It is growing at a mind-boggling rate.
But, in the next 17 years, the
As per IDC reports only 16 million
internet users have increased more
people used the internet in 1995. In
than 10 times. Today, more than
the year 2000, the internet users
3885 billion people use the internet
grew to 361 million but that was still
globally and that is 51.7% of the
a paltry sum. The reach of the
world population. The internet has
internet was only to 5.8% of the
arrived and it is touching every
world population.
aspect of our lives.
The internet has opened up new opportunities for business. The world is working on the internet. You can market your brand or propagate your ideas on the internet through content. Â Bill Gates once rightly said that the content is the king on the internet. The internet is the powerhouse of information today. But, it is also like a stockpile where new content keeps piling over the older one. Every day 2.5 exabytes of data gets added on the internet. This equals to 250,000 libraries of Congress. Stagnant or unshared content will get lost in oblivion the next moment and your hard work will go in vain.Â
The internet is a very happening place. Everyday users post more than 2.75 million blogs. Every second 41,000 FaceBook posts are created. People upload more than 400 hours of video every minute. These are very big and intimidating numbers. If your content doesn't stand out in the crowd or fails to reach the right audience, it wouldn't perform its job. The 'JOB' of creating awareness, bringing business or brand positioning. This is a big challenge which you must consider in the first place. The only way to stand out is Content Amplification. You must make your content reach the right platforms.
Your content will reach the target
business. It will make your content
audience without getting lost in the
stand out in the crowd and
way. Today, only creating the best
noticeable. It will help your content
content doesn't do the job. Taking it
compete with the 2.75 million blogs
to the readership is also equally
getting added to the internet daily.
important or else it will also taste the dirt like most do.
GOOD CONTENT STRATEGY- KEY TO SUCCESS Most content creators think that
There are other problems too
creating great content is the biggest
such as the content not reaching
problem. There is no doubt, it is a big
the right audience or not
problem. But, if you do the math the
reaching all the platforms.
numbers are a bigger problem too. Even
Forming a good Content
if 1% of the total content on the internet
Promotion strategy is the
is great content then also it is a very big
solution to all these problems.
TAKE THE CONTENT WHERE IT MATTERS It is a common misconception that only sharing the content on the popular platforms does the job. But, it is a misconception. A florist may not have any use for metal fabrication article. All social media posts may not get directed to the targeted audience. Finding the right channels and platforms is the key in Content Amplification. The content must reach an audience which has a real use of it. They'll find it interesting and shareable or else it is bound to get ignored.
Even the best Content Strategy will not fetch you the desired results if it isn't promoted and distributed in a great manner. You must give your content the right push. If you want your content to reach the audience and leave its mark then you must do the groundwork. Content Amplification can give a great boost to your Online Marketing endeavors. Take your content to most platforms so that it gets greater exposure.Â
Twitter is a microblogging giant today. Users tweet more than a billion times in less than 48 hours. It is a great medium to share snippets of your content. You can share short content,
stats, infographics, and snippets of your existing content here. It is fast, accessible and popular medium. Content Curation will play a big role here. Twitter accounts with a good following can turn a great number of heads towards your content. You must make use of this platform.Â
Quora is one of the
It has a great user base
You can give links to
best and most trusted
and hence it can give
your content here and
great exposure to your
also get more traffic. It
platforms. Here people
content. Here, you
gives your brand more
ask questions from all
must ask and answer
credibility and
walks of life.
the questions related
to your field often.Â
LinkedIn is a popular professional networking site. It is a trusted site for serious networking. Around 11,000 professional searches take place on the LinkedIn every minute. Your content can get very good exposure on this platform. You can join or create groups which have great likeliness for sharing your content. This will open the doors for a higher number of shares and likes.
SlideShare is a very good place for sharing and promoting your content in PPT and PDF format. Once you have uploaded the content on SlideShare you can also share its link on other sharing websites like Quora and LinkedIn.
TAKE YOUR CONTENT TO WEBSITES WITH SIMILAR CONTENT Find websites within your niche and look for content on the lines of your content. Add value to the available content and request those websites to publish yours. Websites like to get fresher and richer content that can give more information. It will give your content and brand greater exposure. Â
INFLUENCERS MATTER People always look out for the leaders. Be it any industry or trade there are always people who have a great impact on the followers in that niche. They are the influencers. They can give a great headstart to ideas and also bring things to notice. If you can reach out to influencers in your trade or ask them to share your content then your content can go a long way. Content shared by influencers is highly noticed by people of the niche. People look up to them and like to read things shared by them. This can give a good boost to your content promotion strategy.
It is important to understand that only creating and sharing content is not enough. The internet is getting way bigger than ever and the amount of content that gets added on to it is insurmountable. Your content needs to be great and your Content Amplification strategy needs to be greater.