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T heCov er s I nt hi sbr i ef ,mydes i r ef ort hepr oduc twast oac c ompl i s hc r eat i ng s omei magest hatr ebr and t heHungerGamesbook s .T hec ur r ent book si nmyopi ni onar ev er ydat eddes pi t et hem al lbei ngpubl i s hed wi t hi nt hel as t5year s .Myvi s i onf ort hebr i efwast oc r eat es ome c ov er st hats t r i ppedt hebookbackt oas i ngl emot i f .Ial s owant edt o pl ayar oundwi t hopac i t y;Iwonder edhow i twoul dl ookal ll ayer ed up,asi fat hi npaper . Ihav e gai ned s k i l l sher ei nl ayout ,es pec i al l y when us i ng t ext .I chos et ous eahanddr awnt extf ort hes pi net oc ont r as tt hegr aphi c mot i font hec ov er .F orme,t hek eyher ewast oc r eat e3bookc ov er s t hatwoul df i twel lasanabvi ouss etyets t i l lbedi f f er entandwor kon t hei rown.If eelt hatIhav eac c ompl i s hedt hi s . Pr obl emst hatIenc ount er edher ewasc r eat i ngamot i ft hats umsup t hebookbutdoes n始 tgi v et hepl otaway .Iwant edi ts ot hatonc eyou hav er eadt hebook s ,t hemot i f st hatIc r eat edmak ec l i cki nt opl ac e andyouunder s t andt hem.If eelt hatIhav es uc c eedwi t ht hat .

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Ichos et hi sbr i efmos t l ybec aus eofmydi s l i k ef ort heexi s t i ngHungerGames bookc ov er s ,If el tasi ft her ewasac l eargapf ors omemoder nandeyec at chi ng c ov er sf ort hi sbr and.Ihadf unmak i ngt hewor kf ort hi sbr i efandwasv er ymuch i ns pi r edbyt hi nk i ngabouthowani magei smadeupt onal l ywi t hl ayer sonadar k back gr ound.Al i k et oBr i ef2,t hi sbr i efhass hownmet hatIc anc r eat ewor kf or bookc ov er sbuthasal s os hownmet hatIam nots omeonewi t ha gr eatdealof i nt er es ti npr oduc tandpack agi ng;Il ear ntt hi swhenc r eat i ngpr omot i onalmat er i al .

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Pr omot i onalMat er i al

Her ear es omeoft hepr omot i onalmat er i alf ort heHungerGamesbookr es al e.Agai n,t hec ur r entpr omot i onalmat er i alandPOSi sv er ydat eddes pi t ei tonl ybei ngpubl i s hedwi t hi nt hepas t5year s .T hi spr ompt edmet oc omeup wi t hmyownwor kandpr omot i onalmat er i alwhi chi nc l udesapos t erf ort hebook supc omi ngr er el eas ei nWat er s t onesaswel lasvi nylwal lwi ndows t i ck er s( whi char et r ans l uc enti ns omear eas ) .Ipur pos el ymadet hewi ndows t i ck er sbas i c( not ext )i nc ont extt oent i c epeopl et oc omei nt ot hes hopands eewhati t sal labout .Iwasabi twear y aboutc r eat i ngapos t erasi 始 m nogr aphi cdes i gnerbutov er al lIam f ai r l yhappywi t ht hem al landf eelt heyar er f r es hi ngi nr es pons et oc ur r entbr andi ngandi t sr el at i ons hi pwi t ht het ar getaudi enc e.

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Pr omot i onalPr oduc t s

Her ear es omeoft hepr omot i onalpr oduc t st hatIhav ec r eat ed aspar toft hi sbr i eft of ur t hert he HungerGamesbookr er el eas e.Ihav ec r eat edas etofnot ebook s ,c us hi ons ,wr appi ngpaper ,phone c as esandar tpr i nt s .Is el ec t edt hes epar t i c ul arpr oduc t sasIf eelt hatt heyar es ui t edt ot hedemogr aphi ct hatt heHungerGamesi st ar get edt owar ds . T hes epr oduc t sar es ui t edt oal lr angesoft hi sdemogr aphi c ,f orexampl eonesi nt er es t edi nwr i t i ng, homemak er sandt hos ei nt er es t edi nar tmeani ngt hatt her ei ss omet hi ngf orev er yone.T hepr oduc t s t hems el v eswer ef ai r l yeas yt omak e,t heywer ej us tac as eoft ak i ngt heexi s t i ngmot i f sandt r ans f er r i ng t hem ac r os st her el ev antpr oduc t s .

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OUI L 603

HungerGames BookCov er s

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OUI L 603

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