Fall 2022 1
Welcome! We want to offer a warm welcome to our new members and Duke alumni who are joining us from across the country and the globe to participate in our online courses. We are also glad to see so many returning members. Our curriculum committee and instructors have worked very hard to provide you with a schedule of courses that are both enriching and informative. In addition to 43 online courses, we are offering 26 in-person courses. Whether you prefer lectures, hands-on art or intimate discussions, we are hopeful you will find your OLLI experience engaging. We are grateful to our dedicated OLLI volunteers. Our instructors, board members, moderators and special interest group leaders collectively make an enormous difference for our OLLI learning community. We couldn’t do it without you! There is nothing like the “back to school” energy of September. We hope you’ll join us for online or in-person courses. Please check out the two-page spread (pages 8-9) for the 45th anniversary, including photos of the “founding mothers” of OLLI.
Chris McLeod, J.D. Director
Our Mission The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke University seeks to engage the minds, elevate the spirits and foster the well-being of its members through a wide range of educational programs and opportunities for volunteer service and social activity.
Our Vision We seek to provide a premier, quality, cost-effective noncredit curriculum with courses that cover a wide range of interests in history, literature, the natural and social sciences, the fine arts and current events.
Our History OLLI at Duke is one of the oldest and largest institutes within the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute network. Established in 1977 as The Duke Institute for Learning in Retirement (DILR), the program was renamed the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) in 2006 in honor of the Bernard Osher Foundation. Over the last 45 years, membership has grown from the original 42 members to as high as 2,570 members in 2019. Current OLLI membership is 1,513. Front cover: Fall on East Campus. Photograph by Bill Snead / Duke Photography, 919-684-4391 © Bill Snead
Fall 2022 Registration Registration for Fall 2022 courses opens on August 23 at 9 a.m. for Monday and Tuesday courses and on August 24 at 9 a.m. for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday courses. To create an account, go to learnmore.duke.edu/olli and click “Join OLLI.” We recommend joining in advance of registration. Note: This login information is also used to access your online class sessions. • This helpful video provides tips and strategies for successful online registration.
Online Learning Taking courses online is both convenient and accessible. No need to worry about parking or traffic. With Zoom, you have a front-row seat for all your courses. These courses are marked with the Zoom icon. Some online courses are recorded for enrollees to watch later. You can even enroll in a course to only watch recordings. These are marked with the recording icon:
Contents Our Mission......................2 Our Vision.........................2 Our History.......................2 Online Learning................3 In-Person Learning...........3 Planning Your Course Schedule..............3 OLLI at Duke Board of Advisors & Administration...............4 About OLLI at Duke..........4 Join OLLI at Duke.............5 Contact Information.........5 Volunteering for OLLI........5 COVID-19 Policy...............6 OLLI at Duke Code of Conduct..............6
Zoom Links: Once you register, the Zoom links for your courses will be in your Student Portal at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. For detailed directions, please visit www.olliatduke.online/studentlink.
Instructor Appreciation.....7
In-Person Learning
For the Fall 2022 term, we will be hosting 21 courses in the Education Building at Judea Reform Congregation (JRC), located at 1933 West Cornwallis Road in Durham, with an additional five courses held at other off-site locations. These courses are marked with the school icon. If you plan to enroll in an in-person course, please read the COVID-19 policy on page 6.
Important Dates...............7 Technology Needed for Zoom Courses............7 Special Events: OLLI’s 45th Anniversary..............8 Course Indexes By Day........................ 10 Short Courses............ 11 By Location (or Online)... 12 By Instructor................ 13
Planning Your Course Schedule
Course Subjects......... 14
This catalog is organized by course subject, starting on page 14. There are helpful indexes on pages 10-13; throughout this catalog, each page number in the text or in an index is a link to that page. All course description pages include a “Return to Course Indexes” link at the bottom.
New Member Meet & Greet..................35 Registration FAQs...........55
• Tip: Course ID numbers make registering easy. Refer to them while registering online and when tracking course confirmations or wait-list status. Find a course even faster by typing the course ID number into “Advanced Search.” 3
OLLI at Duke Board of Advisors & Administration 2022-2023 Officers (one-year elected term) President: Marion Jervay Vice President: Bobbie Hendrix Advisors at Large (two-year elected term) To 2023: Ben Edwards, vacant To 2024: Kenneth Chestnut Sr., Ted Segal Committee Chairs (one-year appointed term) Community Engagement: Diane Hundley Curriculum: Beth Anderson Instructor Relations: Alan Teasley Legacy: Lisa Gabriel Leadership Development: Susan Dennison Member Engagement: Vacant Social Activities & Hospitality: Vacant Space: Peter Blaufeux Exofficio Board Members Board Recording Secretary: Ellen Luken Director: Chris McLeod Staff Director: Chris McLeod Operations/Administration: Kathy Parrish Technical/Communications: Betina Huntwork OLLI Course Support Staff Beth Bowling, Annette Gooch, Jay Starks, Mary Thompson, and Beverly Thorpe
About OLLI at Duke We are a learning community. OLLI members have wide-ranging interests in history, literature, the natural and social sciences, the fine arts and current events. Most of our course and workshop offerings are based on members’ requests and the expertise of instructors and workshop leaders. Our curriculum is developed by the Curriculum Committee, which is composed of 20 member volunteers who recruit instructors and carefully curate courses. We embrace “learning for the love of it.” Our members appreciate that OLLI courses have no tests or grades. While courses rarely require homework, active participation is encouraged. Our instructors teach for the love of it as well. No tests or grades means that instructors can focus on what is most important to them — teaching. If you find a course inspiring or meaningful, please share your gratitude directly with the instructor. OLLI at Duke is a cooperative venture. Dozens of volunteers are involved in making the magic happen for OLLI members. Getting involved is a great way to make new connections and build community. Members serve as course moderators or class assistants, provide technical support for instructors, lead small-group discussions and serve on the Board of Advisors to ensure the excellence of OLLI at Duke. OLLI at Duke is a program of Duke Continuing Studies. We report to the Office of the Provost. Officers of the OLLI board are elected by OLLI members in the spring term. The OLLI Board of Advisors serves as a resource for the director of OLLI and meets 10 times a year. If you are interested in learning more about our volunteer and leadership opportunities, please see page 5.
Join OLLI at Duke Becoming a member of OLLI at Duke is easy. Our annual membership fee of $50 entitles members to enroll in courses, participate in special interest groups, attend social events and vote in elections. To join, go to learnmore.duke.edu/olli. Scholarship Support We want OLLI at Duke courses to be accessible to all who have a passion for lifelong learning. Thanks to the generosity of Lynne Blake, former OLLI president, scholarship support is available to those who may not otherwise be able to attend. Please email Kathy.Parrish@duke.edu and ask about our Community Membership. All requests are confidential.
Refund Policy • Membership fees are nonrefundable. • To request a transfer to a different OLLI course, please email learnmore@duke.edu. No service fee is charged when transferring; you will be invoiced for any difference in cost. • To request a refund for an OLLI course, please email learnmore@duke.edu within five business days of the first class meeting. There is a $20 service charge per course dropped ($10 if the course fee is $50 or less). • No refunds will be issued after five business days have passed from the first class meeting, except in a medical emergency. • To request a refund due to a medical emergency, please email Kathy.Parrish@duke.edu. • If a course is canceled by OLLI at Duke, your course fees will be refunded automatically.
Contact Information To join, learn more or register for a course: learnmore.duke.edu/olli For general questions: olli@duke.edu For instructor concerns/ feedback: Director, OLLI at Duke— Chris.McLeod@duke.edu For operations/administration/ special interest groups (SIGs)/ instructor support: Kathy.Parrish@duke.edu For communications/ technology/member support: Betina.Huntwork@duke.edu For technical support: olli@duke.org For registration inquiries: learnmore@duke.edu
Volunteering for OLLI Help Shape the Curriculum: Would you like to teach a course? Do you know an outstanding instructor? Do you have a topic you’d like to learn about? Let us know! Contact Beth Anderson, chair of the Curriculum Committee, at curriculum@olliatduke.org. Online Course Moderators: If you are interested in serving as an online course moderator or want to find out more about this role, please email Chris Abrons at volunteer@olliatduke.org. In-Person Class Assistants: If you are interested in supporting instructors as an in-person class assistant or want to find out more, please email Kathy.Parrish@duke.edu. Get Involved: Volunteering is a great way to make friends and get connected. If you are interested in volunteering/leadership opportunities or if you have ideas for a new activity or improvements to an existing program, please email Chris.McLeod@duke.edu. 5
COVID-19 Policy As we continue to respond to COVID-19 challenges, we appreciate your support and cooperation. The guidelines set forth below have been developed with the health and safety of our membership in mind and in concert with Duke and Judea Reform Congregation (JRC) requirements. These guidelines are subject to change as COVID-19 conditions evolve, and additional guidelines may be imposed by Duke and/or the JRC for the health and safety of OLLI participants should COVID-19 conditions change. Vaccines: JRC requires members, instructors and staff to be vaccinated before attending in-person courses. You will not be required to show proof of vaccination. We are relying on the respect and good faith of our members to comply. Masks and Face Coverings: All members, instructors and staff are required to wear a mask indoors in all classroom locations. Masks must cover both the mouth and nose. Physical Distancing: Class sizes and seating arrangements have been reduced/arranged to comply. For more information on the return to in-person classes, please check learnmore.duke.edu/olli/olli-person-guidelines for more updates.
OLLI at Duke Code of Conduct Curiosity + Connection + Kindness + Compassion = Community
OLLI at Duke endeavors to create a positive and affirming environment that fosters learning and social connection. Members, instructors and staff are expected to demonstrate mutual respect, personal and academic integrity, kindness and a commitment to civil discourse. Ensuring OLLI at Duke is a welcoming, inclusive and affirming learning community is a responsibility we all share. These principles apply to all OLLI courses, whether they are in person or online. We welcome a lively and passionate exchange of ideas and perspectives. Opposing viewpoints are welcomed and appreciated. Instructors are responsible for leading and moderating classroom discussion. Instructors have the prerogative of inviting/allowing questions throughout the class or asking members to hold their questions until the end of class or another designated time. Members, instructors and staff of the OLLI at Duke community are encouraged to contact the director (Chris.McLeod@duke.edu) if they observe behavior that is a significant violation of this code of conduct. The director will investigate, and if there is a problem, she will address it directly with the alleged violator and determine the consequences. Violations of the code of conduct may result in the suspension or termination of membership/teaching privileges for a member or instructor or a disciplinary warning/termination of employment for a staff member. 6
Instructor Appreciation OLLI at Duke is fortunate to have instructors who have taught for many years. While we appreciate all our instructors, we offer special recognition to instructors who reach 25 and 50 OLLI courses taught. Congratulations! We are a more vibrant learning community for your contributions. 50+ Courses Margo Brewer Jay Dunbar Julia Rose John Sehon Billy Yeargin 25-49 Courses Henry Blinder Betsy Bullen Joe Caddell Janice Ching
Margaret Clemen Ed Cox Melanie Crain Cynthia Dessen Karen Dold Richard Ellman Ann Evangelisto Mary Jo Fickle Ken Hoover Arnie Johanson Juanita Johnson Doug Longman
Louise Masurat Char Murphy Riverdave Owen Amie Palmer Dick Prust Ric Shepherd Thomas Thorne Susan Wartell Dot Wilbur-Brooks Jim Wright Alice Zhao
Technology Needed for Zoom Courses Here is the basic technology you’ll need to take an OLLI online course via Zoom: • A laptop, desktop computer, tablet or smartphone • Speakers, a headset or earbuds • A microphone, either internal or external (if speaking in class) • A webcam, either internal or external (if showing your own video) • A reliable internet connection (minimum 20 Mbps download speed recommended; www.speedtest.net) For more details and specific suggestions for audio and video equipment, visit www.olliatduke.online.
Important Dates Tuesday & Wednesday, August 23-24 9 a.m., fall term registration opens Monday, September 12 Fall courses begin Monday, September 26 Rosh Hashana — no classes Wednesday, October 5 Yom Kippur — no classes Thursday, November 18 Last day for most Fall courses Monday-Thursday, November 28-December 1 Makeup classes
Access Duke University has policies to ensure people with a wide range of abilities have equal access to its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the access provided, please contact the OLLI office by email before your course begins at olli@duke.edu.
Zoom Links in Online Student Portal OLLI members who register for online courses will find the Zoom links in their Student Portal at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. For details, refer to www.olliatduke.online/studentlink.
Celebrating 45 Years of OLL OLLI friends and colleagues, This spring, I had the privilege of interviewing the “founding mothers” of OLLI at Duke, originally called the Duke Institute for Learning in Retirement (DILR). Jean O’Barr, Judith Ruderman and Sara Craven played key roles in OLLI’s early development. I left each conversation feeling inspired and humbled by the leadership and support they provided to the organization, which prepared the way for it to grow into the lifelong learning program that enriches so many of our lives. I also learned about the many challenges OLLI at Duke faced and overcame to become the vibrant, financially sustainable organization it is today. I had the opportunity to interview most of OLLI’s past presidents and Bill Wright Award winners as well. These volunteers invested thousands of hours into building the tradition of excellence we endeavor to uphold today. We also owe a debt of gratitude to former OLLI directors, especially Sara Craven, Catherine Frank and Garry Crites, and to current director Chris McLeod. Thanks to their collective efforts and those of the OLLI staff, OLLI at Duke is recognized as a national leader among its peers for its robust curriculum and timely efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion. To begin celebrating OLLI’s 45th anniversary year, we will be hosting an OLLI birthday party at the Washington Duke Inn in September. All instructors and members will be invited. We will also be hosting a special 45th anniversary celebration in the spring of 2023. Please watch the OLLI newsletter for details. I hope you take time to review our Fall 2022 catalog and find a few courses of interest. I look forward to seeing you in class very soon! It’s wonderful to be able to say “See you in September” again! Yours in OLLI, Marion Jervay, President, OLLI Board of Advisers
Founding Mother From left: Jean O’Barr, Director of Continuing Education; Judith Ruderman, Vice Provost for Academic and Administrative Services; and Sara Craven, Director of DILR/OLLI 1987-2006
Images on this page and top image on facing page are stills from a video by Jim McQuaid of Turnip Films. © Turnip Films, 2022
LI Judith Ruderman holds a photo of OLLI members Percy and Alice Luney with Bill Wright (left), OLLI president 1984-86, for whom the highest volunteer award is named.
Fun Facts • 67% of members have been in OLLI for more than five years • The ratio of women to men is seven to three • Membership increased from 43 in 1977 to 1,513 in 2022 • 72% of members hold a master’s degree or higher OLLI past presidents at the 40th anniversary celebration in 2017 — back row: Gregg McPherson, Mike Bahnaman, Richard Ellman and Phil Hopkins; front row: Jack Gartner, Wendell Musser, Ginny Knight and Rita Weimer — with Steve Thaxton (far right), National Osher Resource Center.
The OLLI Zoom Team’s first meeting, March 2020. Clockwise from top left: Beth Anderson, Betina Huntwork, Kathy Parrish, Chris McLeod and Howard Koslow.
• Half of members have one or more affiliations with Duke, as alumni, parents, faculty/staff and/or retiree. • 90% of members have recommended OLLI at Duke • OLLI members cover four generations, ages range from 40s to 90s • One in ten members is over 80— we never stop learning!
Courses by Day ● Time, Course Title (No. of Sessions) (Venue), Page [linked to course description] Mondays
1:30-3:30....Introduction to Bridge (10) (BA)...............51 3:15-4:45....Art & Women III (8) (NM)..........................15
Online (Zoom) 9-10:15.......Looking Back at the Moon (10)................40 9-10:30.......“The Waste Land” & “Ulysses” (10).........30 11-12:15......Creativity (6).............................................51 11-12:30.....Mastering Camera Basics (4)...................36 11-1............Watercolor Painting (5).............................22 1:30-2:45....Current Economic Policy Issues (6).........19 1:30-3........Color and B & W Composition (10)..........36
In Person 1:30-3........North Carolina Politics (10) (JRC).............27 1:30-3........Portrait Photography (6) (JRC).................37
Tuesdays Online (Zoom) 9-10:15.......Modern Biology in 10 Questions (10).......39 9-10:15.......Two Novels in Conversation (7)...............32 9-10:15.......Union Soldiers (8).....................................26 9-10:15.......Writing a Legacy Letter (4).......................53 11-12:15......Literary Britain (7)....................................45 11-12:15......My Neighbor’s Voice (5)...........................45 11-12:15......Opening the Poet’s Toolbox (6)................53 11-1............Botanical Illustration Drawing (10)...........21 1:30-2:45....Ethics Thought Experiments (5)...............38 1:30-2:45....Handwork In the Digital Age (7)...............17 1:30-2:45....Literature of War in Vietnam (10)..............31 1:30-2:45....Secrets of the Knights Templar (8)..........29 1:30-2:45....The Ups & Downs of Listening (5)............34 3:30-4:45....Communication Apps (10).......................40
In Person 9-10:30.......The 10-Week Medical School (10) (JRC)...42 9-12...........Stay Put or Move On (SPOMO) (10) (JRC).............................18 11-12:30.....A History of Ukraine (10) (JRC)................25 11-12:30.....Chinese Brush Painting (10) (JRC)...........24 11-12:30.....Good Conversations (6) (JRC).................44 1:30-3........Symposia (10) (FAD).................................46 1:30-3........New Perspectives on Old Masters (6) (JRC).....................18 1:30-3........The Human Microbiome (10) (JRC)..........43 1:30-3........When Astronomy Was Philosophy (7) (JRC)....................38
Wednesdays Online (Zoom) 9-10:15.......19th-Century France (6)...........................28 9-10:15.......30 Years Without a Paycheck (10)...........21 11-12:15......Existentialism (10)....................................39 11-12:15......Topics in Astrophysics (4)........................41 11-12:30.....In the Context of Modernism Sec 2: Lectures only (5)......................16 11:12:30......The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga (8)........50 11-12:30.....The World Today (10)...............................20 1:30-2:45....Icons of Architecture 2.0 (6).....................15 1:30-2:45....Modern Gay America (9)..........................28 1:30-2:45....Narrative Photography (9)........................37 1:30-2:45....Russia & Soviet Communist Rule (10).....27
In Person 10-12..........Exploring Painting Mediums (9) (OTH).....22 11-12:30.....Federal Spending & Debt (5) (JRC)..........19 11-12:30.....Harry S. Truman (10) (JRC)......................24 11-12:30.....Tease Out the Story (6) (JRC)..................54 11-12:30.....In the Context of Modernism (NCMA) Sec 1: Lectures only (5)...........................16 11-12:30.....In the Context of Modernism (NCMA) Sec 3: Lectures (5) + Gallery Tours, W, 10:30-11:30 (3)......16 11-12:30.....In the Context of Modernism (NCMA) Sec 4: Lectures (5) + Gallery Tours, W, 12-1 (3).................16 11-12:30.....In the Context of Modernism (NCMA) Sec 5: Lectures (5) + Gallery Tours, Th, 10:30-11:30 (3).....16 11-12:30.....In the Context of Modernism (NCMA) Sec 6: Lectures (5) + Gallery Tours, Th, 12-1 (3).................16 1:30-3........Jean-Michel Basquiat (9) (JRC)...............17
Thursdays Online (Zoom) 9-10:15.......Musicals 101 (8).......................................34 9-10:15.......T’ai Chi (10)...............................................49 9-10:15.......The Air We Breathe (6).............................42
Page numbers link to course descriptions
Courses by Day ● Time, Course Title (No. of Sessions), Page [linked to course description] 11-12:15......Russia & Ukraine Since 1991 (10)............25 11-12:15......The Legacy of Oliver Sacks (7)................44 11-12:15......Transforming Whiteness (10)....................48 11-12:30.....Shift (3).....................................................23 11-12:30.....Why Brian Wilson Is a Genius (5).............33 1:30-2:45...Introduction to Meditation (6)..................52 1:30-2:45...Modern Dance History 1890-1950 (10).....33 1:30-2:45...Vie en France et mode de vie (10)............30 3:30-5........Emily Dickinson (10).................................32
In Person 9-10:30.......The Evolution of America (10) (JRC)........26 11-12:30.....The Holocaust (10) (JRC).........................29 11-12:30.....What to Eat — and Why! (5) (JRC)...........49 11-1............Playback Theatre (10) (JRC).....................35 11-1............Wildflowers in Watercolor (10) (JRC)........23 1:30-3........Becoming American (10) (JRC)................14 1:30-3........Taste of Technology (4) (JRC)..................41
Venue Abbreviations & Addresses BA
The Bridge Academy, 2634 DurhamChapel Hill Road, Suite 102, Durham
The Forest at Duke, 2701 Pickett Road, Durham
Judea Reform Congregation, Education Building, 1933 W Cornwallis Road, Durham
NCMA North Carolina Museum of Art, 2110 Blue Ridge Rd, Raleigh NM
Nasher Museum, 2001 Campus Drive, Duke University, Durham
Other (see course description)
Online via Zoom See page 12 for Courses by Location
Short Courses ● Start Date (No. of Sessions), Time, Course Title (Venue), Page [linked to course description] Courses with 1-6 sessions
Sep 12 (6), 11-12:15.....Creativity (Z)............................51 Sep 12 (6), 1:30-3.......Portrait Photography (JRC).....37 Sep 19 (6), 1:30-2:45...Current Economic Policy Issues (Z)..................19 Oct 3 (4), 11-12:30.......Mastering Camera Basics (Z)...36 Oct 17 (5), 11-1............Watercolor Painting (Z)...........22
Sep 14 (6), 11-12:30....Tease Out the Story (JRC)......54 Sep 14 (6), 1:30-2:45...Icons of Architecture 2.0 (Z)....15 Sep 21 (5), 11-12:30....In the Context of Modernism Sec 1: Lectures only (NCMA)...16 Sep 21 (5), 11-12:30....In the Context of Modernism Sec 2: Lectures only (Z)..........16 Oct 5 (5), 11-12:30.......Federal Spending & Debt (JRC).......................19 Oct 12 (6), 9-10:15......19th-Century France (Z)..........28 Oct 26 (4), 11-12:15.....Topics in Astrophysics (Z).......41
Tuesdays Sep 13 (4), 9-10:15......Writing a Legacy Letter (Z).......53 Sep 13 (6), 11-12:30....Good Conversations (JRC).....44 Sep 13 (5), 1:30-2:45...Ethics Thought Experiments (Z)..................38 Sep 13 (6), 1:30-3.......New Perspectives on Old Masters (JRC).........18 Oct 4 (6), 11-12:15.......Opening the Poet’s Toolbox (Z)...............53 Oct 18 (5), 11-12:15.....My Neighbor’s Voice (Z)..........45 Oct 18 (5), 1:30-2:45....The Ups & Downs of Listening (Z)....................34
Thursdays Sep 15 (6), 9-10:15......The Air We Breathe (Z)............42 Sep 15 (3), 11-12:30....Shift (Z)....................................23 Sep 15 (5), 11-12:30....What to Eat — and Why! (JRC)...................49 Sep 15 (4), 1:30-3.......Taste of Technology (JRC)......41 Sep 22 (6), 1:30-2:45...Introduction to Meditation (Z)...52 Oct 20 (5), 11-12:30.....Why Brian Wilson Is a Genius (Z).....................33
Page numbers link to course descriptions
Courses by Location ● Course Title, Day, Time (No. of Sessions), Page [linked to course description] The Bridge Academy (BA) Introduction to Bridge................. T, 1:30-3:30 (10).... 51 The Forest at Duke (FAD) Symposia.................................... T, 1:30-3 (10)......... 46 Judea Reform Congregation (JRC) North Carolina Politics................ M, 1:30-3 (10)........ 27 Portrait Photography................... M, 1:30-3 (6)......... 37 The 10-Week Medical School..... T, 9-10:30 (10)....... 42 Stay Put or Move On (SPOMO)... T, 9-12 (10)............ 18 A History of Ukraine.................... T, 11-12:30 (10)...... 25 Chinese Brush Painting............... T, 11-12:30 (10)...... 24 Good Conversations................... T, 11-12:30 (6)........ 44 New Perspectives on Old Masters....................... T, 1:30-3 (6)........... 18 The Human Microbiome.............. T, 1:30-3 (10)......... 43 When Astronomy Was Philosophy...................... T, 1:30-3 (7)........... 38 Federal Spending & Debt............ W, 11-12:30 (5)...... 19 Harry S. Truman.......................... W, 11-12:30 (10)..... 24 Tease Out the Story.................... W, 11-12:30 (6)...... 54 Jean-Michel Basquiat................. W, 1:30-3 (9)..........17 The Evolution of America............ Th, 9-10:30 (10)..... 26 The Holocaust............................. Th, 11-12:30 (10).... 29 What to Eat — and Why!............. Th, 11-12:30 (5)..... 49 Playback Theatre........................ Th, 11-1 (10).......... 35 Wildflowers in Watercolor........... Th, 11-1 (10).......... 23 Becoming American.................... Th, 1:30-3 (10)....... 14 Taste of Technology.................... Th, 1:30-3 (4)......... 41 North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) In the Context of Modernism Sec 1: Lectures only............... W, 11-12:30 (5)....... 16 Sec 3: Lectures...................... W, 11-12:30 (5) + Gallery Tours.................... W, 10:30-11:30 (3)....16 Sec 4: Lectures...................... W, 11-12:30 (5) + Gallery Tours.................... Th, 12-1 (3)............ 16 Sec 5: Lectures...................... W, 11-12:30 (5) + Gallery Tours.................... Th, 10:30-11:30 (3)...16 Sec 6: Lectures...................... W, 11-12:30 (5) + Gallery Tours.................... Th, 12-1 (3)............ 16 Nasher Museum (NM) Art & Women III........................... T, 3:15-4:45 (8)...... 15 Other (OTH) (see course description) Exploring Painting Mediums....... W, 10-12 (9)........... 22
Online (Zoom) Looking Back at the Moon.......... M, 9-10:15 (10)...... 40 “The Waste Land” & “Ulysses”.... M, 9-10:30 (10)...... 30 Creativity..................................... M, 11-12:15 (6)....... 51 Mastering Camera Basics........... M, 11-12:30 (4)....... 36 Watercolor Painting..................... M, 11-1 (5)............. 22 Current Economic Policy Issues... M, 1:30-2:45 (6)..... 19 Color and B & W Composition.... M, 1:30-3 (10)........ 36 Modern Biology in 10 Questions... T, 9-10:15 (10)........ 39 Two Novels in Conversation........ T, 9-10:15 (7)......... 32 Union Soldiers............................. T, 9-10:15 (8)......... 26 Writing a Legacy Letter............... T, 9-10:15 (4)......... 53 Literary Britain............................. T, 11-12:15 (7)........ 45 My Neighbor’s Voice................... T, 11-12:15 (5)........ 45 Opening the Poet’s Toolbox........ T, 11-12:15 (6)........ 53 Botanical Illustration Drawing..... T, 11-1 (10)............. 21 Ethics Thought Experiments....... T, 1:30-2:45 (5)...... 38 Handwork In the Digital Age....... T, 1:30-2:45 (7).......17 Literature of War in Vietnam........ T, 1:30-2:45 (10).... 31 Secrets of the Knights Templar.... T, 1:30-2:45 (8)...... 29 The Ups & Downs of Listening.... T, 1:30-2:45 (5)...... 34 Communication Apps................. T, 3:30-4:45 (10).... 40 19th-Century France................... W, 9-10:15 (6)........ 28 30 Years Without a Paycheck..... W, 9-10:15 (10)...... 21 Existentialism.............................. W, 11-12:15 (10)..... 39 Topics in Astrophysics................ W, 11-12:15 (4)....... 41 The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga... W, 11-12:30 (8)...... 50 The World Today......................... W, 11-12:30 (10)..... 20 Icons of Architecture 2.0............. W, 1:30-2:45 (6)..... 15 In the Context of Modernism Sec 2: Lectures only............... W, 11-12:30 (5)...... 16 Modern Gay America.................. W, 1:30-2:45 (9)..... 28 Narrative Photography................ W, 1:30-2:45 (9)..... 37 Russia & Soviet Communist Rule..................... W, 1:30-2:45 (10)... 27 Musicals 101............................... Th, 9-10:15 (8)....... 34 T’ai Chi........................................ Th, 9-10:15 (10)..... 49 The Air We Breathe..................... Th, 9-10:15 (6)....... 42 Russia & Ukraine Since 1991...... Th, 11-12:15 (10).... 25 The Legacy of Oliver Sacks........ Th, 11-12:15 (7)...... 44 Transforming Whiteness............. Th, 11-12:15 (10).... 48 Shift............................................. Th, 11-12:30 (3)..... 23 Why Brian Wilson Is a Genius..... Th, 11-12:30 (5)..... 33 Introduction to Meditation........... Th, 1:30-2:45 (6).... 52 Modern Dance History 1890-1950 .............................. Th, 1:30-2:45 (10)... 33 Vie en France et mode de vie..... Th, 1:30-2:45 (10)... 30 Emily Dickinson........................... Th, 3:30-5 (10)...... 32
Page numbers link to course descriptions • See page 11 for Venue Addresses
Courses by Instructor ● Instructor Name, Course Title, Page [linked to course description] * Anderson, Margaret... Tease Out the Story.................54 Blaufeux, Peter.......... Icons of Architecture 2.0......... 15 Bleiweiss, Sheldon.... The Holocaust.........................29 Blinder, Henry........... The World Today......................20 Block, Dean............... The World Today......................20 Bluford, Alita............. Good Conversations...............44 Boyles, James........... Becoming American................ 14 Boytos, Cathy............ Botanical Illustration Drawing....21 Brill, Margaret............ Literary Britain.........................45 Brown, Harry............. Emily Dickinson.......................32 * Burford, Joshua........ Modern Gay America..............28 Burkley, John............ Why Brian Wilson Is a Genius...33 Caccavale, Ruth........ Art & Women III........................ 15 Cantor, Owen............ The Ups & Downs of Listening...34 Capaccio, Nancy....... Playback Theatre.....................35 * Chance, Victoria........ My Neighbor’s Voice...............45 Cox, Edwin................ Symposia.................................46 What to Eat — and Why!.........49 Davidshofer, Claire..... Vie en France et mode de vie....30 Davidshofer, William... Russia & Soviet Communist Rule..................27 Dawson, Rae............. Stay Put or Move On (SPOMO)... 18 Day, Jared................. 19th-Century France...............28 Del Dotto, Charles Joseph...... “The Waste Land”& “Ulysses”..30 Dessauer, Betsy........ Introduction to Meditation.......52 Dickinson, Barbara.... Modern Dance History 1890-1950............................33 Door, Kristine............ In the Context of Modernism (6 secs)............. 16 Dunbar, James.......... T’ai Chi.....................................49 Ellison, Don............... Topics in Astrophysics............ 41 Epstein, Matt............. The Human Microbiome..........43 Eylers, John............... Modern Biology in 10 Questions...................39 Freedman, Steven Mitchell...... The Legacy of Oliver Sacks.....44 Fynn, Carol................ Watercolor Painting.................22 Gates, Steven............ Union Soldiers.........................26 Gray, Virginia............. The World Today......................20 Gruendel, Ginnie....... The World Today......................20 * Harris, Micah............. Literature of War in Vietnam.....31 * Haveman, Jon Current Economic Policy Issues....................... 19 * Inglis, Mary Anne...... My Neighbor’s Voice...............45 Johnson, Edward...... Federal Spending & Debt........ 19 Johnson, Eric............ The Evolution of America........26 * Kalab, Kristiana......... Playback Theatre.....................35
Kaplan, Stuart........... The World Today......................20 Kelly, Julie................. 30 Years Without a Paycheck...21 Koslow, Howard........ Taste of Technology................ 41 Krucoff, Carol............ The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga................................50 Kundert, Ernie........... A History of Ukraine................25 Lancaster, Marjorie... Two Novels in Conversation....32 * Leach, Mark.............. Handwork in the Digital Age.... 17 Linn, Andria............... Exploring Painting Mediums....22 Longman, Douglas.... The World Today......................20 Marriott, Bill............... Narrative Photography............37 Martin, Preston......... Emily Dickinson.......................32 Meguid, Henry.......... Introduction to Bridge............. 51 Melanson, Richard.... Russia & Ukraine Since 1991....25 Nereaux, Joyce......... Jean-Michel Basquiat.............. 17 Pahl, Dale.................. Federal Spending & Debt........ 19 Prust, Richard........... Existentialism...........................39 * Quashie, Colin........... Shift.........................................23 Reid, Arch................. Looking Back at the Moon......40 Rimer-Surles, Cathy... Transforming Whiteness..........48 * Rosenson, Sarah....... Ethics Thought Experiments....38 Schoenfeld, Barry..... Secrets of the Knights Templar... 29 * Schwalbe, Michael.... Portrait Photography...............37 Sehon Jr, John.......... Color and B & W Composition ............36 Seitel, Jane................ Opening the Poet’s Toolbox....53 Shad, Samantha....... Creativity.................................. 51 Sherwin, Jay.............. Writing a Legacy Letter...........53 Smith, Mike............... Symposia.................................46 Stein, David............... Taste of Technology................ 41 Swartout, Dennis....... The 10-Week Medical School...42 Tasar, Murat.............. When Astronomy Was Philosophy...................38 * Taylor, Victoria........... Shift.........................................23 Teasley, Alan............. Musicals 101............................34 * Tran, Clementine....... Communication Apps..............40 * Vega, Eli.................... Mastering Camera Basics.......36 Wilbur-Brooks, Dot.... Wildflowers in Watercolor........23 * Williams Bridgwater, Claire...................... The Air We Breathe..................42 Wilson, Gerald........... Harry S. Truman......................24 Wilson, Ginger........... Harry S. Truman......................24 Wood, Carolyn.......... New Perspectives on Old Masters.................... 18 Yeargin, Billy.............. North Carolina Politics.............27 Zhao, Jinxiu............... Chinese Brush Painting...........24 * Indicates new instructor.
Page numbers link to course descriptions • See page 7 for Instructor Appreciation
Art & Architecture Becoming American: American Art Through the Revolution
OLLI Fall 2022 Course Subjects Art & Architecture...................14 Economics & Public Policy.....18 Hands-On Art.........................21 History: Past & Present...........24 Literature & Languages......... 30 Performing Arts..................... 33 Photography.......................... 36 Religion & Philosophy............ 38 Science & Technology........... 39 Society & Culture................... 44 Wellness Activities................. 49 Writing................................... 53
Throughout this catalog, each page number in the text or in an index is a link to that page. At the bottom of each course description page is a link to go to the course indexes by day, by location (or online) and by instructor.
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IN PERSON: How does the history of American art reveal the changing character of the country? This course surveys the beginnings of art in what is now the United States. We will start with work that is almost 15,000 years old, created by the country’s indigenous people. After our review of American art prior to 1492, we will then examine how the European traditions in art developed in this country, first as expressions of our ties to the Old World and then as declarations of our rejection of those ties. In this art, we will see the invention of that new identity we call American. Through this journey we will also learn how Americans grew to understand what art is, how it became an important signifier of prestige and power, and how it was used to help us coalesce into a united country with a unique character built on shared experiences and aspirations. This is the first part of a three-term survey that explores the connections between art and American identity from prehistory through modern times. • Lecture + Q&A. James Boyles is a retired professor from NC State University, where he taught history of art. With an M.A. and a Ph.D. in art history, his teaching and research have focused on American, modern and contemporary art, with the occasional venture into the medieval period and the 18th century.
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 1:30-3 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 24; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3481
Online •
In Person •
Visit our Online Learning website for helpful hints and tips for Zoom: www.olliatduke.online
Art & Architecture Art & Women III IN PERSON: For centuries, women have been depicted in art, yet it has only been in the last 50 years that feminist scholarship has begun to question the significance of how women are portrayed in our patriarchal society and why women artists have not, for the most part, been equally included or recognized in the mainstream art world. In this course, we shall investigate Western women artists of the 20th century, focusing on how these artists have struggled, succeeded and been positioned in the art world. We will explore the issue of differences between art made by women and art made by men, and consider the role of the feminist movement in the 20th century. • Facilitated Discussion. Please note: Whenever possible, we will view and incorporate into discussions art currently hanging in the Nasher Museum. The suggested texts (which are not required reading) offer additional exploration of the course topics. Required supplies/fee: OLLI members need to be members of the Nasher Museum, at a cost of $25 (indivudal) or $35 (family) to take this course. For additional information, please see the course details at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. Recommended Texts: • Whitney Chadwick, “Women, Art, and Society” (9780500204566) • Norma Broude and Mary Garrard, “The Power of Feminist Art” (9780810926592) Since moving back to North Carolina in 2011, Ruth Caccavale has taught OLLI art history courses. She works in the education department of the Nasher Museum of Art. For 10 years before this, Ruth taught art history at Rutgers University. She has worked in a number of museums including The Cloisters and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Ruth has an undergraduate degree from Duke in art history and psychology, and a master’s in art history and a museum studies certificate from Rutgers.
• 8 Tue, Sep 20 - Nov 15 (no class Oct 11), 3:15-4:45 p.m. • In person at Nasher Museum, Durham • Maximum: 16; Fee: $90; Course ID: 3480
Icons of Architecture 2.0: World-Renowned Buildings and Their Creators ONLINE: Join us as we explore six timeless icons of architecture from medieval days to the present. Who created them, and why? What engineering innovations shaped them and made them work? How has their impact spanned the centuries and influenced our world? Some icon creators were kings; others were captains of industry. Some were creative, and some were pragmatic. One icon was built for undying love. Another generated controversy. One was started to defend a city while its ruler joined the Third Crusade. One took just one year and 45 days to complete and has appeared in numerous films. One was compared to a bird in flight. Another, built against the wall of an abandoned quarry, descends below water. Three are UNESCO World Heritage sites visited by millions. Slides and videos will highlight Notre Dame, the Louvre, the Taj Mahal, the Empire State Building, the TWA Flight Center and the InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland. • Lecture + Q&A. Peter Blaufeux is an emeritus member of the American Institute of Architects with a BFA in design from Temple University and a B Arch from City University. He was a licensed architect in multiple states, the principal of his own architectural design firm for 20 years and the director of health care design for the New York region of a multinational architecture, engineering and construction corporation. He has taught previous OLLI courses, and is a member of the OLLI Board of Advisors.
• 6 Wed, Sep 14 - Oct 26 (no class Oct 5), 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3490 Return to Course Indexes
Art & Architecture In the Context of Modernism: Works From the Phillips Collection and the NCMA Collection
she lectured at the North Carolina Museum of Art and directed the docent program. Kris has offered an OLLI art history course each year since 2007.
IN PERSON / ONLINE: The North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) will celebrate two grand openings in October 2022. The permanent collection will reopen after a complete reinstallation, and the museum will host an exhibition from the Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C. The exhibition of 50 works from the Phillips will include pivotal examples from impressionist, post-impressionist, expressionist and cubist artists. Through a series of lectures, students will gain insight into how these works dovetail beautifully with the rich NCMA collection in the wider context of modern European art history. Students may register for five lectures or five lectures plus three gallery tours. See the website www.kristinedoor.com for the syllabus and further information. • Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated Discussion.
Section 1 • Lectures Only • Lecture sessions: 5 Wed, Sep 21 & 28, Oct 19 & 26, Nov 2, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • In person at NCMA; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3491-01
Please note: You can sign up for just the lectures (sections 1 or 2) or for the lectures plus gallery tours (sections 3 to 6). Section 1, lectures only, will be in person. Section 2, lectures only, will be an online course of the lectures (students will be able to interact via Zoom chat). Sections 3 to 6 include the in-person lectures plus three in-person gallery tours. (We are not offering an option to register for the livestream lectures plus the in-person gallery tours.) Recordings of the lectures will be available to all registered participants; gallery tours will not be recorded.
Section 4 • Lectures + Gallery Tours • Lecture sessions: See Section 1 • Gallery sessions: 3 Wed, Oct 12, Nov 9 & 16, 12-1 p.m. • In person at NCMA, Raleigh • Maximum: 15; Fee: $120; Course ID: 3491-04
All in-person sessions will meet at the NCMA, 2110 Blue Ridge Rd., Raleigh. The 90-minute lectures will be held in the museum auditorium. Gallery tour attendees must obtain NCMA tickets for the Phillips exhibition tour (for a one-time fee). Gallery tours will be one hour. Kristine Door, Ph.D., taught art history at the University of North Dakota for over a decade before moving to Raleigh in 1995. Until her retirement,
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Section 2 • Lectures Only • Lecture sessions: 5 Wed, Sep 21 & 28, Oct 19 & 26, Nov 2, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3491-02 Section 3 • Lectures + Gallery Tours • Lecture sessions: See Section 1 • Gallery sessions: 3 Wed, Oct 12, Nov 9 & 16, 10:30-11:30 a.m. • In person at NCMA, Raleigh • Maximum: 15; Fee: $120; Course ID: 3491-03
Section 5 • Lectures + Gallery Tours • Lecture sessions: See Section 1 • Gallery sessions: 3 Thu, Oct 13, Nov 10 & 17, 10:30-11:30 a.m. • In person at NCMA, Raleigh • Maximum: 15; Fee: $120; Course ID: 3491-05 Section 6 • Lectures + Gallery Tours • Lecture sessions: See Section 1 • Gallery sessions: 3 Thu, Oct 13, Nov 10 & 17, 12-1 p.m. • In person at NCMA, Raleigh • Maximum: 15; Fee: $120; Course ID: 3491-06
Art & Architecture Handwork in the Digital Age ONLINE: Despite living in a digital era, the desire to create compelling and remarkable works of art from tangible materials is flourishing in a multitude of forms. This course, presented by a distinguished curator in this field of creative artistic endeavor, explores the thriving and wonderful world of crafts in its many permutations. In addition to two overview sessions, five sessions will explore the remarkable range of aesthetics, creative drive, passion and techniques of works, covering a different medium each week: ceramics, fiber, glass, metal and wood, including work from both well-known and lesser-known makers and artists. The course will be primarily lecture in format with student participation encouraged and welcomed. • Lecture + Q&A. Please note: The recommended book is an excellent reference for those interested in fine crafts. Recommended Text: • Janet Koplos and Bruce Metcalf, “Makers: A History of American Studio Craft” (9780807834138) Mark Leach has a B.A. in ceramics from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and an Ed.M. in nonprofit administration from Harvard University. He has served as executive director of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art in WinstonSalem and was founding director and chief curator of the Mint Museum of Craft & Design in Charlotte. Leach writes about the visual arts, including for nationally known arts publications, and is an independent curator and consultant.
• 7 Tue, Sep 20 - Nov 1, 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $80; Course ID: 3489
Jean-Michel Basquiat: A Major Art Career in a Single Decade IN PERSON: SAMO, an unknown teenager, emerged into the public’s consciousness in 1979 through his graffiti on downtown Manhattan walls. Three years later, now known as JeanMichel Basquiat, he painted a work that in 2016 sold for $110.5 million at auction. Charming, rebellious and inspired, Basquiat was an artist, a celebrity, an art star and more. A man without a high school education, he had surprising insights into the tensions of modern culture. When he died at 27 of a drug overdose, Basquiat left an enormous oeuvre that continues to thrill and puzzle an art world that has so far failed to successfully categorize him. Mentee and friend of Andy Warhol’s, rival and friend of Keith Haring’s, influenced by Robert Rauschenberg and Cy Twombly, Basquiat remains distinctly unique. This in-person course will explore the life and work of one of our most intriguing contemporary artists. We will look at the great body of his art and the eclectic influences he chose to inform his work. • Lecture + Q&A. Joyce Nereaux is a private art dealer working with minimalist and conceptual art. For over 40 years she has been a gallery owner and director, private dealer and adjunct professor at the School of Visual Arts in New York. She represented major figures in contemporary art. As a friend and associate of Annina Nosei, the gallerist and patron who was critical to Basquiat’s entry into the formal art world, Nereaux was a close observer of the development and ultimate artistic success of Basquiat.
• 9 Wed, Sep 14 - Nov 30 (no class Oct 5, Oct 19, Nov 23), 1:30-3 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 24; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3492
If enrolling in a course that meets In Person, please read the COVID-19 policy on page 6 Return to Course Indexes
Art & Architecture
Economics & Public Policy
New Perspectives on Old Masters: Special Topics in Early Modern Art 1400-1900
Stay Put or Move On (SPOMO)
IN PERSON: Recent “first-time” exhibitions and pioneering scholarship present new perspectives on old masters. This special topics course centers on six major exhibitions — including “Donatello, The Renaissance,” “Poussin and the Dance,” and “Antoine Watteau: Art-MarketCrafts” — to consider new ways of approaching and appreciating early modern art. Among the topics are: The Medium and the Message, a look at polychromed wood, silk and other unconventional media used for unique artistic ends, and Shock of the New, an introduction to newly discovered artists and images (the recently revealed Cupid in Vermeer’s “Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window,” for example) as well as other findings that change the way we understand early modern art. The underlying theme of this course is that old masters are never old. They are rejuvenated by new generations of curators and scholars who continue to find them fascinating. It is always rewarding to look at “old” art with fresh eyes. • Lecture + Q&A. Carolyn H. Wood has a Ph.D. in art history with a specialty in Renaissance and Baroque art. She taught art history and museum studies at Bowdoin College, the University of Georgia and UNC-Chapel Hill. More recently, Carolyn worked at the Ackland Art Museum for 18 years, serving as educator for university audiences and as assistant director for art and education. She has been teaching OLLI courses since 2013.
• 6 Tue, Sep 13 - Oct 18, 1:30-3 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 24; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3501
Online •
In Person •
IN PERSON: Through expert speakers and class lectures, we explore options for continued independence as aging progresses and life-care needs change. We explore the challenges and opportunities that come with aging, and survey the alternatives available for extending independence and promoting quality of life through home, community and/or continuing care services. Our focus will be on aging in place and retirement communities. We’ll consider the suitability of your home and your community for aging in place and various options for home care services. We’ll discuss what differentiates retirement communities from other senior communities. Finally, we’ll visit a number of continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) to learn about the services they provide; their contract models, entrance fees and monthly fees; and the nature of waiting lists. (Due to the ongoing pandemic, some site visits may be omitted.) • Lecture + Q&A. Please note: The material in this course builds toward our site visits. Consequently, we ask that you only sign up for this course if you are able to attend all class sessions. Rae Dawson held a variety of technology management positions at several Fortune 500 companies, including IBM, Apple, Xerox and Cisco Systems Inc. She holds a B.A. in business administration from the University of North Texas. She retired from Cisco in 2017 and became involved in OLLI. She has taught the Stay Put or Move On course since Fall 2018.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 25; Fee: $150; Course ID: 0997
North Carolina Politics: A History See listing on page 27
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Economics & Public Policy Federal Spending and Debt: What’s Next? IN PERSON: The federal debt is $30.5 trillion ($92,000 per person), which is double what it was 10 years ago, and growing, with critical unmet needs. The U.S. and North Carolina economies rely heavily on money from the federal government. So join us to understand how the federal budget is created; how spending decisions are made (and by whom); what we are buying, who benefits and what accountability/monitoring exists; what makes up the debt; and whether the debt can be reduced. These and other related topics will be discussed with class engagement and participation. Let’s learn together to understand if we can continue to afford these services. Past participants are welcome, as the data and information are ever changing and updated. • Facilitated Discussion. Guest Speakers: • We have invited a member of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and a member of the House Committee on Appropriations to speak to our class. Please note: Reading material will be made available but is not required. We will provide web links to materials for discretionary reading. After each class, the presentations will be posted to our website. Both instructors welcome questions during and after class sessions. Ed Johnson is a retired federal executive and federal budget expert. Ed’s highly recognized experience is top to bottom, having worked for/ with the White House, Congress, many federal agencies, state and local governments, and oversight entities. Dale Pahl is a former federal executive whose expertise includes strategic planning, policy decision-making, accountability and program evaluation. Dale worked directly with senior leadership, the White House, congressional members and staff, the Government Accountability Office and more.
• 5 Wed, Oct 12 - Nov 9, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 12; Fee: $60; Course ID: 2885
Current Economic Policy Issues ONLINE: Economics plays a central role in the functioning of every aspect of society. This course will address a set of prominent policy issues that have economics at their core. We will explore their origins as policy matters, the underlying data and evidence, and what policy levers are available to deal with them. Lectures will be stand-alone, taught by subject matter experts — likely a different speaker each week — all of whom have a Ph.D. in economics. Potential topics include climate change, health care economics and economic inequality. The topics presented will be determined by what is most topical at the time of the course. It is hoped that students will gain a better understanding of how economists think about important economic policy issues as well as a deeper understanding of the particular subjects studied. • Lecture + Q&A. Jon Haveman is the executive director of the National Economic Education Delegation (NEED). He has a reputation for providing audiences with credible economic information that is readily useful in their work and private lives. Jon was previously a senior economist with the president’s Council of Economic Advisers, and he also held a faculty position in the business school at Purdue University. Haveman holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan.
• 6 Mon, Sep 19 - Oct 31 (no class Sep 26), 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3485
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Economics & Public Policy The World Today ONLINE: This course is for those interested in current events. Each week we will discuss news/ issues from around the world and at home. The facilitator will provide an agenda prior to the class, and members of the class are encouraged to propose additional discussion topics. Active participation is encouraged (but not mandatory), since it expands our understanding of the many perspectives that might, and do, affect us. Discussions are enriched by the variety of class members’ backgrounds, expertise and viewpoints. Topics are discussed knowledgeably, respectfully and, sometimes, with passion, but we always end with humor. Each facilitator is a news/politics junkie and has led discussions many times. Each brings his/her own distinctive style and background to the course, and, most importantly, each will encourage a wide selection of views from class members. We are especially looking for members who represent points of view from across the political spectrum. • Facilitated Discussion. Please note: The discussion facilitator role rotates among the six facilitators. Henry Blinder served as city attorney for the City of Durham for many years prior to retirement. He is past president of the North Carolina Association of Municipal Attorneys and a former deputy attorney general for the State of New Jersey. He has a J.D. degree from Duke University Law School, and has lived in Durham for more than 35 years. Dean Block served in municipal government in three cities, as budget director, deputy city manager and public works director, prior to retirement. He began his career as an officer in the U.S. Navy. Dean holds a master’s degree and has lived in the Triangle since 2009. Ginnie Gruendel held senior level positions in Fortune 100 companies as well as biotech startups as a human resource professional and change management leader. Later, she started a career coaching practice to continue doing the work she loved, helping individuals find their best-fit career.
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Originally from Philadelphia, she came to Wake Forest 13 years ago. Stuart Kaplan performed agricultural research for over 40 years. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in crop physiology from Purdue University. Since retiring, Stuart typically volunteers weekly at Red Cross blood drives throughout the Triangle. He has taken over 30 OLLI courses, covering a wide range of subjects, and lectured on GMO crops. Doug Longman spent 25 years in marketing management at Fortune 100 firms. He holds a doctorate in business administration and taught at the University of Texas, UNC-Chapel Hill and the University of Chicago. Over the past 15 years, he has taught more than 30 OLLI courses in international political economy, public policy, economics and politics/ political science. Virginia Gray, Ph.D., taught political science at the universities of Kentucky, Minnesota and North Carolina. She participated in election night survey analysis for NBC News in the 1980s. She is an expert on state politics; public policy, including health care reform and criminal justice; and interest groups. Gray has published widely on these and other topics. In 2022, she was elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
• 10 Wed, Sep 14 - Nov 30 (no class Oct 5, Nov 23), 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 30; Fee: $100; Course ID: 0393
Russia and Ukraine Since 1991 See listing on page 25
Harry S. Truman: The World That Made Him and the World He Made See listing on page 24
Economics & Public Policy
Hands-On Art
30 Years Without a Paycheck: Navigating Your Way Through Retirement
Botanical Illustration Drawing
ONLINE: Each individual’s retirement has many financial steps. The decisions you face can be overwhelming, but they are extremely important as you plan for 30 years without a paycheck. It starts when you leave your employer, and it culminates with your legacy. This online course will take you through the major stages of financial planning for retirement, providing clear guidance on the investments and strategies needed to create a financially successful retirement. We will explore topics that focus on portfolio management, including: how to position your portfolio for various economic environments, how to build a retirement income strategy that weathers the full economic cycle and how to navigate a rising rate environment. We dive into other financial decisions faced throughout retirement, such as: how to stress-test your plan for challenging markets, how to protect yourself against rising health care costs and how to position your estate in a tax-efficient manner for future generations. • Lecture + Q&A. Guest Speaker: • Dori Dixon is an estate attorney with Southpoint Estate Planning in Durham who will discuss leaving a legacy, preparing your estate plan. Julie Kelly, an Edward Jones principal, is a financial adviser in the Raleigh-Durham area. Julie began her career with Edward Jones as a financial adviser in 2010. A native of Massachusetts, Julie graduated from Colgate University with a bachelor’s degree in international relations and a minor in German. She holds the CRPC and CFP professional designations. Before joining Edward Jones, she worked as a vice president, regional manager for AllianceBernstein and Lord Abbett.
• 10 Wed, Sep 14 - Nov 30 (no class Oct 5, Nov 23), 9-10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 200; Fee: $100; Course ID: 0547
ONLINE: In this online, hands-on course, students will learn how to draw botanical images by identifying basic shapes. Each week a different flower will be taught. Students will have the following week to finish their image, giving everyone the opportunity to draw a total of five flowers in our 10-week session. Even beginners will be amazed to see how they can draw beautiful flowers with an easy-to-follow, stepby-step process. Crosshatching techniques will also be taught. No prior art experience is required. All skill levels are welcome. • Active Skill Learning. Please note: Samples of Cathy’s botanical artwork can be viewed on her website: www.thetriangletangle.com. Required supplies/fee: Students will purchase materials independently for an estimated cost of $20. For additional information on supplies, please see the course details at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. Cathy Boytos, a popular and established OLLI art instructor, has spent years drawing botanical images and has taught many botanical drawing classes. She offers an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process that allows even the beginning artist to feel accomplished. Cathy is an award-winning graphic designer and a certified Zentangle teacher (CZT), and she has spent her life in the art field.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $120; Course ID: 3334
OLLI members who register for online courses will find the Zoom Links in their Student Portal at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. For details, refer to www.olliatduke.online/studentlink. Return to Course Indexes
Hands-On Art Exploring Painting Mediums: Try This IN PERSON: This is a multifaceted art course introducing a variety of projects that provide first-hand experience with multiple mediums. Throughout the course, we will explore many different art forms to unlock and reveal the natural creative instincts you already possess. Using your intuition, with an encouraging instructor, we will explore the “fun-damentals” of art. The goal of this course is to find a medium that speaks to you while creating six finished works of art. During this in-studio course, we will show and share, and you’ll get hands-on help in handling a brush, shaping paper designs and making conversation pieces. The concepts and collaboration of ideas, together in a safe environment infused with inspiration and love for the human spirit, are integral to the learning process. This course is not only about trying new things but growing together. Beginners to advanced artists are welcome! • Active Skill Learning. Please note: Aprons are available, please dress comfortably and in clothing that can get messed up: art happens, and we do work with permanent mediums. For this two-hour studio course you will be working at a large wooden table; we do take short stretch breaks. Also note, there is a gravel parking lot and a two-step entrance to the studio. If you have any special needs (i.e., physical accommodations), please email olli@duke.edu. Required supplies/fee: There is a $75 fee, payable to the instructor at the first class, to cover the cost of materials: brushes, paper, pens, alcohol ink, paints, specialty papers and canvases. Andria Linn has been a full-time, self-taught artist, teacher and art coach for over 19 years. She has explored and learned about many painting mediums that enhance her style, and she is passionate about teaching and helping others to understand
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the creative process. This led her to opening an art and healing studio and gallery. She devotes her time to assisting others in finding a creative outlet for anxiety, depression, social inhibition and creating an environment for artistic play.
• 9 Wed, Sep 14 - Nov 16 (no class Oct 5), 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. • In person at 3409 University Drive, Durham • Maximum: 10; Fee: $120; Course ID: 3186
Watercolor Painting: Frozen Creek ONLINE: Whether you are a brand-new beginner or an experienced watercolor painter, this course is the opportunity to gain or further your skills. This active course offers clear step-by-step instruction. Every technique will be demonstrated, as we work together to complete a ready-toframe painting. Watercolors lend themselves beautifully to rendering a creek meandering out of a distant forest through snow-covered banks. Relax; this is going to be fun! This course will be taught via Zoom. • Active Skill Learning. Please note: Since this course is taught via Zoom, you must have your own materials. Required supplies/fee: Students will purchase materials independently for an estimated cost of $300. For additional information on supplies, please see the course details at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. Carol Liz Fynn is a certified master teacher and professional watercolor artist who conducts demonstrations, sells paintings and teaches workshops across the U.S. and Europe. She is known for her clear instruction and encouraging humor.
• 5 Mon, Oct 17 - Nov 14, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 14; Fee: $80; Course ID: 3518
Hands-On Art Shift: Making Art From Life’s Transitions ONLINE: Join us in bringing creativity and insight to the experience of your life’s transitions — past, present or ongoing. In a participatory format, students will be guided by an artist in the creative process as they make several works inspired by their own transitions. We’ll use paper, pens, markers, magazines and other objects to make “art” that elicits a sensory response to experiences that may have been limited by old narratives. Each week will have a different theme. Sessions will begin with a short presentation and discussion, but the majority of the session will be spent making the artworks. This course is for anyone who wants to experiment with the use of imagery to gain insights, get fresh perspectives and explore new responses. No art background is needed. Our themes are: 1) Look Again, using art and metaphor to see anew; 2) Moving the Pieces, re-contextualizing difficult topics; 3) Mining the Gems, using insights, skills and transitional compost to update perspectives. • Active Skill Learning. Required: Prior to the first session, select two or three significant transitions in your life and write two or three sentences (not a long story!) for each that capture the essence of that transition. The recommended reading is for additional context only and is not required.
Center for Art and Innovation for over 10 years. She has a background in fine arts, anthropology and law, with degrees from the University of Wisconsin and the University of Colorado. Colin Quashie is an accomplished artist whose work faces off against hard issues of culture, politics and race. More about Quashie and his work can be found on his website, www.quashie.art. He is currently completing a portrait of civil rights activist James Campbell that he will talk about during the course. In addition, he is a registered nurse who works at a hospital in Charleston, South Carolina.
• 3 Thu, Sep 15-29, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 30; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3507
Wildflowers in Watercolor IN PERSON: In this watercolor course, students will create detailed illustrations of local wildflowers. We will use white watercolor paper and live specimens and photographs to create the floral illustrations. The technique we will use is the watercolor dry brush technique. It is preferred that students have knowledge of the dry brush technique. • Active Skill Learning. Please note: Students will provide their own watercolor supplies. Out-of-pocket expenses are minimal for those who have the required supplies on hand.
Required supplies/fee: Students will purchase materials independently for an estimated cost of $10. For additional information on supplies, please see the course details at learnmore.duke.edu/olli.
Required supplies/fee: Students will purchase materials independently for an estimated cost of $60. For additional information on supplies, please see the course details at learnmore.duke.edu/olli.
Recommended Texts:
Following a career at the North Carolina Botanical Garden, Dot Wilbur-Brooks has taught hands-on illustration courses at OLLI since 2006.
• William Bridges, “Transitions” (9780738285405) • Ellen Langer, “On Becoming an Artist” (9780345456304) Vicki Taylor is a founding partner of Riff Ideas LLP, where she designs and leads programs on creativity. She facilitated the Innovation Institute at McColl
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 8; Fee: $120; Course ID: 3521
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Hands-On Art
History: Past & Present
Chinese Brush Painting: Flowers & Birds
Harry S. Truman: The World That Made Him and the World He Made
IN PERSON: Students will learn how to paint flowers and birds, such as the peony (the Chinese national flower) or seasonal flowers and birds, which are popular brush painting subjects. Each person will complete a beautiful painting in every class while practicing basic brush painting techniques. The instructor will provide a step-by-step demonstration of the subject, then students will practice painting with the instructor’s help. While practicing, students will learn how to use ink, control the brush and paint various brush strokes and will complete a nice brush painting. This course is for both experienced and beginning students. • Active Skill Learning. Required supplies/fee: Students will purchase materials independently and/or from the instructor for a total estimated cost of $20. For additional information on supplies, please see the course details at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. Jinxiu Zhao (Alice) is a professional artist who specializes in the teaching of Chinese brush painting and calligraphy to both children and adults. She has been teaching in North Carolina for 25 years at all levels of the public schools, in teacher training programs and in private classes.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 8; Fee: $120; Course ID: 0502
IN PERSON: How did Harry S. Truman, born in late 19th-century Missouri, where he spent his formative years as a seemingly ordinary person living a seemingly ordinary life, rise to become the leader of the postwar free world? This course will examine how time, place and circumstances shaped the man; how this “accidental” president set the Democratic Party’s domestic agenda for the next 75-plus years; and how his foreign policy initiatives shaped the course for the “American century.” Students will come to understand how the United States changed in Truman’s lifetime, and the part he played in the process. This is a lecture-based course, but students are encouraged to ask questions and contribute their comments and thoughts. • Lecture + Q&A. Ginger Wilson served as dean of humanities and instructor of history at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, and received a number of teaching awards. She has three degrees (B.A., M.A.T., Ph.D.) from Duke. Gerald Wilson recently retired from his dean’s position and from teaching history at Duke, where students three times named him best professor. Gerald holds a B.A. from Davidson College, two graduate degrees from Duke and a Ph.D. from UNC-Chapel Hill.
• 10 Wed, Sep 14 - Nov 30 (no class Oct 5, Nov 23), 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 24; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3342
Fall 2022 Registration Registration opens on Tuesday, August 23, at 9 a.m. for Monday and Tuesday courses and on Wednesday, August 24, at 9 a.m. for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday courses
Becoming American: American Art Through the Revolution See listing on page 14
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History: Past & Present When Astronomy Was Philosophy: Astronomy & Cosmology Before the Invention of Modern Telescopes See listing on page 38
A History of Ukraine IN PERSON: At the time of writing this proposal, Ukraine is engaged in defending itself and its territorial integrity from Russia. This course will present the history of Ukraine from the development of the Kievan Rus’ to the start of the invasion of its territory by Russia. Russia and Ukraine share the early history of the Kievan Rus’, but then their paths diverged, and they each developed a different culture. Russia claims Ukraine is part of Russia. This lecture course will show this is not the case, and will emphasize Ukrainian culture and its development. Ukrainians struggled for almost two centuries to maintain their culture. This course is intended to help students understand how Ukraine developed as a nation and eventually gained its independence. • Lecture + Q&A. Ernie Kundert is a retired general surgeon with a lifelong interest in history. He moved to Durham in December 2009 from Coshocton, Ohio, took his first OLLI course one month later and taught his first OLLI course the following year. Since then, he has taught 19 courses, most of them on Russian and Ukrainian history, and others on the Trojan War, the history of surgery, and the life of Frederick the Great.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 24; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3479
Russia and Ukraine Since 1991 ONLINE: This discussion format course will analyze Russo-Ukrainian relations since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It will focus on the efforts of Vladimir Putin to turn Ukraine into a Russian vassal state, first by influencing Kyiv’s national elections, then through the annexation of Crimea and the eastern Donbas in 2014, and finally by a full-scale invasion in 2022. The course will introduce several concepts from strategic theory, including crisis management, deterrence, coercive diplomacy, economic sanctions, limited war and exhaustion, to help students understand the complex nature of Russo-Ukrainian relations. The course’s required readings are Lawrence Freedman’s “Ukraine and the Art of Strategy” and several essays from the May/ June 2022 issue of Foreign Affairs. Students are expected to read approximately 25 pages each week and actively engage in discussions. • Facilitated Discussion. Required Texts: • Lawrence Freedman, “Ukraine and the Art of Strategy” (9780190902889) • Foreign Affairs magazine May/June 2022; can be purchased at Amazon.com Richard Melanson holds a Ph.D. in international relations from Johns Hopkins University and enjoyed a 38-year academic career. He was on the faculty at UCLA, Kenyon College, Brown University and the National War College. He has offered courses at OLLI since 2016.
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 14; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3505
Zoom Links in Online Student Portal OLLI members who register for online courses will find the Zoom links in their Student Portal at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. For details, refer to www.olliatduke.online/studentlink. Return to Course Indexes
History: Past & Present The Evolution of America: 1607-1776
Union Soldiers: Civil War Letters
IN PERSON: This U.S. history course will focus on the development of the American Colonies from their successful founding at Jamestown in 1607 to their Declaration of Independence in 1776. The main focus of the course will be identifying and analyzing the unique political, social and economic developments within the Colonies that ultimately laid the groundwork for the American system of government, social order and economic dependency. Special emphasis will be placed on the creation of a diverse Colonial society, to include the developmental role of slavery, women and the various national groups that came to the Colonies during this period. This course will be taught using instructorguided lectures and class discussions. Students will learn how each of the 13 original Colonies came to be founded, what each of them contributed to the development of “America” and how those developments contributed to their belief that they could operate as a sovereign nation by July 1776. • Lecture + Q&A.
ONLINE: This course’s purpose is to enrich students’ understanding of the Civil War and Northern soldiers through their letter writing. Students will discover how the soldiers’ writing during a critical time in our history speaks to contemporary issues of race, equality and the role of government. Period art, photography and historical events will be included to illuminate the language and culture of Northern soldiers during the Civil War. Six units are planned: Soldiers’ Language; Literacy and Culture; Features of Their Letters; Soldiers’ Political Identities; The Meaning of Union; and Race, Equality and Government. Letters representative of Northern soldiers, including African American soldiers, will be analyzed and illustrated throughout the course. Northern soldiers’ letters reveal their understanding of the meaning of “union.” Close analysis reveals how the soldiers’ opinions on race, equality and the role of government in preserving free institutions still resonate today. • Lecture + Q&A.
Eric Johnson is a retired high school history teacher. He taught various history courses for 41 years in public schools in New Hampshire (16 years); private international schools in Milan, Italy, and Waterloo, Belgium (19 years); and a private school in North Carolina (six years). Eric’s main area of expertise is in advanced placement and international baccalaureate American and European history courses. Eric has lived in Durham since his return from his international experience in 2007.
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 9-10:30 a.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 24; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3511
If enrolling in a course that meets In Person, please read the COVID-19 policy on page 6
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Please note: The suggested texts are for those who wish to know more; they supplement course material. Recommended Texts: • Gary W. Gallagher, “The Union War” (9780674066083) • Reid Mitchell, “The Vacant Chair: The Northern Soldier Leaves Home” (9780195078930) Steven M. Gates is an active scholar of Civil War studies and 19th-century literacy. Before retiring, he served for 25 years in administration as an academic dean, chief academic officer and college president, and for 15 years as faculty. He is nearing completion on a manuscript, “Words That Preserved Union,” that describes the transformation of his great-grandfather’s political identity through his letters. He holds a B.A., an M.A., and a Ph.D. in English education from the University of Iowa.
• 8 Tue, Sep 27 - Nov 15, 9-10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 200; Fee: $90; Course ID: 3299
History: Past & Present Russia and Soviet Communist Rule
North Carolina Politics: A History
ONLINE: This lecture course will allow students to grasp the many historical elements of the Russian state. It covers the historical background from Kievan to tsarist Russia; the ideology and political foundations of Bolshevik rule; the Soviet state and the Civil War; the New Economic Policy (NEP) and the rise of Joseph Stalin; and collectivization, industrialization and the Great Purge. With this knowledge, students will better understand the fundamental Russian mindset for two following courses: Russian Political Rule From Khrushchev Through Gorbachev and Russian Political Rule From Yeltsin Through Putin. • Lecture + Q&A.
IN PERSON: Historically, North Carolina may accurately claim to be one of the more prominent swing states in America, from the Roosevelt Democrats of the 1930s through the 1970s to the Reagan Republicans of the 1980s, with lots of “swing” in between. This course will address the forces behind this phenomenon. Classes will include lectures, notable contemporary political guest speakers who still occupy the stage and political/election videos to create the right amount of “color” to enhance the experience. Students will understand how North Carolina politics really works, and perhaps have a field trip to Raleigh. • Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated Discussion.
Prerequisites: Students will need to know how to retrieve the narratives and PowerPoint presentations from the instructor’s website. William Davidshofer holds a Ph.D. in political science with a specialization in Russian and Eastern European studies from the University of Notre Dame. He has taught many OLLI courses, after finishing a 40-year career at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. He has recently published a work entitled “Marxism and the Leninist Revolutionary Model.”
• 10 Wed, Sep 14 - Nov 30 (no class Oct 5, Nov 23), 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 30; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3504
Literature of War in Vietnam See listing on page 31
Visit our Online Learning website for helpful hints and tips for Zoom: www.olliatduke.online
Invited Speakers: • Rufus Edmisten, former North Carolina attorney general • Chairpersons of Democratic Party and Republican Party • Former political officeholders • Active statewide candidates for political office Please note: There may be a field trip to Raleigh, depending on the activities of the North Carolina General Assembly. Billy Yeargin, a graduate of Duke, the University of Oxford and Oak Ridge Military Institute, served as a member of the U.S. Senate staff, former Governor Jim Hunt’s staff and former Attorney General Rufus Edmisten’s staff. Until recently, Billy was the president of Oak Ridge Military Academy.
• 10 Mon, Sep 12 - Nov 28 (no class Sep 26, Nov 21), 1:30-3 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 24; Fee: $100; Course ID: 0395
Online •
In Person •
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History: Past & Present 19th-Century France: From the Congress of Vienna to the Beginning of World War I, 1815-1914 ONLINE: This set of lectures examines the history of France from the end of the Napoleonic Wars to 1914, with special emphasis on the fraught politics and cultural effervescence that so defined 19th-century France. Topics will include the Revolutions of 1848, the FrancoPrussian War and the Dreyfus affair, with detailed profiles of figures such as Emperor Napoleon III and Otto von Bismarck. Students will learn how France transformed Europe and the world. • Lecture + Q&A. Jared Day, Ph.D., taught American, European and world history at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh for 16 years. His areas of specialization are U.S. political, urban and cultural history as well as world history from the 15th century to the present. He is the author of several books along with numerous other popular and peer-reviewed articles. He now teaches at Three Rivers Community College in Norwich, Connecticut.
• 6 Wed, Oct 12 - Nov 16, 9-10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 200; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3473
Modern Gay America: How We Got Here ONLINE: This course will focus on the emergence of the gay community in 20th-century American culture, examining the ways gay culture developed from a collection of men and women hiding their lives in fear to a postStonewall liberation culture of increased visibility. We will look at how LGBTQ identity developed in the 20th century by exploring the intersection of science, religion, popular culture, politics and urbanization. Because the experiences of LGBTQ individuals are so varied, we will use a variety of media to discern patterns and connections within this diverse community. This course is designed to be an introduction to the study of LGBTQ culture. All students, regardless of their lived experiences, are invited to participate in the discussion of where this community has been, and where it is headed in the 21st century. • Facilitated Discussion. Please note: We will be using a variety of online articles and one textbook. For those interested, the instructor will provide additional readings. Required Text: • Vicki Eaklor, “Queer America” (9781595586360)
Modern Dance History 1890-1950: Iconoclasts and Visionaries See listing on page 33
Literary Britain: The Places That Inspired Your Favorite Authors See listing on page 45
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Josh Burford is an archivist, an activist and a radical educator with over 20 years’ experience working with queer communities and social justice education. Josh is passionate about the preservation and documentation of Southern queer history and how we can make this history more accessible to the queer community. Josh holds an M.A. in American studies with a focus on queer history and a master’s in library and information studies with a focus on archiving.
• 9 Wed, Sep 14 - Nov 16 (no class Oct 5), 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 30; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3498
History: Past & Present Secrets of the Knights Templar
The Holocaust: It Didn’t Start With Gas Chambers
ONLINE: The Knights Templar was one of the most mysterious and powerful religious orders in history. Highly trained and adherents of a strict chivalric code, the Templars’ successes on the battlefield brought them both extraordinary wealth and political influence. The Knights Templar was a secret society whose purpose remains a mystery, or is at least vigorously debated among scholars and historians to this day. The Templars left behind many clues to their actions that have been passed down through generations, hidden in ancient manuscripts and discovered by archaeologists in the modern era. Their story is one that has fascinated and intrigued people throughout the ages: Were they sent to the Holy Land to protect Christians on pilgrimages, or were they sent there on secret missions by higher authorities to unearth lost artifacts and buried treasure under temples and sacred sites? Students will seek answers to the questions surrounding the actions, myths and legends of the Knights Templar. • Lecture + Q&A.
IN PERSON: While 50% of adult Americans believe the Holocaust could happen again, 10% claim to have never heard of the Holocaust, and 40% could not name a concentration camp or ghetto. People are wearing “Not Vaccinated” yellow Stars of David, comparing mask mandates to the Nazi persecution of Jews, and shirts with slogans like “Camp Auschwitz” or “6MWE.” There is a two-thirds increase in antisemitic incidents. Is history repeating itself? Using pictorial evidence of events and videos of survivor testimonies, this interactive course will explore the human attitudes and behaviors that not only led to the murder of 6 million Jews but are still evident today. The instructor will share the challenges his parents faced surviving in the open using fake identities as non-Jews, and what it was like growing up as a child of survivors. We will use lessons learned from the Holocaust to look at our own attitudes and behaviors toward others, and what we can do to help fulfill the promise of “Never Again.” • Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated Discussion.
Please note: This course requires no prior knowledge of the Knights Templar, the Middle Ages or chivalry.
A child of two Holocaust survivors, former docent at Holocaust Museum Houston and retired clinical social worker, Shelly Bleiweiss has been a Holocaust educator for over 20 years, including five years as an OLLI instructor. A member of the North Carolina State Council on the Holocaust and North Carolina’s Holocaust Speakers Bureau, he has spoken to teachers, schoolchildren, and community, church and civic organizations. He has been the featured speaker at community Holocaust commemorations.
Barry Schoenfeld has over 40 years’ experience in business in New York and Los Angeles. He graduated from Cornell University, and has taught online for OLLI; Tufts University; Johns Hopkins University; the University of California, Riverside; Arizona State University; and California State University, San Bernardino. He teaches from his passions, which are wide and varied — opera, ballet, musical theater; archaeology, history, currents events; and his “How To” series (e.g., How to Facebook).
• 8 Tue, Sep 27 - Nov 15, 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $90; Course ID: 3506
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 24; Fee: $100; Course ID: 2379
Online •
In Person •
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Literature & Languages “The Waste Land” and “Ulysses”: T.S. Eliot, James Joyce and the Modernist Monuments of 1922 ONLINE: In literary history, 2022 marks the centenary of the two greatest landmarks of Anglo-Irish-American modernism, “The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot and “Ulysses” by James Joyce. Arguably the most important poem and novel of the 20th century, the artistic achievement of these two texts cannot be overstated. Upon publication, despite (or perhaps because of) their difficulty and near impenetrability, both texts were instantly canonical, and the responses to them were nothing if not strong, ranging from praise to condemnation, including censorship and legal proscription. In this course, students will read these two modernist monuments in their entirety. While some attention will be paid to their literary, cultural and historical contexts, class discussions will focus on the fundamental categories of theme, character, setting and style (including irony and humor) to make sense of and to better understand and appreciate Eliot’s and Joyce’s extraordinarily rich innovations in content and form. • Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated Discussion. Please note: Because “Ulysses” is in some sense a sequel to Joyce’s “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,” students are strongly urged to read this earlier novel before the first class. Additionally, to have some passing familiarity with Eliot’s early poetry, which would be useful, before the first class, students should read “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and “Gerontion,” which are in the volume of Eliot’s poetry listed as a required textbook. Required Texts: • T. S. Eliot, “The Waste Land and Other Poems: Norton Critical Edition” (9780393679434) • James Joyce, “The Cambridge Centenary Ulysses” (9781316515945) 30
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Recommended Text: • James Joyce, “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” (9780199536443) As an English major at Princeton University, Charles Joseph Del Dotto completed an independent study on Joyce. Before completing his Ph.D. in English at Duke University, he published an article in a peerreviewed academic journal on Eliot. Since 2014, he has taught over 20 courses for OLLI at Duke.
• 10 Mon, Sep 12 - Nov 28 (no class Sep 26, Nov 21), 9-10:30 a.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 20; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3478
Literary Britain: The Places That Inspired Your Favorite Authors See listing on page 45
Vie en France et mode de vie: Vive la différence! ONLINE: This course, taught in French, will explore many aspects of life in France. If accused of a crime, is it better to be tried in France? Why are there so many political parties there? What is it like to go to school, to the university or to the Grandes Écoles? Does the government have a role in the economy? What is the place of France in Europe and the world? Are all French people Catholic? Why do the French value culture so much? The French get five weeks of paid vacation a year; how can that be? In what ways do the French spend their free time? The instructor will lead a guided conversation on these topics, entirely in French. As part of the conversation, students will be invited to compare the French and American ways of life. The instructor will post PowerPoint presentations on her website
Literature & Languages as well as videos, articles and literary excerpts relevant to the topics, whenever possible. • Facilitated Discussion. Please note: A high-intermediate French level is a must to be able to participate in the course. A reliable computer with a camera and audio and a good internet connection are a must to attend the class on Zoom and to view the material on the instructor’s website. For participants who want to enrich their learning at home, the recommended textbook, “Les Français,” contains more in-depth information. Recommended Text: • Julie Fette et al., “Les Français” (9781585109906) Claire Davidshofer, a native of France, has lived in Africa, France, England and Maine. She has an M.A. in English and American literature from L’Université d’Aix-en-Provence. Her experience includes teaching high school, adult education and college French at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, as well as translating and interpreting. She has taught many different courses at OLLI about the French language, French history and the ways of life of French people.
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 30; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3517
Literature of War in Vietnam ONLINE: How did the American war in Vietnam look when seen through non-American eyes? We will explore this question by discussing three literary portraits: “The Quiet American,” a novel by British author and journalist Graham Greene; “The Sorrow of War,” a novel by Vietnamese war veteran Bao Ninh; and “A Vietcong Memoir: An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath” by Truong Nhu Tang. At roughly 200 pages each, the two novels are
miracles of craft and compression. They also stand out as books you could strike up a conversation about in Vietnam, Britain or America. “A Vietcong Memoir” adds personal depth, nuance and lived history to what can otherwise be a monochrome name, “Viet Cong.” The goal is not to challenge American perspectives on the war but to add to them. We will read all of both novels and a large portion of the memoir. These books include graphic scenes of war and some depictions of sexual violence. The maximum number of pages to be read for a class meeting is 100. • Facilitated Discussion. Required: For ease of page references during class meetings, preferred versions are Penguin Classics for “The Quiet American,” Riverhead Books for “The Sorrow of War,” and Vintage Books for “A Vietcong Memoir”; see the indicated ISBNs. Before the first class, please read the first half of “The Quiet American,” from the beginning through the end of Part II, Chapter 2. Required Texts: • Bao Ninh, “The Sorrow of War” (9781573225434) • Graham Greene, “The Quiet American” (9780143039020) • Truong Nhu Tang, “A Vietcong Memoir: An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath” (9780394743097) Micah Harris is studying for a Ph.D. in political theory and world politics at The Catholic University of America. He also holds an M.A. in liberal arts from St. John’s College. This course grew out of his experience as a literary novelist (“Only Small Things Are Good,” Pagescape Press, 2018) and his time working on a cooperative U.S. government maritime security project in Vietnam (2014-2015).
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 24; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3469
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Literature & Languages Emily Dickinson: Selected Poems ONLINE: We will read and discuss one of American’s greatest poets, Emily Dickinson. At the first meeting, we will look at Dickinson’s life in Amherst, Massachusetts, and her poetic form, talk about the metaphysical characteristics of her poetry, define irony and paradox, and begin discussing some of her poems. The course will be text-focused, with emphasis first on understanding individual poems and second on seeing both thematic patterns and contradictions in Dickinson’s work. Each week we will have an assignment of eight to 10 poems with a specific theme, such as God and/or Jesus, loss/pain, psychological studies, nature, love, independence, growth of the soul, the importance of local and small, and poetry itself. Each week, with instructor and class member selections, we will read aloud, discuss and analyze as many poems as time allows. We would like for our class members to engage with the poems, and enjoy and understand the poetry. • Facilitated Discussion. Required Text: • Emily Dickinson, “The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson” (9780316184137) Harry Brown holds degrees in English from Davidson College, Appalachian State University and Ohio University. After teaching for 43 years at Eastern Kentucky University, he returned to North Carolina and has taught/co-taught some 11 literature courses for OLLI. He has published six poetry collections and co-edited an anthology of Kentucky writing. Preston Martin received his undergraduate degree from Ohio University, and a Master of Arts in Teaching from the College of Charleston. He retired from both business and education and has published poems in numerous journals and anthologies. He has been a student or instructor at OLLI for a dozen years, co-teaching seven literature courses with Harry Brown.
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 3:30-5 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 20; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3487 32
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Two Novels in Conversation: “July’s People” and “Leave the World Behind” ONLINE: In her 1981 novel “July’s People,” Nobel Prize-winning author Nadine Gordimer imagines a post-apartheid future where violent revolution has upended Johannesburg’s status quo. In a role reversal, the titular July saves his former employers, a white family, by hiding them in his native village. In a different time and place, two American families in Rumaan Alam’s “Leave the World Behind” (2020) also are jolted by social and personal upheaval and must struggle to survive and make sense of their new world. Guided by the instructor, this discussion-based course will compare and contrast the two novels and examine how these masterful writers shape their narratives, involve readers and demonstrate how race, gender and privilege shape identity. The characters, situations and disconcerting contemporary parallels found in these works will remain in readers’ minds long after they finish the last pages and should make for lively discussion. • Facilitated Discussion. Please note: To facilitate class discussion, students should use the specified editions of the novels. Required Texts: • Nadine Gordimer, “July’s People” (9780140061406) • Rumaan Alam, “Leave the World Behind” (9780062667649) Marjorie Lancaster has undergraduate and graduate degrees from Duke and Tulane University. Since 2014, she has taught literature courses for OLLI and subscribes wholeheartedly to the idea expressed by one of the characters in “July’s People”: A good novel can transport a reader to “another time, place, and life.” She believes a memorable class is fueled by curiosity, active engagement in the texts and openness to new interpretations.
• 7 Tue, Oct 4 - Nov 15, 9-10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 17; Fee: $80; Course ID: 3516
Performing Arts Modern Dance History 1890-1950: Iconoclasts and Visionaries ONLINE: This lecture course offers a historical background to modern dance, from 1890 to 1950. We will look at how modern dance developed in the United States and Germany as the art of individuals who created new dance styles that challenged established systems of culture and pushed the boundaries of what could be called “dance.” We will examine the work of choreographers Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Katherine Dunham, Pearl Primus and others. We will also explore the impact on these artists of the fight for women’s rights and health at the turn of the 19th century; the impact of race on the choreographic agendas of Black artists; German expressionism; Asian, African and Native American religion and ritual; the psychology of Freud and Jung; contemporary events; and influences from art forms other than dance. Students will gain insight into the aesthetic principles of these major choreographers and the social, political and aesthetic factors that drove them. • Lecture + Q&A. Please note: Viewing some videos outside of class time will be required for the course. The readings in the recommended books and other readings, which will be made available on the course website, are for those who wish to know more. Recommended Texts: • Julia Foulkes, “Modern Bodies: Dance and American Modernism from Martha Graham to Alvin Ailey” (9780807853672) • Elizabeth Kendall, “Where She Danced” (9780520051737) Barbara Dickinson, professor emerita of the practice of dance at Duke, served as dance program director for 18 years and faculty member for 34 years. A modern dancer and choreographer, she has taught courses in ballet and modern dance
history. Her research in age and the dance artist produced a chapter in “Staging Age” (edited by Valerie Lipscomb and Leni Marshall, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and “Margie Gillis: The Indelible Art of an Integrated Artist” in Dance Chronicle (2018).
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 40; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3497
Why Brian Wilson Is a Genius ONLINE: Brian Wilson’s genius transcends the surf and car songs identified with his Beach Boys. We will learn about his immersive and eclectic musical self-education as a growing boy; meteoric rise to stardom in the early 1960s; later competition with the Beatles; 1966 peak and 1967 fall; and later career. We will also learn about his dark side — a lifetime feedback loop of fragile mental health; abuse, first from his father and then his psychiatrist; drug abuse; extreme career pressure; lack of support from his band and record label; and public perception of cultural and musical failure and irrelevance. We will explore in depth why his records bedazzle his fans and peers alike, and see how the emergence of joyous, artistic beauty from his personal suffering became one of the most inspiring stories of his generation and made him one of the most revered artists of his time. • Lecture + Q&A. John Burkley graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Notre Dame and cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School. He retired after 43 years of international law practice, including with Mastercard and Bank of America. He has composed numerous songs and attended many Beach Boys and Brian Wilson concerts from the 1960s though 2016.
• 5 Thu, Oct 20 - Nov 17, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $60; Course ID: 3520 Return to Course Indexes
Performing Arts Musicals 101: Broadway’s Silver Age (Part 1) ONLINE: Historians of American musical theater concur that the golden age of the Broadway musical began with “Oklahoma!” and “Carousel” in the 1940s. But what of the dazzling musical comedies of the 1920s and ‘30s? In this course, we’ll explore two composer-lyricist teams that defined this “silver age” with their witty and tuneful scores: Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart, and George and Ira Gershwin. These four men, sons of European Jewish immigrants, created musicals that yielded indelible popular songs. We’ll focus on such shows as Rodgers’ and Hart’s “On Your Toes,” “Babes in Arms,” “The Boys From Syracuse” and “Pal Joey,” and the Gershwins’ “Strike Up the Band,” “Girl Crazy,” “Of Thee I Sing” and “Porgy and Bess.” Students will learn about the books and scores of the major shows — and how, together, these shows helped define a truly American art form. The course is primarily lecture with video and audio clips, but students will be able to ask questions and make comments during each class. • Lecture + Q&A. Please note: For those who wish to know more, check out the recommended book; it supplements the course material. Recommended Text: • Michael Kantor and Laurence Maslon, “Broadway: The American Musical” (9781493047673) Alan Teasley began his career as a high school English and drama teacher. After retiring from the Durham Public Schools in 2006, he taught in Duke’s Master of Arts in Teaching program. A member of the OLLI Advisory Board, he is an avid theatergoer with a particular fondness for American musicals. He has previously taught nine courses on musical theater for OLLI.
• 8 Thu, Sep 29 - Nov 17, 9-10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $90; Course ID: 3499 34
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The Ups and Downs of Listening: Music and Emotion ONLINE: Sometimes music inspires us to get up and dance. Other times it moves us to tears. How does this occur, and will a deeper knowledge of music benefit our inner life? This course will present music as a resource to help access emotions. Using visual and audio examples in works by Jean Sibelius, Samuel Barber, Sondheim, Rossini and Mozart, we will hear music of exquisite, provocative emotion. Skillful composers stir our feelings, triggering a wide range of unexpected reactions. Sounds are transformative in ways we can hardly imagine. Interested in becoming an informed listener? Five intriguing lectures with time for questions will be a way to probe personal emotions through listening and learning. Our classes will be organized based on themes inspired by society, history and culture. Comedy, nationalism, folk tales, pop songs, opera, chamber music and even military marches have a useful role to play. Join us for a fascinating learning journey. Bring your curiosity and sense of adventure. • Lecture + Q&A. Owen Cantor was founder and music director of Pittsburgh’s Summerfest Chamber Music Festival. In addition to being a practicing dentist, he was a freelance French horn player and a student of Forrest Standley of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Formerly an artist-lecturer at the CMU School of Music, Cantor now teaches OLLI courses that explore the diverse emotional impact of classical music in American and European cultural history at CMU, the University of Pittsburgh and Duke.
• 5 Tue, Oct 18 - Nov 15, 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $60; Course ID: 3514
Visit our Online Learning website for helpful hints and tips for Zoom: www.olliatduke.online
Performing Arts Playback Theatre: Using Improv to Share Our Stories IN PERSON: Playback Theatre is known as “theater of compassion.” It combines improvisation and storytelling. We will each be sharing moments or stories from our lives. For each student, your fellow actors will improvise a retelling or a reflection, i.e., playing your story back to you. You needn’t be experienced in improv or theater, but if you have such a background, this course will expand your range. We will begin each session with warmups to help you become both fully present and connected to the others in the class. Opportunities to deepen your emotional intelligence and increase your spontaneity will occur often throughout the course. Witness for yourself that “the shortest distance between two people is a story.” At a time when our awareness is directed at global and national issues, here is an opportunity to shift our focus to the ordinary moments in our lives that are precious — and worthy of attention and empathy. Playback is a cultural antidote that says just being human is enough. • Active Skill Learning.
Please note: Playback Theatre requires that we are comfortable being in contact with each other, such as leaning on a fellow performer to communicate dependence or exhaustion. Wearing comfortable clothing will allow you to move easily. You’re encouraged to bring any simple musical instruments you have (e.g., a drum, a triangle, rhythm sticks) to share, as many scenes are enhanced by a simple soundtrack. Nancy Capaccio has been practicing improv for the past 20-plus years. She performed Playback Theatre with the True Story Theater in Boston in several hundred shows over 10 years. She directed training at True Story Theater and taught the general public for years. Nancy is committed to providing an experience that is creative, positive and authentic. Kristiana Kalab has taught dance technique and improvisation to adults and children in the New York metro area and has performed in the U.S. and abroad.
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 12; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3089
New Member Meet & Greet Thursday, September 8 In person at JRC at 10-11 a.m. • Online via Zoom at 2-3 p.m. New to OLLI at Duke? We invite you to join us for an in-person or a virtual Meet & Greet hosted by the OLLI Leadership Team. New members will have an opportunity to meet other new members, OLLI board members and our director, Chris McLeod. Watch your email for your invitation and the link to the Zoom meeting.
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Photography Mastering Camera Basics: SLR Camera Settings and Lenses ONLINE: In this course, we will go over the technical basics of your camera, the dials and settings that can really be helpful once you figure them out. Jump from “auto” to using those mysterious menu items: f-stop, shutter speed, exposure light meter, ISO and white balance. Learn more about lenses and how a few simple choices could open up new options for you. This will be a highly interactive course that will help you get the most out of your camera. The focus will be on SLR cameras, equipment where you can make these setting choices manually or by using digital menus. By the end of the course, you will be amazed by all of things you can do with your SLR camera. • Facilitated Discussion. Please note: Please have your camera, lenses and camera manual available for class. The recommended book will be referenced in the course, but there will not be assigned readings. The instructor will email workbooks to students prior to the first class session. Recommended Text: • Eli Vega, “Right Brain Photography” (9780692365434) Eli Vega is an award-winning photographer and author. He has offered classes or field workshops at Rocky Mountain National Park, OLLIs, various colleges, various art groups and camera clubs. His popular and award-winning book, “Right Brain Photography: Be an Artist First,” is now in its fourth edition. Eli is a published photographer. His work has appeared in postcards, national calendars, magazines, journals and vacation guides.
• 4 Mon, Oct 3-31 (no class Oct 10), 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 15; Fee: $50; Course ID: 3495
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Color and B & W Composition ONLINE: This online course is for those who want to elevate their photography skills and learn how to turn an ordinary snapshot into a striking image worthy of framing. Students will explore the concepts of photographic composition from basics, such as the rule of thirds, to more advanced topics, such as the way the eye travels through a photo. Topics include composition fundamentals, including balance and point of view; the importance of geometry, light and color in composition; and how composition can be improved with photo-editing software. A portion of the course will focus on using black-and-white images to both improve composition skills and make black-and-white prints. Students will have an opportunity to share their photographs and participate in critiquing others’ images. Come along and take a chance to move outside your comfort zone and take better color and black-and-white photographs. • Facilitated Discussion. Please note: This course is for both digital camera and smartphone users. John Sehon is a lifelong photographer. He has taught over 60 courses at OLLI since retiring to North Carolina in 2001. John experimented with early digital cameras in the 1990s and made a complete transition to digital from film in 2000. His teaching style encourages sharing and class participation.
• 10 Mon, Sep 12 - Nov 28 (no class Sep 26, Nov 21), 1:30-3 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 14; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3482
Online •
In Person •
Photography Narrative Photography: Using a Camera To Tell a Story ONLINE: This course will explore and experiment with different approaches to using visual images, i.e., photography, to tell a story. The instruction will focus on several approaches, including photo essays, photojournalism pieces and personal stories. During this hands-on course, participants will be given assignments that allow them to experiment using their own photographs to create visual narratives. Classes will combine lecture, discussion and review of their weekly assignments. • Lecture + Q&A, Active Skill Learning. Please note: Participants must have a digital camera (an iPhone or other smartphone is fine) and basic knowledge of how to take pictures with their camera. In addition, a basic ability to edit their own photographs using their own editing software is desirable. Participants will also be expected to upload their photographs to a Dropbox location (provided by the instructor) on a regular basis. Instructions on how to access Dropbox will be provided by email before the first class. The instructor will recommend books from time to time, but none will be required reading. Bill Marriott is no stranger to OLLI, having participated in photography courses and seminars. He also taught Storytelling Through Photography last year. He has experience as a seminar leader and online facilitator in his professional role and at OLLI. Bill has a B.A. in English from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an M.Ed. in educational media and instructional design from UNC-Chapel Hill. He’s a lifetime photographer with a passion for storytelling and visual communication.
• 9 Wed, Sep 14 - Nov 16 (no class Oct 5), 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 12; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3500
Portrait Photography IN PERSON: This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to make better pictures of people. We will talk about how portraits differ from snapshots, genres of portrait photography and how to put subjects at ease — be they friends, family members or strangers. We will also talk about composition, simple lighting techniques and how to use camera controls to produce more pleasing results. Class meetings will include brief lectures, demonstrations and discussion. “Dawoud Bey on Photographing People and Communities,” which is the recommended text, will give us a common point of reference and help us think about the intentions behind making portraits. Participants will do weekly portrait assignments and receive feedback in class. All kinds of cameras are suitable for the course, although a camera that allows manual control of the shutter speed, aperture and ISO is ideal. • Facilitated Discussion, Active Skill Learning. Required: Participants should have a camera they can use to submit images to the instructor via email. Recommended Text: • Dawoud Bey, “On Photographing People and Communities” (9781597113373) Michael Schwalbe is a retired professor of sociology and a still-active documentary photographer. Over the last 30 years, he has done documentary projects on potters, residents of family care homes, victims of tobacco-related diseases, studio craft artists and public workers. His current project focuses on people who have lost family members to workplace accidents and illness.
• 6 Mon, Sep 12 - Oct 24 (no class Sep 26), 1:30-3 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 8; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3503
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Religion & Philosophy Ethics Thought Experiments ONLINE: In this interactive online discussion course, we will explore famous philosophical thought experiments and their practical applications. Students will see how even the most unrealistic thought experiments can help us analyze very real issues of policy and ethics. For example, how does the trolley problem relate to the question of whether self-driving cars should be programmed to protect the passengers inside the car or the pedestrians outside the car if the brakes fail? What does John Rawls’ “veil of ignorance” thought experiment teach us about how to set up a just society? How have philosophers used thought experiments to explore whether people in the developed world are doing enough to help those in the developing world? Participants will receive a resource booklet of texts that we will study during our sessions. Come join the conversation! • Facilitated Discussion. Sarah Rosenson has an undergraduate degree from Georgetown University, a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a master’s degree in Jewish studies from the Spertus Institute. She practiced law for a decade; taught classes on ethics, philosophy and world religions at a private high school for over a decade; and has taught adults in various settings, including at OLLIs and retirement communities. She currently teaches both adults and children on various online platforms.
• 5 Tue, Sep 13 - Oct 11, 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 24; Fee: $60; Course ID: 3488
Fall 2022 Registration Registration opens on Tuesday, August 23, at 9 a.m. for Monday and Tuesday courses and on Wednesday, August 24, at 9 a.m. for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday courses
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When Astronomy Was Philosophy: Astronomy & Cosmology Before the Invention of Modern Telescopes IN PERSON: The heavens have held a fascination for humankind ever since we started walking upright and turned our gaze skyward. Primitive records of solar cycles go back over 10,000 years. Written records of celestial observations go back 5,000 years. From these observations, philosopher-astronomers developed physical, philosophical and religious cosmologies. As tools were developed to aid observations and mathematics advanced, our understanding of the universe evolved. In this course, we’ll review the development of astronomy as part of “natural philosophy.” We’ll also review how the knowledge acquired through observations informed cosmology. We’ll cover Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, the Hellenistic age, the Islamic world’s contributions and the pre-modern period culminating in Newton’s theory of gravity and planetary motion. In the last session, we’ll discuss the 18th-century refinements of Newton’s works, star catalogs developed using early optical telescopes and nonoptical observation methods. • Lecture + Q&A. Please note: This course does not include astronomy of the pre-Columbian Americas. Murat Tasar grew up in Turkey, where he was exposed to all three major monotheistic religions and their origins in Mesopotamian cosmology. In his college years, he studied under humanities professors from the West and discovered the works of classical philosophers. In Spain, he studied the influence of Arab and Jewish philosophers and scientists of al-Andalus on medieval European and Renaissance thought.
• 7 Tue, Oct 4 - Nov 15, 1:30-3 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 12; Fee: $80; Course ID: 3519
Religion & Philosophy
Science & Technology
Modern Biology in 10 Questions
ONLINE: For centuries, Westerners have assumed human nature determines how we act, much as an animal’s nature determines its behavior. Beginning about 150 years ago, the idea took hold that it is the other way around: How we decide to act determines who we are, what we value and how the world appears to us. That intellectual movement came to be called existentialism. In this course, we will read and discuss some of the most fascinating and influential existentialists, including Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre and Camus. For each class session, there will be a reading of a selection of one of these thinkers. We’ll use our class time to discuss and evaluate their ideas. As a result of our lively discussions, students can expect to come away from this course not only knowing the correct angle to tilt their beret and how to smoke a Gauloises cigarette without coughing, but being able to assess how much of their life is determined and how much is the product of their choices. • Facilitated Discussion. Please note: Anticipate about an hour of reading assignments each week. Required Text: • Walter Kaufman, “Existentialism: From Dostoevsky to Sartre” (9780452009301) Richard Prust is professor emeritus of philosophy at St. Andrews University and co-author of “Personal Identity in Moral and Legal Reasoning.” Prust is currently working on a book titled “The Personal Meaning of Action: Its Relational Significance, Relative Importance, Emotional Force, and Moral Value.”
• 10 Wed, Sep 14 - Nov 30 (no class Oct 5, Nov 23), 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 30; Fee: $100; Course ID: 0841
Online •
In Person •
ONLINE: This course consists of a series of interactive sessions dealing with the following questions: How do microscopes work? How do animals move? What is a gene? What do we know about the world? How does an egg become an organism? Which is cheaper, swimming, running or flying? Where should we look for life? What is the largest organism? How old is life? What is consciousness? In each session, the instructor will deliver an overview of one of the 10 topics followed by a discussion during which students may ask questions and delve into related issues. We shall investigate how the natural sciences underpin the biological sciences, and how organisms elaborate upon simple physical processes to accomplish their goals. We also will explore the feedback loop between biology and technology that is opening new vistas in biomedical and materials science. • Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated Discussion. Please note: Students will prepare for each session by viewing videos assigned on the course website, browsing the internet for relevant information and preparing comments for class. For supplemental information, students are encouraged to peruse any current textbook in general biology. John Eylers has a Ph.D. from Duke in zoology plus 50 years of teaching experience in general biology, physiology and biotechnology, as well as research into the biomechanics of echinoderm connective tissues. After postdoctoral studies at the University of Leeds, England, he taught in a number of universities in Georgia and North Carolina. He is particularly interested in fostering biological thinking among those engaged in other fields or those who just want to know what it means to be alive.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 9-10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 30; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3496
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Science & Technology Looking Back at the Moon ONLINE: The major focus of this course is on what we learned about the moon from the Apollo program and its immediate aftermath, but it will also include discussion of what we believed about the moon before Apollo, and the results of some of the post-Apollo lunar exploration. The emphasis will be on insights into the nature of the moon, its origin and its evolution that were derived from the Apollo program and consequent studies of returned lunar samples. A total of six manned missions provided a small sampling of a very large body, but have allowed us to construct a fairly comprehensive picture of our nearest neighbor and of how the moon has evolved over a 4.5 billion-year history. Much of the Apollo-related activities centered around the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, and the course will include a few personal recollections from this unique place and time. • Lecture + Q&A. Please note: This is a lecture course on Zoom with opportunities for questions and with an accompanying website that provides an outline for each lecture and access to the illustrations utilized in the lectures (olli-looking-back-at-the-moon.weebly.com). The book “Lunar Science: A Post-Apollo View” will be referenced in the course, but there will not be assigned readings. Recommended Text: • Stuart Ross Taylor, “Lunar Science: A Post-Apollo View” (9780080182735) Arch Reid worked at the Manned Spacecraft Center during most of the Apollo missions and was part of the Preliminary Examination Team engaged in describing the returned lunar samples from Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17. He is a retired professor of geology who researched and taught at St. Andrews University, the Mellon Institute, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the Australian National University, NASA’s Johnson Space Center, the University of Cape Town, and the University of Houston.
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• 10 Mon, Sep 12 - Nov 28 (no class Sep 26, Nov 21), 9-10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3494
Communication Apps: What You Need To Know ONLINE: This course takes an in-depth look at various communication apps that are used for private and public conversations online. Through this course, students will learn the strengths and weaknesses of some commonly used apps, such as Discord, Signal and WhatsApp. The course will detail their properties, such as encryption and decentralization, and their common use cases. Students will learn how groups of friends and colleagues use these apps to engage with each other about shared interests and to foster friendships. Students will also learn to navigate on apps that have video and photo sharing. They will gain hands-on experience using several of the apps. Students will leave this course with enhanced knowledge of apps that are commonly discussed in public. This will increase their confidence, enhance their relationships and expand their ability to find like-minded people who share their interests. • Active Skill Learning. Please note: All devices (laptop, desktop, phone, tablet) will be accommodated; some might prefer to find a laptop or desktop to work from. Clementine Tran is a digital media artist, spark finder, content creator, researcher, artificial intelligence enthusiast, poet, thought leader, storyteller and educator. She currently serves on a board in Cary and is a member of the Fine Arts League of Cary and the Junior League of Raleigh. Clementine has also worked with Ted Talks speakers, published authors and business coaches.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 3:30-4:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 200; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3483
Science & Technology Taste of Technology: Making the Most of New Tools IN PERSON: This course will be a lighthearted, hands-on dive into several new technologies. You’ve read about researchers printing new body parts with 3D printers. The basic technology for this and the other tools you will experience in this course is straightforward. You will walk away with some 3D design skills, access to libraries of 3D materials and experience 3D printing an object (without having to own a printer). You will learn how to use an inexpensive 360-degree video camera as well, and how to create professional-looking graphics with the web-based Canva program. Another skill you will learn, particularly valuable as our fingers become less nimble, is how to make extensive use of voice recognition for creating Word documents, creating events and sending texts. You will also learn how to set up and activate remote switches for appliances. And, just for fun, we will put women on U.S. currency with augmented reality, since the Treasury Department has been slow in making this happen! • Active Skill Learning. Please note: Students should bring a Mac or Windows laptop to class. No special software is needed. There will be optional in-person field trips to a Duke 3D printing lab and other maker spaces. For the last 21 years, David Stein has been creating programs for Duke and the eight Duke partnership schools. Many of the most rewarding ones have introduced stop motion animation, green screens, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and other education technology to teachers of all ages and students. Howard Koslow has over 30 years’ experience working as a software developer at IBM. Now retired, he continues to explore technology for creative and productive uses as well as to teach others to embrace it.
• 4 Thu, Sep 15 - Oct 6, 1:30-3 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 12; Fee: $50; Course ID: 3508
Topics in Astrophysics ONLINE: This course will consist of four topics: 1) When Einstein changed the world: The story of 1905, Einstein’s incredible year; 2) The origin of the elements, and why we are, in fact, made of stardust; 3) Einstein’s biggest blunder: The story of the cosmological constant; and 4) Dark matter and dark energy: Unknown forces controlling the universe. The lectures are mainly stand-alone, and no formal training in physics or astronomy is assumed. Students will learn about astrophysics while getting a glimpse of some of the most interesting and perplexing topics facing astrophysics today. The recommended books are not essential for the course but provide good background information. • Lecture + Q&A. Recommended Texts: • Neil deGrasse Tyson, “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry” (9780393609394) • Walter Isaacson, “Einstein: His Life and Universe” (9780743264747) Professor Don Ellison obtained a Ph.D. in physics in 1982 from The Catholic University of America. He has been on the physics faculty of NC State University since 1987 and emeritus since 2013. Before that he was a researcher at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, the University of Maryland, and the Service d’Astrophysique, CEA, France. He has taught and done research on the theory of cosmic rays, particle acceleration in high-energy astrophysics and the modeling of supernova remnants.
• 4 Wed, Oct 26 - Nov 16, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 50; Fee: $50; Course ID: 3260
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Science & Technology The Air We Breathe ONLINE: We breathe without thinking, and we move through the tides and rivers of air without noticing. In this course, we gain an appreciation of air as a biota-rich medium, while learning how to live better within closed and open spaces in our temperate humid climate. The course starts with a science fiction story to explore science literacy and how science and society interact, using air-based examples. Next we look at airborne life and how it interacts with pollutants, before we delve into its strange history. This is followed by current research topics drawn from epidemiology, air quality, national security, pollen bursting, the rise of neoallergens and thunderstorm asthma. We end by bringing this knowledge to bear on best practices for coexisting with airborne life. We will discuss practical considerations for indoor air quality and seasonal changes while dispelling urban myths. The course is taught from the perspective of airborne particles, not health care. • Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated Discussion. Please note: The instructor’s aim is to create a learning community around this topic, and she encourages class members to contribute so that all enjoy the stone soup approach to learning. To assist, the instructor gives one optional homework question and an optional reading at the end of each class in preparation for the next. Doing so shares concepts and vocabulary to enhance in-class discussions. Each class starts with brief highlights of each OLLI member’s findings about airborne particles. Recommended Texts: • Lucretius, “The Nature of Things” (9780140447965) • Gavin Pretor-Pinney, “The Cloudspotter’s Guide” (9780340895894) • Vincent Schaefer and John Day, “A Field Guide to the Atmosphere” (9780395976319) • Sarah Dry, “Waters of the World” (9780226816845) 42
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Claire Williams has designed and taught courses for classroom and adult learning for 27 years. As professor emerita from Texas A&M University, she now teaches atmospheric biology at American University in environmental sciences. As a John Simon Guggenheim fellow and Fulbright scholar, she authors books and peer-reviewed articles. Her current research topics are modern desert dust storms, pollen dispersal and rainwater biota. Williams taught a course at OLLI at NC State University in 2021-22.
• 6 Thu, Sep 15 - Oct 20, 9-10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 25; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3510
When Astronomy Was Philosophy: Astronomy & Cosmology Before the Invention of Modern Telescopes See listing on page 38
The 10-Week Medical School IN PERSON: This course will begin with a brief overview of medical history and then give an introduction to medical terminology. From that point, we will move on to the various body systems, discussing their anatomy and physiology. Each week a different system will be introduced and some diseases associated with that system will be covered. We will follow a lecture format, with ample time reserved for your questions. Some case studies appropriate to the system under discussion will be presented. Students will gain a better understanding of the body, how it works, and what can go wrong. Occasional bits of medical humor will be injected into each class. Several general interest books on the topic are recommended. • Lecture + Q&A.
Science & Technology Please note: Although not required, the following books are recommended: “Head First,” by Norman Cousins, gives insights into healing. A great medical story is “Arrowsmith,” by Sinclair Lewis. Lewis Thomas wrote a series of essays on medical issues that are collected in several books, one of which is “The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher.” Recommended Texts: • Norman Cousins, “Head First” (9780140139655) • Sinclair Lewis, “Arrowsmith” (9780451530868) • Lewis Thomas, “The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher” (9780140047431) Dennis Swartout is a University of Michigan graduate with a degree in operations research engineering and an M.D. degree. He was board-certified in family medicine and in addiction medicine. He practiced family medicine at the DartmouthHitchcock Clinic in Keene, New Hampshire, for 30 years. Among his many interests in retirement are woodworking, watercolor painting and making creations in stained glass.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 9-10:30 a.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 24; Fee: $100; Course ID: 2965
Creativity: Road to Your True LIfe See listing on page 51
What to Eat — and Why! An Evidence-Based Guide to Healthy Nutrition See listing on page 49
The Human Microbiome: The Invisible World That Makes Us Who We Are IN PERSON: Viruses and bacteria and fungi, oh my! This course will teach students about the trillions of microbes sharing our bodies and how they make us who we are. We will cover what they are, how they live, how they interact and how they train and control our immune and inflammation systems. The course will explain how they contribute to or even determine our physical and mental well-being and our personalities. Students will learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy microbiomes and how we can keep them healthy. We will learn how our knowledge of the microbiome is revolutionizing health care and could someday be the secret to the fountain of youth. The content of the course will draw from the latest research but will be designed for a lay audience. Citations and links will be provided for those who wish to delve deeper or explore the more sophisticated science. • Lecture + Q&A. Matt Epstein’s careers have included law; director of university-based centers focused on childhood trauma; global health and forensic sciences; teaching in high school, college, law school and medical school; starting various businesses; politics; and working with youth, prisoners and addicts. He presently is a principle in both consulting and nonprofit organizations. He has a B.A. in psychology from Yale University and law degrees from the University of New Hampshire and Boston University.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 1:30-3 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 30; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3512
If enrolling in a course that meets In Person, please read the COVID-19 policy on page 6
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Science & Technology
Society & Culture
The Legacy of Oliver Sacks
Good Conversations: Talking With Adult Children
ONLINE: In this series of lectures, we review several of the major works of the late Oliver Sacks, whom The New York Times dubbed the poet laureate of contemporary medicine. The books of this well-known neurologist covered in this course are “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat,” “Awakenings,” “Migraine,” “Hallucinations,” “Musicophilia,” “The River of Consciousness” and “An Anthropologist on Mars.” In these works, Sacks discusses both common and rare neurological issues emphasizing their impact on us as human beings. The lectures will explain some of the neurological obscurities that Sacks presents to show the audience how relevant and timely his observations have been. Sacks’ works will be supplemented with examples from the instructor’s own 40-year neurology practice and from the neurology literature. • Lecture + Q&A.
IN PERSON: Do you ever wonder how, why and when your relationship with your adult children changed? Developing and maintaining relationships with our adult children requires us to stop parenting and to listen and communicate differently. It is a challenge. In this course, you will gain an understanding of communication and sensory preference styles, and learn to apply them to minimize tension in your relationship. Research shows that gender and generational differences in communication contribute to potential misunderstandings. Five emotional intelligence competencies will be introduced, and you will gain an awareness of how they impact your relationship. You will practice new communication skills in our safe classroom environment in order to increase your comfort level during actual parent-child communication experiences, and you will come away with new insight on the dynamics of parent-adult child communication. Active, respectful class participation will enhance your experience. • Facilitated Discussion.
Please note: All of the books mentioned in the course description are available through internet sources or in local bookstores. Reading the books is not required to follow the lectures, though it is hoped that the lectures may spark audience members to read or reread some of the titles. Steven Freedman was born and raised in Philadelphia. He earned a B.A. from Haverford College, earned an M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and did his neurology training at Duke. He served in the U.S. Army at Fort Bragg. He then practiced neurology in Raleigh. As an adjunct professor of neurology at UNC-Chapel Hill, he has taught medical students and physicians for 40 years. His wife and he have two sons and three grandchildren. They enjoy art and classical music.
• 7 Thu, Oct 6 - Nov 17, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $80; Course ID: 3513
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Please note: Participants need to complete two surveys emailed by the instructor approximately five to seven days prior to the first class. Alita Bluford is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan University. She has taught several courses for OLLI at Duke and OLLI at NC State. She has experience managing interpersonal communications in the workplace and a recent thesis on the misunderstandings that occur among multiple generations. Her experience across multiple industries and employee demographics has ignited a passion in her to improve communication, especially between our generation and our adult children.
• 6 Tue, Sep 13 - Oct 18, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 12; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3189
Society & Culture Literary Britain: The Places That Inspired Your Favorite Authors ONLINE: This course will cover the history, landscape and culture of places in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) that have strong connections to certain authors. We will focus on writers with local links, and places that readers can visit. The course will be organized by region, and will include popular authors such as Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers, as well as more serious authors such as Wordsworth, Hardy and the Brontes. The course will be online, using slides, maps and videos. The goal is to enhance our appreciation of novels through greater knowledge of their settings. • Lecture + Q&A. Margaret Brill was the British history librarian at Duke. She was also head of reference, maps librarian and librarian for medieval and Renaissance studies. She grew up just outside London, and has a B.A. in history from the University of London, a master’s in library science from North Carolina Central University and a master’s in liberal studies from Duke. Her primary interest is social history, especially women’s history.
• 7 Tue, Sep 13 - Oct 25, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $80; Course ID: 3493
My Neighbor’s Voice: A Model for Deep Listening in Our Divided Culture ONLINE: Our goal for this course is to repair American goodwill and civic interaction by bringing people together to engage in civil dialogue. We do this within a timed, moderated format using My Neighbor’s Voice Listening Cards. From the beginning of our efforts in 2017, we have designed our events around listening. Each participant answers a question within one of our categories, without discussion or commentary from the others. The next person
addresses a new question within the same category with a new voice, and the others practice listening. As a result, we create the space for people to tell their stories. In this format, we don’t talk about listening, we practice it, with the ratio being 80% listening and 20% speaking. We have hosted over 200 local and national online events and gatherings with the intention of creating a safer, more welcoming world. As participants complete this course, we hope they will take away new tools to use in building stronger communities of their own. • Facilitated Discussion. Mary Anne Inglis (Duke ’82) co-founded My Neighbor’s Voice in 2017 with Victoria Chance out of a desire to address the partisan divide in our country. She managed several of the political campaigns for her husband (Bob Inglis, Duke ’81) in their South Carolina congressional district. She has taught English as a second language for Michelin and private students since 2012. She is a member of St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church and a board member of A Rocha USA, a Christian conservation organization engaged in ecological awareness and habitat improvement. Victoria Chance is a former high school English teacher in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. She taught in the public school system for 27 years. She graduated from Furman University and has a master’s degree in contemplative education from Naropa University. She is a former board member of Greenville’s Interfaith Forum and a member of St James Episcopal Church.
• 5 Tue, Oct 18 - Nov 15, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 30; Fee: $60; Course ID: 3437
Art & Women III See listing on page 15
The Air We Breathe See listing on page 42 Return to Course Indexes
Society & Culture Symposia: Mind-Expanding Excursions and Diversions IN PERSON: Symposia returns with in-person presentations from people making a positive impact on contemporary life. Each week, a different speaker will introduce you to valuable new insights into an important subject that may not have caught your attention otherwise. The opportunity to pose questions to these experts is a key feature of Symposia. • Lecture + Q&A. Guest Speakers: Sep 13 • Kenneth Schmader, M.D. Herpes Zoster (Shingles) and Zoster Vaccines: Neutralizing a Painful Enemy The incidence of herpes zoster (also known as shingles) increases dramatically with aging. The most dreaded complication of herpes zoster in older adults is chronic pain, or postherpetic neuralgia, which has a major negative impact on patients’ quality of life. This presentation will the help the audience better understand the nature of herpes zoster, know the benefits and risks of the recombinant zoster vaccine (Shingrix), and appreciate the remarkable advances in vaccinology that are changing the landscape of vaccine development, efficacy and safety. Sep 20 • Richard Chung, M.D.
Sep 27 • Brian Andonian, M.D. Exercise Is Medicine for Arthritis Arthritis — including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis — affects 1 in 4 adults and leads to disability, cardiovascular risk and poor quality of life. Although public health guidelines recommend exercise in the management of arthritis, few patients attain enough physical activity to meet these recommendations. Brian Andonian is a rheumatologist and clinician scientist at Duke who studies the effects of lifestyle interventions (including diet and exercise) on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In this presentation, he will share how he incorporates lifestyle medicine into the clinical care of his patients with arthritis. Oct 4 • Syretta Hill Launching a Guaranteed Income Pilot Syretta Hill, the executive director of StepUp Durham, will introduce the concept of a guaranteed income and its relevance to economic inequalities in society. She will go on to discuss who needs to be at the table to design and launch a successful guaranteed income pilot project, to evaluate potential challenges, to consider how success should be defined and measured, and to assess the prospects for guaranteed income programs. Oct 11 • Graham Alexander
Health Challenges of Youth — and How We Can Help
Getting the Maximum Value From Residential Solar Installations
Twenty-first-century youth face unique issues — such as the coronavirus pandemic, remote learning, social media, mass school shootings, suboptimal nutrition, gender identification — that impact their health and well-being. Richard Chung, a Duke pediatrician, will give an overview of health issues impacting youth these days and share insights into how family members can offer care and support.
Solar panels installed on homes are an affordable source of renewable energy that can save homeowners money on their electric bills while reducing fossil fuel emissions that are responsible for climate change. Graham Alexander, a solar energy specialist at Southern Energy Management, will discuss evaluating a home’s solar potential, types of solar panels, battery storage options, data monitoring, financial implications and what to look for in an installer partner.
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Society & Culture Oct 18 • Melissa McLeod, M.D. Exploring Continuous Care Retirement Communities Upon retiring, Melissa McLeod traveled to Asheville, North Carolina, where she took a six-week course on continuous care retirement communities (CCRCs). The class visited seven different communities, and the course included lectures by an elder law attorney and a long-term care insurance agent. The most important features of the course were condensed into a one-hour presentation that she will share with us. Oct 25 • Dennis Blair, Adm., U.S. Navy (Retired) The New American International Security Environment The United States director of national intelligence under President Barack Obama returns to update us on the current state of U.S. involvement on the international stage. Dennis Blair is a retired United States Navy admiral who was the commander of all U.S. forces in the Pacific and served for 34 years in the Navy. His background provides him with a unique understanding of challenges facing the U.S. today and in the future. Nov 1 • Edwin Cox, M.D. Immune Checkpoint Manipulation in Cancer Treatment Some cancer cells escape immune system destruction by mimicking normal cells to activate the “checkpoint” mechanism whose main role is to prevent autoimmunity. New drugs override the checkpoint blockade to unleash the immune system against a cancer. Edwin Cox will describe the mechanisms involved and share some impressive clinical trial results from using this new weapon to treat cancer.
Nov 8 • Dan Blazer, M.D., Ph.D. Loneliness and Social Isolation Many believe that social isolation and loneliness have reached epidemic proportions. Older people are especially at risk. The COVID-19 epidemic rendered the situation worse, especially for residents of long-term care facilities. Dan Blazer will share some of the data as well as some suggestions on how these factors may be overcome. Nov 15 • Don Ellison, Ph.D. Exotic Phenomena in Astrophysics The advent of modern telescopes has revealed a universe filled with explosive phenomena. The seemingly serene, unchanging sky of the ancients has been transformed by radio, X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes into a tumultuous sea of objects far more energetic and chaotic than normal stars. This talk will describe these high-energy objects — supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, massive black holes — and their place in our modern view of the universe. Facilitators: Ed Cox is a retired oncologist. His current interests include ecology, climate change, renewable energy and the influence of food on health and longevity. He has taught OLLI courses on these subjects. Mike Smith is a retired marketing executive. He organized the OLLI at Duke Wine Society and has been an OLLI instructor. He serves on the Duke Medical Institutional Review Board.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 1:30-3 p.m. • In person at The Forest at Duke, Durham • Maximum: 100; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3096
Ethics Thought Experiments See listing on page 38
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Society & Culture Modern Gay America: How We Got Here See listing on page 28
al) recommended reading resources posted on the class website. Some class sessions will feature guest speakers or small group discussion in breakout rooms. Required Text:
Transforming Whiteness: Toward an Ethic of Justice, Liberation and Solidarity ONLINE: “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” In Raoul Peck’s riveting documentary “I Am Not Your Negro,” James Baldwin holds up an unflinching mirror to the words and actions of the white society of his time, revealing its deeply flawed moral paradoxes. Baldwin’s prophetic call to critically examine and diligently work to dismantle the legacy of white supremacy and its devastating impact is as relevant today as it was during his lifetime. While deeply examining the powerful ideology of whiteness as a racial construct, participants in this online course will also explore the complex intersections of racial identity, class, gender, sexual orientation, disability and religion. Engaging with weekly readings, community experts and self-reflection, participants will also explore strategies for fostering a positive white racial identity grounded in an ethic of justice, liberation and solidarity. • Facilitated Discussion. Guest Speakers:
• Layla F. Saad, “Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor” (9781728209807) Cathy Rimer-Surles, JD, MLS (she/they), a graduate of Duke and North Carolina Central University School of Law, is an attorney, educator and passionate community advocate. A longtime resident of Durham deeply influenced by her experiences growing up as queer, cisgender and white in the South, she organizes, educates and agitates for equity, justice and liberation in this city she loves as a founding member of both Organizing Against Racism (OAR) and Episcopalians United Against Racism (EUAR).
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 30; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3515
Vie en France et mode de vie: Vive la différence! See listing on page 30
Portrait Photography See listing on page 37
• Jen Zuckerman, Director of Strategic Initiatives, World Food Policy Center • Imam Abdul W. Waheed, Chaplain, Center for Muslim Life and OLLI Instructor
Online •
In Person •
• Mab Segrest, Activist, Writer, Teacher • Kathy Krahenbuhl, Racial Equity Institute Trainer and OLLI Instructor Please note: Students will be assigned selected portions of the required text to read prior to each class session along with additional (option-
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Visit our Online Learning website for helpful hints and tips for Zoom: www.olliatduke.online
Wellness Activities What to Eat — and Why! An Evidence-Based Guide to Healthy Nutrition IN PERSON: Confused about what to eat for health and longevity? That’s understandable, because nutrition research was incomplete for a long time, and commentators frequently contradicted one another. Recently, several largescale, long-term studies have come to fruition, yielding profound and surprising results that allow us to categorize each food as beneficial, harmful or neutral to health. The instructor will provide a systematic review of the insights gained from these studies, by nutrient group and food. He will provide specific recommendations on how to design one’s own diet for optimal wellness, especially with regard to avoiding diabetes, heart disease and cancer. • Lecture + Q&A. Edwin Cox practiced hematology and medical oncology in Durham and was the director of the database for the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, during which time he designed and performed data analysis for clinical trials and research studies. His current focus is the relationship between health and lifestyle, including diet and exercise, based on statistically valid evidence from research studies.
• 5 Thu, Sep 15 - Oct 13, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 12; Fee: $60; Course ID: 1655
Fall 2022 Registration Registration opens on Tuesday, August 23, at 9 a.m. for Monday and Tuesday courses and on Wednesday, August 24, at 9 a.m. for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday courses
T’ai Chi: Mindfulness in Motion ONLINE: T’ai chi (taijiquan or t’ai chi ch’uan) is a traditional Chinese moving meditation, martial art and health exercise. The practice, based on slow, continuous, whole-body movement, results in increased energy, well-being and mental, emotional and physical balance. Scientific studies have verified its benefits, and medical professionals now endorse it for numerous chronic conditions, including arthritis, balance difficulties, Parkinson’s disease and fibromyalgia. It is easy to practice, requires no special space or equipment and encourages a joyful, reflective approach to daily life. In this experiential course, you will gain proficiency with the movements as the instructor teaches, demonstrates and leads. Video recordings allow for independent practice between classes. This fall, we welcome those who are experienced and those who are new. We’ll focus on the Moonlight sequence from the traditional Wu Hao style, and study internal practices that help us feel and enhance personal energy. • Active Skill Learning. Please note: While not necessary for participation in this course, the recommended book will add depth and context to your practice. Recommended Text: • Tsung Hwa Jou, “The Dao of Taijiquan: Way to Rejuvenation” (9780692034057) Jay Dunbar (M.A., Duke, English literature; Ph.D., UNC-Chapel Hill, education) is director of the Magic Tortoise Taijiquan School (magictortoise.com). An “indoor” student of Grandmaster Jou Tsung Hwa, he has studied taijiquan and qigong since 1975 and has taught in the Triangle area since 1979. He has offered courses through OLLI each year since 2003, and for the Fall 2020 term he successfully transitioned the course to Zoom. He’s a pro!
• 10 Thu, Sep 15 - Nov 17, 9-10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $100; Course ID: 0420
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Wellness Activities The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga
Recommended Texts:
ONLINE: Join us to explore the deeper dimensions of yoga that go beyond the physical into the emotional, cognitive and spiritual heart of the practice. During this online course, we will cover key aspects of the yoga tradition, including principles (such as nonharming and gratitude), energetics and the subtle body (koshas, chakras), and breathing (prana, nadis). Studying this ancient discipline and practice will help you develop an awareness designed to quiet the mind and help you connect with your true self. Classes will begin with a lecture (PowerPoint) and conclude with a yoga practice. No yoga experience is required, and practices will consist of gentle movements designed to be appropriate for most older adults who are living independently. The recommended readings are useful guides to have in your library both for reading and practice. • Active Skill Learning. Please note: The classes will be lecture and practice: 30-minute PowerPoint presentations with some Q&A followed by a 60-minute practice. Wear comfortable clothing and have a yoga mat or a beach towel to use for yoga poses done lying down. Those unable to get down and up from the floor may do lying-down poses on a bed.
• Kimberly Carson and Carol Krucoff, “Relax into Yoga for Seniors: A Six-Week Program for Strength, Balance, Flexibility and Pain Relief” (9781626253643) • T. K. V. Desikachar, “The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice” (9780892815333) Carol Krucoff is a yoga therapist at Duke Integrative Medicine and co-director of Yoga for Seniors (www.yoga4seniors.com). An award-winning journalist, she was founding editor of The Washington Post’s Health section and is the author of several books including “Yoga Sparks: 108 Easy Practices for Stress Relief in a Minute or Less” and “Relax Into Yoga for Seniors.” Carol has practiced yoga for more than 45 years and is grateful to have studied with master teachers from around the world.
• 8 Wed, Sep 21 - Nov 16 (no class Oct 5), 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 200; Fee: $90; Course ID: 3361
My Neighbor’s Voice: A Model for Deep Listening in Our Divided Culture See listing on page 45
New Member Meet & Greet Thursday, September 8 In person at JRC at 10-11 a.m. • Online via Zoom at 2-3 p.m. New to OLLI at Duke? We invite you to join us for an in-person or a virtual Meet & Greet hosted by the OLLI Leadership Team. New members will have an opportunity to meet other new members, OLLI board members and our director, Chris McLeod. Watch your email for your invitation and the link to the Zoom meeting.
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Wellness Activities Creativity: Road to Your True LIfe ONLINE: The latest scientific research proves that creativity is key to both a long life and a fulfilling one. We’ll learn how to tap into this source of increased joy and meaning. Find out how the brain changes when we write, paint, dance or walk in the garden. Discover how aging changes our creativity and how creativity changes our aging. Can a change in perspective increase the richness of our thoughts? Are we drawn to memoir for sheer nostalgia, or are there more valuable purposes? How does writing create happiness? Is every dance a dance of joy? Join us as we explore the science and practice of creativity to increase the meaning, joy and vitality in our daily lives. • Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated Discussion. Guest Speakers: • Carl Nordgren, Author of “Becoming a Creative Genius (Again)” • Hugh Willard, M.Ed. in Counseling Psychology, Psychotherapist and Musician Please note: Our time will be a mix of presentations, discussion and an occasional creativity exercise. Suggested readings will be referenced in the course, but there will not be assigned readings. Recommended Texts: • Samantha Shad, “The Write to Happiness: How To Write Stories That Change Your Brain and Your Life” (9781733865227) • Samantha Shad, “Write Through The Crisis” (9781733865210) • Scott Barry Kaufman, “Wired To Create” (9780399174100) Samantha Shad is an award-winning author, successful Hollywood screenwriter and entertainment attorney. She is the author of the acclaimed books “The Write to Happiness: How to Write Stories That Change Your Brain and Your Life” and “Write Through the Crisis.” She also is a feature film and TV screenwriter (“Class Action,” “Vanished Without
a Trace”) for Ridley Scott, Steven Bochco and other luminaries. She is known as an OLLI-experienced, engaging, lively instructor.
• 6 Mon, Sep 12 - Oct 24 (no class Sep 26), 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 200; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3484
Introduction to Bridge IN PERSON: Join us to explore the most exciting card game in the world, meet new people, make new friends and keep an agile mind. This course is suitable for people who are new to bridge but enjoy playing stimulating card games, or those who casually dabbled with bridge in the past. Through active participation, we will explore the mechanics of the game, basic hand evaluation, trick-taking techniques, planning to play no-trump and suit contracts, and basic opening leads. Each class consists of a minilecture and instructional videos, followed by playing and discussing practice hands to apply the concepts learned. • Active Skill Learning. Required: Students should have the book in hand before the course begins. Required supplies/fee: There is a $20 fee for the online teaching and playing platform used in this class. Required Text: • Jeff Bayone, “A Taste of Bridge” (9781771400343) Henry Meguid is the current president of the American Bridge Teachers’ Association (ABTA) and the winner of the 2018 ABTA Teacher of the Year award. He is an American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) certified online teacher and an ABTA master teacher, the highest bridge teacher certification in North America.
• 10 Tue, Sep 13 - Nov 15, 1:30-3:30 p.m. • In person at The Bridge Academy, Durham • Maximum: 40; Fee: $100; Course ID: 2740 Return to Course Indexes
Wellness Activities Introduction to Meditation: Cultivating Everyday Mindfulness ONLINE: Do you want to learn how to meditate or expand upon your current meditation practice? Then this is the course for you. In our six sessions, you will learn the basics of mindfulness meditation and be supported in establishing a regular practice. You will learn by doing; each week you will be introduced to and guided through different meditation techniques. You will also be able to practice these techniques at home, to learn which ones best fit your needs and schedule. The skills you will learn are useful for addressing stress and anxiety and becoming more present and less reactive in daily life. Science shows that a regular meditation practice can be effective in helping to manage stress, reduce anxiety, increase focus and attention, improve sleep, and increase self-compassion and gratitude for others as well as for oneself. In this small group setting, in addition to learning a variety of techniques, there will also be space to ask questions and discuss what is learned. • Active Skill Learning. Please note: No props or special equipment are needed for this course. You may wish to wear comfortable or loose-fitting clothing and have a comfortable chair or cushion for sitting or a blanket to lie upon. The instructor will reference the Jon Kabat-Zinn book “Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life” at times during our course and will suggest optional passages to read that correspond with the upcoming week’s lesson. You may enjoy having your own copy to follow along in or to read in its entirety.
Betsy Dessauer, MFA, RYT, is an accredited and experienced yoga and mindfulness teacher. She is the founder of Mindful Anytime, is certified as a Koru Mindfulness teacher and Mindful Leader workplace mindfulness facilitator, and has completed trainings in the Mindful Schools curriculum as well as Duke Health & Well-Being’s Coach Training for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course. Currently, she is working on her advanced trauma-sensitive mindfulness training with David Treleaven.
• 6 Thu, Sep 22 - Oct 27, 1:30-2:45 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 16; Fee: $75; Course ID: 3192
Communication Apps: What You Need To Know See listing on page 40
Good Conversations: Talking With Adult Children See listing on page 44
Fall 2022 Registration Registration opens on Tuesday, August 23, at 9 a.m. for Monday and Tuesday courses and on Wednesday, August 24, at 9 a.m. for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday courses
Recommended Text: • Jon Kabat-Zinn, “Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation for Everyday Life” (9781401307783)
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Online •
In Person •
Writing Opening the Poet’s Toolbox: An Invitation
Writing a Legacy Letter
ONLINE: This workshop invites all poets. We will use “The Essential Poet’s Glossary,” by Edward Hirsch. It is the ultimate source for poetry craft tools. Each week we will consider a number of poetry tools, addressing music, form, composition, rhetoric and style. Hirsch provides excellent descriptions and examples. The instructor will provide additional resources in weekly emails. Your mission is to study features that interest you, and craft them into your poems. Each writer may select one or two skills. You, the poet, are invited to submit either a new or previously written poem weekly to the instructor prior to class, specifying the craft aspect(s) you employ. The poems will be collated and sent to each student so you will have everyone’s poems for in-depth discussions. By looking at a variety of craft tools, we explore an array of possibilities for future poems. • Facilitated Discussion.
ONLINE: This four-session online course is designed to introduce the concept of “legacy letters” and to encourage participants to craft their own legacy document. A legacy letter (also called an “ethical will”) is a written document that allows people to share their life lessons, express their values and transmit their blessings to future generations. A legacy letter is shorter than a memoir, typically just a few pages. Writing one is a rewarding experience that creates an enduring gift for children, grandchildren and other loved ones. The course includes discussion and brief writing exercises to help participants examine their life histories, explore their values and capture important insights. It offers advice, encouragement and a model structure to help participants draft and complete their own legacy letters. • Facilitated Discussion.
Required: All students must be able to send their poems to the instructor via email. A computer is needed for both your work and our discussions and a printer to print out poems. Required Text: • Edward Hirsch, “The Essential Poet’s Glossary” (9780544931237) Jane Seitel is an expressive arts therapist, writer and teacher. She received a Master of Education from Lesley University and an MFA in poetry and poetry in translation from Drew University. She founded a poetry press for women over 50 and has written award-winning poems. Jane has taught more than 15 courses at OLLI and has been blessed to teach many remarkable poets in those courses.
• 6 Tue, Oct 4 - Nov 8, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 12; Fee: $95; Course ID: 3502
Jay Sherwin has practiced law, given away money for five different charitable foundations and served as a hospital chaplain. In 2019, he created the Life Reflections Project to educate people about legacy letters, ethical wills and other legacy documents. Jay has extensive experience facilitating online adult learning programs, and he has taught this course for OLLI programs nationwide.
• 4 Tue, Sep 13 - Oct 4, 9 -10:15 a.m. • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 30; Fee: $70; Course ID: 2350
Creativity: Road to Your True LIfe See listing on page 51
Visit our Online Learning website for helpful hints and tips for Zoom: www.olliatduke.online
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Writing Tease Out the Story IN PERSON: This course provides a platform to help you write a personal narrative. Perhaps you have a family story that has yet to be recorded, or a personal story about something that happened to you. Maybe you have a topic you care deeply about that you are interested in exploring further. It can be comical, heartbreaking or even commonplace. We’ll use writing prompts to get the creative process going. This will be done in class, with time to share and respond. We’ll talk about key elements of a story, what makes writing effective and applying the rule that good writing is “showing, not telling.” We’ll work to strengthen your descriptive style to make your story come alive. Students will work on their narratives between classes and bring them to class so we can critique them as a group. The goal is to give constructive criticism and encourage
each other. By the end of the course, the hope is that you will have teased out your story and be on your way toward developing a well-crafted narrative. • Facilitated Discussion, Active Skill Learning. Please note: Please bring paper and writing utensils to class (preferably not laptops). Margaret Anderson has a degree in creative writing from Hollins University. She is a retired children’s librarian who enjoys stories off all kinds. She writes poetry and stories, and recently had a poem published in Heron Clan Vll (a literary magazine). Margaret enjoys taking OLLI courses and is looking forward to teaching one of her own!
• 6 Wed, Sep 14 - Oct 26 (no class Oct 5), 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • In person at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham • Maximum: 8; Fee: $95; Course ID: 3509
New Member Meet & Greet Thursday, September 8 In person at JRC at 10-11 a.m. • Online via Zoom at 2-3 p.m. New to OLLI at Duke? We invite you to join us for an in-person or a virtual Meet & Greet hosted by the OLLI Leadership Team. New members will have an opportunity to meet other new members, OLLI board members and our director, Chris McLeod. Watch your email for your invitation and the link to the Zoom meeting.
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Registration FAQs Members can often find the registration process to be challenging. To make your registration experience easier and less stressful, here are answers to some frequently asked questions. You can find more general FAQs at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. Where do I go to register online? Go to learnmore.duke.edu/olli to view courses. I’m new to OLLI. How do I join? Go to learnmore.duke.edu/olli, click on “Join OLLI,” this will add the OLLI membership to your shopping cart. Click “Checkout.” Fill in the information requested under “I am a new user” and click “Create Account,” you will be taken to a page where you can create an account. After clicking “Continue Checkout,” you will be redirected to complete your purchase securely. Please do not click on the back button at any time as the system processes your credit card information; wait for the system to complete the transaction. We encourage you to purchase a membership before registration opens. I can’t find my username or password. Can you help me? Yes. If you have registered before, you have an account in our registration system. To reestablish your username: 1) Go to learnmore.duke.edu and click on “Student Login.” 2) On the next page, in the left column labeled “I already have an account,” click “Forgot Username” and enter the email you used when you joined OLLI at Duke. The system will email you your username (from learnmore@duke.edu). Look in your email to find the username and write it down or use the copy-and-paste function on your computer. 3) Now go to the student login page and log in using the username you just received. To recover your password: 1) Go to learnmore.duke.edu and click on “Student Login.” 2) On the next page, in the left column labeled “I already have an account,” click “Forgot Password.” Enter your username and click “Continue.” The system will email a new password (from learnmore@duke.edu) that is valid for two hours. If you miss this window, you have to start this process over again. 3) Now go to the student login page and use this new password to log in. Once you have successfully logged in, you can change the password in the profile section of the menu. We encourage you to confirm your username and password before registration to minimize delays. continued
Fall 2022 Registration Registration opens on Tuesday, August 23, at 9 a.m. for Monday and Tuesday courses and on Wednesday, August 24, at 9 a.m. for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday courses 55
Registration FAQs How do I change my username or password to something I can actually remember? Log in to the student portal at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. On the left side menu, click on the third option, “Change My Username or Password.” On the right side of the screen, there are three boxes where you can enter a new password. Then click the blue “Save” button. I know my username and password, but they don’t seem to be working. Unless you have changed your username, it will start with a capital “X” followed by all numbers. The system will not accept a lowercase “x.” Also, if you are copying and pasting, make sure there are no added spaces or other symbols in your password. Passwords are case-sensitive. I tried that, and it still doesn’t work. Stop! If you fail to log in more than three times, you will be locked out of the system! Please contact olli@duke.edu to unlock or reset your account. How can I tell if I have a paid membership? Log in to the student portal. Click on “My Profile” in the left menu. Next, scroll down to “Membership Information.” There you will find the date your membership expires. If you do not see “Membership Information,” then you do not have an active OLLI membership. To purchase a membership, either: 1) Log in to your account, click on “Special Requests” on the left, add the OLLI membership to your cart and proceed to check out; or 2) purchase your membership when you register for courses; if you do not have an active membership, one will be added to your cart automatically. What’s the fastest way to add courses to my shopping cart? Our website offers different ways to search for courses: 1) Advanced Search Courses Link: The most direct way to find your course is to go to learnmore.duke.edu/olli, click on “Search Courses” located under the photo on the black horizontal menu at the far right, and enter the name of the course or the four-digit course ID number. Click on the link to the course, click on “Add to Cart” and follow the steps to checkout. 2) Search by Day of the Week, or by Category, or by Location: Go to learnmore.duke.edu/olli, click the down-triangle labeled “Show” under “Courses” and use the tab “View by day” or “View by category.” Click on the course title to get to the course page, click on “Add to Cart” and follow the steps to checkout. 3) Course Search Box: You may also enter the course ID number or part of the title into the search box that appears on every page at the top right, under the shopping cart symbol. This will search the entire site and may also retrieve results from the PDF version of the course catalog. Click on the appropriate link for the course, click on “Add to Cart” and follow the steps to checkout. Note: Each course is clearly marked “ONLINE” or “IN PERSON.” Please read the course descriptions carefully before registering. continued
Registration FAQs Why do I have to give my username and password again when I go to check out? For security reasons, the system requires that you log in to your student portal when you are checking out. This is to protect your personal and credit card information. Note: It is not required to log in to the portal before you add courses to your cart. We encourage you to practice logging in before registration days so that you are comfortable with the process. I entered my credit card number at checkout, but the system seemed to lock up. What happened? It is important you check the correct credit card brand when you are checking out. For example, if you enter a Visa card number and check MasterCard by mistake, the system will go into a long hold while it tries to reconcile that the number and card brand don’t match. It will eventually return to normal, with an error message alerting you to reenter your payment information. Where is the paper form? Can I register by calling the office? We cannot accept paper registration forms. All the OLLI staff and OLLI registration team are working remotely; we are not in the office to answer the phone or use the secure credit card terminals. The only way to register is through the online system. If you are experiencing issues with online registration, email learnmore@duke.edu. Where will I find the Zoom links to my online courses? OLLI members who register for online courses will find the Zoom links in their Student Portal, which is found at the same website as that used for course registration. For details, please refer to www.olliatduke.online/studentlink. Can I register and enroll in a recorded online course and only watch the recordings? Yes, you can. Recorded courses are listed in this catalog and listed in the course descriptions. By registering for a recorded course, you will receive all emails and communication from the instructor(s). Recordings are available in the Student Portal; you must be registered for the course to view the recordings. I’m having tech issues. Any helpful hints? Please refer to our OLLI at Duke Online Learning website for more details and helpful hints and tips for Zoom: www.olliatduke.online.
Fall 2022 Registration Registration opens on Tuesday, August 23, at 9 a.m. for Monday and Tuesday courses and on Wednesday, August 24, at 9 a.m. for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday courses
Back cover: East Campus Quad in the fall. Photograph by Megan Mendenhall / Duke University, www.duke.edu © Duke University, all rights reserved
Fall 2022 58
v 07.12.2022