Olivet the Magazine Believe and Belong August 2015

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THE SOCIAL SCENE Students live in the perfect atmosphere to enjoy college life and build lasting relationships. Whether you want to climb the four-story rock wall, swim in one of two pools or play foosball with friends, the 160,000-square-foot Perry Student Life and Recreation Center is the place to build friendships that will last a lifetime.


DEAR FRIENDS, It happens every year, but somehow it still manages to surprise us. There is a mass exodus of students as soon as commencement weekend concludes. Graduates move on to careers and graduate school. Underclassmen pursue summer jobs, internships and travel. And for one evening, an eerie calm envelops the campus. As you can imagine, this brief moment of pause and peace is a wonderful relief to the president, administrators, faculty and staff of this thriving University. Even the buildings and grounds seem to take a deep breath and get a good night᾽s rest. We are content in knowing that we successfully completed another academic cycle and sent exceptional young women and men into the world for “lives of service to God and humanity.” This year, 1,447 students graduated. Mission accomplished! Well, at least for the moment. The exciting truth is that the Sunday evening respite always gives way to Monday morning preparation as the entire campus community immediately begins to make ready for the arrival of the next incoming class. As it should be, the rhythm of University life continues. Thousands of students will arrive soon — eager to BELIEVE and BELONG. The journey from Olivet to everywhere, and the realization of the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, will begin again for these Olivetians. Now we extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to the ONU class of 2019 and a very talented group of transfer students from around the United States and the world. We give thanks for you already. As you take your place among us, may you immediately feel at home here, and may you be gently and pleasantly startled by the warmth of the Olivet people and the encouragement of the Holy Spirit alive in this place! May God richly bless you all, The Editorial Board






ON THE COVER A campus visit makes students feel like they already belong to the Olivet community.


OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.


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Examining the significance of what we believe and how it shapes where we belong.





Headlines from the Olivet community and around the world

Olivet students study and travel over the summer




world view

Teresa, Bruce and Neal Woodruff on why they believe in an Olivet education

Orpheus travels to India to minister and worship

EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Remington J. Anksorus ’05 Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/ ’11 Ed.D. George Wolff ’93 ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 GRAPHIC DESIGN Matthew Moore ’96 Monique Perry ’03 Donnie Johnson PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTOS AS CREDITED) JonesFoto Image Group Jordan Hansen ’13 Paul Matthews ’15 Cymone Wilder ’15 Wes Taylor ’15 Joe Mantarian ’16 EDITORIAL SUPPORT Sheryl Feminis Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel Christine Case ’05 A.E. Sarver ’15 Katharyn Schrader ’14 Renee Gerstenberger

VOLUME 83 ISSUE 3 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2015 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., M.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Carol Maxson ’88/’90 M.A.E., Ed.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STRATEGIC EXPANSION Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 M.B.A., D.B.A.

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A couple of years ago, at the end of the fall semester, I asked our senior leadership team at Olivet to participate in a two-day discussion concerning the future of the University. One of our goals was to develop a value proposition that would help direct our thinking and planning and would also capture the distinctive nature of an Olivet education. A value proposition is a statement that summarizes why a consumer should buy a particular product or use a certain service. It seeks to communicate, in a phrase or single sentence, what sets apart a specific choice — in our case, the University. It is a promise of value. We began where all such exercises must begin – with the mission statement of the University: Olivet Nazarene University, a denominational university in the Wesleyan tradition, exists to provide a liberal arts “Education with a Christian Purpose.” Our mission is to provide highquality academic instruction for the purpose of personal development, career and professional readiness, and the preparation of individuals for lives of service to God and humanity. The questions we asked were: Why Olivet? Why should we expect a student to leave home and drive past a dozen other schools to attend Olivet? What can we offer that students cannot find in any other school?

of higher education to a higher level. The statement recognizes that higher education should go beyond the offering of courses and degrees. It ought to be transformational, focusing not only on what a person knows but on who that person is. This commitment seeks to add wisdom and character formation to the work of education. In the months following our conversation that fall, we developed a strategic plan designed to foster and strengthen the mission of Olivet. The plan, Vision 2022, is now underway. This initiative seeks to enhance our program quality, continue campus development and provide financial sustainability well into the future. Another feature of Vision 2022 is an ongoing commitment to communicate to prospective students the simple yet significant thought, “We believe... you belong.” Believing and belonging go together at Olivet. Our commitment to a higher purpose finds its fulfillment in students who are seeking an enriched higher education experience. If a student (or his or her parents) is only looking for a degree, Olivet is probably not the place. But for those who want a transformational experience embedded in a community of faith and learning — an experience that helps students learn how to live as well as how to make a living — then this is the place!

At the end of the process we settled on this statement: “We believe higher education should have a higher purpose.” This proposition clearly states that Olivet is committed to taking the important work

Dr. John C. Bowling serves as the 12th president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s and two earned doctoral degrees, he is a best-selling author, a prominent national speaker and is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book, “Revision,” from Beacon Hill Press, provides “Thirteen Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization and Your Life.”


FIRST PERSON Melissa Guerdan, Vice-President of Global Quality and Regulatory, Alere Inc. When I arrived as a freshman on the campus of Olivet in 1992, I was filled with a sense of great anticipation matched by equal uncertainty. The daughter of faithful parents who served a life of ministry in the Nazarene church, I had been raised in a Christian home where I was encouraged to prioritize academics and to fully embrace and appreciate every opportunity presented to me. Olivet presented a fantastic opportunity. While various university options were available, I was drawn to Olivet’s commitment to excellence in education, liberal arts and the higher purpose of Christian living. For me, Olivet was truly a perfect fit. My years at Olivet yielded much more than academic preparation for the career I now enjoy. They provided a variety of rich experiences that shaped my life and prepared me for the path I took beyond the doors of Olivet. I established life-long friendships. I developed intellectually and spiritually as a result of genuine relationships with professors and other staff who invested time in my personal journey. I acquired an expanded view of the world. I even developed navigational skills (which have served me well on numerous occasions) while I traveled as the pianist for the Olivetians.

“I was drawn to Olivet’s commitment to excellence in education, liberal arts and the higher purpose of Christian living.” I am grateful for the education I received at Olivet. It certainly prepared me well for my career in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry. It was during my time at Olivet that I completed an internship at a local pharmaceutical company, initiating my interest in this vocation. To this day I enthusiastically apply principles learned under the tutelage of several Olivet professors I still revere. Beyond relationships and academics, Olivet’s most significant impact on my life was reinforcing the priority of living a life centered in Christ. Today I lead global organizations in an industry focused on positively influencing human life, and I remain unwaveringly committed to living with Christian purpose. I have traveled around the world many times, and I never cease to be amazed by the vastness of the planet, the creativity of our God and humanity’s profound need for Christ. My perspective is this: It was a privilege to attend Olivet, it is a privilege to lead in the global capacity that I do, and I will continue to live with passion for a higher purpose.




Melissa (Johnston) Guerdan ’97 demonstrates her faith in the Olivet mission through a scholarship fund she and her husband, Christopher, endowed in 2014. The Guerdans established the David and Joyce Johnston Scholarship Fund in tribute to Melissa’s parents and in support of Olivet students who pursue a life of ministry. Melissa’s early interest in the pharmaceuticals industry launched a career that evolved from various quality positions at Pfizer, Aventis Behring and Baxter to an executive position in global quality and compliance at Covidien before she assumed her current position with Alere. At Olivet, Melissa majored in biology and psychology and minored in music. She earned her MBA at DePaul University. The Guerdans reside in Carlsbad, California.






TOP-10 RANKING FOR ATHLETICS Athletics scored a Top 10 ranking in the Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup NAIA standings for the third consecutive year, finishing seventh for the 2014-15 season. Olivet finished highest among all schools in the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference. The Director’s Cup is a national program that recognizes institutions that maintain a broad-based athletics program and achieve success in men’s and women’s sports. Team accomplishments in the past academic year: Men’s swimming and diving, runner-up, NAIA National Championship; men’s cross country, third place, NAIA National Championship. Qualifying for nationals were men’s soccer, women’s soccer, volleyball, men’s cross country, women’s cross country, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, men’s track and field, women’s track and field, men’s swimming and diving, women’s swimming and diving.









During the 102nd Commencement ceremonies on May 9, the University conferred 1,447 degrees, including the largest number of Doctor of Education degrees in program history. The Class of 2015 represents these degrees: 586 traditional undergraduate bachelor’s, one associate’s, 275 adult studies bachelor’s, 10 adult studies associate’s, 553 master’s and 22 doctoral degrees. Ten undergraduate students had the additional distinction of being Honors Program graduates. Honorary doctoral degrees were conferred upon Olivet alumni Rev. Gary Bond, Doctor of Divinity, and Dr. Samuel L. Mayhugh, Doctor of Letters. Bringing greetings from the Class of 1965 was Raymond Cunningham.

For the 14th consecutive year, Olivet welcomed the Chicago Bears for the NFL team’s summer training camp. As in previous summers, campus was an activity hub for nearly 100,000 visitors who watched the Bears prepare for the upcoming season. This year, fans were eager for a first glimpse of new Head Coach John Fox and new General Manager Ryan Pace.

In recognition of her leadership and mentoring of business students, Enactus™ inducted Dr. Lynda (Bradford) Allen ’82, Olivet business professor, into its Sam Walton Hall of Fame. In 2009, Dr. Allen was named a Sam Walton Fellow, and she is one of only four fellows inducted into the Hall of Fame this year. Since 2003, Dr. Allen has led Olivet’s Enactus team, part of the worldwide organization of student, academic and business leaders. This year, the Olivet team placed second in its league in the quarter-final round at the U.S. National Exposition in St. Louis, falling to Brigham Young University, the team that became national champion.





GREINER ART GRACES YALE, NY GALLERIES “Growing up, it was hard to convince people that I wanted to be an artist,” says Bill Greiner, chair of Olivet’s Department of Art and Digital Media. “I believe that the more they rebuffed me, the more I fought to keep the dream alive.” Two more rewards for keeping that dream alive came to Professor Greiner this summer. From May 19 to June 9, his original watercolors on paper were included in “Contemporary Perspectives,” an exhibit at the Agora Gallery in the center of New York City’s Chelsea art district. The gallery, established in 1984, promotes national and international artists, and it connects artists, collectors and art lovers. From March 25 to May 21, Professor Greiner’s work was featured in “SEEN,” an exhibition at Yale Divinity School, Institute of Sacred Music. He was one of five artists included. In reviewing the exhibit, Grace Castillo of Yale Daily News wrote: “His work is simply beautiful, the illusion of nature and light captured in a precise yet expressive fashion.” Professor Greiner’s work is also on display in five national Art Institute collections, including the Art Institute of Chicago, and has appeared in more than 300 private collections throughout the United States, Europe and Africa.









Dr. Jim Knight retired in June after serving 40 years as Olivet’s registrar. During his career, Olivet awarded 35,000 diplomas.

Olivet engineering students competed in the Annual Basic Utility Vehicle (BUV) Competitions, sponsored by Polaris and the Institute for Affordable Transportation in Indianapolis. Olivet’s student designers — all seniors — received the award for Best Display (BUV Implements, Two Row Planter and Compost Applicator). Dr. Joseph Schroeder, engineering professor, was their advisor.

To assist alumni in maintaining connections with one another and the University, the Alumni Association is establishing alumni chapters across the country. These chapters inspire and educate alumni to be advocates for the University while supporting and encouraging current students, faculty and staff. Chapters have launched in Tampa-Bradenton, Florida; Washington, D.C.; and Kansas City, Missouri. Plans are underway for chapters to be formed in Denver, Nashville and Dallas, with more to come. Information is available at alumni@olivet.edu or 800-648-1463.

In 2000, Dr. Knight received the University’s honorary Doctor of Letters degree. He and his wife, Beverly, were named honorary Olivet alumni in 2013. “One of the most rewarding aspects of my job has been to see the growth of the University,” Dr. Knight says. “I’ve had the opportunity to help students. To provide a listening ear — and hopefully some good advice — has been very rewarding for me. My prayer for the future is that Olivet would continue to keep Christ at the center of its activities.”

The Two Row Planter team members are Jessie Eckerly (Peru, Indiana), Alex Hagberg (Essex, Illinois) and Ian Lofgren (Loves Park, Illinois). The Compost Applicator team members are Jared Carl (Galesburg, Illinois), Austin Hughes (Clarksville, Tennessee) and Kendra Maxon (Ottawa, Illinois).





PARROTTS DEVELOP PRE-MARRIAGE TOOL Drs. Les ’84 and Leslie (Young) ’84 Parrott developed a new assessment to accompany their best-selling multi-media program, “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts,” known widely by the acronym SYMBIS. The husband-and-wife team — Les, a clinical psychologist; and Leslie, a marriage and family therapist — have updated and expanded the SYMBIS book, “his” and “her” workbooks, and the program DVD. The updated materials are scheduled for fall release. Counselors, marriage mentors and churches throughout North America use the awardwinning pre-marital program, and it is translated in 20 languages around the world. The new SYMBIS Assessment is designed to provide couples with a personalized road map for lifelong love. Information on becoming a certified SYMBIS facilitator is available at www.symbisassessment.com. The Parrotts are the founders and directors of the Center for Relationship Development at Seattle Pacific University. They are New York Times best-selling authors whose books have sold more than three million copies in more than two dozen languages.









Joining Olivet’s administrative team as the new vice president for academic affairs, Dr. Carol Maxson ’88/’90 is already working closely with faculty and staff to further refine the University’s academic identity. A long-time member of the Olivet community, Dr. Maxson most recently served as Olivet’s associate vice president for academic support.

Three Olivet students and their faculty mentors have spent the summer on intensive research projects funded by grants from the University’s PenceBoyce Committee, an alumni group that fosters mentoring of individual students by Olivet faculty in mathematics, science or engineering research.

Senior Josh Altmann (Lockport, Illinois) traded his Tiger jersey for an Arizona League Rangers rookie jersey this summer when he was drafted by the Texas Rangers. Altmann was the 648th pick in this year’s Major League Baseball draft, chosen as the Rangers’ 22nd pick. He was the 17th of 40 players drafted from the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics conference and one of three drafted from the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference. “This moment has been a dream come true for me since I started playing the game,” Altmann said. “From here, I look to continue with the hard work and to run with this opportunity.”

“With more than 25 years of experience in higher education, Dr. Maxson is wellqualified and well-suited for this new assignment at this time in the University’s history,” says President John C. Bowling. “Her influence as a Christian leader will continue to have a positive impact on the present and future of Olivet and our students.”

Joseph Gosnell, a sophomore from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is an Honors Program student majoring in engineering with concentration in chemical engineering. His mentor is Dr. Larry Ferren, Chemistry Department chair. Molly Hotle, a senior from Lenexa, Kansas, is a chemistry major. Dr. Ferren is her mentor. Jamie Walker, a senior from Mokena, Illinois, is a math education major. His mentor is Dr. Lei Cheng, mathematics professor.





ARMBRUST RACKS UP DISCUS HONORS Jacob Armbrust (junior, Metamora, Illinois) capped a stellar spring and summer in discus throw competition with his 11th place finish in the 2015 USA Track and Field Outdoor Championships in June. Armbrust, the sole representative of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), threw for 59.25 meters, topping competitors from schools including Michigan State, Kent State and the University of Texas. In May, Armbrust won the national championship in discus as an individual at the NAIA Outdoor National Championships. He threw for 57.12 meters, topping his 2014 runner-up finish by almost five meters. Armbrust made history in April with his 63.17-meter (207 feet, three inches) throw at the Augustana College (Illinois) Meet of Champions, ranking him No. 12 in the world in his event and earning him Men’s Outdoor Field Athlete of the Week honors in the NAIA and the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference. The throw was the longest ever by a college athlete in the state of Illinois and qualified Armbrust for the USATF Outdoor Championships. The throw was the second longest in NAIA history and ranked him No. 2 across all college divisions and No. 1 in the NAIA. He also led all of NAIA in Power Ranking Points (every event leader).







Olivet and GatheringPoint Church of the Nazarene hosted the highest-ever attendance at the Bourbonnais site for the annual Global Leadership Summit. More than 300 local community and church leaders were among those participating in the 2015 Summit, which was broadcast to 375 sites across the United States. The two-day event was telecast in real time from Willow Creek Church, where 21 annual summits have originated. Participants heard presentations from and interviews with 13 top global leadership experts. Information on the 2016 Global Leadership Summit is available at www.willowcreek.com

Olivet’s board of trustees announced plans to build the Garden and Columbarium at Kelley Prayer Chapel. This future addition to campus will be a place for those with a connection to Olivet to be inurned. The columbarium is offered as a service to alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the University. The brick and limestone columbarium and the garden will be located in green space near Kelley Prayer Chapel. The garden will provide a tranquil setting for visitors to sit, pray and contemplate. A fountain with spilling waters will serve as a soothing reminder of life and rebirth. Information is available from the Office of Stewardship at development@olivet.edu or 815-939-5171.










TIGER TRACKS AROUND THE GLOBE When classes are out for the summer, Olivetians are on the go. For these students, summer travels are not vacations. They’re opportunities for learning, research, service and ministry. Through biology, business, music, missions and scores of other study areas, Olivet students are leaving their imprints on the world. Among travel destinations for Olivet students this summer were Costa Rica (above left), India (lower left) and Alaska (above). Students also visited Austria, Paris and the South of France, Spain, Switzerland, Russia and South Africa.





BUSINESS, INTERNATIONAL STYLE “The International Business Institute — IBI — is a 10-week program through 13 countries that includes four courses, 25 corporate visits, new languages and cultural experiences,” said Austin Blyly ’16, who participated in the program this summer. “In addition to the educational experiences, we visited many well-known national landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, the Kremlin, the Great Wall of China, and many more.” Some of this summer’s stops for IBI students were Geneva, Switzerland (above); Mont Blanc in France (above, center); India (below, center); and the Kremlin, Moscow (right).











IEVE ONG Believe and Belong. Two simple words evoking two big ideas that Olivet Nazarene University has inexorably linked for more than a dozen years now. But ʻWe Believe. You Belong Here.ʼ isn't just a marketing campaign. It is an invitation to believe in someone greater and belong to something bigger than ourselves. “Christianity is the religion of the incredible, the religion of the astonishing, the religion of the breathless. Pray Big! Think Big! Believe Big! And you will have a big life!” - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale olivet.edu


BROTHERHOOD OF BELONGING THE CHAPMAN HALL EXPERIENCE On the outside, you see a historic, four-story, stone building. As one of the four original buildings anchoring the campus of Olivet Nazarene University, Chapman Hall has boldly stood the test of time. Withstanding the elements from blizzards to tornadoes, this building stoically endures as a cornerstone of campus. But while a sturdy structure weathers the storm and helps you sleep well, that does not begin to describe what makes this building special.

When you get the bad news phone call and you don’t know how to handle it, there is always someone here to listen, care and lend support. When you ace your first college exam and present the best speech of your life, it’s here you find your biggest fans. Chapman is so much more than just a dorm where you sleep and study. While both of those activities are necessary and important, there is so much more to experience as a resident of Chapman.

Something extraordinary happens when you live in this majestic space. Anyone who calls it “home” quickly discovers something unique and life-changing. We call it “The Chapman Hall Experience.”

Some of the most vivid memories have originated here: Late-night jam sessions in the hallway. Midnight runs for a fast-food favorite. Pulling an all-nighter in the face of paper-writing procrastination.

For nine months each year, Chapman Hall is home to more than 200 freshman men. For these new young Olivetians, there’s a sense of safety and security from knowing there’s a legacy of those who went before them — for decades. There’s a sense of brotherhood in knowing every man here contributes to the greater good and benefits from knowing the others.

Part of the Chapman Hall experience is having the opportunity to grow not just socially and academically, but also spiritually. By close friends and resident assistants, every man is encouraged in his walk with the Lord. Everyone has a story, and each story is unique. We aren’t overly concerned about what’s happened in the past — where you’ve been or what you’ve done.

As the resident director of Chapman Hall, I daresay the strong sense of community that takes shape within the walls of Chapman is unparalleled in any other building on campus. Lifelong friends are made here, and the next chapter in life begins. I get the unique opportunity to walk through this part of life with the young men who reside here.

In Chapman, we focus more on who you are becoming. Tony Evans defines a Kingdom Man as “a man who positions himself and operates according to the comprehensive rule of God over every area of his life.”

A main priority of Olivet’s residential life staff is to build a strong sense of community in each living area. In Chapman, we aim to create a place where men of different backgrounds live in community and form such a strong bond that they know they belong here.

Chapman Hall is a place where Kingdom Men are realized. It’s a place where you one day look back and remember the exact moment God called you. It’s a place where men embrace the call to live a life that might not be easy, but one that God said will be worthwhile. Chapman Hall is a place where Kingdom Men come together as one.

BLAKE SPENCER ’14 is in his second year as resident director of Chapman Hall. He graduated with a double major in business administration and marketing and a minor in leadership studies. He is pursuing an MBA in Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. Blake played basketball and was named to the All-Academic Team of the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference in his sophomore season. A resident assistant for two years, he received the Heather Wagoner RA of the Year Award in his senior year. He was named to “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” in 2014.










TO KNOW AND TO BE KNOWN “You’re the first person I have ever been completely honest with.” As a psychologist, I hear this from time to time. And it’s always a little puzzling. After all, why would someone be more authentic with a counselor than with family or friends? Most psychologists, including me, will tell you that each of us has a natural, built-in desire to be known, but we stifle our vulnerability out of fear. We’re afraid of being seen as too emotional or not emotional enough; as too assertive or not assertive enough; as too whatever, or not whatever enough. In short, we’re afraid of rejection. The result? We wear masks. We put up our guard. We become what Abraham Maslow called “jelly fish in armor” by pretending to be, think or feel something we aren’t. Consider these words from a letter whose author is unknown but that could have been written by each of us: Don’t be fooled by me. Don’t be fooled by the face I wear. I wear a mask. I wear a thousand masks — masks that I am afraid to take off. And none of them are me. I give the impression that I am secure, that all is sunny and unruffled within me; that confidence is my name and coolness my game, and that I need no one. But don’t believe me, please. It’s just a mask. The writer goes on to confess that underneath the mask is no smugness, no complacence, only confusion, fear, aloneness and sheer panic at the thought of being exposed. Then this piercing paragraph: Who am I, you may wonder. I am someone you know very well. I am every person you meet. I am right in front of you. Every one of us vacillates between the impulse to reveal or to protect ourselves. In a seemingly inexplicable paradox, we long both to be known and to remain hidden. Why? Because we say to ourselves: If this person knew the real me, he or she would never accept me. So we slip behind a self-made façade and pretend. Sociologists call it impression management. The rest of us call it loneliness.

If we wear our masks long enough we begin asking, “what should I be feeling?” instead of “what am I feeling?” We walk into a relationship and ask, “how am I doing?” instead of “how is this person doing?” I’ll be honest. I’ll put it in print and publish it in a magazine. I confess that I have tendencies toward selfishness, envy, materialism, dishonesty, lust and all the rest. And so does everyone else. We all have some degree of these miserable parts. But here’s what’s important: The more we bring them into the open, the stronger our potential for goodness. How can this be? Because your character is hammered out not in the absence of negative traits, but because of them. Your struggle to overcome selfishness, for example, will make your generous spirit, once honed, far more prized, meaningful and valuable than if it had come more easily or more naturally to you. There is no virtue in not acting on a desire that doesn’t exist. Yet so many, especially well-intentioned people, work diligently to block out or bury their baser parts from others, feeling lonelier than ever. They operate under the false assumption that if they ignore such bad tendencies, their dark sides will disappear. Of course that doesn’t work. Authentic people come to terms with their rotten parts, eventually learning why they have them and, most importantly, how to let God transform them. The point is that we will never be known until we share the parts of our heart that hurt or the parts of our heart that hide — the dark parts. Getting real is a prerequisite to being known. And it’s a requirement for being loved. When Martin Buber, the great Jewish philosopher and theologian, was asked, “Where is God?” he was wise enough not to give the cliché answer: God is everywhere. Buber, instead, would answer that God is found in relationships. God fills the space between us. God infuses our connections with power. And that is why there’s strength in being known. There’s meaning and power in belonging.

DR. LES PARROTT ᾿84 is a #1 New York Times best-selling author and creator of the most widely used pre-marriage program in the world: Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. The SYMBIS program has been trusted by more than a million couples and translated into more than 20 languages. The renowned SYMBIS Assessment has been called a game changer. Dr. Parrott and his wife, Dr. Leslie (Young) Parrott ’84, a marriage and family therapist, have been featured on Oprah, CBS This Morning, The Today Show, CNN, The View and in USA Today and The New York Times. The Parrotts live in Seattle, Washington.

BLESSED TO BELONG A SAFE PLACE TO QUESTION AND EXPLORE My son and I were in the car. My question hung in the air between us: “Why Olivet?” The years, times and dates crashed into each other in my mind as the next four years were in front of us and the past 18 were slowly fading. It had all happened so quickly. More questions raced through my head: “Is he ready for this?” “What’s the atmosphere of the Olivet campus these days?” “Will he come out stronger in his faith, or will he lose his faith completely?” “Is the price of a private Christian education matched by the value?” “What would he experience at Olivet that he might not at another school?” The questions and answers carried mixed meaning for me. At the time, I was a youth pastor at a large church in Michigan. I was regularly answering e-mail, phone calls and text messages from college students who were walking away from their faith and choosing lifestyles that were difficult to hear about. So when my son answered simply, “Olivet is where I NEED to be,” I listened. He wanted a place where he could grow and become. His last year of high school had been a challenge. Among the students he had connected with, only a few had faith in Christ. This period of students’ lives is filled with questions, doubts, struggle and exploration. As an Olivet student 30 years earlier, I had experienced all of those things on the very same campus, where I came to find love, encouragement and strength. I was also given license to doubt — but with a safety net of sorts. I belonged at Olivet. There were professors and administrators who listened, counseled, prayed and cared. It was an atmosphere I wanted for my own children.

Our son has now graduated from Olivet. He has lifelong Olivet friends who encourage him in his first full-time job. He is a part of a great church, and he volunteers in a shelter that serves homeless young adults. His first encounter with this shelter was on a six-week Olivet mission trip. Remember, he NEEDED to be at Olivet. I am now a professor on this campus. I get to be one of those people who help students know they belong. I have the opportunity to teach, challenge, walk alongside and explore with our students. At the same time, there are many Olivet professors from whom I am still learning. There is a history here of belonging. We are fully aware that there are no fail-safe, easyto-follow directions that guarantee our students will neither walk away from faith nor experience life-altering results from at-risk behaviors. But we also know that this is a place that offers an atmosphere of belonging, a Christ-centered education and professors who walk with God. I think that’s a great environment in which to question, doubt and explore. It’s a great place to grow and become the people God has created us to be. The Olivet experience is a gift. I am thankful that God spoke to my heart years ago, asking me to give this Olivet family a chance. It was here that I met my husband, who loves and follows Christ with me. I am also grateful for the invitation being extended to our children to become a part of something bigger than themselves. Our daughter is also a part of this community, exercising her talents and unique creativity with those who believe in her. We are blessed to belong.

TERESA GARNER ᾽87/᾽91, a youth ministry specialist, is a professor in Olivet’s School of Theology and Christian Ministry. Her experience in multi-staff ministry and longevity of service prepares her to mentor young men and women as they shape philosophies of ministry. Prof. Garner and her husband, Kenneth ᾽88/᾽01, served for 20 years as associate pastors of Jackson First Church of the Nazarene in Jackson, Michigan. Prof. Garner, an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene, is a doctoral candidate in the Fuller Theological Seminary program, “Youth, Family and Culture.”





HOLLIS WINS BRONZE Olivet Athletics Hall of Famer Mark Hollis ’07 vaults to a bronze medal at the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto, Ontario, in July. Hollis, a two-time NAIA pole vault champ during his years at Olivet, cleared a height of 5.40 meters (17 feet, 8.5 inches) to claim his medal.




Dr. Woodruff conducts the University Orchestra and the University Concert Singers, and he maintains an active professional career of orchestral, opera and musical theater performance. His first professional performance was with the Chicago Symphony during his senior year at Olivet.

The three Woodruff siblings barely recall not belonging at Olivet. They grew up in Bourbonnais, and their late father, William, was an Olivet professor for more than two decades. Their mother, Wanda, completed her master’s in education at Olivet. Faith and education were absolutes in the upbringing of Teresa ’85, Bruce ’87 and Neal ’91, so Olivet was a comfortable stop on what turned out to be diverse and distinctive life journeys. By example, their parents helped to pave career paths that would lead Teresa to science, Bruce to business and Neal to music. Each sibling grew the proverbial roots and wings, always feeling comfortably anchored at Olivet while soaring to distant heights in personal and professional pursuits.

“My professors placed high musical expectations on me and then gave me the opportunity to excel,” Dr. Woodruff explained. “I was well-prepared for the rigors of graduate study and the professional music world, but my professors also taught me that stewardship of talents is a profound act of worship.” He recalled that he was exposed to music as a youngster singing around the piano with his mother. Later, he said, “I had many excellent mentors — Hopkins, Dunbar, Young, Eimer, Crocker — who inculcated the idea that our gifts are to be honed and used well to the glory of God.” Dr. Woodruff’s talent stewardship extends to the science of the singing voice. His graduate studies included researching the intersection of acoustics and anatomy in choral singing, and he has introduced this new thinking to a large population of voice students now working in a variety of professional settings.



Neal, the youngest sibling, returned to Olivet as a professor of music in 2000. He had earned a Master of Music degree at Stephen F. Austin State University and taught high-school and college-level music. He later earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Oklahoma.

Music and science proved rewarding, too, for Neal’s sister, Teresa, the eldest sibling. An accomplished, award-winning musician at Olivet, Teresa also excelled in science, and she set her sights steadfastly on a medical research career.



Today, Dr. Teresa K. Woodruff is an acclaimed scientist, researcher, professor and women’s health advocate. She blazed a trail in translating her research into clinical care for women who become infertile due to cancer treatment, as well as exploring ways to eliminate off-target effects of chemotherapy. She coined the term “oncofertility” to describe this category of research and care, and she directs the Oncofertility Consortium funded by National Institutes of Health. A faculty member at Northwestern University, Dr. Woodruff is the Thomas J. Watkins Memorial Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and vice chair for research at the Feinberg School of Medicine, professor of molecular biosciences in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, and director of the Women’s Health Research Institute. “I was drawn to basic science research while at Olivet,” Dr. Woodruff explained. “My teachers were outstanding — Dr. Colling, Dr. Wright, Dr. Ferren and Dr. Taylor. I did an ONU-sponsored independent research project at the California Institute of Technology during the summer of 1984, the year of the L.A. Olympics. While athletes competed for gold, Dr. Taylor and I worked on the chemical mechanisms that inactivated tetanus. Soon after, my parents realized that I was destined to be a scientist.” Teresa Woodruff’s numerous accolades include the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring, recognizing her Northwestern Medicine program for mentoring urban minority high-school girls for college and careers in science and health. She was inspired to establish the program by watching her mother mentor young people throughout her career. Dr. Woodruff was also listed among Time Magazine’s Most Influential People of 2013.



“My science education put me in the driver’s seat,” Dr. Woodruff said. “After ONU, I was ready to attend any graduate school, anywhere. Northwestern was my top choice, and I was delighted that when I graduated with my Ph.D., the chair of my department said to my dad, ‘Do you have any more like her down at Olivet?’”

BUSINESS EXEC PURSUES INNOVATION By the time Teresa earned her doctorate, Bruce Woodruff had graduated with an Olivet accounting degree. He joked that as the middle child, he was the underachiever. History shows that’s not so. Bruce was an Olivet track and field star. He was team MVP and — until 2013 — the sole school record holder for outdoor high jump. (Connor Stroud tied the record that year.) Bruce also ran long distance. Bruce was head coach of Olivet’s track and field team for a year after he graduated, and he was voted Division Coach of the Year in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. Once he decided to draw on the combined strength of team training and business education, Bruce focused on brand building and creating new products, services and solutions for consumers. He completed course work in the Stanford Graduate School of Business Executive Education Program, and he has held positions at companies large and small, including Armstrong World Industries, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, and Coopers & Lybrand Consulting. He is vice president of Marketing at Sunrise Windows & Doors, an awardwinning manufacturer recognized for product innovation.

“I grew up observing how professors, including my father, treated others and appreciated their knowledge,” Bruce said. “The education I received prepared me well to begin my career and provided a strong foundation for future success.” Bruce acknowledged that while he was in college, he couldn’t predict the direction his life would take. He changed majors more than once, and he was grateful Olivet gave him the chance to try different courses of study while providing a great foundation to build upon. “I had been active in sports all my life, so working out and competing was normal,” Bruce said. “Academically, I knew I had a vested interest in preparing for life after school.”

DIFFERENT PATHS Teresa, Bruce and Neal Woodruff created their own distinct Olivet experiences and forged paths to their own post-Olivet personal and professional accomplishments. They continue to break ground in their respective career fields. Teresa is focused on creating ways to ensure that patients experience ever-better treatment and ever-quicker recovery. Bruce is seeking ways to grow businesses and create new consumer products and services. Neal is determined to use musical excellence to speak of God’s grace and send into the world Christians who are credible musical craftsmen. Three siblings, different destinies, each shaped by the place they will always belong.

These photos from the University Archives show Dr. William Woodruff at work as professor of religion and biblical literature at Olivet. Dr. Woodruff passed away in 2011.

ORPHEUS CHOIR TRAVELS TO INDIA On May 10, the morning after Olivet’s 2015 Commencement ceremony, Orpheus Choir set out for a choir tour unlike any other. Three flights, little sleep and 24 hours later, the weary but excited group landed in Bangalore, India — population 4.3 million.









MUSIC AND MISSION “It was a privilege — and fun — to travel on a mission trip with Olivet students,” said Orpheus Director Dr. Jeffery Bell ’81, who led the trip with his wife, Carole ’81. The Olivet group of 20 spent a week in India, carrying out mission work by day and performing concerts at local churches in the evening. Choir members worked in various locations around the city, including South Asia Nazarene Bible College, a vacation Bible school ministry, and a number of schools and churches.






INSPIRING THOSE THEY SERVE As they sang, prepared for instrumental portions of worship services and engaged in mission work, Olivet musicians were a source of interest and inspiration for the people of Bangalore. “Our students were great ambassadors for our school, our denomination and God᾽s kingdom,” Dr. Bell said. “Additionally, it was a great experience getting to know fellow believers on the other side of the world.”






APPLE DISTINGUISHED Olivet’s School of Music uses the latest technology to prepare students for future success. As the first Apple Distinguished music program in the nation, the School of Music has led the way for others across campus and across the country.

Photos submitted by The Department of Biological Sciences




The Musselman Family (standing, left to right) Sarah, Stephen, David, Rebekah, Hannah (seated, left to right) Stephen’s wife, Christine, holding Ava; Lynn holding Wesley

When Hannah Musselman ’17 came to Olivet, her parents briefly wondered if she would be lost in the shadow cast by her three siblings who had attended Olivet before her. The thought was fleeting. In her freshman year, Hannah, a communications major, received a note from the Communications Department chair, Dr. Jay Martinson. He wrote that he applauded Hannah for being an individual and falling under no one else’s shadow. “She is the baby,” says Hannah’s mom, Lynn. “To have a professor show that interest means the world to us.” David, Hannah’s dad, said the family appreciates Olivet offering something relatable for each of the Musselman children — Hannah and her older siblings, Sarah ’06, Stephen ’08 and Rebekah ’14. “The variety of opportunities allowed each of our kids to take their different personalities and get connected,” David says. They considered and visited other schools, David explains, but each one chose Olivet. Lynn says the children were encouraged to pray about their college decisions. “They each distinctly heard that Olivet is where they were supposed to be, and they blazed their own trails,” she says. “Olivet has the variety for our kids to make choices that aligned with their interests and goals and callings,” explains David. “They have all been very happy there.”





Come home to Olivet for an exciting time of celebration, reunion, entertainment and blessing. Check highlights and the schedule of events on the following pages. For updates, visit: www.olivet.edu





WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 – SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Women’s Basketball Game


8–9 p.m., Chalfant Hall

5:15 p.m., McHie Arena Adults, $10 ONU students/Children ages 7–17, $5

Coronation Reception

Dinner recognizing Olivet Intramural All-Stars


Women’s Basketball Reception

9–10 p.m., Chalfant Hall, northwest corner

Powder Puff Football 7 p.m., Fortin Villa

5:30 p.m., Birchard Gymnasium 7–9:30 p.m., Chalfant Hall

Men’s Basketball Game

Undergraduate Class Reunions

9:30–11:30 a.m., Various locations Classes of 2010, 2005, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965 and Purple & Gold Grads (Anyone who graduated before 1965) $16 per person

O.N.You! Homecoming for Kids, Session #1

9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.; College Church, Reed Hall of Science and Strickler Planetarium $10 per child, per session (max $20 per family)

Occupy Ludwig Student Pancake Feed

Shine.FM Open House

9:30–11 p.m., Ludwig Center

7:30 p.m., McHie Arena Adults, $10 ONU students/Children ages 7–17, $5


Fall Play: “Wit”

12–3 p.m., Ward Field Adults, $10 Children ages 7–17, $5 ONU students/Children ages 6 and under, No charge

Campus Tours

9 a.m.–3 p.m., Bowling Admissions Center (Tours start at the top of every hour)

Homecoming Chapel

10–11 a.m., Centennial Chapel (Balcony seating only)

Shine.FM Open House

7:30–9 p.m., Kresge Auditorium, Larsen Fine Arts Center Adults, $13 ONU students/Children ages 14–17/ Seniors (60+), $6 NOTE: “Wit” addresses sensitive topics and is not recommended for children under the age of 14.

Spoons 4 Forks Comedy Improv

2–4 p.m., foyer, Shine.FM

9:30–11 p.m., Wisner Auditorium $4 per person at the door

Planetarium Show: “We Are Aliens”

Wendy Parsons 5K Glow Run

3–4 p.m., Strickler Planetarium $5 per person

English & Modern Languages Alumni & Friends Reception

3:30–5 p.m., Burke Administration Building, Rooms 415 & 418

Powder Puff Football

9:30 p.m., Perry Center fieldhouse $20 per person (limited walk-in availability)

Taste of Olivet

9:30–11 p.m., Ludwig Center, Nash Banquet Room Adults/ONU students/Children ages 9–17, $16 Children ages 4-8, $6

4 p.m., Fortin Villa


Phi Delta Lambda Open House

Department of Mathematics Alumni Gathering

5–6:30 p.m., Warming House No charge (RSVP required)

Planetarium Show: “We Are Aliens” 5–6 p.m., Strickler Planetarium $5 per person

Hall of Fame Reception

5–9 p.m., Parrott Center, Room 100 outside of McHie Arena

8:30–9:30 a.m., Burke Administration Building, Lower level, Room 001

Parent-Student Breakfast 9:30–11 a.m., Chalfant Hall Adults, $16 ONU students, $10

11 a.m.–1 p.m., Shine foyer

Football Game

O.N.You! Homecoming for Kids, Session #2

12:30–4 p.m.; College Church, Reed Hall of Science and Strickler Planetarium $10 per child, per session (max $20 per family)

University Archives Open House

2–4 p.m., Benner Library, First floor, Archives

Fall Play: “Wit”

3–4:30 p.m., Kresge Auditorium, Larsen Fine Arts Center Adults, $13 ONU students/Children ages 14–17/ Seniors (60+), $6 NOTE: “Wit” addresses sensitive topics and is not recommended for children under the age of 14.

Engineering Homecoming Celebration

3–5 p.m., Engineering wing, Reed Hall of Science

The Center for Law and Culture Open House

3–5 p.m., The Center for Law and Culture offices (387 S. Main Street, directly across from main ONU campus entrance)

Post-game Tailgate Dinner

4–5:30 p.m., Warming House Grilled chicken, pulled pork, green beans, red skin potatoes and coleslaw $16 per person


Saturday, October 24 | 9:30 A.M.

Catch up with old friends over a delicious breakfast feast! Celebrating reunions this year: Classes of 2010, 2005, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1965 and Purple and Gold Grads (anyone who graduated before 1965). Missionary Reunion Dinner

5–7 p.m., Ludwig Center, Conference Rooms B & C $16 per person

Chemistry & Geosciences Poster Contest 5:30 p.m., Hallways, Reed Hall of Science

Pence-Boyce Summer Research Posters 5:30 p.m., Hallways, Reed Hall of Science

School of Music Concert and Dinner

6–8:30 p.m., Chalfant Hall Featuring alumnus Bradley Garvin, soloist with the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, plus University chorus and orchestra. $50 per person to benefit Olivet’s fine arts program

President’s Dinner

6–8:30 p.m., Chalfant Hall In conjunction with the School of Music Concert

Shine.FM Homecoming Concert

7–10 p.m., Centennial Chapel Featuring Tenth Avenue North, Sidewalk Prophets and Dan Bremnes. $25 per person

S U N DAY President’s Prayer Breakfast

8–9:30 a.m., Chalfant Hall Adults/ONU students/Children ages 9–17, $16 Children ages 4–8, $6

Shine.FM Homecoming Concert Saturday, October 24 | 7 P.M.

Recording artists Tenth Avenue North, Sidewalk Prophets and Dan Bremnes make a special stop on their national tour for this year’s Shine.FM Homecoming Concert. Be there when these artists hit the Centennial Chapel stage for a night of inspiration and entertainment.

Intramural All-Stars Reunion

Friday, October 23 | 5:30 P.M.

Calling all Intramural All-Stars! Don’t miss this year’s reunion. Enjoy dinner, recognition and the Homecoming games as you relive great memories with old friends.

School of Music Concert & Dinner Saturday, October 24 | 6 P.M.

Enjoy dinner and a celebration of the arts. The evening features the University chorus and orchestra, as well as special guest Bradley Garvin, ONU alumnus and soloist with New York’s Metropolitan Opera. Proceeds from ticket sales will benefit Olivet’s Fine Arts programs.

Tiger Athletics

Women’s Basketball Friday, October 23, 5:15 P.M. Men’s Basketball Friday, October 23, 7:30 P.M. Football Saturday, October 24, Noon

President’s Prayer Breakfast Sunday, October 25 | 8 A.M.

Join Dr. John C. Bowling, President of Olivet, for a special time of fellowship and inspiration.

Reserve your tickets today by calling the ONU ticket line at 815-928-5791 or visit www.olivet.edu

olivetthemagazine.com Expanded stories, back issues and video features online.





OLIVET AT NYC More than 7,000 people stopped by the Olivet Nazarene University display at NYC 2015, held in Louisville, Kentucky. Students from all 50 states and more than 30 world areas were in attendance.


THE CLASSES 1953– 54

196 2– 63

FROM THE ARCHIVES We value your memorabilia! To donate to Archives, contact Archives@olivet.edu or 815-939-5148.







1963 Larry ’63 and Mary (Christianson) ’63 Cary celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 19. They were married at College Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais, Illinois. They celebrated with their children, Britt ’88 and Suzy (Furr) ’90 Cary of Grand Haven, Michigan; and Tacia ’91 and Doug ’89 Glade of Shawnee, Kansas. They have five grandsons. Larry retired from Olivet as head men’s soccer coach, and Mary retired from Olivet as applicant coordinator in the Office of Admissions.


B Chris Bredholt ’71 was honored recently when

Winter Springs (Florida) High School established a scholarship in her name. Chris retired in 2006 from the school system in Seminole County, Florida, after teaching 34 years in Illinois and Florida. The Chris Bredholt Scholarship is given each year to a top-performing senior in the high school’s theater arts program. Chris started the award-winning program in 1995, when the high school opened with freshmen and sophomores. It later expanded to all four classes. Productions have included “South Pacific,” “Cinderella,” “Brigadoon” and “Then They Came for Me,” a story of holocaust survivors, some of whom attended the performances. Some of Chris’ students went on to teach and perform professionally. Winter Springs grad Sean Ewing is in the ensemble of “Amazing Grace,” which opened on Broadway in July.


C Brenda (McCorkle) Nixon ’76 recently released her

new non-fiction book, “Beyond Buggies and Bonnets: Seven True Stories of Former Amish,” available on Amazon and Kindle. Brenda shares her experiences of assisting Amish who turn their backs on the plain life to join a “forbidden” world. She offers an honest and courageous look at the difficulties inherent in adjusting to a new culture from the



perspective of those who grew up among the reclusive Swartzentruber, or conservative Old Order Amish. She tells stories of those who meet the adjustments and responsibilities of life on the “outside” with hope, humor and open hearts. Brenda lives in Ohio, home to the largest number of Amish settlements in the United States. She is a member at Lakeholm Nazarene Church.

1980 Richard Thompson ’80 recently completed a term as

the 50th president of the Wesleyan Theological Society (WTS). He delivered his presidential address, “Holy Word, Holy People: (Re) Placing Scripture in Wesleyan-Holiness Thought and Practice,” at the 2015 annual WTS meeting, convened at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in March. Richard is a professor of New Testament and chair of the Department of Religion within the School of Theology and Christian Ministries at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho.

1987 Sandy (Gary) Horton ’87 was a member of the first cohort from Indiana Wesleyan University to earn a doctorate in Nursing Practice. After the degree was conferred in April, Sandy became an assistant professor teaching MSN courses at Indiana Wesleyan University. Sandy is married to Dave Horton ’84, and they have two sons — Gideon, 13 and Mark, 8. They reside in Oswego, Illinois.

1993 Daniel Weidner ’93 recently graduated with his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Adler University in Chicago. He is a rehabilitation counselor for Edward Hines Veterans Administration Medical Center in Hines, Illinois.







1994 Michael “Mike” Henry ’94 received his Doctor of Ministry

degree from United Theological Seminary in May. At Olivet, Mike was a broadcast communications student, radio show host and music director of WONU-AM in 1994.

Nathan, Ian and Andrew. Daniel is a senior software engineer at Interactive Intelligence and an elder at ClearNote Church in Indianapolis. Mary Ann is a fulltime homemaker and homeschool teacher. The family resides in Indianapolis.



D Daryl and Jamie (Root) Black ’97 welcomed daughter

Harper Rose on March 17, 2015. She joins big brother Grayson, 3. The Blacks reside in Winter Garden, Florida. Jamie is a certified dental assistant at Central Florida Oral Surgery, and Daryl is a title examiner at Fidelity National Financial. Both are also performers at SAK Comedy Lab in Orlando.

E Aaron Dicer ’97 is half of “Aaron and Deneé,” a radio personality team who recently joined Christian FM. Aaron and partner Deneé Hughes are heard mornings on Boost 101.9 in the St. Louis area. They are former morning show hosts at 88.3 The Wind in Springfield, Missouri. Christian FM is a contemporary Christian music station available online and via multiple broadcast frequencies. Aaron and his wife, Jennifer (Kile) ’97, have four sons and live in Springfield, Missouri. F Daniel ’97 and Mary Ann (Cheney) ’98 Meyer welcomed a daughter, Emily Kathryn, on September 10, 2014. Emily joins big sister Tabitha and brothers Benjamin,

Cheri (Anthony) Betz ’98 has accepted the position of dean of the College for Professional Studies at Siena Heights University. She begins her new position on September 15. Cheri has been employed at Siena Heights since 2002, most recently serving as Southeast Michigan regional director for campuses in Southfield, Dearborn and Monroe. Cheri and her husband, Steve ’96, reside in Wolverine Lake, Michigan, with their children, Erich and Sophia. Jennifer (Cunningham) King ’98 became a national boardcertified teacher in November 2014. She is certified as an exceptional needs specialist.


G Michael ’99 and Marissa (Lynn) ’05 Coblentz welcomed daughter Eva Rifle, born December 3, 2014. She joins brother Amos, 2. Michael is the director of physical plant at Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. Michael and Marissa are co‑pastors of Countryside Church of the Nazarene. They reside in Centerview, Missouri. olivet.edu






H David ’02 and Kati (Ondersma) ’03 Ford announce the

birth of their daughter, Joy Elizabeth, born March 29, 2015. Joy joins older brothers Gideon Daniel and Ezra Louis. The family resides in Kankakee, Illinois.

I Anthony ’02 and Colleen (Baker) ’03 Mason welcomed

daughter Luan Iselle on September 18, 2014. Luan joins three older siblings at home. The Masons reside in Kamuela, Hawaii.


J Jake ’06 and Rachel (Bernhardt) ’08 Chastain welcomed a son, Joseph Robert, born February 8, 2015. Rachel is a nurse practitioner at Boston Children’s Hospital, and Jake is pastor of Worship & College Ministry at Wollaston Church of the Nazarene (College Church for Eastern Nazarene College). The family resides in Quincy, Massachusetts.


1) Nick ’07/’13 and Ashley (Getz) ’14 Birkey announce the birth of their daughter, Parker Nicole, on October 14, 2014. Nick is an Olivet staff member and serves as assistant men’s basketball coach and men’s sports information director. Ashley is a first grade teacher at Reed Custer Primary School in Custer Park, Illinois. The Birkeys reside in Bourbonnais, Illinois.

1! Matthew ’07 and Nicole (Maberry) ’08 Pollock announce the birth of son Miles Jonathan, born April 10, 2015. Miles was welcomed by big brother, Britton, 4. Matt is a student ministries pastor. The family resides in Lafayette, Indiana.

1@ Blake ’07 and Rachel (Helmker) ’07 Strope welcomed daughter Zoe Adalyn, born November 1, 2014. She joins big sister, Amelia. Blake is an engineer at Manitowoc Cranes. The Stropes reside in Greencastle, Pennsylvania.




1# Matthew ’09 and Katie (Brashaw) ’08 Lyle announce the birth of daughter Brielle Elizabeth, born November 2, 2014. She joins big sister Avalon, 2. Matthew is a supplier quality engineer with GE Aviation. The Lyles reside in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


1$ Michael Hall ’11, graduated May 24 from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry with a doctorate in Dental Surgery. He and his wife, Mary Alice (Lorenz) ’13, are relocating to Lebanon, Oregon, where Michael will head a dental practice. Mary Alice will continue running her wedding photography business, Mary Alice Hall Photography.


1% Emily (Hay)’12 and Don Williams were married May 24, 2015, in Middlebury, Indiana. Emily earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing and is a marketing associate at Sailrite in Columbia City, Indiana. Her husband teaches seventh- and eighth-grade social studies and coaches track and cross country at Westview Junior High School in Topeka, Indiana.


1^ Ryan ’13 and Joss (Nicholson) ’13 Shrout were married April 11, 2015, in Jacksonville, Florida. Ryan is an engineer with Ford Motor Company, and Joss is a registered nurse. They reside in Dearborn, Michigan.














IN MEMORIAM James Leach ’52 was called to his heavenly home on April 29, following a 10‑year

battle with cancer. Mr. Leach was born in Pontiac, Michigan, on October 10, 1930, to Arthur and Marie (Wallace) Leach. He graduated from Southeastern High School in Detroit, Michigan. After earning his bachelor’s degree from Olivet, he earned a Master of Theology degree from Garrett Theological Seminary at Northwestern University.    Mr. Leach served as an ordained clergyman in the United Methodist Church for 51 years until his retirement in 2005. He served churches in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Big Rapids, Michigan, as well as Lake Placid, Florida. He also served as chaplain and director of Goodwill Industries in Florida and executive director of Upper Pinellas Association for Retarded Citizens.    In 2011, Mr. Leach relocated to Salt Lake City, Utah, to continue his fight against cancer with support from the cancer program at Intermountain Medical Center. He attended Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Salt Lake City, where he received support, cultivated friendships and sang in the choir.    Mr. Leach’s family was the joy of his life. He experienced wonderful family adventures on annual summer vacations at his cottage in northern Michigan in the 1960s and 1970s. He was a licensed private pilot and enjoyed traveling in all 50 states and overseas. Mr. Leach is survived by two daughters, Susan (John) Hanks and Brenda Harpe; and two step-daughters, Pam Fentress and Connie Eddy.

Richard B. Logan ’54, of Kankakee, Illinois, passed away June 20, at Miller

Healthcare in Kankakee. He was born August 21, 1931, in Lafayette, Indiana, to H. Vaughn and Bertha Hinderer Logan. He retired from Armour Pharmaceutical, where he worked for 43 years as a chemist. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army, a Mason and a member of the American Legion and Armour Executive Club. Mr. Logan was a lifelong member of First Presbyterian Church in Kankakee, where he served as an elder, was on the finance committee and chaired the annual Easter egg hunt.

Charles Richard (Dick) Fry ’58 of Muskegon, Michigan, died December 4, 2014.

He was born and raised in Roscoe, Ohio. In 1954, he married his Olivet freshman-year sweetheart, Pat (Seelye) ’58 Fry, in Cadillac, Michigan. A graduate of the master’s program at Michigan State University, Mr. Fry taught high school biology, Spanish and driver’s training, touching the lives of thousands of students who remember him fondly. Outside of class, he loved to serve and give to the Lord as evidenced by his steadfast and varied work in the Lakes Community Church of the Nazarene. He served in many missions projects around the world, was also a passionate member of the Gideons and served faithfully in Hospital Chaplaincy Services. Mr. Fry is survived by his widow, Pat; a daughter, Dennese (Fry) ’80 De Young; a son, Mark Fry ’82; and six grandchildren.




Leonard W. Petrino Jr. ’63 of Greensboro, North Carolina, passed away on May 15, after courageously battling chiari malformation, stroke and pneumonia. Mr. Petrino was born in Trenton, New Jersey, and moved to North Carolina in 1986. Mr. Petrino briefly taught middle school and then devoted his talents and organizational skills to technical support. He managed medical laboratories in hospitals and company laboratories in Philadelphia, Baltimore, northern Virginia and, for 18 years, Laboratory Corporation of America in Burlington, North Carolina. Mr. Petrino was preceded in death by his father, Leonard W. Petrino Sr. He is survived by his mother, Pauline (Bardos) Petrino and his brother, Frank (Linda) Petrino. Muriel Knowles ’66 passed away on April 7. Born January 30, 1924, in Greene, Illinois, she began her life in education as a student in Greene’s one-room Morse School, where she attended grades K-8 with her brothers and sisters. She graduated from Edward Little High School and attended Metropolitan Bible School. After earning her Olivet degree in Education, Miss Knowles went on to earn her master’s in Education from Indiana University. She launched her 37‑year teaching career at a Christian school on Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Over the years, she taught in Potomac, Illinois; Brownsville, Texas; and several schools in Maine. She retired at age 71.    Miss Knowles was an avid churchgoer and missionary. She became known as the “Strawberry Lady” during her years of service picking strawberries to support the work of the Church of the Nazarene in Leeds. She participated in five foreign mission trips. In September 2007, Muriel moved to Brunswick, Maine, to be with her niece and nephew, Laurie and Doug DeCamilla. She was a member of Berean Baptist Church and was active in Silver Sneakers and other community groups. Gary L. Robbins ’71/’88 of Streator, Illinois, went home to be with the Lord on April 23, ending his battle with Alzheimer’s disease. He was born in LaFayette, Indiana, on February 2, 1949, to Forrest ’57 and Venice ’53 Robbins. He received his bachelor’s degree in History and his master’s in Education. As an Olivet student, he sang in the Olivetians Quartet and Vikings Male Chorus, and he was a member of the varsity baseball team.    For 34 years, Mr. Robbins was a fifth grade educator at Woodland School in Streator, where he was the first teacher to receive the school’s Excellence in Education Award. He loved teaching, but his passion was music, which saturated every part of his life. Mr. Robbins was a member of the Streator Church of the Nazarene, where he led worship for 30 years and served as a church board member and Sunday school teacher. He is survived by his widow, Barbara (Zurlinden) ’71/’99; daughters Kristen ’94 (Leonard ’91/’06) Lewis and Kendra ’98 (Daniel ’97) Wolfe; son Bradley ’97 (Julie Pate ’98); and nine grandchildren.




IN MEMORIAM Dennis Jerome Nordentoft ’73 passed away peacefully on November 15, 2014. Dennis was born in Racine, Wisconsin, on October 20, 1949, to the late Harold Nordentoft Sr. and Margaret (Clay) Nordentoft. For many years, Mr. Nordentoft managed golf courses for the Racine Recreation Department. He was also a sports official for Racine high schools, the Racine Raiders and other community organizations. Mr. Nordentoft is survived by his widow and friend of 28 years, Karen; his brothers, Harold (Pat) Nordentoft and David (Bonnie) Nordentoft; and many nieces, nephews and other relatives. Elmer Brodien ’50 of Bourbonnais, Illinois, died June 11, at Miller Healthcare Center in Kankakee, Illinois. He was born in Chicago on February 9, 1928, to Edward and Elaine (Swanson) Brodien. When Mr. Brodien was 14 years old, his family moved to the campus of Olivet College when his father became the college’s chief engineer and superintendent of buildings and grounds. The Brodien Power Plant and the Brodien Conference Room in the Tripp Maintenance Building are named in honor of Edward Brodien.    Elmer Brodien attended Maternity Grade School, Olivet Academy and Olivet College. He started a business, Elmer’s Delivery Service, eventually hiring others while he pursued other opportunities. He was branch manager of the Chicago Daily News for 12 years. He was a national sales manager for Remington Arms Company before becoming a contract sales manager for Sears. He left Sears to start a business, Brodien and Associates.    Mr. Brodien enjoyed traveling in his motor home and spending time with his children and grandchildren at his cottage at Indian Lake in Vicksburg, Michigan. He also loved touring on his motorcycle. He was a member of College Church of the Nazarene for more than 70 years. Mr. Brodien is survived by his wife of 65 years, Doris (Rowe) ’50; his children, Steve ’74, Laurie ’76 (Dale ’76) Oswalt and Jan ’78 (Steve ’78); five grandchildren, Blake Brodien ’02, Ryan ’03 (Angie) Harris, Brooke Morel, David (Maddie) Harris and Brian ’05 (Brittany) Oswalt; and three great grandchildren, Ava and Lexi Morel and Jackson Oswalt. Dr. M. Deane White of El Cajon, California, a professor of English at Olivet from 1981 to 1989, went home to be with the Lord on April 10, after a lengthy illness. He was known for high standards, his wit and his red pen. He was dedicated to his students, expecting their best effort in class and supporting them in their endeavors outside the classroom. Dr. White is survived by his widow, Dorothy ’87; his daughters, Nicole (Justin) Allen and Camille (John) Clark; and five grandsons.




More than 4,800 — 2,900 of them undergrads ­­— from nearly every U.S. state, 20 countries and 40 religious denominations.


Based on ACT score and high school records (college transcripts for transfer students). For incoming freshmen, average ACT score is 24.


More than 120 areas of study organized into six schools and one college. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. Study-abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles.


Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Beautiful, park-like campus features 31 major buildings on 250 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Ill., just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop. , with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Hong Kong.


Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith then in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.


Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 37,000 alumni living around the world.


At Olivet Nazarene University, student-athletes compete on 21 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field. Varsity women compete in basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs.


More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, radio broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Management, Bachelor of Business Administration,+ Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Criminal Justice: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Education: Safety and Driver Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement,* Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction,+ Master of Arts in Education: Library Information Specialist, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist,+ Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership – Interdisciplinary Engineering: Master of Engineering Management Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing,* Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing,* Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Studies, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts: Pastoral Leadership,* Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry, Master of Arts: Urban Pastor Leadership


+ classroom and online

AREAS OF STUDY Including majors, minors and concentrations

Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biochemistry Biology Broadcast Journalism Business Administration Business Administration Not-for-Profit Mgmnt Business Information Systems Chemistry Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Commercial Graphics/ Marketing Communication Studies Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Dietetics Digital Media: Graphics Digital Media: Photography Drawing & Illustration Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics & Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Geological Engineering - Mechanical English English as a Second Language English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Education Family Studies Fashion Merchandising Film Studies Finance Forensic Chemistry French General Studies Geography Geological Sciences Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Hospitality Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design

International Business International Marketing Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Marketing Marketing Management Mass Communication Mathematics Mathematics Education Media Production Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Missions & Intercultural Studies Multimedia Studies Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Painting Pastoral Ministry Philosophy & Religion Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Science Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Print & Online Journalism Psychology Public Policy Public Relations Radio Broadcasting Recreation, Sports & Fitness Religion Religious Studies Science Education Secondary Education Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Television & Video Production Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology



10 0

million dollars in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students percent of candidates pass Illinois Teaching Certification tests


percent of grads secured a job or a grad school opportunity within six months of graduation


study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available


Intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA conferences


percent of nursing students pass state boards (five-year average)


percent of engineering students pass Fundamentals of Engineering Exam


student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of 4,877 Statistics compiled from 2013, 2014 and/or 2015.

800-648-1463 · olivet.edu olivet.edu



THE benediction Oh God of life’s endings and beginnings, we give you thanks

for these young men and women. We ask that, through your grace,

none of them be lost to the kingdom. Bless them tonight and tomorrow and in all the days to come.

Lead them in paths of righteousness

for your name's sake. Give them Jesus. Hold them steady in the grip of your grace, and may they bear the marks

of a transformed life and live forever in the promise of your presence. Amen.

Dr. John C. Bowling Baccalaureate Address Closing Centennial Chapel May 2015


ETERNAL REMINDER The eternal flame burns as testament to the 108-year history and mission of Olivet Nazarene University. It marks the place where “Education with a Christian Purpose� is provided for those who believe and belong.



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