Chalk Line Magazine 2023 Issue #1

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we are

Chalk Line

Table of Contents

2023 Will Be A Great Year!

As you can see from the pages of this magazine 2022 was a great year! Moving into 2023 we have kicked the year off with a bang! For those of you that didn’t make it, Brandi Kruse, host of the undivided Podcast, was the guest speaker at our General Membership meeting in January and she was fantastic! She focused on issues affecting housing and our communities. Her insight was spot on and relevant.

On that note, we have several upcoming events that you shouldn’t miss in 2023, everything from Food for Thought, PWB’s educational breakfast to our monthly Contractors Roundtable! We have a little something for all members! The best way to find out what is happening is to read Chalk Talk-OMB’s Bi-weekly electronic newsletter or visit

I am excited to be working with our 2023 President Becky Rieger. Becky is committed to the Association and its health and growth. She is also committed to growing the membership, so we have an even stronger voice before our local government. Check out Becky’s column on page 4. If you know or work with someone that would benefit from membership please reach out to Jenn, OMB’s Membership and Sales Director, at!

For those of you that don’t know, your membership is a three-in-one membership. By joining OMB you’re joining BIAW and the National Association of Home Builders. This gives us the ability to advocate for affordable housing for all economic segments of society at all levels of government.

Currently we are engaged in the 2023 legislative session and there are several pieces of legislation that our state Association, the Building Industry of Washington (BIAW), is closely watching. For a list of those items visit or contact Jessie Simmons, OMB’s Government Affairs Director! You can also read the latest on page 13. Testifying or signing in on issues is a great way to be heard by your legislators!

I can’t wait to work with you in 2023!

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2023 EDITION - ISSUE #1 HOT OFF THE PRESS! The 2023 Hire A Pro Guide! Visit for our online membershipsearchabledirectory. Page 4 MESSAGE FROM
OUR 2023


The fact that I am writing to you today as your president has me beyond words. Thank you all for having the hope, courage, and belief in me to represent you. I promise I will always do my best to be the voice and support you need!


Over the last year, as your incoming president, I have had an opportunity to reflect on changes that have been made over the years and have also had time to think about, and evaluate, what our organization needs.

As always, we need to reach out and increase our membership. Now I can’t wait for the day when I can say the “C-word” has not impacted us (C-word being COVID). However, the pandemic has taught us all quite a bit.

We have learned to be flexible and find ways to make things work. I bet most of us are not running our businesses the way we used to!

The same goes with our association. During COVID, we all had a staple in BIAW and OUR STAFF, who not only kept things running, but got us all back to work. So why not be a member?! Our Government Affairs committee and staff are constantly busy working on our behalf!

The bottom line is that we all had to make hard decisions during our past few years, but we are still members for a reason, so now is the time to reach out and ask others “why not be a member?!”

Students intending to pursue studies leading to a career in the building industry such as: engineering, architecture, drafting, industrial design, carpentry, construction management, etc. are encouraged to apply. Applicants must reside within Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Pacific or Grays Harbor counties and be a US citizen.

visit to download your application today!

My second goal is to see us all come back together as a team! Our staff is important to us, and they are out there running the day-to-day tasks and working to support our membership. So, let’s kick open our doors! When you are out in the field, swing by the OMB office and say “hey!” to our staff!

We are all here for the same reason – to keep housing affordable. We have an uphill battle, so it’s time to band together and “red rover, red rover, send affordable housing right over!!”

My third goal of the year is to remember our structure and our purpose. One thing I’ve realized is that all organizations are evolving, and ours is as well, especially since COVID. We all have priorities outside of the organization, and so my plan is to make our meetings more member-involved and more business oriented. We all want a meeting we can get something out of, so let’s make that happen! Building codes – let’s talk! Changes happening – let’s talk!

Need help with your business – LETS TALK!! We are a well-structured organization, so let’s make our meetings productive, both for ourselves, and for OMB.

In closing, again, thank you all! Please know that I am an open-door, or phone, girl. I am here to serve you and take OMB to the next level!

4 • Chalk Line

Chalk Line

Official Publication of the Olympia Master Builders 1211 State Avenue NE, Olympia WA 98506

Phone: (360) 754-0912 •

The Olympia Master Builders is a professional trade association representing 480 member companies located in Thurston, Lewis, Grays Harbor, Mason and Pacific Counties. Our members come from all sectors of the building trades and are committed to “building strong communities, one home at a time.”


President – Becky Rieger

First Vice-President – Chris Winters

Second Vice-President – Jeff Kuster

Associate Vice-President – Rusty Ruiz

Second Associate Vice-President – Forrest Wilson Treasurer – Kim Asay Secretary – Daniel Berner

Immediate Past President – John McKinlay


Builder Director - Mark Brown

Builder Director - Gina Carlson

Builder Director - Kirk Haffner

Builder Director - Daniel Doyle

Builder Director - Kellen Mangan

Builder Director - Kai Fyrst

Associate Director - Christina Janis

Associate Director - John Canfield

Associate Director - Nichole Saeger

Associate Director - Kelly Jensen


Builder Director - Daniel Doyle

Builder Director - Karen McClennen

Associate Director – Linda Mosier-Vaudt


State Director - Builder - Becky Rieger

State Director - Builder - Harv Lillegard

State Director - Builder - Andrew Spear

State Director - Builder - John Johnson

State Director - Builder - Steve Waltemate

State Director - Builder - Karen McClennen

State Director - Builder - Kai Fyrst

State Director - Builder - Rob Cook

State Director - Builder - Mark Sheppard

State Director - Associate - Daniel Doyle

State Director - Associate - Janine Ezzell

State Director - Associate - Debbi Boyd

State Director - Associate - Chad Pearson

State Director - Associate - Bob Kagy


Karen McClennen


President – Harv Lillegard, Lillegard Construction

Vice President – Rusty Ruiz, Hung Right Doors

Assoc. Vice President – Ryann Blake, Chimney Techniques, Inc.


President – John Johnson, Johnson Custom Homes

Vice President – Becky Rieger, Environmental Design, LLC

Builder Director – Toby Krause, Double Duty Land Management


President – Andrew Spear, Andrew Spear Construction, LLC

Ass. Vice Pres. – Julie Nichols, Whitehouse & Nichols Attorneys at Law

Assoc. Vice President – Mike Gill, Builders FirstSource


President – Steve Waltemate, SAW Construction Co., Inc.


Teena Williams, Goldstein Law Office, PLLC


Executive Officer – Angela White

Events Director – Brianna Bedell

Communications Director – Jill Williams

Membership Director – Jenn Wasson

Government Affairs Director – Jessie Simmons

Office Administrator – Rodolfo Bonilla Franco

The Remodeling Excellence (REX) Awards are presented by Olympia Master Builders. This annual event is a celebration of craftsmanship and superior remodeling expertise.

Application deadline is March 1, 2023 at 5:00PM

2023 Dues Deductibility:

Per the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, any portion of association dues attributable to that association's (and its affiliated associations') lobbying activities are not deductible as a necessary and ordinary cost of doing business. Dues payments to Olympia Master Builders are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, dues payments may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expense, subject to exclusion for lobbying activity. Because a portion of your dues is used for lobbying by NAHB, BIAW and OMB, 16% of the total dues ($545), or $89.49, is not deductible for income tax purposes.

Chalk Line • 5 OMB At A Glance

2022 OMB Membership Awards

Norm Paulsen HALL OF FAME Award

Stuart Drebick – Adroit Contractors, Inc.


Daniel Doyle – Doyle Construction, LLC

Statesman of the Year

Virgil Clarkson – City of Lacey

President’s Award

Daniel Berner – Berner Law Office, PLLC

Outstanding Lewis County Award

Becky Rieger – Environmental Design, LLC

Outstanding GRAYS HARBOR County Award

Rusty Ruiz – Hung Right Doors, LLC

Recruiters of the Year

Becky Rieger – Environmental Design, LLC & John Johnson – Johnson Custom Homes, LLC

Associate of the Year

Barbara Whitlow – Olympia Federal Savings

REMODELER of the Year

Kai Fyrst – First Finishers, LLC

Builder of the Year

John Erwin – John Erwin Remodeling, Inc



Angela White - Executive Officer

In 2008, OMB snagged Angela from her work in community transportation. Since then, she has held several positions at OMB, including Membership and Government Affairs. Most recently, she was promoted to Executive Officer.

When she’s not overseeing all things OMB, Angela loves spending time with family (including her dogs and cats), being outdoors, and taking fun local excursions. With a kid in sports, she is spending a lot of time cheering these days as well! A Washington State native, Angela grew up on a wheat farm in eastern WA.

Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Bylaws Committee, Nominations Committee, Building Officials Meeting, Beer With a Builder, Pacific Chapter and staff oversight

Brianna Bedell - Events Director

As a farmer’s daughter from Odessa, Washington – a small town best known for its German Festival, “Deutschesfest” – Brianna’s first work experience started alongside her twin sister and her dad on the wheat fields. After college, she started her career in the hospitality industry at Red Lion Hotels, which quickly transpired into the event world, where she has worked for over 20 years, including nine years as OMB’s Event Director. Brianna’s favorite things to do are going to the beach and spending time with her husband and 6-year-old daughter.

Auction, Home Shows, Tour of Homes, Golf Committee, General Membership Meetings, Chefs on Tour, Homebuilders Expo, and Christmas Party

Jill Williams - Communications Director

Originally from Washington State, Jill spent almost a decade on the East Coast before returning “home” to Olympia a few summers ago. As a graduate of Eastern Washington University, Jill comes to OMB with over 25 years of marketing, design and communications experience. Her passion for design, social media, and chatting up strangers in line at the local coffee shop, make her the perfect fit as OMB’s Communications Director. As a mom of four adult children, some of Jill's favorite things are Bikes, Coffee, Reggae, Peaky Blinders, IPAs and Rowing Crew!

Communications/Advertising, Website, Chalk Line Magazine, Social Media, Chalk Talk Email Updates, Buyer’s Guide, News Releases, Promotional Materials and Grays Harbor County Chapter

Jenn Wasson - Membership Director

Jenn is native to Olympia since moving here in 1976. She attended WWU, followed by St. Martin’s University graduating with a degree in Elementary Education. She began her career as a teacher and spent 19 years at Evergreen Forest Elementary in grades 2, 3 and 6.

After years in the field of education she was ready for some new challenges, so when the opportunity to join the team at OMB arose she jumped at it. In her free time, Jenn enjoys running, golfing, going to the movies and spending time with her husband and three dogs!

Membership Recruitment and Retention Program, Member Benefits, Membership Committee, Sponsorship Sales, Advertising Sales, Home Show Booth Sales, ROII, Associates Council and Lewis County Chapter

JESSIE SIMMONS - GovT Affairs DIrector

OMB welcomed Jessie to the team in July of 2022. He came immediately from the world of local politics, having managed campaigns at various levels over the last 8 years and even running for office himself in 2021. Jessie is also a combat veteran, having served nearly 8 years in the United States Army and spending stints in Washington, Hawaii, South Korea, Kuwait, and Iraq. Jessie comes to us originally from Fort Worth, Texas, where he spent time as a Glazier and put windows in skyscrapers among several other roles. When Jessie isn’t voicing his concerns to local governments about the obstacles they create for our builders, he is spending time with his family. He has three kids ranging in age from 12 to 18 years, and a wife that works for the State of Washington.

Government Affairs Committee, The Affordable Housing Council (TAHC), Housing Summit, Education Committee and Mason County Chapter

Rodolfo Bonilla - Office Administrator

Originally from Mexico city, Rodolfo started his professional career in mortgage administration. After leaving the industry and spending a couple of years in hospitality management in the greater Cancun area, Rodolfo moved to the United States in 2019.

Rodolfo spent his first couple of years living in Los Angeles. He made his way up to the PNW, joining the OMB team as their office admin in 2022. And, while he misses the sunny California weather, he definitely doesn’t miss the traffic. When he is not working or in the office, Rodolfo can be found spending time with his dog, at his local Applebee’s or napping.

Phones, data entry, statements and mail.


Browse our ever-growing list of benefits and we are sure you will agree; you can’t afford not to get involved. Here are just some of the benefits offered to members.

Industry Networking


Membership gives you the opportunity to participate in and network at the many events taking place monthly and yearly. OMB covers 5 counties: Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Grays Harbor and Pacific. When you join you automatically become a member of your local chapter at no additional cost. OMB’s chapters meet monthly. You are strongly encouraged to attend meetings whenever you can, for both networking and educational benefits.

Advertising Opportunities


When you become a member with Olympia Master Builders your company is automatically put in to the Hire A Pro Guide.

We print just over 10,000 copies per year and they are handed out at our Big Home & Garden Show and also displayed at some of our member locations that have foot traffic. Not only that but they are direct mailed and sent out in the Olympian (our local newspaper).


You also are automatically added to our website that gets over 1,000 hits per month with folks looking for construction related services.

Health Insurance Program

Purchasing power, excellent benefits and rate stability are the cornerstones of the success of the BIAW Health Insurance Program.

Education Program

Class offerings include: Practical workshops designed to raise the level of business performance, courses providing information on the latest trends and technology in home building, and instruction by the industry’s leading experts on regulatory changes and compliance.

Government Affairs

BIAW’s Government Affairs Program exists to defend affordable housing for the citizens of Washington state. BIAW’s team of lobbyists work on members’ behalf to pass pro-housing legislation and defeat bills harmful to the housing industry.

Legal Program

BIAW’s Legal Program is the most proactive and successful of any trade association in the state. BIAW’s in-house and contract attorneys, along with Legal Committee members, directly represent members in crucial precedent-setting cases of statewide significance.

ROII - Return on Industrial Insurance

ROII is the largest retrospective ratings program in the state. It provides companies with several important advantages: A refund to member companies if the group’s premiums exceed their losses, and expert, in-house claims staff who act as your advocates.

For questions about any of the above membership benefits or on how to best spread the word about membership with OMB, please contact Jenn Wasson at

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One of the best ways to fully utilize and get the most out of your OMB membership is attendance and involvement in our many Councils and Committees. Wherever your interests lie, there is something offered for everyone.


MISSION: Provides oversight of each event. Event Committees may include OMB Big Home & Garden Show, Auction, Golf Tournament, Homebuilder's Expo, Tour of Homes and Chefs on Tour, and Christmas Party.


MISSION: Plan and promote activities and policies for growth of the Association’s membership. Develop goals for enrollment, member renewal and membership value, develop and implement programs to achieve those objectives.


MISSION: In an effort to retain our current members the committee will be focusing on educating members on why they should continue their membership with OMB.


MISSION: Implements a scholarship program for graduating high school students and other qualified students throughout the Association’s territory.


Meetings are held each quarter.

Provides an opportunity for members to meet with County and Local Building Officials to discuss building planning (ongoing and upcoming), possible fee increases and code changes. A great avenue for members to bring up their concerns and issues face to face with their county and local officials.


MISSION: Determine the educational needs of members and develops and/or offers programs to meet those needs.


Our goal is for the roundtable to act as a conduit of information in this industry. Our objective is to bring in industry experts to discuss the latest information on supply chain issues, contracts, sales techniques as well as a variety of other information to help you grow your business.


$85 yearly fee. Meetings are held monthly.

MISSION: The Professional Women in Building Council (PWB) are the voice of women in the building industry— dedicated to promoting industry professionalism and supporting members in Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Grays Harbor and Pacific counties. PWB are active in promoting industry networking, educational series targeted to women, and community charity events.


$125 or $85 if you’ve already paid your $40 voluntary contribution. Meetings are called as needed.

MISSION: TAHC is the political action committee for the Olympia Master Builders. It provides endorsements and financial support to political candidates who understand and support the mission of OMB - to provide affordable housing for all economic segments of society.

APRIL 22-23, 2023 NEW Vendor Registration Now Open! VISIT OMB.ORG

Government Affairs

2023 looks to be the year that the legislature gets serious about the housing crisis.

2023 looks to be the year that the legislature gets serious about the housing crisis. The state legislative session began in early January and hearings kicked off with a wave of new proposals around housing. Legislation was introduced that could potentially address everything from allowing more housing through less restrictive zoning in urban areas, to streamlining the permitting process, to potentially eliminating minimum parking requirements on multi-family housing projects in jurisdictions governed by the Growth Management Act. In all, there have been many ideas introduced that could truly make some headway.

The Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) is your statewide organization and the main entity tasked with keeping a close eye on the legislature for bills that impact the building industry in both positive and negative ways. Your Government Affairs Committee here at Olympia Master Builders (OMB) is working to provide any support that BIAW may request. Currently, you may speak directly with your legislators by following the instructions on the “participating in the process” page on the WA Leg website. We urge all members to periodically check in with OMB, BIAW, or on the WA Leg website to stay aware of happenings that may impact your business.

Some of the more important legislation we are watching includes:

SHB 1026 – Concerning local government design review.

(BIAW Support)

Requires any design review of housing development permit applications to be conducted administratively by local government employees, unless the structure or district is listed on a local, state, or federal historic register.

HB 1110 (SB 5190) – Concerning increasing middle housing in areas traditionally dedicated to single-family detached housing. (BIAW Support)

Requires certain cities planning under the Growth Management Act to authorize minimum development densities in residential zones.

Establishes requirements for middle housing development regulations.

Requires the Department of Commerce to provide technical assistance to cities in implementing the requirements and to develop model missing housing ordinances.

HB 1351 (SB5456) – Concerning prohibiting the imposition of minimum parking requirements except under certain circumstances. (BIAW Support)

Removes existing minimum residential parking requirements for cities and counties planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA). Prohibits cities and counties planning under the GMA from imposing minimum parking requirements within certain distances of transit stops receiving various levels of transit services, with exceptions.

There are a variety of other pieces of legislation that we are following and giving input on, and the easiest way to follow them is at BIAW’s Legislative Action Center: https://

For more information, please reach out to our Government Affairs Director, Jessie Simmons, at ga@omb. org or (360)7540912 ext. 102.

*Dates and times are subject to change.

14 • Chalk Line 2023 EVents Calendar JULY 4th INDEPENDENCE DAY OMB CLOSED 5th PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 5th Grays Harbor Chapter Meeting 5:30pm 6th Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 7th Member Benefits Orientation 12:00pm 7th PWB Airport Golf Event TBD 11th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 21st Golf Tournament 8:30am 26th Quarterly Building Officials/GA Meeting 12:00pm AUGUST 2nd PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 3rd Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 8th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 10th Hard Hat Happy Hour 4:30pm 24th Government Affairs Meeting 4:00pm SEPTEMBER 4th LABOR DAY OMB CLOSED 6th PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 7th Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 12th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 16th Tour of Homes 10:00am-5:00pm 17th Tour of Homes 10:00am-4:00pm 20th Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 21st Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 21st Hard Hat Happy Hour (GMM) 4:30pm 28th PWB “Food for Thought” Breakfast 8:00am-9:30am 28th Government Affairs Meeting 4:00pm OCTOBER 4th PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 4th Grays Harbor Chapter Meeting 5:30pm 5th Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 6th Member Benefits Orientation 12:00pm 10th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 12th Tour Awards (GMM) 5:30pm 18th Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 19th Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 20th PWB Halloween Bonfire Night TBD 25th Quarterly Building Officials/GA Meeting 12:00pm NOVEMBER 1st PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 2nd Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 8th Homebuilders Expo (GMM) 5:00pm 9th Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 9th Hard Hat Happy Hour 4:30pm 10th VETERANS DAY OBSERVED OMB CLOSED 14th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 15th Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 23-24 THANKSGIVING BREAK OMB CLOSED DECEMBER 6th PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 7th PWB “Food for Thought” Breakfast 8:00am-9:30am 7th Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 8th Christmas Party 6:00pm 12th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 14th Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 20th Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 25-31 CHRISTMAS –NEW YEARS EVE OMB CLOSED Meetings OMB Events Holidays PWB Meetings & Events JANUARY 2nd NEW YEARS DAY OBSERVED OMB CLOSED 4th PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 4th Grays Harbor Chapter Meeting 5:30pm 5th Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 6th Member Benefits Orientation 12:00pm 10th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 12th Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 12th Hard Hat Happy Hour 4:30pm 16th MLK JR. DAY OMB CLOSED 18th Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 19th Annual General Membership Mtg 11:30am-1:00pm 25th Quarterly Building Officials/GA Meeting 12:00pm FEBRUARY 1st PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 2nd Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 9th Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 10th PWB Roller Skating or Bowling TBD 14th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 15th Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 20th PRESIDENT’S DAY OMB CLOSED 23rd PWB “Food for Thought” Breakfast 8:00am-9:30am 23rd Government Affairs Meeting 4:00pm MARCH 1st PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 2nd Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 9th Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 9th Hard Hat Happy Hour 4:30pm 14th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 15th Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 20-22 BIAW Board Meetings Olympia 23rd Government Affairs Meeting 4:00pm APRIL 5th PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 5th Grays Harbor Chapter Meeting 5:30pm 6th Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 7th Member Benefits Orientation 12:00pm 11th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 13th Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 19th Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 21st Home Show Vendor Setup 7:00am-7:00pm 22nd Big Home and Garden Show 10:00am-5:00pm 23rd Big Home and Garden Show 10:00am-4:00pm 26th Quarterly Building Officials/GA Meeting 12:00pm 27th PWB “Food for Thought” Breakfast 8:00am-9:30am MAY 3rd PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 4th Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 9th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 11th Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 11th Hard Hat Happy Hour/REX Awards 4:30pm 17th Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 25th PWB “Food for Thought” Breakfast 8:00am-9:30am 25th Government Affairs Meeting 4:00pm 29th MEMORIAL DAY OMB CLOSED JUNE 1st Membership & Spike Committee Mtg 4:00pm 7th PWB Council Meeting 4:00pm 8th Contractor’s Roundtable Meeting 3:00pm 2nd Education Foundation Auction 5:30pm 13th Exec/Board Meeting 4:00pm/4:30pm 21st Lewis County Chapter Meeting 6:00pm 22nd PWB “Food for Thought” Breakfast 8:00am-9:30am 22nd GMM—Member Appreciation BBQ 11:30am-1:30pm 22nd Government Affairs Meeting 4:00pm 27-29 BIAW Board Meetings Spokane


october and november of 2022


2320 Mottman Rd SW , Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 688-1949 I

Sponsor: Kim Asay

Balance Point, LLC

522 Edison St SE, Centralia, WA 98501 (360) 206-4002 I

Sponsor: Chris Winters

Best Line Concrete

622 S Diamond St. , Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 508-4547 I

Sponsor: John Johnson

Evergreen Home Exteriors

11507 Steele St S., Tacoma, WA 98444 (253) 343-3562 I

Sponsor: Rusty Ruiz


410 Valley Avenue NW., Puyallup, WA 98371 (253) 405-5776 I

Sponsor: Jeff Kuster

Mortgage One Northwest, Inc.

2401 Bristol Ct SW B-103, Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 878-9448 I

Sponsor: Nita Cook

Northfork Realty

19810 Old Highway 99 SW, Unit 7, Rochester, WA 98579 (360) 827-5268 I

Sponsor: Janine Ezzell

Newaukum Construction

184 Abram Lane, Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 269-1084 I

Sponsor: John Johnson

McCain Timber and Bridge

205 Ruger Lane, Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 269-5399 I

Sponsor: Becky Rieger

Home Sweet Home Inspections & Maintenance

60 SE Sol-La-Tah Loop, Shelton, WA 98584

(360) 401-9389 I

Sponsor: Debbi Boyd

Country Custom Homes

PO Box 3506, Lacey, WA

(360) 250-9000 I

Sponsor: Merrilee DeForest

Founders Choice Cabinets & Countertops

5113 Capitol Blvd SE, Tumwater, WA 98501

(253) 475-5544 Ext. 200 I

Sponsor: John Erwin


AI Electric Moore Glass Company

RYCON Services, LLC


Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC


Crescent Lighting Supply

Midway Underground, LLC

Carlyon Beach Homeowners Association

Pioneer Fire & Security, Inc.

Evergreen State Roofing, LLC

GT Roofing, LLC

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation-DuPont

John L. Scott-Centralia


Reliable Enterprises

Mervin Smith General Contractor, LLC

Chehalis Rentals

Lincoln Creek Lumber

Puget Sound Landscaping, Inc.

Pacific Mobile Structures, Inc.

FGM Construction

10-14 YEARS

Dickson Frohlich Phillips Burgess, PLLC

South Sound Solar/Sustainable Electric

15-19 YEARS

Allied Electric Service, Inc.

Express Employment Professionals

Heritage Restoration, Inc.

Northwest Containers, Inc.

20-24 YEARS

HiLine Homes (dba: creative Design Builders, Inc.)

P & P Investments

Northwest Containers, Inc.

Dr. Roof, Inc.

Mixx 96.1 KXXO

Dan Sallee Construction, LLC

Norm’s Construction, Inc.


Washington Cedar & Supply Company

DeTray’s, LLC

Puget Sound Energy



$1.25 per copy

360-754-0912 800-456-6473

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