At the same time, Olivet must pursue new ways of providing an “Education with a Christian Purpose” to a wider constituency. During the ten-year period from 2003 through 2012, the University focused on its Centennial Plan. This included the Centennial Celebration in 2007, the establishment of the first doctoral program; the first endowed chair; the founding of Olivet’s Center for Student Success; the Olivet Hong Kong extension; the creation of the Honors Program; the Promises to Keep capital campaign; increased program quality throughout the institution; and construction of the Betty and Kenneth Hawkins Centennial Chapel (completed in October 2010) and the Student Life and Recreation Center (completed in December 2012). Enrollment during this period maintained a steady increase. Traditional undergraduates rose from 2,079 in 2003 to 2,718 in the fall of 2012. Overall enrollment of the University hit 4,544 last fall! With these accomplishments in place, Olivet now looks to the future.Throughout the 2011–12 and 2012–13 academic years, the Administrative Team has been evaluating the University’s strengths, needs and opportunities for the future. This process has given rise to a template for a strategic plan for the next ten-year chapter of the University’s development. This plan is grounded in the mission, expressive of the values and true to the founding vision of the University. The working title for the plan is “Vision 2022.” The plan seeks to: (1) define an aspirational future for Olivet; (2) focus the University’s thinking and resources toward that vision; (3) help strengthen the connectedness of each aspect of the University in support of the vision; (4) chart a course to secure and direct resources to accomplish its goals, (5) take action; and (6) measure the progress of growth and development from July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2022. I am particularly grateful that as this emerging vision unfolds in coming issues of Olivet: The Magazine, many of you will find ways to dream the dream with us. We serve a God of great blessing, and I am standing on the promises, just waiting to see what good things He has in store for us.

Dr. John C. Bowling serves as the 12th president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s and two earned doctorate degrees, he is a best-selling author, a prominent national speaker, and is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book, Revision, published by Beacon Hill Press, provides “Thirteen Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization and Your Life.”



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Plans to renovate and expand Reed Hall of Science will offer engineering, biology and physical science students industry leading facilities that will rival those offered at some of the largest, top-tier programs in the nation. The rapidly growing engineering program, which has doubled in majors over the last five years, will gain two new design labs and an entire three-story wing dedicated to the study of technology and innovation. Our current science programs will benefit from additional space, as well as enhanced labs and administrative offices.

Olivet proudly announces the launch of, pairing students and alumni with potential employers and internships. The new online portal features numerous features for students, alumni and friends, including: job and internship postings, networking opportunities, and news and articles on industry trends. If you know of potential jobs or internship opportunities in your community, please be an advocate for Olivet! For more information, visit or call Alyson Bundy, in the Office of Career Services, at 815-939-5343.






When Dawn Keim gradually began losing her hearing fifteen years ago, she was convinced she would never hear her loved ones again. Now, thanks to a cochlear implant from ONU alumnus Dr. William Slattery ’84, she’s hearing the voice of her eight-year-old son for the very first time. Featured on the CBS daytime talk show “The Doctors,” as well as the Huffington Post, the touching video of Dawn’s first “hearing” encounter with her son has already gone viral.

Computer Science faculty Dr. Cathy Bareiss and Dr. Larry Vail ’78 recently gave a presentation at the International Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education conference in Denver, Colo., on the new Olivet course “Computing Foundations for the Scientist.” Development of the innovative, interdisciplinary course was made possible through a National Science Foundation Grant and was a collaborative effort between faculty from the computer science and natural sciences departments and students within those majors.

Students will have a new opportunity to hone their leadership skills and augment their résumés, with the introduction of the leadership minor in fall 2013. With an emphasis on transformational, servant leadership, the interdisciplinary program includes three core courses, four electives, a capstone project and numerous leadership activities.








Data from a recent Four-Year Report confirms Olivet continues to offer a rich academic experience as a teaching, mentoring, studentcentered community. Since the Class of 2013 began as freshmen, more than $250,000 has been made available to support undergraduate research projects; $22 million has been put into academic building projects; and nearly 85 percent of full-time faculty members have published a book or article, presented new developments or research to industry peers or contributed to their professions in some significant way.

In his 18th season as head softball coach, Ritchie Richardson ’92 MAT recently celebrated his 800th win. The Tigers wasted little time in helping their skipper reach the milestone, downing Valley City State University (N.D.) 9-1 in six innings on March 8. Richardson is currently the second winningest active coach in the NAIA, with an overall record of 800-280.




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Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies has launched the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) for those who welcome intensive study and want to finish their degree in a shorter time. The full-time, 16-month program is especially designed for those who want to complete a nursing degree or already have a degree in another field, and includes: (1) personalized, online coursework; (2) lab learning in Oak Brook, Ill.; and (3) clinical experience in Chicago-area health care facilities.

Celebrated composer and producer Brad Kelley ’73 recently returned to his alma mater for two days of performances and workshops with ONU’s Department of Music. His composing credits include award-winning music for Universal Studios, Paramount Parks, McDonald’s, Disney, IBM, Mazda, ESPN and Fox Television, as well as hundreds of commercials. He has 25 years of experience conducting orchestras in live and televised events throughout the United States. Kelley is the music director and conductor for “Disney on Classic,” the Japan National Disney orchestra tour.

Senior Ben Worner ’13 recently joined the 1,000 point club during his final season playing for the men’s basketball team. He and fellow seniors are leaving the team in good hands, considering freshman Aaron Larson ’16 just took home “Freshman of the Year” honors from the CCAC—one of only six Tigers ever to do so.






“When a group of people feel and express gratitude together, enormous power can come crashing through. In this life, if you steadfastly affirm goodness, goodness will be there. If you affirm love, you will find it. And if you affirm thankfulness, blessings will flow.”

-Norman Vincent Peale



UNDESERVED & BLESSINGS Dr. Carl M. Leth Gratitude can begin with a headache. One of my discoveries of gratitude certainly did. I was a young pastor in West Germany during the unrest in communist Poland surrounding the emergence of the Solidarity movement in 1980. At one point, the Polish borders were temporarily opened, and thousands fled. Two of those refugees made their way to our church in Kaiserslautern, West Germany. For several months, we provided a place for them; they provided an education to me. One memorable morning, shortly after their arrival, I took them to a large supermarket to buy groceries. We toured the long aisles, packed with seemingly endless varieties of buying options. But we had only made our way through part of the store when Robert asked if we could leave. He and John both had headaches. I was surprised and confused, until he explained. In communist Poland, shopping was very different. You would go to a store, perhaps waiting a long time in line, and buy whatever happened to be available for sale that day — often only one thing. When it was gone, shopping was over. To walk down a long aisle with so many options to choose from was overwhelming for Robert and John. Their heads hurt. I have never seen a supermarket in the same way again. I’m not really an enthusiastic shopper, but when I remember the lesson they taught me, a supermarket prompts heartfelt gratitude. Gratitude is a perspective more than an action. It is a way of understanding ourselves, who we are and how to see our lives. It certainly includes a spirit of thanksgiving, an overflow of appreciation. But that spirit emerges out of a way of thinking, a perspective of understanding. Webster’s Dictionary uses an interesting phrase to describe gratitude: “a proper sense of favors received.” Our expression of thanksgiving flows from our awareness of being blessed. Gratitude is also about a change in perspective more than 12


Dr. Carl Leth has emerged as an important voice in Christian higher education and the global Church by embodying numerous titles: theologian, philosopher, teacher, pastor, preacher, author and scholar. With a master’s and Ph.D. from Duke University, and M.Div. from Nazarene Theological Seminary, Dr. Leth offers extraordinary leadership as the dean of Olivet’s rapidly expanding School of Theology and Christian Ministry, through which more than 400 students major or minor in theology and ministry programs each year.

a change in circumstances. While we may sometimes be prompted to gratitude by some special circumstances, gratitude can always be prompted by a simple change in perspective­­—even when circumstances don’t change. How we “see” our circumstances, how we think about them or understand them, can move us to “a proper sense of favors received.” We recognize that we are blessed. When I was a young preacher’s kid, we had an elderly woman in our church who would make pies for the pastor’s family. I’m sure she made other kinds of pies, but I only remember the gooseberry pies. I dreaded them. They were flavorful but full of gritty seeds. To make matters worse, my mother would force us kids to go back to this lady and express our gratitude. Of course, I wasn’t really grateful. And I was just sure every expression of thanks would prompt her to make another gooseberry pie that I would have to endure. I still don’t like gooseberry pies. But I am encouraged every time I remember those expressions of love and care from that woman to her pastor’s family. I have come to recognize those gooseberry pies with a “proper sense of favors received.” I was blessed, and I am genuinely grateful. A life of gratitude is a much different life than a life without gratitude. The circumstances, the facts of our lives, may not be any different. But the life we live and the way we experience it are entirely different. When we live with an awareness of being blessed, it changes how we live and how we see life. It’s not that problems and challenges disappear, but that we see them in the context of a life of blessing, a life of gratitude. So, here’s the good news: we are all blessed! We are all the recipients of undeserved and extraordinary favors. God has chosen us to be the recipients of His grace, to be flooded by the overflow of His blessings. I especially like the biblical language that describes us as “the apple of His eye.” In one of those texts the Lord of

Hosts tells us, “He who touches you touches the apple of His eye” (Zech. 2:8). The Latin word “gratus,” from which our word “gratitude” derives, can also mean a favorite or “darling.” We are God’s “darling” whom He loves to favor and lives to bless. We know this to be true because He has blessed us in Christ Jesus. For our sakes — because we are the apple of His eye — He abandoned the privileges of divinity. Infinity was enclosed in finitude. Deity was enfleshed. Immortality became mortal. Existence beyond need or suffering took on the full experience of human life ­— and death. For our sakes. Having taken on human life, being obedient unto His death on the cross, we are drawn into the mystery and promise of His resurrection. He assumed our suffering so that “by His stripes” we might be healed. He assumed mortality so we could receive the gift of immortality. He became like us so that we could be like Him. The promise of Easter is the emphatic declaration of God’s blessing for us. A proper sense of these favors which we have received can only move us to a profound sense of gratitude. We are blessed. Gratitude is empowering. We discover that we are not helpless victims, but God’s special children. The awareness and experience of blessings continually remind us whose we are. We can expect God to lavish His blessings on us. We can expect His provision. We can live with confidence. We are blessed. Some folks think of gratitude as obligation or duty. It is something you have to do. It is a burden of courtesy or social convention. Other folks see gratitude as occasional. It is a response prompted only by some special event or gift, disconnected from the normal or routine experience of life. But gratitude is so much more. Gratitude, and the awareness of blessing that prompts it, is gift. It invites us to live every day in the conscious recognition that we are blessed. Go ahead, embrace the day. After all, you are the apple of God’s eye.

DR. KAREN DEAN FRYE, long-time friend of Olivet, is a master storyteller, celebrated writer and award-winning composer. She teaches for conferences and churches around the United States and worldwide. She has served on the staff of the Lamb's Church in New York City and as a pastor and university vice president. She lives in Tampa, Fla., with her husband, Alland.

Our granddaughter, Mary-Grace, was an Olivet baby. She came home from the University of Chicago hospital to Parrott Hall, where her mother was finishing out the year as resident director. When Mary-Grace was five, her family moved from Kankakee to Texas for her father to work on his doctorate. On her first Texas Christmas, she was opening her presents. When she pushed back the tissue in one box, she suddenly shouted with glee: “Just what I never wanted!” She had received something which she never thought to ask for but which, nonetheless, delighted her. I have come to believe that some of the things in life for which I am most grateful are in that “just what I never wanted” category. The Apostle Paul explains to the Corinthians that God’s wisdom is a mystery to humans and reminds them and us: What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived — the thing God has prepared for those who love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9) My godson, Jonathan, is a busy executive now, but for years he was my sidekick. One day, I went by his house on my way to shop, and I checked with his mother to see if he might go along. At first she said, “Not today,” but in a few minutes, she brought him out with his jacket and gloves. I buckled him into the car and, as we were driving along, he said, “I bet you’re glad that I can go shopping with you today, aren’t you, Aunt Karen?” “I am, Jon.” He continued, “Mom says that I can’t ask you for anything today. But if you see me looking at something for a long time, you’ll know that's what I want.” Look around in your life. There they are: the things you wanted but did not dare to ask for. But God must have seen

you looking at them for a long time. The Psalmists tells us to “take delight in the Lord, and He will give [us] the desires of [our] hearts.” (Psalm 37:4). One of the sad stories of the Bible is that of Asa's last years. He was afraid and made an ungodly pact with the kin of Aram instead of depending on God. The seer Hanani came to Asa with this sad question: “Didn't you know that the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are made perfect toward him?” (2 Chronicles 16:9). We look with longing. God sees with love. He gives. And we are thankful. In the American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, there is a beautiful bronze casting of Robert Louis Stevenson. He is sitting in bed for, in fact, he was ill for much of his adult life and often had to write in bed. I think of this when I remember his words: “Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.” How do we keep from “falling asleep” to God's mercies? I can tell you about one wake-up call I have used in churches. Everyone gets a vinyl bracelet and begins each morning wearing it on his or her right wrist. The first time he or she complains, the bracelet is moved to the left wrist. There it sits all day, a reminder that a complaining spirit is the enemy of thankfulness. The good news is that many people could keep the bracelet on the right wrist all day. They cultivated the habit of thankfulness. Thank God for the things you asked for and He gave. Thank Him for giving things that were beyond your imagination. And thank Him that He gives what He sees you looking at — for a long time.


WANTED Mercy beyond our wildest imagination Dr. Karen Dean Frye



WOODEN AND AN IRONING BOARD Lasting gifts from my mother Dr. Beth Patrick-Trippel



Every fall, when thousands of families drop off their children at Olivet, I’m struck by this concept: these parents are giving an incredible gift to their kids. These families have made possible this journey to college in such a variety of ways; it will take many lifetimes to realize all of the gifts that have been given. Of course, we often think of the financial sacrifices, but there are also gifts of time, energy, prayer and encouragement that are just as valuable. These nonmonetary gifts are so powerful that they may be what we ultimately remember the most. Not every family is able to help their sons or daughters financially. That certainly was my story. I was a 17-year-old freshman whose parents couldn’t afford the gas money to take me to college. My high school boyfriend dropped me off in a town 35 miles away, so I could catch a ride with another family. Packed into his retro ’68 Camaro with a Bondo-colored paint job were all the things I thought I would need for college. The decisions of what to pack were not easy when college was 1,000 miles away, and I knew I wouldn’t return until Christmas break. But two things that were packed into that sports car, and later my friend’s family van, were gifts — gifts that I didn’t fully appreciate until many years later. They weren’t wrapped, and they weren’t expensive. In fact, they were perhaps the only tangible gifts my parents could give me at the time: wooden hangers and an ironing board. My family had struggled in poverty my entire life to that point. We owned a family business that generally provided bare sustenance, but beyond that, we had nothing. When I packed for college, the clothes I brought were those that I had purchased from working through high school. My parents couldn’t send me with a check to pay tuition or even gas money for travel. But my Mom wanted me to have something. Mom had been saving S&H Green Stamps for years. (Yes, I know this tells my age, since some of you will have to Google “green stamps” to understand.) She went to the redemption store with all of her books of green stamps, and returned with a gift for me to take to college: a full-sized ironing board. Now, you have to remember the 1980s, when

all our clothes were starched and pristine. Perhaps some might not appreciate an ironing board as a gift today, but I loved it! At the time, I didn’t think much about her sacrifice. Now, I know she could have bought something that would have made her difficult life a little easier. How my mom came to give me most of her wooden hangers to take to college is a bit foggy. I’m sure she suggested it, but I’m not sure why I accepted them. She had very few things that were of great quality, but those hangers were. I remember that she hated standard wire hangers — partly because they were flimsy, but mostly because they made an indentation on any clothing hung on them. To her, wooden hangers were a sign of prosperity, and she wanted me to have them. So, she exchanged the sturdy, wooden hangers in her closet with the wire, drooping hangers in mine. Perhaps I shouldn’t have accepted the gift. Certainly that would have fit with my self-sufficient attitude. But what a disservice that would have been, both to my mother and myself! Not only would I have deprived her of the ability to give gifts to her children, but I also would have deprived myself of an opportunity for gratitude. I arrived at college that fall to learn many, many lessons. Some of them, I didn’t even realize I’d learned until days, weeks or even years later. I was the only girl on my floor with a full-sized ironing board, so everyone shared it. For my entire four years of college, It sat in the hall for everyone to use. And the hangers? As I looked at those hangers every day, I was reminded of my mom and her sacrifices. I looked at them all the more after my mother succumbed to cancer in my junior year. And as I look in my closet today, 20-plus years after college, I see some of those same hangers that were given to me so many years before. I’ve added many, many wooden hangers to them over the years, but I still have a deep gratitude for the originals. I’ve gone on to lead an extraordinarily blessed life. But those hangers in my closet — they are incredibly precious, and for them I am profoundly grateful.

Dr. Beth Patrick-Trippel is an outstanding faculty member within the Department of Communication in Olivet’s School of Professional Studies. With a Ph.D. from Nova Southeastern University, she is an expert in the areas of communication, persuasion and media influence. A gifted speaker, performer, orator, musician, designer and writer, Dr. Patrick-Trippel brings her passion for teaching as well as mentoring students to the classroom each day.

The World. 18



And Our Backyard. // Five students refuse to wait for graduation to begin their life’s work.


Camillo Giraldo ’14

Medellin, Colombia // Mechanical Engineering When Camillo began his college experience at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), his friends back in Colombia thought he was living the American dream. “I was living in the city and doing all of the things society told me were ‘great.’ But I was not having fun. I felt empty inside.” Nowhere was that void more pronounced than during the time spent with his tennis team. He describes constant tensions between foreign and American players. Thousands of miles away from home, he says, “The tennis team was my only family — and we were very broken.” When his team had a match-up against Olivet Nazarene University, Camillo couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. “I saw the Olivet team, and I thought, ‘Wow.’ They talked to each other. They were laughing. The foreign students and the Americans were all working together and having a great time.” Instantly, he knew he wanted to make a transfer. “It was a God thing,” concludes Camillo. “Before, I was always pretending to be what everyone else wanted me to be. At Olivet, I saw love; people genuinely cared. For the first time, I was myself. And my relationship with God has grown exponentially.” With a degree in mechanical engineering, Camillo plans to go on to graduate school, and then pursue a career that will allow him to donate his finances and his time to make the world a better place. Eventually, when his “hair is gray,” he wants to become a professor to “pass on knowledge to the next generation.” “God has given me so much. I want to give back,” he says. //

Kelsey McNulty ’13 As a freshman studying Spanish, Kelsey McNulty signed up for a spring break trip to Honduras, not even sure she’d be accepted or that it was the right thing to do. “I thought, ‘I’ve got three more years to do this,’” she recalls. “Why now?” Since then, she’s spent all four of her spring breaks in Honduras, two summers studying in Ecuador, and two weeks in Paraguay. This coming summer, she will lead another group of Olivet students during a two-month trip to Honduras. “On that first trip, God really confirmed the call He’s given me for the hispanic people and the Spanish language,” she explains. “It’s a call that’s developed over these past four years at Olivet, not something I felt when I was younger.”

Holt, Michigan // Nursing and Spanish

Kelsey’s ultimate goal is to teach nursing as a missionary in Latin America. However, she says, “I definitely sense the Lord telling me to take some time and prepare. It’s important for me to get some medical experience in the States before I take that somewhere else.” But she’s quick to clarify, “It’s not like my ministry is going to start there. It’s already been started, and it’s going to continue to happen in the States. I want to be ministering and serving other people every day of my life. I want people to experience God’s love through me.” //

Because of her repeated visits, Kelsey has built lasting relationships with the people she’s served. “It’s been a huge blessing to love them, not just for a week, but throughout the whole year. And when I go back and see the looks on their faces, when they remember me — it’s just amazing.” During her first three visits to Honduras, Kelsey noticed that many of the children would come to her with relatively minor scrapes or health issues that became more serious when left untreated. So on her visit this March, she and fellow nursing students Claren Oesch ’13 and Kori Yergler ’13 offered a first-aid course for local mothers, providing each of them with a basic medical kit to take home. “They were super engaged, wanting to learn more about everything we were teaching,” she says. “Having already developed relationships with the kids, it was cool to also start forming relationships with the moms.”



Morgan McCririe ’13 For the first time in her life, Morgan McCririe has no plan — and she’s never been more at peace. Sensing a call to missions from a young age, Morgan came to Olivet with a pre-med emphasis. With a doctor for a father, and because she’s always been good at science, it seemed like the most logical thing to do. “I was trying to fit myself into what I thought mission work had to be,” she explains. “I wasn’t really listening to how God would have me do that.” But as she continued in her coursework, even becoming a biology TA along the way, she began to wonder if she was heading down the right path. In fact, she was really more drawn to her intro courses that explored human behavior. Ultimately, she

Hillsdale, Michigan // Sociology changed her major to sociology, without much idea where it would lead. “I like having a plan, and not having one sort of freaked me out,” she confesses. Throughout her time at Olivet, Morgan has sought to uncover her passions, and her travels abroad have helped in that process. She traveled to Costa Rica with the track team, and she assisted her dad in surgery while in Guatemala. Last summer, she spent three months in Uganda, interning with an organization that helps women provide for their families through the production of crocheted items. So what has she uncovered? “I’m passionate about a lot of things,” she answers. She’s concerned about children, women’s healthcare, human trafficking, and serving the poor and the oppressed. She’s considering using her love and knowledge of biology to provide healthcare training in one of the more remote regions of the world. While in Uganda, for example, she witnessed widespread misunderstandings about how disease is spread and treated, and even the importance of personal hygiene and sanitation. One thing she does know is that wherever God leads her, she’s in it for the long haul. “I’m not expecting to go and fix everything. It takes a lot of time, and it takes a lot of energy. I want to invest in people’s lives for the long-term.” In the meantime, she’s confident in God’s ability to show her the way. “I have a lot of peace about it. I know God will open the right doors at the right time. I don’t need to force it.” //

Somone Agers ’14 Growing up on the South Side of Chicago, Somone Agers has seen firsthand the impact of bad decisions. “Being in the inner city, I saw a lot of people my age and even younger getting into trouble,” she recalls. “When you’re placed in hard situations, you kind of adapt and try to survive. So you start to do things that are maybe not in your character.” Somone credits her mother, “a phenomenal woman,” for instilling values in her and leading her in the right direction. Sadly, though, she says many youth don’t have that same positive influence. “They have no guidance, no hope,” she says. Somone’s goal is to become a source of guidance and hope as a chief juvenile probation officer. “I have a heart for people who have fallen on hard times or who are having a rough time in life and need direction,” she says. “I just feel like God has strategically placed me, especially at Olivet, so that I have the Christian background for the inner city.” Perhaps no one knows better than Somone just how difficult her personal calling will be. Her mother took in a troubled boy — who became Somone’s older brother by adoption — when he was just a child. “She did the best she could,” explains Somone, “But he eventually started to do and sell drugs. He became this whole other person from who she raised him to be.” Just a few short weeks ago, Somone received tragic news: her brother was fatally shot by his best friend over a drug feud. “When you’re going through class, you start to think, ‘Oh, I’ll never have to deal with this.’ But this hit home for me. And I realized, this is real. It definitely gave me a reality check.” Nevertheless, her optimism and determination are somehow left unscathed. “I want to leave a footprint in someone’s heart or in some community, so that someday people will know Somone Agers was here.” She concludes, “God’s going to do some amazing things with me, and I’m excited to see where He’s taking me. I’m just going to sit back, relax and let God drive this car while He takes me far, far, far. I’m just blessed to be here.” //

Chicago, Illinois // Psychology and Criminal Justice

Jordan Hansen ’13 “My whole life, I grew up in the church, but I guess I never bought it,” Jordan admits. But everything changed for him as an Olivet freshman when, as he says, his entire world was rocked. “I found myself praying, ‘God, I know that you’re there, but I don’t understand why I’ve never felt you.’ Suddenly, I realized I’d never really reached out to Him. I’d always blocked Him out of my life, setting boundaries where I wouldn’t allow Him to go.” His faith made new, Jordan prayed, “God, I’m giving you the next four years of my life, and you can do whatever you want with them.” Since that time, God has provided numerous ministry opportunities for Jordan, including mission trips to Haiti, Cuba and hurricane-ravaged New Jersey. “Mission trips are a great way for us to go and serve and learn, working side-by-side with the people who are there. I want to take what I’ve learned over there and apply it in everything I do.” Perhaps one of Jordan’s greatest times of spiritual growth came when he joined ONU ministry team All Things New as a freshman. “A year earlier, I was acting like a complete idiot, and all of a sudden,



Shorewood, Illinois // Marketing

I was trying to lead kids in worship. It’s a crazy thing, but having all those eyes watching me, influenced me to pursue God even more. I prayed, ‘Help me to be the best male role model that I can be.’” Nearly four years later, Jordan’s still praying that same prayer. He believes there is a great void within the Christian community, and he wants to be part of the solution. “Men are just so scared to step out, set aside their pride and embrace God fully. When guys don’t understand what it means to have great relationships with their own dads, it’s hard for them to relate to God as our Heavenly Father. “We have to be willing to show love and not always feel the need to dominate. We need to be positive, encouraging to others. That’s really important to me, in whatever I end up doing and with my future family. “I want to allow God to lead in my own life so that I can lead others to Him.” //

An open door to









Jordan was among a group of twenty from Olivet who traveled to Cuba, March 2–10, 2013. It was the first time any Nazarene youth had been there since the country was closed to missionaries in the 1960s.

In spite of communism, the Church’s presence has continued to grow, with more than 115 Nazarene churches there today. “It’s amazing how people there choose to follow and love God, even when everything around them is telling them not to,” says Jordan. He continues, “We tend to go on mission trips and leave our experiences there. We bring back a picture or put something on Facebook, but we don’t really change our lives. But I want to apply what I’ve experienced to how I act here. Show more patience. Be less transactional with my love. Otherwise, I diminish that trip to being nothing more than a giant pick-me-up.”

SPRING FEVER Located near the southern exterior of Centennial Chapel, near the footbridge to student apartments on Grand Avenue, is this neatly hidden fountain and pond, welcoming spring with the re-emergence of bicycles, flip-flops and shorts.

“ It is a privilege and a

blessing to support

the University and students     of Olivet because we feel that is where our money




the most good.” –Betty and Ken The Betty and Kenneth Hawkins Centennial Chapel
















thousands of friends and family from across the country and around the world will gather on our campus to participate in Olivet’s 100th annual Commencement weekend. At the appointed hour, the vice president of academic affairs will begin to call the names of graduates who will shake my hand, receive their diplomas and walk out onto the world stage to make their mark. Each graduate will be armed with credentials formed by academic pursuit, a faith born out of the rigors of life and a passion to change the status quo. And they will go out into our world with a hope rooted in the Word of God, established in Jesus Christ and empowered by the presence of the Holy Spirit. What a thrilling moment! Our world is in such desperate need of them.

While you may not be able to join us for Commencement, you will be on my mind. With each name called, I am reminded that much of what has been accomplished in the lives of our students and the impact they are already making in the world is a result of your support. Friends like you make the mission and reach of Olivet possible through your generosity, influence and prayer. As they go, you go with them.

At Olivet, the Christian faith takes this great engine and fuels it with the Spirit of God. Thus, the vision for Olivet is an ambitious effort that can only be fully realized through the blessing and provision of God. “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1).

Since our founding in 1907, the prayers of God’s people have sustained our students and enabled this University to be a transformational force in the world.

As we look to the future, I believe we stand at a door of opportunity unmatched in our history. This is a moment that calls for a bold vision coupled with decisive action. This world needs us, our mission demands it of us, and I’m confident God is going before us!

The 1909 University Catalog declared: “This school has been founded at the call of God. It is a child of faith and prayer.” Our mission is rooted in a collective faith that God is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or even imagine! In every generation, the University must collectively reconnect with its founding purpose. We must articulate in fresh ways our plans for the future, noting our collective dreams, capacities and challenges. In the midst of such an exercise, the future is forged. Nelson Mandela noted, “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine and that a child of farmworkers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.”

At Olivet, we believe: • The Olivet story is a Kingdom story punctuated by God’s provision and providence. • God’s resources are abundant, and His people are generous. • Our students and alumni are a force for good in our world, as they live faithempowered, hope-filled lives. • One person fully surrendered to God can change the course of history. I invite you to join us as together we set forth an agenda of distinctive impact for Olivet Nazarene University. I invite you to partner with us in what, I believe, can be a dramatic decade of expansion, as we equip 100,000 next generation leaders to serve God and to live lives of significance in this challenging world.

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS View the 2012 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors as we celebrate a spirit of generosity at WWW.OLIVET.EDU



know Olivet. We believe in Olivet.

We are so pleased to support Olivet.”

–Greg and Karen Bontrager

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Operating Officer President and Chief

Greg Bontrager is President and Chief Operating Officer for the American Cancer Society. Karen (Abbott) ’86 is an educator and serves as the Alumni Board representative to the Olivet Board of Trustees. More of their story at 32


The Olivet you know and love. Online. The School of Graduate and Continuing Studies offers a wide array

of online programs, including the Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist (Type 10), Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction and the Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry. Future offerings will include graduate programs in: Healthcare, Information Technology, Management Information Systems, Strategic Leadership, and Criminal Justice.

gr ad u a te . o l i ve t. e d u

An Interview with Dad

Doug Armstrong

President and General Manager, KTVB (NBC)

Jay Armstrong ’16

Engineering major and ROTC cadet Boise, Idaho

Tell us about Jay's journey to Olivet.

Air Force Academy, West Point, then Olivet?

We have no family history with Olivet, and we live 1,700 miles out west. It was simply not on our radar screen. Our friend, Jerry Caven, had kids and grandkids attend ONU, and he said it was a great experience. From a parent’s perspective, Olivet sounded great, but we really wanted Jay to have ownership in the college decision. So we worked with him to create a portfolio of colleges that we could all agree on.

Through research, we learned that Olivet Nazarene University had one of the largest Army ROTC battalions on any Christian college campus in America. We also learned that ONU’s Roaring Tiger Battalion was ranked in the top 10 percent nationally, and that ONU really supported ROTC.

So what was he looking for in a college? Jay has always wanted to serve his country. After the tragedy of 9/11, he grew up watching soldiers fight terrorism, and he wanted to be part of something important. In high school, Jay prepared himself to be an officer candidate by working on academics, athletics and leadership. For a parent, it’s scary to think about what could happen, but Jay’s motives were good, and it’s important that we support his dream. Jay’s first college visit was to the Air Force Academy. It was a great campus, but the Air Force wasn’t his desire. His next college visit was to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He liked West Point very much, but we asked him to withhold his application to West Point until he reviewed all of his options, including Army ROTC.



When Jay visited ONU, he liked everything about it — the campus, the ROTC facilities, the people, the size of the student body and the accredited engineering department. I think Jay also recognized that the cadet honor code had deeper meaning when merged with a Christian education.

Now that Jay is officially a student, how are the parents feeling? Jay is doing something hard, and we’re very proud of him. We see great value in merging the leadership training of ROTC and “Education with a Christian Purpose.” His college experience is being built on the solid rock of Christian principles such as justice, morality, care and humility. We feel deep gratitude to God for answered prayers and for everyone who has walked this journey with us.



A campus favorite, the Warming House is home to numerous student activities, meetings, banquets, classes and worship services including “Party with Jesus,� a contemporary worship service led by and for students.

Joseph A. Gregoire

B.A. Sociology ’72/’88 M.B.A. State Chairman, PNC Bank of Illinois

Alumni Profile



PNC executive and all-around “good guy”

Joseph A. Gregoire Had he known back in high school that he would pursue banking as a career, Joseph Gregoire might have selected something other than sociology as his college major. Looking back, however, he knows it was the perfect choice.

“Grow Up Great is one of the most comprehensive, corporate-based school readiness programs in the nation.” said Joe. “By investing in early childhood education, we will put children on the right track to success.”

“Banking is all about people,” he explains.

Joe is also personally invested in the community, serving on the board of directors for numerous nonprofit organizations. In 2008, he was the recipient of The Anti-Defamation League’s Americanism Award.

In his 28-year career within the industry, Joe has certainly mastered the art of being a people person. From his early days on the “front line” as a teller to his current executive role, he is motivated by making a difference in the lives of others. “Helping people get a home, go to college, create a business. Helping others to achieve important milestones in their lives — that’s why we get out of bed every morning.” But Joe’s impact goes far beyond any lending that transpires within the bank's walls. As the state chairman for PNC Bank of Illinois, one of his priorities has been to expand the corporation’s charitable giving throughout northeast Illinois. One example of his philanthropic leadership is PNC’s multi-year, $350 million Grow Up Great early childhood literacy program.

“No matter how much you’ve been given, or how little you’ve been given, it’s important to give back,” he says. In addition to his bachelor’s degree, Joe also has a M.B.A. from Olivet, which he obtained while working as the executive vice president for a local branch. “I knew that if I wanted to go to the next level in my career, to grow within the organization and the industry, I needed the credibility of a M.B.A.,” he says. “Olivet offered a strong program.” He continues, “It was a way to broaden my experiences. I was in classes with doctors, professors and people from the industry. I became friends with them and learned from their experiences.”

Over the past several years, Joe and the entire banking industry have gone through significant turbulence and change. “A bank president once told me to stay flexible. Having gone through five mergers over the years, I’d say that was pretty good advice.” For other leaders navigating change, he offers this guidance: “You have to be good at communicating through change. You have to be very transparent, so people can feel good about the change and understand why it’s necessary.” As for what he’d like to be known for, Joe’s desire is simple. “I hope people remember me as one of the good guys in life. That I was able to help them along the way.”

Partnering with Sesame Street, PNC’s Grow Up Great program is dedicated to early childhood literacy.

LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS A man-eating plant, a crazy dentist and a nerdy florist. With its unique storyline, talented cast and professional sets from the Broadway and national tour, this year’s spring musical, “Little Shop of Horrors,” entertained and impressed numerous sold-out performances.

30 28



31 29

Class of 2013

GRADUATION WEEKEND Baccalaureate and Commencement

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MAY 06-10

ALUMNI&FRIENDS BREAKFAST At General Assembly, Indianapolis

Join more than 1,500 alumni and friends for a morning of inspiration at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. Featuring a special message from Dr. John C. Bowling with Olivet’s Mass Choir and Orchestra.


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FROM THE ARCHIVES Do these photos bring back memories? Tell us at


Please submit alumni news, less than one year old, in the format printed in this section. Content may be edited for length, clarity or to uphold University policies. Submissions may be made online, through email to, or by mail to: Olivet: The Magazine, Olivet Nazarene University, One University Ave., Bourbonnais, IL 60914. For online submissions and detailed guidelines, visit #












1)  The Cansler-Bender Wedding Party (from left to right)

Chad Inman ’04, Shelitha Haskell, Sheryas Chandrashekar, Lindsay Rose ’07, Justin Gunn, Roberta “Robbie” (Bender) ’07 Cansler, Michael Cansler ’07, Evangeline McCaul, James Cansler, Cyndi Cansler, Curtis Congreve and Rachel Dallaire










B  David Elwood ’55 serves as chairman of the board for Elwood Staffing, which announced that they will join together with SOS Employment Group. The combined company will now rank in the top 10 of all U.S. commercial staffing companies, the top 20 of all U.S. staffing companies and just outside the top 50 of all global staffing companies.

1966 C   C.

J. Sizemore ’66 received a M.S.W. from the University of Illinois, retired from the Illinois Department of Human Serves in 2000, and is now serving as a brand ambassador for KFC. He enjoys traveling throughout the world portraying Colonel Sanders. He was commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel in 2004 and has the pleasure of meeting numerous celebrities while promoting KFC. C. J. and his wife, Sharon (Blankenship) ’67, reside in Champaign, Ill., where they attend Meadowbrook Community Church. They have two adult sons.


D  Kenneth W. Gates ’70 was presented an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Union Biblical Seminary, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma), by its president, Rev. Dr. Morris Liana. Ken and his wife, Gail, were also involved in worship services of the Wesleyan Church of Yangon. Both were held at the historic Emmanuel Baptist Church, built on the site of the first Christian services in Burma 200 years ago when Adoniram Judson pitched a primitive tent. Ken is a general evangelist in the Wesleyan Church, and he and Gail have a gospel music ministry. They live in Indianapolis, Ind.



E  Robert (Bob) Biberstine ’79 has retired from active service with the Church of the Nazarene. After his graduation from Olivet, he obtained his master’s degree in religious education from Nazarene Theological Seminary. He later earned four units in clinical pastoral education. Bob pastored Nazarene, Wesleyan and Free/United Methodist churches in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Oklahoma and Texas. He is also retired from the prison chaplaincy and the Navy. Working as an online facilitator for Indiana Wesleyan University, Bob and his wife, Kathy, live in Blairsville, Ga.


F  Jodi (Dennis) ’98 and Robert Loyd: A boy, Evan Jacob, November 11, 2012. He joins big brothers Kelvin, (3) and Devin, (2). Jodi is a cardiology nurse practitioner with Medical Center Cardiology based in Louisville, Ky., and Robert is a stay-at-home dad. They reside in Jeffersonville, Ind.


G  Michael ’99 and Marissa (Lynn) ’05 Coblentz: A boy, Amos Coltrane, December 18, 2012. Marissa is a student at Nazarene Theological Seminary, and Michael is the director of the physical plant at NTS. The family resides in Kansas City, Mo.


H  Timothy ’03 and Andreea Livengood: A girl, Sophia Isabella, June 2, 2012. Timothy is an emergency physician, and Andreea is a family physician at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

I  Angela (Meyer) ’03 and Mahlon Yoder: Twin girls,

1@  Jessica (Bayless) ’08 and Jason Hart: A girl, Olivia

Elizabeth Anne (left) and Ellianna Lucille (right), June 7, 2012. Mahlon and Angie were married in March of 2008. Angie has been the music teacher at Boone Elementary School for nine years, and Mahlon is a retail manager. Angie will graduate with her master’s in elementary administration in May 2013. The family resides in Troy, Mo.

Grace, January 9, 2013. Jessica is a sixth grade language arts teacher at Troy City Schools, and Jason is a third grade teacher in Dayton, Ohio. They reside in Englewood, Ohio.


J  Laura (Meyer) ’05 and Mark Mayfield: A boy, Eli William, January 28, 2013. Laura works as a fixed income analyst for an investment advisor in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mark works as an operations manager for a plumbing and hardware company in northern Kentucky. The family resides in Independence, Ky.

2007 1)  Michael

A. Cansler ’07 and Roberta “Robbie” Bender ’07/’10 M.A. were married in St. Joseph, Mich., September 22, 2012. Michael is an IT professional currently working for the park district of Highland Park, and Robbie is the associate pastor of youth and small group ministries at Mundelein Church of the Nazarene. They reside in Mundelein, Ill.

1#  Amber (McKean) ’08 and Kyle Olney: A girl, Autumn Marie, December 21, 2012. Kyle and Amber are both employed at Olivet. The family resides in Bourbonnais, Ill. 1$  Matt ’09 and Katie (Brashaw) ’08 Lyle: A girl, Avalon Elyse, January 23, 2013. Katie is earning her master’s degree in elementary reading and literacy, and Matt is in a rotational leadership program at GE Aviation. They reside in Grand Rapids, Mich.


1%  Andrew Koch ’12 and Megan Meierer ’10 were married August 10, 2012, in Orland Park, Ill. Andrew is a graduate student in mechanical engineering at Michigan State University, and Megan is employed by Fifth Third Bank. They reside in Okemos, Mich.


1!  Candace Snyder ’08 and Justin Day were married August 31, 2012.




CLASSES B Paul David Studebaker ’47 passed away April 2, 2012, at his home.    Paul was born August 21, 1925, in Grand Rapids, Mich. He married Shirley Ann Mayfield ’51, December 14, 1951, in Danville, Ill.    Paul was an accomplished vocal music teacher and choral conductor. His 38-year public teaching career began at Olivet Nazarene College, where he taught voice and directed the high school choir. He taught for a short time in the Catlin, Ill., schools before moving to the public schools in Danville. Paul concluded his career in the EurekaCongerville-Goodfield Schools, where he retired in 1989.    Throughout his life, Paul served the Lord through music by directing church choirs, leading community choirs, and frequently directing school and civic programs, stage performances and concerts. He often served as a choral adjudicator for Illinois school contests. Paul was a past vice president of the Illinois Music Educators Association.    Paul was the proud grandfather of 10 grandchildren and seven great-­grandchildren. He loved all animals and raised many varieties.








C Daniel Liddell ’50 passed away June 14, 2012. He was born February 8, 1927, to Thomas T. and Adele Liddell. Dan started his musical career early in life by accompanying his evangelist father on the piano.    He served in the U.S. Navy during WWII. After the war, he enrolled as a pre-med student at Michigan State University, but suffered a heart attack at the age of 24. That ended his future medical career.    His next love was music, so he enrolled at Olivet and graduated with a music degree. Dan was on the first truck with items coming from “Old Olivet” to the new campus. He

later returned to teach at Olivet, heading up the vocal department.    He went on to receive a master’s degree in music from the University of Illinois. That led to a long career in music, with Dan sharing his musical expertise with people in various ways. He not only taught music but also lead choirs, performed, was on the radio and even had his own TV show called “Favorites with Danny.”    He was involved in several professional organizations and was credited with starting the music program at Kankakee High School.

D William T. “Tal” Hodges, M.D. ’51 passed away February 6, 2013. He was born April 1, 1926, in Stroud, Okla.    Before attending Olivet, he served in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He then went to Olivet and graduated cum laude, and received his medical degree from the University of Illinois Medical School.    His first wife — the former Jean Marie Hitchcock, whom he married December 29, 1947, in Miami, Fla., — preceded him in death December 20, 1992. He married Linda Cremer Latham ’93 on April 6, 1993.    Dr. Hodges had a family medical practice in Herscher and Kankakee for many years. He also served as Olivet’s school physician from 1956 to 1981.    He served on various medical boards, and was a member of the 20th Century Club, Kankakee Country Club, and a seasonal subscriber to the Lyric Opera in Chicago. He had four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. E Clinton J. Wickham ’52 passed away November 24, 2012. He was born April 12, 1925.    He graduated from Frankfort High School in Frankfort, Ind., and then served

in the U.S. Army in WWII. After graduating from Olivet, he attended and graduated from Nazarene Theological Seminary in 1957.    He and his wife of 54 years, Minerva, pastored in South Dakota, Illinois and Indiana. Clinton taught English, history and German in various schools.    He was proud that Olivet became a family tradition, with two of his five daughters and two of his grandchildren graduating from Olivet.


Virginia Mae King ’56 passed away December 9, 2012. She was born in Flint, Mich., January 8, 1932.    While attending Olivet, she was a member of Orpheus Choir. Her first teaching job was at Mandeville High School in Flint. She then went on to receive a master’s degree from Eastern Michigan University and taught classes at Trevecca Nazarene University.    She later moved to Portland, OR and was on the faculties of George Fox University and Warner Pacific College. She taught in the Portland Public School District at Hayhurst Elementary and Portsmouth Middle School.    She was devoted to her church and had a serving heart. She loved good music, a hearty laugh and fine food, but most of all she loved and was loved by her friends.

G Don Scarlett, Jr. ’60 died February 11, 2013. He was born March 5, 1933, in Danville, Ill.. Before attending Olivet, he served in the Navy from 1951 from 1954.    At Olivet, he prepared for the ministry and then served as a pastor in churches in Indiana and Florida. He and his wife, Bonnie, spent 18 years in South Africa as missionaries for the Church of the Nazarene. They contributed to the work in the Cape Town and Port Elizabeth areas, including the

construction of several churches and Africa Nazarene Theological College.    After retiring from missionary work, he again pastored churches in Florida, Iowa and Indiana. When he retired from the pastorate, he worked with special needs children on the Putnam City school buses in Oklahoma. Ruth M. (Anderson) Gambrel ’71 completed her journey of faith January 26, 2013. She was born November 28, 1921, in Gary, Ind.    While attending Olivet, she met Verland Gambrel, and they were married in November 1943. The couple had five children, nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.    Ruth returned to Olivet in 1968 and graduated magna cum laude with a degree in elementary education.    She served with her husband in pastorates in South Dakota, Indiana, Missouri and Illinois. They retired to Fairbury, Ill., where she remained active in church and community activities.


Kathryn (Jorden) Oliver ’71 passed away May 8, 2012, in Portland, Ore. She was born October 7, 1950, in Orange, Calif., to Eric and Gunnell Jorden. Gunnell was a retired Olivet English professor. During her childhood, she and her family lived in England, Idaho, Oregon and Illinois.    After graduation from Olivet, she met Brad Oliver in San Diego where they were married December 23, 1982. They eventually moved to Dallas, Texas, where she worked for Electronic Data Systems while Brad completed his studies as a physician assistant.    From the age of five, Kathryn played the violin. This was both a love and a ministry. She was part of numerous church events, the Kankakee Orchestra, the Eugene Orchestra, the New Mexico Symphony, the Carrollton

Chamber Orchestra, and Portland’s Columbia Symphony Orchestra (PCSO). She also served as the PCSO's office manager for several years.    Kathryn was preceded in death by her father, Eric, and mother, Gunnell.


Ronald J. Moore ’72 went to meet his Savior and Lord on March 8, 2013. He was born March 17, 1950, in Fort Scott, Kan.    After graduating from Olivet, Ron received a master’s of divinity degree in 1975 from Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Kan. He was a minister in the Church of the Nazarene, serving churches in Nevada, California, Indiana and Michigan.    He also followed his calling to be a missionary and served in Papua New Guinea for 17 years. He retired in July 2009.    Ron died after a long-time battle with Parkinson’s disease.

j Miley Kalyn Reed ’13 was called home to be with her Lord on March 14, 2013. The beloved daughter of Rick and Beccy (Winkler) Reed of Danville, Ill., she was born on December 2, 1990. In 2009, she graduated from Bismarck Henning High School, Bismarck, Ill., and was in her senior year at Olivet. She had just passed her Illinois Teachers Certification exam, was doing her student teaching at Mark Twain Primary School in Kankakee, and was looking forward to teaching early childhood education. She was a member of the Second Church of Christ in Danville. She always had a smile on her face, and she never slowed down! You may join Miley’s family in sharing videos, photos and memories on her tribute wall at obituaries/Miley-Reed.





Megan Sherman on how a goal to pay off her student loans surprised even her Faced with $27,750 in student loans debt upon graduation, Illinois native Megan Sherman ’10 had every reason to feel overwhelmed. “The number alone was daunting,” she admits. “But I decided I was going to hit the ground running.” With determination and confidence, Megan saw and treated debt as a temporary and curable condition. “My parents had been through the Financial Peace training by Dave Ramsey, and I used to make fun of them about it. But they still had all the materials, and with their advice, I decided to go for it. I set a goal of June 2012 to pay off the balance.”

image group

“I didn’t want to pay on extra interest. I didn’t want it following me for a dozen years. And, the stubbornness in me — the determination, I guess — refused to accept it, though it's commonly understood that student loans are good debt.” Now working for Federal Signal Corp. in University Park, Ill., Megan has no regrets. “I missed some lunches with friends. I took no fancy vacations. And even though it was never easy, I knew I could hold strong.” And the lessons she’s learned as a young grad will guide her for a lifetime. “Now, buying a house some day or purchasing a new car doesn’t seem impossible. I’ll save money to do it, but I refuse to go into long-term debt.”

Megan was fortunate enough to graduate early, completing her business marketing and management degree in just three and one-half years. Just prior to Commencement, she was hired into a full-time position within Olivet’s Office of Admissions.

Throughout this financial journey, Megan has remained steadfast in her commitment to God. “Tithing has always been a priority. I never missed a tithe to my church. I’ve always believed — and my parents instilled in me — that if you give to God, He will bless you.”

“While I was grateful for the job, my salary was modest,” she says. “But I was determined to ‘go big or go home.’ So it wasn’t unusual for me to be holding three jobs at any one time.” In those first years out of college, Megan could be found coaching kids in swimming, lifeguarding, babysitting and even serving as a host at Chicago Bears Training Camp.

Was it all worth it? Megan has no doubt. “I knew Olivet would cost more than a state school,” she explains, “but Olivet was such a blessing to my life, that I knew I was willing to make the investment. And I also had a clear sense that it was the right choice for me. And now, it’s paid for. It’s a great sense of accomplishment.”

The extra effort was worth it. In the span of just two years and eight months, Megan had paid off her student loans in full.

“Don’t listen to the naysayers,” she advises. “It’s possible. I am proof.”


Includes majors, minors and concentrations Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biochemistry Biology Broadcast Journalism Business Administration Business Administration — Not-for-profit Mgmnt Business Information Systems Chemistry Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Commercial Graphics/ Marketing Communication Studies Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Dietetics Digital Media: Graphics Digital Media: Photography Drawing & Illustration Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics & Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Computer Concentration Engineering - Electrical Concentration Engineering - Geological Concentration Engineering - Mechanical Concentration English English as a Second Language English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Education Family Studies Fashion Merchandising Film Studies Finance Forensic Chemistry French General Studies Geography Geological Sciences Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Hospitality



Housing & Environmental Design Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies International Business International Marketing Literature Management Marketing Marketing Management Mass Communication Mathematics Mathematics Education Media Production Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Missions & Intercultural Studies Multimedia Studies Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Painting Pastoral Ministry Philosophy & Religion Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Science Political Science Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Print & Online Journalism Psychology Public Policy Public Relations Radio Broadcasting Recreation & Leisure Studies Religion Religious Studies Science Education Secondary Education Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Sport Management Television & Video Production Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology

More than 100 areas of study organized into four schools and one college. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees are offered. Students have the opportunity to study in locations such as Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles.


As a Christian community, we are committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the college community has the opportunity to join with others in worship, receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.


More than 4,600 (2,600 undergraduate) students from more than 40 states and several world areas, representing more than 40 religious denominations.


More than 120 faculty members, most with terminal degrees or the highest degrees available in their respective fields. Student-teacher ratio of 17:1.


At Olivet Nazarene University, champions are born each season within 20 intercollegiate teams, with a commitment to provide competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field. Varsity women compete in basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramurals and club sports programs.


Students participate in more than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, Radio Broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 32,000 Olivet Nazarene University alumni living around the world.


Olivet believes in affordable excellence and the cost to attend the University is competitively priced for private colleges nationwide. Approximately 99 percent of Olivet students receive financial aid, totaling nearly $87 million in federal and state grants and institutional scholarships.


Olivet admits qualified students based on high school record (or college transcripts for transfer students) and ACT score. The average ACT score for incoming freshmen is 24.


The beautiful, park-like campus includes 31 major buildings on 250 acres. We are located in the Village of Bourbonnais, just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill., and in Hong Kong.


Includes the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Commission of ABET.


Business: Associate of Arts in Business,+ Bachelor of Business Administration,+ Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration – Executive Track Counseling: Master of Arts in Professional Counseling, Master of Arts in School Counseling Education: Safety and Driver Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction,+ Master of Arts in Education: Library Information Specialist, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist,+ Master of Arts in Teaching, Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership – Interdisciplinary History: Master of Arts: Philosophy of History or Political Theory Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing,* Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing,* Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Literature, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts: Pastoral Leadership,* Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts: Youth Ministry, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry * online + classroom and online



BENEDICTION From ransomed men of tender heart Whose souls You taught to sing Your children lift their voice to You With thanks for all these things From mountain heights and vaulted skies Your hand is clearly seen We cast our praise with nature’s cry To God for all these things In that night of wonder and promise Night when Christ was born God Incarnate came to be with us all For promises from age to age That caused our hearts to dream Purest adoration we impart With thanks for all these things For refuge from the darkening storm And rest beneath Your wings We worship You with grateful hearts Oh, God, for all these things In that day of suffering and sorrow Son of heaven died God eternal slain for the sins of men With honor for the risen Lord We praise our coming King We consecrate our lives to You With thanks for all these things As sung by Orpheus Choir from “For All These Things” Music by Bob Farrell and Greg Nelson


orpheus choir





Join more than 1,500 alumni and friends for a morning of inspiration at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. Featuring a special message from Dr. John C. Bowling, with Olivet’s Mass Choir and Orchestra. For tickets, visit





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