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The cl i ent( ' i SpeakLi f e' )asked t o cr eat eal ogo f ort hem.The or gani sat i on i sbased i n Shef f i el d and i s chr i st i an eventbased wher et hey have spoken wor d and open mi cni ght s. The l ogo had t o be somet hi ng t hatr epr esnt st he l i ve musi c,poet ry and di scussi on i nt he eveni ng buti tal so needed t o be pl ayf uland f un. The f i nall ogo wasdeci ded qui t e qui ckl y ast he cl i entf el tt hati tr epr esent ed everyt hi ng t hatt he or gani sat i on wasabout .The onl y changeswer e changest ot he f ontand t ryi ng outsome r at her br i ghtcol our sf ort hem asr equest ed.( Ichanged t he col our s butdi r ect ed t hem i nt he way ofa monot one l ogo! ) I 始 m pl eased wi t ht hel ogo,If eelt hati tl ookspr of essi onaland sumsup t heor gani sat i onwel l .I ti s obvi ousl yverygr aphi cbuti twasdef i ni t l ysui t ed t ot hi ssortofbr i efand whatt he cl i entwasaf t er . Thi sl ogo i sgoi ng t o beused onpr omot i onalmat er i alal lar ound ofShef f i el d Uni ver si t yi nt he nearf ut ur e.

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