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I nspi rati on( sentfrom cli ent)

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T he c l i entwant ed a deerwi t hf l ower st wi s t i ng ar ound t heant l er sand t hewor dsʻ Anna Fl or a” “Bes pok eFl or i s t r y”f ort hei rf l or i s t r yc ompany . Ic ameupwi t hs omei deas ,madet hei rchanges t hen t hey dec i ded t hatt hey want ed t he l ogo namet oc ov ert heeyes .Idi dnʼ tnec es s ar i l yagr ee wi t ht hi sdec i s i on,Iadvi s ed t he c l i entbutt hey want edi tanyway . Igott ot he end s t age oft he changesand t he c l i entpul l edoutands ai dt heywant eds omet hi ng mor e del i c at e( s omet hi ng t hatt hey hadnʼ tnot i f i edmeofdur i ngt hepr oc es s ,af t eral lt hei rr ef er enc ei mageswer enotl i k et hat ! ) .I nt heend,t hey pai d me f ormy wor k and apol ogi s ed f ornot mak i ng i tc l earand wenton t o ac t ual l y us ea c opyr i ght edi magef ort hei rl ogo.

fi nallogo

T hi swasanunenj oyabl ebr i efandhasmademer eal i s et hatIs houl dchar ge ext r af orchangesandal s or eal i s et hatyouc anʼ tmak eev er yc l i enthappy .Some c l i ent swants omet hi ngt hatyouc anʼ tgi v et hem. Nev er t hel es si twasal ear ni ngc ur v ei ndeal i ngwi t ht r i ck yc l i ent s .Al t houghmy des i gnwas nʼ tus edi nt heend,Imock edupmyf av our i t edes i gnpr opos alont oa f ew di f f er ents ur f ac est os eehow i twoul dofl ook edi fi thadgoneahead. I fmyc l i enthadnʼ tofpul l edout ,I ʼ dofl i k edt oofaddeds omeear t hyt ones( t o s ui tt hec ompany)ont ot hel ogoandmades omeoft hel i nesi nt obl ocks hapesi ns t eadt omak ei tl ookbol derandmor epr of es s i onal .

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