Olivet the Magazine April 2014

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April 2014




SPRING HAS SPRUNG After an unusually frosty winter, students are thrilled to trade in their gloves and parkas for sunshine and flowers on Olivet’s 250-acre parklike campus. Spring also brings a flurry of activity to the campus, with outdoor sports, club events, senior recitals, spring play, numerous campus life activities and commencement just around the corner.

THE MAGAZINE From the moment we first imagined the scope and reach of Olivet the Magazine, we have eagerly anticipated this issue dedicated to illuminating the person, power and presence of Jesus Christ. In his work “Let’s Start with Jesus,” longtime Olivet friend Dr. Dennis Kinlaw beautifully outlines the significance of Christ in the sweep of human history and in the lives of all believers.

What do you think?


God’s desire for intimacy with His creation became even more obvious with the appearance of Christ. The desire, expressed and implicit in the old covenant, is more fully evident in the incarnation. God does not simply want to dwell in the temple among His people. He takes on flesh so He can be one with us and gives us His Spirit so He can dwell within us. Now, we are to be the temple of the living God. He has become one of us so that we can become brothers and sisters to Him and sons and daughters to His Father. A sense of identification and intimacy with God, latent in the covenant before Christ came, now through Christ becomes every believer’s privilege. As we enter into Holy Week, we once again encounter the risen Christ through these pages. May our resolve to know Him, love Him and serve Him be ever strengthened and increased. May we once again be compelled to dedicate our very best efforts to the cause of Christ and His Kingdom. As Pastor Bill Hybels expressed to his Willow Creek congregation, “I would never want to reach out someday with a soft, uncalloused hand — a hand never dirtied by serving — and shake the nail-pierced hand of Jesus.” May it be so for all of us! - The Editorial Board MARK BALLOGG



Olivet: The Magazine is the official publication of Olivet Nazarene University

CONTENTS ON THE COVER Light streams through the stained glass windows in the Betty and Kenneth Hawkins Centennial Chapel. Photo captured by staff photographer Jordan Hansen

1^ Who is the Christ? Drs. Gary Allen Henecke, David Van Heemst and Kashama Mulamba offer unique perspectives on this question and how Christ is at work in our everyday lives.

OLIVET: THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing Communications under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Reproduction of material without written permission is strictly prohibited. EDITORIAL BOARD Heather (Quimby) Day ’02/ ’12 E.M.B.A. Brian W. Parker ’93/ ’11 Ed.D. George Wolff ’93 ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 GRAPHIC DESIGN Matthew Moore ’96 Monique Perry ’03 Donnie Johnson PHOTOGRAPHY JonesFoto or as credited PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPORT Jordan Hansen ’13







The latest headlines from the Olivet campus and around the globe

A converstation with the School of Theology and Christian Ministry

Some of the best college memories are formed in the freshman resident halls

EDITORIAL SUPPORT Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel A.E. Sarver ’15 Renee Gerstenberger

VOLUME 81 ISSUE 4 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2013 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., M.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Dennis Crocker ’75, M.M., D.M.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STRATEGIC EXPANSION Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 M.B.A., D.B.A.

Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet: The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Ave. Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345




University President John C. Bowling



Taking Every Thought Captive to Christ Since its earliest days, the motto of Olivet Nazarene University has been “Education with a Christian Purpose.” This is a direct expression of the University’s mission statement: Olivet Nazarene University, a denominational university in the Wesleyan tradition, exists to provide a liberal arts “Education with a Christian Purpose.” Our mission is to provide high quality academic instruction for the purpose of personal development, career and professional readiness and the preparation of individuals for lives of service to God and humanity. Olivet is committed to being more than “historically Christian” or “church-related.” Our goal is to be genuinely Christ-like in our commitment to excellence in teaching, learning and service to others. For Olivet to live up to and live out its high calling means that Christ is at the heart of University life. The goal is for Christ to take His rightful place in the classroom, chapel, residential life and sports programs; through the outreach of the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies; in the School’s business dealings; and in every other aspect of University affairs. The integration of faith, learning and living is to be the natural pattern of life at Olivet, making it a Christ-centered, Christexalting and Christ-serving University. This firm commitment does not diminish or trivialize but rather enriches the hard work of higher education. Too often, Christian higher education is viewed, at least by some, as antiintellectual. Nothing should be further from the truth. Christian higher education that is not demanding does not honor God and cannot stand the test of time. If we are to have “the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16), we must be willing to wrestle honestly with the great issues of life, knowing that all truth finds its home in God. God calls us to

be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we can know the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. In his fine book, “The Opening of the Christian Mind,” David W. Gill writes, “Having a Christian mind means that in every situation, we try to think from the perspective of Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him as Lord, Savior and God. It means subordinating and integrating all truth to the truth, all facts to the fact, all values to the value revealed in Jesus Christ.” The aim of Christian education is the development of the whole person for all of life. Thus, Olivet seeks to help students and faculty alike “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). These words of Scripture call us to a wholehearted devotion to Christ — not just with our hearts, but also with our minds. This is what it means to seek an “Education with a Christian Purpose.”

Dr. John C. Bowling serves as the 12th president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s and two earned doctorate degrees, he is a best-selling author, a prominent national speaker and is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book, “Revision,” from Beacon Hill Press, provides “Thirteen Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization and Your Life.”








Carrying out a campus tradition for major construction projects, engineering students recently had the opportunity to get a first look at the new engineering wing in Reed Hall of Science. Many paused to sign their names into history on currently exposed beams. “It was a great moment,” says Dr. Joe Schroder, engineering professor and interim department chair. “It was exciting for the students to take a look.” The three-story Reed expansion project will be completed in time for the fall 2014 semester. In total, the Reed expansion will offer students nearly 29,000 square feet of classrooms, labs and creative space dedicated to the pursuit of technology and innovation.

Joining voices with the Altgeld Gardens By the Hand children’s choir, Proclamation Gospel Choir recently performed in Pembroke, Ill., for a “Concert of Prayer.” The performance commemorated the launch of a Childhood Development Program that is sponsored, organized and staffed by Olivet students. “The Pembroke community is full of possibilities and opportunities,” says Dr. Houston Thompson, dean of Olivet’s School of Professional Studies. “Olivet students are focused on identifying the strengths in the community, and coming alongside Pembroke residents to bring those possibilities and opportunities to life.”





Heading into the NAIA National Tournament, Olivet’s women’s basketball team maintained an incredible average of 108.6 points per game. This is the highest national average of any college women’s team in any division (NAIA/ NCAA/ NJCAA), and only two men’s teams in any division have outscored them. Among the top Tigerball scorers are the four senior Tigers — Miranda Geever, Malory Adam, Liz Bart and Taylor Haymes (pictured above) — who have each surpassed the elite mark of 1,000 total career points.

As the only American member of the Australian multi-platinum rock opera group, The Ten Tenors, Chad Hilligus ’03 was recently spotted on NBC’s “Today Show” with Kathie Lee and Hoda. Performing an average of 250 shows per year across six continents, The Ten Tenors have sold more than 3.5 million tickets worldwide. Previously, Chad gained international attention starring as Tony in the critically acclaimed 50th Anniversary World Tour of “West Side Story.”




SWIMMING SUCCESS Three individual national championship performances, 44 AllAmerican performances and the University’s first NAIA swim hardware — not a bad weekend for Olivet’s second-year swim program. At the 2014 NAIA National Swimming and Diving Championships, held in Oklahoma City on March 6-8, both the men’s and women’s teams improved over last year’s noteworthy performances with the women placing third and the men reaching the podium with a runner-up finish. Senior Aaron Buchanan (Beavercreek, Ohio) and sophomores Jake Anderson (Clifton, Ill.) and Sydney Harris (Fort Wayne, Ind.) each captured the title of National Champion in their signature events.





For the latest news, sports scores and events, go to www.olivet.edu

PEER TO PEER GRANTS Through the Student Philanthropy Council at Olivet, students now have the opportunity to apply for and receive grants from their peers that will make a significant impact in the local community. This year, the SPC awarded funds to four student groups: the tennis team, to buy supplies for local school children; MuKappa, to provide a refugee family with kitchenware, towels and bedding; Reach Community, to purchase paint supplies for a remodeling project at a local Christian academy; and Youth for Christ, to provide furniture for the City Life Center in Kankakee.

NATIONAL CHAMP At the 2014 NAIA Indoor Track and Field National Championships on March 7, freshman Zach Gordon (Carol Stream, Ill., pictured above) became Olivet Nazarene University’s first national champion in the long jump. Olivet’s last indoor men’s national champion was Mark Hollis ’07 (pole vault, 2007). In all, the Tigers finished with 14 All-American performances, including two by sophomore Amy Blucker (Galesburg, Ill.), who finished fourth in both the shot put and the weight throw. Olivet finished 13th overall on the men’s side and 15th on the women’s in a field of 46 teams from around the country.

SPECIALIZED MISSIONS During spring break 2014 and this coming summer, more than 200 Olivet students, faculty and staff will be making a global impact for Christ as they travel to 13 different U.S. and worldwide locations through Missions In Action. Several trips make use of the specialized skills and training of participants, such as teaching entrepreneurial courses to indigenous leaders, installing water irrigation systems, providing medical clinics and training, and leading computer and finance programs.








In just his second year as the head coach of Olivet Nazarene University’s swim program, Coach Scott Teeters received not one, but two NAIA Coach of the Year honors. At the 2014 NAIA Swimming and Diving National Championships, Coach Teeters was recognized by his colleagues as the Men’s Coach of the Year, while sharing the Women’s Coach of the Year honor with Blair Bachman of Brenau University (Ga.). In two years, Coach Teeters has led the Tigers to a fourth place finish, two third place finishes and a second place finish at the NAIA National Championships.

Mark Hollis ’07 took top placement in the men’s pole vault at the 2014 USA Indoor Track and Field Championships on February 22 in Albuquerque, N.M. His winning height was 18 feet, 2 1/2 inches, just shy of his personal indoor best of 18-6 at Virginia Tech earlier that month. He currently resides in Knoxville, Tenn., where he is coached by 2004 Olympic gold medalist Tim Mack. In the coming months, he plans to vault in Beijing, China, the Drake Relays in Des Moines, Iowa; and the USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Sacramento, Calif. Long term, he hopes to represent Team USA at the 2016 Olympics.

NEW ENGINEERING CHAIR Olivet announces the appointment of Dr. R. Shane Ritter as the new chair of the Department of Engineering.

Dr. Ritter has 25 years of experience in the engineering design industry and is the owner and director of Ritter Engineering, P.C. He is also a licensed professional engineer in 38 states and Canada and has served as the director of electrical engineering/principle electrical engineer with Perigon International. Both companies are based in the Charlotte, N.C., area. As department chair and professor of electrical engineering, Dr. Ritter steps into a booming program where student enrollment has tripled within the last five years. To accommodate the growing program, engineering design labs and a new three-story wing dedicated to the study of technology and innovation are being added to Olivet’s Reed Hall of Science.


“As Christian engineers, we are to apply our knowledge and training for the purpose of bringing hope to the hopeless in the name of Jesus Christ.”

W AT C H A V I D E O I N T E R V I E W W I T H D R . R I T T E R AT W W W. O L I V E T T H E M A G A Z I N E . C O M .




Trumpeter Grant Penrod ’17 joins fellow bandmates in providing the perfect pregame pump-up playlist through ONU Pep Band. Made up of Marching Tigers — sans the marching — the Pep Band is directed by Zachary Kohlmeier ’13 and heightens the excitement of every home men’s Tiger basketball game throughout the season. Go Tigers!



Olivet Nazarene University and Shine.FM announce the launch of

Streaming contemporary Christian music for Hispanic families

89.7 Chicagoland 路 88.3 Indianapolis 路 89.3 Morris 88.5 Northwest Indiana 路 www.Shine.FM 路 www.Brilla.FM WWW.OLIVET.EDU



Shine.FM launches new Hispanic station

Born in Chiapas, Mexico, Daneli Rabanalez Hernandez ’17 came to the United States with her parents when she was five years old. Today, she sees how that move was all part of God’s plan — not just for her life but for thousands of Hispanic believers eager to hear Christian radio in their heart language.


“Radio impacts lives,” Daneli says. “Having it available for speakers of my native language is dear to my heart.”

America. For many years, his dream had been to host a Christian music station for Hispanic listeners.

Daneli distinctly remembers her first day of radio broadcasting class at Olivet in August 2013.

“Daneli was the spark that ignited my dream,” Brian says. Soon after, Brilla.FM became a reality — officially launching on March 3, 2014.

“My professor, Carl Fletcher [’92/’99 MBA], talked about a new Spanish Christian radio station that Shine.FM was planning to start in 2014,” recalls Daneli, a communication major from Arcola, Ill. “I was so excited that I was bouncing up and down in my chair. That was my dream, too!” Prof. Fletcher quickly connected her with Brian McIntyre Utter ’91, network general manager for Shine.FM and an active volunteer with World Mission Broadcast in Latin



Those of Hispanic origin are one of the largest and fastest growing populations within the United States, and this new venture will help extend the reach of Shine.FM’s hopefilled messages to them. Brian says, “God is using Brilla. FM to reach not only that group but also people in Latin America and the Spanish-speaking world with the message of Christ.”

Brilla.FM’s programming will feature some of the most well-known Hispanic Christian music artists, such as Marcos Witt, Danilo Montero, Marcela Gandara and Jesús Adrián Romero. English speaking artists like Kari Jobe, Hillsong Young and Free, and Hillsong Global Project who have Spanish albums and songs will also have airtime. The new station will also offer training opportunities for bilingual Olivet students.

As for Daneli, she continues to be amazed at the way God has brought all the pieces together to do something so wonderful. “The answer to Brian’s prayer took a long time,” Daneli adds. “The answer to mine came quickly. God’s timing is perfect.”

“Olivet’s Hispanic students and those studying Spanish are welcome to get involved with Brilla.FM,” Brian says. “They will discover firsthand how they can work and contribute in a media ministry.”





He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whethWHO IS THE er thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Colossians 1:15–20 This issue, we've asked three friends of Olivet the Magazine to help us address this

enduring question. Dr. Gary Allen Henecke presents both the man and the Christ, while Dr. David Van Heemst contemplates the

compatibility of Christ in higher education. Dr. Kashama Mulamba gives his personal,

compelling testimony to the limitless reach of God through Christ, His Son.



Dr. Gary Allen Henecke “Who is Jesus Christ?” This question refuses to go away. More than a dozen current books carry this title, and popular magazines annually publish issues on this question. Simple at first glance, it becomes complex if really examined.


AT THE CENTER OF HISTORY A man of 2,000 years ago and the verb is in the present tense? My subject is correctly: “Who is Jesus?”, not “Who was He?” This man will not fade into history, nor will He stay there. He confronts every generation and each individual. At about noon on the eve of Hebrew Passover, probably our April 3, 33 CE, the Roman prefect of Judah executed three men outside Jerusalem’s Gennath [garden] Gate — and everything changed for humanity. The death of one man is the most written about, debated upon and artistically and musically depicted event of all time. His crucifixion, the core of Christian teaching in worship and witness, is the foundation to understanding Him. Two of the victims of that governor’s judgment have slipped forever into oblivion. All that is known of them is that they were condemned and died for the crimes of thievery or terrorism. We know little more, other than the third man died first, and the guards had to assist them into death by breaking their legs. We know neither their names nor their stories. The One crucified in the middle preserves the memory of the others. The described nature of His crime was visible to passersby. Written simply and succinctly at the prefect’s order were words that His enemies so



feared and in which His followers hope: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” Written above His head — in the languages of state, philosophy and the common person — this speaks of His allinclusive, universal nature. “Jesus of Nazareth” describes a man with a history, heritage and mission. It identifies Him as a person and locates Him for all who care to know more. “King of the Jews” speaks to His being and impact. What the label above His head does not say reveals the poverty of the governor who authored it and the blindness of those who believed His death to be an end-all. The declaration, as unwittingly inclusive as it is, declares the failure of the legal and religious processes to see the greater reality. This reality will not allow us to ignore the man: Jesus the Christ.

transcendent possibilities. His resurrection was not a return to life; He rose to new dimensions and new human potential for us all. Christians hold that Jesus was and is existence, and we are His creation. He is meaning itself. He not only taught truth, He is truth. For Olivet Nazarene University, education finds its center and purpose in Him. All else exists for Him, through Him and to Him. Simply, Jesus Christ is Lord! In that lordship, He is “Christ crucified.” We can never know all there is of God. We only know as He reveals Himself; and for us, the revealed is Jesus. Jesus is Lord, and the question is correct: “Who is Jesus?” He is. Education, therefore, is unfulfilled until it finds its purpose in Him.

For 2,000 years, He has dominated the human story, shaped the nature of ethics, defined morality and survived the constant attack of new skeptics who attempt to write His obituary. Each successive human generation gives rise to a fresh number who believe Christ to be no longer relevant. They pass, and He continues. Millions have believed and professed that hanging on the middle cross was the crucified Creator of the universe, of all that exists. Jesus of Nazareth was God on a cross. The cross is not an event that happened to Jesus; it is God revealing His very nature and being to humankind. Who is Jesus? He is the greatest of Israel’s prophets, yes, but much more. He is the center of the Christian faith — oh, yes, and much more. He is the most significant life to have lived and much more. Christians believe that Jesus is the Eternal, self-replicated in time. God the Creator created Himself into human life, uniting Himself to us. In this incarnation, He lifted human life to

Dr. Gary Allen Henecke ’68 is an exceptionally gifted preacher, pastor, teacher, writer and thought leader. He has served the Church of our Lord with great distinction since he was called to preach at the age of sixteen. Converted to Christ on Epiphany Sunday in 1963, he has been a preacher for 50 years. During this service, he held four pastorates including the historic churches of Oskaloosa, Iowa (5 years), Portland Oregon First Church (13 years) and the “Mother Church of the South,” Nashville First Church (18 years). He also served the denomination as an executive director and a member of the General Board. A graduate of Olivet, Dr. Henecke went on to earn master of arts and doctor of divinity degrees from Western Evangelical Seminary.

TRANS FORM ATION Why Christian higher education?

Transforming the world for Christ.


Dr. David Van Heemst

Dr. David Van Heemst ’96 M.P.C./’98 M.A. is a leading political scientist, historian, author, researcher and professor at Olivet Nazarene University. In a 10-year period, he has authored five books, including “Empowering the Poor: Why Justice Requires School Choice,” “Herman Dooyeweerd and Eric Voegelin: A Comparative Study,” “Hope in Troubled Times: A New Vision for Confronting Global Crises,” “Splashing in Puddles: How to Be a Father to Your Daughter,” and “College: What's the Point? Embracing the Mystery of the Kingdom in a Postmodern World.” In 2013, he received Olivet's Samuel L. Mayhugh Award for Scholarly Excellence. His other awards include the Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence and the Second Mile Award.

First impressions stick with you. In Daryl’s case, this isn’t a good thing. A freshman from Michigan in my American government class, Daryl got into a friendly pencil fight with another student. I met with him after class and explained that it wasn’t funny that he won the pencil fight. He agreed not to pencil fight again. Seven years later, Daryl — armed with his Olivet degree and a law degree — was in Mexico, working to free young women and girls from human trafficking. What happened? Daryl got it. He immersed himself in Christian higher education and caught wind of a different way — The Way. Christian higher education captured his heart, transformed his mind and captivated his imagination. He wanted to make a difference for Christ in the world. He asked how God might use him for His purposes in this world. Why Christian higher education? Allow me to answer that question with a question: What if you could discover how God might use you to transform the world for Christ? What if that question could shape an entire university’s curriculum? One crucial question about higher education in today’s postmodern world is: Which worldview is shaping higher education? Education is not neutral, according to many educational theorists. Some type of perspective or ideology shapes all educational inquiry. In Christian higher education, Jesus Christ and His kingdom are pre-eminent. Christian faith shapes higher education. Classes begin with prayer, and the Christian faith is integrated into each discipline, from accounting to zoology. Who you become is closely connected to the worldview that shapes your education. A biblical or some other perspective will shape the person you will be and the way you will live for decades to come. What type of person would you like to be when you graduate? So much of the answer to that question falls upon the 18- to 22-year-olds’ shoulders. In Christian higher education, you are nurtured — in community and with godly mentors — into becoming a disciple of Jesus who follows His Spirit into a broken and dying world. At Olivet, you can catch a glimpse of The Way, or what Duke University ethicist Stanley Hauerwas calls the “in-breaking Kingdom of God.” You will be challenged to become a part of His reconciling work. You will join other late teens and early twenty-somethings being shaped into young women and men who will not only see things differently in their future vocations but who will also become passionate about

justice where there is no justice and healing where there is great suffering. Christian higher education nurtures students into becoming kingdom people who ask: How can I live with open palms, seeking to share the blessings that God has given me with those who are hurting? At its finest, Christian higher education deepens students’ insights and equips them with the skills to engage the culture for Christ. Students are challenged to be counter-cultural in so many ways and then inspired to transform the culture for Christ. In so doing, students begin to live out of the center of God’s will for their lives. At a Christian college, you cannot only discover your purpose, but you can also wrestle with connecting that purpose to the world’s needs. Frederick Buechner, writer and theologian, eloquently stated, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Christian higher education prepares students to be agents of reconciliation by nurturing their hearts and minds to become salt and light in a broken and dying world. John Bernbaum, president of the Russian-American Christian University, captured this insight: “Christian higher education ought not be an effort in cocoon building, seeking to hide us from the harsh realities of the present world. Rather, Christian higher education should be an effort in raising up peace-makers, those whose task is a harvest of righteousness.” The letters B.A. or B.S. will be attached to your name for decades to come. The experience of being saturated in a Christian environment for four years can deepen you into becoming a transforming influence in your job, a listening ear to those who are suffering and a willing servant committed to bringing God’s kingdom to this world. Much of higher education today is dedicated to self-interest, having a good time or strategizing to monetize your skill sets. What if your education could transform you so that you could become the person God knit you together to be when you were in your mother’s womb? Daryl found his calling at Olivet. Now, it’s your turn. Are you open to the transformative possibilities of a Christian higher education? WWW.OLIVET.EDU


CHRIST IN THE CONGO Dr. Kashama Mulamba

Storytellers can spread the great news about Jesus from village to village. Songwriters can write masterpieces that praise His faithfulness. Poets can arrange the words into rhyming stanzas that glorify His magnitude. I wish I were a storyteller, a songwriter or a poet. But, I’m not. I’m His subject who praises Him my way, with my story. And, my story is His story — a story about divine irony and the countless ways that God uses every opportunity for His purposes, regardless of our roots. I was born to non-Christian and illiterate parents in Africa. My father, a soldier in the Congolese army, completed only three years of elementary education. Although my mother never went to school, she knew education was important. She always reminded me, “My son, education is your father, your mother and your future.” So, I went to school and earned a college degree. In 1985, I was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to come to the U.S. and pursue graduate work. I completed a master’s degree with a double major in linguistics and English as a Second Language. I then began a Ph.D. program in English with a concentration in applied linguistics at Ball State University. My wife and five children remained in the Congo. In December 1988, I returned to the Congo to conduct research for my dissertation. During this time of research, the university deposited my stipend into my bank account, and a fellow graduate assistant agreed to take care of my bills while I was away. But, my bills were never paid.



I returned to the U.S. in 1989 to find that my bank account had been emptied. I had no money, no place to live and no support. With nowhere to go, I was taken in by one of my professors. In exchange for a place to stay, I helped with his home renovations by scraping wallpaper off the walls. During my stay there, a student from Burma invited me to Muncie First Church of the Nazarene, where Rev. Wil Watson was the senior pastor. A new episode of my story was beginning. I began to attend Muncie First Church regularly, officially joined in 1990 and graduated from Ball State University in May 1991. As I was preparing to return to the Congo, I realized there was no Church of the Nazarene there. Rev. Watson and I made a trip to the denomination’s headquarters in Kansas City to meet with some superintendents and people at the Mission Department. They suggested I begin a Bible study group and that I meet with Rev. John Seaman, the field director for West Africa. Rev. Seaman happened to be on vacation in the U.S., so I met with him. He agreed that a Bible study group could pave the way for the Church to send a missionary to the Congo. I returned to the Congo and began a Bible study, but for political reasons, it became too risky for the group to meet in my home. I decided to find an existing local church in Kinshasa, the capital city, and asked if it would adopt the doctrine and beliefs of the Church of the Nazarene as stipulated in the denomination’s “Manual.” The pastor accepted. When I left the Congo in 1993 to come back to the U.S. for a postdoctoral program at Ball State University, that local church was the only Church of the Nazarene in Kinshasa. As I’m writing these words, there are 19 Nazarene churches and preaching points in Kinshasa and more than 300 Nazarene churches in the Congo — including 100 elementary and high schools. The current senior pastor of the church I contacted in 1991, Rev. Hermenelgilde Matungulu, is one of the district superintendents. I had the opportunity to reconnect with him at General Assembly when I volunteered to interpret for international delegates in 2009 and 2013. This May, after 23 years in the U.S., I will co-lead a group of 15 students from Olivet Nazarene University to go and minister to our brothers and sisters of the Church of the Nazarene in the Congo. The story continues. There is a Latin saying, “Verba volent, Scripta manent,” meaning: “Spoken words fly and are forgotten; written words remain permanently.” I may never be as articulate as the great storytellers, songwriters and poets, but this is my story. This is His story, written on these pages and in the hearts of His followers in the Congo.

Dr. Kashama Mulamba is a specialist in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics and culture, with emphasis on foreign and second language teaching and learning. A professor of English and French, Dr. Mulamba has been teaching at the college level — both in the Congo and in the United States — since 1974. In 2012, he was named the chair of the Department of English and Modern Languages. Fluent in English, French, Ciluba and Lingala — and nearly fluent in Swahili and Kisonge — he is an internationally recognized scholar and has been published widely in a variety of journals and periodicals. His professional awards and honors are vast and include the 2012-2013 Fullbright Award in Research/Teaching.

A man who was mere ly a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great mor al teacher. He would ei ther be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or some thing worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon, or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. ... Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend. Conse quently, however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was and is God. A man who was merely a man and said the sort

of things Jesus said would not be a great moral

teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached

egg — or else he would be the devil of hell. You

must make your choice. Either this Man was, and is, the Son of God or else a madman or

something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a

demon, or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God, but let us not come with any

patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. Now, it seems to me obvious

that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend. Consequently, however strange or terrifying or

unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was and is God.

- C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Carl Leth Dean

Mark Quanstrom

Professor of Theology

Leon Blanchette

Professor of Christian Education

Teresa Garner

Associate Professor of Christian Education

What advice would you give to a student who feels called to ministry, but hasn’t figured out the specifics yet?


The most important thing you can do is walk daily with your Savior. Read the Word. Pray. Walk closely with Spirit-filled believers who will pray over and with you consistently. Begin talking to your senior pastor about becoming locally licensed as a minister. Spend time with your pastor calling on people, asking questions and learning from ministers you respect. Finally, look at the many options for further education. Call Olivet’s Office of Admissions, and ask about degrees in pastoral ministries, religion and philosophy, Christian education, ministerial missions, youth ministry and/or other ministries you are considering. They are here to help you.

Exploring the call with the School of Theology and Christian Ministry

in frequently asked questions


It is common for students to sense a call to ministry without specific direction. We usually have students take Fundamentals of Christian Ministry early in their programs, which helps them work through their call. Often, as they take courses, students begin to sense God’s leading. As they begin to interact with course material, they are in a place to think about the options of ministry.

How does Olivet help ministry students manage the cost of education?

CL Olivet is proactively partnering with ministry students to help them limit their debt load. We have just announced a new Ministerial Leadership Award, which WWW.OLIVET.EDU


in frequently asked questions can mean as much as $9,000 for a ministry student over four years of study. We also have a number of scholarships funded through Olivet’s Foundation. Our exciting Preaching Ambassador Program is providing a growing number of ministry students with the opportunity to practice their preaching, gain experience in local churches, earn an extra stipend and receive scholarships. We also offer incoming undergraduate students a unique program for integrated admission into our graduate programs. For qualifying students, we will commit a 50 percent tuition scholarship for their master’s degree at Olivet. We also have additional scholarship and teaching assistantships available for graduate students. Taken together, these initiatives can help students prepare seriously for ministry while limiting their debt.

What challenges do today’s ministers face?

LB It’s fairly easy to teach students what works in ministry, but much of that is in flux. What works today may not be practical tomorrow. While we do provide very practical classes, our main goal is to help our students become lifelong learners who serve God with everything within them. MQ The economic challenge is one that ministers in years past didn't confront as severely as contemporary ministers do. Health costs and greater expectations on the part of pastors make it difficult for many ministers to assume a full-time position in a smaller church. In light of this challenge, Olivet is helping prepare students for multi-vocational ministries. What unique opportunities do today’s pastors have?


The economic challenge is an opportunity as well. Many ministers have employment in addition to the church — not simply for economic reasons but also for missional purposes. This gives the minister inroads into the community and compels the congregation to assume more of the ministry of the church, which helps the discipleship of Christian believers.


Churches are in need of people with vision, compassion, perseverance and joy. People need to know Jesus. It is our privilege to be creative in finding ways to reach out and share our faith.



Do the children’s and youth ministries programs prepare students for ordination?


Yes, when you become part of a ministerial field of study, you are completely prepared for ordination in almost every denomination, including the Church of the Nazarene. We have a rigorous course of study that prepares you well. Except for your “time of service,” all of your courses are included.

What makes Olivet’s theology and ministry programs unique?


Our School of Theology and Christian Ministry faculty have a combined total of nearly 300 years of ministry experience. Three of our faculty are currently serving in pastoral roles in local churches. When students enroll in STCM programs, they are not only getting a great scholarly education but are also receiving practical teaching.


Currently, we have 16 regular professors in the School, in addition to a number of highly qualified adjuncts who supplement the regular faculty. We offer specialists in youth ministry, children’s ministry, pastoral ministry, philosophy, Patristics (early Church), New Testament, Old Testament, philosophical theology, church history, historical theology, missions and more. This offers students a rich menu of coursework and learning options.

For what types of ministry will ONU prepare a student?

MQ In truth, for any ministry to which God has called him or her. It is not too much to say that Olivet's School of Theology and Christian Ministry has designer majors for every call.

Engaged in Christ’s work in the world Dr. Carl Leth

Christ’s work of redemption in the world is a comprehensive, life-bringing and hope-restoring work. The Wesleyan Holiness movement has historically embraced this work with a bold optimism and holistic engagement. Christ intersects human history and creation, bringing restoration to a disordered, dying reality. He invites us to receive the Kingdom, offering personal forgiveness and healing, reconciliation to God and in community and the in-breaking reality of God’s rule in the world. That work of redemption continues today in a world so profoundly broken. We are surrounded by the deconstruction of moral values and the family and the loss of community. The challenges of ministry are especially high, while the resources at our disposal are diminishing. Preparing students for ministry today means preparing them to serve in this context. The School of Theology and Christian Ministry makes a special effort to prepare students to understand and engage with the changing culture, to understand the classic Christian faith at its best and to connect faith and culture. This is no small task, and it requires the very best we are able to bring.

For more information about the School of Theology and Christian Ministry or to apply for admission, go to www.olivet.edu.

Where Christ is at work, everything should change. Personal lives should be transformed. Broken families should be restored. The hopeless should discover hope. Marginalized and devalued people should discover that they are the focus of God’s special interest. Patterns and systems that oppress and dehumanize should be reordered. A new reality comes into view. Preparing for ministry involves much more than learning how to preach a sermon or organize a church program. It requires being prepared to join Christ in transforming the world, effectively leading the Church to be Christ’s means of restoring the presence of His kingdom into this broken world. Christ — and His work of redemption — defines the mission and scope of our work and what we are preparing to do. Where Christ is, that’s where we should be. What Christ is doing, that is what we are called to do with Him.



Steve lives in Novi, Mich., with his wife, Allison, and their three children. They, along with four recent Olivet engineering grads, attend Detroit First Church of the Nazarene.

Engineering the Next Generation Ford Motor Company’s Steve Angus ’93 paves the way for ONU Alumni


An Olivet advocate in every sense of the word, Steven Angus graduated in Olivet’s third class of engineers. He received a master’s degree in engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and went on to build a highly successful career in automotive engineering. Although Steve’s 20-year career has taken him to exotic places all over the globe, the real excitement for Steve comes when he is investing in the next generation of Olivet engineers. He enjoys seeing the Kingdom advanced through this calling. Not long after becoming chair of Olivet’s Department of Engineering in 2012, Dr. Johnson contacted his former Olivet classmate about an idea. “Ken asked if I would help mentor Olivet engineering students interested in the automotive industry,” Steve explains. “I instantly said ‘yes’ and started receiving emails from Olivet juniors and seniors about a month later.” Steve began spending time working with these students, helping them improve their résumés and trying to better understand their interests and career goals. As of March 2014, four 2013 Olivet engineering graduates (pictured left)— Jesse Dawson, Ryan Shrout, Matthew Smith and Peter Robinson — are working alongside Steve (center) at Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Mich. “These Olivet engineers are strong technically and deliver results,” Steve says. “They have high integrity with role model values. And, they set high expectations for themselves, which inspires others to do the same.” Jesse, Ryan and Peter are all working on top-secret future model programs, and Matthew is working on the new 2015 Mustang! “Throughout the past several months,” Steve recalls, “I’ve received numerous comments from their supervisors, like, ‘Where did you find these guys? They are awesome!’ It is evident to others that these young men are different — strong, talented engineers, godly men of compassion and character.”



TROUBLE IN RIVER CITY Band peddler Harold Hill (Ben Geeding ’14 of Manteno, Ill.) alerts the residents of River City about the impending doom caused by “the presence of a pool table in your community” during Olivet’s spring production of Meredith Willson’s “The Music Man.”



CHAPMAN freshman men

Danny Redden ’17 Business administration major, Wood River, Ill.


Associated Student Council, Freshman Class President

Some of the quintessential moments in the college experience take place in resident halls. Olivet’s campus is a close-knit community where students are able to grow together — socially, academically and spiritually. Filled with laughter, late-night conversations and outrageous all-floor activities, freshman dorms are particularly vibrant microcosms of the greater campus community. We catch up with Danny and Kara Anne to find out who has the best freshman resident halls – guys or girls.




vs. freshman women

Kara Anne Evans ’17 Psychology major, Valparaiso, Ind. Lead Singer, All Things New



danny redden

Favorite part about living on campus?

Being able to branch out, build friendships and make connections. Hanging out in big groups of people is something I really enjoy. So, that is definitely an advantage of living on campus because you are with other residents all the time.

What traditions do you have in your dorm?

Most weeknights, we go to dinner as a floor, which is helping to build longlasting friendships that will continue throughout college and even beyond Olivet. We also have weekly Bible studies, led by our RAs.

What kinds of spiritual growth do you see taking place?

I see residents growing spiritually in really cool ways! It’s amazing to see other students grow in faith and really looking to God when their days aren’t as great, praising Him for the good things that happen. I see students gaining confidence when it comes to stepping into different leadership positions, and I see students gaining more of an identity through Christ.

How did you select your roommate?

Kaleb Miller and I met in January of our senior year of high school through Olivet’s Class of 2017 Facebook page. We actually talked to each other every day during second semester of senior year and all summer because we were so excited!

Biggest difference between the girls’ and guys’ dorms?

Girls keep their rooms a lot cleaner, and they don’t tend to collect Papa John’s pizza boxes or bottles of soda.

Favorite dorm memory?

“Chaplympics.” As a floor, we competed in various events against other floors in Chapman. It was fun working together with other guys to win as many events as possible.

G O T A G R E AT S T O R Y A B O U T Y O U R F R E S H M A N D O R M E X P E R I E N C E ? T E L L U S A T O L I V E T E D I T O R S @ O L I V E T. E D U 34


Biggest adjustment upon entering college?

Living on a floor with 30 girls! I don't have any sisters, so it was a lot to get used to. Now, I absolutely love it! I don't know what I would do without them right across the hall whenever I need them.

What traditions do you have in your dorm?

Every Sunday night, my RA leads a Bible Study for our floor. Every Monday night, we all eat dinner together. We also have floor parties once a month. They range from cupcake decorating contests to Zumba workouts!

A lot of times, it happens in those unexpected late night talks. Those times are filled with girls sharing their testimonies and what God has placed on their hearts lately.

How did you select your roommate?

We were connected through a mutual friend. We never actually met in person until Move-In Day!

Biggest difference between the girls’ and guys’ dorms? We all share clothes and jewelry. And, we smell better!

Favorite dorm memory?

During first semester, my RA led a “sneak out.” We dressed in all black and went out the back door. We went to IHOP at 1 a.m. and stuffed our faces with pancakes. It was such a fun time of fellowship with the girls on my floor!

Craziest experience so far?

During the Olympics, a few girls on my floor and I woke up at 3 a.m. to watch women’s curling. Come to find out, Team USA wasn’t on until 5. It was a long night!

kara anne evans

What other kinds of spiritual growth do you see taking place?



PENGUIN BROTHERHOOD With a love for competitive ultimate Frisbee™, Olivet’s student-organized Black Penguins club team has grown in numbers and success since its founding in 2009. Last year, the self-proclaimed “brotherhood” finished with a 24-5 record, taking second place at regionals.




“Coming into the computer science program, I had very little programming knowledge,” says January graduate Andrea Richardson ’14, a musician with a passion for ministry. “I barely knew the difference between hardware and software.”

“Coming into the computer science program, I had very little programming knowledge,” says January graduate Andrea Richardson ’14, a musician with a passion for ministry. “I barely knew the difference between hardware and software.” What Andrea did know was how marketable and practical a background in computer science could be. Because she’s analytical by nature, she knew she wanted a career that involves a lot of problem solving. So, she chose two logically oriented majors — information systems and mathematics education — augmented by a minor in music. “I knew Olivet’s Department of Computer Science prepares students very well for their future careers,” she explains, “whether they’re coming in with base knowledge or starting from square one.” Through the computer science program, Andrea gained practical skills that set her apart from other college graduates. Besides learning about data storage and statistical analysis, she also received a core foundation of solid computer programming skills. Business Practice With these skills and through the Olivet network, Andrea landed two summer internships at the State Farm headquarters in Bloomington, Ill. As a technical analyst one summer, she enjoyed the manipulation of data, as well as the ways math and information systems worked together. As a data analyst the next summer, she worked on some of the company’s top projects and learned the back-end structure of new smartphone apps that were in development. “At Olivet, every computer science major takes Java classes,” she says. “During my internships at State Farm, I found out that this is a huge advantage in the business world.”



This practical training, paired with Olivet’s reputation for producing graduates with outstanding character, has made ONU a popular destination for employers seeking to recruit computer-savvy interns and employees. Ken Enrizzi, assistant vice president for State Farm, says, “State Farm currently employs 13 Olivet alumni in our information technology division. They have a strong work ethic and are continuous learners. They take a lot of pride in their work. They do what they say they’re going to do.” The Measure of Success Now that Andrea’s undergraduate education is complete, her career opportunities and earning potential are virtually limitless. Starting pay for graduates with her experience and training is approximately $60,000. But for Andrea, there’s only one measure of success: being in the center of God’s plan. She’s comfortable following wherever the Lord may lead her — though she suspects the worldwide demand for computer programmers and teachers will play a role in her ministry. “I’m passionate about poring into the lives of others,” she explains. “I know He will use my programming, business and teaching skills in a missional way.”

Computer Science:


Andrea Richardson Makes the Connection

In the Game

World-class athletic training program gives students competitive edge by A.E. Sarver



Where athletic training is concerned, Olivet is ahead of the game. Upon graduating, students from Olivet’s athletic training program are prepared to successfully complete the National Athletic Trainers’ Association exam conducted by the Board of Certification, attend graduate school and become gainfully employed as confident athletic training professionals. Even as undergraduates, students work directly with ONU Tiger athletes and have the possible opportunity of holding an internship with the Chicago Bears during the team’s annual summer training camp held on Olivet’s campus. Olivet’s athletic training program garners students from far and wide. At first, Joshua Craig of Anchorage, Alaska, didn’t know where he wanted to go to college. So, he compiled a list of his top 16 colleges from an online survey; Olivet quickly rose to the top. Brandon Barnard, senior and football player from Huntsville, Ala., said it was the campus visit that sold him. Taylor Dace, a junior from Chatham, Ill., found Olivet’s small class sizes to be the perfect fit.

smaller program, students have the opportunity and responsibility to work with each of the 19 athletic teams at Olivet. “We actually work with our athletes,” says Brandon. “You have to work rotations with different sports, and as you learn, you're allowed to do more. When an athlete comes in for treatment, I can do it.” Olivet’s athletic training program includes six clinical semesters in which students work with ONU athletics. They also gain hands-on experience at one or more clinical affiliate sites (high schools, community colleges and orthopedic rehabilitation clinics) and design their own capstone or final project during their senior year. In the spring, athletic training students also have the opportunity to work with persons who have disabilities in a local hospital through a program called Fitness Fun. Though it is not required, the students can volunteer their time to educate others about fitness. The result of this hands-on experience is incredibly fulfilling.

Wherever they come from, students form quick bonds through the athletic training program. “We’re like a big family,” says Brandon. “I feel very close to everyone in the program, even the professors and coordinators.”

“You’re not just going to class,” says Kyle Shelton, a senior from Anderson, Ind. “You’re actually helping people.”

Olivet’s Brian Hyma, director of education for athletic training, said that “family” feel is on purpose.

According to the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA), “Certified athletic trainers work with more than just athletes; they can be found just about anywhere that people are physically active.”

“A big reason why students come here is because our program is intentionally smaller,” he explains. “We really want to have a great influence on our students.”

For many, that journey begins at Olivet.

Professors do not just teach from textbooks. They mentor students and let them put classroom learning into practice. And because of the intentionally



Carrying Out the Mission School of Graduate and Continuing Studies extends reach through expanded locations and programming

Through strategic partnerships and innovative programming, Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies (SGCS) continues to explore new ways to extend the reach of an “Education with a Christian Purpose” to new audiences and locations.

the greater Kansas City area. One of the highlights is the exciting collaborative partnership between Olivet and MidAmerica Nazarene University to offer a Doctor of Education in Ethical Leadership (Ed.D.) degree program on MidAmerica’s campus in Olathe, Kan.

“We are using more methods to reach more people in more places,” says Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/MBA ’04, Olivet’s vice president for strategic expansion.

“The Ed.D. program is focused on helping individuals become transformational leaders who integrate and apply ethical vision and leadership skills,” says Dr. Thompson. “The concurrent design of the program enables a learner to complete all of the coursework and dissertation in three years.”

Reaching students with the educational resources they want and need is the primary focus for the SGCS. The ultimate goal is to equip those students to be transformative leaders in their workplaces, homes and communities, in the modeled spirit of Jesus Christ. “This strategic expansion gives us the privilege of delivering Olivet’s mission to those who may not have heard about Olivet or had the opportunity to experience Olivet,” says Dr. Houston Thompson, dean of Olivet’s School of Professional Studies and administrative dean of the SGCS. Physical and Academic Expansion Through strategic partnerships, the SGCS is launching several new offices and classroom locations in Indiana, Michigan and

The SGCS also has a growing number of academic programs, including the Master of Engineering Management, Olivet’s newest fully online degree program, which will launch in May 2014. “This is designed for engineers who are now in management positions but need management training focused in their specific career area,” says Jonathan Bartling, SGCS associate dean. “We have developed this program in partnership with engineering professionals.” One of the newest on-ground advanced degree programs is the Master of Arts in Christian Thought, offered in partnership with Olivet’s School of Theology and Christian Ministry. “God is calling us to bigger things, and we never have an excuse to plateau or become bored,” says Cal Samuelson ’13, the first

Fast Track Olivet's School of Graduate and Continuing Studies has taken the steady course of intentional strategies for growth. The results of that commitment are obvious. Classes meeting at more than 170 hospitals, schools, churches and business offices throughout Illinois — and soon Kansas City, Indiana and Michigan 40 areas of study currently offered student accepted into this program. “What I’m learning now is really important and changing my life. God will use everything I’m doing for His good.”

10 fully online degree programs (with approval to grow up to 22), approved in 38 states

Keep Going, Keep Growing

2,097 students active in all programs, including 1,300 students in online programs

Even as SGCS continues to experience unprecedented growth in all areas, connections with students and the mission remain the central focus. Helping to nurture those connections is the new regional chaplaincy program, which began in April 2013. Ordained pastors are assigned to serve as chaplains to cohorts near their churches, providing students with spiritual resources and support. “Students appreciate having that one-on-one contact available to them, especially when they are going through a crisis,” says Dave Becker, program director. Dr. Spittal adds, “Many nontraditional and advanced degree students are having the Olivet experience because Olivet is reaching out to them. On all fronts, we are seeing incredible transformation in countless lives.”

Join the Olivet faculty Olivet’s expansion provides numerous opportunities for alumni to make an impact in the lives of students and give back to their alma mater. Alumni with terminal degrees (preferred) and/or extensive experience in their field may qualify to teach online or at one of our new site locations in Indianapolis, Ind., or Grand Ledge, Mich. For more information, go to graduate. olivet.edu.



PASTOR CHRIS GALLOWAY wanted to go to Olivet. It was My daughter, Keila, has always didn't think it was possible. her dream, but financially, we tored in her the numbers together and fac However, by the time we put the difference in cost. rth wo we decided that it was ips, rsh ola sch and res sco T AC ve spent. We don't regret a dime that we’ ng her life. She told me how she feels Olivet is impacti The other day, I asked Keila ical time of transition. decisions during this really crit it gives her a platform to make to go to a Christian e abl , and in the process, she was She recently changed majors h that person about it. wit y pra vision and goals and her ut abo talk , pus cam on person ldren are able to hear dad — knowing that your chi That’s pretty impressive to a ices. they’re trying to make life cho God’s Word spoken to them as , working to create a actively involved in discipleship The church where I pastor is t generation. We nex the message of holy hope to core of believers who bring the re excited about we’ and , ion mni in our congregat alu vet Oli l era sev e hav ady alre vision stirs us to have a people into our church. Their bringing more Christian young passion like theirs. our resources and position for schools like Olivet, using That’s why we’re advocating the Dallas area. to help graduates find jobs in y of Christ. These g them develop roots in the Bod pin hel re we’ , ntly orta imp re Mo wise, we can make an ke an impact in society, and like young men and women can ma impact on them. trying to reach a people for Christ. The idea of The larger mission is reaching church. We need to one or than one school ger big ch mu so is us Jes for community Church and the that merges together what the ship tion rela l rea a It’s rs. tne be par ng to accomplish. along. That’s what we’re tryi all n bee e hav uld sho y dem aca

Learn more about the “Dallas Directive” and watch a video interview with Rev. Galloway at www.olivetthemagazine.com.

Rev. Chris Galloway rch of the Nazarene Senior pastor, Richardson Chu Dallas, Texas

HireOlivetians.com Looking for dependable interns or new staff? Find job postings, networking opportunities, industry articles and résumé building tools at HireOlivetians.com. Olivet’s newest career resource connects talented Olivet students and alumni with the organizations, churches and communities where they will contribute and thrive.





Brenda Forshee

“We not only wanted our children to grow in knowledge of life skills, but we wanted them to grow in their knowledge of God and their love of people – to receive an education based on biblical principles. At Olivet, students are well prepared for success, not just in their chosen field but in every aspect of life.” Brenda is married to James Forshee ’79 and the mother of MaryRachel ’10, Jameson ’13 and Micah ’18. Besides sending their own three children to Olivet, Brenda and James have influenced and encouraged numerous high school students from her Sunday School class to attend Olivet Nazarene University. Watch a video interview with Brenda Forshee at www.olivetthemagazine.com.



Whether you desire to augment your education, advance your career or make a deeper impact on the world, Olivet Nazarene University’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies will get you to where you want to be. Choose from more than 30 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs in the areas of business, education, nursing, theology and counseling. Online programs are available as well as classroom-based experiences in more than 100 Chicagoland locations.




FROM THE ARCHIVES What’s new with you? Submit news, upload photos and learn more about submission guidelines for “The Classes” at www.olivetthemagazine.com. WWW.OLIVET.EDU




Professional Accomplishments, Weddings, Births and Adoptions


B Dr. Mark A. Kolkman ’93 was recently

appointed principal at Hinsdale Central High School in Hinsdale, Ill. He earned his M.A. in Educational Leadership and Administration from North Central College and his Ed.D. from Aurora University. Previously, he worked as assistant principal at Neuqua Valley High School and Glenbard East High School. Before his work as an administrator, he taught and coached at Naperville Central High School and Herscher High School. He and his wife, Kimberly, reside in Naperville, Ill., with their children, Andrea and Trevor.


C Tony ’02 and Colleen (Baker) ’03 Mason

will be joining Mission: Kona Coast as missionary pastors with Kona Coast Nazarene Church in Hawaii. They will be joining fellow Olivet alumni Eric ’07 and Joy (Sarata) ’06 Paul. The Masons are called to organize and rally the people of God to “go forth and be the Church.” God has called them to plant a church in the community of Waimea on the Big Island. They left for Hawaii in early March. Follow the Masons at masonfamily.missionsplace.com


Christine (Carney) ’03 and Sean McConnell:

A girl, Eve Beatrix, born November 21, 2013. She joins brothers Aiden, 7, Finn, 6, Declan, 2 and sister, Kiera, 5. Christine is the director of the Chesterton Adult Learning Center, and Sean is a postdoctoral scholar in pediatric hematology/oncology at the University of Chicago. They reside in Valparaiso, Ind.




D Mike Meier ’04 resides in San Diego, Calif., where he is an insurance broker. He was recently selected to be an international table tennis umpire to officiate at the World Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo, Japan, in April 2014. The officials expect more than 75 countries to compete in the tournament. He holds credentials as a club umpire and an international umpire. He is on his way to becoming a Blue Badge umpire, which would allow him to be a qualified umpire at the Olympic and Paralympic level.


E Rodger ’05 and Erin (Rumbley) ’04 are

proud to announce the birth of their son, Donovan Daniel, born June 9, 2013. Daniel joins brother, Desmond, 2. Erin is a Ph.D. candidate in the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University, and Rodger is the HR specialist for T.C. Harris School. They reside in Lafayette, Ind.


F John ’07 and Danielle (Blair) ’06 Hamilton

were married September 14, 2013, in Bluffton, Ind. John is an attorney at Mandel Horn McGrath & Reynolds, P.C., and Danielle is a consultant for Origami Owl. They reside in Noblesville, Ind.

G Kevin ’07 and Amy (Ferguson) ’07 Sandell:

A boy, Callen Cole, born on December 21, 2013. He joins big brother Ethan, 2. Amy is a stay-at-home mom, and Kevin is a captain in the U.S. Army. They reside in Harkert Heights, Texas.



were married on March 3, 2013, at the Naperville Church of Christ. They are both teachers and reside in Illinois.

announce the birth of their daughter, Charlotte Brielle, July 17, 2013, 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 21” at Community East Hospital in Indianapolis, Ind. Matt is a third grade teacher at Horizon Christian School. Rachel is employed as an academic mentor in the after-school program at Shepherd Community Center. They reside in Indianapolis.

H Cathleen (Kimble) ’08 and Erik Anderson

I Kelly (Short) ’08 and Ryan Powell

were married on October 4, 2013, in Indianapolis, Ind. Kelly received her MBA from Olivet in 2011 and works at Applied Systems in University Park, Ill. Ryan is a sales representative for BSN Sports in Bourbonnais. They reside in Bourbonnais.


J Stacey (Hoekstra) ’09 and Craig Miller: A

boy, Samuel Isaac, born January 16, 2014. Stacey is a cabinet designer at Chicago Cabinet. They reside in Alsip, Ill.

1) Jené (Southerland) ’09 and Brian

Winchester were married in June 2013. Brian is the owner and CEO of Reach Networks and vice president of Ball State Federal Credit Union. Jene is a marketing director for Trilogy Health Services. They reside in New Castle, Ind.


1! Timothy ’12 and Carrie (Riegle) ’12 Rabe:

Matt ’13 and Rachel (Holmgren) ’11 Gargiulo


Jacob ’13 and Allison (Reed) ’12 Gregory were married on June 1, 2013,

in Huntington, Ind. Jake is currently pursuing his graduate degree in pastoral ministry at Olivet while overseeing the Preaching Ambassador Program in the Office of Church Relations. Allison is pastor of family ministries at Potomac Church of the Nazarene. They reside in Potomac, Ill.

1# Jeremy Height ’13 and Reetu Ghotra ’12

were married on July 27, 2013, in Indianapolis, Ind. Jeremy is currently completing his M.A. in Urban Pastoral Leadership through Olivet, and Reetu is working for Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. They plan to move to and reside in Indianapolis within the year.

A boy, Carson Tyler, born on January 16, 2014. The Rabes reside in Lawton, Okla.















J 1)


Jeremy and Reetu's wedding Party was nearly all Olivet alumni and students: (from left) Jill Height, Jenna Height ’15, Jillian (Karrick) Forshee ’13, Elizabeth Cook ’12, Ashley McGuire ’12, Reetu Height ’12, Jeremy Height ’13, Jameson Forshee ’13, Jesse Mezera ’13, Ryan Brown ’05, John DeMuth, James Webb ’14.




CLASSES Dr. C. William Ellwanger ‘45 Dr. C. William Ellwanger ‘45 passed away October 31, 2013. He was born March 2, 1922, in Denton, Md. In addition to his bachelor’s degree from Olivet, he also graduated from Nazarene Theological Seminary in 1948 and received his doctor of divinity degree from Olivet in 1963. In 1987, he received his doctorate degree from Trinity University, Chicago, when he was 65 years old. He married Twylah Phipps at Bethany First Church of the Nazarene on May 31, 1949, and they served together for four years in evangelism. Their son, Chuck ’82, resides in Chicago. Dr. Ellwanger pastored for 21 years, serving in Roanoke, Va.; St. Louis, Mo.; Ashland, Ky.; and finally, Kansas City First Church for 12 years — just one month shy of that church’s longest pastorate. During his years of ministry, he served on district boards; on the Board of Trustees for Southern Nazarene University and MidAmerica Nazarene University; as president of the General Board; and as secretary of the seminary board. He was privileged to minister to six of the general superintendents in the Church of the Nazarene. During his ministry, he preached more than 7,000 sermons. Dr. Ellwanger served as professor of practical theology at Olivet for 18 years, influencing more than 5,000 students who serve our Church in various positions in the United States and abroad. He was awarded the Olivet Ministerial Award in 1985 and named Professor of the Year in 1986. His teaching ministry was followed by nearly four years of serving as an ambassador for Olivet, preaching every Sunday in various Nazarene churches on the Olivet educational zone. The last few years of his life, he and Twylah enjoyed worship at College Church with Pastor Mark Quanstrom. Funeral services for Dr. Ellwanger were conducted November 4, 2013, at College Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais by Dr. John Bowling and Dr. Brian Wilson, district superintendent for the Chicago Central District of the Church of the Nazarene. Noah A. Cash ’52 and Pauline (Silvernail) Cash ’47, who both attended Olivet after World War II, have passed away. Noah passed away October 8, 2013, and Pauline passed away November 18, 2013. They were active for many years in Chicago-area Nazarene churches. Noah worked at General Motors and retired in 1987. Pauline was a teacher and homemaker. They are survived by their children: Nola (Cash) ’73 and her husband, Mark; Paul Cash and his wife, Susan; and Ruth (Cash) Romer and her husband, Dave. Their grandchildren are Nola (Romer) Stowe ’01, James Romer, Matthew Romer, Susan (Romer) Borchardt ’06, Ben Cash, Timothy Romer ’08, Rachel Cash and Hannah (Romer) Sharkey.



RoseAnn (McAllister) Hewson ’53 Grand Ledge, Mich., passed away January 13, 2014, at the age of 82. She was born August 26, 1931, in Battle Creek, Mich., daughter of Charles and Rebecca (Hill) McAllister. RoseAnn was a retired school teacher for the Grand Ledge Public Schools and a member of the Grand Ledge First United Methodist Church, where she was active on many committees, including the trustees. She was president for eight years of the Grand Ledge Education Association; served on many boards of the MEA and NEA; and was a founding member of the Michigan Reading Association. She sang with Orpheus Choir for all four years at Olivet.

Robert Thomas Collins Jr. ’57 went home to be with his Lord and Savior on Friday, November 1, 2013, at the age of 81. He was born March 17, 1932, in Columbus, Ohio, to the late Robert Sr. and Julia Collins. He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War. In 1957, he graduated from Olivet and married Frances (Richards) ’57. He was an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene. He and his wife served as missionaries for 34 years in Brazil. He has served as pastor, missionary, teacher, mission director and seminary president. After retiring, he was Work and Witness coordinator for the Department of the World Mission. He was a member of the Gahanna, Ohio, Shepherd Church of the Nazarene, where he was active in the prayer and praise group and taught a Sunday school class. Robert and Frances authored a book about their lives as missionaries. The book, “Shot in the Line of Duty,” will be released in 2014. He is survived by Frances, his wife of 56 years; their sons, Robert H. ’84 and wife, Melinda, and Craig ’87 and wife, Olinda,; and their grandchildren.

Svea (Hutchens) ’80 Emerson from Middletown, Ohio, went to be with her Lord on January 21, 2014. She was born January 20, 1958, in Kansas City, Mo. She was a lifelong member of the Church of the Nazarene, serving on mission councils and church boards, teaching Sunday school and serving as the church pianist. She had more than 30 years of administrative, educational, clinical and consulting experience in the dietetics and nursing fields for hospitals, nursing homes, home care, healthcare companies and academia. She completed her bachelor’s degrees in dietetics and nursing, master’s degrees in nutrition and health services management and doctoral degree in ethical leadership. She was preceded in death by her father, Rev. Michael Hutchens, in 1991. Svea is survived by her husband of 30 years, Mark ’79, of Middletown, Ohio, and her mother, Patricia (Cerrato) ’59 Hutchens, of Mt. Vernon, Ohio.




Includes majors, minors and concentrations




Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biochemistry Biology Business Administration Business Administration — Not-for-Profit Mgmnt Business Information Systems Chemistry Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Commercial Graphics/ Marketing Communication Studies Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Dietetics Digital Media: Graphics Digital Media: Photography Drawing & Illustration Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics & Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Computer Concentration Engineering - Electrical Concentration Engineering - Geological Concentration Engineering - Mechanical Concentration English English as a Second Language English Education

Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Education Family Studies Fashion Merchandising Film Studies Finance Forensic Chemistry French General Studies Geography Geological Sciences Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Hospitality Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business International Marketing Journalism Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Marketing Marketing Management Mass Communication Mathematics Mathematics Education Media Production Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Missions & Intercultural Studies Multimedia Studies Music Music Composition

Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Painting Pastoral Ministry Philosophy & Religion Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Science Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Print & Online Journalism Psychology Public Policy Public Relations Radio Broadcasting Recreation, Sports & Fitness Religion Religious Studies Science Education Secondary Education Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Sport Management Television & Video Production Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology

More than 100 areas of study organized into four schools and one college. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees are offered. Students have the opportunity to study in locations such as Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles.


As a Christian community, we are committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith then in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the college community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.


More than 4,600 (2,700 undergraduate) students from more than 45 states and several world areas, representing more than 40 religious denominations.


More than 120 faculty members, most with terminal degrees or the highest degrees available in their respective fields. Student-teacher ratio of 17:1.


At Olivet Nazarene University, champions are born each season within 21 intercollegiate teams, with a commitment to provide competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis and track and field. Varsity women compete in basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs.


Students participate in more than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, Radio Broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 37,000 alumni living around the world.


Olivet believes in affordable excellence, and the cost to attend the University is competitively priced for private colleges nationwide. More than 99 percent of Olivet students receive financial aid, totaling more than $90 million in federal and state grants and institutional scholarships.


Olivet admits qualified students based on high school records (or college transcripts for transfer students) and ACT score. The average ACT score for incoming freshmen is 23.


The beautiful, parklike campus includes 31 major buildings on 250 acres. We are located in the Village of Bourbonnais, just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill., Indianapolis, Ind., and in Hong Kong.


Includes the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (www.ncahlc.org), the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Business: Bachelor of Business Administration,+ Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Counseling: Master of Arts in Professional Counseling, Master of Arts in School Counseling Education: Safety and Driver Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement,* Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction,+ Master of Arts in Education: Library Information Specialist, Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist,+ Master of Arts in Teaching, Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership – Interdisciplinary History: Master of Arts: Philosophy of History or Political Theory Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing,* Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing,* Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Literature, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts: Pastoral Leadership,* Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts: Youth Ministry, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry * online + classroom and online



GOING LIVE By studying television and video production at Olivet, students learn everything they need to know to build a successful multimedia career – whether they aspire to be in front or behind the camera. Many further hone their skills while earning credit toward their Olivet degree by spending a semester studying at the L.A. Film Studies Center, where they can intern on a Hollywood movie set, for a television show or at an animation studio.

BENEDICTION O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee; I give Thee back the life I owe, That in Thine ocean depths its flow May richer, fuller be. O Light that foll’west all my way, I yield my flick’ring torch to Thee; My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in Thy sunshine’s blaze its day May brighter, fairer be. O Joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain, And feel the promise is not vain, That morn shall tearless be. O Cross that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from Thee; I lay in dust life’s glory dead, And from the ground there blossoms red Life that shall endless be. “O Love that will not let me go” By George Matheson

Amen. 60




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