Olivet the Magazine Possibilities and Miracles November 2015

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november 2015




OLLIES FOLLIES Seniors rule, once again! Fun with friends on campus is definitely a priority, especially during Ollies Follies weekends. For Wacky Games — one of the favorite events before the academic year gets rolling — the playing field is level. Well, most of the time.




There is a traditional majestic quality in the autumn months, even as they once again concede to the inevitability of winter. The leaves turn. The earth stiffens. The wind takes on weight. The holidays are near, and our minds expand into the space and time we now enjoy to revisit the big ideas of life.

POSSIBILITIES AND MIRACLES Christian living: Appreciating the potential and embracing the unexplainable.

In this season of change, we test our assumptions, take time to think and dream, and we certainly look forward to great moments with those who matter most. As we give thanks for life’s blessings and prepare once more for Advent, it seems fitting to center our thoughts on a multiplicity of miracles and possibilities.

ON THE COVER Autumn finds students making every corner of the campus their home.

OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

We begin with what C.S. Lewis referred to as “the Grand Miracle.” He wrote: “The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. ... Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this. ... It was the central event in the history of the Earth — the very thing that the whole story has been about. … He comes down; down from the heights of absolute being into time and space, down into humanity; down further still ... (to) the womb ... down to the very roots and sea-bed of the Nature He has created. But He goes down to come up again and bring the whole ruined world up with Him.” (Miracles, chapter 14).

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In the pages that follow, we invite you to “come down” with us into some of the challenges and complexities of life, and also to “come up again” with renewed faith and a fresh assurance of the miracles and possibilities that are ours in and through Jesus Christ. If you are seeking miracles, we pray and believe with you. May we all be startled again this season by the intervention, generosity, love and care of our gracious God.


Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!


WHAT DO YOU THINK? oliveteditors@olivet.edu



Headlines from the global Olivet community

Six of this year’s freshmen who are poised for success


The Editorial Board





Dr. Paul G. Koch refutes a popular misconception

Olivet stories of changed hearts, minds and lives

EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Remington J. Anksorus ’05 Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group DESIGN SUPPORT Monique Perry ’03 Donnie Johnson PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTOS AS CREDITED) JonesFoto Image Group Mark Ballogg Jordan T. Hansen ’13/’15 Wes Taylor ’15

VOLUME 83 ISSUE 4 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2015 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., M.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Carol Maxson ’88/’90 M.A.E., Ed.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STRATEGIC EXPANSION Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 M.B.A., D.B.A.

EDITORIAL SUPPORT Sheryl Feminis Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel Katharyn Schrader ’14 Renee Gerstenberger

Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Ave. Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 Olivet The Magazine is printed in Burlington, Vermont, by Lane Press. At every step in the production process, Lane Press emphasizes reuse and conservation of resources by reducing waste, recycling manufacturing material and adhering to strict environmental standards. Lane Press meets or exceeds State of Vermont and federal requirements for clean air operations, and complies with state laws that require detailed plans for reducing the generation and/or use of hazardous waste and toxic materials. Detailed environmental policy and practices information is available from Lane Press.




Dr. John C. Bowling serves as the 12th president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s degrees and two earned doctorates, he is a best-selling author and a prominent national speaker. He is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His book and DVD set, Making the Climb: What a Novice Climber Learned About Life on Mount Kilimanjaro (Beacon Hill Press) contains six short video lessons that correspond to the book’s chapters.

Each issue of Olivet the Magazine has an overarching theme. This fall, the selected theme is “Possibilities and Miracles.”

the One who created the world could step in at any point to do whatever? Is God not God? If so, then miracles are of little consequence.

Our editorial board has suggested, “This motif is designed to illuminate the transformational element of the Olivet experience and make the case for Olivet as a place where the possibilities are endless and miracles routinely occur in the hearts, minds and lives of ONU students.” Miracles? Really?

I understand that belief in God (and thus belief in miracles) is an act of faith; however, it is not a leap of faith. No. The leap of faith belongs to the person who can look upon this world and deny the presence of a creator.

Do you believe in miracles? Be careful how you answer. If you say yes, tell me, have you seen water turned into wine? Where? When? If you believe in miracles, when was the last time you attended a funeral gathering where a man, dead for three days, got up and walked home?

Another reason I can believe in miracles is that I do not think of a miracle as contradictory to science. Science is a way of knowing — a good way, a reliable way of understanding the physical world around us, but not the only way of knowing.

On the other hand, some might say, “No, I don’t believe in miracles. I believe in God and in the Bible, but I also believe in what I see and experience and what seems most reasonable to me. The world is an orderly place, and there are scientific laws that govern the natural world. These cannot be set aside.” Such a response may seem reasonable to our post-modern 21st century way of looking at life. And yet, one who holds such a position would have some fundamental issues to overcome in how he or she interprets the Bible. Can one say I believe and yet I don’t believe? Do we have the luxury of picking and choosing the parts of the story we will accept as reasonable, and thus true, from the parts we set aside? Do you believe in miracles? Be careful how you answer. Let me tell you why I believe in miracles. I believe in miracles because I believe in God. Why should it stretch our understanding to believe that



There are other ways. Think of the difference between our ears and our eyes. Can you hear color? If your eyes are shut or you have no vision, could you detect color with your ear? No. Does that mean color does not exist, or simply that color is to be understood through a different methodology – the eye rather than the ear, seeing rather than hearing? I also believe in miracles because I see impossible things happen each year on this campus. Let me tell you one miracle story.

There she stood all alone, weary from her first plane trip, fighting off jet lag and the first waves of culture shock. We talked briefly, and then I called a staff member to find her a room and help her get settled. That evening I told my wife, Jill, “I met the nicest young girl from East Africa today, but I wonder if she will make it. There is just so much to overcome.”

There she stood all alone, weary from her first plane trip, fighting off jet lag and the first waves of culture shock. As the Academic Dean called her name during graduation last year, I thought back to her first day on campus. She graduated on time, had already secured a nursing job and was applying for a master’s degree. Olivet is truly a transformational place — not occasionally, but often. Each student whose name was called during that graduation ceremony was a miracle in his or her own way. Miracles and possibilities? Yes, indeed!

Her name is Queen Kisoso. She arrived on campus late one afternoon a few years ago and was brought to my office. She had come from her home in Kenya carrying only one small bag of lightweight clothing. She had no money, had never been more than a few miles from home, had never touched a computer. Her educational journey had been a series of local and mission schools, and yet, she came to Olivet to become a nurse.



NURSING EXCELLENCE Nearly 1,000 future nurses are honing their knowledge and


skills in Olivet programs that are distinguished by leadership preparation and clinical excellence. They will join thousands of Olivet-prepared nursing professionals already working around the world on the front lines of health care.




Olivet alumnus Ben Zobrist was a big contributor in the Kansas City Royals’ 2015 World Series win, helping to deliver the Royals’ first championship since 1985.




ALUMNUS ZOBRIST HELPS KC WIN WORLD SERIES In the postseason, Zobrist played second base and batted second in every game. He hit .303 with 66 at-bats, 15 runs scored, 20 hits, two home runs and six RBI.




Dr. John C. Bowling recently announced establishment of the Charline S. Hawkins Chair of Instrumental Music. The position provides support to faculty engaged in preparing instrumental musicians for lives of service and professional accomplishment.

Olivet is once again ranked among the best colleges by U.S. News & World Report (“2016 College Guidebook”). Another organization — Colleges of Distinction — has recognized Olivet for providing innovative learning opportunities in 2014-15.

By a vote of 52 to 0, Olivet’s Board of Trustees voted to renew Dr. John C. Bowling’s appointment as president of the University for five more years.

Charline Hawkins began a lifelong relationship with the University when she and her husband, the late Kenneth ’53, moved to Bourbonnais so he could finish college after U.S. Navy service.

“This recognition is one more affirmation of our commitment to providing a quality education to our students,” said Dr. Carol Maxson, vice president for academic affairs. “We enjoy receiving these honors. But more importantly, they strengthen our commitment to continue providing education with a Christian purpose.”

Funding for the chair is a gift from the Hawkins family. Mrs. Hawkins died in 2000 after a courageous battle against cancer. Dr. Bowling thanked the Hawkins family, recognizing Mrs. Hawkins’ grace and integrity as beloved wife and mother, devoted follower of Christ, patron of the arts and advocate of Olivet.

During their semiannual meeting on October 7, board members expressed confidence in Dr. Bowling with a standing ovation and lengthy applause in recognition of the success and bold vision that have marked his 25-year tenure.

Zobrist, 34, a two-time All-Star, played in the World Series once before, in the Tampa Bay Rays’ unsuccessful bid in 2008. He played most of his professional career with the Rays, landing in Kansas City — by way of a brief detour through Oakland — at this year’s July trade deadline. One of the most valuable position players in the majors over the past several seasons, Zobrist is widely acknowledged as a key factor in the Royals’ successful defense of their American League title and the ensuing World Series win. A native of Eureka, Illinois, Zobrist played three seasons at Olivet before transferring for his senior year to Dallas Baptist University. He was drafted in 2004. In 2014, Zobrist returned to Olivet as a chapel speaker, and Tigers Baseball honored him in a ceremony retiring his ONU number 12. Also in 2014, Zobrist and his wife, Christian pop singer Julianna Zobrist, published “Double Play: Faith and Family First,” a book they wrote with author Mike Yorkey.

“Dr. Bowling’s incredible leadership as a scholar, educator and churchman speaks volumes about why he continues to chart a healthy course for a dynamic future,’” said Dr. David Roland, chairman of the board.





Carson was the featured speaker on October 1 at Centennial Chapel on Olivet’s main campus in Bourbonnais, Illinois. He shared details of his life story, describing his childhood in inner-city tenements in his native Detroit and Boston. His mother, married and divorced early in her life, had a third-grade education and pushed her two sons to excel, Carson explained. “I was a poor student — about as bad as you could imagine,” he said, also acknowledging anger issues and low self-esteem. “But I learned that if you’re not always looking for excuses, then you start looking for solutions. And that can change the trajectory of your life.” He said his mother’s insistence on reading helped him develop intellectually, and he began to dream of a career in medicine. He earned a scholarship to Yale and graduated from the School of Medicine at the University of Michigan. At age 33, he became the youngest major division director in the history of Johns Hopkins University, where he directed pediatric neurosurgery for 29 years. Carson’s visit to Olivet was co-sponsored by The Center for Law and Culture with Freedom’s Journal Institute for the Study of Faith and Public Policy.




U.S. presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson told Olivet students that the United States was “a place of dreams” for him as he overcame poverty, pursued higher education and rose to the top of his profession as a pediatric neurosurgeon.







Suzanne (Bell) Warren ’98 has devoted much of her professional career to studying team effectiveness, and her latest grant connects her with a deep-space mission to Mars. She recently received a $1 million competitive grant from NASA to develop and test compatibility models for the astronauts who will spend three years together on a planned spaceflight to Mars.

Senior Clara Ruegsegger ’16 was recently honored as the recipient of the 2015 ITA/Arthur Ashe Jr. Award for Leadership and Sportsmanship.

The Martin D. Walker School of Engineering hosted 17 area employers during last month’s career fair at Olivet's main campus in Bourbonnais, Illinois.

On October 5, she participated in a panel discussion about the project on WTTW Chicago’s Evening Report. Currently, she is a professor at the graduate level and a researcher in industrial and organizational psychology at DePaul University in Chicago. Her previous research includes work for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force.

The senior tennis star serves on the Student Philanthropy Council, the Grant Committee, the Social Work Council, and is the founder and president of the Social Justice Club. Ruegsegger traveled to New York City in August to be formally recognized for the award and now looks ahead to her fourth and final season on the women’s tennis team.

More than 100 engineering students had the chance to meet employers and discuss potential job and internship opportunities. Face time with local industry leaders allowed students to become better prepared for the workforce as employers offered insights detailing the experience and skills needed to land engineering jobs.



Team Olivet 2015 — the largest in Olivet’s history — contributed a team record $80,000 toward the total of $1.5 million raised by Team World Vision through the Chicago Marathon. Senior Kasey Main (English major, Lafayette, Illinois), one of Team Olivet’s 2015 captains, first heard about Team World Vision as a freshman. That was also the year that he gave his life to Christ. “World Vision has been a gateway to ministry for me,” he says. “When Rusty Funk of Team World Vision spoke in chapel, I thought about running a marathon as a way to contribute to missions.” A lineman on his high school football team, Kasey admits that he didn’t previously like to run. But, during the summer between his freshman and sophomore years at Olivet, he started training. He followed the “Couch to Finish Line” program and, by the end of the summer, he was ready for the Chicago Marathon — and 50 pounds lighter! He ran and completed the 2013 race and did the same in 2014. “One of the things I love about running is how it pushes you beyond what you think you can do,” Kasey says.“This run requires commitment and self-sacrifice. As runners, we become living sacrifices for God and for the needs of Africa’s people.” In 2016, the Bank of America Chicago Marathon is scheduled for October 9.




More than stats. More than miles. More than a marathon. The 123 runners with Team Olivet had more in mind when they ran in the 2015 Bank of America Chicago Marathon: They wanted to provide clean water for the people of Africa.









Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies continues to expand. Its newest location in Grand Rapids, Michigan was officially introduced on September 9. This new location is the second regional center in the state of Michigan and is scheduled to begin offering classes in the spring of 2016. Another center, in Grand Ledge, Michigan, opened earlier this year.

Public relations has become essential for any modern organization, company, institution, ministry or government. Olivet’s new Public Relations and Strategic Communication major offers students a hands-on program with real-world experience. As part of the program, students are required to complete an internship prior to graduation in order to gain experience in a professional environment. They also have the opportunity to participate in strategic extracurricular opportunities, including the Public Relations Student Society of America chapter (PRSSA) and Inspired Strategies, Olivet’s student-run strategic communication agency.

Jerry Cohagan and Tony Fightmaster were recently named Faculty and Staff Member of the Year, respectively.

Olivet now has sites in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana; Grand Rapids and Grand Ledge, Michigan; Hong Kong; and more than 100 learning locations throughout Chicagoland and the Midwest. The SGCS extends the mission of the University on ground and online by delivering convenient, quality education to adult students.

Cohagan is associate professor in the Department of Communication. Prior to joining Olivet’s faculty, he performed professionally as half of the Christian comedy duo Hicks & Cohagan. He is an actor and the author of more than 20 collections of dramatic sketches and plays. Fightmaster '79/'12 is director of church and university relations, overseeing connection with 700 Nazarene churches. Under his leadership, Olivet's preaching and Music Ambassadors programs have experienced tremendous growth. Student ambassadors gain ministry experience while congregations hear from the next generation of church leaders.




WALKER SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Olivet’s ABET-accredited engineering program entered a new era with the dedication of the Martin D. “Skip” Walker School of Engineering on October 6.


The ceremony recognized the generosity and career of Mr. Walker, a Christian business leader who guided and grew a number of leading manufacturing and business enterprises in a career spanning six decades. Mr. Walker and his wife, Mary, attended the ceremony. They reside in Carmel, Indiana. “Mr. Walker’s generous gift of $5 million will significantly strengthen our growing engineering program,” said Dr. John C. Bowling, University president, to a large crowd of students, the Board of Trustees, corporate partners, alumni, faculty and staff in Reed Hall of Science. “God is really the giver of this gift,” Mr. Walker said, addressing the future engineers. “He just used me as the conduit. I’m proud to be associated with Olivet students. I’m convinced you are going to leave here and honor ONU and God in what you do. I hope and pray you will enjoy this profession as much as I did.” Mr. Walker began his career in the Chevrolet division of General Motors before moving on to American Motors and then Rockwell International. He served as chairman and CEO of MA Hanna Corporation and later became principal at MORWAL Investments. He has served on the board of directors for ArvinMeritor, Comerica, the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Lexmark International, Textron and Timken. He has been a business advisory board member for Carnegie Mellon University and Northwestern University. Mr. Walker is a former trustee of Kettering University in Flint, Michigan, where he earned his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering. He also completed the Stanford Executive Program and an advanced management program at Michigan State University.



They are the future of medicine, engineering, art, government, science, music, education — and beyond. With bold dreams and the capacity to achieve great things, they have come to inspire and to be inspired. They are the ONU Class of 2019, and they are the future. olivet.edu




“No matter where you’re from or what you look like, your dreams are valid,” says Misael Jovany Lopez Garcia, also known as Bob, Joe, MJ, Jeo, and JLo. Born in Mexico, he moved to the U.S. in 2013 to live with his aunt and her family. The support and encouragement he found as a high school student opened more doors for him than he ever would have imagined. As a member of the National Honor Society, he was mentored by one of his teachers, Amy Meyer ’10, an Olivet alumna. “God put her in my life to lead me to Olivet,” he says. “Olivet starts helping you live out your dreams from the moment you come for a visit. Everyone here gets the chance to be known, heard, happy.” Now at Olivet, he is pursuing his interests and talents in painting, drawing, and graphic design. He volunteers with Heart for Missions and the HeArt Ministry, which gives him opportunities to use his talents. He also serves as a freshman class representative to the Associated Student Council. His dreams? Two are important right now: to get his college degree, and to use his talents to help people find joy through art.


Olivet’s “Education with a Christian Purpose” drew Taylor to campus. Her interest in today’s business world and the impact of marketing led her to her field of study. “One of my high school business teachers once told me that marketing is solving a consumer’s problem,” she recalls. “That put everything into perspective for me and helped me know that this is what I want to do.” Now, as a student at Olivet, she is volunteering with Urban Children’s Ministry and Sister 2 Sister, as well as developing her interpersonal skills as a student. Her career goal is to use her creativity to design marketing campaigns she is passionate about.

THE ONU CLASS OF 2019 Each incoming class at Olivet is christened with a descriptor that’s carried through graduation. Call this year’s freshmen the “Empowered Class of 2019.”






Several universities were on Kenny’s search list when he began looking for a college to attend. He chose Olivet’s engineering program because of global missioneering opportunities, the department’s strong growth, and its excellent professors. “I am at Olivet not only to get a degree, but also to build a firm foundation for my life beyond college,” he says. In the future, Kenny wants to use his skills and education as a mechanical engineer to serve others globally by working with clean water projects.


There are 2,015.84 miles between Barceloneta, Puerto Rico and campus, but that hasn’t deterred Alexander from making a new home at Olivet. Academic excellence and professionalism continue to impress him, but the community atmosphere on campus is really enriching his college experience. He especially enjoys being a member of the Marching Tigers and is looking forward to performing with the band in the 2016 New Year’s Day Parade in London, England. He also sings with Orpheus Choir and is a member of MuKappa, a club for international students. “I am passionate about becoming a surgeon,” he says. “I want to help those in need who can’t afford medical treatment. My goal is to be a missionary doctor, and I plan to gain experience in that area while I’m here at Olivet.”

THE ONU CLASS OF 2019 The Class of 2019 numbers 700 students. They hail from 36 U.S. states and nine countries.






Daniel appreciates Olivet’s community and, as president of the Class of 2019, he is also looking forward to honing his leadership abilities. In addition to his dream of becoming an expert in business information systems, he is excited about the opportunities he has to grow deeper spiritually. “Many topics in my classes are presented with spiritual aspects,” he says. “I hope to use this in my career when I work in the private sector.” No matter where his business career takes him, Daniel will be confident knowing his faith and vocation are interwoven.


“At first, I was freaking out,” says Ali. As the first person in her family to go to college, she knew very little about her options, financial aid, what to study, or college life in general. With the help of close friends, the Bollinger and Caldwell families (several of whom are ONU students and alumni), and Olivet’s Office of Admissions, she began to believe that she could get a college degree — and that Olivet was the place to earn it. Now that she’s settled in as an Olivet freshman, Ali is appreciating every detail of her education. Before she graduates, she hopes to serve on a mission trip, grow in her communication skills, and learn how to speak out in appropriate ways when she needs to do so. Regardless of where God takes her on her career path, she is confident that she will continue to grow in her faith because of what she will experience as a student at Olivet.

THE ONU CLASS OF 2019 They set a high bar for academic prowess: More than 11% of the freshman class scored 30 or higher on the ACT. STORY BY KATHARYN SCHRADER, PHOTOGRAPHY BY WES TAYLOR 20



CARSON INSPIRES Remember the day Dr. Ben Carson stopped by Olivet? Our students won’t soon forget it. Speaking in chapel on October 1, he inspired all with his testimony. “If you’re not always Photoslooking submitted by Department of for excuses, then you start looking for solutions,” heThe said. “And Biological Sciences that can change the trajectory of your life.”

POSSIBILITIES AND MIRACLES The essays and stories that follow illuminate the magnificent, transformational element of the Christian life through the lens of the Olivet experience. We serve a great, big God who generously involves us in His agenda on earth and who is at work in the margins of life on our behalf. Olivet is a place where the possibilities are endless and miracles routinely occur in the hearts, minds and lives of our people. To borrow from master poet Emily Dickinson, may we “dwell in Possibility.�







I like to be careful with words. I use “difficult” (not “hard”) to speak of a challenging problem. When I am referring to male or female, I speak of “gender” instead of “sex.” I confess that I would probably never give you an “A” on your essay unless your words were precise. I even become irritated when crossword architects twist words to make them fit the grid.

especially with someone who needed spiritual help of some kind, he would refer to it as a “divine appointment.” But what I have noticed about my friend’s “God things” is that they are almost always the glad things that happen and never the sad ones. I have lived long enough now to know that some things I experienced as bad have been God at work in my life.

Mark Twain said, “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.” I wish I had said that myself.

A close second on the list of overworked words would be “miracle.” My dear friend Reuben Welch once said that we should take a marker and go around to

I believe we should be especially careful about the way we use “spiritual” words. I would like to nominate “awesome” as the most overworked of those spiritual words. These days, it seems as if everything that is just past mediocre is awesome. I think that at the first of every year, we should give everyone a book of twelve “awesomes.” Using just one a month should keep us careful and remind us that God is the One who is truly awesome. Every season seems to have its spiritual catchphrase. I know someone who, for months now, has called every nice happening a “God thing.” He seems to have forgotten all about surprises and coincidences. He has an inexhaustible supply of “God thing” labels. Please know I believe that God is doing things. When my Papa would have an unplanned encounter,

all the signs that read “Expect a miracle!” and write DON’T in front of them. Part of what makes an event a miracle is that it is unexpected. One year just after Thanksgiving, I saw a woman at our church who had a great deal of family stress. I said, “Jane, how was your holiday?” She beamed at me and said, “Oh, Karen, God showed out. You know how he shows out.” The good news is that sometimes God does “show out.” He does things that are beyond our power to explain. He works miracles. In between those miracles, there are many, many other things in our lives for which we must not forget to thank God. If you read the story

of Ruth in the King James Version of the Bible, you will see a beautiful phrase which I love. Boaz tells his overseer to let Ruth glean in his field and that he is to purposely leave “handfuls” of grain for her to pick up. The handfuls that God allows to fall into our lives may not be awesome. They may not be miracles. But they are signs of his loving care for us. Years ago, I was writing a Christmas musical with the arranger, Don Marsh. He was in California, and he would call me in Nashville every night to see what I had written. One day, as I was looking through a Metropolitan Museum of Art catalog, I saw a silk scarf covered with beautiful butterflies. Underneath the picture was the caption: Ten Thousand Joys. Those words expressed exactly what I had found in Christ. By the next day when Don called, I had written these words along with a melody: Ten thousand joys. Sweet son of God, you came to me, And my heart sings because I know that you are mine, In you I find Ten thousand joys Enough to last through all the years And joy to shine through all my tears Ten thousand joys. At least that many…and still counting.

KAREN DEAN FRY, longtime friend of Olivet, is a master storyteller, celebrated writer and award-winning composer. She teaches for conferences and churches around the United States and worldwide. She has served on the staff of the Lamb’s Church in New York City and as a pastor and university vice president. She lives in Tampa, Florida with her husband, Alland.




I made a decision during my senior year of high school that changed everything in my life.

an education, I attained a thirst for knowledge that has not been quenched to this day.

How could one decision make such a difference? Allow me to explain.

I met my wife at Olivet, and we have been happily married for over 35 years. There were professors who loved me and took an interest in me as a person, and I stayed in contact with a few over the years. I made friends — true friends — who have added texture and color to my life ever since.

The decision was to attend Olivet Nazarene University. No one in my family had gone to college; in fact, the option was hardly discussed. When I declared that I was going to attend Olivet, I was challenged. There were great universities in our state, and I had been offered a scholarship at Purdue University. Family and friends reasoned that since I was not going to be a pastor, why would I go to a Christian college? Why Olivet? I had first visited ONU when I was in the eighth grade. My pastor took me to campus, and I stayed overnight in the dorm with a young man from our church. Somewhere between leaving campus and returning home, I caught it: the Olivet fever. I knew Olivet was where I wanted to go and that it was exactly where I belonged. Years later, in the fall of 1974, there was no college freshman more ignorant and green than me. Looking back, I wonder how I survived. Little did I know that the trajectory of my whole life had been redirected because of one simple decision. What changed, exactly? Well, let me tell you. I was a Christian before I arrived, but at Olivet I learned what it meant to love Christ in the marketplace, at home and in all areas of my life. I received my call to preach during a revival on campus, and I said yes. More than

I had access to opportunities I never could have dreamed. I have pastored six churches, been the Director of Clergy Development for the Church of the Nazarene, and now serve as a District Superintendent. Simply because of one decision. My future changed in the fall of 1974. And the impact of ONU did not end when I graduated; I carry it with me every day. There are not enough words to describe how Olivet changed me or enough money to pay for its ripple effects on my life. While I know the word “miracle” is overused, it is exactly the word that comes to mind when I consider the way Olivet changed my life — and also the lives of those in my family. My heart is filled with gratitude for the blessings of the Lord, including Olivet. That’s where I received not only an education, but also the blueprint for building my life! And, personally, I believe Olivet is where you belong, too.

RON BLAKE ’79 is in his fifth year as district superintendent of the Indianapolis Church of the Nazarene, which is home to 67 churches across 22 counties. His blog, “Wesley's Horse,” is published on the district website. Dr. Blake is a member of Olivetʼs Board of Trustees. For more than three decades, Dr. Blake has pastored church organizations with his gifts and skills in leadership, preaching, ministerial training and discipleship. 28


IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES A THOUSAND POSSIBILITIES On a busy, early September afternoon, I returned to my office after a meeting with my staff in the Admissions Center to find a stack of letters to be signed. Starting in August, we receive countless applications from hopeful prospective students each day. My team works to immediately process and help qualify the group of select young women and men — from across the country and around the world — for enrollment at Olivet Nazarene University. Though I do this each day, I don’t take it lightly. I read each name, praying for them collectively. I know there have been countless other prayers, prods, conversations and even anxiety as each student got to this point in his or her college search. But this day was different. On the top of this day’s pile was a fresh acceptance letter, addressed to Britten Andrew Wolff, an incoming freshman from Bourbonnais, Illinois. He’s my oldest son. I knew it was coming, but I must admit that it still startled me a bit. How did we get here? How is this possible? Just yesterday I was holding his hand and helping him



onto the school bus. My biggest worry was that the bus driver would get him to and from school safely. Now this. College. I knew life would be different from this point on. Each year at Freshman Orientation, I ask for a show of hands from parents who are sending their first son or daughter to college. I joke about how we have additional counseling available for those folks. But now this reality is mine, and the “hopes and fears” that I’ve often talked about are eerily real.

UNDECIDED Like my son, many of the young men and women considering Olivet are ambiguous about what they will study. While they may lean in a certain direction, they have not solidified their major. That’s okay. Approximately a third of all college students start without a focus or major, and over 50 percent change their major at least once. It’s normal. At Olivet, we have decided to be proactive, encouraging students to take core classes within a general area to begin “discovering” their concentration within a certain School or College without the pressure of declaring a major.

Whether my son uses one of the many resources and tools available through Olivet’s Career Services, or something just clicks for him while he’s in a class or in his Freshman Connections group, or the Lord stirs his heart at Fall Revival, I know his future path will be revealed in time. My job is to give him space so he can discover all that Olivet will lay out for him and to encourage his exploration.

Possibilities My son has grown up amidst the culture of collegiate academia. Yet, he still continues to discover more and more about Olivet as he digs deeper. At home, the kitchen counter gets covered each day with scores of college materials from competing schools around the country. I have to admit that my husband and I took distinct pleasure when the new, oversized ONU Viewbook arrived. Our son brought it in the house, dropped everything else, took the Viewbook to the couch, and looked at every page in silence. As he closed the last page and looked at the student with the megaphone, he looked up at us and said, “This is sick.” That’s a good thing.

Susan Wolff

He has been on campus a million times and knows this place. That day, the excitement and possibility on his face revealed that “this place” was brand new for him and alive with endless opportunities.

Well-being Most comforting about his college choice is that I know Olivet is a safe place for him to explore and grow. The faculty and staff are experts devoted to assisting students on this journey — pushing them, encouraging them, praying with them, shaping them, challenging them, and most important, loving them with a desire to see them succeed. My son is one of a few thousand students who will apply to Olivet this year. The rich heritage of this University extends beyond my own children and on to every student who chooses to make this his or her college home. And that’s exactly what it is. A home. A place where family can mature together — socially, academically and spiritually. I am so grateful my son has chosen Olivet. And I am grateful Olivet has made a four-year commitment to my son. The possibilities are now without number.

SUSAN WOLFF ’94/’99 is dean of undergraduate enrollment at Olivet Nazarene University. During her 21 years of service, she also provided leadership as the director of alumni relations and special assistant to the president. Under her tenure, Olivet has consistently achieved new records for undergraduate enrollment and established an unparalleled culture of service and care for new students and their families. She holds a master’s of business administration and resides in Bourbonnais, Illinois with her husband, George ’93, and their sons, Britten 17 and Emmet, age 12.


From Our Resident Economist:

College is not a Commodity Paul G. Koch, Ph. D.

In both my introductory and upperdivision courses in economics, we address a particular form of market structure that is known as “perfect competition.” This framework assumes that there are many producers of a virtually identical product, which means that no one firm has any power over the market price. As a result, these enterprises are often characterized as “price takers” and are usually found in sectors known as “extractive industries” or “commodity markets.” Examples such as agriculture and other natural resource markets come readily to mind, since those companies cannot differentiate their product from the output of other firms in a way that would lead potential buyers to pay more. During our present age, it has become fashionable, at least in some quarters, to refer to a college education as a commodity, where the “product” is indistinguishable from one institution to another. Upon further reflection, however, this assumption breaks down fairly quickly, for the following reasons: Every university has a distinct mission and identity. For example, even colleges which might appear, at first glance, to

have the same academic purpose are not going to be identical with respect to the qualifications of their faculty, the specific nature of their programs, their physical facilities or their extracurricular opportunities. No two teachereducation or land-grant institutions are going to offer identical experiences to their students. The same can be said for schools that emphasize the liberal arts or pre-professional programs. Every university has a distinct ethos and culture. If we look just within the realm of faith-based institutions, those colleges sharing a common commitment to the integration of Christianity and learning across the various academic disciplines do not all pursue this calling in the same way. The spirit of each Christian college is going to be influenced by the history and tradition of that institution, and also by its theological commitments and the unique contributions of its faculty, staff, students and alumni over time. Christian institutions, such as Olivet, are also particularly well-positioned, within the marketplace of higher education, to respond to the issues mentioned by David Brooks in his recent column, “The Big University,” which was published


BE OUR GUEST A campus visit is a crucial step in the college selection process. An Olivet visit includes a meeting with an admissions counselor as well as a student-led tour, a meal in the dining hall, a classroom experience and any number of student activities. To schedule your campus visit, register at olivet.edu or telephone 800-648-1463.



in the October 6, 2015, edition of the New York Times. Brooks began his commentary by observing that “many American universities were founded as religious institutions, explicitly designed to cultivate their students’ spiritual and moral natures.” After explaining the reasons why this emphasis has declined over time, he makes the following statement: Universities are more professional and glittering than ever, but in some ways there is emptiness deep down. Students are taught how to do things, but many are not forced to reflect on why they should do them or what we are here for. They are given many career options, but they are on their own when it comes to developing criteria to determine which vocation would lead to the fullest life. When I read Brooks’ words in the preceding paragraph, I think of Dr. John C. Bowling’s frequent admonition to Olivet students: focus not just on making a living, but on making a life as well. I also think of my favorite section of our University’s mission statement, which was first printed in our Catalog more than 100 years ago: “We seek the strongest scholarship and

the deepest piety, knowing that they are thoroughly compatible (and) … a Christian environment … where not only knowledge but character is sought.”



College Is Not A Commodity

One of the privileges of teaching at ONU for 25 years has been the opportunity of working alongside colleagues who are engaged in the process of combining scholarship and knowledge, along with piety and character, as they invest daily in the lives of students. That is the Olivet difference. DR. PAUL KOCH is an expert economist, master teacher and member of the American Economic Association and the Association of Christian Economists. As a member of the faculty for the International Business Institute program, he lectures nationally and internationally on economic issues and spends the summer months teaching in Europe. He holds a bachelor’s degree from George Fox University and a master’s and doctorate from Illinois State University. A trusted professor of business and economics at Olivet for more than 20 years, Dr. Koch is a recipient of Olivet’s Richard M. Jones Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence.

To learn more about the Olivet difference, please visit olivet.edu and schedule a campus visit.




A STUDENT PERSPECTIVE Each year, students bring their own personalities and perspectives together, creating the unique ethos and culture that is the Olivet experience. This fall is no exception. With the largest enrollment in history, we have students from across the country and the world contributing to what we call Life at Olivet.




WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS Instagram is one of the best ways to catch a glimpse of the Olivet experience through a student’s eyes. From the stunning views of campus, to favorite chapel speakers and zany student activities, Instagram shows it all. Follow @olivetnazarene and check out the #lifeatolivet hashtag to stay on top of everything Olivet.





RECORD ENROLLMENT In September, Olivet reported the highest enrollment in the University’s 108-year history with a total of 4,916 graduate students and the largest senior class on record. For the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, enrollment topped 2,000.


and undergraduate students. This includes 1,390 new




The Uhlman Family (left to right) Paul, Donna, Josiah, Ashley, Jacob, Brianna, Caleb, Hayley '17

Hayley Uhlman moved away from her hometown of Morton, Illinois to begin her freshman year at Olivet in 2013. The middle child of five siblings, she is family-oriented and values connections with people. “From the first time we set foot on Olivet’s campus, we saw that people care about each other,” says her mother, Donna Uhlman. “Hayley liked watching people interact with each other. That atmosphere is important to her.”

We often dismiss the extraordinary by calling it ʻcoincidence.ʼ But what happens if we choose to acknowledge that what seems unexplainable is ordained by our ever-present God? Then, we begin to see that miracles are all around us.

Donna says that Hayley’s admissions counselor, Rebecca Decker, didn’t let her get lost in the shuffle as a new freshman. “Rebecca took her under her wing and made sure she adapted. We couldn’t do that from home,” she says. “We are forever grateful for her.” Donna can’t imagine her third child being anywhere else. “Olivet is the perfect fit for her. Hayley is growing into an independent, spiritually grounded woman. She is thriving.” What sets Olivet apart? “Olivet is a perfect fit for her. People know her name and her face and that is important to Hayley.”







Michael Doherty ’13 is accustomed to it all: hospital rooms, talk of medical procedures, clanging medical instruments, the smell of sterilization. Since childhood, he’s known that someday he would be a doctor; he just didn’t expect a hospital to be the thing that kept him away from med school. “I put my education on hold when my dad was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer,” he explains. “I decided to take a year off from med school.” Immediately after graduating from Olivet in 2013, Michael began the next leg of his medical journey at Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. He had just completed his first eight months when he received the call about his dad. “I moved back home to help take care of him,” he says. Michael says that going back to his childhood home in Fenton, Michigan was the best decision he ever made — and pushing his education aside for that year was invaluably educational.

IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT CURES; IT’S MUCH MORE ABOUT PEOPLE. “It was difficult to see my dad’s decline and not be able to do anything about it,” he says. “Medical students are supposed to think everything is possible. I didn’t think I would have to see death yet.” What Michael learned during that time with his dad can’t be learned in school. Michael, the future D.O., has a new mission statement for his medical practice. “I will seek to be a source of encouragement and assistance to the patients and families entrusted to my care,” he says, “taking time to meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.” Michael has a new perspective on life. “I’m not putting anything on hold anymore,” he says. “ I’m motivated to make changes in my life. I’m back to following my spiritual calling into medicine.” While visiting doctors with his dad, Michael saw a side of his chosen profession that only those painful circumstances could have shown him. “The most undervalued role of a physician is to make hard transitions easier on families,” he says. “It’s not just about cures; it’s much more about people.” Michael's father passed away in October 2014. When Michael returned to medical school just two months later, Michigan State met a new man. Today, with almost two years of medical school under his belt and with two more to go, Michael now posesses a wealth of first-hand experience and a priceless, real-life perspective.

From divinity student to homeless woman to nonprofit founder, Merideth (Densford) Spriggs ’00 has certainly seen the world through a wide variety of lenses. As someone who has personally experienced human rejection, she now dedicates her life to restoring humanity to the homeless. Four years after graduating from ONU with a degree in youth ministry, she received her Master of Divinity degree from Nazarene Theological Seminary. But in another four years, she lost her job and became homeless. “It was the week that the market crashed in October 2008,” Merideth says. “There were no jobs to be had.” At first, she lived on friends’ couches. Eventually, she lived out of her car and showered at the beach. “It was traumatic,” she recalls. Even with two part-time jobs, Merideth struggled for a year to find her footing. “I felt like everyone had turned their backs on me,” she says. “Depression set in. I was sad and lonely, and continued spiraling downward to the point of contemplating suicide.” Merideth says that she was revving her car’s engine to drive over a cliff one night when she turned on the radio. “How He Loves” was playing, and it was the only thing she could hear over her own despair.

HOW COULD I FORGET THAT NO MATTER HOW HORRIBLE IT GETS, GOD’S GOT ME IN HIS HANDS “I thought, How could I doubt?” she remembers. “How could I forget that no matter how horrible it gets, God’s got me in His hands?” “You have my life,” she whispered to God on the night she decided to stay. And because she decided to stay, many more lives than her own have been changed. Exactly one year after she lost her job, Merideth was offered a position at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission. Soon after defeating homelessness herself, she started the nonprofit Caridad, who partners with existing agencies to house the homeless. “I wanted to do something better than the drive-by sandwich offers,” she says. “The goal is to case manage them until they can get indoors.” She personally understands the importance of a home and roof. A student of her surroundings, Merideth is extraordinarily aware of what will actually help her homeless friends. “My vision is that people are empowered to be better,” she says. In September, Merideth was unanimously voted citizen of the month by the Las Vegas City Council. “When I was a student at Olivet, my mentors told me the same thing over and over again,” she says. “Dr. David Wine ’72 and Dr. Jill Bowling ’70/’89 M.B.A./’06 D.Litt. said that I was a pioneer and that God was preparing me for something bigger. I never imagined that this is what it would be.”






NEW SCHOOL, NEW COUNTRY When he moved into Nesbitt Hall this past August to begin his first year of college, Cory Kuceyʼ19 was also experiencing his first days in America. He unpacked with anticipation alongside hundreds of peers in the Class of 2019. But he experienced a newness that was different from what most freshmen experience. “If you would have asked me six years ago, I never would have envisioned that my life would go this way and that I would end up here,” he says. Cory was born in Nova Scotia, Canada, but has spent much of his life on the mission field with his parents, Darin and Tonya, and his siblings, Ryan and Karissa.

His recent move to Olivet was from his family’s current mission field: Haiti. “I learned at a young age that my future is uncertain,” Cory says. “On the mission field, you don’t even know what tomorrow holds.” Cory met Tim Fisher, lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church of the Nazarene in Goshen, Indiana, when Tim was on a mission trip in Haiti. At that time, Cory was soon to graduate from high school. “He asked if I had looked at Olivet,”Cory says.“I hadn’t. I was actually considering schools in Canada.” “I want to get you to Olivet,” Tim told him. And, to Cory’s surprise, Tim followed through with his intention and connected Cory with the University. Cory agreed to go through the application process even though he thought attending Olivet was far-fetched. “I thought it was too expensive for my family, and I knew I’d need to get a visa. I thought it would be too good to be true.” Half-heartedly, Cory continued to investigate Olivet. But when he met Admissions Counselor Erinn Proehl, he began believing that he really did belong at Olivet — and that somehow he would get there. 44 OLIVET.EDU

“Erinn did so much for me,” Cory says. “He was more than an admissions counselor and even more than a friend. He was a prayer partner with me through all of this.” After a tense time of doors opening and closing, Cory finally confirmed his first semester at Olivet and his journey to a new country. Today, he is an electrical engineering major and also has two jobs on campus. He continues to pray that God will provide for him to complete his entire education at Olivet. “It wasn’t too good to be true,” says Cory. “God has brought me this far, and He wants the best for me. He wants to give life more abundantly, and He knows the plans He has for me. I’m here where I want to be.”

The Distinct Schools of Olivet Nazarene University For more than a century, the strength of an Olivet education has empowered thousands of graduates to make a difference in an ever-changing world. As fall semester marks the largest enrollment in University history, young men and women continue to explore possibilities for their future, beginning in Olivet’s seven academic schools. See our list of majors, minors and concentrations on page 63 of this magazine and at olivet.edu. Most important, schedule a campus visit .



The Distinct Schools of Olivet Nazarene University





This is where you prepare for work and life.

teamwork, and writing and speaking abilities. A distinct Olivet advantage is the breadth of course offerings in the arts and sciences. Programs include art and digital media, behavioral sciences, chemistry and geosciences, communication, English and modern languages, history and political science, math and military science.

The school upholds “the noblest profession” by producing graduates who become “professionals influencing lives.”

Olivet is becoming a hotbed for future engineers.

Modern-day liberal arts education depends on balancing the results expected of a traditional curriculum with the preparation necessary for a professional career. Olivet provides the hands-on learning and real-world experience that students crave. They also provide knowledge and skills that must lie beneath all specialized learning — problemsolving, critical thinking,

Real-world experience during college is a huge contributor to a successful career in business. Olivet’s School of Business equips you to excel in the competitive global marketplace by providing sound business knowledge and carefully selected opportunities for training and on-the-job experience. Programs are designed to provide a valueadded education beyond the experience students get at other schools. Bonus benefit: The

relationships with employers often lead to job offers. Choose courses from a comprehensive variety of disciplines, including economics and finance, international business, management information systems, accounting, financial planning, business administration, marketing and more. Your future preparation benefits from the integration of business practice and ethics throughout the curricula.

Regularly updated to meet and exceed Illinois State Board Of Education standards, Olivet’s programs are always in sync with the ever-shifting requirements of teacher preparation. The School of Education is accredited and approved by the nation’s top standards bodies, including the Higher Learning Commission

and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. Programs are offered in art, communication, English, English as a second language, family and consumer sciences, history, math, music, physical education and health, science, social sciences, Spanish and education. Faculty members draw from their own careers as principals and teachers. You can count on them to advise you, mentor you and pray with you.

• Leadership • Military science and military affairs • Legal studies with the Center for Law and Culture, a nonprofit organization that inspires students and citizens to Serve God faithfully in law, government and politics

• Quality internships with local, regional, national and international firms • Professional training and certification • Intercollegiate competition through Enactus, a global organization that promotes entrepreneurial development

• Student teaching • Technology training • Service opportunities made available by the on-campus Student Education Association




Creating and sustaining healthy lifestyles is the focus for a new generation of doctors, biologists, zoologists, nurses, athletic trainers, social workers, law enforcement professionals, dietitians and consumer scientists.

Beethoven said music can change the world. If that’s so, there’s a whole lot of change going on at Olivet.

This is the environment where future ministers, Christian educators and theologians prepare for vibrant ministry in a secular world.

Through programs that address society's most critical needs, the school prepares you for a professional role in developing healthy communities and improving the quality of life for people of all ages and

backgrounds. You have the opportunity to explore various fields that address the biological, environmental and societal complexities of creating healthy lifestyles. Olivet programs equip you for some of the fastest-growing careers — in biological sciences, exercise and sports science, family and consumer sciences, nursing, social work and criminal justice.

• Feed, clothe and care for the homeless and underserved • Educate high-risk populations on the importance of healthy lifestyle • Have leadership roles in supporting professional and college sports teams


The sounds of more than 30 instrumental and vocal ensembles originate in the School of Music. Groups range from a string quartet to the University Orchestra to the 200-member Marching Tigers; from larger ensembles — Jazz Band, Proclamation Gospel Choir, Concert Band

and Orpheus Choir — to smaller ensembles that perform different styles of music. A technology pioneer, the School of Music last year became the first of its kind to be recognized as an Apple Distinguished Program. Students access course materials through the iPad for paperless study, and they access musical resources from around the world.

• Focus on developing yourself as a musician • Private lessons for instruments and voice • A multitude of choral opportunities and concert stage experiences

Your experience also encourages you to grow as a Christian scholar and focus on your personal spiritual development. Your professors are academically qualified educators who are also ministers, so they provide the

Success indicators for the engineering program include expanded concentrations, rapid enrollment growth and valuable job opportunities. On the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, the first step toward licensing, Olivet seniors average a first-time pass rate of 89 percent — 13 percent higher than the national average.

Our ABET-accredited school offers concentrations in electrical, mechanical, geological, civil, architectural and chemical engineering. In addition, the department of computer science is housed in the school. As an Olivet engineer, you can also be a “missioneer.” Students use education and skills to bring irrigation, water and electrical systems to developing nations through mission trips to needy areas of the world.

• Quality internships • A work co-op program • Employment opportunities

knowledge and experience to equip you for ministry. The school includes the University’s Center for Faith and Culture, an initiative that focuses on probing and understanding the importance of how faith and culture intersect in society and Christian life.

• Biblical, religious, and missions and intercultural studies • Christian education, philosophy and religion • Children’s, pastoral and youth ministry



The Distinct Schools of Olivet Nazarene University


— Dr. Houston Thompson, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs





Homecoming and Family Weekend 2015 was an exciting time on the Olivet campus. On Friday, students showed Tiger pride by wearing purple and gold all day and cheering for men’s and women’s basketball that evening. Alumni Rod Reed ’84/’86 M.A. and Don Williamson ’54 were honored with the prestigious “O” Awards, and Lauren (Hawkins) Larsen ’08 and Rusty Funk ’07 were presented with the Young Alumni Awards. In addition to the special music selections during Homecoming Chapel and the annual President’s Prayer Breakfast, this year’s celebration included two magnificent concerts — one by Tenth Avenue North, and another presented by the School of Music and alumni guest soloists Bradley Garvin ’87, Jenna (Dickey) Fawcett ’11 and Joy (Swartz) Nance ’80. The annual Wendy Parsons 5K took on a new glow-in-the-dark look this year inside the Perry Center field house. Class reunions provided a meaningful time of rekindling friendships, sharing stories and fond memories. For everyone who came home to Olivet, the weekend — filled with athletic events, music, poignant testimonies and lots of laughs — was one to remember.

Mark your calendar For video from the Homecoming Chapel and the President’s Prayer Breakfast, visit www.olivet.edu


October 28-30

2016 olivet.edu olivet.edu

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you are to where you






from where


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To learn more about the Doctor of Education in Ethical Leadership degree program visit graduate.olivet.edu or call 1-877-9OLIVET

We value your memorabilia! To donate to Archives, contact Archives@olivet.edu or 815-939-5148.








B Joseph Bentz ’83 recently authored the Christian fantasy novel, Dreams of Caladria, published by Enclave Publishing. The novel is available at bookstores nationwide. More information and free bonus chapters are on Bentz’s website, josephbentz.com.


C Joan (Yordy) Brasher ’86 was recently promoted

to public affairs officer at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. She also serves as editor-inchief of the “Peabody Reflector,” the alumni magazine for the Vanderbilt College of Education and Human Development. She has worked in Vanderbilt’s Public Affairs office for 12 years.


D Natalie Carter-Kant ’88 was named 2014 Alaska School Counselor of the Year. She is a counselor at Skyview Middle School in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. This award is given for outstanding leadership, work ethic, enthusiasm for the profession and care of students.


Jennifer (Hart) ’98 and Robert Wysocki welcomed their son, Daniel, on December 6, 2014, through adoption. He joins sister LiviaAnn, 4. Jennifer is an independent consultant for All’asta and a stayat-home mom. Bob is a software developer for Kronos. They reside in Joliet, Illinois.

E Chris Buckman ’98 and his wife, Kristan,

welcomed their son, Easton Marshall, on July 1, 2015. He joins their daughter, Lydian, 2. Chris is a senior geophysicist for Amec Foster Wheeler in Lisle, Illinois. Kristan is an eighth grade science teacher in Geneva, Illinois. They reside in North Aurora, Illinois.







F Merideth (Densford) Spriggs ’00 was honored as Citizen of the Month by the City of Las Vegas on September 2, 2015, for her work to end homelessness through Caridad, the organization she founded and leads.




G Erin Willis ’03 published her first novel under the name E.J. Willis in August 2015. Battle for the Throne: Tales from Falyncia Book One is a young adult fantasy with Christian elements. She has two more books planned for this series.



H Jamie (Bowman) ’04 and Jed Harrington welcomed a son, Alexander Eagle, on September 4, 2015. Jamie is the customer service manager for US-Mattress.com and president of Ameenamattress.com. They reside in Howell, Michigan. I Erin (Rumbley) Doss ’04 recently earned

her Ph.D. in rhetorical studies from the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University. She is now an assistant professor of communications arts at Indiana University, Kokomo. She and her husband, Rodger ’05, and their two sons, Desmond, 4, and Donovan, 2, reside in Kokomo.






Joey ’08 and Emily (Poling) ’10 Sippel welcomed a son, Bekham Allen, on May 7, 2015, in Utsunomiya, Japan. Joey is currently on a two-year assignment as an engineer for Honda and a liaison for the East Liberty Plant in Ohio. While in Japan, Emily has been teaching English classes and piano lessons.

J Aaron ’07 and Katie Jo (Bushard) ’07 Payne welcomed a daughter, Eden Jo, on June 18, 2015. Aaron is a U.S. Army Recruiting Company commander. Katie transitioned from active duty Army and is now a member of the Georgia Army National Guard. They reside in Grovetown, Georgia. olivet.edu







1) Marla (Mast) ’08 and Jacob Jones were married on June 27, 2015, in Kokomo, Indiana. Marla works for Miller’s Health Systems as a social worker. Jacob works for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles as an electrical engineer. They reside in Kokomo.


1! Rebekah (Scott) ’09 and Mark Negley were wed on November 8, 2014. They reside in West Peoria, Illinois.


1@ Dr. Elizabeth Hiatt ’10 and Dr. David Houser

were married on May 9, 2015, in Springfield, Illinois. Elizabeth is in her second year of internal medicine residency at Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. David is currently a nephrology fellow at Medical College of Wisconsin. They reside in Elm Grove, Wisconsin.

1# Zachary Meeks ’10 was recently named head football coach at Mooseheart Child City and School in Mooseheart, Illinois. Prior to accepting this position, he worked at Mooseheart for four years as a family teacher and assistant coach.


1$ Tiffany DeRocco ’12 has been named executive

director for The United Way of Kankakee and Iroquois Counties in Illinois. She is the first woman to serve in this position in over 20 years.

1% Jake ’13 and Allison (Reed) ’12 Gregory welcomed a son, Carter Reed, on April 14, 2015. Jake is the lead pastor and Allison is the associate pastor of family ministries at St. Louis Church of the Nazarene in Michigan. They reside in St. Louis, Michigan.



1^ Michael Johnston ’14 has joined the architecture

firm of Felder & Associates in Savannah, Georgia, as a junior associate. His responsibilities include assisting with the production of construction documents, 3D modeling and collaborating on design projects with other members of the firm. He studied interior design at Olivet for three years and then transferred to Savannah College of Art and Design to complete a bachelor of fine arts in architecture.

Richard and Ali (Wooldridge) McHie of Kankakee, Illinois, recently celebrated 60 years of marriage. They were married on March 5, 1955, at Immanuel Baptist Church in Kankakee. Ali is retired from Ameritech, and Richard is retired from Moorman Mfg. Co. Richard is an active member of the community and has been involved with Jaycees, YMCA Men’s Club, Auxiliary Police, several RV clubs and is a member of Olivet’s Foundation Board. Together, Richard and Ali enjoy traveling by motorcycle or RV and relaxing in The Villages, Florida. Thanks to the generosity of the McHies, students and the community are able to enjoy basketball games in Olivet’s McHie Arena.





CORRECTIONS The following information corrects items published in “The Classes” in the August 2015 issue of “Olivet: The Magazine.” Chris Bredholt ’71 taught at Winter Springs (Florida) High School, where her student, Sean Ewing, graduated before becoming a professional actor. The late Muriel Knowles ’66 was born in Greene, Maine, and earned her master’s degree in education from the University of Illinois. 56





IN MEMORIAM Berdella “Della” Arlene (Tonk) Wilkinson ’49 of Crossville, Tennessee, went to be with her Lord and savior on February 20, 2015. She was born July 20, 1922, in New London, Wisconsin, to Justin and Blanche (Rand) Tonk. She grew up in Milan, Ohio, and graduated as valedictorian from Milan High School in 1940. She graduated from Olivet Nazarene College with a bachelor’s degree in business education and went on to earn a master’s in education from The Ohio State University in 1952. She taught business education in Milan and Fremont, Ohio.    She met Bruce Wilkinson at Ohio State, and the couple married October 17, 1953. Mrs. Wilkinson was active in the Church of the Nazarene. As her children grew older, she worked as a departmental secretary at Michigan State University. She was the first person at Michigan State to pass the certified professional secretary exam. In later years until she retired, Mrs. Wilkinson worked in the registrar’s office at Spring Arbor College, Michigan. She and her husband relocated to Crossville in their retirement years and traveled the country in their motor home, often volunteering along the way. John W. Bundy ’50 of Bethany, Oklahoma, passed away August 28, 2015. He was born August 15, 1928, in Muncie, Indiana, to Gertrude (Fisher) and Clinton Bundy. At Olivet Nazarene College, he earned a degree in business administration. In 1953, he married Margretta Sanders in Port Arthur, Texas.    Mr. Bundy served as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. After his military service, he purchased and developed an egg and poultry distribution center in Port Arthur. After selling the business, he became a certified life underwriter and worked as an independent insurance agent at Bundy & Associates.    After he retired, Mr. Bundy became office manager for his son’s medical practice in Lake Jackson, Texas. In 1994, the Bundys moved to Bethany to be close to their grandchildren. At Port Arthur First Church of the Nazarene, Mr. and Mrs. Bundy were lay music ministers and served as board members for 40 years. Mr. Bundy was a member of the Houston District Advisory Board, the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene and the Southern Nazarene University Board of Trustees. His lifelong pursuit was studying and teaching the prophetic books of the Bible.




James Kesner Gee ’52 of Winter Haven, Florida, passed away on May 21, 2015. He was born November 27, 1928, in Carrier Mills, Illinois, to Ephriam and Beatrice (Warren) Gee. He was active in the First Church of the Nazarene, Winter Haven, where he was a member of the choir and quartet, served as the church board secretary and taught Sunday school.    Mr. Gee was a building contractor, and his expertise is reflected in a variety of Michigan structures, including six buildings at Oakland University, University of Michigan Law Library, Hillcrest Church of the Nazarene expansion, Jackson State Prison and Meadowbrook Pavilion, as well as in many homes and home additions for friends and family. In Florida, Mr. Gee constructed the Flour Mill, office buildings and Fort Myers Nazarene Church, among other projects. On Olivet’s campus, he had a hand in the construction of the Larsen Fine Arts Center and the Elwood Center for Student Success. Dorothy “Dottie” M. (Christenson) Pierce ’63 of Vicksburg, Michigan, and Florence, Arizona, passed away April 24, 2015. She was born October 30, 1936, in Litchfield, Minnesota, to Oliver and Annie Christenson and attended Litchfield Church of the Nazarene. At Olivet, she met Duane Pierce ’61, and they were married August 9, 1958. Mrs. Pierce graduated with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education.    From 1966 to 1997, Mrs. Pierce taught in the Leslie Public Schools in Michigan, where she earned two Golden Apple Awards for exemplary classroom work. During her teaching years, the Pierces lived in Mason, Michigan, where they raised two sons and were members of the Mason First Church of the Nazarene. After Mrs. Pierce retired, the couple spent winters in Florence and summers at Indian Lake Nazarene Campground in Vicksburg. Ira “Carl” Miller ’68 passed away August 31, 2015, in Warsaw, Indiana. A former Nazarene minister, Mr. Miller finished his career as an employee of the State of Illinois Department of Public Aid.    Mr. Miller lost his eyesight in the late 1960s and became well known for his efforts on behalf of the blind. He was a member of the National Federation of the Blind, the Lions Club and the Mentone United Methodist Church in Indiana. An avid fan of the Chicago Cubs and WGN radio, Mr. Miller was also an expert mechanic. He fully restored more than 20 cars, 15 of them after he became blind. His wife, Charlotte, photographically chronicled nearly all of his restoration projects. Rev. Lois (Stephenson) Aumiller ’69 passed away August 16, 2015, in Chatham, Illinois. She grew up in the First Church of the Nazarene, Washington, D.C., where she met and married Francis Aumiller. They resided in Champaign, Illinois. At age 32 and with three children, Mrs. Aumiller felt God calling her to full-time ministry. The family moved to Bourbonnais so that she could attend Olivet. The Rev. Aumiller and her husband pastored churches in Mercer, Wisconsin, and Auburn, Illinois. After leaving the pastorate, they continued to minister in other churches and spent many winters volunteering at a children’s home in Reynosa, Mexico.












MAY 9–14, 2016

For information, visit www.olivet.edu or call 815-939-5258


More than 4,800 — 2,900 of them undergrads ­­— from nearly every U.S. state, 20 countries and 40 religious denominations.


Based on ACT score and high school records (college transcripts for transfer students). For incoming freshmen, average ACT score is 24.


More than 120 areas of study offered through the School of Business, School of Engineering and Technology, School of Life and Health Sciences, School of Education, School of Music, School of Theology and Christian Ministry, and the College of Arts and Sciences. Study- abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles.


Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Beautiful, park-like campus features 31 major buildings on 250 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Ill., just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Hong Kong.



Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith then in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.


At Olivet Nazarene University, student-athletes compete on 21 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field. Varsity women compete in basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs.


More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, radio broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 37,000 alumni living around the world.


Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Management, Bachelor of Business Administration,+ Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Criminal Justice: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Education: Safety and Driver Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement,* Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction,+ Master of Arts in Education: Library Information Specialist, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist,+ Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership – Interdisciplinary Engineering: Master of Engineering Management Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing,* Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing,* Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Studies, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts: Pastoral Leadership,* Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry, Master of Arts: Urban Pastor Leadership *online

Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biochemistry Biology Broadcast Journalism Business Administration Business Administration Not-for-Profit Mgmnt Business Information Systems Chemistry Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Commercial Graphics/ Marketing Communication Studies Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Dietetics Digital Media: Graphics Digital Media: Photography Drawing & Illustration

Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics & Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Geological Engineering - Mechanical English English as a Second Language English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Education Family Studies Fashion Merchandising Film Studies Finance Forensic Chemistry French General Studies Geography

Geological Sciences Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Hospitality Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business International Marketing Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Marketing Marketing Management Mass Communication Mathematics Mathematics Education Media Production Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Missions & Intercultural Studies Multimedia Studies Music

Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Painting Pastoral Ministry Philosophy & Religion Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Science Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Print & Online Journalism Psychology Public Policy Public Relations Radio Broadcasting Recreation, Sports & Fitness

+ classroom and online

Religion Religious Studies Science Education Secondary Education Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Television & Video Production Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology

800-648-1463 · olivet.edu

Statistics compiled from 2013, 2014 and/or 2015.


million dollars in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students

10 0

percent of candidates pass Illinois Teaching Certification tests


percent of grads secured a job or a grad school opportunity within six months of graduation


study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA conferences


percent of nursing students pass state boards



percent of engineering students pass Fundamentals of Engineering Exam

student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of more than 4,900



May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. May you discover the mystery of living in the world but not being of it.

Like Enoch, may you live long productive lives so connected with God that your transition to the next life will be like taking an unbroken stroll into the next life.

Like Daniel, may the leaders of nations want you in their inner circle of authority because of your divinely given wisdom and insight.

Like Stephen, may you lay down your life, maybe even in the prime of life, as a peaceful witness to a Kingdom the world cannot see.

But like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, may the leaders of nations hold you in furnace building suspicion because you claim a higher citizenship than any nation can offer and you will always obey God rather than rulers.

Like our Lord Jesus Christ, May the world love you and despise you. May you be embraced and rejected. May you be given all things but keep nothing. May multitudes follow you but may you take up your cross daily. May you become first by being last and may you become great by being the servant of all. May you daily give your talents to the Lord, prepared to be one day held accountable for how you have used the gift of life He has given you.

Like Joseph, may your integrity and determination lead the prominent and mighty corporations of the world to place you in seats of power and influence. But like the Apostle Paul in Ephesus, may your prophetic life so call into question the idolatry on which our lives are built, that the unjust economic systems of our world conspire to run you out of town before you undo their systems. May the great graduate schools and universities fight over you because they long to have students who give their minds wholeheartedly back to God as an act of worship. But may they not know what to do with brilliant people who would rather identify themselves with the Lamb than with the cultured elites.

But like Zacchaeus, refusing to be conformed to this present age, may you wrap up and give back the wealth the principalities and powers will offer you, willing to pay the cost of discipleship. God has called you to help heal the broken world. May the world be both excited and terrified that we are on the way. And may He who began a good work in you carry it to completion until the day of His coming. Amen.

Dr. Scott Daniels Benediction from Fall Revival Service Tuesday, September 15, 2015 College Church of the Nazarene



THE benediction

Ol’ Smokey is more than just the chimney atop Brodien Power Plant on Olivet’s main campus. Rebuilt after it toppled in the devastating tornado of April 1963, Smokey now signals “all’s well” as it stretches toward a vibrant autumn sky.



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