UBC Resident guide

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who we are

Purpose As we have all been through CaRMS before, we know how stressful the process can be. For some, the most difficult part is sitting down after the tour and coming up with a final ranking. This year, we decided to put together this booklet to give potential residents a personal sense of what our group is like in order to facilitate your decisions. This idea came from us -- the residents -- and the brochure was completely assembled by us. We are a tight group and value a thorough selection process to ensure compatibility of our new colleagues and friends. Choose us if you think UBC is a good fit! Out of consideration for the privacy of the residents included in this booklet, please keep this guide to yourself. We hope it is helpful in giving you a sense of the UBC team!

Ann u Res al i Ret den rea ts’ t

Why UBC? From an academic perspective, a closely-knit resident group, strong program, and dedicated teaching staff all contributed to my decision to come to UBC. Outside of academics, the readily accessible outdoor opportunities around Vancouver meant that despite a busy schedule, I would be able to more easily enjoy some of my favourite pastimes (backcountry skiing, climbing, hiking and sailing). Favorite quote "Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did."

The one thing that saves you on call My ability to sleep anywhere, anytime, and no matter how much caffeine I've consumed. Highlight of the last year Getting engaged while on a backpacking adventure in Cuba. Most random place you have worn scrubs On a sailboat in English Bay.

D Tell us about you outside of residency French-Canadian. Biker. Skier. Traveler. Also I think I am the youngest of the program. What would you like to say to the applicants? CaRMS tour made me feel like a rockstar so embrace it fully! You have worked hard to come to this point so enjoy the final chapter! Favorite rotation Trick question. You can always make something good out of every rotation. It’s 100% attitude. Favorite Quote “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine it’s lethal” Best consult ever Whenever there is a native hip dislocation with no bony injury post-relocation. Mic Drop.

Best event in the last year Tough. Probably the week I surfed in Tofino and skied the following week-end. Most random place you have ever worn scrubs My roommate wears them to painting class all the time I think... only the clean ones :) Number one thing that saves you on call One glass of water between every consult even if you are not thirsty. Wakes you up and makes you pee like crazy. Why UBC I had a phenomenal elective at SPH and had a feeling this environment would be perfect for my personal growth. Also, who does not want a palm tree on their balcony?

C Why UBC? Great group of residents, awesome Ortho program & staff, work hard & play hard, love it out West. Tell about life outside of residency I have a 7 month old son that can deadlift 20x his bodyweight. He also has done 498 chin-ups and 672 cleans to date. Best event in the last year Birth of my son. Number one thing that saves you on call Coffee. Always more.

What would you like to say to the applicants? When doing your rankings make sure you like the group of residents & the program - both equally important. Favorite rotation Recon and Trauma - because they are the best. Favorite Quote “Ortho all day every day.� Best consult ever Bilateral open femur fractures on my second junior ortho trauma call


Best advice to the candidates Be yourself and have fun during CaRMS. You'll make some of your best friends on the tour. Try not to stress out too much. Be on time. Tell us about life outside residency I have had a good move to Vancouver from Toronto. Sports and friends are important to me and I've been able to play on 2 soccer teams fairly regularly this year. The most "Vancouver" experience I've had to date is when I would ride my bike to the beach in the summer to play beach volleyball. Plus, my friends and family really love coming to visit me in Van.

Favorite rotation(s) Any time I'm on service. What is the thing that allows you to survive call? Snacks, have lots of snacks Highlight of the last year My roadtrip across the US when I moved from Toronto to Vancouver Most random place you have ever worn scrubs The liquor store.

Favorite rotation(s) Recon/arthroplasty because it's an interesting area, the staff are great to work with, and there is a ton of operating. What is the thing that allows you to survive call? Organization. And Rock Star energy drink‌ Highlight of the last year A long weekend without call? Favorite quote "I have to return some videotapes." - Patrick Bateman Best consult ever So, so, many really... A couple gems include osteoarthritis at 0230 hrs, and concerns regarding the rectus muscle in the EYE at 0300 hrs.

A Why UBC? The resident group. Friendly, supportive, and easy to get along with. Best advice to the candidates Thanks for considering the UBC program! There are many similarities between programs across the country and your educational experience will be consistent between them for the most part. Consider the personalities you will/want to be working with for those 5 years because it will make all the difference, rather than location or most other factors. Tell us about life outside residency I'm married with two young children. Definitely keeps you busy outside of work hours. With what little free time is available (granted?) I enjoy spending time with friends, watching movies, and mostly playing videogames.



Why UBC? I came to UBC for the balmy weather but stayed for the palpable resident camaraderie. This program works hard but plays harder than any program I had seen. And what better playground than beautiful British Columbia! Best advice to candidates You will be well trained wherever you go in Canada but being happy and at home where and who you are working with is priceless. Favorite rotation St. Paul's Foot & Ankle. If you know me, you know I like F&A in a big bad way. So this is self explanatory. Tell us about life outside residency I live in East Vancouver where you can find me walking my pooch to pick up a growler at the local craft brewery, in my kitchen cooking up a tasty dinner Masterchef style or packing up my vintage 1986 sedan to head for a mountain hike or weekend bike trip. I'm originally from Ontario - where all my family still lives- but manage to get back to visit at least twice a year! Best consult ever A consult for bilateral proximal femur fractures with an associated open testicular dislocation is not one you ever forget.. Best? Not sure. Shocking and memorable? Definitely. Best event in the last year My mountain side wedding, August 2016!

Why UBC? I was born and raised in Vancouver and absolutely love it here! Here is where my family and friends are, the best of nature, and such a lively city. Additionally, I was drawn by the family atmosphere of UBC orthopaedics. Everyone has each other's backs and everyone is friends outside of our training. I honestly believe that if we met outside of medicine we would still be hanging out.

Best advice to the candidates Be yourself and choose not just the program but the group of residents. You want to go somewhere where you see yourself enjoying everyone's company and they enjoying yours! That makes a huge difference in an intense 5 year training program. Life outside residency I grew up in a very tight knit family so family time is huge. Love seeing shows and plays. Going to movies. And it's orthopaedics, so of course sports and working out! I also love hitting stuff in a controlled environment - it's okay, I'm a black belt. Best consult ever PCL tear in a 75yo M, or so the CTU senior thought since she could "push the leg back, you know at the knee� Most random place you have worn scrubs Nuba restaurant post call

Why UBC? World leading educators, supportive and hilarious colleagues and being able to be on a mountain and in the ocean on the same day Best advice to the candidates Practice your firm handshakes and strong eye contact Life outside residency When I'm not working I'm reading books, cooking meals, enjoying wine and loving family Favorite quote "In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer" - Albert Camus What saves you on call Puppy kisses on home call and memories of puppy kisses on in hospital call




Why UBC? Grew up on the West Coast, and wanted to come to a program with a cohesive group of residents and worldclass staff. UBC Ortho is unique in that the resident group is small enough that everyone becomes family, but the program is still large enough that you get excellent exposure to all subspecialties. That's the winning combo.

Favorite rotation Trauma - because there's nothing better than putting a smashed acetabulum or pilon back together. Life outside residency ? Eat. Sleep. Workout. Research. Study. Repeat. Occasionally known to hike, ski, and surf. Favorite quote "With great power comes great responsibility." - Spiderman Best consult ever Any consult meant for Gen Surg Trauma but they page Ortho Trauma by mistake Best event in the last year Got married in September Most random place you wore scrubs Gym

Why UBC? The program itself has an amazing learning environment, with teaching sessions, skills labs, and clinical rotations from day one of residency. There are fantastic mentors and staff in almost every field and each are approachable and exceptional teachers who truly value resident learning. The orthopaedic residents and staff make up a wonderful community and have become my family over the last 4 years of my residency, I truly value each and every person who has been a part of my training. It is a privilege and an honour to be a part of this fantastic group. What would you say to the candidates Residency is a commitment, especially a surgical one. We often work long hours and have multiple tasks and obligations. Your colleagues wherever you choose to go will be who help you through this challenging time. Residents, staff, allied health, and administrative staff will all be crucial for your growth as a resident and to help you through some major milestones in your future career. UBC has created a supportive and caring environment for its residents which continues to challenge each resident to excel beyond their potential. When making decisions about residency programs consider this important point and make sure the school you select will support you in all your activities. Good luck!

Life outside residency Since moving here, I have become more "outdoorsy" than I ever thought that I would. I run on a regular basis and love the sea wall and Stanley park. When the weather permits (I swear sometimes it stops raining!) there is always someone in the program that is willing to go for a hike, so many options within day travel of downtown Vancouver. I have also truly embraced the West Coast Lifestyle and now do yoga on a regular basis (with a kale/quinoa smoothie after obviously.) Favorite quote That's why her hair is so big - its full of secrets. Number one thing that saves you on call A pocket full of sour patch kids. Best event in the last year Graduate Dinner.

AB Why UBC At UBC Ortho, the resident crew has each other's back, both inside and outside the hospital. This is invaluable, and can only be matched by the quality of clinical teaching I've come to experience. I was born and raised in Vancouver, so having family and friends (old and new) around for support is a much needed bonus! What would you say to the candidates 4th year and CaRMS is an exciting and fun period - take time to enjoy it! Â Rank programs where you feel you get along best with the residents/staff. Favorite quote Don't count the days - make the days count

Life outside residency Always looking to get on the bball court. Canucks fan since childhood. Always down to watch good movies/TV series (who else has withdrawals from Breaking Bad?). Tennis is my sport. The one thing that saves you on call If I can get to it, a shower. The ER can wait! Best consult ever Necrotizing fasciitis does not equal elephantiasis‌ Best event in the last year Multiple bachelor parties in 2016, with my own one and wedding coming up in 2017!Â

A Why UBC? UBC's reputation, proximity to family and friends, the city, the mountains! Best advice to candidates Relax about CaRMS, enjoy the Ortho tour, go traveling between medical school and residency Favorite rotation Trauma - heal with steel! Life outside residency I'm a sucker for a good Americano, craft beer, and a powder day on the hill !

Favorite quote “You've gotta be good to be lucky” Best consult "There's a leg in a bag down here for you” Best event in the last year Getting married! Most random place you’ve ever worn scrubs At the Nexus office

BB Life outside residency Why ubc? Aside from the excellent training, when looking at a program an often overlooked thing is what other places think of the graduates when it comes time for fellowship and job applications. Graduates from ubc Ortho get fellowships at internationally renowned institutions, which says a lot of the training program and connections. Best advice to candidates Always put the patient first. It sounds simple but there will be times you are very busy and it is easy to brush off a complaint as not important or to say you'd rather get that 1 hour of sleep and deal with the issue in the morning. When you start next year as a resident you will be the doctor that the patient relies on and that carries a lot of responsibility. When in doubt, always do what you think is safe. What do you do with your spare time? What spare time? But not to worry, post call days are coming! Best moment in the last year Walking on stage for med school graduation and having my parents up there to give me my diploma.

Why UBC? My decision was pretty easy. UBC has leaders in every orthopaedic subspecialty who could not only provide the best training, but also connections to many other hospitals and schools worldwide. The resident group is also one of the most supportive and tight-knit around, and I wanted to be a part of that. Best advice to candidate First of all, good luck. Second of all, it's all about fit. Be honest with yourself and be honest with the programs you're interviewing with, and everything will work out for the best. It's true that we want the best, most highly qualified applicants, but we also want people who will get on well with the residents and staff surgeons here at UBC. Life outside residency I'm currently trying to plan a wedding and reach personal bests in weightlifting. I also enjoy cooking for friends and family. For guilty pleasures, I enjoy video games and Netflix when there's time.

Favorite quote "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Number one thing that saves you on call Remembering that if I've done the best I can for the patient, things will work out. Best event in the last year Going to Uganda with the USTOP team!

Why UBC? I came for the supportive resident group and stayed for the comprehensive education. What would you say to the candidates Be yourself! All you can control is your effort and attitude. Favorite rotation Sports Ortho - I really enjoy the highly motivated patient population. Tell us about yourself outside residency I am married, with 2 kids. Life is pretty busy at the moment! Best consult ever On my emergency medicine rotation I was asked to evaluate a patient who had been licked by a dog.

Favorite quote "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value" - Albert Einstein Number one thing that saves you on call Shawarma! Best event in the last year My daughter taking her first steps!

Why UBC? D e fi n i t e l y c h o s e U B C because of the cohesive, collegial and fun resident group that I got to work with. Proximity to the amazing ocean and mountains doesn't hurt either! For example, the background photo was taken while cycling in the Vancouver area. Best advice to candidates Pick a place you'll want to be for 5 years and a group that you'll want to work with during a tough residency. Enjoy the CaRMS tour!

The one thing that saves you on call Making checklists to organize consults. And if there's no time for sleep, take a shower before handover. Wakes me up and probably appreciated by my coworkers... Something you might not know about UBC residency It's possible to cycle commute on almost every rotation, year round. Okay‌ Almost year round. Life outside residency Sleep. Study. Bike. Sleep.

Why UBC? The people in UBC Ortho are a wonderfully supportive group. The staff are highly respected throughout Canada for both their skill and collegiality. As a medical student on elective, working closely with the residents allowed me to gain a real appreciation of the working environment in the Vancouver program. Since I’m from Vancouver Island, a residency spot at UBC would allow me to be close to family and friends. I love the West Coast, and ultimately I would want to practice here if the job market permits. This place is paradise. Best advice to candidate I hope everyone has a great tour. It can be really fun. At the time it can seem stressful, but if you just be yourself and have fun you will match wherever you need to be.

B Life outside residency I like to rock funky reggae beats on the drums. When I'm not getting funky (which is rarely), there is plentiful outdoor activities close by to keep me occupied. Hiking, snowboarding, camping, beach chillin', patio beers... to name a few. Favorite quote “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.� - Bob Marley

A Why UBC? Apart from living on the beautiful west coast, you get to work with extraordinary people in UBC Ortho. It's a great feeling knowing your coresidents and staff have your back. Favorite quote “Yesterday, you said tomorrow” Favorite rotation Ortho Trauma Tell us about life outside residency I nap a lot. Probably an unhealthy amount of napping... actually definitely an unhealthy amount… Best consult ever Knee pain and cartilage damage as seen on ultrasound Number one thing that saves you on call Coffee



Why UBC? Resident crew is on point. Excellent mentorship across the board from staff. A teaching curriculum that is dynamic and responsive to resident requests. A vibrant city that leaves you wanting nothing more. Culture and food - at your fingertips. An expansive back yard that's just minutes from stepping outside the hospital doors offering up pretty much any outdoor adventure you desire to max out that precious R&R time! My life outside of residency? Run. Travel. Wine & Dine! I'm pretty happy if I'm doing something active or outdoors....not to hard to find around here. I also like to get home to visit family in the lost province [SK] whenever I can. Advice to Candidates Enjoy the ride! Give yourself credit for the interviews you do well in and let the questions that go a little sideways roll off your back - just keep on truckin! We've all been there and haven't forgotten that it's a fun but challenging couple of weeks. Favorite Quote "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" Name one thing that saves you on call A stellar run of ridiculously good call karma. Most random place I've worn scrubs To the beach!





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