Olivet the Magazine-In Search of Character and Courage November '14

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November 2014







OLLIES FOLLIES At the start of each year, competitors and fans flood the athletic fields and auditoriums in fierce rivalry. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors battle for class pride, connect with new students and cement lifelong friendships. The Ollies Follies class competition marks the start of a year filled with high-energy and rich community, a perfect balance to inspiring classes and late night study sessions.

THE MAGAZINE There is a majestic, traditional quality to the autumn months, even as they once again concede to the inevitability of winter. The leaves turn, the earth stiffens, weight is added to the wind, the holidays are on their way but not yet here, and our minds almost certainly have the necessary space and time to once again revisit the great questions of life. In this season of change, we test our assumptions, take time to think and dream, and look forward to great moments with the ones who matter most to us.

What do you think?


The morns are meeker than they were, The nuts are getting brown; The berry's cheek is plumper, The rose is out of town. The maple wears a gayer scarf, The field a scarlet gown. Lest I should be old-fashioned, I'll put a trinket on.

– Autumn, Emily Dickenson

With this in mind and as we continue to pursue lives of significance, it seems right to search for fresh thoughts on the two essential topics of Character and Courage. American hero and U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, once remarked when pressed by a young Marine to address the question of greatness, “The qualities of a great man (or woman) are vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character.” Billy Graham put it this way: “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.” As we explore this issue, may our hearts and minds once again be startled by the immense and impeccable character of our great God and may our souls “be strong and take courage” as we endeavor to faithfully follow Christ in this complex world.

The Editorial Board




Blessings to all of you!


CONTENTS ON THE COVER The new Reed Hall of Science is ready to welcome a new class of Olivet students. Our state-of-the-art facilities put the resources of today in the hands of those who will shape our tomorrow.

1$ Character and Courage

Reproduction of material without written permission prohibited. EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Remington J. Anksorus ’05 Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/ ’11 Ed.D. George Wolff ’93 ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 GRAPHIC DESIGN Matthew Moore ’96 Monique Perry ’03 Donnie Johnson PHOTOGRAPHY As credited PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPORT Jordan Hansen ’13 Paul Matthews ’15 Cymone Wilder ’15 Wes Taylor ’15 Joe Mantarian ’16 EDITORIAL SUPPORT Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel Christine Case ’05 A.E. Sarver ’15 Katharyn Schrader ’14 Renee Gerstenberger

VOLUME 82 ISSUE 2 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2014 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345

Kristian Veit, Houston Thompson and Mark Quanstrom challenge our understanding of two of the strongest elements of Christian maturity.

PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., M.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div.


OLIVET: THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.


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The latest headlines from the Olivet campus and around the globe

Olivet’s newest students share their stories

Great things are happening in science and engineering



Buoyancy and Balance From its earliest days, Olivet Nazarene University has consistently aspired to excellence in undergraduate, then graduate, and now distance and online learning. Our primary focus is on an academic life together: teaching, learning, studying, researching, writing, professional preparation and so on. Yet, at the same time, we are deeply committed to the integration of faith with learning. Our mission recognizes the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Thus, an “Education With a Christian Purpose” is not manifested in content or courses alone — but also in character. The American writer Walker Percy warned about what he called the temptation that lurks around the corner of every heart — to believe that competence can be separated from character, that excellence can be defined in merely academic terms without a corresponding concern for the kind of people we are. One of the first written statements of purpose for the University appears in the Olivet catalog of 1915: “We seek the strongest scholarship and the deepest piety, knowing that they are thoroughly compatible (and) . . . a Christian environment . . . where not only knowledge but character is sought.” Without virtue, without character development, without the education of the heart, knowledge is ultimately barren — it bears no lasting fruit.

Dr. John C. Bowling serves as the 12th president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s and two earned doctoral degrees, he is a best-selling author, a prominent national speaker and is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book, “Revision,” from Beacon Hill Press, provides “Thirteen Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization and Your Life.” 4


Character is not a garment to be taken up or laid aside depending upon the prevailing wind or the social climate. It is a person’s essential self which flows from the values, faith and commitments of the inner person. As Emerson noted, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” The most significant thing about one’s life is not what appears on an academic transcript or what can be seen from the outside looking in; the significant thing is what is on the inside — that which flows ever so surely to the surface through one’s actions and reactions. Character is to be understood as the integrated set of a person’s most fundamental attributes and tendencies. Moral perception, moral judgment, attitude formation, emotion, actions and reactions all blend to produce one’s character. Having a good character, therefore, involves integrity, honesty, patience, courage, kindness, generosity and a strong sense of personal responsibility. The world in which we live places great emphasis on the physical, intellectual and social development of individuals. How I wish that there was the same passion for character development. In the end, all education should seek to develop character, for without building a good character, it is impossible to build a truly successful life. The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, summed it up in three words: Character is destiny. One of the distinctive hallmarks of Olivet is that, in addition to providing exceptional academic, career and professional preparation, Olivet students are also given encouragement and guidance to assist them with character formation. We are concerned with who they are — as well as what they know. This emphasis helps ONU students develop a strong moral compass and a sense of confidence that propels them forward and holds them steady as they go. An Olivet education provides buoyancy and balance for life. Somewhere, years ago, I came across these words from the Prayer for Princeton; it is my prayer for Olivet as well: O eternal God, endow our university with grace and wisdom. Give inspiration to those who teach, understanding to those who learn, vision to its trustees and administrators, courage and loving service to those who bear her name. AMEN.



University President John C. Bowling



TOP COLLEGE AWARDS For the 10th year in a row, Olivet Nazarene University has been named as one of the “Best Colleges for 2015” by U.S. News & World Report. Students from around the world use this publication to inform their college decisions. In addition, the University has been honored as a “2014-2015 College of Distinction.” “We continue to witness success across campus in and out of the classroom,” says Dr. Brian Allen, vice president for institutional advancement. “These honors, which are given once a year, are recognitions of the quality education that occurs at Olivet every day.”






ALUMNI MILESTONES Olivet alumnus and Major League Baseball player Ben Zobrist is having quite the year. As the utility man for the Tampa Bay Rays, Ben got the 1000th hit of his career, was one of Olivet’s 2014 inductees into the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics’ Hall of Fame, and just recently saw his Olivet jersey retired at Homecoming. While experiencing success on the field, Ben and his wife, Julianna, who is a Christian singer, have also recently published “Double Play: Faith & Family First.” The book reveals the heart of a talented athlete whose focus on family and God has made him an “All-Star” on and off the field.





Students from the state of Michigan have made Olivet their home for years, and now Olivet is coming to their front door. The School of Graduate & Continuing Studies recently opened a location in Grand Ledge, Mich., just outside of Lansing. When combined with expansion sites in Indianapolis, Ind., Oakbrook, Ill. and Rolling Meadows, Ill., the physical footprint of Olivet's campus is expanding across the region. With 200 additional locations across Illinois, online education offered across 38 states, and an international presence in Hong Kong, Olivet continues to expand its global mission.

This fall brought another recordbreaking enrollment to Olivet Nazarene University. The largest freshman class in the University’s 107-year history arrived on campus in late August to much anticipation. These 780 students joined the Olivet community at a time when the University is experiencing a historically high retention rate, the second largest transfer class in Olivet’s history, and a School of Graduate and Continuing Studies that continues to see solid growth. 4,877 students from around the world are enrolled for the 2014-2015 school year. With enrollment up almost 300 students compared to last year, the Olivet community is witnessing its largest enrollment of all time. WWW.OLIVET.EDU



Missional service continues to be at the core of the Olivet experience. On Sept. 13, members of Olivet's swim team swam across Lake Michigan to raise money for Team World Vision’s clean water initiatives. These 14 swimmers, known as “Water 4 Water,” raised almost $20,000 to bring a lifetime of clean water to almost 400 people in Africa.

Olivet Nazarene University has received approval from the State of Illinois to offer an undergraduate major in Special Education. Extensive research was heavily involved in the establishment of this new program. Over 250 state and national standards were included in the development of this course of study, which state regulators unanimously approved. “This program was designed with excellence in mind,” says Dr. Robert Hull, dean of the School of Education. “It equips future educators with the knowledge they need to teach in a classroom across a variety of disabilities, and it empowers these men and women to live up to their calling.”

On Oct. 12, Olivet students, faculty and staff continued the mission by running the 2014 Chicago Marathon. Almost 75 people signed up to run on “Team Olivet” and raised more than $40,000 to bring water to another 800 people in need. For just $50, Olivet and World Vision continue to extend clean water to one person at a time.










Featuring videos, photo galleries, expanded articles, “The Classes” submission information and so much more!




With the purchase of 95.3 in Lansing, Mich., Shine.FM continues to expand its mission across the region. The new station is scheduled to go live Nov. 2014. “We are committed to come alongside churches and ministries to build a stronger Lansing by encouraging our audience to become difference makers in the community,” says General Manager Brian Utter. The new station will also launch their Christmas music programming to coincide with Lansing’s 30th annual Silver Bells in the City, and, in spring 2015, will partner with the Churches of Greater Lansing (COGL) and Love My City to expand their growing efforts to take the Church to the streets of Lansing.

The Olivet experience continues to reach well beyond campus as it sends almost 45 Preaching and Music Ambassadors to share The Gospel and lead worship throughout the Midwest. These young men and women are on course to minister to more than 240 congregations during the 2014-2015 academic year and to connect more than 14,000 congregants to Christ.

Alumna Jennifer Pfannerstill ’01 MAE (shown above with some of her students at North Shore Country Day School) was recently named the 20132014 Outstanding Biology Teacher for Illinois by the National Association of Biology Professionals. Jennifer is a graduate of Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, and her dedication to creatively teaching science through interactive student projects and modeling garnered her the accolades of her peers. Jennifer is also a volleyball coach and one of the writers of the AP Biology Exam, and this award recognizes the impact she has on the lives of students everyday.

Through the generous support of passionate donors, the next generation of pastors and worship leaders are honing their ministry skills with necessary program training and insightful feedback from local pastors. For more information about the preaching and music ambassador programs, contact the Office of Church Relations: churchrelations@olivet.edu


THROUGH THE FIRE In a chapel service in March 2014, Chaplain Mark Holcomb requested prayer and support for a student whose house had burned down. At the mention of her name, most of the student body looked around in alarm and wondered if there was someone else on campus named Somone. Somone Agers ’14, a beloved gospel choir singer and highly involved senior, had indeed lost almost everything she owned when the furnace in her home caught fire at the end of February. She and her family were in the process of moving, but their packed boxes never made it out.


“We were moving things little by little but it was a struggle because of the extreme cold,” she says. “Our lives were packed in boxes sitting in that house when it caught fire.” “The worst part was my room,” says Somone, whose closet contained the furnace. “We went back two days after the fire and I couldn’t recognize anything in my own house.” Somone says that she is usually more comfortable giving help than asking for it, and losing her possessions to a fire required her to humble herself. “I kept telling everyone, ‘I’ll be fine.’ But when I came back to school, I realized that I barely had anything. I needed a lot, but I couldn’t say it,” she admits. “When things got overwhelming is when I learned that it’s okay to ask for help,” Somone explains. “I had to tell myself, ‘Calm down; the Lord has sent some people to help you.’” After her life settled somewhat, Somone led an MIA trip to South Korea, and she is currently serving as an assistant resident director of Grand and Howe apartments. “I love it so much,” she says. “These girls are amazing and it gives me the opportunity to serve.” Somone thinks that the care she has for others is richer now that she knows how to receive it, as well. After such a great loss, “It’s okay to rely on others. God places people in our lives as he teaches us to rely on Him.” 10


Learn more about Somone and others at

ACCELERATED LEARNING Students can now graduate with a bachelor's in accounting and a master’s in business administration (MBA) in just five years. This accelerated 4+1 program allows accounting students to obtain the necessary hours required to sit for the CPA exam and earn an MBA in the process. The program is designed to ensure that students succeed by including a CPA review course, covering a portion of the master’s level coursework under the students’ undergraduate tuition, and offering reduced rates on the MBA to students with strong GPAs. This accelerated program is the first of its kind, and more will follow to ensure Olivet students continue to stand out in a competitive job market.





ENGINEERING SUCCESS ONU Engineering students achieved a 90 percent pass rate on the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE exam) for the 2013-2014 year, almost 15 percent above the national pass rate. By passing the FE exam, students begin to meet the requirements for becoming a Professional Engineer in the United States. Additionally, the Department of Engineering and the School of Graduate & Continuing Studies now offer a master of engineering management (MEM) degree, and the university will be adding undergraduate engineering degree concentrations in Fall 2015. With a 33 percent rise in enrollment from 2013 to 2014, Olivet engineering continues to see great success.

TOP-RANKED RUNNERS Olivet’s men’s and women’s Cross Country teams are both ranked in the top five nationally. Most notably, the men took first place at the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletic’s (NAIA) Championship Preview on October 11 in Lawrence, Kan. The men’s team had four finishers in the top 25 while competing against 30 other schools and 300 of the nation's best runners. The Tiger Cross Country teams continue to run towards the NAIA National Championship, which will be held back in Lawrence, Kan. on Nov. 22. Co-captain Marshall Hawn ’15 pictured above.




Olivet pays tribute to Ovid Young

The Olivet community lost one of the true greats this year with the passing of Dr. Ovid Young on August 24, 2014. A world-renowned musician, Olivet’s Artistin-Residence and alumnus will be remembered as a beloved performer, teacher, mentor and colleague. “The University, and our community at large, has lost a great man,” said Dr. John C. Bowling, University president. “Although he will be greatly missed, his legacy will live on, and his music will be performed for generations to come.” A gifted pianist, organist, composer and conductor, Dr. Young had to his credit more than 7,000 performances in major concert halls, churches and colleges around the world. He performed for audiences in virtually every sizable city in the United States, as well as in England, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Denmark, India and the Caribbean. Millions more witnessed his performances on television throughout the United States, Australia, Western Europe and the former Soviet

Union. In 2000, he was named a Steinway Artist and often said that one of his greatest artistic pleasures was playing Steinway pianos. On the evening of September 27, people traveled from far and wide to pay their final respects to Ovid Young, one of the finest and most celebrated musicians of his time. Backed by the University Orchestra and a mass choir, former collaborators Shirley Close, Robert Hale, Jane Holstein, Kay Welch, Stephen Nielson and Gerald Anderson took the stage to perform in celebration of his work. Complete with video footage of Ovid himself playing the piano and organ, as well as highlights from one of his last interviews, the concert commemorated not only Ovid the musician, but also the husband, father and friend. As Ovid Young was a man of the utmost character, we dedicate the “Character & Courage” issue of Olivet the Magazine to his life and legacy. Visit www.olivet.edu to watch the memorial concert.



CHARACTER AND COURAGE There is a life changing value added with an Olivet education. Olivet students not only experience exceptional academic preparation and advanced career development, but graduates also come away with an invaluable course in character and a fresh dose of courage to accomplish great things for good and for God.





Occasionally someone will catch me after class and ask, “How did it go?” It is a fair question, since we professors spend a lot of time and energy getting ready for every class we teach. Several hours of preparation precede each 50-minute class period I have with my students, and I know that my colleagues give as much as I do. Perhaps this is one of the many reasons why Olivet has earned the reputation as a university with an outstanding academic program. Exceptional academic preparation and strong career development are logical by-products of four years, eight semesters, or 128 credit hours of classes that have “gone well.” Sometimes, though, I wonder what it means for a class to “go well.” Does a class go well if a professor says everything he wanted to say, and if he also says

it well? From time to time, classes of mine that have seemed to go well according to these criteria have been followed by low test grades. Conversely, class periods that seemed to be uphill struggles for my students and me have been followed by insightful questions, deeper understanding, new connections, renewed confidence, fresh perspectives, and solid performances on tests. Still, I will also ask myself the very same question after every class period, at the end of every semester, and after every academic year: “How did it go?” My criteria for answering this question have changed for a couple of reasons. First, much of the content we discuss in class is available for free somewhere online. Second, knowledge we are currently disseminating in classes will eventually be replaced by new ways of understanding. As such, success in the classroom has to be more than the delivery of facts. Even if I said everything that I thought needed to be said, I cannot admit that a class went well if this is all that I did.

Dr. Kristian Veit is a leading young professor specializing in the behavioral sciences. As a member and frequent presenter of the American Psychological Association, his research interests include job satisfaction, attitudes, work-family conflict, and personality. With a Ph.D from Northern Illinois University, Dr. Veit has also served as a consultant for businesses and churches, using his skills in research and statistical data to compile and present valuable information. At Olivet, Veit’s dynamic teaching style energizes the classroom experience, most notably on topics including research, statistics, personality, social psychology, organizational psychology, and more.



Instead of making the delivery of facts the primary purpose in higher education, it is important that we also focus on the development of skills and abilities that are indispensable in graduate school, valued by employers, and essential to success in life. While facts might have a relatively short shelf-life, scientific literacy, critical thinking, communication skills, and the ability to relate to others will always be important. These are the skills that graduate schools and employers say that they want. However, many examples of inappropriate conduct over the past several years from leaders in sports, music, business, and government suggest that the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills and abilities is still not enough to prepare students for some of the very difficult tests that life can offer. Character counts, and the development of character in our students should also be considered when we come to the end of a class, a semester, or an academic year and ask ourselves, “How did it go?”

Character is revealed and refined by testing. This is true in life and in the classroom. At Olivet, we recognize this, and we value success in both arenas. This is why we believe that moral, spiritual, and character development is just as important as the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills and abilities. In sum, Olivet is not just exceptional academic preparation and career development. Our graduates also come away with valuable character development and a fresh dose of courage to accomplish great things for God. Evidence that we are succeeding in our mission is evidenced by many solid performances on tests both inside and outside of class. Are classes going well? We seem to think so!





Leadership can be both a rewarding experience and a challenging endeavor. It is rewarding for many reasons, including the opportunities to mentor and nurture others, guide proactive and positive change, and make a meaningful contribution with those whom we serve. Most significant, it is the opportunity to make a Kingdom difference through our interactions and actions. Effective leadership is grounded in and built upon the leader’s character. This character is ideally grounded in the values of integrity, service, humility, ethics, and altruism — all components of a Wesleyan view of servant leadership. It is the reflection of our Christ who taught us how to think, act, and serve.



Dr. Houston Thompson is an expert in leadership, in theory as well as in practice. In addition to being the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, he also serves as Dean of the School of Professional Studies and Director of the Doctor of Education in Ethical Leadership program in the ever-expanding School of Graduate & Continuing Studies. He recently authored the book “Conflict Management for Faith Leaders,” which was published in 2014 by Beacon Hill Press. Dr. Thompson holds a doctor of education, is ordained in the Church of the Nazarene, and is a licensed social worker in the state of Indiana. His breadth of knowledge and experience is an asset to the Olivet community and beyond.

In today’s society, this kind of leadership takes courage. It is not always easy to lead when the leader’s Christian character is seemingly countercultural to the world in which we live. There are different and changing worldviews. The values being purported in society do not always align with our Christian values. The ethics by which our society conducts business and makes decisions doesn’t always reflect the ethical position of the Christian leader. It is a challenging endeavor to be a Christian leader in today’s world.

There are times when the challenge of leadership calls the leader to intervene in a situation or circumstance that demands urgent and critical attention. Periodically, all leaders are faced with a conflicted situation, a difficult follower, or a major decision that may positively or negatively impact the organization. The easy path is the one of least resistance, of trying not to offend someone, hoping it will go away, or even giving mixed messages. While this feels safe, it is the pathway to the defamation of character.

Today's leadership demands courage: the kind of courage to lead when popular thought and trend flow against the principles of truth; the kind of courage to make the right decision regardless of the attitudes and paradigms of those we lead and who will be impacted; and the kind of courage to face controversy and lead the right way by doing the right thing. Leadership takes courage — even when the going gets tough.

The true character of a leader is a commitment and confidence in our God who gives us strength to do all things through Him. He is our rock, our stronghold, and our shield. We can ask Him for the wisdom to guide and direct our thinking and actions. When the going gets tough, authentic leaders find the inner strength and courage to lead with the integrity, ethics, and wisdom of a character grounded in Godly confidence and courage.

When the going gets tough, the leader is challenged with having the courage to hold steady to the values that underlie Christian character. In today’s worldly environment, it is easier than ever to compromise, rationalize, and justify our attitudes and actions. The courageous leader will recognize and own the responsibility to stay the course. The courageous leader will be committed to upholding a Christian character in spite of the shifting winds of secularism. Courageous leaders take their stand with Christ and lead from a heart transformed by the grace of God through Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit.

I am thankful that this is the kind of leadership taught, modeled, and experienced at Olivet Nazarene University. Students have the opportunity to learn in an academic environment where this is the ethos. Students are exposed to the best practices of their discipline grounded in a Biblical worldview. The Olivet learning environment is the building of a character that reflects Christ and leads to a lifetime of authentic and courageous service ­— even when the going gets tough.



CAMILO GIRALDO ‘14 What would you give? It was just another mealtime in Ludwig Center. Or so Camilo Giraldo ’14, an engineering major from Medellin, Columbia, thought. His girlfriend, Katelynn Soendlin ’15, noticed a booth in the hallway: Bone Marrow Registry. “Katelynn said to me: ‘Let’s do this. We could be saving lives,’” Camilo recalls. “I’m not even eligible to donate blood because I travel outside the U.S. How would I be allowed to give bone marrow?” That was spring 2013. “Donating stem cells from the bone marrow is a beautiful idea, as well as a scientific reality,” says Dr. Mike Pyle, biology professor and sponsor of the registry program on campus. “In most cases, blood is taken from one arm and returned to the other arm, minus some stem cells. It’s a relatively simple way to extend life for a child of God who is in the grip of a deadly disease.” In March 2014, the call came: Camilo was a possible bone marrow donor for a female newborn. “My first reaction was: ‘Me? I’m not even from the same country as this little girl!’” he recalls. “What were the odds?”


In early May, a blood draw was needed to check Camilo’s genetic compatibility. “The technician drew about ten tubes of blood from me,” he says. “I was just hoping I wouldn’t pass out. It was dramatic to see that much blood leaving my body.” Camilo graduated from Olivet on May 10 and began his work designing and teaching labs for Olivet’s Department of Engineering. In late May, he learned that he was the best match for the girl and that, unlike most donors, he would need a minor surgical procedure to donate. “I said okay,” he recalls. “As soon as I hung up, I thought, What have I signed up for?” After some delays, the surgery was scheduled for Thursday, July 17. “That was the first surgery I’d ever had, except for getting my tonsils removed when I was three years old,” Camilo says. “The surgeon was going inside my bone. How was that even done? I was nervous about what would happen to me and what the recovery would be like. But I knew I wouldn’t back out. I wouldn’t let this girl die.” Camilo had the surgery in Chicago. The only request from his parents in Columbia was that he take a Spanishspeaking person with him so they could receive all the news in Spanish. He asked Spencer Cook ’10/’12 MOL, who is fluent in Spanish, to go with him for transportation and support.



From arriving at the medical center to returning to campus, the entire task took 12 hours. Friends took care of him for the first two days following the surgery, and he was back at work on Monday. Now, the team in Chicago checks with him each week to see how he is doing. “Everything is going perfectly for me,” Camilo says. “After a year, the doctors will know if her body has accepted it. I can meet her then, if her family agrees.” “Doing this isn’t a source of pride,” he adds. “This was my responsibility, my duty.”

ALENA CHRISTOPHERSON ‘18 Alena Christopherson grew up dancing, and she credits her dance studio as being a positive influence on her life. When this avid dancer entered her freshman year of high school, she began experiencing pain in her knees and feet. The diagnosis was a rare form of arthritis. “The pain had spread to my entire body,” notes Alena. “The original diagnosis wasn’t adding up, but they didn’t know what was attacking my body.” Many doctors consulted on her case, and eventually some tests found scoliosis, bone spires, and disc disintegration on her spine. She became housebound and missed months of school, along with sports, Homecoming celebrations, and interactions with friends. “I missed so many little things that meant so much,” Alena says, “and I grew bitter…so bitter. My heart became cold. I could not understand why God was doing this to me.” In her darkest moments, Alena rejected encouragement and prayers, despite her terrible physical and emotional pain. “One night I hit rock bottom,” she relates. “I couldn’t do it on my own anymore. I surrendered myself to the Lord. All of it: the pain, the unanswered questions, the fears, the struggles.” Even though the pain did not recede, she experienced a transformative peace. For the next several months, Alena endured a stroke, more misdiagnoses, a seizure-like episode, and the eventual news that no one could correctly diagnose her condition. She clung to God during this time of uncertainty. When Alena was a senior in high school she visited Olivet and fell in love with the Christ-centered atmosphere. She is majoring in Elementary Education and dreams of teaching at the kindergarten to third grade level. Alena could also see herself working for Compassion International, building on the work she is doing now as an ambassador for their division Create Compassion. Alena still deals with the painful effects of her mystery ailment and has accepted that she may not have answers and might always experience challenges. She has both good and bad days, and she continues to dance as both a form of worship and as a form of healing.

“I can experience God in a whole new way and use my gift to give back to Him,” she says of dancing. “It’s unlike anything else to fully be submerged in the music, moving for God.” “It doesn’t take away the pain, but for a short period of time, I am lost in the dance with my Savior. And that is worth any pain.”

HANNAH REISTER ‘16 When people tell Hannah Reister ’16, a junior from Mason, Mich., that she is inspirational, she deflects the praise. “People go through the things that they have to go through,” she says. “What matters is how they handle it. This was God’s plan; not mine.” Hannah beat cancer right before she came to Olivet, much to the surprise of people who meet her today. “They usually don’t believe it,” she laughs. In reality, though, the blonde marketing major didn’t have hair at her senior prom. “I was diagnosed on February 10, 2012,” Hannah remembers. “That date is very meaningful.” As a high school senior preparing for the effects of chemo treatments, she cut off 12 inches of her hair and donated it. She made an even harder decision in the midst of treatment when she started waking up in the mornings to a pillow covered in hair. “We’re shaving it all off now,” Hannah told her parents. Battling cancer threatened her classes and her athleticism, too, but she says that her hair was a security blanket. “I went to prom, graduated, and went to freshman orientation at Olivet without any hair,” she says. “Emotionally, losing my hair was one of the toughest things. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a sick kid.” Hannah says that the Lord and her community were reliable sources of strength and support. “I had to learn to be vulnerable,” she admits. “Through this experience, the Lord made me moldable. I grew more in six months than I had in the rest of my entire life.” On the day she was diagnosed, her head oncologist sang to her the hymn “Count Your Blessings,” and Hannah has never stopped heeding those words. “I look at this experience as one of God’s most creative blessings in my life,” she says. July 2014 marked two years of Hannah being cancer-free, and today at Olivet she can be found playing outside hitter on the varsity volleyball team with beautiful blonde hair that flows past her shoulders.





Dr. Mark Quanstrom, a nationally renowned theologian and scholar, serves as senior pastor of College Church of the Nazarene University Avenue, and a full professor of theology and philosophy at Olivet. A 1977 graduate of Olivet, he also holds degrees from Nazarene Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from St. Louis University. Mark recently completed his second book, “From Grace to Grace,” published by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, and he was the recipient of the 2012 ministerial “O” award.

In my personal dictionary, the word “courage” is defined by the name Grace Pelley. Grace is from Ohio and is a sophomore at Olivet majoring in English. She lives in a dormitory on campus and eats her meals in the cafeteria, as do most of the other students. She is a typical college student in that she enjoys being on her own, likes most of her classes and enjoys being with her friends. She faithfully attends College Church of the Nazarene on Sundays, and that is where I first met her.

“I don’t think people realize how much God has done to help them.” She said, “I have beaten so many odds, I couldn’t have done that on my own.” Now I do not know if she knew this, but what she gave in that short answer is the Christian definition of courage. Courage is not simply the inner strength or fortitude to confront challenges. Courage is not being able to summon up the will to overcome fear. For Christians, courage is directly related to faith. The ability to be

For Christians, courage comes from the faith that God is with us. With such faith then, the courage to overcome fear and confront challenges is a possibility for everyone, every day. Why is her name the definition of courage in my personal dictionary? Because she is your typical college student except for one thing: she has cerebral palsy caused by a stroke due to a difficult birth. She is able to walk but only arduously with crutches. She is unable to feed herself or do the other tasks most of us take for granted. Four other young women at Olivet assist her in getting ready for her day, help her with her meals, take notes in her classes, and write papers as she dictates them. She has difficulty talking, but with much effort, can be understood. I sat across from her at a table in the Red Room when I asked her permission to write about her. I asked her to help me understand what gave her the courage to do what she is doing. I mentioned that many other young people would not attempt to come to Olivet, live in a dorm, eat in the cafeteria and go to class while suffering from such a severe disability. The answer she gave is the reason why she is my definition of courage.

courageous comes from the confidence that God is our Strength and Help. The call for courage in the Bible is always accompanied with the promise that God will be with us. To cite just one example, when Moses called on the children of Israel to enter into the Promised Land, he said, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6) For Christians, courage comes from the faith that God is with us. With such faith then, the courage to overcome fear and confront challenges is a possibility for everyone, every day. Grace Pelley is the definition of courage in my dictionary, precisely because she knows Who is her Strength and Help. The courage she illustrates everyday on Olivet’s campus comes from her knowing, “I couldn’t have done that on my own.”





In any given week, it is rare to encounter a New York Times bestselling author, a legendary Disney animator, or a presidential speechwriter. But not at Olivet. “We work hard to bring in speakers of the highest caliber,” says Nancy Dodd. “It’s exciting to watch each week as a different speaker connects with a different segment of our student population. The constant variety keeps things interesting!” To kick off the year, New York Times bestselling author (Jesus>Religion) and nationally renowned speaker Jefferson Bethke joined the Olivet community for two consecutive chapel services. Bethke, whose rise to nationwide recognition began from his popular spoken-word videos on YouTube, challenged the Olivet community through his engaging speaking style and spent time getting to know the student body for hours after each service.



INTERVIEW Jefferson Bethke sat down with us to discuss the topics of character and courage. The following are some excerpts from the interview: What is character? The best way I’ve heard it explained is that character is what drives you when no one is looking.

How important is it to have courage as a Christian today?

I think courage is very important but I think we have to make sure we define it. I would say it's this really humble boldness — kind of this lion and lamb concept. We have to be winsome, and live by the Spirit.

How would you encourage young people to make a difference where they are? A lot of people think that young people can’t make a difference until they get older, but I think that's a dangerous line of thought. It’s easy to always use that as an excuse, like “when I’m 40, I’ll do that,” or “when I’m 50 I’ll get around to it,” and so on.

What advice do you have for college students today? The years from 18 to 22 are some of the most transformative years of your life. I would say, just recognize the weight of that; this isn’t a playground, or a time to just be crazy. You’re living in a context you will never live in again — living two feet away from thousands of other people who are doing the exact same thing as you and you’re all here for the same reasons. Take advantage of that.

Visit www.olivetthemagazine.com to watch the full interview. WWW.OLIVET.EDU


olivetthemagazine.com Expanded stories and video features await you online.







Welcoming crisp mornings and earlier sunsets, the Olivet campus eagerly embraces the Fall season. With the promise of hot cider, hayrides and Homecoming, students, staff and faculty alike can be found snapping selfies amidst the beautiful changing campus colors.

Photos by Wes Taylor

[ Brenda ]



A thousand new students converge on campus — each bringing his or her own story and experience to the Olivet community

WE BELIEVE These new freshmen and transfers have a common bond — they come with hopes, dreams and opportunities. With the world before them, they arrive at this moment, possessing unique personality and strength. Each has prepared for this moment, and their stories demonstrate the depth, character and exceptionalism that define the students of Olivet Nazarene University.



[ Brenda ]

“What if I make the wrong decision? Will I learn what I need to know to get a job? How will I pay for this?” Like every high school senior living in Aurora, Ill., Brenda Norman-Campbell was balancing a variety of emotions. She was looking for a school with strong academics, vibrant student life, and rich faith. While at the same time, worries about fitting in, making new friends, paying for college, and getting a job consumed her thoughts. “I began to fill out applications for different universities, and Olivet happened to be one of them,” Brenda explains. Having several choices made the decision even more difficult for her, but as she began to visit different campuses she realized what mattered most. “I felt God’s presence very strongly as I walked around the campus,” Brenda explains. As she met with professors, explored campus, and spoke with her admissions counselor, everything began to fall into place. “Despite all of my concerns, God made a way for me to come to Olivet,” she adds.“This process has helped me understand that God has an amazing plan for my life.” [ Rachel & Jessica ]

“I don’t think I’m going to miss home because I kind of brought home with me,” Jessica Grimmett says as she smiles at her twin, Rachel.

build each other up and encourage each other’s leadership skills “We are individuals, but we can work together. We definitely are different and have different strengths and traits,” Rachel says. Rachel is a business major, and Jessica is undecided on a major. Both know that someday, they want to make a difference. And they believe that Olivet can help them accomplish that dream. [ Aaron ]

Incredibly difficult work, deferred dreams, and lots of prayer made the difference for Aaron Hartke of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in his journey to Olivet. His work to live the dream of being an Olivetian included a paid Computer Software Engineering internship through Rockwell Collins, as well as a full-ride scholarship to his local community college. During his first semester of college, he learned some valuable lessons. “I realized that my study habits and my attitude toward school had to change,” says Aaron. He raised his grades while continuing to work part-time during the school year and full-time during the summer. And he kept his eye on his goals: saving money, attending medical school, and remaining debt-free. This past summer Olivet still seemed out of his reach. His parents encouraged him to continue

After doing research on different universities, the twins from St. Louis decided to visit Olivet. Jessica wasn’t sure initially, but when one of the pre-med professors prayed with their family during a meeting, she was convinced that it was the right school for her. “God worked, and now we’re here,” Rachel says. These freshmen haven’t been strangers on campus. Already they have taken on leadership roles for their class. They were directors for the Ollies Follies Variety Show. With encouragement from an admissions counselor, they both now serve their class on the Associated Student Council. Rachel is class president, and Jessica is freshman class representative. Together, they

[ Rachel & Jessica ]

[ Aaron ] 32


praying and searching, and his admissions counselors worked to make a way possible. Aaron struggled with trusting God to make a way, but he says, “It wasn’t until I totally surrendered the decision to The Lord that He changed everything.” Scheduling, financial, and housing issues resolved themselves, and three weeks before classes started, Aaron found himself preparing to come to Olivet. Aaron is now juggling a large and challenging course load and leans on God daily for strength and guidance. Because of his diverse work and schooling background, Aaron has options for the future. He says, “My ultimate dream is to attend medical school and use my engineering education as well. I am grateful that Olivet is a part of making that dream a reality.” [ Taylor ]

Taylor Coble wanted a school with a good engineering program and a Christian atmosphere, but he also wanted to be close to home and make a smart financial decision. He narrowed his options to Kansas State and Olivet. “I struggled with it because Kansas State was close to home,” Taylor says. But when he received his financial aid award letter, he saw that he was being offered scholarships that made Olivet possible.

He settled on an engineering major with a concentration in electrical engineering, but thought about changing to some type of ministry degree. Dr. Shane Ritter, chair of the engineering department, encouraged Taylor to stay with engineering. At Olivet, the engineering department values both engineering and missions. This seems to be just what Taylor was needing in order to accomplish his goal. He wants to be an engineer who directly works with people. He’s already involved in the Urban Children’s Ministry at Olivet and sees all the opportunities available to him as a way for him to grow. “Olivet encourages us to have a Christian mindset in our daily lives,” said Taylor. “I could go out and just do my job, or I could go out and just do ministry — we’re called to do both at the same time.” [ Morgan ]

Morgan Shride is continuing her family’s Olivet legacy. She is one of 37 in her family who holds the title “Olivetian.” With an impressive GPA and a score of 30 on her ACT, Morgan was accepted into the Honors Program and has big goals for her life. “I want to do nonprofit work,” she says. “I want to make a difference and see that difference.” Her heart for volunteer work goes hand in hand with those dreams. In high school she did a lot of volunteer work, such as helping out with blood drives, Christmas caroling at a nursing home, and helping with the children’s musical at her church. “With all of the opportunities at Olivet to meet people, plug into organizations and network, I’m forming a basis to go out and make a difference that is huge,” she says. Even though 36 other family members have graduated from Olivet, she foresees her journey to be her own, preparing her to make a difference in this world.

[ Taylor ] [ Morgan ]





MJ Green (’17) turns down field on Olivet’s newly renovated athletic turf. This state of the art playing surface is just one of the many improvements students in football, soccer, and marching band enjoy at beautiful Ward Field.















a Commitment to Success




In recognition of a life dedicated to empowering others in their careers, the family of Dr. David L. Elwood ’55 has made a gift in his honor to expand and strengthen Olivet’s Center for Student Success, as well as to coordinate and strengthen various leadership efforts in the new Elwood Leadership Program.

Dr. Elwood and his son Mark founded Elwood Staffing 34 years ago. Today the company employs nearly 1,000 people at 250 locations across the United States and Canada and connects tens of thousands of people with almost 6,000 employers each day. “David Elwood represents what we celebrate as an Olivet community,” says Dr. John C. Bowling, president of Olivet Nazarene University. “His life reminds us that success is not just about the bottom line. Mostly importantly, it’s about a life of service, faithfulness, family, and achieving a higher purpose.”

Photos by Mark Ballogg and Jason Jones





REED HALL OF SCIENCE Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) are growing twice as fast as others and boast incomes twice the national average for college graduates. With a record number of STEM students enrolled, Olivet keeps its eyes on the future by opening the first of two expansions to Reed Hall of Science.






ENGINEERING SUCCESS To claim that Olivet has seen success in the STEM fields would be an understatement. Over the past two years, Olivet’s ABET-accredited Engineering program has doubled in size and has sent recent graduates to Ford, Otterbox, and General Electric, to name a few. The success of Olivet engineers is built on more than two decades of steady growth, which led to the design and construction of almost 30,000 square feet of new and renovated engineering space. This state-of-the-art facility opened for class this fall and contains research laboratories, an engineering design studio, and high-tech 3D printers that allow students to prototype design ideas and produce usable parts for major projects. The new expansion also includes an Engineering Technology Center, which bears the name of the late Dr. Kenneth Johnson, former chair of the department and visionary for the new expansion. Thanks to his leadership, Olivet engineering students are honing their skills in a world-class facility. A few of its highlights include a 10-ton hydraulic press, a 480-volt top-loading kiln, and the latest in welding technology. When all this is combined with a FANUC robotic arm, which provides experience in industrial manufacturing, and an additive manufacturing lab that allows for the design and manufacture of printed circuit boards, current students have the resources to continue to succeed as Olivet engineers have for almost 25 years. “Our students have a track record of excellence in and out of the classroom,” says Dr. Shane Ritter, Engineering chair. “With this facility and top-notch faculty, our engineers will continue testing well above the national average on the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and find careers with major corporations.”



PROVEN RESULTS Engineering is not the only STEM field experiencing success at Olivet. Enrollment for Mathematics has grown 54 percent and 33 percent for Chemistry over the last five years. “Between the academic caliber of our science, technology and math programs, and the results are graduates are seeing after Olivet, we continue to experience strong growth across these programs,” says Dr. Dennis Crocker, vice president for Academic Affairs. But growth is just half the story. Over the past two years, 84 percent of graduating Biology and Chemistry students had a job, were accepted to graduate school, or had a pending opportunity prior to graduation. Recent graduates are studying Genetics at Yale University, Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Medicine at Michigan State University. In addition, this past year computer science students ranked in the top fifteen percent worldwide at the Association for Computing Machinery’s international programming contest, competing alongside universities such as the University of Chicago, Vanderbilt University, and Northwestern University. With a history of excellence across STEM programs and an awareness that eight of the top ten jobs over the next decade are in STEM fields, Olivet continues to strategically empower students for success through world-class facilities and expert faculty.










With more than 300 students involved in choral and instrumental ensembles, Olivet has built one of the finest Schools of Music in the country. Skilled faculty members prepare young men and women for careers in music performance, education, pedagogy and composition.


With a strong emphasis on scholarship, character and athleticism, members of Olivet’s ROTC Roaring Tiger Battalion are prepared to lead in any circumstance. Through extensive training and the opportunity for a full scholarship at Olivet, cadets are well positioned for lives of service in a multitude of vocations after graduation.

For more information about ROTC and scholarship opportunities, contact Roaring Tiger Battalion rotc@olivet.edu 815-928-5496




His grandfather, Jim Paxson Sr., played for the Minneapolis Lakers. John Paxson, his father, won three NBA Championships with Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls and now serves as their executive vice president of basketball operations. So it wasn’t a surprise that Ryan Paxson ’08 would be involved in the sport. As a college student at Olivet, he added to the success of the Tiger’s basketball team. But in 2008, he felt the conviction to do something greater than himself: join the Marine Corps and serve his country. “I was 21 years old, and I saw that there were two wars going on. Even though I was pretty naive about what that entailed, I always admired those guys who were going to war,” Ryan says. Ryan started his journey and learned very quickly that his decision would require courage. His first act of courage was leaving the comfort of home and going to boot camp. “Once you step outside of your comfort zone and you’re doing something you really feel passionate about that’s greater than you, that’s where you can find what’s really important to you and your life,” he says. Ryan has served in Virginia, Japan, Korea and Afghanistan. Now, he is a sergeant with the military police and supports the President of the United States with the Marine Corps Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1). Looking back, Ryan finds that his time at Olivet was vital to developing the courage he needed for the Marines. “Olivet was the first place that I really branched out away from home. My first stepping-stone to being independent that really helped me prepare for the Marines,” says Ryan. Gary Griffin, Olivet’s Director of Alumni and University Relations, speaks highly of Ryan. “Ryan felt about his service to his country like he did about being a basketball player. He has always deflected attention from himself to those — his teammates and soldiers — around him. He is a humble guy who felt he needed to pay his dues in life and chose to do so by serving,” says Gary. Ryan shares a quote by Corporal Kyle Carpenter, the youngest living Medal of Honor recipient, which he feels is indicative of his military experience: “Appreciate the small and simple things, be kind and help others, let the ones you love always know you love them and when things get hard, trust there is a bigger plan and that you will be stronger for it.”



Frontman Jon Foreman sings out to a packed house at the recent Switchfoot concert in Centennial Chapel. Following the show, Foreman played an exclusive outdoor acoustic set for a large crowd of Shine.FM listeners and fans. For more on Switchfoot, visit olivetthemagazine.com.



Life at Olivet explodes in full color as over 800 students, faculty, and staff stormed through campus in the first annual Rec City Color Run. The event kicked off with Zumba en masse and crossed the finish line into a rave of color that made for great photos with friends.




HAVE YOU ALWAYS PLAYED THE BASS? I began with the piano at a very young age, then picked flute for band, and picked up the bass for jazz in 7th grade. After a few years playing electric bass, I was given an upright by my band director, now my co-worker. I was not happy at first. It was so much bigger than me and very hard to transport! Looking back, I am thrilled that I stuck with it! Bassists who play both electric and upright are much more marketable and get more gigs.



TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE TRAVELING. In 2011, I received a Lilly Teacher Creativity Grant to travel to New York City and New Orleans for the summer. I got to meet Paul Shaffer, Esperanza Spalding, play onstage with Charmaine Neville in NOLA’s Snug Harbor, play bass and talk jazz pedagogy at Jazz@Lincoln Center. I had a bass lesson with Carlos Henriquez over dinner, and got to chat about jazz education with Wynton Marsalis in his living room. I learned how his own dedication to jazz education has given my career weight, meaning, and purpose.

OKAY, THIS ONE’S FOR THE JAZZ FANS: JACO PASTORIUS, CHARLES MINGUS OR STANLEY CLARKE? The answer is yes. Recently I played “The Chicken” with the Nickel Plate Big Band, so I have spent more time with Jaco as of late. I heard Stanley Clarke play at the Indy Jazz Fest a few years ago with George Duke, and had the privilege of seeing Jaco’s son, Felix play with Jeff Coffin at a local school. He looks so much like his dad, and just plays bass beautifully. It was like watching Jaco at the peak of his career.

Then in 2013, I was able to take my jazz students from Noblesville, Indiana to Jazz@Lincoln Center to perform and hear a concert. Watching my students light up and smile, and their jaws drop in awe over this music — the music I’d dedicated my career to sharing with them — overlooking the NYC skyline was overwhelming. I just sat with tears in my eyes, my heart so big it could’ve burst.

ANYONE WHO HAS HEARD YOU PLAY KNOWS THAT YOU’RE A SKILLED IMPROVISER. WHAT’S THE KEY TO KEEPING A COMBO ON THE RIGHT TRACK? I always start with laying down the groove, finding the pocket, making sure I’m with the drummer. As soon as the groove is established, it’s then a really fun game of supporting and playing off of the other players. I’m always a bit on edge when subbing, since I’m not familiar with the tendencies of the players, but somehow by the end of the gig, through listening and watching, it’s as if I’ve played with the players for years. Pure magic.

ASIDE FROM TEACHING, DO YOU GET OPPORTUNITIES TO PLAY? I’m currently playing bass for Nickel Plate Jazz, Blue Dorian Jazz, Sarah Scharbrough, and my local church. I also get to sub for many groups in the area, and will play all jazz versions of Led Zeppelin songs with an upcoming gig. FAVORITE GIGS? My favorite gigs so far have included the Indy Jazz Fest (where I met Kurt Elling who also played that day), Indianapolis Jazz Kitchen, Heartland Film Festival, Indy Zoo for their black-tie gala, Hilbert Circle Theater, and playing bass in a featured band on an episode of the Emmy-winning “Artrageous with Nate.” COOLEST MOMENT SO FAR? When I began teaching jazz, I had one small band. Now, it’s three full audition-only big bands, and a strong combo program. As the program grew in quantity and quality, I now have local and national artists contacting me to come in to give master classes and concerts. Most recently, Josh Kaufman (winner of NBC’s “The Voice”) came to perform for our students as a part of the Indy Jazz Fest, and I was able to put a back-up band together for him.

A JAZZ MUSICIAN NEVER STOPS LEARNING. WHO’S ON YOUR PLAYLIST? My playlist is usually packed with songs I’m trying to learn for gigs. Beyond those tunes, I am currently loving Roy Hargrove, Nancy Wilson, Mark Ronson, Jonny Lang, Haim, and Bill Withers. Not all jazz, but it all influences everything I do. IF YOU COULD RELIVE ANY OLIVET MOMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Traveling in an ONU Ministry Team (PRAIZE) was easily the highlight of my Olivet experience. Playing music, spending those summers and weekends throughout the year hanging with teenagers, and sharing our love of music and faith was a huge part of how I landed at this place in my journey. I still am loving music and faith, and still sharing with the students I have the privilege to learn alongside each day.

WHERE DID YOUR LOVE OF MUSIC COME FROM? Both of my parents are musicians. Mom plays piano and directs a church choir, and my dad plays bass. I can remember coming home from school and just sitting for hours with the stereo cranked up, listening to dadinfluenced music like Chicago and Toto, learning the bass lines.



12th Annual

WINTER GOLF OUTING Feb. 25 – March 1, 2015 Orlando, Florida Thursday, Feb. 26 36 holes – Disney’s Palm and Magnolia courses

Friday, Feb. 27

36 holes – Falcon’s Fire and Hawk’s Landing

Saturday, Feb. 28

For information or to make reservations for a foursome or individual golfer, please email Jeff Domagalski at jdomagal@olivet.edu or call 815-928-5455.

36 holes – Orange County National’s Panther Lake and Crooked Cat



D A T E !

Ladies Day 2




Saturday, April 11 featuring

Patsy Clairmont Ladies Day is held in Centennial Chapel on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University


from where from where

you are you are to where you

will will to where you

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION IN ETHICAL LEADERSHIP We believe there are no limits to ethical leaders. We believe ethical leaders have a positive impact in business and community. DOCTOR OF EDUCATION IN ETHICAL LEADERSHIP

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Today, Tomorrow,

Your financial support enables the next generation of Olivetians to make an impact in their workplaces, homes, churches and communities. Together, our reach spans the globe. Learn more about how you can further your family’s financial planning while supporting Olivet’s mission. Contact our stewardship experts in the Office of Development.

815-939-5171 · development@olivet.edu Friends of Olivet Annual Giving · Planned Giving · Life Income Gifts · Endowments



What’s new with you? Submit news, upload photos and learn more about submission guidelines for “The Classes” at www.olivetthemagazine.com.





Idella (Liskey) Edwards ’61 has published a

new book. “Look at the Birds” is a bird’s eye view of the lessons God attempts to teach each of us through nature. Join Idella as she uses the wisdom of birds to discover the rhythm of God’s grace. Marvel with her over God’s creative genius as you view more than 150 original color photographs. This book can be used for personal devotions or as a group study. It is available on Amazon.com in both paperback and hardback.

Professional Accomplishments, Weddings, Births and Adoptions

and she is the only one of their children to earn a four-year degree. In 1997, she earned her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from Olivet. In 2003, she earned National Board Certification plus 17 credit hours in education. After retiring from Kankakee School District 111, she was an adjunct professor in Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies (SGCS). Then in 2011, she earned her Reading Teacher Certification from ONU. She continues teaching reading part-time at King Middle School in Kankakee.



Award for his oil painting, “Stacked,” exhibited at The LaFontaine Arts Council Regional Fine Arts Show held in August at Huntington University in Huntington, Ind. Subject of the painting is the Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach, Ore. He is retired after a career in journalism and resides in Fort Wayne, Ind.

KTIS, named the major market station of the year by the Christian Music Broadcasters. This award was announced in September. KTIS is at 98.5 in St. Paul, Minn. Congratulations, Jason and team!

Jerry Hertenstein ’70 received the Judge’s


Kerry Mumma ’88 has been hired by the

Homestead Spartans in Fort Wayne, Ind., to coach the girls tennis team for the spring 2015 season. Kerry coached Cantergury boys basketball for 16 years, and has assisted Jerry Gerig with the Cavaliers boys and girls tennis teams for the last six years. He works for First Merit Bank of Akron, Ohio. He played tennis for ONU while a student.


Sherion Reece-Gust ’89 recently wrote and self-published an ebook about her childhood: “Growing up in the Ozarks; Stories of Fourteen Kids Plus Two Parents.” Her parents had 14 children,



B Jason Sharp ’93 is general manager of

Chris Walker ’93 recently earned his Ph.D.

in history from Purdue University. He is currently associate professor of history and history department coordinator in the College of Adult & Professional Studies at Indiana Wesleyan University. He and his wife, Lisa, and their two children, Sarah and Julia, reside in Whitestown, Ind.


C Julie Roat-Abla ’97 and Evan Abla rejoice

in the adoption of Heaven Amelia, 8, Faith Evelyn, 6, and Danielle Grayleigh, 5, on August 1, 2014. Julia is the pastor of State Road United Methodist Church in Germantown, Ohio. Evan is the director of development at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. They reside in Dayton.


D Kimberly (Rector) ’99 and Emmanuel Sangar

were married on October 26, 2013, on Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota, Fla. Kimberly is a registered nurse in a cardiology office, and Emmanuel is an Account Executive for Windstream Solutions. They reside in Fishers, Ind.


E Adam ‘01 and Kristin (Amato) ’05 Asher

welcomed Lincoln Andrew into the world on November 19, 2013. Their son, David, 4, is a proud big brother. Adam is the executive director of enrollment at Trinity Christian College. Kristin enjoys staying home with their two boys. They reside in Manteno, Ill.


F Tom ’03/’10 and Jessica Middendorf

are the proud parents of a boy, Asher Thomas, born August 4, 2014. Asher joins big sister Marley, 3. Tom is the associate vice president for academic services at Trevecca Nazarene University. Jessica works part time in the School of Education at Trevecca. The family resides in Mt. Juliet, Tenn.


G Robert ’04 and Kelly (Carpenter) ’05 Gibson

welcomed a boy, George Gordon, on June 1, 2014. He joins sisters, Leyna, 6, and Sally, 4, and brother, Paul, 2. Rob is a therapist at Aurora Mental Health Center in Aurora, Colo. Kelly stays home with their children. They reside in Thornton, Colo.




eighth annual reunion in Broomfield, Colo., in June.

deputy director for the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods in Baltimore, Md. Alli brings a plethora of experience in the political and educational arenas. Most recently, she served as campaign manager for State Senator Bill Ferguson. She is a former teacher for Teach for America Corps, where she served as an elementary school teacher in Baltimore City Public Schools and also served as an organizer for Obama for America, among other accomplishments. She holds a master’s degree in teaching from John Hopkins University, and a bachelor of science degree in international business and political science from Olivet.

U.S. Navy’s Office Candidate School in Newport, RI, on April 25, 2014. He was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Navy. He is currently in flight school in Pensacola, Fla.

H Friends from the class of 2005 held their


I Rob ’06 and Nicole (Baty) ’06 Starkey are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Sarah Ann, born on February 24, 2014. Rob is an area manager with RiteWay Services, and Nicole is a program manager with Harmon Sign. They reside in Royal Oak, Mich.


J Ryan and Briana (Smith) ’07 Flannery are

proud to announce the birth of their son, Logan Alexander, born April 4, 2014. Ryan is a program representative for IDES, and Briana is a stay-at-home mom. They reside in Atlanta, Ill.

1) Aaron ’07 and Julie (Bentley) ’06 Gall would like to introduce their daughter, Elizabeth Anne Gall, born July 18, 2014. Aaron is a children’s pastor at Joliet First Church of the Nazarene, and Julie is a quality control chemist at Solvay. They reside in Joliet, Ill.


Molly Franken ’08 is the winner of the 2014 The First Look Screenplay Contest. The winner was announced at the DePaul Premiere Film Festival in June. She has also completed her M.F.A. degree this year at DePaul University, Chicago, where she currently works.

1! Susan (Nowak) ’08 and Tage Klint were married on November 30, 2013, in Wilmette, Ill. Susan is a paraprofessional at Niles West High School, and Tage is a consultant for Tata Consultancy Services. They reside in Glenview, Ill.

Alexandra Smith ’09 has been named


1@ Courtney (Spagnoli) ’10 and Michael Zoril

are proud parents of a baby boy, Thomas Albert Zoril. Thomas entered this world on July 11, 2014, 9 lbs., 1 oz., 21 inches long. Courtney is a preschool teacher in the Rockford School District, and Mike is a senior finance analyst at Pentair in Delavan, Wisc. They reside in Beloit, Wisc.

1# Elizabeth Hiatt ’10 graduated from

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in May and is now doing her residency in Milwaukee, Wisc. While a student at Olivet, she traveled with The Olivetians and worked as a teaching assistant for the biological sciences department. In the photo with her are Thomas Hiatt ’82, Sharon (Aumiller) Hiatt ’79 and Anna Hiatt, who attended in 2011.

1$ Craig Pierce ’13 graduated from the

Ross Johnson ’13 recently joined the ranks of the Indiana State Police after graduating from the State Police Academy in Plainfield, Ind. Trooper Johnson completed over 917 hours of structured training and three months of field training. He received his patrol car on August 18 in Indianapolis. He will patrol Dubois County and is stationed out of the Jasper State Police post in Jasper, Ind.

1% Chad ’13 and Emily (Leffew) ’14 McDaniel

were married on July 5, 2014, in her hometown of Valparaiso, Ind. They reside in Bourbonnais where they both are teachers. Their wedding party included many Olivet alumni as well as current Olivet students.

Findlay First Church of the Nazarene (2501

Broad Ave., Findlay, Ohio 45840) will be having a 75th Anniversary event on Sunday, November 23, 2014. You are invited to join them in a day of celebration and praise.















CLASS OF 2005 REUNION (FROM LEFT): Attending were Kelsey (Gardner) Hendrix, Jenna (McGraw) Stapleton, Laura Banks, Kati (Dafoe) Morris, Jenni (Bast) Durbin, Cyndi (Peters) Smith, Nathalie (Tomakowsky) Ruppel, and Courtney (Bergman) Baker. Friends not able to attend this year were Kristin (Heppe) Collins, Tara (Mast) Pomerhn, and Bryanna (Hill) Tanner.

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CLASSES Rev. Walter Wendal Attig ’50 passed away Thursday, July 24, 2014, at Sara Bush Lincoln Health Center. He was laid to rest on July 28, 2014. He was a member of the East Side Church of the Nazarene in Mattoon, Ill. Born on April 11, 1923, in Ladysmith, Wisc., to Rev. and Mrs. Fred Attig, he married Martha Ann Hayes on May 9, 1946, in Birmingham, Ala. He was an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene, pastoring churches in Iowa and Illinois and evangelizing until his retirement in 1992. He and Martha had four sons: David (Janice) Attig and Ron ’73 (Ann) Attig, both of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Steve (Debbie) Attig of Olathe, Kan.; Sheridan (Lori) Attig of Ann Arbor, Mich.; and daughter, Eneatha (Jim) Secrest of Mattoon, Ill. He has ten grandchildren, seven step-grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.

Densel Paul McFadden ’62 went home to be with his Father on September 7, 2014. He was born July 23, 1932, at Silver Hill, W.Va., to Timothy and Millie (Yoho) McFadden. He married his wife, Jane ’62, on March 4, 1952. She survives along with son and daughter-in-law, David and Darla, of Montrose, Colo. Densel was a Korean War veteran, earning the Bronze Star at the age of 18. His education included a B.A. degree from Olivet and a M.A. from The University of Texas at El Paso. He spent six years pastoring, then changed his career to teaching due to his wife’s health. He retired in 1996 after 32 years with the El Paso School District. In 2003, he moved to Montrose. Helping his wife accomplish her decorating projects was his joy. He loved hiking and walking with his son and enjoyed beautiful sunsets.

Nancie Purtill ’57 passed away on Sunday, June 15, 2014, from natural causes in her home in Naples, Fla. She was a world traveler with friends — literally to every corner of the earth — and shared her talent as a gifted musician on every continent through her world cruise ship travels. She was laid to rest at Crownhill Cemetery in Indianapolis, Ind., near her parents.



Richard A. Osborne ’67 passed away March 22, 2014, after a valiant battle with pancreatic cancer. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Olivet and pastored in Illinois, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Indiana, and Michigan with his wife, Pat. During his fourteen and one-half years in ministry at Reed City Church of the Nazarene, he returned to Olivet and received his Master in Pastoral Counseling degree, graduating the same day as his daughter, Laura, with her B.S. in Nursing. He also served several years on the ONU Alumni Board. Following his retirement from pastoring, he continued to minister at Eagle Village, a residential facility for troubled youth. He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Pat; daughter, Laura ’95 (Todd) Norton; sister-in-law, Carolyn Osborne; brother-in-law, Dan (Kim) Baldwin; sister-in-law, Shirley (Lloyd) Kordick; and several nieces and nephews. His greatest love was his relationships: with his heavenly Father, his family, his church congregation and his friends in the community.

Jill L. (Roth) Leander ’87 of Morton, Ill., died peacefully surrounded by her family Sunday, September 7, 2014. She was born February 25, 1965, in Peoria, the youngest child of Herbert and Darlene Roth. She met her husband, Todd Leander ’86, during their days at Olivet. Her parents were thrilled because he was from Canton — practically local. He was a perfect match for her, and they were married May 30, 1987. Surviving are her husband, Todd, of Morton; two sons, Ryan ’13 and his wife, Anna (Ulrich) ’14, of Morton, and Blake ’16 of Morton. Jill spent her professional career as a clinical laboratory scientist at Unity Point Health Methodist and made lifelong friends there. She cared about them as another family and was deeply moved by their acts of kindness during her illness. She served her local church, First Mennonite Church of Morton, by working with children, youth and the sick.

Janet Anne Bradley-Burnett — a student in Olivet’s Master of Arts in Professional Counseling degree program and a member of cohort 20 — passed away unexpectedly on May 24, 2014. She was expected to receive her degree in May 2016. She was born in 1963 in Chicago, the daughter of the late William Craig and Nancy Irene McGaughey-Bradley. She was raised and educated in Lombard, Ill. On June 13, 1983, Janet married Todd Burnett. She will be remembered most for her love of family and the cherished time spent with her granddaughters. She is survived by her husband, Todd; three children: Tiffany Burnett of Lisle, Todd (Marielle) Burnett of Downers Grove and Robert Burnett of Bolingbrook; and two granddaughters, Kayleena and Madison.





More than 100 areas of study organized into four schools and one college. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees are offered. Students have the opportunity to study in locations such as Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles.


As a Christian community, we are committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith then in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the college community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.


More than 4,800 (2,900 undergraduate) students from more than 45 states and several world areas, representing more than 40 religious denominations.


More than 130 faculty members, most with terminal degrees or the highest degrees available in their respective fields. Student to faculty ratio of 17:1.


At Olivet Nazarene University, champions are born each season within 21 intercollegiate teams, with a commitment to provide competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis and track and field. Varsity women compete in basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs.


Students participate in more than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, Radio Broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 37,000 alumni living around the world.


Olivet believes in affordable excellence, and the cost to attend the University is competitively priced for private colleges nationwide. More than 99 percent of Olivet students receive financial aid, totaling more than $80 million in federal and state grants and institutional scholarships.


Olivet admits qualified students based on high school records (or college transcripts for transfer students) and ACT score. The average ACT score for incoming freshmen is 24.


The beautiful, park-like campus includes 31 major buildings on 250 acres. We are located in the Village of Bourbonnais, just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill., Indianapolis, Ind., Grand Ledge, Mich., and Hong Kong.


Includes the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (www.ncahlc.org), the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Business: Bachelor of Business Administration,+ Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Counseling: Master of Arts in Professional Counseling, Master of Arts in School Counseling Education: Safety and Driver Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement,* Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction,+ Master of Arts in Education: Library Information Specialist, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist,+ Master of Arts in Teaching, Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership – Interdisciplinary Engineering: Master of Engineering Management History: Master of Arts: Philosophy of History or Political Theory Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing,* Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing,* Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Literature, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts: Pastoral Leadership,* Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts: Youth Ministry, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry * online + classroom and online

Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biochemistry Biology Business Administration Business Administration — Not-for-Profit Mgmnt Business Information Systems Chemistry Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Commercial Graphics/ Marketing Communication Studies Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Dietetics Digital Media: Graphics Digital Media: Photography Drawing & Illustration Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics & Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Computer Concentration Engineering - Electrical Concentration Engineering - Geological Concentration Engineering - Mechanical Concentration English English as a Second Language English Education

Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Education Family Studies Fashion Merchandising Film Studies Finance Forensic Chemistry French General Studies Geography Geological Sciences Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Hospitality Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business International Marketing Journalism Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Marketing Marketing Management Mass Communication Mathematics Mathematics Education Media Production Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Missions & Intercultural Studies Multimedia Studies Music Music Composition

Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Painting Pastoral Ministry Philosophy & Religion Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Science Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Print & Online Journalism Psychology Public Policy Public Relations Radio Broadcasting Recreation, Sports & Fitness Religion Religious Studies Science Education Secondary Education Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Sport Management Television & Video Production Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology


BENEDICTION Be strong and take courage Do not fear or be dismayed For the Lord will go before you And His light will show the way Be strong and take courage Do not fear or be dismayed For the One who lives within you Will be strong in you today Why don’t you give Him all of your fears Why don’t you let Him wipe all of your tears He knows, He’s been through pain before And He knows all that you’ve been looking for Nothing can take you out of his hand Nothing can face you that He can’t command I know that you will always be In His love, in His power you will be free So, be strong and take courage Do not fear or be dismayed For the Lord will go before you And His light will show the way Be Strong and take courage Do not fear or be dismayed For the One who lives within you Will be strong in you today

Be Strong And Take Courage By Don Moen





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