Unit 27 Task 2 Part 1

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Unit 27: Digital Photography Task 2 Part 1 Shorthand communication https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=universal+symbols+crucifix&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CQ-T8cj46Y2hIjhpbYDQTcj1gpXemxnaf19D47PLpnQR_1n_1O72Spstm3-uNsydLmxGF78mhHjbCkdcf_1ayQW_193CGCoSCWltgNBNyPWCEbY9QbFa15nBKhIJld6bGdp_1X0MRzAg2NiFTaKUqEgnjs8umdBH-fxHHgjBFTlccbCo The following universal symbol is of a crucifix. Crucifixes are related to the religion ‘Christianity’. The crucifix is the focus of this image as it stands out from its surroundings. The lighting that has been used for this photo is low-key lighting. The reason for this is that it makes the photo feel more holy which is what Christianity is all about. The colours of the sunset are making this image extremely holy as the colours are really warm and relaxing. It also creates a sense of spirituality and something out of this world. The sunset in the background can symbolise many things, one being the Holy Spirit. This is because the sunset is reflecting onto the crucifix and making it the main attraction. In Christianity, the Holy Spirit is seen as an important figure, and the sunset is making the crucifix important as it is standing out. The flowers in the corner create a sense of nature which also relates to Christianity. They might be quite oblivious to the audience however, they still manage to create the holy feeling that the picture gives. They haven’t overshadowed the main focus of the image, but has added more meaning to the photo. This image can help people that may not be religious understand the importance of Christianity, and what it is about. This photo is a perfect example of what Christianity is about because there are many key components in this photo that represent Christianity. This photo can also be an example of ‘Rule of thirds’. The reason for this is because the crucifix is being balanced with the sunset, and that can relate back to the Holy Spirit. I believe the photographer has done this in a way so that the sunset is directly on the crucifix. It creates a deeper meaning, and if you’re a religious person, you will understand the deeper meaning in this photo.

Mise-en-scène https://www.google.com/search?biw=1901&bih=1251&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=3IgWXKi6CpeF1fAP2vOYqA4&q=fashion+magazine+cover+&oq=fashion+magazine+cover+&gs_l=img.3..35i39j 0l9.7850.12643..13262...3.0..0.72.1545.26......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67j0i10.suXX9ymPuoo# The following photo is of Rihanna on the front cover of Vogue. The audience will straight away know who she is because she is one of the most famous singers in the world, and they will instantly recognise the magazine brand ‘Vogue’ as it is the biggest fashion magazine company. She has had a headshot taken which allows the audience to see everything close up, and in depth. I believe they have used a plain background because of how strong, powerful and beautiful Rihanna looks, and it tells the audience that there doesn’t need to be an eye catching/all out background to help draw in people. Also, I believe that they have done this purposely because they want Rihanna as the centre of attention. She is the main focus of this magazine cover. There aren’t many props in this photo, but there is one which is the floral headdress that she is wearing. This head piece really goes with the theme which is really colourful, and eye catching. I believe that this will definitely captivate the audience to read this magazine. The costume that Rihanna is wearing relates to the theme because she is wearing a large, pink bow around her neck. That piece of clothing really puts this image together, and so does the orange gloves. The cover is really colourful that really helps sell the magazine because it makes it eye catching, and it’s also really unique. Rihanna’s makeup is also unique as they have made her eyebrows ‘razor thin’, and her lips are really plum. However, her makeup isn’t too heavy, and it goes with her outfit. Her facial expression is really focus and draws you in. It makes her look really beautiful, and that will help with marketing and getting people to read this magazine. This photo has been taken as a portrait because it shows off everything Rihanna is wearing. It portrays all the glamour that this photo is showcasing. It is the most appropriate option, and it defiantly does justice. Magazines are usually taken in portrait as well. This photo connotates the fashion that Rihanna is showing, and how it relates to the topic of the magazine ‘The Big Fashion Issue’.

Anchoring https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1920&bih=854&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=XGoOXNuaLf6I1fAP4K2FqAw&q=newspaper+front+pages+9%2F11&oq=newspaper+front+pages+9&gs_ l=img.1.1.0i8i30j0i24.24529.25048..27047...0.0..

The following image is of a newspaper article regarding the 9/11 attack. On this newspaper, the photo that has been showcased is of the twin towers after being hit. This photo has been placed in a portrait, and the benefit of that is the image will have high key lighting to make the image clearer. The headline has been presented in bold letters to make it eye catching for the audience. It has also been placed directly in the middle at the top, so it will be one of the first things the audience will see. The story of this attack has impacted many people’s lives and because of that, everyone will know straight away what this article is about. The sub header is a summary of the event which is also in bold letters. This captivates the audience to read the newspaper. This story is really strong and may affect people differently. It’s important that people understand what this story is about as it changed many things in the USA, and across the world. The front cover not only has that specific photo, it also has other photos at the bottom of the page indicating that more happened during this attack, and it can’t be said through one photo. All of the photos that are being used are telling the audience a heartfelt story. This story cannot be said through one photo, but through many. As there is a selection of photos on the front page, it makes it more interesting to read as many people prefer looking at something with pictures then a lot of writing. The photos draw in the audience and that would make them want to read on. This helps the illustrators as it increases their marketing which then leads to more money, and that is the company’s main aim. The information that has been used helps the audience understand the product more because of the images, and the detailed information that has been used. The photos used for this newspaper, can be seen as a ‘money shot’. This is because these photos are a one of a kind, as the event happened over 17 years ago. People will want to see these photos because of the

Denotation/connotation of meaning https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=magnum+photos+martin+luther+king&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2uvvZwZXfAhX0TxUIHdwOA3UQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=897#imgrc=2k6A5p9M2VAdtM:

The denotation of this photo is of Martin Luther King Jr. The audience will know this photo straight away because of how famous Martin was. He has done so much for African Americans that he has become one of the most famous people in the world. Martin was a real trailblazer, so this photo has a deep meaning to many people. In this photo, you can see Martin reaching out to a crowd of people which are all African American. The focus is purely on Martin, and him interacting with the people around him. The message that this image is giving the audience is that, the crowd is so thankful for what he has done that they want to be as close to him as possible. They’re worshipping Martin and want to show their appreciation. To this day, the story behind this image will always be strong and important to so many people. I believe that the intended audience for this image are the people who have gone through the struggles during the time of Martin Luther King Jr, and also the people who can now live freely because of him. If it wasn’t for Martin, then the circumstances for African Americans may have not been the same. The car that Martin is in can symbolise him and the people with him driving to freedom. It has taken them so long to get the freedom they deserve, and they finally have.

Visual language https://www.google.com/search?q=rule+of+thirds+examples&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX-7PRl5_fAhXNDewKHRuyAYsQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=897#imgrc=-_tMI3_ IROeN9M:

This photo is of a couple who have just gotten married, and the audience are able to see this because of how the couple have been focused on, and what they’re wearing is wedding related. This photo is also an example of ‘rule of thirds’ which improves the composition and balance of an image. I believe they have used this photo as an example because of how unusual it is, and it balances the scenery and the couple. The lighting has been used correctly to achieve this rule of thirds.

The couple have been placed directly in the middle of the water on a path. I believe they have done this because it makes the image look magical, and that is what weddings are about. The sunset behind them hits the couple in a way that makes them eye catching. It displays the love they both have for each other which makes the photo even more romantic. They have been represented as a newlywed couple that are completely in paradise because of the scenery they’re in. The lighting that has been used in this photo is high key lighting. They have used this specific lighting because it captivates the audience, and it also makes the couple stand out. The sunset behind them gives out light which almost overshadows them to make it look heavenly. All the lighting that has been used is perfect as it makes the image look impeccable, and I don’t believe there is anything else the photographer could have done to make an image look even more magical. There has been no use of flash, meaning the lighting that has been used is natural. This makes the photo more realistic and unbelievable.

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