OLIVIA NEWS OME OUIL503Responsive P e n g u i n r P a n t on e d a d r J e f f b a r n e t t logo r owen goes to aus tralia c hildrens b ook r anna flora logo r s e c r e t 7 r i s p e a k li f e lo g o r n o w y o u k n o w logo r we d d i n g i n v i t a t i o n m a p r y c n j 2 o r y c n s a v e t h e c h i ld r e n r t i ge r p r i n t
Penguin Pantone d ad J e f f b a r n e t t lo g o owen goes to aus tralia c hildrens b ook a n n a f lo r a lo g o secret 7 i s p e a k li f e lo g o n o w y o u k n o w lo g o we d d i n g i n v i t a t i on ma p ycn j2o y c n s a v e t h e c h i ld r e n tiger print
Brief The cover design needs to reflect that this is a fresh, witty and illuminating book which looks at the big – and the not so big – questions of life in an original and entertaining way. It needs to hint at the very broad range of topics the book covers. It needs to convey that the Freakonomics way of seeing the world is at the heart of everything we see and do – these are the subjects that bedevil us daily: from parenting to crime, sport to politics, fat to cheating, fear to traffic jams. This book asks provocative and profound questions about human motivation and contemporary living and reaches some astonishing conclusions. The cover is the ʻ‘way inʼ’ to how people will change the way they see the world.
d e li v e r a b le s A book cover design which needs to include all the cover copy as supplied and be designed to the specified design template(B format, 198mm high x 129mm wide, spine 20mm wide).
Thoughts I had a great time designing the cover for this. I had the idea from some of the quotes given in the brief about a sumo wrestler being similar to a teacher. The design process was based around an isometric grid and muted earth tones. Something that I also included in this design was my own typography. I drew the type out for the title myself as I could not find a font that was bold enough, condensed enough and visually appealing to fit the cover and the tone of voice. I therefore drew it out myself using a grid. A massive challenge here was getting the information aross. I found it difficult to present it in such a way that you could still see the cover design but also get the massive amount of text that was provided onto the design. Overall it has been one of my strongest designs so far and I feel that I have learnt so much about design, layout and colour from doing it.
Brief Reimagine your hometown through a new colour scheme. Think about everything that this identity could include, physical and digital: logo, transport, wayfinding, etc. ʻ‘Hometownʼ’ could mean where youʼ’re from, where you are now, or just a place that you feel you belong – even if youʼ’ve never lived there. Think about the opportunities digital can bring, but donʼ’t neglect the physical. Make something tangible to the community. • Do field research. Really understand what colour means to the town at the moment, and see how you can change or improve that. • Consider your townʼ’s character. How can you reflect and celebrate this? And how might this affect what the town needs from its new identity? • Colour doesnʼ’t need to be flat. Language, imagery, objects, sounds... many things can be described as colourful. How could you incorporate them? • How can colour permeate peopleʼ’s lives to effect positive change?
d e li v e r a b le s • Take the core elements of identity design (colour, typography, brand applications...) then build bigger with them. How can you put them to active use? Your solution should be something that everyone who lives, works, or is part of your hometown can own, adopt and experience, whoever they are.
Thoughts The Pantone brief was one of my most enjoyable briefs to date. Joe and I chose this brief as it had a lot of creative freedom and meant that we could easily combine our ʻ‘stylesʼ’. The brief provoked a lot of ideas and had a wide range of applications of our ideas that we could choose. I feel that the concept of creating a mobile phone/tablet application was strong and fitted thge brief very well. This concept was what made our submission such a success. Iʼ’ve learnt a lot of skills over the course of this brief; both people skills and design skills. Iʼ’ve learnt how collaboration works in a project and to work with another person to merge our ideas. Iʼ’ve also learn how to mock up and app and think much more deeply with colours.
Photographer and filmaker Jeff Barnett approached me to create his business card design. Jeff had seen some of my previous work on my instagram page and loved my portraits of people and wanted something a little like that. He wanted to just have his portrait drawn onto his business card to be a statement of rememberance for people who he gives his card to.
d e li v e r a b le s A business card design.
This was a really fun brief as the client was very easy to deal with and knew what he wanted. I toyed with a few different ideas and sent many different background colours but this one was the winning idea. Iʼ’ve learnt that sometimes the most successful ideas are the ones that are the simplest as this drawing took just a few hours to complete. Jeff has a big influence on instagram with his 21.6k followers so when he posted a photo of his business card by me it created a nice influx of interest onto my own instagram page.
Brief Duncan Mara, Professor at Leeds University contacted Leeds College of Art to ask for the help of an illustrator for his first children's book (he has other genres of work published). He asked for a sample illustration (kind of like Mr Men with the bold colours and the outlines) and provided him with the image below. He liked the image and went on to meet up with me to brief the rest of the project and to discuss pricing. After meeting up I got the manuscript for the childrens book and discussed the price that I was to be paid.
d e li v e r a b le s After meeting up I got the manuscript for the childrens book and discussed the price that I was to be paid.
Thoughts Childrenʼ’s books are difficult! If iʼ’d of had more creative freedom i think that this project would of been much eaiser for me. The restrictions and the sheer amount of work to be done to complete this job made it a strenuous, long task that spun out over a number of months. That said, i was paid for it and if it does get published, the hard work will of definitely paid off. If I were to do this again, I would of set the inital amount for the price of the whole book being illustrated to the best of my ability then set an hourly rate for extra changes. Another thing that I would of done differently was that I would of begun the project sending something over in my way of working rather than me changing my ʻ‘styleʼ’ to make it look how I thought they wanted it to look. This would of helped me keep the project fresh.
Brief The client wanted me to design a logo for their florist services. They wanted quite a specific design- a deer with flowers twisting around the antlers and sent me some sample images. They wanted quite muted tones.
d e li v e r a b le s A logo design that encapsulates the Anna Flora Brand.
Thoughts After countless conversing of emails to try get the right logo it was clear that the client was wanting something that I couldn't deliver despite me following their instructing to the tee. I sent them what I thought would be a good logo however they would ask for things moving changing etc. The logo didn't reach the colouring stage. In the end my logo was not used for their brand but I was paid for my work. This was probably one of my most un enjoyable jobs that I have ever done. From this I have concluded that sometimes a client expects something that you cannot deliver and it will never be right. This particular client was wanting a more delicate look and actually ended up using a copywrited image for their logo and claimed it as their own. A client I will definitely not work with again!Â
Create a visual response (or reponses) in my own style to the songs given by Secret 7. It must not include the artistʼ’s name or name of the song.
d e li v e r a b le s 300dpi CMYK 190mm x 190mm Jpeg
Diana Ross and the Supremes- Reflections
Maccabees- Go
I tried to keep the theme quite simple in my submissions due to the time scale that was available to me. Each of my submissions related to the themes or imagery generated by listening to specific songs. I am not that pleased with them as i feel my illustrations are probably quite crude. I wish that I could of spent more time generating imagery in the early stages to achieve a really strong concept for the image.
Diana Ross and the Supremes- Reflections
Brief I was approached by a Sheffield based organisation called 'iSpeakLife' and asked to create a logo for them. The organisation is event based where they have spoken word and open mic nights. The organisation approached me and said this: "The logo is for a Christian live music, poetry and discussion evening, so we're looking for something that represents that yet is quite playful..iʼ’ll definitely send you the 'what is iSpeakLife?' document so you can have a clearer picture of who we are and our vision. Leaflet wise- we would probably be looking at online ones (saving the trees!) and if physical ones, probably A5. "
d e li v e r a b le s A black and white logo for iSpeakLife that sums up its brand and its event.
Thoughts We conversed until the final logo was reached. In the end they didn't need the leaflet designing which meant it was easier for me. I feel that though the logo is vey graphic, it illustrates what the event and brand is about. It was also easy to design as they wanted it 1 colour. I did however come up with a few designs that included colour for their digital designs. This logo will be used for their events for at least the next year all across the University of Sheffield.
Brief Now You Know is an online blog run by photographer Ben Hodges who interviews (and photographs) a range of creatives on his blog. Ben wanted' "NOW YOU KNOW" in a variety of handwritten typographic styles. He said “The feel needs to be somewhere a journalistic letter (handwritten) and something editorial/magazine-y that looks like an interesting article on 'meeting a creative'. Follow your gut! Also feel free to mix up the upper and lower case vibe if you want to - I only put the original all in caps because it worked better with that font."
d e li v e r a b le s
The words “Now You Know” wrote in a variety of typographic styles.
Thoughts This was quite different to my usual jobs as it was text based. However, it was really interesting to experiment with new techniques and medias and for a different purpose. I would love to do more hand drawn type based jobs in the future.
Brief The clients asked me to design a map for their wedding invitations. They just wanted a simple line drawing explaining the route that people would take from the church to the wedding reception in just black and white.
d e li v e r a b le s A black and white map that clearly directs people to 2 places.
Thoughts This was a lot of fun. I really love drawing maps and to be given creative freedom on this was great. It was a challenge to find the sweetspot between creating a map that looks good but it also a readable and a functional map. They liked the work so much that I also ended up making some labels for their hen party ‘pamper kits which was really enjoyable also as its something that i’ve never done.
Brief Redesign J2O to become more appealing to adults. The current artwork design is not seen as ʻ‘adultʼ’ by many; the colours are viewed as bright and childish, and some consumers have even described it as cheap and ʻ‘chavvyʼ’. Weʼ’d therefore like you to redesign J2O to appeal to a target audience of 25-35-year-old men and women. The design should make them proud to be seen holding J2O in bars, restaurants and at home, and should bring through J2Oʼ’s expressive, unpretentious and playful personality. Designs must be created for both our Orange & Passion Fruit flavour and our Apple & Mango flavour. Please also come up with packaging designs for the 4pk packaging for each of these flavours.
d e li v e r a b le s Come up with the designs for the neck and body of the bottle as well as the 4 pack casing design. The J2o brand is synomanas with the colour green so it needs to include this colour. In the past, the depiction of fruit on our packaging has increased taste credentials so although itʼ’s not compulsory to do so its good for me to bear this in mind.
thoughts This brief was one that was quite challenging. It took a lot longer than expected for me as there was a lot of smaller tasks inolved- it wasnʼ’t just creating the design, it involved putting it onto the grids, mocking it up onto the 4 pack and the bottles. I experienced a few problems with this but overall it went really well. The brief set by J2o meant that it was quite specific, iʼ’d of liked to of had more creative freedom to change the shape of the sticker on the front of the bottle as this wasnt allowed. On the other hand, I am fairly pleased with the designs and feel that I have switched up the current branding quite a bit. Iʼ’ve learnt that sometimes briefs take longer than first estimated so it is useful to set out a good amount of time to spend on it.
Brief Inspire and motivate dads to read to their children. In addition, we know that mothers and fathers reading with their children matters, but fathers can have a particular impact. A father reading daily to a five year old means that childʼ’s reading will be almost half a year more advanced than a child read to less than once a week by their father. The creative can take any form (for example print or online advertising, a video, infographic, an experiential movement etc), but it must leave audiences with an understanding of just how much of a difference 10 minutes a day reading with a child can make.
D e li v e r a b le s Your brief is to deliver a creative resource that will inspire and motivate our target audience of dads to read to their children for just 10 minutes every day. The creative must follow the 'Read On. Get On.' guidelines.
Thoughts This was a tough brief for me as after further research intro the project pack, I found that it was an extremely specific brief where they gave a specific colour scheme of bold bright colours that I had to follow and a specific font that I had to use throughout. The limitations on this brief made it unenjoyable to complete. Som Something that I learnt from this brief was to make sure that the brief, specifically the ʻ‘project packʼ’ is actually achievable and has some creative freedom. Retrospectively, I believe that they were looking for a leaflet designing in their specific font using the bright colour palette and using a lot of their information in that they provided. This was not stated specifically but I can insinuate this is what they want. I do feel that my campaign proposal would reach out to their target audience of low income family dads better than a leaflet which is why I went ahead with it. I recognised that many of this specific audience take public transport to get around and circulate around more of these advertising places compared being in a place to pick up a wordy leaflet. This target audience especially, are more likely to not be very good at reading themselves so they would not be that likely to pick up a leaflet coated in information.
Brief The ʻ‘Make You Markʼ’ brief called upon you to “explore the very fun yet messy realm of mark making - using a variety of tools and techniques.”
d e li v e r a b le s The pattern must be either 500px x 500px or 500px x 700px, jpeg at 72 dpi.
Thoughts This is the final design for the Tiger Print ʻ‘Make Your Markʼ’ brief. I am really pleased with it. I put a really light pink filter over the top to soften the colours a bit compared to the idea on the previous page. I tried to make the pattern quite accessible for people of all ages and even for men. Maybe I didnʼ’t quite make it manly enough..! I would however love to try out more pattern design in the future, it became my favourite brief as it was just lots of play. I feel that because the brief was quite open, I enjoyed it more, it gave a direction but didnʼ’t make it too specific that I had no creative freedom. Iʼ’ll definitely do their next competition brief!