The Illustrations
This brief was something that I would not usually lean towards however Kerry, the project manager specifically liked my work and another person始s after seeing it at the end of year show last year, it was there that her idea was birthed. Knowing this made me understand that my work would fit the brief, and this is the reason why I took this brief on. The book centred around the idea that we needed to inform school children what engineering actually is and the different areas and jobs that are within this sector
Olivia Newsome
On this project I learnt a lot for myself what engineering is and even learnt that it is a quite creative area. Creating the artwork itself proved challenging at times as I felt that maybe I was uninformed about some specific areas of engineering. In this project, research was key to creating well informed illustrations as well as checking them with the Project Manager.
Brief 6
Book Launch- Trinity Leeds
Olivia Newsome
Brief 6
Book Launch- Trinity Leeds
The most things that I learnt on this brief wasn始t necessarily to do with the work itself, it was to do with interacting with a client who doesn始t have a background in design and also working as a team. I learnt how to adapt my dialect to suit my client, this is useful for future clients and understanding that not everyone knows a font by name or what a line weight is. One individual challenge that we faced was creating a book that worked as a set despite our varying practices. We did this by creating work that was in the same format (the rounded rectangles), similar line weights and also an isometric perspective. As part of creating the colouring book, which was printed 10,000 times, we had a launch event of the book at Trinity Leeds Shopping Centre. Here we handed out free copies of the book to children (and teachers) and attracted people with the worlds biggest colouring page that was available to colour in.
Overall it was great to be in a book that is published and has its very own ISBN number. We also got some great media coverage including having an article on the Yorkshire Evening Post website. There was suggestions about creating other colouring books for the future and even going to other shopping centres to put on events like at Trinity Leeds and give away the book to different people.
Olivia Newsome
Brief 6