PROPS & COSTU ME For Supernatural Horror
IMOGEN 1# Pyjamas, Natural Hair, No Makeup. I have chosen this simple costume for the protagonist as I believe it makes her more relatable to the audience. The casual aspect of this costume highlights to the audience that the location is her house and pyjamas help to portray that time of day, e.g. night. The audience can infer this from her costume without it being stated.
IMOGEN 2# Plain t-shirt, Plain trousers, Boots, Jacket This is the protagonist second outfit but follows a similar trend to the other costume. This is a very simplistic costume which again allows Imogen to become more relatable to the audience, it becomes easier for the viewers to imagine themselves in her position.
LYDIA Black Jacket With Hood, Black Trousers, Hair in a Tightly Bun, No Makeup, No Shoes.
I have this costume for the antagonist as it leaves a lot of questions, within the audience, unanswered. Lydia will wear the black hoodie backwards, with the hood up so it covers her face, reworking the fear of the unknown. I chose Lydia to have bare feet as it is the only insight the audience receives about the identity of the antagonist, highlighting he/she is possible human.
HORROR BOOK The main character will be reading a horror book which will ironically relate to her situation READING GLASSES When the protagonist removes her glasses, she becomes slightly more vulnerable as she vision is not as clear, this begins to play on the fear of the unknown, not being able to see what's happening TOOTH BRUSH Everyday item the audience can recognise, equalling in them being able to relate to the protagonist better TOOTH PASTE Everyday item the audience can recognise, equalling in them being able to relate to the protagonist better TOWEL Everyday item the audience can recognise, equalling in them being able to relate to the protagonist better LIGHT This is key to the narrative and helps to play on the fear of the darkness and the unknown FOR SALE POSTER These are key to the beginning of the film as it highlights the main location to the audience MOBLIE PHONE Everyday item the audience can recognise, equalling in them being able to relate to the protagonist better