2011-2012 Annual Report

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CCS Charleston Collegiate


harleston Collegiate School is a special place—a place where heads, hearts, and hands come together to serve and lead for a common good. We are a family school, dedicated to authentic learning and the passionate pursuit of self-discovery. And over the past year, thanks to the generous support from you, our donors, CCS was able to advance its mission and take significant steps to better serve our students and the John’s Island community. As the leader of Charleston Collegiate School, I feel extremely fortunate to be part of a great team and to be blessed with a fantastic program that has been the result of the efforts of those that came before me. The vision and leadership of Bob Shirley and Carol Franek have positioned the school to stake its claim as an educational leader in the Southeast. As we forge ahead, challenges remain on the horizon. And yet, we are comforted to know that there is a lot of love in the CCS family and that we have the continued support of our friends. The

following pages 1 deliver a clear portrayal of the CCS expeLeadership rience and the many ways this experience has been enhanced by the generosity of our donors over the past year. Thank you for your continued investment in Charleston Collegiate School. Take care of yourselves, take care of each other, and take care of this school. Hacker Burr Head of School


Board of Trustees

Ms. Lois A. Daughtridge Mr. Trevor Foster Dr. Chris Fredericks Mrs. Nedra Hecker Mr. Jim Hutchisson Mr. Dennis Maxwell Mr. Bill McTighe, Chairman Dr. Nelson Ploch Mrs. Gina Schirmer Ms. Charlotte Smith Mr. Robert Stine Mr. Tim Williams

Board of Visitors

Mr. Tommy Baker Mr. Bob Black Mrs. Charlotte Caldwell Mr. Townsend Clarkson Mrs. Anne Cleveland Mr. Steve Gates Mrs. Pam Harrington Mr. Wilbur Johnson Mrs. Frances LaRoche Mr. Mayo Read Mrs. Annie Caroline Reid Mr. Steve Sinn Mr. Doug Van Scoy Mrs. Willann Woodward

I would like to attend Charleston Collegiate School because my sister goes here and from what I see and what I hear, this is a great school. My sister has been doing better ever since she started coming to this school… My future ambitions are to keep doing good in school, to go to college, and to be able to become a doctor. I would also like to be able to vote in the future and I want to help fellow Hispanics and Latinos. - Vanessa Salcedo, in her 2008 application to CCS


anessa Salcedo came to Charleston Collegiate in ninth grade through the John E. Thompson Scholars program. Her sister Flor had also entered CCS in ninth grade through the scholars program; she was referred by Sister Mary Joseph at Our Lady of Mercy Outreach on John’s Island. Vanessa saw how her sister had excelled at CCS, and she wanted the same for herself. The next year, her brother Miguel came to CCS. Vanessa (below, left) graduated in May as the school’s 2011-12 Valedictorian and Honor Graduate, the highest honor bestowed upon a student. During her four years at CCS, Vanessa made as much of a positive impact in the classroom, on the court, on the stage, and in student government as the school made on her. In her commencement address, she thanked the CCS faculty, her peers, and sent a special message to her sponsors, who made her CCS education possible.

Then, in Span2 ish, Vanessa thanked her family. “Les Achievement doy las gracias por insistir en que yo llegue a mi mayor potencial,” she said. “Thank you for pushing me to achieve my greatest potential.” Vanessa received impressive college acceptances and scholarship offers and chose to attend Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama. Spring Hill Admissions Counselor Jim Love was thrilled with her decision: “Spring Hill College is blessed to have Vanessa in the Class of 2016. Her academic abilities are amazing, but just as importantly she is a young woman who wants to put her faith into action through service work. I know she will be a true leader within the freshman class and on our entire campus.” Over the years, many generous donors have provided deserving students with the opportunity for an outstanding education through the John E. Thompson Scholars Program.



irector of College Counseling Jean Pendleton Madden likes to say that the most important word in the school’s name is Collegiate. “After all,” she says, “CCS is, first and foremost, a college preparatory school.” The college process was enhanced this year by the creation of the College Counseling Resource Center and the appointment of Mrs. Madden, a graduate of Brown University (B.A.) and Lesley University (M.Ed.). The new office provided a quiet meeting place for students and families, and Mrs. Madden provided guidance as students decided on which schools were the “best fit” for each of them. One particular highlight of the year was a trip in February to Duke University for its Duke Splash! program. Four Upper School students were selected to participate in this day of classes taught by Duke undergraduates. Sophomore Noah Adkin was inspired by everything he learned and saw that day. “Duke Splash was an excellent taste of a true college learning environment,” he said. “It reminded me why I have worked so hard thus far and why I should continue to broaden my intellect in the future. Those students are who I dream to be, and who I will be one day soon.” The Class of 2012 ended the year with impressive scholarship offers and acceptances (see next page). Another notable event was a visit from Columbia College’s tennis coach who came to campus for the signing of senior

Sierra Wha3 ley’s contract. While it is difficult saying College goodbye to so many outstanding young men and women, CCS feels confident that they are prepared for what lies ahead and that they will represent the school well as they make their marks on the world.


Four CCS Upper School students attended classes at Duke University for a day

Class of 2012 College Acceptances Academy of Art University Art Institute of Charleston Benedict College Butler University Campbell University Catawba College Charleston Southern University Clemson University Coastal Carolina University College of Charleston Coll. of Charleston Honors College Sierra Whaley’s proud family looks on as she signs with Columbia College

Columbia College Florida Southern University Francis Marion University Furman University Georgia Southern University Guilford College Indiana University Johnson C. Smith University Montana State University North Carolina Central University Newberry College Queens University of Charlotte Radford University Rutgers University San Francisco Art Institute South Carolina State University Spring Hill College The Citadel University of South Carolina USC Capstone Program University of Tennessee Knoxville University of Alabama University of Mississippi University of Montana Virginia Tech Winthrop University


ho better to teach Economics and Financial Literacy than Teddy Turner? In his third year at Charleston Collegiate, Mr. Turner has transformed these courses, bringing entrepreneurial spirit – and lots of real-life experience – to the classroom. In addition to Mr. Turner’s classes, CCS offers an Entrepreneurship course where students create a business with a marketable product, develop the business plan, and put it into action. Last year, students in this class ran “Flooded with Flavor,” a student-managed and staffed business which sold flavored water, milk-


ive students from China attended Charleston ColDiversity legiate last year through the Foreign Exchange Program. Gao, Cher, Yang, Maxwell, and Harry were embraced immediately by our students, and Harry was even voted basketball Homecoming King! Each of the students brought new perspectives to campus and provided valuable insights into what life is like on the other side of our planet. Three of the four will return to CCS for the 2012-13 school year, and Harry will be attending Rutgers University. CCS welcomes two new Chinese students to our community for 2012-13. 5


shakes, and other 5 specialty drinks during breaks and lunch. It inspired Entrepreneurship many students to pursue a career in business. In 2012-13, the Entrepreneurship program will be further enhanced by a partnership with YEScarolina, an organization “dedicated to teaching youth the principles of entrepreneurship and free enterprise.” This program will include entrepreneurship training for the residents of John’s Island. Jimmy Bailey, Founder and Executive Director of YEScarolina, is excited about the partnership with CCS: “Entrepreneurship is a tool for the unemployed and underemployed,” he said. “Entrepreneurship education also teaches our youth real life skills which enable them to take the first steps toward financial independence. Charleston Collegiate, with their enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, provides a perfect opportunity for a partnership to enable both of our organizations to touch more lives.”



CS is fortunate to have talented artists among its students and faculty. Two of our teachers perform regularly with local theaters, three others share their musical talents with the Charleston community, and others dance, teach, and display artwork around town. These teachers nurture the talents in all CCS students and often present them with extraordinary artistic opportunities. One such opportunity occurred in March when Mrs. Shears’ Studio Sculpture class traveled to Lancaster, SC, to work with artist Bob Doster. Mr. Doster specializes in turning original designs into fabricated metal objects. The class designed two benches and individual sculptures, which they watched take form as they were cut from large sheets of steel in Mr. Doster’s studio.

All CCS 6 students are encouraged to explore their Arts creative potential, both within and outside of the classroom. The opportunity to work with practicing artists like Mr. Doster and their CCS teachers, along with field trips to local museums, galleries, and theaters, are made possible by your contributions.



ne approach that sets Charleston Collegiate apart from other schools is its emphasis on getting students outdoors and teaching them about the environment. The school has taken to heart the words of Richard Louv, who wrote in Last Child in the Woods: “An environment-based education movement--at all levels of education--will help students realize that school isn’t supposed to be a polite form of incarceration, but a portal to the wider world.” In 2011-12, the CCS Outdoor Education Program was enhanced by the addition of a kayak component. The school was able to secure fifteen kayaks through donations from businesses and individuals. The Preserve at Fenwick Plantation graciously offered to let us store the kayaks at their dock and use it as our launching point. The school and The Preserve further partnered to set up a history- and

science-based kayak 7 club with the goal of educating students about South Kayaking Carolina’s history and its marsh, river, and harbor ecology. Once the site of Colonial settlements and battles of The Revolutionary and Civil Wars, history abounds in the Preserve’s neighborhood; combined with its community dock amenities, it’s the perfect place to make learning hands-on.




2011-2012 Revenue



12% TUITION $1,967,840

17% 67%


2011-2012 Expenses


1% 2%






ATHLETIC $27,655

15% 71%




he generosity of our community is vital to continue Charleston Collegiate School’s excellent, innovative educational program. Your support validates the importance of our mission, assists us in our growing role in the community, and makes an investment in our future.

The Driving Spirit ($20,000 +)

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Bowers Mr. Jeffrey Schutz and Mrs. Charlotte Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. John Chalsty Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Foster Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Foster Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hecker Marinex Construction Company, Inc. Vortex Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tim Williams

Leadership Circle ($10,000-19,999) Mr. and Mrs. William Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hacker Burr Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gates Dr. and Mrs. David C. Inge Mr. Orton P. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kellogg Kiawah Resort Associates, L.P. Mr. and Mrs. William McTighe Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan Runamuck Fund of the Toledo Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Turner


Do Donors

Trustees’ Circle ($5,000-9,999) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baillie Mr. and Mrs. John Barter Mr. and Mrs. Hacker Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. John Carifa Mr. and Mrs. William Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ford Dr. and Mrs. Chris Fredericks Mr. and Mrs. Ned Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Ploch Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schirmer Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Stoney TSWII

Headmaster’s Circle ($2,500-4,999) Mr. and Mrs. William Dieter Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dulin Mr. and Mrs. William Frehse Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mancusi-Ungaro Mr. and Mrs. William Pitts III Mr. and Mr. James and Warren Redman-Gress Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Surkin The Baker Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson

Oak Tree Society ($1,000-2,499) Ms. Kelly Albers Anonymous Ms. Alison Barker Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas I. Batalis Mrs. Betsy Caldwell Cake Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardwick Caldwell, II Coastal Community Foundation Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crow Eaton Corporation Mr. and Mrs. David Franek Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutson Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Iwan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirages Mr. and Mrs. Chip Limehouse Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Maxwell Pam Harrington Exclusives

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Poore Dr. and Mrs. Millard Ramsey Mr. Keith Wellin

Sun Devil Society ($500-999) Mr. Kenneth Barker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cronce Mr. Belk Daughtridge Mr. and Mrs. Chip Dowis Mr. and Mrs. Chris Drury Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hay Dr. Edmund Higgins Dr. and Mrs. Edward Hudgens, III Mr. Derek Drockleman and Mrs. Molly Hulett Mr. T. Cartter Lupton II MeadWestvaco Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parker Mr. H. Sadler Poe Mr. and Mrs. O. Mayo Read, Jr. Ms. Lisa Steward Mr. and Mrs. Troy Strother

Blue and Gold Club ($250-499)

Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Abner Mrs. Jackie Blank Bohicket Creek Boat Rentals, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd Mr. and Mrs. John Byrum Mrs. Kendall Cordina Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Doyle III Mr. and Mrs. Than Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Ulf Hartwig Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Haynie Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jones Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Kidwell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Madden Mr. and Mrs. Jay Majer Mr. and Mrs. David McCann Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McCoy Ms. Catherine Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Roger Olson Mr. Richard Person and Dr. Melanie King Mrs. Toddy Poore Ms. Rebecca Powers Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Presnell Schoolhouse Fare, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood

Collegiate Friend (Up to $249) Ms. Jill Adamson Ms. Kathleen Adriaanse Mrs. Margarita F. Allston Mr. Brock Baird Ms. Julie Balliet Ms. Linda Balzac Mr. and Mrs. Brett Barker Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Simon Black Ms. Kimberly Blouin Mr. and Mrs. Jay Blunt Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Bondurant Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bryson Ms. Mary Bull Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Burr Mr. Taylor Clarkson Ms. Sandi Clerici Mr. and Mrs. Jay Clifford Ms. Sylvia Conyers Mr. and Mrs. Crighton Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Easterlin Mr. and Mrs. Josh Evans Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Flowers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Frank Ms. Cory Fuller Dr. Laura Garland Mr. Jay Godbolt Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Green, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sean Halls, Sr. Mr. Nicholas Hecker Mr. Bobby Hemingway Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hills Mr. and Mrs. Preston Hipp

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sliker 11 Ms. Letitia Sowers Mr. Austin Starowicz Ms. Jennifer Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tanner,Donors Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Evodio Tovar Mr. Paul Brown and Mrs. Barbara Tranter Mr. and Mrs. Cambridge Trott Mr. Samual Vaird, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Vandall Ms. Jan Walpole Mrs. Anne Warf Ms. Donna Weeks Mrs. Kate Williams Mr. and Mrs. Brian Zaks Ms. Patsy Zanetti


Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchisson Ms. Hazel Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Kindt Mr. and Mrs. Gary Knight Ms. Kimberly LaBoard Mr. and Mrs. Jose Laguna Mr. and Mrs. Tom LaRoche Mr. and Mrs. James Lipcamon Mrs. Beth Lundquist Mr. and Mrs. Keith McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Brian McDermott Mr. Lucius H. Melton III Mr. Dan Miller Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mitchell Ms. Beth Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moody Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore Mr. Roy Morris Ms. Lauren Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Olson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Partridge Mr. and Mrs. Brannon Poe Ms. Rives Poe Mr. Stephen Pottichen and Mrs. Kim Hunter Ms. Jenny Pringle Mr. and Mrs. Center Reed Mr. and Mrs. Phil Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds Mrs. Kimberly Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Jose Saliva Mr. and Mrs. David Scarborough Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shears Mrs. Caroline Selby Shrader Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sires

2011-12 John E. Thompson Scholars Program Mr. and Mrs. William Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Barter Mr. Jeffrey Schutz and Mrs. Charlotte Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. John Carifa Mr. and Mrs. John Chalsty Mr. Taylor Clarkson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dulin Mr. and Mrs. David Franek Mr. and Mrs. William Frehse Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gates Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hecker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutson Dr. and Mrs. David C. Inge Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Iwan Mr. Orton P. Jackson Mr. Ned Johnson Ms. Rebecca Powers Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schirmer Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Shirley Mr. Elliot Surkin Mr. Keith Wellin Mr. and Mrs. Tim Williams Eaton Corporation

John E. Thompson Scholars Program (Auction) Mr. and Mrs. William Baker, Jr. Ms. Alison Barker Mr. Kenneth Barker Dr. and Mrs. Nick Batalis Mr. and Mrs. Hacker Burr

Ms. Betsy Cake Mrs. Kendall Cordina Mr. and Mrs. Crighton Mr. and Mrs. Chip Dowis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Chris Drury Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Easterlin Mr. and Mrs. Than Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Larry Foster Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Foster Mr. and Mrs. David Franek Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hay Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Haynie Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hecker Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mancusi-Ungaro Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGuinn Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mitchell Ms. Catherine Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Matt Olson Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Ploch Mr. and Mr. James Redman-Gress Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schirmer Ms. Barbara Tranter Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood Mr. and Mrs. Brian Zaks

Roots of Knowledge Capital Campaign

Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Hacker Burr Mr. Taylor Clarkson Mr. William C. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Foster Mr. and Mrs. David Franek Dr. and Mrs. Chris Fredericks Ms. Lois Daughtridge Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hecker Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchisson Marinex Construction Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. William J. McTighe Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Ploch Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Read Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Shirley Ms. Charlotte M. Smith Ms. Lisa Steward Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Stoney Mr. and Mrs. John E. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Turner 12 Vortex Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy V. Williams

Committee Chairs

Do Donors

CCS is grateful for the leadership of our volunteer committee chairs: Nedra Hecker and Bob Shirley Roots of Knowledge Capital Campaign Kathee and Chip Dowis Annual Fund Campaign Mary Lynn Drury - Auction Jay Majer - Golf Tournament Pam Harrington and Doug Van Scoy Grandparents’ Day Sharon Foster - Parents’ Association Charlotte Smith - Booster Club

Fund Raising Totals Capital Campaign - $743,000 (donations and pledges) Annual Fund - $137,537 Auction - $83,048 Golf Tournament - $58,226


e welcome all levels of donation, whether it’s a one-time gift, a monthly contribution, or the establishment of a matching gifts challenge. Ways of Options for giving to CCS include: Giving Unrestricted Giving: Gifts that are applied to the area of greatest need. Restricted Giving: Gifts to support specific program needs. Annuities: If you are living on a fixed income and have appreciated assets that are producing little dividends, you may be able to fund a charitable gift annuity that will provide regular income for the reminder of your life. Estate Planning: Estate Planning puts you in control of the distribution of your assets and helps maximize the benefits to you, your family, and your favorite charitable organizations. Gifts–in–kind: Non-cash gifts that support the mission of CCS. Life Insurance: Transferring ownership and beneficiary rights to Charleston Collegiate may result in a tax deduction on the gift and on any future premium payments you make, and allow you to make a larger than anticipated gift now. New life insurance policies can also make good charitable gifts. Retirement Funds: Retirement funds can be heavily taxed when transferred to heirs at your death. Using these funds to make a gift to Charleston Collegiate instead of other assets could result in more money for your children in your estate. Shares: Donating appreciated stock from your investment portfolio is a tax- effective way to give to Charleston Collegiate. Trusts: Trusts are a flexible tool that can provide income for a loved one or charity for a period of years, with the trust assets providing an additional benefit to charity or your heirs.


If you would like to explore any of these options further, please contact Ms. Olivia French at (843)559-5506.

Charleston Collegiate School 2024 Academy Drive John’s Island, SC 29455

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