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FORECASTING FUTURE digital_food_retail


Observe the state of the grocery Understand our perspective Research the trends in the digital, food, and retail markets

How will the Digital Grocery Respond?

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Amazon Fresh combines the ease of Amazon shopping with food retail Scan Wall allows shoppers how consumers use their to buy groceries in their how consumers use their SMARTPHONES waiting time SMARTPHONES

compare prices in store review products find coupons

38% 32%

Peapod incorporates food trucks to add an element of human interaction


scan barcodes 22%

FMI’s Food Retailing 2013 FMI Food Retail 2013

Target integrates produce, housewares, and design

How do we get to the grocery store?

use a smartphone one hour or more per day










never use a tablet daily

What apps do we use most?


use a laptop three hours or more per day




Frequency of Use Frequently


Seldom Never Text Smart Phone Tablet Laptop



Video Chat


Online Shopping





Social Networking

PROCESS_ Research_ Digital Food Retail

Travel_ Amelia, OH Cold Spring, KY Hebron, KY Chicago, IL


If you do something and it turns out pretty good, you should go out and do something else wonderful. Don’t dwell on it for too long, just figure out what’s next. steve jobs






harnessing our data

customizing your experience

experiencing your world

opening our discourse

accessing common knowledge

ANALYTICS_ Using, collecting, and integrating large amounts of data to enhance and expedite experience

Smart_ Inventory Digital_Herd_ Mentality Managing_ Digital_ Self

Smart_ Inventory Digitally monitoring inventory streamlines the shopping experience while collecting customer information and creates efficient business operations.

Hointer Jeans

“Now you can run hundreds

and thousands of models at the product level – at the SKU level – because you have the big data and analytics to support those models at that level.” Kerem Tomak_Macys

Shopping with “remote control” Mechanical placement of jeans in a dressing room from scanned information on a smartphone. Checkout is digital: just swipe your card and walk out, with same-day delivery. Digital inventory creates more efficient business operation and condenses store size.

“If someone likes something, you’re more likely to like it too.”

Kenneth Chang_New York Times

Digital_Herd_ Mentality Seeing others’ digital data encourages people to conform to the same data

Amazon Reviews Others try before you buy After making a purchase on Amazon, customers are able to go back and post a rating and provide feedback on the product and seller, which becomes visible to other users. This enforces the idea that other opinions that are made freely available digitally influences our opinions.

Managing_ Digital_Self Being in control of your personal information and data history, and its visibility to the public

“They’re connecting with the audience that they want to connect to. It’s almost a disadvantage if you’re not on it now”

Mark Zuckerburg_Facebook Founder

Facebook & LinkedIn Creating a personal profile where image can be controlled allows social media outlets to utilize information to provide personalized advertisements and tailored data. Using this willingly given data is an obvious and valuable way to collect every kind of data about the population.


PERSONALIZATION_ Instant recognization and customization where environment responds to consumer

Health_Ownership Customization Emotional_ Connectivity

Health_ Ownership Consciousness of your body’s needs and the reaction to fulfill those needs

Under Armour E39

“That’s the trend in both medicine and sports,becauseyoucanmeasureit,youcan personalizeit.Youcanputtheminthetight trainingzoneforpeakfitnessandnoinjury.” Brian Russell_Zephyr CEO

Clothes that care Precisely controls what a user’s food is made of and the nutritional content. Built in triaxial accelerometer, heartrate monitor and breathing monitor. It gives real time data including hydration levels and performance of lung capacity.

“Consumers are really looking to have their personal tastes reflect in all things they’re doing and using.” Liza Laibe_MiOi Senior Brand Manager

Customization Creating based on a consumer’s needs and wants. Just for you

CMO 3D Printer Ideas Materialized

3D printing allows consumers to make their own product in store that will be used in everyday life. Personalized cases can be made in-store and a detailed level of satisfaction is achieved.

Emotional_ Connectivity Telling a powerful story and creating an experience that brings people together leaving a lasting impression. Familiarity.

AT&T Digital

“Ignoring the emotional side of product

experience would therefore be like denying that these products were designed, bought, and used by humans.” Pieter Desmet_Delft University of Technology

Protecting what matters

AT&T Digital Life responds to the consumer’s desire to be able to manage aspects of their life remotely. Digital Life does this by providing a mix of security and automation.


INTEGRATION_ Combining the seperate facets of retail experiences into one streamiled path from customer desire to purchase

Seamless_ Experience Incentive_Based_ Retail Closed_Loop_ Markets

“TheUPisessentiallyacomputerthat fits around your wrist.” Rik Sharma_Daily Mail UK

Seamless_ Experience When technology doesn’t inhibit the user from fluently using technology to the point where it fades ino the background

UP Jawbone You at a glance Wearable fitness tracker and mobile app Tracks sleep to optimize REM cycles Shares your progress with your friends Instant Feedback without manual input

Incentive_Based_ Retail A system of rewards and incentives that encourages consumers to participate in otherwise unpopular activities

VWSpeedLimitLotto Making Safety Fun

“There was a 22% reduction in

A system that rewards drivers for obeying the speed limit

drivers’ speed in the first week after implementation.”

Camera records license plate and digitally identifies the car owner

Swedish National Society for Road Safety

Integrates a reward into a previously penalty based system

Closed_Loop_ Systems

“In this controlled environment, high yields per square foot make the business profitable and efficient for urban communities.


Dan Divelbliss _Founder

Integration of waste back into the system and utilization as a productive resource

WaterField LLC Cradle to Cradle

Integrates aquaculture and hydroponics Digitally monitored system maximizes resources and eliminates waste Efficient food production in non-traditional environments


OPENNESS_ Voluntarily disclosing information about products, practices, and pricing

Consumer_ Enlightenment Social_ Responsibility Open_Source

Consumer_ Enlightenment Topic Providing general insight to a product. Consumers seek awareness about a product’s origins, history, quality, etc

Zady Badges describing methods of production

“It’s all part of the movement of the ‘conscious consumer’.” Maxine Bédat and Soraya Darabi_Zady

Zady is about connecting readers to a story, protecting heritage craftsmanship and bringing prosperity to the designers and creators who deserve it most.

Social_ Responsibility A company commitment to socially equitable methods and practices with the world in mind

Whole Foods

“Just as people cannot live without eating, so a business cannot live without profits. But most people don’t live to eat, and neither must businesses live just to make profits.” John Mackey_Founder of Whole Foods

“Whole-istic” living A reputation and experience built on naturally grown high quality foods, locally friendly stores, and strong community involvement. Whole Foods constantly communicates to its customers their efforts towards socially responsible goals.

Open_Source Providing free and concise information on products and practices

BizVizz Corporate accountability app

“This is all public information. We’re just making it visible [for] consumers who prefer to shop their values.” Brad Lichtenstein, BizVizz Press Release

BizVizz provides crisp visualizations to convey information on tax records, companies’ campaign contributions,ownershipchains. Giving people the tools to hold corporations accountable.


ACCESSIBILITY_ Removing barriers to resources

Digital_Sprawl Automated_ Convenience Pop_Up_Retail

Digital_Sprawl “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing.” Jimmy Wales_Wikipedia Founder

Increased technology distribution which allow a greater demographic to access the digital world

Loon for All Up and away A Google project in developing regions of Africa and Asia, this project is a balloon which will connect the two thirds of the population who do not have internet access. Hovering on the edge of the stratosphere, these balloons will fill coverage gaps as well as help people receive online access after disasters.

Automated_ Convenience Using technology to engage efficiently and to meet the needs of everyday life

Adidas Storefront

“The smartphone revolution is underhyped, more people have access to phones than access to running water. We’ve never had anything like this before since the beginning of the planet.” Marc Andreessen_Mosaic Founder

Out-of-store experience This virtual dressing room focuses on a personalized and interactive experience that places a whole new spin on window shopping. Customers can experience a fully functioning store with life-size products which they can add to a virtual cart on their smartphones.

Pop_Up_ Retail “It is impossible to get excited about a new place that’s opening indefinitely. You think, ‘Oh yes, I’ll go to that at some point’ and you end up there in 20 years. Whereas if it’s temporary it’s like: ‘We’ve got to do it right now.” Kira Cochrane_The Guardian

A temporary retail environment which is controlled by high demand and dictacted by shortterm limited access

Airwalk Invisible pop-up store Airwalk shoe company used their app to create an opportunity for customers to gain access to an anticipated and exclusive new shoe design. The clients purchased their new shoes virtually and then met at a specific GPS determineed place to pick up their purchase: the Venice boardwalk for some and Washington Square for others.



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