Our team
Olivia Faas Mia Gonzales Sadie LagrangeWesthaven Elementary
(out of 710 users)
Westhaven Elementary is located in the developing suburb of Roy City, Utah in the Webber School District outside of Salt Lake City and also located a few miles from the coast of the Great Salt Lake.
Our assigned age demographic is grades 5-6 or ages 9-12.
Staff Students 4% 95.5%
The Mission of West Haven Elementary is to ensure that all who pass through our doors will develop a sense of Belonging, Mastery, Independence, and Generosity.
Is the total budget for the furniture selections
Preliminary 02
Space planning, concepts
The Solar System represents how when a system has cohesion, proper functionality is inevitable. Although our place inside said system may appear small, our contributions do not go unnoticed when all moving parts are examined further.
The Solar System represents unity, teamwork, and vast layers of understanding how each component adds something special.
Space Planning
Material Selections
EGE Mantra Grey Carpet
Armstrong Screaming
Pumpkin Vinyl tile
Armstrong Carnival White Composition
Vinyl tile