Chalk Line_Nov/Dec Issue

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the President..................... 2

Thurston County Planning Commission Sets Public Hearing on CAO

From the EO............................... 3 New Members............................ 8 Chapters Host Candidates......... 10


Award Winners See page 6

Five Counties Strong


Thurston, Lewis, Grays Harbor, Pacific & Mason Counties


During the October 12 Thurston County Planning Commission meeting the Commission members set a public hearing on the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) for Saturday, December 10. They will also be accepting written comment two weeks prior and two weeks following that date. What is Thurston County Doing? The Thurston County Planning Commission has decided to completely rewrite the CAO instead of reviewing the current version and identifying

if changes are needed. The newly re-written CAO, if adopted, would become Thurston County Code, Title 24. At the end of last year Olympia Master Builders (OMB) requested that Thurston County provide the public a comparison table to easily identify the changes that have been made from the current CAO to the re-written draft. The latest See CAO

page 9

OMB Christmas Party December 9 The Olympia Master Builders Annual Christmas Party, sponsored by Mark’s Drywall and Chicago Title Insurance Co., will be held at Indian Summer Golf and Country Club on Friday, December 9 at 6:00 p.m. The evening begins with dinner, followed by the awards ceremony at this festive, semi-formal affair.

This night is a celebration of outgoing President Janine Ezzel Smith and incoming 2012 President James Peterson as well as the achievements of Olympian Master Builder members. The cost to attend the event is $50 per person. See page 12 for more details. There are still sponsorship opportunities available. Call Regina at the OMB office for details 360-754-0912.

Free window coverings with purchase of cabinets equal to 10% of the cabinet purchase. Purchase $5000 of cabinets get $500 of window coverings absolutely free!!! Present this coupon to take advantage of this offer. Coupon valid November and December 2011 See store for details




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From the President

Celebrating 2011 strong in spite of these membership losses.

Well, in spite of the economy not cooperating with my optimism, I believe we, individually and collectively, still have a lot to celebrate here at OMB as we end 2011.

By Janine Ezzell-Smith, President

I began my year as your 2011 President by stating the following in my January Chalk Line column: “I, for one, am tired of just surviving, existing and getting by. I am ready to celebrate all that we are as individuals and what we are collectively as an organization, and what we are going to accomplish in 2011. So as we begin 2011, let’s hear it for the survivors, who aren’t just going to survive anymore. We are going to celebrate. Here’s to celebrating Olympia Master Builders (OMB) in 2011.”

And we are doing everything we can to help create a climate for the home building industry to flourish once more and see an increase in businesses being formed instead of businesses being closed.

We can celebrate that we have a group of dedicated board members and committee chairs who worked tirelessly throughout 2011 on behalf of OMB’s membership. I would like to extend a sincere thank you to every one of them. These men and women worked harder than they have ever had to work before to provide the programs and services that OMB provides to members and they did it with firm resolve and determination!

We can celebrate that we were the collective voice of our members with local jurisdictions in 2011. OMB continues to be the voice of our members on home building industry issues in the five-county area we serve. Here are a few of the issues that come to my mind. Members of our Lewis County Chapter and OMB staff successfully defeated mandatory fire sprinklers that were proposed by the City of Centralia. Members of our Mason County Chapter and OMB staff provided strong input regarding proposed storm water regulations and the shoreline master program update process in Mason County.

We can celebrate that OMB is still a strong organization offering value to our members. There’s no denying the home building industry has been affected by the Great Recession. As a result, throughout 2011 we continued to see some OMB members close their businesses. However, through the wise decisions of OMB’s board over the years, OMB continues to remain financially

OMB members and staff had a

seat at the table during the City of Lacey’s update to their shoreline master program update process and successfully provided input to avoid changes that would have adversely impacted the home building industry. And last, but certainly not least, OMB members and staff diligently covered the Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance review process issue that is still emerging and will most certainly continue on into 2012. We can also celebrate OMB’s Education program that offered 39 classes and educated 212 members in 2011 and all the great events that OMB produced that helped our members promote their products and/or services to the community. As 2011 draws to a close and I hand my President’s gavel over to your 2012 OMB President, James Peterson, I am committed to continuing to celebrate this great association and the great industry that we serve as we go forward in 2012. Please join me!

Lewis County Chapter Hosts NAHB The October Lewis County Chapter meeting featured two speakers. Brett Diggs, Executive Vice President for Member Services and Education for the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and John Piazza, owner of Piazza Construction in Mount Vernon presented information about the many member benefits offered by NAHB. Brett Diggs noted that NAHB focuses on providing member benefits in primarily three areas – networking, advocacy and education. He stated that NAHB had recently hired two polling companies to conduct independent surveys and the results revealed that the majority of con-

sumers still see home ownership as a major goal. Brett said NAHB would be reaching out to U. S. presidential candidates to share the poll results. John Piazza readily admitted to the group that he was an “association junkie” and shared how his company has benefited by the contacts he has made with other members at NAHB and with the education he has received through their programs.

From left: Brett Diggs, NAHB Executive Vice President for Member Services, Scott Nolan, Lewis County Chapter President and John Piazza, Piazza Construction.

John, a former president of the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW), is currently the BIAW state representative to NAHB.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Scott Nolan, President of the Lewis County Chapter, heartily thanked both men for generously giving of their time to attend the meeting 2

and share information about NAHB with the Lewis County Chapter members.

November/December 2011

From the Executive Officer

The “New Normal” recovery predictions not happen over the past few years.

local home builder associations as a result of the bottom falling out of the housing market over the past few years.

By Laura Worf, Executive Officer

During October I sat through a webinar put on by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) that dealt with the “New Normal” for Associations. During the webinar a graph of single-family housing starts from 1929 to the present was shown. At the height of the housing boom in the mid 2000’s, nationally 1.7 million single-family homes were started. In 2011, NAHB projects 426,000 singlefamily homes will be started. NAHB then went on to explain what has happened to the nearly 800

Back in 2009, I told OMB’s President Tim Dickey that, based on the predictions of the experts, we probably had faced the worst of the recession during his year as OMB President.

The webinar then focused on how local associations have been defining what they called the “New Normal.” Olympia Master Builders (OMB) Budget Committee and Board of Directors will begin defining what is the “New Normal” for OMB as they begin making plans for 2012 in the next few weeks.

Unfortunately I was mistaken because 2010 proved to be an even more challenging year. So in 2010 I told OMB’s 2010 President Ron Deering that he had served as OMB’s President during the worst recession year this industry had ever seen. Again, I was mistaken.

The webinar also talked about what they called a “return to Normal.” According to Dr. David Crowe, NAHB’s Chief Economist, Washington State should return to 75% to 100% of normal by the end of 2012. He defines “normal” as single-family housing starts between 2000 to 2003.

2011 has been an especially challenging year for the home building industry. We have seen many members go out of business as casualties to the national credit problems and the ripple effect the foreclosure debacle has had on the industry. During these challenging times OMB has remained a strong, viable organization due to the efforts and commitment of the volunteer leadership and staff.

The good news – nationally, Dr. Crowe said 1 million housing starts are needed each year for the next 15 years to keep up with demand. Will Dr. Crowe’s prediction prove accurate? We’ll know by this time next year. Unfortunately we’ve seen a few

OMB’s 2011 President Janine EzzellSmith for her volunteer leadership during this challenging year. She has remained optimistic and manifested a “can-do” attitude in spite of the challenges. I would also like to thank the great OMB staff team I work with every day for their hard work and dedication to the home building industry in 2011. As 2011 draws to a close, I continue to be optimistic about this industry and the great homes OMB members provide our communities. I believe better days are ahead. The question is – when. In the meantime, OMB has another dedicated and committed member waiting in the wings to take on the mantle of president in 2012. His name is James Peterson of Lanza Construction LLC and he is going to be president of OMB during the year the association defines what is the “New Normal” for OMB. I encourage you to get to know him and give him your support.

I would especially like to thank

OMB Member Trade Show, Fun and Informative Olympia Master Builders’ (OMB) Member Trade Show was held November 1st at Indian Summer Golf and Country Club. This annual event allows OMB members to showcase their products and services to fellow members. Added to this year’s event was the first OMB Builder Games, sponsored by KGY Radio and Pro-Build. Contestants raced to use “building” tools, such as a manual screwdriver. The winner and 2011 Builder Games Champion was Glen Kilburg of Kilburg Construction.

November/December 2011

Thank you Trade Show vendors:

KGY Radio Pro-Build Sterling Savings Bank EPK & Associates Great Floors J.A. Goldstein Law Office, PLLC Mutual Materials Olympia Overhead Doors Generations Credit Union Belco Forest Products Accessible Living Concepts DHB Coatings McFarland Cascade

Above: Rusty Ruiz (right) shows Steve Short, A Steve Professional Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning and Kevin Solan his product at the Trade Show. At left: Glen Kilburg, of Kilburg Construction, was the winner of KGY’s Builder Games. 3

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

OMB Working for You Here is a list of some of the things Olympia Master Builders (OMB) members and staff have been working on over the past several weeks: • Held the Tour of Homes Awards program and publicized OMB’s Tour of Homes program and the winning OMB members to the community.

• Provided information about the TAHC endorsed candidates to all OMB members so members will be able to vote for candidates who understand home building issues.

• Presented information about the changes in the lead paint renovation law to The Olympian for the Sunday Real Estate Section article.

• Updated OMB members about the latest developments regarding the Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance update process.

• Worked with the Mayor of Napavine to prepare information that can be presented to the Napavine City Council in November to support his request to repeal their impact fees.

Held 3 education classes, educating 24 OMB members.

• Attended a presentation regarding federal level changes to the storm water permitting process and the changes being proposed by Washington State Department of Ecology so OMB can be a resource for OMB members.

• Requested updated information from all OMB members for the 2012 OMB Membership Directory to ensure that OMB members have accurate contact information about fellow OMB members in 2012. • Held the Fall Membership Drive that resulted in 15 companies joining OMB.

• Contacted Thurston County staff and communicated the need for changes to the Growth Management Proposed Public Participation Agreement. County staff agreed with OMB’s position and made the requested changes to the document.

• Hosted “Candidates Nights” at chapter dinner meetings providing an opportunity for chapter members to visit with their local candidates about home building industry issues.

• Began gathering information from OMB members regarding Transfer of Development Rights and Shoreline Innovative Techniques to present to the City of Lacey as requested. MA_4.25X5.5Ads_2011:Layout 1





2:45 PM

Page 2

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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


November/December 2011

OMB’s Government Affairs ProgramA Lot Going On

By Angela White, Government Affairs Director

With so much going on in the Government Affairs arena I thought this would be a great Chalk Line issue to highlight just a few of the things I have been participating in and/or working on concerning some of the prominent Government Affairs issues. You’re definitely missing out if you’re not a part of the Government Affairs Committee. A City Getting Rid of Impact Fees?? I decided to start on a good note. Recently, Scott Nolan, President of the Lewis County Chapter, contacted me because he had heard a rumor that the City of Napavine was looking at impact fees. He didn’t know anything more than that but wanted the issue on my radar. I started my typical round of phone calls to the City of Napavine Mayor and Community Development Director to get more information. As I was waiting for a return call, I jokingly said to Laura Worf, Olympia Master Builders (OMB) Executive Officer, “maybe they will call back to tell us they are getting rid of them.” Well, to our surprise that is exactly what the Mayor, Nicholas Bozarth, is looking into doing in the City of Napavine. Since the City approved their $5,000 impact fees they have had zero requests for building permits. The Mayor believes repealing impact fees will help promote growth within his community. OMB will be working with the City of Napavine and providing information as they consider repealing their impact fees.

November/December 2011

the volume of water on a site not about the quality of that water. The Federal Post-Construction rule will be put out for review in December with comments due in November 2012.

CAO Public Hearing Date Set The Thurston County Planning Commission has set the public hearing for the proposed CAO for Saturday, December 10. (See page 1 article for more details.) The Planning Commission will most likely take the rest of December off giving the County staff time to organize the comments in a way that the Commission can easily go through them.

On a State level, the Department of Ecology just released the draft Municipal Stormwater Permits/LID Requirements for public comment. This permit has a longer implementation period than the last round. There is also a new Stormwater Manual due out on November 4. Locally, DOE is evaluating whether 5 more local communities should be subject to the permit, Lewis County (the Centralia UGA), is one of the five communities.

Most likely in January they will begin the process of reviewing comments and using them to make changes, or not, to the draft CAO. If the public responds like it did in 2005, with around a 1000 people coming out to make comment, going through the comments could take the planning commission quite awhile.

Mazama Pocket Gopher 101 Thanks to an invite from the Thurston County Bar Association’s Land Use Committee, whose chair is none other than OMB Member Carmen Rowe of Goldstein Law Office, PLLC, I attended Mazama Pocket Gopher 101 presentation in October.

OMB is working on submitting scientifically and legally backed comments on the wetland portions of the document. Scott Clark, Thurston County Planning Director, alluded to the fact that comments with a scientific Best Available Science and/or legal backing will hold more weight in the planning process when he attended a Government Affairs meeting earlier this year. I encourage all OMB members to show up for the public hearing on December 10th to show the Planning Commission how concerned you are about the proposed changes.

The first portion of the meeting Linda Krippner, Krippner Consulting, gave a status, science and management update. Did you know, contrary to things you have heard, the Mazama Pocket Gopher has several habitats (not just prairie) and eats a wide variety of food? They live in grass and form habitats like the Olympia Airport, native prairies, forest clearings, roadsides, clear cuts, tree farms, agricultural fields and grazing pastures. There are nine subspecies of gophers in Federal Review for a threatened status; three of those live in Thurston County and Mason County has its very own subspecies. At first off site relocation was thought to not work but that is not true; it is working.

Stormwater On October 28 I attended a Stormwater meeting at Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties. Ty Asfaw, NAHB’s Environmental Policy Analyst, participated by conference call to give an update on what is happening on the Federal level. The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed effluent limitations guidelines won’t affect Washington State as much as other States because Washington’s permits already have stringent requirements. EPA is also proposing a Post-Construction Stormwater rule because of concern that EPA is not doing enough on water quantity. Basically, the best way to explain this proposed rule is that it is about

During the second half of the meeting OMB member, Heather Burgess of Eisenhower & Carlson, PLLC covered several gopher related topics. The item I most wanted to share concerns species status reports that Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) sent to United 5

States Fish and Wildlife (USFW). The status reports WDFW sent to USFW that helped the mazama pocket gopher end up currently under review for a federal threatened listing had several incorrect assumptions. One incorrect assumption is that the gopher is a prairie dependent species and the prairie habitat is threatened by development therefore the gopher is threatened. Thurston County has also used this false information as part of its Critical Areas Ordinance planning. The newly written, proposed CAO has several areas of concern as it reflects on gopher habitat protection. One of those areas of concern is the Reasonable Use process. OMB will be commenting on these proposed requirements. This is just a portion of what is going on with Government Affairs. Attending a once monthly Government Affairs meeting, reading your Chalk Line and your weekly Chalk Talk and checking out are great ways to stay informed. The Government Affairs Committee meets the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the OMB office. If you would like more in depth information please feel free to contact me at (360) 754-0912 or

There are several other issues the Government Affairs Committee is working on. Visit or check your weekly Chalk Talk for a full list of items.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

OMB 2011 Tour of Homes™ Award Winners The Olympia Master Builders (OMB) hosted the OMB Tour of Homes™ award ceremony at the October 4 General Membership Dinner Meeting, which was held at Indian Summer Golf and Country Club. According to the OMB Tour of Homes™ Committee Chair Blake Knoblauch of Greene Realty Group, “This year’s tour included thirteen homes, represented by nine builders. These new and remodeled homes demonstrated to the community our builders’ passion for excellence.” Builders for this year’s Tour included: The Artisans Group, Briggs Village, DeTrays LLC, John Erwin Remodeling, KCJJ LLC, Lotus House Development Corp., Northwest Family Homes Inc., Olympia Construction Inc., and Trillium Carpentry, Inc.

The People’s Choice Award Winners Best Curb Appeal Northwest Family Homes, Inc. Riverwood

Best Kitchen Trillium Carpentry, Inc. Best Master Suite Olympia Construction, Inc. West Bay Drive Best Floor Plan Olympia Construction, Inc. West Bay Drive Best Remodel Trillium Carpentry, Inc. Best of Show Olympia Construction, Inc. West Bay Drive

OMB 2011 Tour of Homes™ Award Winners, pictured from L – R. (Back Row) Brad Hubbard, Trillium Carpentry, Inc.; Mark Dixon, Trillium Carpentry, Inc.; Kerry McHugh, McHugh’s Ken Schoenfeld Furniture for Olympia Construction; Brenda Fritsch, Trillium Carpentry, Inc.; Ron Deering, Northwest Family Homes, Inc.; Andy Gruhn, Northwest Family Homes, Inc.; Simon Wong, Lotus House Development Corp. (Front Row) Mike Auderer, Olympia Construction, Inc.; Tessa Smith, The Artisans Group; Trong Hong, Lotus House Development Corp.

The Judges’ Choice Award Winners Best Curb Appeal Lotus House Development Corp.

Best Master Suite Northwest Family Homes, Inc. Greystone

Best Kitchen Olympia Construction, Inc. West Bay Drive

Best Floor Plan Northwest Famiy Homes, Inc. Riverwood

 

Best Remodel Olympia Construction, Inc. West Bay Drive


Best of Show Northwest Family Homes Greystone

 

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OMB thanks our returning Silver Sponsor, Olympia Federal Savings; Bronze Sponsors, Mattingly Home Furnishings and United Roofing Solutions; and Video Production Sponsor, Pardiman Productions. Thank you to returning Media Sponsors, The Olympian and Mixx 96.1 FM KXXO.

Judges’ Special Award for Best Innovation The Artisans Group Flora Vista

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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


November/December 2011

15 New Members Join During 2011 Membership Drive!

By Regina Greer, Membership/Marketing Coordinator

Thank you so much to the recruiters who worked to bring in new Olympia Master Builders (OMB) members during this year’s Poker Party Membership Drive. Congratulations to Scott Nolan who was the Top Recruiter, bringing in five new members. He earned a great advertising package for his business. Our own 2011 President, Janine Smith recruited two new

members, earning Chalk Talk advertsing.

The Winning Team was the HEARTS with seven new members.

The following people each recruited one new member: Ron Deering, Andy Gruhn, Ross Irwin, Harv Lillegard, Linda Mosier-Vaudt, Heidi Persson, Matt Petersen, and Greg Stevens. They each earned a FREE large Pizza from Round Table Pizza.

The Card Shark (lucky drawing winner from the winning team) was Harv Lillegard, who won dinner for 4 at Emily’s at Quinault Beach Resort and Casino. If you see any of these recruiters, thank them for adding to your business contacts and helping to keep OMB’s voice strong in the industry.

Other prize winners are: Rookie of the Year (the newest recruiter who worked the hardest during the Drive) goes to Heidi Persson who won dinner for 2 at Ramblin Jack’s.

A GREAT BIG “Congratulations” goes to Scott Nolan, who earned a trip for two to Las Vegas! He did not stop at the 12 new members he needed to recruit to earn the trip. He now has recruited 14 new members for the year, and is still recruiting! Way to go Scott. Maybe you should bet on lucky numbers 12 and 14 on your trip.

The Big Better (the person who brought in the first new member of the Drive) goes to Scott Nolan, who won a Teddy Bear and $50 certificate to Private Quarters.

Scott Nolan, MDK Construction, recruited 14 new members this year. He’s going to Vegas!




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November/December 2011

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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Welcome New Members A-Action Group Utilities Assoc-OMB Sandi Krause 620 93rd Ave SE Olympia WA 98501 P: (360) 943-9200 F: (360) 357-5281 E: Sponsor: Greg Stevens ACME Plumbing, LLC Assoc-OMB David Eddington 7736 Pippit Ct SE Olympia WA 98513 P: (360) 491-7354 F: (360) 491-7399 E: Sponsor: Andy Gruhn Awards West Printwares, Inc. Assoc-Lewis Tom Alderson 1124 Kresky Ave Centralia WA 98531 P: (360) 736-2912 F: (360) 736-3969 E: Sponsor: Scott Nolan Belco Forest Products Assoc-Mason Julie Rowan 1890 East Johns Prairie Rd Shelton WA 98584 P: (360) 426-8900 F: (360) 432-3634 E: Sponsor: Linda Mosier-Vaudt Cascade Windows Assoc-OMB Brian Stimson 14115 229th St Ct East Graham WA 98338 P: (253) 278-4015 F: (360) 893-7201 E: bstimson@cascadewindows. com Sponsor: Ron Deering David Evans & Associates Assoc-OMB Patrick Beehler 1115 West Bay Dr NW #301 Olympia WA 98502 P: (360) 628-5012

Landmark General Contracting, Inc. Bldr-OMB Arnie Henrickson 2728 Carpenter Rd SE Lacey WA 98503 P: (360) 250-2007 E: henrickson2728@comcast. net Sponsor: Janine Smith

F: (360) 705-2187 E: Sponsor: Ross Irwin Environmental Design, LLC Assoc-Lewis Nate and Becky Rigger 901 L Street Centralia WA 98531 P: (360) 219-3343 E: Sponsor: Scott Nolan

MGI Electric Assoc-Lewis Sean and Becky McCullough PO BOX 1247 Napavine WA 98565 P: (360) 262-3699 F: (360) 242-0041 E: Sponsor: Scott Nolan

Envirotech Contractor Services, LLC Assoc-Twin Harbors Gary Randall PO BOX 658 Aberdeen WA 98520 P: (360) 533-8117 F: (360) 537-4972 E: Sponsor: Harv Lillegard

Mink Construction LLC Bldr-OMB Paul Minkler 8545 Libby Rd NE Olympia WA 98506 P: (360) 357-8844 F: (360) 357-9844 E: minkconstruction@comcast. net Sponsor: Scott Nolan

Evergreen State Builders Bldr-OMB Kirby Keley 6020 Main St SW Ste. H Lakewood WA 98499 P: (253) 475-6622 F: (253) 475-6127 E: Sponsor: Lenny Greenstein

RSVP Olympia Assoc-OMB Erik Barrett 700 Sleater-Kinney Rd SE Ste B/#169 Lacey WA 98503 P: (360) 480-9478 F: (360) 216-7936 E: Sponsor: John McKinlay Williams Contracting, Inc. Bldr-OMB Chris Williams 2233 South Bay Rd NE Olympia WA 98506 P: (360) 556-9964 E: Sponsor: Todd Iverson

Avoiding Lawyers and Legal Risks in the Workplace class

Federated Insurance Assoc-OMB AJ Treleven 700 Sleater-Kinney RD SE Suite B PMB 313 Lacey WA 98503 P: (253) 405-4264 E: Sponsor: Scott Nolan

Thursday, December 1 •10:00 to Noon

ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS! Learn about policies and practices that help prevent lawsuits; and about employers’ most common, expensive mistakes and how to avoid them.

Greenview Training Solutions Inc. Assoc-OMB Christopher Lee 8282 28th Ct. NE, Suite C Lacey WA 98516 P: (360) 252-6797 E: Sponsor: Jim Asher

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Rick’s Automotive Repair, Inc. Assoc-OMB Rikki Dingle 3531 Pacific Ave SE Olympia WA 98501 P: (360) 491-6644 E: Sponsor: Janine Smith

Find out why plaintiffs’ attorneys love business owners who think they understand their legal risks. Learn how to improve your ability to formulate, implement and enforce effective employee policies and discipline employees. To register call the BIAW 360-352-7800. $75/members - $130/non-members. 48 hour cancellation policy. No shows will be invoiced. 8

November/December 2011

“CAO “

version of that table is from July 22, 2011. County staff has not set a date when a more current table will be available. If you are interested in reviewing the proposed CAO chapters visit: planning/critical_areas/criticalareas-chapters.html What is OMB Doing? “OMB has been actively engaged in the CAO update process. We realize the proposed changes have the potential to greatly impact our developer, builder and remodeler members and create an adverse ripple effect on our already stagnant Thurston County economy,” commented OMB President Janine Smith. OMB, at the direction of the Government Affairs Committee, has contracted with Heather Burgess an attorney with Eisenhower & Carlson,

November/December 2011

Continued from page 1

PLLC who will be working with Dr. Lyndon Lee to review the wetland buffer chapters and the coinciding Best Available Science. According to OMB’s Government Affairs Committee Chair, James Peterson, “OMB has hired these experts to provide credible scientific and legal alternatives to the Thurston County Planning Commission on behalf of OMB during the public hearing process.”

revise their critical areas ordinances every seven years according to a schedule established by the state Legislature and approved by the Governor in 2002. The purpose of the review and update process is to be sure that critical area policies and development regulations remain consistent with GMA requirements over time. The GMA does not mandate that the County make any specific changes during the review and update process.

What is the CAO? The CAO is required as part of the Growth Management Act (GMA). The GMA requires cities and counties to adopt comprehensive plans and development regulations which are guided by 14 goals which include the consideration of transportation, housing, economic development, natural resource industries, property rights, and the environment.

Get Involved OMB’s Government Affairs Committee meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the OMB office. If you would like more information on what is happening surrounding the CAO please contact Angela at (360) 754-0912 or

All counties and cities in the state subject to GMA are required to review, evaluate, and, if necessary,


TOP 25 SPIKES Brian Panush Mark Shaffer Bill Peters Merrilee DeForest Karen McClennen John Erwin Daimon Doyle Linda Mosier-Vaudt William Childress Mervet Sanchez Greg Stevens J. McCarthy Paul Muldoon Donald Koidahl Dan Carnahan Rob Rice Steve Waltmate Stuart Drebick Bob Kagy Greg Amendala Roger Denny Dick Box John Lupo Sheri Rockey K.C. Ellison

599.50 394.00 366.50 341.50 305.75 297.25 274.00 271.50 228.75 187.00 174.00 173.00 170.75 150.00 140.00 133.00 123.00 95.50 87.50 72.50 52.00 45.00 44.50 42.00 41.00

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Chapter Biz Lewis County

The Lewis County Chapter will be meeting on Wednesday, November 16 at Ramblin’ Jacks Rib Eye Restaurant in Napavine. The meeting speaker will be Art Castle, the new Executive Vice President for the Building Industry Association of Washington. BIAW has experienced many changes over this past year and Art will be providing an update on the current state of affairs at BIAW and plans for the future. All builder members in attendance

will be eligible to enter a drawing for a door prize generously donated each month by Blakely and Hout. All associate members in attendance will also be eligible to enter a drawing for a door prizes.

on recent Port activity. In addition, several Building officials from the Grays Harbor area were in attendance to answer questions, and provide updates to members. The next meeting of the Twin Harbors Chapter will be their Christmas Social at The Collins Inn in Ocean Shores on Thursday, December 1. An RSVP with meal choice(s) is requested in advance.

The December meeting will be a Christmas party held on December 16 at 6:00 p.m. at Olympia Fireplace and Spa in Chehalis.

Twin Harbors

Mason County

The Twin Harbors Chapter met on November 3 at Bridges in Aberdeen. Stan Pinnick, Grays Harbor Port Commissioner provided an update

Scott Nolan, Lewis County Chapter President, attended the November chapter meeting to roundtable

with the group about what he has been doing to build his chapter’s participation. Watch Chalk Talk for information about the December meeting and holiday celebration.

South Pacific

The South Pacific Chapter met on November 10. The guest speaker was Cathy Russ, Director of the Pacific County Economic Development Council. Read Chalk Talk for details on the December meeting.

Chapters Host Local Candidates Twin Harbors

Lewis County Five local candidates attended The Lewis County Chapter’s Candidates’ Night in October and every one of them “gets” that government needs to get out of the way of small businesses by reducing regulations and fees and taxes. In fact one of the candidates, City of Chehalis Councilman Dr. Isaac Pope, said he never attends “these types of events” but that “because of my respect for the Master Builders, I’m here tonight.” He went on to say how much he appreciated the Lewis County Chapter’s assistance on community projects. Dr. Pope

heads up a foundation that accepts private donations to fund projects for parks in Chehalis.

The Twin Harbors Chapter hosted their local candidates on October 6 at the Ocean Palace in Aberdeen. Seven local candidates attended and shared their thoughts on their races and the local economy.

Lewis County Commissioner, Lee Grose, who is an Olympia Master Builders member (pictured above) regularly attends the Lewis County Chapter meetings.

“I was impressed by the depth of experience and training these candidates possessed”, commented Executive Officer, Laura Worf. “They were truly a very talented and capable group of candidates.”

ber Gary Cronce who is running for Mayor of Shelton and former Executive Officer of the Mason County Home Builders Association, Dick Taylor who is running for Port of Shelton Commissioner were in attendance.

of Representatives in 2012 in the 35th District against Kathy Haigh and Drew MacEwen who is running for the Washington State House of Representatives in 2012 in the 35th District in the seat Fred Finn is vacating.

Also in attendance were Dan Griffey who is running for the Washington State House

Each candidates was give a few minutes to talk about their campaign and current issues.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Master Builders. I understand the importance of the home building industry in providing jobs.”

South Pacific

Mason County At the October 11 Mason County Chapter meeting, seven candidates including former OMB mem-

Ken Estes, candidate for Mayor of Montesano commented “it is a pleasure to be endorsed by the


The South Pacific Chapter hosted local candidates at their September 8th dinner meeting. Two Long Beach City Council members attended the event. Current Council member Steven Linhart and Council candidate Mark Perez shared with those in attendance that they see the budget as the main priority for the City of Long Beach in the next few years.

November/December 2011


Thank You

to These Renewing Members

Executive Committee

President...................... Janine Ezzell-Smith First Vice Pres.....................James Peterson Treasurer............................ John McKinlay Assoc. Vice Pres................... Paul Muldoon Second Assoc. VP............ Blake Knoblauch Secretary....................................Ross Irwin Immed. Past Pres.....................Ron Deering Builder at Large.............. Kellene Richards Bldrs. Council Chair...........James Peterson

For September and October 1 Year Bliss & Skeen CPA’s Heritage Woodworks & Remodel Lossing Construction Maintenance By Hometown, Inc. STMA Electrical Windermere Real Estate/Puyallup Inc. 2-4 Years Marcus Real Estate Services, Inc. Signature Safety A-1 Roofing Inc. Barckley Construction & Electric Integrity Construction Services KC Maintenance Services Virgil Adams Real Estate, Inc. Washington Media Service Inc. Bayshore Construction California Closets Dave Rockwell Construction Inc EI. Kristyn & Son Construction, Inc. Evergreen Home Loans Johnson Brothers Landscaping Kugel Corporation Lanza Construction, LLC Park 52 Association Mngt., LLC Sure Shot Trucking, LLC Tom’s Plumbing Repair 5-9 Years Allied Electric Service Tyler Rental, Inc. Carlson Electric LLC Express Employment Professionals Heritage Restoration Tech Electric, LLC

November/December 2011

Washington Federal Capitol Lumber, Inc. Hung Right Doors, LLC South Sound Bank Sunset Chevrolet

Builder Directors

Jim Asher Andy Gruhn Harv Lillegard

10-14 Years AHO Construction, Inc. Allied Building Products Dr. Roof, Inc. Dan Sallee Construction, LLC Dogwood Construction Olympic Telephone Aro Glass Huttmann Electric, Inc. J.R. Roofing, Inc. Lacey Door & Millwork Park 52 Property Management and Real Estate Ford Electric Company Lindstrom & Son Construction, Inc. Scott Homes, Inc.

Scott Bergford John Kaufman Sheri Rockey

Associate Directors

Tina Allen Rusty Ruiz

Rich James Holly Constantine

Legal Counsel Jay Goldstein

National Directors

Daimon Doyle Linda Mosier-Vaudt Janine Ezzell-Smith

Karen McClennen Kellene Richards

State Directors

Tina Allen Kim Asay Debbi Boyd Tim Dickey Bob Kagy Bill Knight. Blake Knoblauch Don Koidahl. Rhonda Locke Karen McClennen. Rob McGuire John McKinlay. Linda Mosier-Vaudt Scott Nolan. James Peterson Kellene Richards. Rusty Ruiz Mark Shaffer. Jim Simmons Janine Ezzell-Smith. Lori Wirkkala

15-20 Years Kinney’s, Inc. Blakely & Hout, Inc. Holroyd Company, Inc. Hudson’s Drywall, Inc. KGY Radio, AM 1240 & 96.9 THE SOUND FM

Life Directors

Jack Anderson Clark Burkheimer Patrick Connor Gary Cronce June Donohue Stuart Drebick Bob Kagy Karen McClennen Al Mullins Bill Peters Rob Rice Greg Stevens

20+ Years Christopherson Wood Floors Doors Unlimited, Inc. Kaufman Brothers Construction, Inc. 25+ Years Smithco Homebuilders Kell-Chuck Glass

Debbi Boyd William Childress Michael Cornforth Merrilee DeForest Daimon Doyle Peter Fluetsch Mason Manning Linda Mosier-Vaudt Brian Panush Tommy Poplin Mark Shaffer Brad Wilson

Life Members

George King Mary Gordon, Honorary Douglas DeForest, Honorary

Lewis County Master Builders

President...................................Scott Nolan First Vice Pres.........................Kelly Jensen Assoc. Vice Pres........................Rich James Secretary............................... Rick Borovec Immed. Past Pres...................... Scott Nolan Builder Directors.................... Don Koidahl Jason Reimer, Dave Zucati Associate Directors.....................Lee Grose Doug Amman

Mason County Master Builders

President................................ Rob McGuire First Vice Pres........................Aaron Nester Assoc. Vice Pres..........................Al Tupper Secretary..................................... Bob Love Immed. Past Pres.................. Andrew Spear

South Pacific County Master Builders

President................................Lori Wirkkala First Vice Pres.......................... Ray Bonnie Assoc. Vice Pres.....................Tye Caldwell Secretary...............................Hillary Trusty Immed. Past Pres...................... Glen Trusty

Twin Harbors Master Builders President.......................... Rhonda Sturgeon First Vice Pres....................... Sheri Rockey Assoc. Vice Pres........................ Rusty Ruiz Secretary....................................Bob Smith Immed. Past Pres........................ Mike Foss Builder Directors................. Harv Lillegard Assoc. Directors Jeff Anderson Gary Randall

Association Staff Executive Officer......................Laura Worf Dir. Member Services......Stacey Genzlinger Govt. Affairs Director................Angela White Bookkeeper............................Sally Darrow Mbr. Marketing Coordinator. ...Regina Greer

Chalk Line is the official publication of the Olympia Master Builders, an affiliate of the Building Industry Association of Washington and the National Association of Home Builders. The Olympia Master Builders can be contacted at 1211 State Avenue NE, Olympia, WA 98506-4234. Telephone 360-754-0912 or 800-456-6473. Fax 360-754-7448. Visit our Web page at

35 Years B & R Flooring America


Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line




1211 STATE AVE. NE OLYMPIA, WA 98506 $1.25 per copy 360-754-0912 800-456-6473

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You Are Invited ! Olympia Master Builders

Annual Christmas Party Friday, December 9, 2011 Indian Summer Golf & Country Club (5900 Troon Lane, Olympia)

6 o’clock in the evening Donations will be accepted for Seattle Children’s Hospital Thrift Store, located in West Olympia. Please bring your gently used men’s and women’s clothing, kitchenware, household goods, jewelry or cash. Please no children’s toys or clothes.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Meal choice of Grilled Petite Sirloin with Red Wine Reduction or Chicken Picatta with Lemon Caper Sauce. Semi-formal dress; $50 per person. Please RSVP: 360-754-0912 or


November/December 2011

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