Pre - WHA | Abreviated Concept Note

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Nego tiati B e t t Globa er He ng for l Hea alth a lth D iplonmd acy

A Pre -Worl organized by

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Background Each year, hundreds of youth representatives and various youth organizations participate in the World Health Assembly (WHA) and showing deep interest in global health governance and diplomacy. Although there is a very diverse presentation of young people at the WHA, up to date there is little opportunity to coordinate the actions and the voice of all youth representatives towards the WHA. Even more so, the global health system is becoming even more complex and it is becoming harder to maintain an overview of all events and actions. There is a need to better prepare and coordinate students and young people in order to streamline the efforts performed by various youth organizations at the global level, in addition to the local. This will ultimately lead to a stronger engagement of the youth at the WHA, creating a greater meaning and impact for youth engagement and empowerment.


Event Description The Youth Pre-World Health assembly aims to gather 30 young people from around the world in a three-day workshop on “Negotiating for Better Health”, between May 16th-20th, 2013. The main aims of this conference are to educate and empower future leaders in health as well as develop a streamlined plan of action for youth


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participation at the World Health


World Health Assembly. Leading experts from World Health Organization, member states and non-governmental organizations will be invited to share their expertise to participants on selected topics and provide feedback on the youth strategy for the World Health Assembly. The five thematic groups selected for this year’s Pre-World Health Assembly workshop are illustrated in the table. 2

Objectives 1. Foster participants with better understanding of global health diplomacy and global health governance. 2. Development of skills for advocacy, health care leadership, and policy engagement towards action on social determinants of health to reduce health inequities. 3. Streamline and develop a concrete youth strategy towards the World Health Assembly, specifically: a. Develop joint plan of action for the Pre-World Health assembly with respect to statements and interventions and advocacy & lobbying aims. b. Develop and execute a joint youth social media strategy. 4. Develop a long-term vision and strategy for future joint youth strategies in global health.


Follow- up • Facilitate the establishment of a steering committee for the follow-up on the agreed youth strategy for youth participation and collaboration in global health. • Evaluation the mid- and long-term outcomes of the Pre-World Health Assembly Workshop in order to identify opportunities for and shortcomings of youth collaboration. • Evaluate the program of the Pre-World Health Assembly Workshop for Youth, and commence plans for the Pre-World Health Assembly Workshop for Youth the following year in 2014.

Partners and affiliates • Global Health Programme at the Geneve Graduate Institute • Universities Allied for Essential Medicine • World Health Organization | Department of Ethics and Social Determinants • International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation (Affiliate)


Confirmed speakers and Guests Dr. Sigrum Møgedal (Special Advisor at the Norwegian Knowledge Center for Health Services, Special Advisor to the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Former State Secretary for International Development, Norway, Former Chair of the Board of the Global health Workforce Alliance)

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Ilona Kickbusch (Director of the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva) Dr. Andrew Cassels


Dr. Mihály Kökény (Senior Fellow, Global Health Program, Graduate Institute Geneva, Former Health Minister of Hungary, Former Member & Chairman of the WHO Executive Board)

Dr. Shyama Kuruvilla (Senior Technical Officer, WHO Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health).

Professor Steven Hoffman, Assistant Professor of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics at McMaster University, Visiting Assistant Professor of Global Health & Population at the Harvard School of Public Health


Agenda Thursday

16 Friday

17 Saturday

18 Sunday


- Arrival Day - Keynote -"Negotiating for Better Global health" (Dr. Sigrum Møgedal) - Reception & Dinner - Introduction Global Health & Global Health Diplomacy (Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Ilona Kickbusch) - Introduction to the WHO & 66th WHA Agenda (Dr. Andrew Cassels & Dr. Mihály Kökény) - Small Working Groups on Developing the Youth Strategy for the World Health Assembly - Small Working Groups on Focus Topics of the WHA Agenda - Social Determinants of Health (Dr. Eugonio Villar) - Social Program (City Tour) - Human Resources for Health (To be Announced) - Sexual & Reproductive Health (Dr. Shyama Kuruvilla) - Post-2015 Millenium Development Goals (To be Announced) - Small Working Groups on Focus Topics of the WHA Agenda - Case Study on Advocacy (Nutrition) - Introduction (To be Announced) - Case Study on Advocacy (Nutrition) - Simulation Exercise - Social Program (Intercultural Night) - Case Study on Advocacy - Debriefing (To be Announced) - Consultative Expert Working Group (Professor Steven Hoffman) - Small Working Groups on Focus Topics of the WHA Agenda - Looking Beyond - Developing the Joint Youth Strategy beyond the World Health Assembly (Small Working Groups) - Feedback & Wrap-Up


- Daily Briefing Sessions at the WHA 7

Sponsorship packages


Gold | 1000 Euros

Luncheon Gold Package

Features • All Gold Sponsors are thanked in name during Opening & Closing Ceremony • Your name and logo is Included in the official conference booklet • Your logo is included on all other Pre-World Health Assembly related printed & online publications • Your logo is included on the IFMSA Website on every page related to the Pre-World Health Assembly Event • Your logo included in the presentation at the opening & closing ceremony • Your logo is included on the IFMSA Website as sponsor for the duration of 4 months • The sponsored luncheon will be named exclusively after your company • Promotional material of your company (i.e. Banners, Leaflets, etc.) can be displayed exclusively during the sponsored Lunch



Gold | 1000 Euros

Global South Scholarship Gold

Features • All Gold Sponsors are thanked in name during Opening & Closing Ceremony • Your name and logo is Included in the official conference booklet • Your logo is included on all other Pre-World Health Assembly related printed & online publications • Your logo is included on the IFMSA Website on every page related to the Pre-World Health Assembly Event • Your logo included in the presentation at the opening & closing ceremony • Your logo is included on the IFMSA Website as sponsor for the duration of 4 months • The sponsored Scholarship will be named exclusively after your company • Promotional Material of your company (i.e. Banners, Leaflets, etc.) provided to us will be displayed during the opening & closing ceremony.



Silver | 500 Euros

Features • All Silver Sponsors are thanked in name during Opening & Closing Ceremony • Your name and logo is included in the official conference booklet • Your logo is included on all other Pre-World Health Assembly related printed & online publications • Your logo is included on the IFMSA Website on every page related to the Pre-World Health Assembly Event • Your logo included in the presentation at the opening & closing ceremony • Your logo is included on the general IFMSA Website as sponsor for the duration of 2 months



Bronze | 250 Euros

Features • All Bronze Sponsors are thanked in name during Opening & Closing Ceremony • Your name and logo is included in the official conference booklet • Your logo included in the presentation at the opening & closing ceremony


Organizing Committee • Christopher Pleyer, M.D. – Head of Organizing Committee • Johanne Helene Iversen, Andrea Melberg, Michael Kalmus Eliasz, Renzo Guinto, M.D. – Programming & Speakers Coordination • Johanne Helene Iversen, Andrea Melberg – Fundraising • Aleksandar Lukic – Coordination with Other Student Organizations • Kelly Ann Thompson – Logistics • Waruguru Wanjau, Thanasis Vaiopoulos – Social Media Strategy • Olivier Gagné – Design & Promotion



Thank you!

IFMSA General Secretariat c/o World Medical Association B.P. 63, 01212 Ferney-Voltaire, Cedex France

©IFMSA 2013 Written by Christopher Pleyer Edited by Olivier Gagné Photo credits to 13

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