News letter (jan 2014)

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FEAST OF DON BOSCO Did you know that the mother of Francis prayed for the gift of his first born (Francis) before the Holy Shroud, at that time kept in Chambery, not far from Sales? The first picture of the Shroud was taken 3 centuries later by the initiative of a young sdb in Turin...

STAFF GET TOGETHER On 18th Dec. 2013, the Salesian Community at Akure, organized a get together for all the staffs working in every section of the Community. Thses sectors includes, Parish, Shcool, Youth centre, Health Centre, Domestic Workers, Security , etc.. Joseph Kunle Ogundana The celebration began with the Holy Eucharist, and followed immediately by a talk on Salesian Spirituality - given by Fr, Edwin Akure - Nigeria Tangie. The Aspirants sang some carol, and at the end every staff went home with a fattened chicken and a tubber of yam


Roman Porthukai Ondo - Nigeria

Christmas is time of celebration, a time of holiday, probably the most celebrated holiday in the world. Schools and universities are closed, so many people are travelling to their various homes to see their parents, siblings or family members. Everyone returns home from wherever they might be, such as school or work. In the cities and towns there are a lot of beautiful colored decoration and Christmas songs, all these events put people in the mood of feastcelebration. It means that Christmas is at hand! Christ is coming ; He is near!

On 25 December, as a Salesian community we gathered around the altar with all faithful parishioners of St. John Bosco parish Ondo to celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus. This event brought us together as one family to commemorate the historic event of Bethlehem.

In the evening, Salesians and pre-novicies gathered ones again to celebrate Christmas. We started with adoration followed by rosary and evening prayer and we concluded our day with a Christmas dinner. Barbeque with nice meal, drinks, music and dance, chatting, sharing joy and happiness of the Christmas season.

SALONE CHRISTMAS “What a splendid day!� says Mohamed, a Muslim boy. Obviously, people from all walks of life across the globe celebrate Christmas today. Don Bosco Youth Centre in Lungi Sierra Leone was fully packed with children from different religious denominations. Children were given opportunity to show their talents. Steven Esuk Lungi - Sierra Leone

Presentations like drama, dancing, miming, singing, and poems were skilfully and joyfully displayed. We also reached out to children from the nearby villages, such as Tagrin and Madina. The most fascinating thing was the joyful feelings expressed heartily by the children. Everywhere in our Centre was occupied with different


Matthew AKINYEMI Ashiaman - Ghana

Matthew Akinyemi (far left), Takyi Yaw George, Fr Silvio Roggia, Acquaye Anthony and Br. Benedict Njagi (AFE), Zigato (bottom left), and Hippolyte Anani


Steven Esuk Lungi - Sierra Leone

hat a joyful day! It was indeed a beautiful experience at the beach with the young people from every nooks and crannies of Sierra Leone. It was indeed a colourful celebration.


encounter with each other and help them avoid obnoxious experiences like sexual harassment, excessive drinking, stealing, and all sorts of vices invading and permeating their minds.

Since the devil never gets tired of disrupting and robbing God’s children of experiencing His true love. The Don Bosco Youth Group here in Lungi, Sierra Leone embarked on a Youth 4 Life sensitization rally on January 1st, 2014 at Mahera Beach, Lungi, in order to provide preventive measures that could be of help to young people in their day-to-day

Interactive games were also animated by the youths and were primarily used as side attraction. If we really want to affect the lives of young people positively, we must first of all know what they like, give them that which they like, and in return, they shall repay us with their heart, love and attention – the simple tactic learnt by Lungi youths.



very year after Thanksgiving, most people’s thoughts turn to Christmas. It is the time when professing Christians are supposed to focus on Jesus Christ. After all, it is the “Christ-mass” season!

Roman Porthukai Ondo - Nigeria

Christmas is thought by most to be a wonderful time, focusing the faithful on giving, family togetherness, beautiful music and decorations, feasting on special foods and singing Christmas carols throughout the season.

On the 26 of December Salesian youth called “Motivators” went to the Orphanage care centre. Orphanage is a non-governmental organization founded and registered in 2008 by a Pastor. Presently Orphanage is taking care of about 8-10 children and they support these children in following areas: by providing nutrition, shelter, education, medical attention and psycho-social support. Some of these children were picked from their mothers; others from the street; some were referred by the police.

“Every child deserves a home, family and chance to develop their God-given potential.” it is one of the motto of Orphanage care centre. Moreover children do not need a house, they NEED a HOME! Therefore, because of that group of young people called “Motivators” went to meet those children and share with them little joy and happiness of Christmas season. To restore hope in those innocent children, to help them to discover their potential, to put a smile on their faces by being with them at this Christmas time and to show them that they are not alone.

Christmas is not only when we are happy and satisfied, Christmas is when Christ is satisfied and when people around us are happy too. Let us share the joy and happiness with others to the greater glory of God.

Roman Porthukai Ondo - Nigeria


The Salesian priest: INTERVIEW WITH FR FRANCESCO CEREDA Here is an interview with Fr Francis Cereda, Councillor General for Formation, on the identity and distinctive character of the Salesian priest. What is the identity of the Salesian priest? Before I answer that, it is important to recognize that in the congregation we all have a common vocation, which is Salesian consecrated life. We have been chosen, called and consecrated to give the first place to God in our lives; to follow the Lord Jesus, obedient, poor and chaste; to be available to the Spirit; to devote our lives to young people and to live in fraternity in the community. This is what makes us witnesses of evangelical radicalism: seekers of God and disciples of Christ in the Spirit, educators and pastors of young people inspired by pastoral charity, members of the Church, open to dialogue with history and reality. The Salesian priest combines in himself the gifts of Salesian consecration and those of the pastoral ministry. This determines what is original in his way of being a priest and in the exercise of his ministry. As a sacramental sign of Christ the Good Shepherd by whom his pastoral charity is inspired, he tries to save young people, working with his community to animate an educative pastoral community and a living presence in the area.

In particular, what form does the ministry of the Salesian priest take? His specific contribution lies in his threefold ministry. Through the ministry of the Word, he brings the word of Christ to various situations and to various forms of preaching and catechesis.

He offers help and advice and casts light on the experience of young people, and gives guidance in projects and works on their behalf. His service of sanctification is carried out in different ways, but the most significant and fruitful way is the service of initiation into life in Christ through liturgical prayer and the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation. His activity of animation and guidance tends to foster unity and involvement of the various components of the community: the Salesians, the educational and pastoral community, youth groups, and the lay members of the Salesian Family.

What is the identity of the Salesian priest, as lived today in the Congregation? Certainly there is a need to reflect better from a theological and charismatic point of view on what constitutes the identity of a religious priest, especially for us in the Salesian Congregation where we have two ways of living the consecrated vocation. This identity is not always clear, and especially today, people are not always clear about the forms and characteristics of the exercise of priestly ministry in the Congregation, which is committed to keeping alive the dual polarity of education and evangelization. At the same time, the Congregation is also called to find ways to implement the reciprocity and complementarity of the contribution of the two forms of our vocation, priestly and lay.

What are the privileged places for formation in the identity of the Salesian priest? First of all there is the community for the specific formation of Salesian priests. During the four years of formation, years of preparation for priestly ordination and the study of theology, Salesian candidates for priesthood must be helped to live a vital unity of Salesian consecrated life and priestly ministry. Then they must be helped to understand and experience the specific character of Salesian priestly ministry. The community of specific formation should be like a workshop in which students reflect on the experiences and identity of the Salesian priest following the example of Don Bosco. Following on from this stage, greater care needs to be given to the quinquennium in which the Salesian priest learns to enter into the priesthood, exercising the priestly ministry, encountering and overcoming difficulties, acquiring attitudes and skills necessary in situations in which he will find himself.

What are the priorities in the specific formation of the Salesian priest? As the basis of his pastoral ministry, the Salesian candidate for priesthood must cultivate a spirituality that is biblical, Eucharistic and Marian. This means having a spiritual life which is nurtured by daily meditation on Sacred Scripture, which places at its centre the relationship and the encounter with the Lord Jesus in personal prayer, liturgical prayer and the Eucharist, and which trusts in Mary Immaculate, the Help of Christians. Without a solid, personal and convinced spiritual life, the ministry will not be fruitful. At the same time, of the three forms of ministry the one that seems to be most lacking is preparation for leadership, or the ability to animate others, work as part of a team, plan, accompany and give guidance. This is a leadership not of masters but of servants. It is a service that focuses on the essentials, which has its authority in the authenticity of the testimony and which is expressed with deep humanity

Joseph Kunle Ogundana Akure - Nigeria

SALESIAN FAMILY MEETING - AKURE The meeting of the delegates of the Salesian Family members of Nigeria Delegation was held on 10th, and 11th of January 2014. there were three delegates and at least a Salesian from each community... Providentially the meeting was held just after Fr Italo arrived after a long break for health reasons. Those present at the occasion included Fr Karikunnel - the Nigeria Delegate, Fr Vincenzo the Salesian Family co-ordinator, and many others.

YOUNGEST CATECHISTS After their Confirmation on 24th July 2011, Igwe Raymond 16 years old, and his siter Igwe Rosemary, 13 years old decided to help the younger ones in catechism. In view of this they joined the formation programme for catechists in Ondo Diocese.

Joseph Kunle Ogundana They were of course too young to attend lecture with the other grown Akure - Nigeria up students, but with constant encouragement and support from people like Bro Njoku Augustine sdb, Fr Adesulu - the formation co-ordinator, and Fr. Italo sdb, their Parish priest, they succeded. They attended this course every Sunday from July 2011 till June 2013, when they were installed as catechists of Ondo Diocese. Now they are involved in the preparation of candidates for baptism and first Holy Communion. Raymond is calling on young people not to be afraid of spending their time in preparing themselves to work for God. Rosemay as well advised young people to be actively involved in at least one of the groups in the Church, as this will help them in getting closer to God.

LIVING THE FAITH Oti-Bernard Ikechukwu Ondo - Nigeria


en years ago, a journey that will change the life of so many young people began in the East of Nigeria. Rev. Fr Uzoeto Charles SDB, a young, vibrant and enthusiastic priest, filled with fresh priestly anointing, deemed it necessary that the young people should be fully involved in their own development. They shouldn’t just be Oratorians but animators. They will work alongside the professed and ordained Salesians and some day will take leading roles in the youth animation of the

Centre. A journey like that of our role model St. John Bosco, started in the mid year of 2003. A holiday camp will be the foundation, pillar and compass to search and groom the thirsty heart of the young. A camp that will forever live in our hearts, and can never be forgotten in the history of this community. A camp that differs from holiday lessons being organised by different organisations and parishes. I still remember vividly how Fr. Charles,

chose four campers from each group to be leaders of their group. These group leaders will become the first animators in later years. Ten years ago, we were called to work not as religious but alongside the religious; ‘vocation’ is the proper word to use. A vocation St. John Bosco told Bartholomew Garelli of. A call from Jesus Himself in Matt. 28:19. Today we gathered again (past pupil of the oratory from 2003-2007) with the same heart and vigour, to share our experiences and contribute our opinions and ideas on how to move the Youth Centre forward. A three days convention that will spring up a new era in the AFW, in calling back home her past pupils. The Salesian community cannot be complete without the past pupils, for they are the bridge between the past and the future. In the course of this convention, we discussed

how to participate and contribute in the youth ministry and oratory fully by; • Encouraging ourselves individually • Helping other members as an individual or a group in applying the Salesian paedagogy in ones daily life. Creation of a just society by getting involved in cultural, social, moral, spiritual and religious movements, using it as a solution for the problems of the youth. The convention was a huge success; four priests were in attendance where they flagged off the convention with theHoly Mass. It wasn’t just a discussion class; we also had games that made us feel and share the family spirit again. Next convention is slated for 15th-17th August 2014.

"DODOMIREDO" BACK TO AKURE! Joseph Kunle Ogundana Akure - Nigeria

Fr. Italo Spagnolo, our dear “dodomiredo” arrived back to Nigeria on the 9th of January. He was received with a resounding welcome by the community of Akure: Salesians, Oratorians and parishioners alike. “the joy was great! The reception exceeded all expectations. The youth of the Oratorio arrived at the gate ... in bulk! It’s awesome to see the “turba” of young people who populate our oratory. Young people whose clothes (and shoes!?) reflect their varied social situations, but whose smile and festive air reveal all their exuberance and joy of living. How big is the good that you can do them with the heart of Don Bosco! Help them find their future here in their land!” The Bishop passed by to greet him and all the parishioners in their various ways during Mass the following Sunday. “’The Italian’ is suddenly vanished, though I can’t forget and thank infinitely Salesians, doctors, friends and young people, with whom I was in contact during these months. For now, I salute you with so much joy in our hearts and lives. The Lord bless you. I forgot to tell you that I’m not in good health ... I’m very well!”

CHUCKS @ 40 On the 20th of January Simon Srugi Community experienced the great joy of celebrating 40 years of life with Fr Chuks, our Rector and Novice Master! The highlights of the day have been:

Fr Silvio Roggia Sunyani - Ghana


the traditional ëwowologyí before breakfast in Srugi inners yard, carrying the ënew babyí to receive the blessing of Our Mother;


The Eucharistic Celebration in thanksgiving presided by Fr Chuks;


the treasury hunt in the afternoon that ended up Öat the bottom of our deepest well in the compound;


the joint evening celebration by the two communities: one of the pigs of Zatti farm ëvolunteeredí to cheer everybody up with a locally prepared ëasadoí by Bro Tacky and Anselm, almost better than the one prepared by Fr. Jorge (with all due respect!).

You missed it?...Start to book your visit for the Golden Jubilee of Fr Chuks! In that occasion we will roast an entire ELEPHANT!

GBAKI Solomon

OKUSU Fredrick

02 January

03 January



09 January

18 January

EKUGBAH Chikezie


19 January

20 January

DIKE Kenneth


24 January

28 January



01 February

02 February

LIBBY Daniel


08 February

10 February


OBI Emmanuel

11 February

11 February

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