January_February 2012 Chalk Line

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the President..................... 2 From the EO............................... 3 2011 Year in Review................... 6 Member Spotlight..................... 10

Chalk Line is

“GOING GREEN.” In 2012 Chalk Line will be emailed to all Olympia Master Builders members. To opt out of receiving the Chalk Line by mail please email regina@omb.org.

Five Counties Strong


Thurston, Lewis, Grays Harbor, Pacific & Mason Counties


Peterson Installed as OMB’s 2012 President James Peterson of Lanza Construction, LLC was installed as the 2012 President of the Olympia Master Builders (OMB) at the Associations’ annual Christmas Party at Indian Summer Golf and County Club in early December. Past OMB President (2009) Tim Dickey of Accessible Living Concepts and Dickey’s Remodel & Repair performed the honors as Peterson’s Installing Officer. In his acceptance speech, Peterson said he is honored to be leading the association in 2012 and looks forward to accomplishing great things for the home building industry this year. See “President”

2012 OMB President James Peterson, Lanza Construction, LLC (left) is congratulated by Tim Dickey, Accessible Living Concepts.

page 2

McKenna to Speak at February Meeting Rob McKenna, 2012 Candidate for Washington State Governor, will be the featured speaker at the February 7 General Membership Dinner Meeting held at Indian Summer Golf and County Club. McKenna, who is currently Attorney General for Washington State, was endorsed by the Olympia Master Builders board of directors at their December meeting. “We believe Rob McKenna understands the important role of the home building industry in Washington State,” noted 2011 OMB Presi-

dent Janine Ezzell Smith, “and our board unanim o u s l y vo t e d to support his effort to be the next Governor of Washington State.” Rob McKenna See “McKenna”

page 15

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From the President

Let’s Make OMB Even Better in 2012 By James Peterson President

I am looking forward to serving as your president in 2012. I originally joined Olympia Master Builders (OMB) because I saw it as an opportunity to get involved in the industry, and learn from those who had more experience then I did. When my partner and I joined OMB in 2007 we were a young and growing company and needed all the help we could get – especially in this economy! I believe in what OMB does and it is my desire to give back to the industry and mentor others in 2012 the way I’ve been mentored here at OMB these past few years. As your president in 2012, I believe our biggest challenge will be to transform OMB in a way that will

seeking out our members for their home building related needs in 2012.

continue to meet our members’ needs so we can grow and build on our common strengths. We need to ensure OMB remains relevant for our members.

These are challenging economic times, we’re all very aware of that fact. In addition, we face some growing challenges in our ability to provide homes for the families in our communities from increasing government regulation and fees.

Throughout 2012 OMB is going to be encouraging members and the public to “Look for the Logo.” We’re going to be encouraging members to look for the OMB logo when they need to hire subcontractors and suppliers. Doing business with members is one of the best ways to make our association even better in 2012.

There are a number of issues that OMB’s Government Affairs Committee has worked on this past year and will continue to work on throughout 2012 that have the potential to adversely affect our ability to provide wage earner jobs in this community and provide the tax base for local governments.

OMB is also going to be encouraging the general public to look for the logo when they need to hire a contractor, subcontractor, supplier and anyone else that has anything to do with the home building industry. When someone in the home building industry invests in OMB, in my opinion, that shows their commitment to excellence and we need to make sure the general public is


One of the major areas of concern and focus in 2012 will be the proposed updates to the Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance. Throughout the coming year we will continue our strong representation

of our members in the five-county area we serve. OMB is a strong and stable organization that has been around for 52 years. That isn’t a coincidence. It is because we have continued to have strong leaders who have been willing to donate their time to being the voice of the housing industry. I would like to thank those who have served OMB in the past. I would especially like to thank Janine Ezzell-Smith for her leadership and guidance as OMB’s president in 2011. Because of the efforts of these strong leaders, I am proud to serve as your 2012 President. It is my goal that with the help of the leadership team here at OMB, we will leave OMB at the end of 2012 even better than it is right now.

Continued from page 1

In addition to Peterson, the following elected officers were installed: John McKinlay of Olympia Overhead Doors, First Vice President; Blake Knoblauch of Cigar Daddies, Associate Vice President; Ross Irwin

of Cabinets by Trivonna, Second Associate Vice President; Scott Nolan of MDK Construction, Inc., Treasurer; and Tina Allen of Great Floors, Secretary.

FIRST AID/CPR CLASS Wednesday, February 15

8:00 a.m to Noon at the OMB office. $55 per person. To register call the OMB office 360-754-0912 or email sally@omb.org. Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


January/February 2012

From the Executive Officer

New Year, New Opportunities By Laura Worf, Executive Officer

It’s the beginning of a new year -- a time of new beginnings and new opportunities. Albert Einstein once said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” I think it’s safe to say that most Olympia Master Builders (OMB) members experienced some difficulty last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. Have you begun to see the opportunities in the midst of these difficult times? Are you taking advantage of all the opportunities your membership investment with OMB offers you during these difficult times? I encourage you to take a look at pages 8 and 9 of this issue of Chalk Line for a list of what OMB accomplished for you in 2011 to refresh your memory of all the opportunities your dues investment currently provides you. One of those opportunities is your 2012 OMB Membership Directory. If you’ve read 2012 OMB President James Peterson’s column, you know that this year OMB is going to be emphasizing “Look for the Logo” to both OMB members and the general public. I encourage you to pick up the 2012 OMB Membership Directory throughout this year whenever you need to do business with someone in the home building industry. Or, go to www.omb.org and search OMB’s online membership directory. You can search by name, products/services and by city, county, or zip code.

January/February 2012

As you refer to OMB’s Membership Directory throughout the year, I hope it reminds you of all the hardworking, dedicated people who make up OMB and who proudly use the OMB logo.

During 2012 Chalk Line will regularly feature BIAW and NAHB information as well and industry and product information to help you, our members, keep on top of the most important information from these sources. See page 12 of this issue.

As the OMB staff and I use the directory throughout the year it reminds us of all of you – the members we serve – and inspires us to work even harder on your behalf.

We will also be featuring more articles and links from these sources in the weekly electronic newsletter, Chalk Talk.

Another opportunity your dues investment provides is recognition for your company. Throughout 2012 in Chalk Line we are going to recognize some of OMB’s long-time members. We regularly give a lot of attention to new members and rightly so.


But, this year we are also going to give extra attention to those members whose have belonged to OMB for over 25 years. In each issue of Chalk Line we will be featuring both a builder and an associate member company who have been OMB members for over 25 years. See page10 in this issue.


As you look at your opportunities in 2012, consider this quote by Ayn Rand. “The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.” I encourage you in 2012 to begin climbing the ladder of success by taking advantage of the opportunities available to you from OMB. Happy New Year!


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If you do business with any of these companies, be sure to congratulate them for their success in business and their support of OMB.


My Frie

Another opportunity I see for OMB members in 2012 is an information source. As I visited with OMB members throughout 2011, I regularly heard members express their frustration with “information overload” as all of you try to take in all the information that comes from OMB, the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW), the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), information on industry trends and changes, and product developments, etc.

t Me Sen

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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Government Affairs Report - The Latest Highlights Olympia Master Builders (OMB) is currently working on and/or monitoring several issues related to the building industry. Visit www.omb.org to see a list of issues. Below are a few recent highlights which include links to further information. To easily access these links go to the online version of Chalk Line at omb.org/news.


REGIONAL Changes to the Stormwater Mangement Manual Underway

Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance The Planning Commission’s Public Hearing of the Critical Areas Ordinance took place last month on Saturday, December 10th. The written comment period was open until December 23rd. OMB submitted a report on the wetland section written by wetland expert, Dr. Lyndon Lee and a legal review from attorney Heather Burgess along with other general comments. The public hearing did not have an overwhelming turnout though several OMB members did submit comment. The Planning Commission will now be responsible for reviewing all comment submitted during the public comment period.

Ecology released a formal draft of the 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington in early November. The public review and comment period is open until Feb. 3, 2012 at 5pm. The Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington is a guidance document. However, many of the NPDES Stormwater General Permits require use of the Stormwater Management Manual. A few of the changes: • New requirements for low impact development • Revised guidelines for Wetlands • New and revised construction BMPs • Revised guidance on calculating infiltration rates • Revised guidance for modeling in the Western Washington Hydrology Model • Plain talk improvements

Visit http://www.omb.org/resources/thurstoncountycao to review all the comments submitted by OMB.

Repealing Impact Fees in Napavine The City of Napavine held a public hearing centered on the repeal of school impact fees in December of 2011. The City enacted school impact fees several years ago but has not collected any impact fees to date, even after lowering impact fees from $5000 to $2500 two years ago. Prior to the public hearing, OMB submitted documentation in support of repealing the impact fees. Several OMB members, OMB staff and other community members spoke during the public hearing in favor of repealing the school impact fees. Several people also spoke against repealing, especially because, according to one school board member, the school spent approximately $20,000 of taxpayer money to put the impact fees in place. The City Council decided to send the issue back to the Planning Commission for additional review which, depending on scheduling, will begin this February or March.

Visit Ecologies website to review the changes and submit comment: http:// www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/index.html

An Emergency Injunction to Halt Sale of Flood Insurance The Seattle Times reported in December that the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is seeking an injunction in U.S. District Court to stop the U.S. government from issuing flood insurance policies for new development in the flood plain until new rules are implemented to their liking. T his action follows a lawsuit NWF filed against FEMA, asserting that the agency has violated the Endangered Species Act by failing to require the 122 Puget Sound jurisdictions participating in the National Flood Insurance Program to enforce the most restrictive provisions of the Biological Opinion.

Stormwater Program in Mason County OMB, together with the Shelton Mason Chamber of Commerce and the Mason County Economic Development Council will be submitting a joint letter to the Mason County Commissioners in January regarding Mason County’s Stormwater Program. The letter urges the Commissioners take a balanced approach to stormwater in Mason County, including public education, monitoring, technical assistance and incentive based solutions instead of enacting costly new regulations. Mason County has been looking down the path of voluntarily compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements even though they are nowhere near the population density thresholds required for compliance. For more information concerning Stormwater in Mason County go to page five of the 2011 September/October Issue of Chalk Line available online at: http:// www.omb.org/images/stories/sept%20oct%20low%20res.pdf .

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

To read more on this issues visit: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/ localnews/2017067377_floodplain22m.html

For more information about any of these issues, contact OMB’s Government Affairs Director, Angela White at 360-754-0912 or email Angela@omb.org. 4

January/February 2012

Government Affairs Report

OMB’s CAO CommentsThe Big Picture By Angela White, Government Affairs Director

For over a year Olympia Master Builders (OMB) Government Affairs Committee has been closely involved with the Thurston County’s Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) update process. To recap, the process began in 2005 but was put on hold by the County for a variety of reasons. The Planning Commission started the process again about a year and a half ago. In late 2010, OMB’s then President Ron Deering, went before the Planning Commission and successfully urged them to hold an additional public hearing since five years had passed since the last one had been held. At some point over the last year the staff at the County decided to completely rewrite the CAO instead of reviewing and determining if any updates to the current version were necessary. While the newly rewritten version has been easier to read and has clarified some of the positions that the County has taken, it has been nearly impossible to decipher what changes have been made to the existing CAO, since there is no tracking system in a rewrite. In December, the Planning Commission opened a public comment period that closed on December 23, 2011. During this time frame there was a public hearing on December 10. OMB’s Government Affairs Committee had decided early on to hire a scientific expert to review the wetland sections of the newly written Critical Areas Ordinance and to hire an attorney to make legal comments so that OMB could provide the most reliable and accurate comments possible.

January/February 2012

areas. For these reasons, the references in proposed TCC 24.01.035(B) to “and associated buffers” under the “no net loss” standard should be deleted, and any other standards in the draft CAO which may directly or indirectly require mitigation for impacts to critical area buffers should be reviewed and revised or deleted. (from Heather Burgess’s December 22, 2011 comment letter)

The final 305 page version of the newly rewritten CAO was released to the public on November 18 so our scientist, Dr. Lyndon, Lee, Ph.D., PWS and attorney Heather Burgess quickly went to work providing comment documents. I am now going to attempt to give you the big picture view of the comments submitted though I highly recommend you read the comments in their entirety online at www.omb. org. Dr. Lee’s Technical Memo is 16 pages in length and Heather Burgess’ comment letter is six pages in length. The Government Affairs Committee also reviewed the newly rewritten CAO and made additional comments.

• An updated Shoreline Master Program (SMP) trumps a CAO. Thurston County’s CAO needs to terminate CAO jurisdiction when the SMP update is done. In light of the fact that Thurston County is currently engaged in its required SMP update process pursuant to current guidelines, all CAO provisions incorporating standards for marine riparian habitat…should

• One size buffers do NOT fit all (or any for that matter) The design and implementation of buffer systems need to depend on analyses of landscape contexts and the degree of development that has occurred or that is planned within a landscape. (from Dr. Lyndon Lee, Ph.D., PWS, Technical Memo)

include a provision terminating CAO jurisdiction over such habitat as of the effective date of Department of Ecology approval of the updated Thurston County SMP. (from Heather Burgess’s December 22, 2011 comment letter) So now what? The Planning Commission will be reviewing all the public comments submitted and hopefully utilizing them as they re-examine the draft CAO. Once finished editing, the Planning Commission will recommend the draft CAO to the Thurston County Commissioners for approval. The County Commissioners will also have a public hearing on the draft CAO prior to approving the document. The OMB Government Affairs Committee and staff will continue to monitor and participate in the ongoing process.

It’s Time to Get Prepared for the REX Awards

• There are more balanced, innovative approaches The City of Mount Vernon has pioneered an alternative approach to management of riparian and wetland buffer systems in the context of the City’s CAO. Mount Vernon provides project proponents choices in the design and management of buffer systems. (from Dr. Lyndon Lee, Ph.D., PWS, Technical Memo)

The Remodeling in Excellence (REX) awards are designed to recognize outstanding remodeling projects completed by remodeler members of Olympia Master Builders (OMB). There are several categories that may apply to your finished project, such as: residential exterior, kitchen, bath; addition to whole house remodel; commercial remodel; and historic renovation /restoration.

• Buffers are an area designed to protect the Critical Area but are NOT Critical Areas themselves. By the County’s own proposed definition in TCC 24.03, critical area buffers are an area designed to protect the functions and values of critical areas and are not themselves critical

Quality, before and after, photos of your project will be needed, along with a project description and before and after floor plans, in digital format. You can enter as many projects as you desire.


After submitting the required project information, the portfolios are judged by a panel of judges within each category. Judges select the winners based on specific criteria. To honor the remodelers’ excellence there will be an awards banquet during the May general membership meeting. The winners are also published in our monthly newsletter the Chalk Line and will be featured in the RemodelNOW magazine. Entry forms for the REX Awards are available on the OMB website www.omb.org or by contacting OMB at 360-754-0912 or 800-4566473. The deadline for entry is 5:00 p.m. April 6, 2012.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


Class Calendar

Built Green® in 2012

Except where noted, Register today by calling the BIAW at 360-352-7800.

48 hour cancellation policy applies to each class.

Maximizing Your QuickBooks Investment

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First Aid/CPR

for Construction Businesses & Contractors

Learn how to create customized QuickBooks reports to manage your business - including P & L, balance sheet and job cost reports and more. 48 hour cancellation policy - no shows will be invoiced. Tues., Jan. 31 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Cost: $85 members, $165 non-members

Green Building for Building Professionals

Techniques will also be discussed for competitively differentiating your home products with increased indoor environmental quality as well as energy resource efficiency. Designation credit: CGA, CGB, CGP. Continuing Edu. credits for: CAPS, CGA, CGB, GMB, CSP, Master CSP. Accreditation: 16 Appraiser continuing edu. Hours, 16 Real Estate continuing edu. hours. Thurs. & Fri., Feb. 23 & 24 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day Cost: $295 members $355 non-members

Wherever you go these days you’re hearing about the latest and greatest in “green” building products and technologies.

L & I requires that all supervisors be trained in First Aid/CPR. A supervisor is anyone who assigns tasks. There must be at least one First Aid/CPR certified person per shift. If the supervisor is the only employee on site with a valid First Aid/CPR certificate and if he or she leaves the site your company is out of compliance and can be cited for a violation. Wed., Feb. 15 8:00 a.m. to Noon Cost: $55 members, $250 non-members

Over the next year, Olympia Master Builders (OMB) Built Green® Committee will be learning about a variety of building products and technologies that are economical for homeowners and practical for builders. OMB’s 2012 Built Green® Committee Chair Tina Allen, Great Floors and Vice-Chair Dave Danton, Lexar Homes decided to commit to bringing solid product information to the Built Green® Committee in 2012. “There is so much information out there for builders and subcontractors to

Advanced Green: Building Science

Instructor, Ted Clifton, DGB, CGP will show you the proper building science techniques for constructing and remodeling high-performance homes such as: energy, water and materials efficiency and indoor environmental quality and much more. Designation credit: CGA, CGB, CGP, Master CGP. Continuing edu. credits for: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB, CSP, Master CSP.

sort through, we want to package as much as possible in six information-packed OMB Built Green® meetings,” commented Tina Allen. Topics such as solar, water heaters, insulation, air sealing and more will be covered throughout the year. The Built Green® Committee is kicking off 2012 with a great program, “Selling the Difference,” on January 26 at 4:30 p.m. at the OMB office. This program will help you define your competitive message. Visit www.omb.org/resources/ built-green for more information on the program.

What Others Are Saying Government doesn’t have its own money! Too few people remember that. Government money is taken from someone who earned it, and who probably could have used it more efficiently. The solution to our government’s budget problem comes down to decreasing the number of folks government is supporting, either through salaries or handouts, and increasing the number of people who support themselves (and help pay for government).

Thurs. & Fri., March 8 & 9 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day Cost: $265 members $320 non-members


Learn the proper building science techniques for constructing and remodeling high-performance homes such as: energy, water and materials efficiency and indoor environmental quality and much more. Designation credit: CGA, CGB, CGP, Master CGP. Continuing edu. credits for: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB, CSP, Master CSP.

Jonathan Bechtle, J.D., CEO Freedom Foundation

Thurs., March 22 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day Cost: $175 members, $230 non-members

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


January/February 2012

OMB Salutes 2011 Award Winners The following awards were presented at the OMB Annual Christmas Party held on December 9.

Builder of the Year Scott Nolan

Associate of the Year Ross Irwin

Remodeler of the Year Jim Asher

MDK Construction

Cabinets By Trivonna

Asher Remdeling, Inc.

The Builder of the Year Award recognizes the most outstanding builder member for their dedication and contributions in furthering the cause of the Association and our industry during the past year.

The Associate of the Year Award recognizes the most outstanding associate member for their dedication and contributions in furthering the cause of the Association during the past year.

The Remodeler of the Year Award recognizes the Remodeler who makes the most significant­ contribution to the Remodelers’ Council and the Association during the past year.

Statesman of the Year Lee Grose

Hall of Fame Award E. Paul DeTray

Norm Paulsen Award Ron Deering

Lewis County Commissioner

The Statesman of the Year is awarded to the elected official in our territory who has done the most for affordable housing for the year.

DeTray’s, LLC and P & P Investments

Deering & Nelson, Inc.

In 1999, The Board of Directors established a Hall of Fame for members of OMB. Limited to only one inductee per year, persons selected must demonstrate outstanding service to the Association, to the industry and to the community.

The Norm Paulson Award is given to the member who best meets the criteria of leadership in the industry, participation in community affairs and high standards of professional ethics.

Golden Hammer Award & Top Recruiter of the Year Scott Nolan MDK Construction

President’s Awards Ross Irwin The Olympian Cabinets By Trivonna

Each year the President, at their sole discretion, may present one or more awards to members for their continuous service to the Association. The President’s Award was given to Ross Irwin for his leadership of the Remodelers Council while serving as Secretary of OMB and to The Olympian who has consistently and faithfully partnered with OMB for major public events and their staff have been actively engaged in many OMB committees and have participated as OMB’s leadership and on OMB’s board.

January/February 2012

Each year, the Associates’ Council awards the Golden Hammer Award to the builder member who best exemplified the ethics and standards of the Olympia Master Builders during the year. The Golden Hammer Award goes to the member who is extremely dedicated to the Association. The Top Recruiter of the Year is given to the member who recruits the highest number of new members during the year. Scott Nolan recruited 15 new members in 2011. 7

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

OMB Working for You in 2011 During 2011, members of the Olympia Master Builders (OMB) and staff accomplished the following on behalf of all OMB members.

changes to their comp plan, changes in their fire sprinkler ordinance and permit fee increases.

Communications/PR Program

• Defeated City of Centralia’s proposal for mandatory fire sprinklers

• Produced the weekly electronic “Chalk Talk” that was emailed to all OMB members. • Sent the monthly printed newsletter “Chalk Line” to all OMB members, County and City elected officials and key staff, and other industry contacts.

• Working with City of Napavine to repeal impact fees

• Provided information about OMB to The Olympian for inclusion in the Sunday Real Estate Section every other week throughout the year.

• Served on the Mason County Stormwater Advisory Taskforce and influenced the scope of the taskforce’s work.

• Listed all OMB members on the OMB website searchable by product and services category and zip code. • Maintained Facebook and Twitter sites to share more timely information with OMB members and the public.

In addition OMB members and staff testified and provided written comments at numerous public hearings, and participated on a number of committees with several jurisdictions to provide valuable information about how the proposed actions would impact the ability of OMB members to develop land, build homes and remodel homes.

Government Affairs Program • Hosted the second annual Housing Summit in May.


• Requested a second public records request from Thurston County regarding their permit fee increases that went into effect in 2009. Based on the findings of that request, a letter was sent to the Thurston County Commissioners notifying them of OMB’s concerns and possible legal action.

• Created and implemented the “2011 Membership Magic” program which recognized and rewarded members for recruiting OMB members in 2011. • Recruited 84 new members in 2011. • Held the annual Blood Drive/ROII Check Distribution event which resulted in over 25 people donating blood and over $255,000 being distributed to OMB members.

• Created a White Paper about the Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) update process to educate OMB members and the general public about the issue. • Regularly attended Thurston County planning commission meetings and provided input regarding proposed changes to the CAO. Successfully convinced the Thurston County Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the proposed CAO updates.

• Rewarded OMB Spikes for recruiting with the OMB Downtown Amazing Race Spike Party.

• Hired a scientific expert to review the proposed changes to the CAO affecting wetland buffers and set backs and worked with legal counsel to prepare written comment to Thurston County Planning Commission regarding the scientists findings. • Worked with several jurisdictions as they updated their Shoreline Master Programs. • Participated on the Health Panel and the Housing Panel for the Sustainable Thurston Plan. • Provided information to the City of Olympia regarding proposed

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


January/February 2012

Remodelers Council

Education/Scholarship Program • OMB held 17 classes educating 209 people in 2011 on a variety of classes including Contracts/ Lien Laws, First Aid/CPR, Lead Renovator Training, Certified Green Professional, Certified Ageing in Place and many more certification classes.

• Presented the 2011 Remodeling Excellence Awards at the May General Membership Dinner Meeting. • Produced the 2011 Remodel Now Magazine. • Created the 2011 Remodelers Council Directory. • Reviewed and updated the policies and procedures.

• In 2011 OMB awarded a total of $4,000 to two students majoring in home building industry-related degrees.

• Promoted the Contractors Referral Service through on-line and local phone directory ads. • Staffed a booth at the Big Home and Garden Show to promote the CRS.


• Provided referrals to 203 inquiries from the public for a contractor.

During 2011, OMB hosted the following events and networking opportunities for members to promote their products and/or services to fellow members and the general public:

• Reviewed and updated the policies and procedures for the CRS.

Contractor Referral


• Thirty-seven General Membership Dinner meetings • Two “Nothing But Networking” events

Built Green Program

• Seven Associate Networking Breakfasts • Big Home and Garden Show

• Held seven Built Green meetings that featured a variety of speakers talking about the latest in product innovation and industry trends.

• Elma Home Show • Lewis County Home Show • Ocean Shores Home Show • “Let’s Make a Deal” 2012 Auction • Tour of Homes featuring 13 homes

• Certified 12 Built Green homes.

• Golf Tournament • Member Trade Show • Christmas Party

It was our pleasure to serve you in 2011

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From left: Angela White, Sally Darrow, Regina Greer, Stacey Genzlinger and Laura Worf. 9

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

•r •n •r

OMB Member Spotlight Throughout 2012 each issue of Chalk Line will be featuring both a builder and an associate member company who have been OMB members for over 25 years.

Builder Member

Associate Member



Member Since 1984

Member Since 1987

Scott Oliver started Oliver Reconstruction in 1977. He started out building decks for friends and his company evolved from there. Oliver Reconstruction specializes in residential and commercial renovation and remodeling. They also have a lot of experience with earthquake retrofitting. Scott is proud to say that he has employees that have been with the company over 25 years.

Founded in 1945, Sunset Insurance Agency specializes in contractors and hard to place coverages. The insurance business runs in Barb Kaiser’s family. Her grandfather started the agency and then her dad ran it. She came back from Colorado in 1988 to take over the family business.

Trivia Tidbits

1. What has kept you an OMB member for so many years? Since I work with contractors, it’s a perfect fit for me. I believe in what OMB stands for. They fight builders and for small business owners. 2. Who or what inspires you? My mom and sister. They both were/are courageous women who keep smiling through adversity. 3. What is your best business practice? We are always honest with our clients. 4. What one thing do you want others to know about your company? We do our best to help clients protect what’s important to them.

Trivia Tidbits

1. What has kept you an OMB member for so many years? The ROII Program. 2. Who or what inspires you? At the end of the day, we can look at what we built. There are not a lot of jobs like that anymore. 3. What is your best business practice? We create an atmosphere where everyone is involved from employees to the homeowner. 4. What one thing do you want others to know about your company? We do what we say we’re going to do, and we do it well!

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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


January/February 2012

Membership Report

Making the Most of Your Membership in 2012 By Regina Greer, Membership/Marketing Coordinator

I look at each New Year as a new beginning. A time to start fresh with a clean slate. 2011 was a turbulent year for a lot of our members, the industry and the association. I’m not looking back, it’s time to look ahead. I look forward to beginning 2012 with members who are more engaged and want to make the most of their membership. Here are some tips to perhaps better utilize your membership dues investment in 2012: 1. LOOK FOR THE LOGO! Do busi-

ness with other Olympia Master Builder (OMB) members before non-members. Frequent businesses that support the industry that supports you.

where you can network and get valuable information about the industry. 4. READ YOUR CHALK TALK EMAIL! Each Tuesday, the Chalk Talk email is loaded with all the information you need to keep informed about what’s going on in one quick, easy to read email.

2. DISPLAY THE LOGO! Members should be using the OMB logo on their websites, advertising, business cards, etc. The OMB logo stands for honesty and integrity and people look for it when searching for goods and services. Call me at 360-7540912 if you need a copy of the OMB logo.

5. ASK EVERYONE YOU DO BUSINESS WITH IF THEY ARE AN OMB MEMBER! Last year’s top recruiter, Scott Nolan simply asked people if they were members and asked them to join if they were not. He won a trip to Las Vegas for the effort, plus made more solid business contacts. See the box below to discover what you will earn by recruiting in 2012.

3. ATTEND NETWORKING EVENTS! OMB will be holding monthly morning networking events on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Look for more details soon, but save the date. We also have General Membership Meetings and Chapter meetings

7. MARKET YOUR BUSINESS THROUGH OMB! We have many sponsorships and advertising opportunities available that either market to other OMB members, to the general public, or both. I am very optimistic about the New Year and look forward to working with you all in 2012!

6. JOIN A COMMITTEE! Joining a

The 2012 Marketing Guide is Here! The 2012 Olympia Master Builders (OMB) Marketing Catalog is a tool for OMB members that lists the ben-

committee works for you in many ways. You get to network with other like-minded people and you get to help set policy for the association’s events and projects. Email me at regina@omb.org and I can help you get connected with a committee that fits your schedule and interests.

For complete details contact Regina@omb .org or go to www.omb.org .

efits of sponsoring OMB events and marketing through OMB advertising opportunities. Supporting OMB activities and events has multiple benefits for your company: • It provides an opportunity for you to market your products and/ or services to your target audience.

Sponsored b

• It helps you build name recognition with OMB’s members.


• It enhances the growth of your business . Contact Regina Greer at 360-7540912 or regina@omb.org to get started with your marketing or advertising investment!

January/February 2012


Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

National and State Update From the

The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) concurs with a finding by the Federal reserve that excessively tight mortgage lending standards are hampering a housing and economic recovery.

From the


The 2012 Legislative Session began January 9 and the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) is already collaborating with legislative leaders to create proactive solutions to the current housing crisis and to reinforce the fact that a stronger construction industry will lead the state to economic recovery.

Housing can act as a job catalyst if regulators and lending institutions return to prudent underwriting standards that do not exclude credit worthy borrowers and if they move “The Federal Reserve’s report to to restore the flow of credit to viable Congress confirms what we have home building projects. been saying for some time: That extraordinarily tight credit conditions In normal times, housing accounts are preventing creditworthy bor- for more than 17 percent of the narowers from obtaining home loans tion’s economic output. Constructand this is harming the housing ing 100 new homes creates more market and the broader economy.” than 300 full-time jobs, $23.1 million said NAHB Chairman Bob Nielsen, a in wage and business income and home builder from Reno, Nevada. $8.9 million in federal, state and local tax revenue. Neilsen added that the lack of credit extends to housing construction With cash-strapped municipalities loans as well, which is crippling across the land desperately searchthe housing industry and prevent- ing for new revenue sources, home ing construction of new homes in building can increase the property markets that need and want them. tax base that supports local schools “In scores of markets across the and communities. country that are exhibiting signs of job growth and where the inventory “Removing the obstacles limited of new homes is nearly exhausted, access to mortgage credit and enbuilders should be hiring workers abling builders to obtain constructo break ground on new housing tion loans to build in markets where developments,” he said. demand is firming is imperative to get housing back on track, to put In its message to Congress, the Fed our nation back to work and to keep said that “restoring the health of the the economy moving forward,” said housing market is a necessary part Nielsen. of a broader strategy for economic

Without tax revenues resulting from growth in the construction sector, the state government will face financial challenges for years to come. BIAW continues to be the building industry’s watchdog, working to prevent damaging legislation such as home warranties, increased taxes and fees and a requirement in HB2154 mandating general contractors supply a full list of all subcontractors at final inspection coupled with a $5 fee.

For more information contact BIAW Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh at (800) 228-4229 or janh@biaw.com

2012 NAHB Priorities Listed below are the priorities for the National Association of Home Builders in 2012. For more information go to www.nahb.org. 1. End the Housing Production Credit Crisis

What Others Are Saying

2. Resolve the Faulty Appraisal Process 3. Protect the Mortgage Interest Deduction

“The fact that the list of improving housing markets nearly doubled this month shows that a significant, positive trend is developing, and is even more relevant when you consider the expanding geographic distribution of the list – which now includes 31 states and the District of Columbia. This trend could be even stronger if not for the numerous impediments that continue to slow a housing and economic recovery, including overly restrictive lending policies and the growing inventory of distressed properties in certain markets.”

4. Maintain Federal Support for Housing Finance System 5. Preserve Affordable Down payments and Mortgages 6. Recognize Housing’s Important Role to the Economy 7. Defend the Low Income Housing Tax Credit

NAHB Chairman Bob Neilson, commenting on the January 6, 2012 NAHB/First American Improving Markets Index

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

On the positive side, BIAW is working to promote and affect real regulatory reform in this session, such as delaying the implementation of the National Pollution Discharge System (NPDES) permits from ecology for five years; adopting the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with minimal changes; and plat and other permit extensions. BIAW will also work to encourage smart budget reform as legislators will once again tackle the state’s $1.5 billion deficit after kicking the can down the road in two 2011 special sessions.


January/February 2012


Thank You 2011 Recruiters Jamie Habel Timberland Bank Jenni Hatfield WA Health Insurance Agency Ross Irwin Cabinets by Trivonna Bob Kagy ABC Printing, Inc. Grace Kendall FASTSIGNS Harv Lillegard Lillegard Construction Rob McGuire Dogwood Construction, Inc. Linda Mosier-Vaudt Pro-Build Heidi Persson KGY Radio Matt Petersen Bayview Building Materials Lisa Poundstone Design Smart Home Staging & Redesign Jim Simmon Mr. Electric

Rhonda Locke-Sturgeon Locke Construction Karen McClennen The Olympian Paul Muldoon Edward Jones Investments James Peterson Lanza Construction, LLC Greg Stevens MIXX 96.1

15 NEW MEMBERS Scott Nolan MDK Construction, Inc. 5 NEW MEMBERS Jim Asher, Asher Remodeling, Inc. 4 NEW MEMBERS John McKinlay Olympia Overhead Doors 3 NEW MEMBERS Doug Karman Frontstream Payments 2 NEW MEMBERS Dan Carnahan Carnahan’s Pest Control Daimon Doyle Viridian Northwest John Erwin John Erwin Remodeling, Inc. Janine Ezzell Chicago Title

1 NEW MEMBER Holly Constantine Doors Unlimited, Inc. Ron Deering Deering & Nelson, Inc. Merrilee DeForest Strategy Insurance Brokers Randy Foster The Artisans Group Lenny Greenstein Nicholson & Associates Ins, LLC Andy Gruhn Northwest Family Homes, Inc.

Thank You

to these renewing members For November and December 2011

30+ Years Bayview Building Materials First American Title & Escrow 20+ Years Sunset Insurance Agency Denny’s Home Improv. Christopherson Wood Floors Hatton Godat Pantier 15-19 Years Bill Peters Construction John Lupo Construction Sterling Breen Crushing Acme Fuel Olympia Sheet Metal, Inc. Brad Davis Construction Drebick Investments, LLC Huttmann Electric, Inc. TAGS Awards & Specialties The Artisans Group Union City Plumbing, Inc. Washington Cedar & Supply Co Andrew Spear Constru. Norm’s Construction, Inc. Harrington Constr. & Dev.

January/February 2012

Round Table Pizza Sterling Savings Bank Tom’s Plumbing Repair, LLC Green Dog Enterprises, Inc. Rodda & Sons West, LLC Always Safe & Lock, Inc. Bath Fitter Bayview Building Materials J. McCarthy, LLC J.A. Morris Construction Olympic Door & Trim Reichert Shake & Fencing Salter Remodel, LLC Signature Safety Sterling Savings Bank

6-10 Years Hinkle Homes, Inc. Horizon Homebuilders, LLC Nor-Cat, Inc. Northwest Containers, Inc. Coastal Construction Group Mason County PUD #3 P & P Investments Premier Media Group R.G. Forestry Consultants Summit Fence Co. Travers Electric, Inc. West Coast Bank Hung Right Doors, LLC Ron’s Stump Removal & Tree Service, LLC Johnston Construction Company, Inc. Advance Environmental Strader Hallett & Co, P.S.

1 Year CR Boger Construction Four Leaf Carpet Cleaning Generations Credit Union Habitat for HumanityMason County Mary Jo Buza Landscape Designer & Garden Coach The Blind Depot, Inc. Thurston County Chamber of Commerce South Sound Solar

2-5 Years Owens Davies Fristoe, Taylor & Schultz, P.S. Frontstream Payments JNA Networking Services Lanza Construction, LLC Protective Coatings Group NW, Inc. 13

New Members Better Homes Home Improvements, Inc. Bldr-OMB Paul Boughal 7032 Holmes Island Rd. S.E. Lacey WA 98503 P: (360) 493-0507 F: (360) 459-5770 E: bttrhomes@comcast.net Sponsor: Heidi Persson Home Carpet Warehouse, Inc Assoc-OMB Jon Vigre 1793 N.E. Kresky Ave Chehalis WA 98532 P: (360) 748-1650 F: (360) 740-0726 E: jcv7878@gmail.com Sponsor: Scott Nolan KMAS Radio 1030AM 104.1FM Assoc-Mason John Frazzini PO Box 760 Shelton WA 98584 P: (360) 402-8889 E: frazz@kmas.com Sponsor: Greg Stevens Pacific NW Remodeling Professionals Bldr-OMB Dean Mattson 727 142nd Ave SW Tenino WA 98589 P: (360) 956-5798 F: (360) 943-7892 E: dm4pnw@gmail.com Sponsor: Dan Carnahan Quality Electric, Inc. Assoc-OMB Darrell Boyd PO Box 14547 Tumwater WA 98511-4547 P: (360) 705-3996 F: (360) 570-0062 E: darrell@qualityelectricinc.net Sponsor: James Peterson Tradesmen International, Inc. Assoc-OMB Charles Sauvageau 5113 Pacific Hwy E. Ste. 10 Fife WA 98424 P: (360) 922-5585 F: (360) 922-5595 E: charles.sauvageau@tradesmeninternational.com Sponsor: Jim Simmons

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Chapter Reports Lewis County

Paul Easter, Regional Administrator, Region 4 for the Department of Labor & Industries, will be the speaker for the January dinner meeting. Chapter president, Scott Nolan will be presenting Blakely and Hout, Inc. with the Outstanding Chapter Member of the Year award. Scott also will be announcing that Rick Borovec, Twin Star Credit Union and Don Koidahl, MDK Construction are now OMB Life Directors.

South Pacific

The South Pacific Chapter will hold their next meeting on February 9.

Mason County

Twin Harbors

Jan Rohila of the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) joined the Mason County Chapter on January 10 to give a benefit of membership overview including National Association of Home Builders and BIAW benefits.

Art Castle, Executive Vice President of BIAW was the guest speaker for the January meeting. He gave an update on state-level activities. Rusty Ruiz of Hung Right Doors was presented with the 2011 Outstanding Chapter Member award. Congratulations Rusty Ruiz of Hung to Rusty!

Mason County Chapter Member Andrew Spear was awarded his OMB life director plaque and the 2011 Outstanding Chapter Member award. Rob McGuire was given an award of thanks for his leadership as the 2011 Mason County Chapter President.

Right Doors.

The next Twin Harbors Chapter meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 2.

The Mason County Chapter will meet again on February 14 at 6:00 p.m. at Taylor Station.

More complete information about all Chapter meetings will be announced in the weekly electronic Chalk Talk newsletter which is emailed to all OMB members.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Left: Andrew Spear, Andrew Spear Construction and Aaron Nester, Reliant Builders.


Left: Aaron Nester, Reliant Builders and Rob McGuire, Dogwood Construction.

January/February 2012


OMB Scholarship Applications Available Olympia Master Builders (OMB) and its chapters in Lewis, Grays Harbor, Pacific and Mason Counties, will be awarding scholarships in 2012 to college or vocational/technical school-bound students intending to pursue studies leading to a career in the building industry, such as: Engineering, Architecture, Drafting, Industrial Design, Carpentry, and Construction Management.

Executive Committee

President..............................James Peterson First Vice Pres.................... John McKinlay Treasurer.................................. Scott Nolan Assoc. Vice Pres.............. Blake Knoblauch Second Assoc. VP.......................Ross Irwin Secretary.................................... Tina Allen Immed. Past Pres....................Janine Ezzell Builder at Large......................Ron Deering Bldrs. Council Chair.......... John McKinlay

Apply by filling out the OMB Scholarship Application available at www.omb.org or call the OMB office at 360-754-0912 or 800-4566473. Applications will be available in January 2011 and must be completed and returned to the OMB office at 1211 State Avenue NE, Olympia, WA 98506 by March 16, 2012.

Builder Directors

Jim Asher Andy Gruhn Harv Lillegard

Scott Bergford John Kaufman Walt Robertson

Associate Directors

Kim Asay Rusty Ruiz

Three Home Shows Coming in 2012 Olympia Master Builders (OMB) will host three Home Shows in 2012. Two shows take place in the Chapters, and the final show is the OMB BIG Home and Garden Show in the Fall.

Lewis County April 28 and 29

Lewis County Fairgrounds in Chehalis

Elma, May 19 and 20

Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds in Elma “McKenna”

2012 OMB President James Peterson added, “OMB members take pride in building homes for the families in our communities and providing wager earner jobs for the employees of their companies. In addition we believe the taxes our businesses generate for our local jurisdictions and Washington State help provide the funding that is vital for the many services that the citizens of this great state enjoy. We believe Rob McKenna under-

January/February 2012

Rich James Holly Constantine

Legal Counsel Jay Goldstein

Life Members

George King Mary Gordon, Honorary Douglas DeForest, Honorary

Lewis County Master Builders

President...................................Scott Nolan First Vice Pres....................... Jason Reimer Assoc. Vice Pres........................Rich James Secretary............................... Rick Borovec Immed. Past Pres...................... Scott Nolan Builder Directors.................... Don Koidahl Dave Danton, Dustin Westfall Associate Directors.................. Emma Ball, Becky Rieger, A.J. Treleven

Mason County Master Builders

President.................................Aaron Nester First Vice Pres....................... Rob McGuire Assoc. Vice Pres....................Todd McPhee Secretary..................................... Bob Love Immed. Past Pres................... Rob McGuire

National Directors

Daimon Doyle James Peterson

Linda Mosier-Vaudt

South Pacific County Master Builders

State Directors

Tina Allen Ron Deering Blake Knoblauch Rhonda Locke John McKinlay Aaron Nester James Peterson Carmen Rowe Lori Wirkkala

OMB BIG Home and Garden Show September 15 and 16

Saint Martin’s University Marcus Pavilion in Lacey There are sponsorship opportunities available for each of these shows. For sponsorship or registration information, please visit www. omb.org, or call the OMB office at 360-754-0912.

Tim Dickey Janine Ezzell. Don Koidahl. Karen McClennen. Paul Muldoon Scott Nolan. Kellene Richards. Jim Simmons

Life Directors

Jack Anderson Debbi Boyd William Childress Michael Cornforth Daimon Doyle Peter Fluetsch Don Koidahl Mason Manning Linda Mosier-Vaudt Brian Panush Tommy Poplin Mark Shaffer Andrew Spear

Continued from page 1

stands our industry and the value we provide to this state.”

Rick Borovec Clark Burkheimer Patrick Connor Merrilee DeForest Stuart Drebick Bob Kagy Bob Love Karen McClennen Al Mullins Bill Peters Rob Rice Greg Stevens Brad Wilson

President................................Lori Wirkkala First Vice Pres.......................... Ray Bonnie Immed. Past Pres...................... Glen Trusty

Twin Harbors Master Builders President.......................... Rhonda Sturgeon First Vice Pres..................... Harv Lillegard Assoc. Vice Pres........................ Rusty Ruiz Secretary....................................Bob Smith Immed. Past Pres........................ Mike Foss

Association Staff Executive Officer......................Laura Worf Dir. Member Services......Stacey Genzlinger Govt. Affairs Director................Angela White Bookkeeper............................Sally Darrow Mbr. Marketing Coordinator. ...Regina Greer

Chalk Line is the official publication of the Olympia Master Builders, an affiliate of the Building Industry Association of Washington and the National Association of Home Builders. The Olympia Master Builders can be contacted at 1211 State Avenue NE, Olympia, WA 98506-4234. Telephone 360-754-0912 or 800-456-6473. Fax 360-754-7448. Visit our Web page at www.omb.org.

The evening’s program will begin with social time at 6:00 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the program at 7:00 p.m. at Indian Summer Golf and County Club. The cost is $25 per person with RSVP or $30 at the door. To register go to www.omb.org, or email regina@ omb.org, or call 360-754-0912 by Friday, February 3 to avoid paying the walk-in price. 15

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line




1211 STATE AVE. NE OLYMPIA, WA 98506 $1.25 per copy 360-754-0912 800-456-6473 www.omb.org




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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

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January/February 2012

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