We thank all who have responded to the call for mterials from the communities in order to foster Unity by information and awareness in the Province. In a special way, I would like to thank the Practical Trainees who have accepted to spearhead this noble responsibility. I would like to encourage us all in this task. For the articles or pictures sent however, please keep in mind the following guidelines: t Brief, summary form of articles unless it is a write up. In that case it may appear in other platforms (sdbafw.org website, Salesian Bulletin). The rule is actually more pictures, less text. t Each article should have the author’s full names, status (novice, PT, etc), date of writing, community. A picture should also be included for first-timers. t It is encouraged to add some select images to support the text and these should be properly labelled to reflect those in the picture.
Church of the Holy spirit - Lagos Nigeria, prepares for her havest Joseph Kunle OGUNDANA Akure Nigeria
As the church of the Holy spirit - our parish in Lagos Nigeria- prepares for her havest on 17th of Nov 2013, all effort has been put in place to ensure that the church building will be ready for the occassion.
Practical Trainee barking on a three day retreat in preparation for the havest...
All roads lead to Omole parish
Bulleton ... check Program ... check Leaflets ... check AOB ................ let me see
Digital horticultural monitoring. A must for any serious Salesian community
Fr. Emma chatting with the parish Preist on facebook
Pews all meticulously arranged
Aah! O boy, this our parish go too fine oo!
Is it ok like this madam?
Fr. Dominique HOUNSOUNOU Abuja Nigeria
Asst. Parish Priest
IT’S AMAZING ! ! ! It is the first in the history of Nigeria that a Cardinal celebrates the Holy Mass in the market of all places. His Eminence John Cardinal Onaiyekan visited and celebrated the Holy Mass at Gudu Market, Abuja, Nigeria, it is first of its kind. Lately, the Cardinal had instructed his priests to bring our Lord Jesus Christ closer to the people of Abuja. He urged that the Holy Mass be said in the estates, markets and schools amongst other places.
Based on this instruction, Gudu market Mass center was established by the Salesians of Don Bosco. Gudu market is one out of the two markets the Parish of the Salesians of Don Bosco celebrate the Holy Mass. The Mass at Gudu market usually holds every Thursday by 10am at the market car park As a very humble Cardinal, His Eminence John Cardinal Onaiyekan was invited to come and visit the traders at the Gudu market, Abuja, Nigeria, which he accepted wholeheartedly not minding his tight schedules.
He has heard so many good reports about the market and the commitment of the Salesians of Don Bosco in bringing the traders closer to God, and he decided to come and see for himself; surely he was impressed by what he saw. The traders really prepared for this visit; it is the first in the history of Nigeria that a Cardinal celebrates the Holy Mass in the market of all places. The traders however, did their best in showing the Cardinal and visitors how happy they were. They painted the whole market red; the decoration was quite impressive.
They employed the best of security – a joint effort of security operatives (that of the church, the market and the state securities). However, the Holy Mass did not start as scheduled (10am Nigerian time), it was delayed until 1pm as the Cardinal was having meeting with all the bishops of Nigeria at that time. Nonetheless, the people both Catholics, nonCatholics and Muslims waited with joyful melodies, dancing and singing. The atmosphere was indeed very colorful.
It was without a doubt a great landmark for the Church of Archangels, Gaduwa/Durumi, Abuja, Nigeria.
Later, the Holy Mass started with confession at about midday, and many people from within and outside of the market turned out for the sacrament of penance. The cardinal’s visit granted them the opportunity to be reconciled back to God and received the Holy Communion happily.
The cardinal in his homily said that “he has come to pray not just for Catholics but for everybody in the market”. Adding further, he said it is very important to bring Jesus Christ to wherever we live and work, in the markets, offices, schools and other places. Jesus is not only in the church but everywhere. He promised to visit the market again. In conclusion, I must commend all Salesians of Don Bosco (Fr. Richard, Fr. Vicenzo Fr. Charles, Fr. Peace and myself) for this laudable achievement – a cardinal celebrating the Holy Mass in the market place; it has never happened in Nigeria but the SDB made it possible.
Since the arrival of the Salesians, the parish has witnessed tremendous improvement in the area of faith building through the programme “Know your Faith”. Salesians have organized symposiums for parishioners and there is also this unwavering desire of the Salesian Community in seeing that various sacraments are received by parishioners and many other spiritual exercises embarked upon as well as the youth involvement in the parish.
ProPoSed SITe for THe buILdING of THe ProvINCIAL HouSe IN LAGoS, NIGerIA Joseph Kunle OGUNDANA Akure Nigeria
Practical Trainee
The GPS direction and location location of the proposed site for the building of Nigeria Provincial house at Iju, Lagos
These pictures were taken at the proposed site for the building of Nigeria Delegation or Provincial house in Lagos.. it is located at Iju Ishaga Lagos. The plan for the building is almost ready and construction will start as soon as the necessary documents are settled.
Sophisticated heavy machinery at work!
Southeast view of the proposed land
Like Don Bosco the dreamer, Fr. Michael maps out the site
I can’t wait to see kids running all round the compound
After a long day.. That was not easy!
Ok... Where should the front be
Ondo Nigeria
Practical Trainee
We wish the aspirants God’s continous guidance and protection as they journey towards a clearer understanding of God’s will in their Salesian vocation. Speedy recovery to our Pre-novices at Ondo.
IMMACuLATe CoNCePTIoN feAST AT oNdo forMATIoN HouSe Roman PORTHUKAI Ondo Nigeria
Pratical Trainee Truely Mary is the Immaculately conceived mother who takes very good care of Her children
“ I don HAMMER”
Fr. Anthony Oche celebrating the Eucharist for the Holy Prenovices
9th of December 2013 celebrated great salesian feast immaculate conception of the blessed virgin Mary. We started celebration with community rosary followed by mass, solemn dinner. We closed our celebration with beautiful Salesian songs.
Charles OKAFOR
Fr Chuks was installed in the presence of Fr Silvio Roggia (Vice-Provincial), Fr Boris Togbe (AFO province), Bro Giovanni Patrucco, newly professed Salesians and the Novices.
Sunyani Ghana
We HAve A NeW fATHer It was really a joyous moment in Simon Srugi Salesian Novitiate Community in Odumase - Sunyani as we experienced in three successive days (7-9 September) acts of transition. First was the entrustment of the We intently look forward to having a dynamic sixteen new novices followed by the profession of nine new Salesians and finally the installation of Rev. Fr. Chuks Akubueze as the new Rector of Simon Srugi Salesian Community on the 9th September 2013.
and unique novitiate experience and also to relish the fatherly and spiritual guidance of our new Rector. It is undoubtedly a privilege for us as we are his “first sons� under his rectorship, because going by a familial saying the first child most often receives an exceptional care and attention of the father.
Franklin EZEMA
doubLe CeLebrATIoN ANd THe NuMber ‘3’
October first was not just another day like any other day in the Simon Srugi Sunyani Ghana. Salesian novitiate and this was owed to the fact Novice that the day marked two important events. First was the 83rd birthday anniversary of Fr Harry O’Brien and for the eleven novices and one student confrere, it was the 53rd independence anniversary of Nigeria. It was all joy in the air flowing from the birthday jubilation and celebration songs in honor of the celebrant which was climaxed with a marching parade and recitation of the Nigerian national anthem in the front yard of the compound by every member of the community. Everything thereafter was normal until evening when there was a get together where friends within the compound, Salesians from the other community and the recently relocated boys from the Boys’ Home were in attendance. In his remark, the birthday celebrant stated “I have never had such fun on my birthday like this before! Thank you very much.” The occasion left us with smiling faces at the end for although we were exhausted, we were very happy to be part of the double celebration on this day 1st October 2013.
Fritz Frederick NII EKUE Sunyani Ghana
vISIT of THe NeWLy ordAINed SALeSIAN PrIeSTS ANd A SeNIor CoNfrere Many Salesians believe that the novitiate is the engine room or power house of their religious life. So it was for these newly ordained Salesian Priests, namely; Frs. Peace Ike, Emmanuel Ajah, and Edwin Tangie who saw it very fit to visit the Simon Srugi Salesian Novitiate Community. They came along with their senior confrere Fr. Mathew Adetiloye, the Parish Priest and Youth Director of Ondo community. They arrived here in the novitiate at dawn of Tuesday, October 08, 2013, after the Provincial Youth Ministry Commission Meeting for all Youth Directors of the Province.
The novices and the entire confreres warmly welcomed them into their midst and appreciated their gesture of Salesian family spirit, even though they had a limited time. The shared their novitiate experiences with the novices and also encouraged them to persevere in their vocational discernment. The three newly ordained priests took advantage to tour round the environment of the novitiate since it was their first time in this Simon Srugi Salesian Novitiate Community and St. John Bosco Community. The entire members of the novitiate community wish you fruitful ministries in the Province.
13) / 2 1 0 Y (2 R O T RA O s usam s i m M A a ian C hris
Miss orATory (2013/14) Juliet NWOGO
Mr. ORATORY (2013/14) Matthew FASANYA
doN boSCo INSTITuTe of PHILoSoPHy; INAuGurAL CereMoNy 2013-2014 ACAdeMIC yeAr.
It was a new dawn in the search for knowledge. Indeed it was a deep dive. It was the annual inaugural ceremony of Don Bosco Institute of Philosophy which was always the hallmark that elevated the status of the Institute. Perhaps this year’s was one with much difference. It is good to know the diverse composition of this institute. Don Bosco Institute of Philosophy consists of Salesians, lay people and religious from different congregations with a good number of lecturers, thereby creating an ambience of balance for such an academic arena.
The occasion started with the most important event, the Holy Mass, at least religiously speaking. It was the Mass of the Holy Spirit which was presided by Fr Jorge Crisafulli, the Provincial of the AFW Province. The whole Liturgy was rich and echoed through the walls. In his homily, the humble servant of God invited all to seek the Truth which is Christ, and above all to be cheerful. One can summarize the salient points of his challenge for the new academic year in these 3 words: Higher, Faster, Stronger! The program that followed after the Mass was filled with meaning and instruction. It was a friendly school of interaction which combed the forest and opened the horizon for the new academic year. The candle which was a great symbol of Christ was lit and afterwards the school emblem was explained. The emblem has a new inscription, “Don Bosco Institute of Philosophy”. It also has a candle and a talking drum which represented the rich African Tradition which the institute will strive to promote.
much to the spreading of the Good News among the young people. Among them were the Provincial, Fr Jorge Crisafulli, the delegate of Nigeria delegation, Fr Michael Karikunnel, the provincial economer, Br Gunter Mayer, Fr Richard CSSP, Dr Modestus Onyaghalaji among others. In his annual report, the new dean of studies, Fr Franklin Kuzhandai made some important recapitulations about the past academic year and exposed some new grounds for the way forward. He also introduced the new lecturers and announced the new administrative board of the institute. He also welcomed the new students who numbered thirty-five of which ten are lay students. Is this not a truly interesting development? Another memorable part of the ceremony was the inaugural lecture. Everyone longed for it because it was given by a scholar of honourable repute whose arguments were always refined. Dr Modestus Onyeaghalaji explored the paper titled, “Post-Modernism and the Challenges of Christian Faith”. Stressing the importance of this paper, he pointed to the struggle between faith and secularisation which is quite obvious. He explored the tenets of Christian Faith and Post-Modernism and the challenges posed to Christian Faith. He then proffered a solution: that the use of Post-Modernism to nurture Faith should be approached with a critical mind because of some contemporary cultures that are not compatible with Christian belief.
Towards the end of the program, the provincial highlighted some points of Pope Francis’ message to different statutory bodies by pointing to the transient nature of earthly things. While thanking everyone, Fr Emmanuel Obi prayed for Of course the occasion was graced by thepresence a safe ride into this year’s academic journey in an atmosphere that was saturated with glimpses of of some humble people who have contributed hope and expectation.
Fr. Mario is
Fr. Andreas PANNA, Fr. Mario PELLEGRINI, and Fr. Edwin TANGIE
Charles OKAFOR
In a familial sense, single parenting leaves some loopholes in the lives of children because one Sunyani Ghana thing or the other to be impacted by the other Novice becomes missing. It is in this light that we have greeted the coming of the Salesian Sisters. Therefore it is really a welcomed development to have the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Sunyani Diocese. They are Srs. Tiziana and Jackie. This is really working towards a perfect complemantarity. The SDB’s have been working in Sunyani, however, with more concentration on the boys than the girls and now the Salesian sisters are here to complement this aspect of Salesian presence. By a way of fostering the spirit of the Salesian family, the Novitiate community shared a “welcoming” and “Salesian” evening with the Sisters on the 7th of November 2013. This was a medium of making them ‘feel at home’ in Sunyani. A video clip on the presence and mission of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians’ in the world was projected. This was followed by Rosary prayer and “Buona notte” by Sr. Tiziana fma, making the evening a typical Salesian evening amidst the merriments and interaction. She said, “…Am thinking of how happy St. John Bosco and St. Mary Mazzarello would be seeing us their sons and daughters pray and work together.” It is time for Salesian family and collaborative mission to the young.