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FORECASTING FUTURE_ digital_food_retail

Our_Mission Current_Grocery Demographics_ Integration_ Concepts/Case_Studies Analysis_ Concepts/Case_Studies Personalization_ Concepts/Case_Studies Openness_ Concepts/Case_Studies Accessibility_ Concepts/Case_Studies Grocery 2023_ Thank_You Sources_


OUR MISSION_ The Digital Grocery Studio explores future applications of digital technology and food retail. Through researching trends in human-digital interaction, store design, and consumer experience, we aim to understand the impacts of increasingly digital markets. Our goal is to compile a detailed analysis on the direction of how food will come to the table.

how consumers use their SMARTPHONES how consumers use their SMARTPHONES compare prices in store review products find coupons

38% 32%


scan barcodes 22%

FMI 2013 FMI’sFood Food Retail Retailing 2013

CURRENT GROCERY_ Amazon Fresh combines the ease of Amazon shopping with food retail

Scan Wall allows shoppers to buy groceries in their waiting time Peapod incorporates food trucks to add an element of human interaction Target integrates produce, housewares, and design

PROCESS_ Research_ Digital Food Retail

Travel_ Amelia, OH Cold Spring, KY Hebron, KY Chicago, IL

use a smartphone one hour or more per day



never use a tablet daily


use a laptop three hours or more per day

Frequency of Use Frequently


Seldom Never Text Smart Phone Tablet Laptop



Video Chat

How do we get to the grocery store?








What apps do we use most?



Online Shopping







Social Networking


If you do something and it turns out prettygood, you should go out and do something else wonderful. Don’t dwell on it for too long, just figure out what’s next. steve jobs






harnessing our data

customizing your experience

experiencing your world

opening our discourse

accessing common knowledge

ANALYTICS_ Using, collecting, and integrating large amounts of data to enhance and expedite experience Smart_Inventory Hointer Jeans Las Vegas RFID Baggage-Handling System EDITD Apparel

Digital_Herd_Mentality Amazon Reviews The Power of the “Like” Crowdflower

Managing_Digital_ Self NSA Phone Scandal Facebook & Linkedin Instagram Photo Ownership

“Now you can run hundreds and thousands of models at the product level because you have the big data and analytics to support those models at that level.� Karem

Smart_ Inventory The demand for a quick and easy shopping experience is rising. Collecting data on store inventory to streamline the shopping experience increases customer satisfaction and a more efficient business operation

Hointer Jeans

RFID Baggage Handling

Shopping with Remote Control

Tag, You’re It!

One of every item sold is kept on the sales floor. Customers scan the RFID with a smartphone indicating size and style, and jeans are mechanically sent to a fitting room

RFID tags are placed on baggage in the Las Vegas airport regardless of the bag’s orientation. They are easily identified and scanned on many handling systems.

Checkout is virtually eliminated. Simply swipe your credit card and walk out of the store and jeans are delivered to your home the same day.

Unlike barcodes, information about the flight and passenger can be encoded in the tag. With more effective and efficient loading and tracking, one terminal can process 10,000 bags daily. RFID tags provide high accuracy and faster processing, increasing customer satisfaction.

This store exemplifies the ease of shopping with controlled inventory and monitored data.

EDITD Apparel Data at Your Fingertips A software builder and the world’s largest apparel data warehouse, this company is designed for buyers and merchandisers. They have immediate access to product information such as: Pricing, Styling, Stock levels & Consumer sentiment across retailers, brands, and geographics. Businesses can identify and act upon trends in confidence and base decisions on actual market demand.

“These very small signals of social influence snowballed into behaviors like herding.� Dr. Sinan Aral_MIT

Digital_ Herd_ Mentality Seeing others’ digital data encourages people to conform to fit the same data

Amazon Reviews

The Power of Like

Others Try Before You Buy

Measuring Popularity

After purchasing a product on Amazon, customers are able to go back and post a rating and provide feedback on the product and seller, which other customers are able to view when they are deciding whether or not to purchase the product.

Companies and products try to get as many “likes” on Facebook as possible. On a personal level, many people tailor the photos and statuses they post on Facebook in order to maximize the number of “likes” that they will get. When a person sees a product or company with more “likes,” they may be more likely to purchase or use the product.

Others’ opinions are made freely available digitally and that influences our opinions.

When we see others’ behavior and opinions, it influences our behavior and opinions.

Crowdflower Be Relevant Crowdflower is a web service that uses crowdsourcing to increase search relevance for company websites. This enforces that taking aggregate data from others’ digital behavior can actually be used mathematically to improve the shopping experience.

“Think about what people are doing on Facebook today. They’re keeping up with their friends and family, but they’re also building an image and identity for themselves, which in a sense is their brand. They’re connecting with the audience that they want to connect to. It’s almost a disadvantage if you’re not on it now.” Mark Zuckerburg_CEO of Facebook

Managing_ Digital_Self Being in control of your personal information and data history, and its visibility to the public

NSA Phone Scandal

Facebook LinkedIn

Do you hear what I hear?

For all the world to see...

The secretive listening into people’s cell phones call by the National Security Agency has made people aware of how easily their privacy could be violated when it has all been made digital.

Allows you to create a personal profile where you can control the image of yourself presented to others. Also used to collect demographic information, which is used to provide personalized advertisements and tailored data.

This demonstrates the fact that people want to be in control of their data, and makes people scared and hesitant of releasing information.

Social media enforces the idea of managing your digital self, by literally being in control of the digital information about you that is posted to the public.

Instagram Photo Ownership Yours, Mine, or Ours? Recently, Instagram released legal language about the possibility of owning the photos shared by its users. People raised the question of who owns your personal information and to what extent, which is relevant in today’s datasharing-crazed society.


PERSONALIZATION_ Instant recognization and customization where environment responds to consumer

Health Ownership MIT Cornicupia Food Printer Under Armour E39 Deliver Lean

Customization Orange Leaf CMO 3D Printer American Girl

Emotional Connectivity AT&T Digital Life Whole Foods Spoonful of Comfort

“Stress is not what happens to us. It’s our response to what happens. And response is something we can choose.” Maureen Killoran_Minister

Health_ Ownership Consciousness of the body’s needs and the reaction to fulfill those needs

Cornucopia Food Printer

Under Armour E39

Constructing Nutrition

Clothes that Care

The MIT Cornucopia food printer is responding to the consumer’s desire to precisely control what their food is made of. The printing process brings cooking technologies into the digital age allowing users to control the nutritional value, quality and flavors in each meal.

The Under Armour E39 is responding to consmers interest in how digital technology can help them train and track their fitness.

Through a touch-screen interface users can manipulate parameters such as carbohydrate or fat content and calories.

This shirt has a built In Triaxial Accelerometer, Heart-Rate Monitor & Breathing Monitor. It gives you real time data including hydration levels and performance of lung capacity.

Deliver Lean Fresh Plan Deliver Lean is responding to the busy consumer’s needs for control over their health and wellness by creating a home meal replacement that focuses on an individuals needs, making it completely customizable. The consumer picks from a variety of plans like paleo, or gluten free , which have extensive menus, then customize each one to fit your dietary needs.

“Really successful design always looks through the lens of humanity; life enriching products that speaks both to our hearts and brains.� The David Report_

Customization_ Creation based on a consumer’s needs and wants

Orange Leaf

CMO 3D Printer

Build Your Own Taste

Ideas Materialized

Orange Leaf responds to consumers’ desires to personalize their food.

3D Printing allows consumers to make their own product in store that will be used in everyday life.

By providing may flavors of yogurt and a toppings bar, customers can make the perfect treat.

An example of how this can be applied on a feasibile level is phone cases in network flagship stores worldwide. Personalized phone cases can be made in-stores and a detailed level of satisfaction is achieved.

American Girl Nuturing Play. Nurturing Confidence. This virtual dressing room focuses on a personalized and interactive experience that places a whole new spin on window shopping. Customers can experience a fully functioning store with life-size products which they can add to a virtual cart on their smartphones.

“You really have to be in the consumer’s world, wherever, whenever and however.” Mindy Grossman_CEO Home Shopping Network

Emotional_ Connectivity Telling a powerful story/creating an experience that brings people together, leaving a lasting impression of familiarity

Whole Foods

AT&T Digital Life

Brown Baggin It

Protecting what Matters

Whole Foods responds to consumers’ desires to have a local grocery that knows its foods and has a connection with the community.

AT&T Digital Life responds to the consmer’s desires to be able to manage aspects of their life remotely. Digital Life does this by providing a mix of security and automation.

Spoonful of Comfort Feels Like Home A Spoonful of Comfort is responding to consumers desires for the human touch and care by providing custom packages of homemade soup and other goods that can be ordered online and sent directly to the ones you love.


INTEGRATION_ Combining the seperate facets of retail experiences into one streamiled path from customer desire to purchase Seamless_Experience UP by Jawbone Concierge by Motorola Smart Fridge by Haier

Closed_Loop_Systems In.gredients Freitag Bags WaterField LLC

Incentive_Based_Retail DragonBox Speed Camera Lottery by Volkswagen DevHub

“Design isn’t crafting a beautiful, textured button with breathtaking animation. It’s figuring out if there’s a way to get rid of the button altogether.” Edward Tuft_Yale University

Seamless_ Experience_ Removing the barriers between technologies, products, and your life



A Computer That Fits Arounds Your Wrist

Side by Side Comparison Shopping

Rugged wrist band tracks sleep patterns and daily activity, resulting in instant feedback on your lifestyle.

Intuitively interacts with your smartphone, allowing for seamless comparison and searching across different devices.

UP syncs with your mobile device app, eliminating the time consuming task of manual data input.

Remote assisstance and online chat features connect you with answers on a faster level.

Instantly compare your progress with your “team” of friends.

‘Shop and Pay’ on the touch screen puts you first in line everytime.

Smart Fridge_Haier Household Food Management System A smart fridge that interacts directly with the food to keep inventory, suggest recipes, and track freshness. The Smart Fridge gives you more control of your kitchen and allows you to utilize existing contents through the recipe generator. This enforces the concept by allowing full access for the user to the contents of the fridge without opening the door, creating a seamless experience between consumer and food.

“Just as in the natural world, in which oneorganism’s“waste”cyclesthroughan ecosystemtoprovidenourishmentforother living things, cradle-to-cradle materials circulatein closed-loop cycles,providing nutrients for nature or industry.” William McDonough_Sustainability Expert

Closed_ Loop_Systems A market that integrates waste back into the system utilizing it as a productive resource


WaterFields LLC

Be Picky

Closed Loop Ecosystem

Food retail company that greatly reduces packaging waste by forcing customers to bring their own reusable containers.

A company that use the process of aquaponics to sell a sustainable food source.

in.gredients will dramatically reduce the waste involved in standard food retail and give a sense of accountability to the consumers who bring in containers. Enforces the concept by removing the barrier between people and their food while eliminating the unnecessary waste.

The process of aquaponics has proven to be very successful because of its incredibly high yield and extremely low energy consumption. It enforces the concept of close loop markets because it’s a zero waste system where the waste from the fish becomes the food for the vegetables, which in turn cleanses the water for the fish.

Freitag Bags Automobiles to Bags Bag company that repurposes truck tarpkerchiefs to make messenger bags. The bags are popular among bike messengers for their waterproof and durable materials. Enforces the concept by combining the separate tasks of disposing truck materials and making durable bags into a closed loop market where waste becomes resource.

“By 2015 more than 15% of organizations will gamify their innovation processes.� Laurence Goasduff_The Gartner

Incentive_ Based_Retail A system of rewards and incentives that encourages consumers to participate in otherwise unpopular activities


Speed Limit Lotto

Play with Numbers

Positive Reinforcement

It’s an educational program designed to teach algebra under the guise of a game.

An implemented system that takes pictures of vehicles driving under the speed limit, then randomly selects a winner to receive a monetary reward.

4,192 K-12 students solved 390,935 in 5 days, the equivalent of 6 months 28 days and 2 hours of algebra work. Of the students who played at least an hour and a half, 93% achieved mastery. The game successfully reframes an unpopular activity to encourage participation.

There was a 22% reduction in drivers’ speed in the first week after implementation. The reward changes peoples’ negative mindset regarding driving the speed limit.

DevHub Wed Design Made Easy A website building tool that incorporates game elements such as coins, purchasable goods, and progress bars. Before gamification on DevHub, 10% of users finished building their sites. Now almost 80% complete their websites. Consumers have proven to be more invested in a product or service if they feel like they’ve earned it.


OPENNESS_ Voluntarily disclosing information about products, practices, and pricing

Consumer_Enlightenmentw Zady Good Eggs Taggie

Social_Responsibility Whole Foods Fairphone Biolite

Open_Source BizVizz Phonebloks Google Glass

“It’s all part of the movement of the ‘con consumer’.” Maxine Bédat/Soraya Darabi_Zady


Consumer_ Enlightenment Providing general insight to a product. Consumers seeking awareness about a product’s origins, history, and quality



Fashion Collaboration Between Friernds

Fresh Food, Brought to You

An alternative to “fast-fashion�, blending style and integrity, this company is a platform for the conscious consumer movement. Customers can view the sources of products which maintain a standard of quality and design.

To grow and sustain local food systems, this program is an online marketplace where users can select products grown and produced by people in their area. Groceries are then delivered or picked up at a designated marketplace.

Products that last, made by people that care.

Comsuers can order the fresher, healthier food from suppliers trusted suppliers.

Taggie Kids Making Smart Food Choices This gives children early knowledge about food that’s good and good for them. The goal is to eliminate childhood obesity by educating kids on the origins of food, growth processes, and different varieties of food.

“Just as people cannot live without eat-

ing, so a business cannot live without pro its. But most people don’t live to eat, and neither must businesses live just to make profits.” John Mackey_Founder of Whole Foods

ofd e

Social_ Responsibility A company commitment to socially equitable methods and practices with society in mind



Healthy, Natural, Organic

Opening the Supply Chain

A grocery built on consumers who shop based on health, social, and environmental conscience.

This company identifies the negative effects of rapidly produced smartphones on the market and provides alternatives.

Sustainable sourcing, caring service, and equitable business practices are core concepts that Whole Foods regularly communicates to customers.

The main goals include phone lifespan, design, transparent pricing, fabrication practices, and conflict-free resources.

Biolite Safe and Clean Fuel This company designs advanced energy products to alleviate poverty. Effective and affordable portable stoves make wood cooking safe while suppling electric energy to devices. The product helps bring cheap and effective solutions to developing areas.

“This is all public information. We’re ju making it visible [for] consumers who prefer to ‘shop their values.” Brad Lichtenstein_BizVizz Press Release


Open_ Source Providing free and concise information on products and practices



Corporate Awareness

Built to Last

The Bizvizz app turns users into smart conscious costumers by opening the discourse of company transparency.

Every day we throw away millions of electronic devices because they get old and become worn out, but usually it’s only one of the components that causes the problem.

The app talks to the Open API and retrieves information on companies, including tax data, profit, government subsidies and campaign contributions. This allows for comparison and a larger scale sharing of information.

This new kind of phone that is made from detachable blocks that can be easily replaced, allowing users to customize their device by picking and choosing the components that matter to them most.

Google_Glass The Future, on Your FACE A Google project in the future of technological interaction that focuses on a hands free interactive expereince. It includes taking photo and video, messaging, getting directions, most elements of a smartphone. Glass is still in the developement phase, with a crowd sourced app developement program, giving anyone with an idea a chance to obtain the hardware and put their spin on the software.


ACCESSBILITY_ Removing barriers to resources

Digital_Sprawl Smartphone Prevalence One Laptop per Child Lune for All

Automated_Convenience Tesco Click and Collect Custom Vending Machines Interactive Adidas Storefront

Pop_Up_Retail Comme des Garรงons Guerilla Stores Mogro Mobile Grocery Airwalk

“Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing.” Jimmy Wales_Wikipedia Founder

Digital_ Sprawl increased technology distribution which allow a greater demographic to access the digital world

Smartphone Prevalence

One Laptop Per Child

Sum of Human Knowledge

Learning made Accessible

In America, over 56% of the adult population currently own smartphones. This leaves around 95 million adults left without a smartphone. If current trends continue, that number is expected to drop to around 70 million within a year.

One Laptop Per Child is an organization whose mission is to provide educational opportunities for children in developing countries by supplying them with laptops that are particularly durable and economical and that have internet service.

The smartphone trend seems to be most popular in the younger generations. As our population ages with smartphone use, more people are coming to see is as a necessity. While age is a factor, so is price. Many

This project is giving the tools to obtain internet access to children who would not otherwise be able to utilize it for their education, and it is creating a new demographic of digital technology users.

Loon for All Up and Away A Google project in developing regions of Africa and Asia, this project is a balloon which will connect the two thirds of the population who do not have internet access. Hovering on the edge of the stratosphere, these balloons will fill coverage gaps as well as help people receive online access after disasters.

“The smartphone revolution is under-hyped, more people have access to phones than access to running water. We’ve never had anything like this before since the beginning of the planet,� Marc Andreessen_Mosaic Founder

Automated_ Convenience Using technology to engage efficiently and to meet the needs of everyday life

Tesco Click and Collect

Custom Vending Machines

Groceries When You Want Them

Access On the Go

With this service, customers are able to order their groceries online, select a pick-up time, drive to a pick-up location, and get their groceries loaded into their car.

Some companies are creating vending machines that offer more than just your typical non-perishable options. Some are starting to include everything from fresh foods like milk, eggs, and fresh fruit, to general merchandise such as shoes and electronics.

This allows people to get the food they want without the inconvenience of having to go into the store and shop for all it.

Vending machines allow people to access food without going out of their way. They allow companies to sell limited numbers of products without putting up a store and without employing someone to sell things.

Adidas Storefront Out-of-Store Experience In Nuremberg, Germany, shoppers can use an interactive touchscreen storefront to try clothes on life-size digital mannequins and control how the mannequins interact with the product. This allows customers to see how products behave without going to the trouble of trying on. If a customer decides that they want to buy product, they can then drag the product directly to their smartphone for purchase. This virtual dressing room places a whole new spin on window shopping.

“It is impossible to get excited about a newplacethat’sopeningindefinitely.You think,‘Ohyes,I’llgotothatatsomepoint’ andyouenduptherein20years.Whereasifit’stemporaryit’slike:‘We’vegotto do it right now.” Kira Cochrane_The Guardian

Pop_Up_ Retail A temporary retail environment which is controlled by high demand and dictacted by shortterm limited access

Comme les Garçons

Mogro Mobile Grocery

Temporary Retail

Health for Everyone

Comme des Garcons is a high-end, avant-garde Japanese fashion line based in Tokyo and Paris.

Mogro Mobile Grocery is a company committed to providing healthy, affordable, and sustainably-sourced groceries to communities without grocery stores.

They are designed to appear quickly and disappear quickly. The stores are set in small, raw spaces in un-gentrified, non-commercialized areas. Costs are kept low because rent is inexpensive and little money is spent on interior design. Store openings are limited strictly to one year; this creates a “get it while it lasts” mentality that promotes sales.

This is done with mobile, temperaturecontrolled grocery trucks that travel around to areas in the state of New Mexico that have physical or economic barriers to obtaining healthy food. Although access is limited, but customer’s situation is certainly improved.

Airwalk Invisible Pop-Up Store Airwalk shoe company used their app to create an opportunity for customers to gain access to an anticipated and exclusive new shoe design. The clients purchased their new shoes virtually and then met at a specific GPS determineed place to pick up their purchase: the Venice boardwalk for some and Washington Square for others.



Analytics NSA-phone-number-records-surveillance-system-verizon_5.html greentape-brings-reviews-to-consumers-and-data-to-merchants-2/ view?9809 how-to-tell-the-fashion-future-newyork-times/

Integration voices042.asp watch?v=1PF11ykTTEc VW Speed Lotto - http://mashable. com/2011/07/28/gamification/ Smart Fridge - http://refrigerators. htm

Openness our-story/team/ what-it-does/ Personalization under-armours-e39-performance-shirtis-electric-video/ http://www.shinynewwant. com/2013/02/16/cubify-cube-3d-printer/

SOURCES_ php/ digitallife

Accessibility Smartphone-Ownership-2013/Findings. aspx farm-fresh-goods-in-a-vending-machine/

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