Olivet the Magazine "Esse quam videri" February 2016

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ENGINEERING THE FUTURE Olivet engineering students enjoy valuable opportunities to learn, train and network. The Walker School of Engineering has forged partnerships with companies that employ engineers around the globe. Students can enroll in a 4+1 program to earn a bachelor’s degree and the Master of Engineering Management degree in only five years. The school continues to expand, with new engineering concentrations expected for fall semester 2016.


In the first stanza of her classic work, “In the Bleak Midwinter,” 19th-century English poet Christina Rossetti sums up how many of us feel about the winter months:

To be rather than to seem ­— living an authentic life.



“In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan; Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow; In the bleak midwinter, long ago.”

ON THE COVER As the world watched, Olivet's Marching Tigers led the 2016 New Year's Day Parade in London, England.

She goes on to describe the coming of our God in Jesus Christ that “Heaven cannot hold … nor earth sustain.”

OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

And in the final stanza, the poet asks and answers one of the great questions of life and offers the perfect introduction to the theme of this issue of the magazine:

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“What can I give Him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; Yet what I can I give Him: give my heart.”

EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Remington J. Anksorus ’05 Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group

You see, even in the bleak midwinter, miracles happen!

ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group

As we search for truth in the midst of the dark, cold and often tedious days of winter, our sincere hope is that you will find warmth, comfort, encouragement, inspiration and grace in the pages that follow. While we center our thoughts on the Latin phrase, esse quam videri (to be rather than to seem), may we once again encounter our excellent, always-true God in a brand new way.

DESIGN SUPPORT Monique Perry ’03 Donnie Johnson PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTOS AS CREDITED) JonesFoto Image Group Mark Ballogg Jordan T. Hansen ’13/’15 M.B.A. for Jordan T. Hansen Productions Wes Taylor ’15

VOLUME 84 ISSUE 1 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2015 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., M.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Carol Maxson ’88/’90 M.A.E., Ed.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STRATEGIC EXPANSION Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 M.B.A., D.B.A.

EDITORIAL SUPPORT Sheryl Feminis Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel Katharyn Schrader ’14 Renee Gerstenberger

Startle us, oh God, with your presence, even in standard time and ordinary places. May God richly bless you!

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The Editorial Board

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Headlines from the global Olivet community




Photos taken moments before a few big events on campus


Q&A with DVH


Examining the role of Christians in politics

The journey of one unique Olivet grad



No, the letters above my photo are not an eye test. Although this may seem like a random selection of letters, it is actually a Latin phrase that first appeared in Cicero’s essay “On Friendship,” written in 44 B.C. Not many people study Latin these days. I am one of the few people I know who actually took such a course, although now I am not quite sure why. Translating Latin phrases has become a bit of a social phenomenon that shows up in such random places as casual conversation – carpe diem, “seize the day;” in advertising – caveat emptor, “buyer beware;” on coffee cups – vox populi, “the voice of the people;” in works of literature – amor vincit omnia, “love conquers all;” or inked on flesh as a tattoo – semper fidelis, “always faithful” or errare humanum est, “to err is human.” Of course, not all Latin phrases are profound. For example, there is the bumper sticker, sona si Latine loqueris, “honk if you speak Latin.” When I honked, the fellow flashed a hand gesture in my direction. It must have been a borrowed car. Esse quam videri is the theme of this issue of Olivet The Magazine. It means “to be rather than to seem.” This thought is embedded in the Olivet educational process, which calls for authenticity in every aspect of life – academic, social and spiritual. At ONU, we are convinced that being precedes doing. Our mission statement underscores this thought by stating that the first of three core pillars of our work is “personal development.” The aim of an Olivet education is for each student to be the best person he or she can be.



Several years ago, I saw a young man walking across a public square wearing a T-shirt that read, “Be Yourself, Only Better.” I love that thought. It affirms the individuality of every person while calling each one to be the best he or she can be. Olivet is an excellent place for young men and women to find themselves and set forth a pathway to maximize their gifts and graces.



The broader culture has a tendency to invert this idea of esse quam videri. In fact, those who are particularly observant may have noticed that when television personality Stephen Colbert was doing his faux news show, “The Colbert Report,” he was seated in front of a fireplace that bore the inscription videri quam esse, “to seem rather than to be.” Indeed, he seemed to be a genuine, serious reporter, when in reality he was not. How like our society at large: we are obsessed with appearance rather than substance. The lives of many are like the Main Street of the old western movies. As the main character walked down that street, the camera would pan to reveal shops, saloons, businesses, hotels and offices bustling with activity. But the structures were a façade. The appearance was an empty promise. It was all for show. A high-quality Christian education re-centers the focus on being rather than simply seeming to be. This focus is expressed in the University’s value proposition, “We believe higher education ought to have a higher purpose.” At Olivet, students do more than take courses and accumulate credits. They get an education! They learn, and they learn how to learn. They are challenged to be wise as well as knowledgeable. Although we don’t teach Latin at Olivet, we do teach and foster the development of men and women who will be all that God has created them to be. This kind of learning happens in classrooms, chapel services, service projects, internships, athletic competition, residential life and a hundred other venues. At every corner of the campus, students are challenged and encouraged esse quam videri – to be, rather than seem to be. Soli Deo gloria.

Dr. John C. Bowling serves as the 12th president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s degrees and two earned doctorates, he is a best-selling author and a prominent national speaker. He is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book is "ReVision: 13 Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization, and Your Life."




FIRST PERSON Barton L. Garvin, President, Garvin Industries Confusion. Anxiety. Fear. The emotions pulsated in my teenage self as I reviewed several athletic scholarships. The time had come to select a college, and I was still undecided. What if I didn’t like the school I chose? What if I wasn’t smart enough for the academic rigors of university life? Would I fit in socially? Could I adjust to living with a total stranger? There were so many questions, and none could be easily answered before I had to make this decision. Nevertheless, a decision had to be made, and I chose Olivet. Like most college freshmen, I was apprehensive the first few days of school. Soon, however, new relationships blossomed, and I was energized by the positive culture shock of campus life. Coaches started and ended practice with prayer. Student athletes selflessly gave their time and talents in mission work. Professors knelt with students in chapel and prayed with them as they earnestly sought God’s direction for their lives.

As the years passed and my academic, athletic and social relationships grew, I began to understand that the Olivet difference is rooted in integrity. I’m not talking about your garden-variety honesty, truthfulness and consistency. It’s deeper than that. The Olivet experience embodies the word’s Latin origin — integer — meaning “to make whole or complete.” The environment, people, processes and purpose of Olivet reflect the love of Christ in a way that fostered my holistic growth. Yes, Olivet is an environment of educational excellence, but it’s also an incubator allowing students to mature spiritually and emotionally as well. This is a distinction that most universities simply don’t offer and one I believe is essential for anyone striving to fully realize God-given potential and purpose. Olivet doesn’t settle for merely educating the mind at the expense of the heart and soul. God wants more. As I travel the world on business, I find that all people — regardless of race, religion, political affiliation or socioeconomic stratum — are searching for one thing: meaning. Most never seem to fully attain this elusive goal because the lens through which they view the world has been internally focused and set toward achieving “the good life.” I am eternally grateful for Olivet and her understanding that true meaning can be attained only when you exchange a relentless pursuit of the “the good life” for “a life that is good.”




It was a significantly different environment than I had ever experienced. It soon became apparent that “Education with a Christian Purpose” was more than an elegant stone engraving at the front entrance. It was — and is — a way of life.

Barton L. Garvin ’90 is president, CEO and owner of Garvin Industries Inc., manufacturer of electrical, low-voltage and lighting construction products used in industries around the world. Garvin plays a key role in developing the innovative, labor-saving products patented by the business that was founded by Garvin’s great-grandfather in 1896. At Olivet, he played tight end for four seasons on the Tiger football team, and he met Lisa Schnicker ’90, who became his wife and a member of the current Olivet Alumni Board. Their children are Molly, 17; Claire, 15; Caroline, 13; and Sam, 9.









A ROYAL EXPERIENCE Making music and memories were top priorities as the Olivet Marching Tigers participated — at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II – in London’s 30th annual New Year's Day Parade and Festival. With 10,000 parade participants falling in step behind the Marching Tigers in their prestigious lead position, the band performed the “ONU Fight Song” under the direction of Dr. Matthew Stratton, director of Athletic Bands and the ONU Jazz Band.




The program also included “To Alma Mater, Olivet” — performed once in front of the Ritz Hotel and again near Piccadilly Circus — thrilling Olivet alumni, faculty and staff members who accompanied the band to London for the 2016 event.

Olivet’s new visiting artists program exhibits the work of alumni artists and other professionals who work in a variety of art media. The University’s Department of Art and Digital Media hosts the program in the new Victorian House Art Gallery near Olivet’s West Campus.

Peer coaching through Olivet’s Academic Coaching Center (ACC) is helping students succeed.

Eric Hehman, Olivet’s new head football coach, arrives at the University after six seasons at Malone University in Canton, Ohio, where he was instrumental in transitioning the program from NAIA to NCAA Division II.

During their weeklong visit, band members made a musical impact while experiencing the history and culture of England’s capital city. As part of the Festival Concert Series, the ONU Jazz Band performed at Cadogan Hall. The band’s travel itinerary included a panoramic bus tour of the city, the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, a cruise on the Thames River to Greenwich plus visits to the Tower of London, Windsor Castle and Oxford University.

Hehman had been Malone’s head coach since 2010. From 2005-2009, he coached at NCAA Division III Greenville College (Illinois), where he led the Panthers to their first National Christian College Athletic Association post season, playing in the Victory Bowl in 2009. The same season, the Panthers captured their firstever Upper Midwest Athletic Conference Southern Division title, and Hehman earned Coach of the Year honors.

“It was amazing to see the band members grow together and enjoy the trip together,” says Grant Penrod (junior, multimedia communication major, Saint Anne, Illinois), a band member who documented the trip for the School of Music. “We didn’t take London for granted. We will never forget this trip.”

Artists present their work in a gallery talk and interact with students and faculty. Since the gallery opened, the department has hosted “Fascial Fascinations: Contemporary Portraiture,” by Patty McWilliams and Mike Brown, portrait artists; “A Frolicsome Imagination” by Mark Fiske ’07; and “Leave Space” by Tammy Kordik, artist and art teacher in New Lenox, Illinois.

Peer coach Angie Azouri (senior, political science major, Chicago) finds it rewarding to lead students to academic success. “It can be difficult for students to come in for help because they are feeling defeated,” she says. “I love how students’ facial expressions and attitudes change when they are confident and capable.” The ACC is one of many ways the David L. Elwood Center for Student Success is meeting students’ needs. Coaches provide assistance for almost any courses in these study areas: anatomy and physiology, biology, chemistry, calculus, nutrition, psychology, sociology, history and economics.











Olivet engineers are in demand. In 2015, 100 percent of graduates from the University’s Walker School of Engineering who applied for jobs were hired. Companies hiring them and other 270-plus engineering alumni include Ford Motor Company, Dow Chemical, CSL Behring, the U.S. Navy, Spring Industries, Best Circuits, E2i, Federal Mogul, Vactor Manufacturing, Bernard Welding, Xylem and many others.

Olivet is one of only five higher education workplaces named Best Christian Workplaces in the United States for 2016. This is the 11th consecutive year Olivet has earned this honor from Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI), an organization that provides consultation and research to help Christian workplaces flourish.

Olivet’s women’s basketball team was not ranked in the NAIA preseason poll of the Coaches’ Top 25 Division II teams. But by week five of the season, the Tigers shot to number seven in the rankings.

Nine of every 10 Olivet nursing graduates passed their licensing exams on the first attempt, according to data from the first three quarters of 2015. In fact, Olivet’s first-time pass rate for the NCLEX-RN® (National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses) was 91 percent — 5.5 percent better than the national first-time pass rate. At press time, Q4 results were not yet available.

Olivet students who sat for the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) exam in 2014 had the second-highest pass rate among Illinois colleges and universities, according to Accounting.com, a career and education resource for the accounting profession.

Job placement success is already extending to engineering grads in the Class of 2016. While attending the Society of Women Engineers international conference in October 2015, a senior engineering major interviewed for a position. Since then, she has received and accepted a postgraduation job offer.






To qualify, Olivet was required to have employees complete the BCWI employee engagement survey, assessing areas that included staff calling and passion, trustworthy culture, talent management, authentic Christian leadership and more.

Abbey Hengesbach, a 5’9” guard, scored her 2,000th career point on January 13 against the University of St. Francis (Illinois). A senior psychology major from Westphalia, Michigan, Hengesbach was named CCAC Player of the Week three times early in the season. “What makes this year’s team truly special is a willingness to sacrifice personal glory for team success,” said Head Coach Lauren Stamatis ’09 M.O.L. “When you have individuals who get this, you have something special."

“From their first day in our nursing program, our students receive oneon-one advisement from our nursing faculty members,” says Tiffany Greer ’97, director of nursing programs for Olivet’s Department of Nursing. “To help get them ready for the NCLEX testing experience, we test them frequently during their student years.”

Olivet students had the highest average exam score among the top 11 institutions, surpassing even the average score of top-ranked Northwestern University. In 2014, Olivet students achieved a pass rate of 62.1% and an average score of 76.6. Data for 2015 are not yet published. Olivet’s pass rate is higher than institutions that include University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Chicago, Northern Illinois University, Illinois State University and Loyola University of Chicago.




“Radio silence” took on new meaning when Carl L. Fletcher ’92/’99 died suddenly on November 7, 2015. The loss of the beloved Olivet professor and respected radio industry professional leaves a void in the lives of his family, his students, alumni, faculty and other colleagues. He is survived by his wife, Camille (Smith) ’92; their daughters, Caitlin, Camryn, Carly and Cara; his sister and brother-in-law, Deb (Fletcher) ’89 and Mark Howard ’85 of Bourbonnais; and his brother and sister-inlaw, Brian ’91 and Jill (Duerksen) ’89 Fletcher of Jackson, Michigan.


Mr. Fletcher, 45, was assistant professor and director of broadcasting in Olivet’s Department of Communication. He also served as operations director for Olivet’s radio ministry, the Shine.FM network. He was working on his doctorate at Regent University. “Carl was passionate about the impact of Christian radio and training future Christian broadcasters,” said Brian McIntyre Utter ’91, general manager at Shine.FM. “The outpouring of tributes by colleagues in the Christian radio industry, and his students past and present, shows what a huge impact Carl had on all of us at Shine. FM, Olivet and beyond.”



“Carl is the bright spot making witty and insightful comments on discussion boards in our Ph.D. program,” said Katie Clarke, a fellow doctoral candidate. “To say he will be missed is a great understatement. Carl, I will think of you and remind myself not only to do my best and keep going, but also not to take it all too seriously. Our Ph.D. family loves you and will miss you greatly. As far as I'm concerned, you earned a doctorate on a life well lived.”

HONORING HIS WORK Many who knew and worked with Mr. Fletcher remember him as a catalyst — a change agent. One of his greatest desires was to see Olivet students join the ranks of successful alumni influencing the world for Christ through media. Nurtured by his care and guidance, Olivet graduates are working in radio stations from coast-to-coast and around the world. Olivet and the radio industry are developing memorials to honor Mr. Fletcher’s life and legacy. At press time, Olivet was preparing to announce establishment of the Media Catalyst Scholarship, to be awarded to a Communication student committed to being a catalyst for Christ in the world through media excellence.

In addition, the University was readying plans for a memorial to Mr. Fletcher in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Shine. FM in 2017. “Carl was working with me on completely overhauling our studio facilities – from analog to HD – to help us streamline and stabilize our connectivity with a multi-location network,” said Utter. “Once this work is finished, we want to dedicate our new FM studio in Carl’s memory.” Utter also announced that Christian Music Broadcasters (cmbonline.org) is creating an annual scholarship named for Mr. Fletcher. The scholarship will fund registration, travel and related costs for a broadcast educator to attend the Christian Music Broadcasters annual Momentum Conference, an industry event where Mr. Fletcher and his students were among those who regularly represented Shine.FM.




Three faculty scholars from Olivet’s College





e x p e r t s i n a s t r o n o m y, p h i l o s o p h y a n d rhetoric – contribute to our deepening understanding journey They









d i s c o v e r y.



“Leadership Is an Art,” authored by business and leadership expert Max De Pree: "We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are." © LOLOSTOCK/DOLLAR PHOTO CLUB






THE CASE FOR LIBERAL ARTS A colleague’s email signature includes this quote often attributed

Yet the liberal arts are more than transcendent skill development.

the lighting of a fire.”

formation of persons. A liberal arts education allows human beings

to William Butler Yeats: “Education is not the filling of a pail. It is No one has been able to prove Yeats actually said those words.

But whoever spoke them was affirming Greek writer Plutarch,

who wrote nearly two millennia ago that the mind was “not a vessel to be filled but wood to be ignited.”

The idea that learning should go beyond professional or career

preparation to the shaping of the whole person — mind, body

and soul — is the touchstone of a liberal arts education. The acquisition of skills and accumulation of knowledge is certainly part of the educational endeavor, but it cannot be the only part.

A liberal arts education is the formation of personhood. It is the groundwork upon which all further learning — in career, graduate school or life itself — is built. Career preparation is training for a job. Liberal arts education is preparation for a life.

The great Christian thinker G. K. Chesterton once said that tradition

was the truest democracy, because tradition is giving a vote to all

those who have gone before. A liberal arts education builds on the cumulative wisdom of the Western experience, a heritage of Christian culture in dialogue with the best of classical learning and continuing with development of the modern academic disciplines.

FOR THE MODERN WORLD Far from being an antiquated study of dusty topics, the liberal arts allow wide engagement with literature, arts, humanities,

the sciences and mathematics. They hone critical thinking and communication skills, develop cultural and scientific literacy, and

cultivate the ability to wrestle with ideas and engage differing © OLLLINKA2/DOLLAR PHOTO CLUB

points of view. These are exactly the skills most needed in our increasingly connected, diverse and technologically charged

world. In an environment where the average person will have

DR. STEPHEN CASE, the director of Strickler Planetarium at Olivet Nazarene University, teaches and writes about the history of astronomy. His research has appeared in Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Mercury, Endeavour and Annals of Science. He holds a doctorate in the history and philosophy of science from the University of Notre Dame. His website, stephenrcase.

many different jobs in the course of a career, employers are beginning to recognize the value of skills that transcend the

Education does not exist primarily to serve industry. It exists for the to deeply perceive the world and humanity’s cultural heritage

within it. It provides — as described by Donald Schmeltekopf, provost emeritus at Baylor University — an opportunity to explore the “formative and enduring ideas surrounding God, nature

and human life.” At Olivet, this means students become more engaged, more compassionate and better-rounded citizens.

John Herschel, the 19th-century British astronomer and

polymath, said that “to the natural philosopher there is no natural object unimportant or trifling ... he walks in the midst of wonders.” For the man or woman trained in the liberal arts, the world is

never something to exploit or take for granted. It is something to

approach with humility and gratitude. It is something that forms a rich, interwoven tapestry with humanity’s cultural heritage.

Will studying astronomy — exploring the narrative of science and

what humanity has learned of our place in the universe — make better accountants or ministers or nurses? Will studying literature — learning how the greatest minds of the ages have expressed

themselves in verse and prose — make better engineers or doctors or teachers? Yes. Undoubtedly. More than this though, a liberal arts education is part of our heritage and charge as followers of Christ. The tradition of

Wesleyan holiness and the testimony of the Incarnation give us

confidence that, in the words of poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, “the world is charged with the grandeur of God.” Thus, a Christian education is one that must encompass that world and humanity’s engagement with it as broadly as possible.

At Olivet Nazarene University, we aspire to such an endeavor with

the “deepest piety and the highest scholarship,” confident that the liberal arts are not only alive but also vital in this millennium.

particulars of professional preparation.

wordpress.com, features samples of his writing, photography and other interests sparked by the fire of his liberal arts education.



D R . J AY M A R T I N S O N

DISCOVERING ONE’S REAL SELF “What is REAL?” asked the Rabbit one day . . . “Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?”

“Real isn’t how you are made,” said the Skin Horse. “It’s a thing

that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.”

That conversation from Margery Williams’ 1922 classic, “The Velveteen Rabbit,” sparked the beginning of Rabbit’s quest to

become real. After a few seasons, the little stuffed toy is dirty, and his fur is nearly worn off from the love of a small boy. But Rabbit knows who he is. He is finally real.

The longer I live, the more I see proof of this profound yet often

hidden truth captured in Williams’ story: love indeed makes us

real. Achieving perfection — even if I could — in any area of my life wouldn’t make me real. Discerning my child’s voice calling

“Daddy!” in a crowded room makes me a real dad. Committed and

faithful love from my spouse makes me a real husband. Receiving grace, forgiveness and encouragement from those closest to me

the precise job description of all Olivet staff and professors. Such

relationships help students discover their strengths and spiritual gifts and how to maximize them, as well as how their experiences — good and bad — can be used for God’s glory.

Healthy relationships also help students see how their abilities

and passions connect with the greatest needs in the marketplace and the mission field. Further, from healthy relationships, students can best find their identity in Christ — separate from any human

prejudice or judgment — and they begin seeing how to emerge from the shadow of others’ expectations, becoming free to live the hope and future promised to them by the Lord.

REAL LEADERSHIP First John 4:19 reminds us that we love because He first loved

us. That’s awesome. When we truly come to accept ourselves as loved, we are able (and motivated) to love and lead others.

Unthreatened by others’ giftedness, we have the confidence to lead through our own God-given strengths and gifts.

makes me a real friend. Accepting the unconditional love of my

Real leaders — those who know who (and whose) they are — take

His love allows me to lower the masks my insecurities want me

problems. They provide authentic and empathic care, they choose

heavenly father makes me a real person. His love makes me real.

risks, offering out-of-the-box solutions and not simply pointing at

to wear.

‘right’ over ‘popular’ and they discover profitable, entrepreneurial

For many college students, the problem isn’t that that they are

connection, redemption and peace for all. They confront evil and

afraid to be real. The problem is that they don’t know their real selves. What college students should expect and insist upon from

the college experience is to discover who they truly are, beneath

solutions. Real leaders also adopt a global worldview, seeking

encourage good, and they extend grace and development when followers fail, in turn helping those followers become fully real.

the masks.

All colleges offer professional training to develop skills. Olivet

There are some popular notions that being real simply means

of healthy relationships. Every research project, published article,

being transparent: speaking without a filter, celebrating instead of healing our wounds, and posting for the public that which is private. We need to be real. We don’t need to be transparent.

Being real does not come from mere self-reflection, meditation or inspirational sayings. It comes from relationships, but not just any relationships. It comes from healthy relationships with those fully

devoted to your best interest even when you are not. To me, that’s

goes beyond the skills to develop the person within the crucible


design, experiment, practicum, clinical and performance is birthed from a conversation beginning with “Who are you?”

All graduates should leave college feeling like Rabbit. Their fur

may be a bit worn from the continual rigor of academia, but they will know they are loved. They will know who they are. The world needs graduates who are more than really smart. They also need to be really real.

DR. JAY MARTINSON chairs the Department of Communication in the College of Arts and Sciences at Olivet Nazarene University. He teaches classes in public speaking, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, intercultural

communication and leadership. He also serves as the director of Olivet's interdisciplinary minor in leadership studies, and he developed and teaches leadership courses for Olivet graduate programs. In addition, Dr. Martinson is the long-time faculty advisor for Olivet's Associated Student Council.


LEARNING TO DO THE RIGHT THING My family lives across the street from a primary grade school. Sometimes I watch the children on the playground and recall my childhood, when life was simple and carefree.

I reminisce, too, about my children at that age, and I feel an overwhelming sense of relief that they reached adulthood safely. Although I swell with pride because of who they are today, I am also humbled knowing that other good people played a key role in shaping their thoughts and values.

Adult life, of course, is significantly more complicated than childhood. Responsibilities multiply over time, and rules become complex. For

instance, we learn early on that we should always tell the truth. Over time, we discover that being honest doesn’t mean we should freely share

everything we know or think. We learn that it is sometimes best to leave some things unsaid and that there’s wisdom in tempering honesty with © LOLOSTOCK/DOLLAR PHOTO CLUB



discretion. In life’s small epiphanies, we realize that knowing the right thing to do is more difficult than we thought.



Adult life today is more complex than it was when I was a

After that foundation is in place, we are ready to learn and critique

thing. As time marches on, knowledge keeps increasing and

history: divine command ethics, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism,

young adult. People in my parents’ generation said the same new technologies keep emerging. The need to use these tools responsibly also escalates. We hope wisdom keeps pace with

responsibility, and a key place for meeting that challenge is the university classroom.

There, we discuss moral and ethical dilemmas throughout history. For instance, if we had lived in Nazi Germany, would we have

lied to save our Jewish neighbors from the Gestapo and certain

death? I should hope so. And yes, we employ some of the

caricatures of moral philosophy. We talk about runaway trolleys and whether the lifeguard should save the drowning baby or the five drowning adults.

Of course, the likelihood is infinitesimal that any of us would ever

find ourselves in such situations. But most of us face other ethical

dilemmas. Should I lie to spare the feelings of my close friend who has been struggling with depression and suicide? Perhaps that answer is not so clear.

Discussing ethical dilemmas is not, however, the way students

the major ethical theories that have been advanced throughout social contract theory, libertarianism, theories of conscience, virtue ethics, natural law ethics, ethical egoism, consequentialism and moral nihilism.

Are we finished? Not yet. We still have to consider the sociological

roots of morality, psychological theories of moral development, and the relationship between ethics and religion. Now we get to

move on to Christian ethics. How do Christians “do” ethics? By drawing from the four sources of knowledge recognized by the

Wesleyan and other Christian traditions — Scripture, reason, tradition and experience.

Here is where biblical studies and hermeneutics enter the

increasingly complex picture. If there’s time, we might even look

at the history of Christian ethics. We definitely save time to take all we’ve learned and apply it to ethical issues facing society and the

world today. Do students feel overwhelmed? Perhaps a little, at first. But we have at least a semester to think through everything together.

learn about ethics. The dilemmas are just handy ways to challenge

Often, the greatest moral development takes place outside the

reasoning is to reveal limitations in the ways they already think

Olivet, we make those outside conversations a priority. Students

preconceptions. The first step in developing students’ moral about ethics. Although most of us move past the simple ethical

rules we learn in childhood, we still try to keep moral reasoning

manageable by framing it in terms of principles, goals, virtues, rights, natural law, etc. Moral dilemmas help us see that although each of these approaches has its merits, none is perfect.

The next step is to explore all facets of ethics and all contributing

classroom in casual conversations with professors and peers. At

who want to grow find the opportunity to do so. Most of a garden’s

growth occurs when the gardener is not there, yet the growth could not take place without the gardener’s hard work. Some of

us cultivate the soil, some sow the seed, some water and tend

to the plants and others reap the harvest. It’s God who gives the increase.

factors. We start by discussing the general nature of ethics.

A university is a wonderful place to learn how to think, especially

the good, the universal vs. the contextual, values and the way

is most important in life and begin to fully understand how our

This includes concepts such as choosing the right vs. pursuing

we establish and prioritize them, the nature of and relationship between moral motive and moral action, weighing the short-

term vs. the long-term, weighing the individual vs. the group, the concepts of duty and moral obligation, and defining and balancing love and justice.

about ethics. Here, students and faculty can reflect on what lives affect others. Here, we have the time and resources for contemplating life’s big questions. Students come for a university-

level education, and they get just that. To offer anything less just


would not be ethical.

DR. KEVIN TWAIN LOWERY is professor and chair of the Department of Theology and Philosophy at Olivet Nazarene

University. After a successful career as an aerospace engineer, he earned his Master of Divinity degree and was ordained in the Wesleyan Church. He is an accomplished researcher, author and speaker recognized as a significant contributor to the construction of contemporary Wesleyan theology. He was a presidential fellow at the University of Notre Dame, where he earned his doctorate in

moral theology with a minor in science and religion. Dr. Lowery’s academic specializations and interests include moral philosophy, Enlightenment thought, and the interaction of ethics with science and religion.

BEFORE P h o t o s b y We s Ta y l o r

So much of university life happens BEFORE the big events and in preparation for the big moments...in the practice room, the laboratory, the classroom, the library, the practice field, the weight room, the studio, the swimming pool at 5 a.m.... the common places that pave the way to greatness and success. Every corner of campus is alive with possibility!





Improvisational jazz requires a unique mix o f d e x t e r i t y, g e n i u s , m u s i c a l c u r i o s i t y a n d abandon. It also demands countless hours of practice to master the licks, devour the repertoire and find your own voice. Making m u s i c i s a l i f e s t y l e — a c a l l i n g ­— a n d S a m E m a u s ' 1 5 i s r e a d y.

A r t i s n ' t e a s y. A s A s h l e y S a r v e r ' 1 5 t a k e s the Kresge stage for her thrilling portrayal o f c a n c e r v i c t i m D r. Vi v i a n B e a r i n g i n t h e d r a m a W i T, s h e m a k e s t h e b o l d c h o i c e t o shave her head in solidarity with generations of cancer victims.







with Dr. David Van Heemst

Leading on the court requires sacrifice, d e d i c a t i o n a n d d i l i g e n c e o ff t h e c o u r t . Bennet




to focus his thoughts and summon the courage before taking the court in McHie

Are Christians in politics a match made in Heaven? With a U.S. presidential election only months away, Olivet The Magazine sat down with our resident political scientist, Dr. David Van Heemst, to talk politics, Christian responsibility and current events. This conversation took place before the first caucus and primary election.

A r e n a f o r c o n f e r e n c e p l a y.





Olivet: The Magazine: What is the appropriate role for Christians in politics? David Van Heemst: To advocate for justice. There are more than 800 verses in the Old and New Testaments calling Christians to seek justice in society. Following Jesus’ example, we can go into challenging places, seeking to advance His kingdom by identifying with, liberating and restoring the alien, the widow, the oppressed and the poor. Becoming a part of the in-breaking kingdom is an exciting and challenging endeavor calling for the innovation and passion of today’s students. OTM: Are university students still interested in politics – even with presidential and congressional approval ratings being so low? DVH: More than ever before! This generation of students is more globally conscious and socially engaged than previous generations were.Today’s students are more committed to using their gifts and talents for the benefit of others than they are about acquiring goods and possessions for themselves. It’s encouraging to come alongside of tomorrow’s leaders as they seek to interpret the spirit of our times and then engage the issues of the day as hopeful agents of shalom in a broken and hurting world. OTM: Are you surprised that this is the year of the outsider candidate – Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and others? DVH: Absolutely! No one saw this coming, and if they say they did, they’re lying. What’s really interesting on the Republican side is the lack of an establishment candidate. On the eve of the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary, none of the establishment Republicans is in the top four. Jeb Bush is the highest ranked establishment candidate, and he’s currently fifth. The Republican base is looking for an outside conservative, one who represents the party in its push for a smaller government. 30


The commitment of so many in the Republican base to push for an outsider has been surprising. Conversely, the Democrats have gone a more traditional route. Insiders have dominated the nomination process. OTM: Has there ever been another Donald Trump-type candidate? Did he win? DVH: If you mean someone from outside of the mainstream, then you might think about a viable third-party candidate like Ross Perot in 1992, or even John Anderson in 1980. Remember, we’re still in the pre-season. Trump is doing well in the polls, but no one has cast a single vote yet in either Iowa or New Hampshire. OTM: How does the separation of church and state play into the believers' political process? DVH: For the founding fathers, this phrase was not a part of the Constitution. If anything, they sought to protect the church from the state, not the other way around. In any case, separating church and state does not mean separating faith from politics. Everyone’s view of politics is shaped by their underlying faith, whether they’re Humanist, Christian or something else. So, in one sense, the answer is simple: allow your faith convictions to shape your politics, because doing so is part of our common human experience. OTM: Do moderates still exist in this political climate? Is compromise a necessity in selecting a candidate? DVH: Fundamentally, there are major, tectonic shifts occurring in America. There’s a significant increase of ethnic minorities. Sociologists tell us that in the next 25 to 30 years, ethnic whites will be a statistical minority in the United States. Economists tell us that there’s a shrinking middle class, with the net effect being greater income inequality among the fewer extremely wealthy and the increasing lower middle class and poor.

Those underlying shifts contribute to the polarization between red and blue states and will be hugely influential in the decades to come. Additionally, with changes in redistricting and campaign finance laws, there’s been an increase in polarization and a concomitant decrease in electing moderate candidates. OTM: Considering the events late last year in Paris and San Bernardino, and the ongoing refugee issue in Syria, how does America stay focused on the complete candidate? DVH: What happened in Paris and San Bernardino has fundamentally changed this election. The focus has shifted from the latest thing that Donald Trump has said or immigration reform or income inequality to a focus on security – both border security and security within the United States. That focus on greater security has elevated certain candidates, like Ted Cruz, and hurt others, like Ben Carson. It’s also raised the bar for incoming Syrian refugees. For Christians, the challenge is to avoid becoming too myopic in our focus on security and to re-engage the broader claims of the Gospel – justice for all. Allowing that vision to shape our politics, including both security and humanitarian issues, will be a major challenge for the Church in 2016. OTM: With public officials' approval ratings so low these days, what do you forecast the voter turnout to be? DVH: Because people are so disillusioned with current politics, there will probably be a strong voter turnout. Over the past three presidential election cycles, turnout has been slowly increasing, due largely to an increased turnout in the under-30 electorate. I expect that trend to continue in 2016.



I l l u s t r a t i o n s b y M a c r o Ve c t o r L L C

OTM: Do the news media and social media change the way we make our decisions?

OTM: Is it possible to be a Christ-follower and a Republican or a Democrat or an Independent?

DVH: Significantly. The media have contributed to the polarization of our politics. One can now get the news one wants from the perspective one wants, while completely disregarding other points of view. The net effect is an increased polarization of our politics.

DVH: Yes, yes and yes, because the polls bear this out. Christians are Republicans, Democrats and Independents. The challenge for the 21st century is to clarify our commitment to justice, see how that vision of justice plays out in specific policies, and then compare that vision of justice to the specific policies of the Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Who knows? You might just be a Republicrat or Independican!

OTM: What's your take on politics from the pulpit? DVH: Pastors can help the church understand and proclaim what it means to be both prophetic and persuasive in the 21st century. Challenging parishioners to apply those principles on their own can help the lay person begin to grapple with the meaning of biblical justice in 2016. OTM: Was the message of Jesus political? Would Jesus have made a good candidate? DVH: No, if your starting point is modern politics – writing laws, campaigning, raising money, etc. But remember, that specific form of politics is a modern development inaugurated with the nation-state system at the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. So, historically speaking, Jesus couldn’t have been a part of that type of politics, just like He couldn’t have texted or sent email.

OTM: Should there be more than two parties? DVH: There are, and the underlying trend is toward more parties. In our post-modern age, where difference is a dominant theme and fragmentation has replaced unity as a societal principle, it seems intuitively correct to have more and more options, more and more choices. There may be a major third-party candidate sooner than we expect.

On the other hand, if you look at politics more broadly – as a commitment to seeking justice for the least of these – then you could say that His whole ministry was political. Jesus quotes Isaiah in defining His own vision of ministry in Luke 4:18-19, saying: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”



DR. DAVID VAN HEEMST ’96 M.P.C./’98 M.A. developed the political science program at Olivet Nazarene University.

He is an author and a member of the American Political Science Association. He has received Olivet's Samuel L. Mayhugh

Award for Scholarly Excellence and the Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence. Dr. Van Heemst and his wife, April, are the parents of five daughters – twins Maggie and Ellie, and triplets Elizabeth, Annika and Jessica.




MUSIC IN THE AIR Students, faculty and staff in Olivet’s School of Music ended fall semester with performances of the perennially popular “Sounds of the Season” and "Handel’s Messiah.” Now, they are orchestrating the spring semester’s full slate of concerts, recitals and auditions as well as the University’s annual musical production.


CULTIVATING SUCCESS Olivet’s approach to student development is really a commitment to nurturing the growth of each entire person, emphasizing academics — and reaching far deeper.







Additional information is available from the David L. Elwood Center for Student Success at olivet.edu/center-for-student-success or 800-648-1463.

Holistic Development During free periods in her Monday and Tuesday schedules at Olivet Nazarene University, senior Lydia Grosse can be found in Perry Recreation Center, drinking coffee and chatting with friends — women who called her their resident assistant (RA) two years ago in Williams Hall.

Friendships that grow from the RA-resident relationship are common at Olivet. The University’s residential life program ensures that every student has access to qualified peers who care about the student’s life experience as much as the college experience.

Although Grosse is not an RA this year, she keeps up with several of her former residents. “They don’t really need me anymore – they just like me!” laughs Grosse. “We get together often, just like we did when I was their RA.”

This commitment to developing the whole person is supported with student resources that include attention to academics and career preparation as well as physical, mental, social and spiritual wellness. Resources include academic support by way of counseling, tutoring and peer coaching (through the Academic Coaching Center); preparation for careers and lives of service; health and wellness services; and spiritual guidance.

As an RA, Grosse led Bible studies for her residents, met with them one-on-one, and held monthly community-building events and parties. She strongly encouraged residents to maintain the open-door policy so that her hall would be a welcoming space. She grew close with the freshman-year residents on her floor. Now those students are juniors, and the relationships have matured. Today, her regular gatherings with former residents demonstrate that the community she prayed for and worked hard to build has stood the test of time. “I really love it, still,” says Grosse. "Lydia has been an incredible role model and friend since my first day at Olivet,” says Rachel Elson, a junior majoring in elementary education. “She continues to pray for me and be an amazing friend even after her job as an RA ended. She gave us an example of a selfless leader, and she continues putting her heart into being a part of our lives.”



Mission Control for these resources is the University’s David L. Elwood Center for Student Success. The physical home of the center is a red-brick, two-story structure that once was the University president’s home. It’s now a busy, welcoming hub for students seeking all of the added value of an Olivet experience. “Students see us as a helpful environment that enhances their success,” says Beth Olney, center director. “All of our services are confidential, nonthreatening and free of charge. Students don’t have to worry about coming here.” Olney is ever-vigilant in ensuring that the Center for Student Success maintains the Olivet difference – the Olivet-distinct qualities that contribute to student development and achievement.

“Our vision is to provide holistic services for every single student,” she says. “That is the goal.” When the center was established in 2006, Olney gathered a group of faculty and staff to create the mission statement. The group affirmed that the center would help students “develop their full potential during the college years and beyond … create a culture of success … encourage student scholarship, spiritual growth, healthy relationships, community service and career readiness … foster a balanced Christian worldview that results in students embracing lifelong learning, personal integrity, commitment to God and His church and leadership opportunities at home, at work, and in society.” From the beginning, Olivet students have help getting off to a strong start. The Center for Student Success oversees the First-Year Experience Team, which coordinates the “Connections” program that provides information and motivation as Olivet freshmen begin college. The center’s array of services also includes guidance in career readiness, resume building and interview preparation; confidential counseling services with certified therapists; and appointments available every week with a family nurse practitioner.





“Mr. Newell, why are you here?” I get this question a lot from my students. They’re innercity kids from low-income households in Indianapolis. I teach them math. I moved to Indianapolis two months after graduating from Olivet in May 2015. With my degree in economics and finance, I had bought into the dream of Teach for America. That’s the nationwide organization that recruits highperforming individuals from diverse backgrounds and trains us through nontraditional means (education major not required) to be teachers in some of our nation’s most struggling school districts. This is a glimpse at how I got here, facing that question from my students. It’s been a journey into the unknown – a new city, new people and a new mission. It’s also an unlikely path to an unforeseen stop on my life’s itinerary.



I grew up in the middle of Nowhere, Indiana – no stop lights or fast- food restaurants in the entire county. I was a diehard Hoosier with my only view of college through the lens of Big Ten sports. In fact, as a high-school junior, I visited Indiana University and was convinced I had found my home. By senior year, I began to have real conversations about where I would dedicate myself for the next four years. I still loved IU, but some other universities were now blips on the radar. I happened to be a decent enough tennis player to get looks from several private universities, Olivet among them. I was only a few staff and student greetings into my campus visit when I knew this place was different from anywhere else I had been. The people simply blew me away, from student to receptionist to professor to coach. This is a great time to mention that I was not a Christian.



“Kids, I'm here because of Jesus Christ. No other reason.” I assure you that my childhood was awesome. I had amazing parents, beautiful sisters and the perfect extended family. We just didn’t happen to be a Christian lot. Perhaps the “cultural Christian” label would fit. But personally, I was agnostic. I knew nothing of Jesus or scripture, and I really didn’t like Christians. Back to Blown Away In retrospect, the reason people at Olivet were different should have been obvious: they were the first genuine Christians I had witnessed. Their inner joy radiated through consistent smiles, extended time answering crazy parent questions, and compassion for another high-school kid with no idea what he wanted to study. I left Olivet that day knowing I had found the place for me. This was a school that I would buy into because of the people, community, academics, athletics – and the prevenient grace of God. Before long, I was on campus for two-a-days with the tennis team, and I was being hounded by three resident assistants in Nesbitt Hall to attend one Bible study in my first semester. After fighting them off for as long as I could, I gave in and showed up on a Tuesday night. Well, the men in that room showed me what real fellowship looked like in the body of Christ. They showed me His love, and they showed me the way. Less than two months later, in my Chevy Cobalt on some country dirt road, I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. In just six months as a newborn Christian, I began leading my first Bible study with 14 men who knew nothing of Jesus Christ. One year into my faith, I was discipled by Glenn Rewerts, dean of Olivet’s School of Business. Two years in,



I studied abroad in Japan, preaching the Gospel to everyone in arm’s reach. Within three years, I had given countless tours of my homeaway-from-home to many young men and women who were as clueless as I was at their age. I hoped to be that signpost that encouraged them to join the community that had pointed me to salvation. I served as senior class chaplain and resident assistant and brother to the men of Olde Oak 579. I was privileged to develop friendships with so many men and women who are the embodiment of Christ’s kingdom on earth. Answering the Question I had recently turned four in my faith when my students first asked, “Mr. Newell, why are you here?” I thought about how to answer and decided on the truth: “Kids, I’m here because of Jesus Christ. No other reason.” He is more than enough of an answer. Because of Jesus Christ, I had the childhood I had, I made it to Olivet and I was transformed. Because of Jesus Christ’s compassion for His children, I wear a smile every day, and I teach.

Addison Newell ’15 is considering several options once he

completes his two-year commitment to Teach for America. He might pursue his dream of earning a doctorate in economics, focusing on income inequality and seeking sustainable remedies. He will also

consider remaining in Indianapolis to teach or traveling overseas

to teach or serve in ministries that will foster new perspectives on poverty and potential solutions.

olivetthemagazine.com Expanded stories and video features await you online.


EXPANDING WEST The Donald H. and Faith N. Bell West Campus at Olivet could be viewed by many as pre-ordained.

In 1954, Don was serving his country after earning his business degree from Olivet. He was stationed in France as a member of the 76th Army Band of the United States. That year, France was celebrating a national holiday to mark the 10-year anniversary of the American liberation of Paris during World War II, and a parade was in order. © JBYARD/DOLLAR PHOTO CLUB

“Our band led the American process of that parade,” Don recalls. “And I was the drum major, leading us along the streets of Paris.” Fast-forward to October 30, 2015, and the dedication ceremony for the West Campus being named for Donald H. and Faith N. Bell at Olivet Nazarene University. Don and his wife, Faith (Fry) ’55, are business owners and philanthropists who live in Olathe, Kansas. They had purchased 24 acres on the west side of U.S. Route 45, across from Olivet’s main campus, and gifted the property to the University. “Mr. and Mrs. Bell, you have chosen to invest in a site that provides significant opportunities for our students to live out the mission of Olivet,” said Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb,




When Don Bell ’53 was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict (1950–1953), he had no idea that his assignment would one day connect to Olivet students who would be born decades in the future. vice president for student development, at the dedication ceremony. “[Our students] are building character through these varied activities and programs.” And underscoring the significance of the gift were the military and musical connections that Don Bell had forged decades earlier: West Campus was already home to Olivet’s Roaring Tiger ROTC Battalion as well as Olivet’s Marching Band. The Roaring Tiger Battalion prepares cadets for commissioning as U.S. Army Second Lieutenants upon graduation. More than 120 have been commissioned since ROTC began at Olivet in 2005. These personnel now represent service worldwide in more than 16 military occupations and in all military branches. Olivet’s Marching Tigers are one of the largest marching bands among U.S. Christian universities. Having the dedicated West Campus site where directors and musicians can hone skills and practice drills has helped the band grow to nearly 200 members.

and lighted athletic fields. During fall semester 2015, 525 students, faculty and staff played on these fields, which were also home to the annual Ollies Follies sporting events for the entire student body. West Campus facilities also include Olivet’s Victorian House Gallery, the Admissions West building, a number of commercial and residential rental properties and land for future development. “I love Olivet, and this growth is amazing to me,” Don Bell said of his alma mater. “We can’t put a price on what happens in the lives of the young men and women who come to Olivet and have transforming experiences,” added Dr. John C. Bowling, University president. Quoting from the plaque installed on the West Campus building, he said: “The Bells have established a lasting legacy of generosity through their many gifts to Olivet.”

Other West Campus activities already under way include the thriving intramural sports program on the well-groomed



The Center for Law and Culture is a non-profit organization now housed on the Bourbonnais campus. The partnership aspires to restore truth in law through educational initiatives in the Judeo-Christian tradition. To learn more, visit lawandculture.org




HIRE A LEADER Looking for dependable interns or new staff? Featuring job postings, networking opportunities, industry articles and résumé building tools, Olivet’s newest career resource — HireOlivetians.com — connects talented ONU students and alumni with organizations where they will thrive. To learn more, visit hireolivetians.com



A place to SHINE Daneli at Brilla.FM




Daneli Rabanalez-Hernandez uses her multilingual skills to work at Shine.FM while she is a student at Olivet. Her mother, Elita Hernandez Juarez, says this job is a dream-come-true for Daneli. “Being able to serve at a Christian radio station is a big blessing from God,” Elita says. Daneli is a junior majoring in multimedia studies with a concentration in radio broadcasting and a minor in leadership studies. She is an on-air host, and behind the scenes, she helps to voice and produce sponsor spots. For the Shine.FM Spanish stream, Brilla.FM, she hosts the afternoon show, “Tardes de Brilla.” She is also the music director for Brilla.FM. Elita believes her daughter has the opportunity at the network to help reach a great audience with the message of Jesus. “Her language abilities are important for Christian radio ministry because other people can receive God’s blessing,” Elita says.


Daneli’s family is pleased that her enthusiasm for Olivet is unwavering. “Her excitement at being there continuously grows,” says Elita. “She is happy at this school.” In fact, Daneli plans to continue at Olivet after graduation. She will attend Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies and work as a grad assistant at Shine.FM.

Becky DeRuiter '16 (business administration, Chicago Ridge,

Elita affirms that Olivet’s emphasis on Christian values makes the University a perfect fit for her daughter. “Daneli is responsible and honest, and she gives herself completely to what she sets her mind to,” Elita says. “And the students and professors who surround her at Olivet are the same.”

(biology/physical therapy, Wilmington, Illinois). DeRuiter is

What sets Olivet apart? For this family, it’s “putting God before anything else.”

Illinois) leaps to spike against opponents from St. Francis (Illinois). Ready to assist is Tiger teammate Renee Enz '16 a 2015 Tachikara-NAIA Volleyball All-American Honorable Mention, and Enz is a 2015 Daktronics-NAIA Scholar-Athlete.



THE CLASSES February 18-21 13th Annual Winter Golf Outing Orlando, Florida 路 815.928.5455 February 20 Date Night: A Celebration of Marriage 6 p.m. 路 Centennial Chapel celebrationofmarriage.org or 815.939.5385 February 29 A Day of Hope Join thousands of alumni and friends as we invest in students during this one-day event

April 16 Ladies Day With best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs and Christian recording artist Jonny Diaz 815.928.5791

May 7 Commencement May 9-14 Prime Time Tours Presents Branson, Missouri

FROM THE ARCHIVES We value your memorabilia! To donate to Archives, contact Archives@olivet.edu or 815-939-5148.











Doug ’77 and Janice (Clark) ’77 Karl recently became managers at Beaverdale Estates, Des Moines, Iowa. Beaverdale Estates is an all-inclusive community for adults age 55 and better. It is part of Holiday Retirement Corporation’s 310 communities throughout the United States.    Janice and Doug live onsite and manage all aspects of senior living. They lead the Beaverdale Community Singers Choir, drawing on 30 years of full-time music ministry in the Church of the Nazarene. The Karls say they love being in Des Moines, close to son Erick D. ’06, daughter-in-law Rebecca (Syverson) ’06 Karl and four-year old granddaughter Emmalyn. Erick Karl is a morning show host on Life 107.1 FM, a local Christian radio station. He is a former radio personality on the Shine.FM network, an Olivet ministry.

B Mark Field ’77 recently retired after 19 years as police chief in Wheaton, Illinois. Field joined the department in 1991, serving in roles that included deputy chief and acting chief before he became chief in March 1996.    During the late 1970s and 1980s, Field worked for the Kankakee County (Illinois) sheriff’s police department as a corporal, sergeant, lieutenant and head of the department’s administrative services division. He also served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Naval Reserve in the late 1980s.    Field hails from Ann Arbor, Michigan. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Olivet Nazarene University and a master’s in public administration from Governors State University. He is a 1981 graduate of the Southern Police Institute at the University of Louisville, and he attended the Northwestern University Traffic Institute’s Executive Institute.


C Veronica Hildreth ’93 M.A.E. received a

2015 Excellence in Education Award from the St. Louis American Foundation. A teacher for nearly 30 years, Hildreth is the seventh grade English language arts teacher at Hixson Middle School in the Webster Groves (Missouri) district.    Hildreth also holds a Certificate of Excellence from the Missouri Fine Arts Academy. She has served as a supervisory teacher in Missouri’s student teaching program, and she taught English language arts at McCluer High School in Florissant, Missouri, and Northlawn Junior High School in Streator, Illinois.    Hildreth was born in Jamaica and made her way to the United States in pursuit of an international education experience. She credits


caring teachers with helping her develop a passion for reading and a love of the language.    She earned a bachelor’s degree in language arts from South Dakota State University; a master’s degree in education, curriculum and instruction from Olivet Nazarene University; and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from Webster University.


D Jeramy A. Nichols ’99 completed his doctorate in music education with an emphasis in choral conducting in May 2015. Dr. Nichols earned his degree at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He worked as an adjunct assistant professor in the music department at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, and he is now director of choral music at University Liggett School in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan.



E Richard ’02 and Krista (Streight) ’02 Tran announce the arrival of Zechariah David Michael on August 28, 2015. Richard is a senior systems support development specialist at ONU, and Krista, a teacher, is enjoying stay-at-home time. The couple chose the name Zechariah because it means “the Lord remembers.”



F Nicholas and Kendra (Cable) ’06 Jones were married September 20, 2015, in Anderson, Indiana. Nick is an At Home Advisor at Apple Inc., and Kendra is a pastor to children and families at Gateway Church of the Nazarene in Murrieta, California.

F 52





G Matthew ’06 and Rachel (Green) ’08 McLain of Bourbonnais, Illinois, announce the birth of daughter Olivia Kelley, born April 12, 2015. Matthew is a teacher and coach at BradleyBourbonnais Community High School, and Rachel is an administrative assistant at GatheringPoint Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais.



H Brandon ’09 and Karen (Carrigan) ’09

Upchurch announce the birth of daughter Lily Edith, born June 3, 2015. The Upchurches reside in Schenectady, New York, where Brandon works as an engineer.


I Tim ’10/’12 and Megan “Meg” (Ledyard) ’10

2007 This group of ONU alumni and Olivet ROTC families met in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, over Labor Day weekend in 2015. Left to right: Kalen (Leive) ’10 and Daniel Walker ’10, Julie (Watson) ’10 and Nathaniel LaLone ’10, Ana Kate (Warren) ’10 and Jordan Maurer ’10, Shelby Buxton and Ryan Herr ’10, Amanda (Snider) and Caleb Stewart ’09, Whitney (Cerak) and Matt Wheeler ’09, Katie (Bushard) ’07 and Aaron Payne ’07.

Weston welcomed their second son, Griffin James Weston, on July 29, 2015. The Westons adopted Griffin’s big brother, Jacob McDuffie Weston, on December 18, 2014.


J Anthony and Kathryn (Eccles) ’11 Maneiro were married on August 8, 2015, in Indiana. They reside in Boston, Massachusetts. Katie is a doctoral candidate and Anthony is a law student at Boston University.


Eric and Rebecca (Lankford) ’12 Decker were married October 10, 2015, at Love Covenant Fellowship in Amelia, Virginia. Rebecca is an admissions counselor at North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where Eric is a student.







IN MEMORIAM Rev. George H.D. Reader ’29, age 109, was Olivet Nazarene University’s oldest living alumnus until his passing on November 6, 2015. He was a resident of Chrisman, Illinois. In 2012, the Church of the Nazarene’s general church headquarters and the Illinois District honored Rev. Reader, then 105, as the oldest living ordained elder in the church’s history.    Rev. Reader was born September 13, 1906, in Sprague, Missouri. He was a pastor, teacher and evangelist throughout the Midwest until his retirement in 1976. He and his late wife, Gertrude M. (Sill) Reader ’25, led many revival services together. She assisted in her husband’s evangelistic ministry by doing chalk artwork.    While a student at Olivet in the 1920s, Rev. Reader sang bass in a student quartet and preached on weekends. He and Gertrude met while she was serving on Olivet’s faculty. He graduated from “Old Olivet,” Olivet, Illinois, in 1929. Later, he served on Olivet’s Board of Trustees for 21 years. He was a faithful supporter of the University throughout his lifetime, and numerous members of the Reader family have attended Olivet.    In addition to his wife, Rev. Reader was preceded in death by two of their sons, James and Paul. He is survived by two sons, John W. (Lois) Reader of Bourbonnais and Daniel L. (Verna) Reader of Naples, Florida; two daughters-in-law, Deloris Reader (wife of Paul) of Okemos, Michigan, and Mary Lou Reader (wife of James) of Chrisman; six grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren. Dr. William H. McCoy ’39, a dental surgeon, age 99, passed away peacefully at his home in Columbus, Ohio, on February 13, 2015. He was born in Jelloway, Ohio, on June 15, 1915 to the late William Donley and Grace Darling Rogers McCoy.    Dr. McCoy began his military career with the U.S. Army and later served in the U.S. Navy. After earning a bachelor’s degree from Olivet, he began studying dentistry at Ohio University. He completed his degree at The Ohio State College of Dentistry, where he returned as a professor after years of private practice. Dr. McCoy was an avid fan of The Ohio State University athletics, and he enjoyed the outdoors.    He met his wife of 69 years, June (Ferris), while both were students at Olivet. Their children are Sherry McCoy, Randy (Dawn) McCoy, Bill McCoy, Wendy (Donnie) McGeehan, Les (Nancy) McCoy and Marcia McCoy. Dr. McCoy is survived by 10 grandchildren. Leola Jean (Hay) Saunders ’61 of Mount Vernon, Ohio, went to be with her Lord and Savior on November 30, 2015. Born February 8, 1939, in Auburn, Indiana, she was the daughter of the late Don and Leah (Goe) Hay.    Mrs. Saunders taught elementary school in Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, North Carolina, Virginia and Ohio. She enjoyed traveling, visiting family and friends, and her lifelong service to God and the church. She supported Gateway Ministries of Mansfield, Ohio by knitting more than 500 hats and scarves for homeless and needy families. She was a lifelong member of the Church of the Nazarene.    Mrs. Saunders is survived by her husband of 54 years, Dr. Joe Saunders, who has ministered for the church in Iowa, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia. She is also survived by her children, Larry David (Valerie) of Fort Wright, Kentucky; Lon Erik (Phyllis) of Wyoming, Ohio; and Jana Martin (Scott) of Tiffin, Ohio; and grandchildren Chace and Morgan Saunders, and Tyler Joseph Martin.




Arthur E. Swope ’51, age 92, of Ballwin, Missouri, passed away October 30, 2015. Mr. Swope was a minister and worked as a project manager for Monsanto and ICI Americas. In his role with Monsanto, he lived throughout the United States and in Brazil. After he retired, he served with Parkway Prison Ministries, helping to build churches throughout Missouri. Mr. Swope was preceded in death by his wife, Jean, and their daughter, Beverly Stover. He is survived by daughter Barbara Grace, son Karl (Karen) Swope, six grandchildren and three great‑grandchildren. David L. Godwin ’65 of Limestone, Illinois, passed away March 31, 2015, after a courageous battle against pulmonary fibrosis. David was born August 19, 1942, in Grand Island, Nebraska to Clyde and Lillie (Bush) Godwin.    After he graduated from Olivet, Mr. Godwin served four years in the U.S. Navy, where he was a trombonist in the Navy band. He also was an accomplished violinist. For 25 years, Mr. Godwin played trombone in the Kankakee Valley (Illinois) Symphony Orchestra. He was a charter member of the KV Wind Ensemble and also played in the New Horizons and municipal bands.    After several years as a high school music teacher, Mr. Godwin began a 42-year career in the railroad industry. He was an engineer for 15 years before he retired from Norfolk Southern Railroad. After retirement, he participated in 12 work and witness overseas mission trips with the Church of the Nazarene.    Mr. Godwin was a member of Westbrook Church of the Nazarene, where he taught Sunday school, sang in the choir, helped with buildings and grounds and served as a board member. He is survived by his wife of 45 years, Sandra ’90/’02; daughters Karen ’92 (Dan) Davidson of Franklin, Tennessee; Kathryn ’95 (Tim ’89) Buffey of Bloomington, Illinois; Karla ’97/’05 (Dan) Pralle of Bourbonnais, Illinois; and 11 grandchildren. Carl L. Fletcher ’92/’99, age 45, passed away November 7, 2015. Mr. Fletcher was assistant professor and director of broadcasting in the Department of Communication at Olivet Nazarene University. He also served as operations director for the Shine.FM network, a ministry of the University.    Mr. Fletcher will be remembered for his ever-present smile and fun-loving nature. He was a son, husband, father, professor, mentor and friend. His family, students, colleagues and friends are testaments to his care, encouragement and love.    Throughout his career, he worked in various capacities including news, fundraising, announcing and management at commercial and non-commercial radio stations. Mr. Fletcher joined Olivet’s faculty in 2007. He shared his expertise in radio programming and production by teaching and mentoring students and through his service in Olivet’s radio ministry. He oversaw operations and programming for Shine.FM and for student radio stations Shine RX3 and Shine Worship.    Mr. Fletcher is survived by his wife, Camille (Smith) ’92; and their daughters, Caitlin, Camryn, Carly and Cara.




WINTRY LANDSCAPE The first blast of winter snow hit Olivet's main campus in 2015 before autumn leaves could fall, creating a seasonal blend of Nature's artistry.


More than 4,800 — 2,900 of them undergrads ­­— from nearly every U.S. state, 20 countries and 40 religious denominations.


Based on ACT score and high school records (college transcripts for transfer students). For incoming freshmen, average ACT score is 24.


More than 120 areas of study offered through the School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Life and Health Sciences, School of Education, School of Music, School of Theology and Christian Ministry, and the College of Arts and Sciences. Study- abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles.


Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Beautiful, park-like campus features 31 major buildings on 250 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Ill., just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Hong Kong.



Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith then in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.


At Olivet Nazarene University, student-athletes compete on 21 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field. Varsity women compete in basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs.


More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, radio broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 37,000 alumni living around the world.


Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Management, Bachelor of Business Administration,+ Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Criminal Justice: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Education: Safety and Driver Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement,* Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction,+ Master of Arts in Education: Library Information Specialist, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist,+ Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership – Interdisciplinary Engineering: Master of Engineering Management Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing,* Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing,* Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Studies, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts: Pastoral Leadership,* Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry, Master of Arts: Urban Pastor Leadership *online

Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biochemistry Biology Business Administration - Industrial Technology Management Business Administration - Management Business Administration - Not-for-Profit Management Chemistry Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Dietetics Digital Media: Graphics Digital Media: Photography Drawing & Illustration Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching

Economics & Finance - Certified Financial Planning Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering – Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Geological Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Software English English as a Second Language English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Education Family Studies Fashion Merchandising Film Studies Finance Forensic Chemistry French General Studies Geography Geological Sciences Greek

Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Hospitality Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Live Event Media Management Management Information Systems Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - International Marketing Marketing - Marketing Management Marketing - Public Relations Mathematics Mathematics Education Media Production Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Ministry Media

Public Relations and Strategic Communication Radio and Record Industry Recreation, Sports & Fitness Religion Religious Studies Science Education Secondary Education Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Television & Video Production Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology

Missions & Intercultural Studies Multimedia Communication Multimedia Journalism Multimedia Studies Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Painting Pastoral Ministry Philosophy & Religion Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Science Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Public Policy

+ classroom and online

800-648-1463 · olivet.edu

Statistics compiled from 2013, 2014 and/or 2015.


million dollars in financial aid awarded to ONU students


advanced degrees through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies


local ministry and global mission trip opportunities


study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA conferences


percent of nursing students pass state boards



percent of engineering students pass Fundamentals of Engineering Exam

student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of more than 4,900


from where

you are to where you


Join thousands of alumni and friends as we invest in students during this one-day event. www.olivet.edu

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION IN ETHICAL LEADERSHIP We believe there are no limits to ethical leaders. We believe ethical leaders have a positive impact in business and community. The Ed.D in Ethical Leadership is a terminal degree designed to focus on transforming today’s leaders, regardless of their chosen career fields, to integrate and apply ethical vision and leadership skills in their chosen careers. Current research is combined with real world experience to provide relevant and rigorous higher learning. The Ed.D. program as a whole provides group cohesion, collegial interaction and cultural experiences that foster respectful relationships.

To learn more about the Doctor of Education in Ethical Leadership degree program visit graduate.olivet.edu or call 1-877-9OLIVET ILLINOIS I INDIANA I MICHIGAN



THE benediction

" D o n ' t p l a y i t s a f e t h i s y e a r. Pray dangerous prayers, act with holy courage, and risk something great for the glory of God."


Dr. David Busic General Superintendent International Church of the Nazarene Speaker, 2016 Winter Revival ONU/College Church

SACRED SPACE Members of the Olivet community encounter God in sacred spaces all over campus. Often familiar yet sometimes hidden, these spaces allow us to know that the great animating spirit of God is at work in this place. As the apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians, "The Lord is near," and we are grateful.



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