Science & Technology
Society & Culture
Holistic Biology
Discovering Who We Are: While Researching How We Came to Be
ONLINE: This online course is comprised of a series of illustrated lectures covering the scope of modern biology from evolution to consciousness. The fundamental principles of the science will be examined, along with the historical context in which they arose and the contributions made by the other natural sciences. We will see how organisms embody the links between molecular and ecological processes, giving rise to a worldwide integrated living system in which any element may influence any other. Students will be expected to attend lectures and do self-directed readings. The objective is to understand how the whole emerges from the sum of its parts and to thereby learn to think like a biologist. • Lecture + Q&A.
ONLINE: Dig out your family tree and bring it up to date or plan to revamp some of your earlier work. This course will benefit the beginner to the advanced. In eight weeks of classes, you will work on one ancestor at a time, while learning how to recognize reliable documents, how to ensure that the facts are bona fide and the proofs are valid, and how to place an ancestor in their contemporary time frame. This is a Zoom course, and each class begins and ends with discussion, supported by a lecture and limited homework assignments. • Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated discussion, Active Skill Learning. Guest Speaker: • Beth Balkite, geneticist and popular OLLI instructor, will join one session.
Please note: Obtain a copy of any recent general biology textbook for reference. No required text, no tests, no memorization.
Melanie Crain is a member of several national, state, and local genealogy societies. She has had genealogy teaching experience locally. Her own families have provided her with research experience in the South, Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and New England areas. Her foreign research interests include Germany, Ireland, and France.
Dr. John Eylers has a PhD from Duke in zoology plus 50 years of teaching experience in general biology, physiology, and biotechnology, as well as research into the biomechanics of echinoderm connective tissues. After postdoctoral studies at the University of Leeds, England, he taught in a number of universities in Georgia and North Carolina. He is particularly interested in fostering biological thinking among those engaged in other fields or those who just want to know what it means to be alive.
• 8 Mon, Jan 24-Mar 14, 1:30-2:45pm • Online via Zoom; Sessions are recorded • Maximum: 50; Fee: $90; Course ID: 3337
• 10 Wed, Jan 26-Mar 30, 11:00am-12:15pm • Online via Zoom • Maximum: 290; Fee: $100; Course ID: 3343
Harry S. Truman: The World That Made Him and the World He Made IN PERSON: See listing on page 21.
Winter 2022 Registration
A la rencontre des Français: Au-delà des stéréotypes
Registration for winter term courses opens at 9:00am on Tue, Jan 11, for Mon and Tue courses, and at 9:00am on Wed, Jan 12, for Wed, Thu, and Fri courses
ONLINE: See listing on page 25. 40