September October Chalk Line

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OMB Offers New Products to Market Your Business in 2013

From the President..................... 2 From the EO............................... 3 Impact Fees Repealed................. 5 Member Spotlight....................... 7

Save the Date October 2, 2012

Awards Program OMB General membership meeting RSVP 360-754-0912

In late September Olympia Master Builder (OMB) members will be receiving information about new products that OMB will be offering in 2013 to help members better market their businesses to the general public. Specifically, OMB will be producing a printed and online buyer’s guide. “I believe the printed and online buyer’s guide will be a great tool for all of OMB’s members as they make plans to market their business to the general public in 2013,” commented OMB President James Peterson. While OMB’s annual membership directory has historically aimed at promoting doing business with other OMB members, the buyer’s guide will promote OMB members to the public as well as other members. The 2013 OMB Buyer’s Guide will also feature industry related articles, display ads and coupons for member businesses along with an extensive Products and Services listing.

OMB plans to produce and distribute at least 10,000 printed b u ye r ’s guides during 2013 to the general public at OMB’s h o m e shows, To u r o f H o m e s, ™ c o m m u n i t y events, at members businesses, through direct mail or inserted into local newspapers. In addition there will be a printable version of the buyer’s guide on the OMB website. See “New Products”

page 9

Thurston County Critical Areas passed, what now?

YOU’RE INVITED Critical Areas Ordinance Summit

Thursday, October 11, 2012 from 6 pm to 8 pm Woodlawn Funeral Home, 5930 Mullen Road Southeast, Lacey

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Will you be able to build your dream home overlooking the water? What does it mean if your house is “non-conforming”? What could new wetland regulations mean for your property? What do the new permanent prairie protections require property owners to do? Expert land use attorneys Heather Burgess and Mick Phillips of Phillips Wesch Burgess, PLLC, will break the Critical Areas Ordinance down so you can find out what changes were made and what it could mean to you as a property owner, builder, remodeler, landscaper or community member. The forum will also include an update on the latest developments on the community’s effort to avoid federal listing of the Mazama pocket gopher under the Endangered Species Act.

Brought to you by:

From the President

New Opportunities in 2013 for Members By James Peterson President moving from an internal membership directory to an external printed and online buyer’s guide for 2013.

I’m excited about a new member benefit that will be available to Olympia Master Builders (OMB) members in 2013. That’s when OMB will be distributing to the community the first Olympia Master Builders Buyer’s Guide and will be adding enhanced listing to the list of OMB members located on OMB’s website. Earlier this year OMB’s Executive Committee formed a “working group” to look at the possibility of

“working group” and the recommendation of OMB’s Executive Committee, the Board of Directors voted at their June meeting to approve the production of a printed and online buyers guide for 2013.

Many years ago, before social media and even the internet, one of the reasons businesses joined OMB was to have access to the membership directory so they could promote their products and services to OMB members.

Over 10,000 copies of the printed buyer’s guide will be distributed locally. All OMB members will be listed in the buyer’s guide and will have the opportunity to purchase listings in additional products and services categories.

Times have changed, and now one of the reasons businesses choose to join OMB is to have their name listed on our website and be included in the external promotion efforts of the association.

The online buyer’s guide will be an advanced version of our current online OMB membership directory. This searchable online directory will include all OMB members in their

Based on the good work of the

chosen products and services categories and will include enhanced listings which will incorporate company logos that will be located at the top of each category page. By late September all OMB members will be receiving a letter from me with much more detailed information about how to participate in both of these new membership opportunities. I encourage all of you to take a close look at this information and participate in this great opportunity to promote your business to the general public in 2013.

Candidates Featured at September GMM The September 11 General Membership Meeting was an informative event for Olympia Master Builders (OMB) members and guests as they were treated to “Candidates’ Night”. Local candidates as well as Congressional and Statewide candidates were on hand to expound on their campaigns. Lt. Governor Brad Owen was the evening’s Keynote Speaker.

Brad Owen WA State Lt. Governor

More photos of the event can be found at You can also find the list of endorsed candidates on the OMB website (www. and on page 6.

Photo above, from left: Dick Jones of RLJ Construction/Gutter Glove Guy talks with State Representative. Gary Alexander.

“This is a very important election for our local jurisdictions that will not only end up affecting builders, remodelers, and small businesses, but many homeowners as well”, stated OMB Political Action Committee Chair Mark Shaffer.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Photo at left, from left: State Senator, Dan Swecker, talks with Trivonna Irwin of Cabinets by Trivonna.


September/October 2012

From the Executive Officer

We Need to Elect People Who “Get It”! By Laura Worf, Executive Officer

It’s that time of year. The time when commercials fill the airwaves and mailers fill our mailboxes. It’s election time – and this year it’s a big one. We’re voting for President, members of Congress, Governor, State Legislators and on the local level County Commissioners. While each and every race is important, I believe the most important races this election cycle are the local County Commission races. The reality is the local politicians, in this case the local County Commissioners, are the ones who make decisions that most affect our day-to-day lives. County Commissioners determine how you can use your land. They determine how your land is zoned – residential or commercial, how many housing units can be on the property, and whether you can add onto an existing home. They also determine the specific restrictions regarding your property. They determine the size of the buffers and setbacks from bodies of water and the specific restrictions regarding fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas. They also determine how county resources are spent – the quality of the roads you drive on, the county health services that are provided, the quality of the parks and recreation areas, and the level of emergency services. Here at Olympia Master Builders (OMB), we spend the bulk of our

September/October 2012

government affairs efforts working with County Commissioners and their staff. Some counties have County Commissioners who understand the role of the home building industry in building a strong economy.

This is serious folks. This would completely shut down all building in Thurston County. This brings me back to the point I made in the second paragraph of this column. We need to elect new leadership in counties where the County Commissioners don’t “get it”. We need people in office who do “get it” - - who realize all the positive aspects the home building industry

We don’t spend much time with those County Commissioners because they “get it.” However, in some counties the County Commissioners don’t “get it” and continue to take steps that prevent the home building industry from recovering and taking the lead in pulling all of us out of this Great Recession we have been experiencing for the past few years.


Here in Thurston County, the Commissioners are expected to vote later this month to implement impact fees in spite of the fact that other jurisdictions around the state are either repealing impact fees, reducing impact fees, or delaying collection of the fees.


brings to the local economy. Please check out the list on page 6 of candidates endorsed by The Affordable Housing Council of Olympia Master Builders. Share this list with anyone you know who cares about the quality of life here in this region. The future depends on you, so be sure to vote for candidates who “get it”!


Fill in your name & address below. Pass the notes out to all your friends. When they get their carpets cleaning & turn in the noted, we will mail you a coupon to get 5% off your next residential carpet cleaning. Coupons can be combined!

A Steve’s Professional Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning

The Thurston County Commissioners also recently approved a complete rewrite to the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO). In spite of what you may have heard, it is not like the surrounding counties’ CAO’s but is much more restrictive and burdensome to property owners.

“A referral is the best compliment a customer can give.” nd

My Frie

The Thurston County Commissioners have also done nothing to protect the residents of Thurston County from the upcoming determination on the Mazama Pocket Gopher by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

t Me Sen

Turn in this referral note to your carpet cleaning technician at time of service and your friend will receive 5% off their next residential carpet cleaning.

As I’ve heard more than one OMB member state, if the Mazama Pocket Gopher is listed as an endangered species, no one will be receiving a grading permit in Thurston County.

CALL NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT! 360-701-9544 * 253-691-3150 For more referral notes, find us on Facebook! 3

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Government Affairs Report - The Latest Highlights Olympia Master Builders (OMB) is currently working on and/or monitoring several issues related to the building industry. Visit to see a list of issues. Below are a few recent highlights which include links to further information. To easily access these links go to the online version of Chalk Line at

LOCAL Thurston County Impact Fees

Napavine Repeal of Impact Fees

The Thurston County Commissioners held a public hearing on imposing impact fees on Tuesday, July 19th. Olympia Master Builder (OMB) members and staff testified during the public hearing. At this time the Commissioners are reviewing the public testimony.

After months of deliberation and several presentations and testimonies from OMB members and staff, the City Council in Napavine took the final vote to repeal school impact fees in August. The City Council has instructed City staff to begin working on the necessary changes to planning documents to make this happen.

Visit for additional information.

Shelton Shoreline Master Program Mason County Stormwater Taskforce

The City of Shelton is in the process of updating their Shoreline Master Program. They have organized a Citizen’s Advisory Committee. OMB staff has been appointed to the citizen’s advisory committee.

OMB member Andrew Spear and staff member Angela White were appointed to the Stormwater Advisory Task Force by the Mason County Board of County Commissioners. This task force met monthly for well over a year. The group was working on a funding and a public education plan for the updated Stormwater Drainage manual. The Mason County Chapter partnered with the EDC and the Shelton Mason Chamber of Commerce to comment on the draft plan and funding package. The advisory task force finalized recommendations after a vote on the funding source. OMB voted no, stating that now is not the time for an additional tax and that the County should run the program with existing funds. The recommendations from the task force have been passed on to the County Commissioners along with the minority recommendation.

Olympia Shoreline Master Program The Planning Commission has finished its work and has forwarded a draft SMP to the City Council for consideration. The City Council has invited OMB and other interested parties to participate in a workshop on September 25th.

Olympia Comprehensive Plan Update The Olympia Planning Commission will hold several public hearings during their preliminary deliberations on the July Draft of the Comprehensive Plan. Each public hearing will include two half-hour periods for public comment, with a limit of three minutes per speaker. Comments may also be submitted to Imagine Olympia, PO Box 1967, Olympia, WA 98507, or in person at 601 4th Ave. E., Olympia, or by email to To review the draft Comprehensive Plan visit: OMB will continue to participate in this process.

Mason County Shoreline Master Program Mason County is in the process of updating their Shoreline Master Program. The City has organized a Citizen’s Advisory Committee to help review and evaluate the SMP. Paul Muldoon, Mason County Resident and OMB member representative has been appointed to the Citizen’s Advisory Committee. Visit for additional information.

REGIONAL Thurston Regional Planning Council/Population and Employment Forecast Advisory Committee

Mandatory Fire Sprinklers in Olympia The City Council’s Land Use and Environment Committee passed a recommendation to the full City Council to adopt Appendix R & S as part of the code update at the end of this year after hearing a one-sided presentation from the Fire Marshall. Appendix R & S would mandate fire sprinklers in all residential construction. OMB and BIAW staff received personal invitations to attend the meeting but were NOT given time to speak. During the meeting a sprinkler demonstration was given in which the speaker heavily relied on the danger of battery operated smoke detectors; OMB staff made sure to point out during the presentation, that hardwired smoke detectors are now mandated in all new construction. OMB and BIAW teamed up and submitted comment against the mandate.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

TRPC is updating their Population and Employment Forecast and has invited OMB staff to participate on the Advisory Committee because of the buildable lands component. The advisory committee will be looking at the county-wide forecast to update it based on state forecasts of employment and migration patterns, and working on local allocation to cities, towns, tribes, school districts, etc. for both population and employment.

For more information about any of these issues, contact OMB’s Government Affairs Director, Angela White at 360-754-0912 or email 4

September/October 2012

Government Affairs Report

Impact Fees Repealed in Napavine By Angela White, Government Affairs Director

At the end of 2011, the then Mayor of Napavine, Nicholas Bozarth, contacted Olympia Master Builders (OMB) and said he wanted to repeal Napavine’s school impact fees. He said, since the City approved their $5,000 impact fees several years earlier they had not collected a dime; even after they lowered the fees to $3,500 they still had not collected a dime. Mayor Bozarth believed repealing their impact fees would help promote growth within his community. Because OMB also believes impact fees are a detriment to a local community’s economic health, we provided Mayor Bozarth and the rest of the City Council members with extensive information about the negative effects of impact fees and the positive effects of the building industry. After months of deliberation and several presentations and testimonies from OMB members and staff. The City Council in Napavine took the final vote to repeal school impact fees in August. Special thanks to Don Koidahl and Scott Nolan of MDK Construction and Adam Kugel of the Kugel Corportation and Carmen Rowe of J.A. Goldstein Law Office, PLLC for their attendance and/ or numerous testimonies. This is a great win, not just for the building industry but for the community. Pure and simple, the housing industry creates jobs. Not just in the construction field but also in other industries providing products and services to home builders and home buyers.

September/October 2012

In a 2008 study conducted by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) it was estimated that building an average new single family home created 3.05 jobs.

able to afford planned infrastructure construction or expansion because forecast impact fee funds are not available. Simply put, we believe the experience of the past few years calls into question the continued viability and equity of local governments relying on impact fees as a source of funding. OMB supports a reallocation of the Real Estate Excise Tax and the common school construction fund to finance school construction. There are also schools across

Building and remodeling a home also creates a ripple effect in a local economy. The construction workers spend money earned on local goods and services. The people living in the new home spend about three-fifth of their income on local goods and services. The household also pays about 1.25 percent of its income to local government when they pay taxes. Home building and remodeling also generates revenue for federal and local governments. This includes Social Security taxes paid on wages, sales tax on building material and permits and fees builders pay local jurisdictions. The 2008 NAHB study estimated that for an average new single family home $89,216 is paid in taxes and fees and for every $100,000 in residential remodeling $30,217 is paid.

the Nation that are looking outside the box and utilizing other financing methods as discussed in a document titled “School Infrastructure Funding Alternatives” located on the National Association of Home Builders website, With Napavine taking this positive step maybe we will see some other jurisdictions following suit? Unfortunately, the Thurston County Commissioners are currently working to implement them…stay tuned.

Class Calendar

Register today by calling the BIAW at 360-352-7800. For a complete class description go to CAPS I Marketing and Communication Strategies

Learn best practices in communicating and interacting with 50+ customers and take advantage of one of the fastest growing market segments in remodeling and related industries. Designations: CAPS, CGA, MCSP. Cont. edu. credit: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB, CGP, CSP, Master CSP, CMP, MIRM. 8 RE clock hrs., 6 AOTA Cont. Edu. hrs. Thursday, Nov. 1 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost: $220 members,

$255 non-members

CAPS II Design Build Solutions for Aging in Place As a graduate

The school district and their attorney fought hard to keep the impact fees in place, which was interesting because they haven’t collected any money to date. From listening to testimony, I feel it was largely because of the amount of money they had spent to get impact fees implemented.

of this course, you’ll be able to: describe the home ownership market as it relates to the three segments of the Aging-in-place market; consider contractual and legal concerns for building professionals providing design solutions to the client; perform a needs assessment to identify and prioritize the needs, wants and wishes of the client. Designation credit: CAPS, CGA, MCSP. Cont. edu. credit: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB, CSP, MASTER CSP, CMP, MIRM, 8 RE clock hrs., 8 RE appraiser hrs., 6 AIA cont. edu. hrs., 6 AOTA cont. edu. hrs. Friday, Nov. 2 8:00 a.m. to 5:00

p.m. Cost: $220 members,$255 non-members.

Reading & Understanding Construction Drawings

This class is designed for builders, sub-contractors, remodelers, building department workers and material suppliers, new employees or as a refresher course. Learn to read drawings and find information needed to provide a material take-off. Thursday, Sept. 8

OMB believes that schools deserve a more reliable source of income to plan for their future growth. With the dramatic drop in building permits, local governments have seen impact fee revenue greatly reduced or as seen in Napavine, no fees collected at all. As a result, many local jurisdictions cannot or will not be

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Cost: $145 members, $199 non-members.

Business Management for Building Professionals

This course will give you a solid foundation in those best business practices so valuable to smaller businesses: planning, organizing, staffing/directing and controlling. Designation credit: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, CGP, Master CSP. Cont. edu credit: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB, CSP, Master SCP, CMP, MIRM. 6 AIA. Thursday, Dec. 6

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost: $225 members, $275 non-members.


Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Endorsed Candidates Need Your Vote The Affordable Housing Council of Olympia Master Builders (TAHC) has endorsed the following federal, state and local candidates. TAHC will be making additional endorsement decisions during September. Please support these candidates who understand the important role of the home building industry on the national, state and local level. REMEMBER TO VOTE!

Federal Races Jaime Herrera, U.S. Representative, District 3, Republican (incumbent)

JT Wilcox, 2nd Legislative District, House Position 2, Republican (incumbent)

Dick Muri, U.S. Representative, District 10, Republican

Dan Swecker, 20th Legislative District, Senate, Republican (incumbent)

Michael Baumgartner, U.S. Senate, Republican

Richard DeBolt, 20th Legislative District, House Position 1, Republican (incumbent)

Derek Kilmer, US Representative, District 3, Democrat

Ed Orcutt, 20th Legislative District, House Position 2, Republican (incum-

Statewide Races


Rob McKenna, Governor, Republican

Jim Hargrove, 24th Legislative District, Senate, Democrat (incumbent)

Brad Owen, Lieutenant Governor, Democrat (incumbent)

Dan Griffey, 35th Legislative District, House Position 1, Republican

Kim Wyman, Secretary of State, Republican

Drew MacEwen, 35th Legislative District, House Position 2, Republican

Reagan Dunn, Attorney General, Republican

Thurston County Andrew Barkis, Thurston County Commissioner, District 2, Republican

Clint Didier, Commissioner of Public Lands, Republican Washington State Supreme Court Richard Sanders, Washington State Supreme Court, Position 9

Mason County Randy Netherlin, Mason County Commissioner, District 1, Republican

Washington State Legislature Randi Becker, 2nd Legislative District, Senate, Republican (incumbent)

Tim Shelton, Mason County Commissioner, District 2, Democrat (incumbent) Terri Jeffreys, Mason County Commissioner, District 3, Republican

Gary Alexander, 2nd Legislative District, House Position 1, Republican (incumbent)




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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

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September/October 2012

OMB Member Spotlight Throughout 2012 each issue of Chalk Line will be featuring companies who have been OMB members for over 20 years.

Associate Member

Associate Member

Joe Heerensperger

Gary Rust



Olympia Lighting Center opened in 1970. Joe Heerensperger bought the company in 2004. They specialize in light fixtures, light bulbs, lamp repair, lamp parts, and home lighting packages – including delivery.

Mutual Materials was founded in response to the great need for masonry materials in the Seattle area following the fire in 1889 that left only one building constructed of brick. Mutual Materials specializes in the manufacture and distribution of masonry and hardscape materials.

Trivia Tidbits

Trivia Tidbits:

1. What has kept you an OMB member for so many years? It’s a great industry facilitator.

1. What has kept you an OMB member for so many years? Membership in OMB is an investment in community. All responsible businesses recognize the need to support the communities where they make their living. 2. Who or what inspires you? I am first and foremost inspired by my faith in Jesus Christ. My wife and family secondly inspire me. 3. What is your best business practice? Living by the Golden Rule to treat others as I would like to be treated. 4. What one thing do you want others to know about your company? I have worked for Mutual Materials for 28 years and I have found this company committed to their customers and to investing in their business and the industry. 3150 29th Ave SW Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 357-3343

2. Who or what inspires you? Offering customers true “customer service” which is not easy to find anywhere these days. 3. What is your best business practice? Solving customers’ problems. Our goal is to solve 99% of customer problems. They come to us with problems and we solve them. It’s our job. 4. What one thing do you want others to know about your company? Superb Customer Service! 2633 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98506 360-956-1953

Printing is more than Ink on Paper... 7009 Martin Way PO Box 3309 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 456-4545 It’s the quality in craftsmanship that goes into every job we print.

September/October 2012


Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Membership Report

Membership Happenings This Fall By Regina Greer, Membership/Marketing Coordinator

Spike Party

Membership Drive The Membership Committee is planning a fall membership drive this year from October 1st through the end of November. New members joining during that time will receive many fantastic incentives from Olympia Master Builders (OMB) members. We al-

ready have incentives lined up from Clear View Auto Glass and other OMB members.

The 2012 Spike Party will be on Friday, November 2. If you have recruited a new member since last October, you are eligible to attend this years fantastic MURDER MYSTERY Spike Party!

Call me at 360-754-0912 if you have an incentive that your company would like to offer the new members that join during the drive.

Look for your invitations in the mail.

Let me know if you would like to learn more about the Spike program or recruiting new members. Call me at the Olympia Master Builders office 360-754-0912 or email me at

LEW RENTS - Equipment -






Proud OMB Associate Member Since 1988 “Helping to Support Our Local Community Builders Since 1928� OLYMPIA 360-357-7731 2216 East 4th Avenue Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line 8

WESTSIDE 360-357-3314 405 McPhee Road SW September/October 2012

National and State Update From the

From the

BIAW Wins Clear Victory in Case Against L&I

Brighter Housing Outlook National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Chief Economist David Crowe’s analysis: “Several indicators point to a gradual, upward trend for housing that we expect to continue through the remainder of the year. Builder confidence has increased for four consecutive months, the Case-Shiller and FHFA home price indexes are on the rise, new-home sales have been edging up consistently on a quarterly basis since last September, and builders pulled more permits for planned new-home projects in July than in any month since August of 2008.

This is further evidence that consumers are becoming more confident in local housing markets as they look to take advantage of today’s very favorable prices and interest rates. However, we are still at a very fragile stage of the recovery process and builders continue to express frustration regarding the inventory of distressed properties, inaccurate appraisal values, and the difficulty of accessing credit for both building and buying homes.”

able to access any and all claim files of injured workers who have open, pending claims against its retro group member employers. BIAW argued that the RCW language is clear and unambiguous and that L&I’s interpretation and determiL&I denied BIAW’s R.O.I.I.® Select nation are not consistent with the Program access to approximately plain language of the statute. 80 claim files of member employers’ injured workers. The Department BIAW WON. Much of the Board declared that BIAW R.O.I.I. ® claim of Industrial Insurance Appeals staff is only entitled to files that have judge’s decision summary boiled to do with the claimant’s current down to language. The word “any” employer or if the prior claim has is conclusive. to do with the same body part or medical condition as the current, The judge’s decision also referenced a 1975 legislative modification to pending claim. the statute, which was modified BIAW appealed this determination, at L&I’s request. The modification contending that knowledge of an changed the word “the” to “any” in employee’s prior work history, physi- relation to claim files, and added cal condition, etc., is necessary to the term “in connection with,” to accurately assess his/her injury and the end of the Statute sentence in question. pending claim. REVERSED and REMANDED. That’s what the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals ruled in BIAW’s appeal against a Department of Labor and Industry’s determination from October 2011.

2013 IBS Registration Now Open Registration for the 2013 International Builders' Show is now open. For September only, National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) members can save $100 on their registration as well as receive free spouse registration for the event.

NAHB members can register for a FREE expo pass and non-members can purchase an expo pass for just $50 as well. For more details visit

The R.O.I.I. ® Select Program’s mission is to represent its member employers well—having complete access to claimants’ files for any prior injuries is essential to making sound, accurate appraisals of claims. Although L&I could appeal this decision, it is a clear victory for the BIAW’s legal counsel Julie Nichols continued success of BIAW’s R.O.I.I. and R.O.I.I. ® Program Manager Frank ® Select Program. Romero argued that BIAW should be The Statute questioned by both parties is RCW 51.28.070, particularly the sentence: “Employers or their duly authorized representatives may review any files of their own injured workers in connection with any pending claims.”

September is Associates Appreciation Month! September is Associate Appreciation Month! Associate members provide all the products and services that make Olympia Master Builders’ builder and remodeler members successful.

“New Products” Members will also have the opportunity to purchase enhanced listings in their product and services categories of the OMB membership directory that is located on OMB’s website beginning in 2013.

Associates were honored at the September general membership dinner meeting. Remember to do business with OMB’s Associate Members.

September/October 2012

Continued from page 1


Complete details will be emailed and mailed to all OMB members in late September. For more information, contact the OMB office at 360-754-0912.

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

Chapter Reports Grays Harbor About 15 attendees gathered at Chimney Techniques on September 6 to enjoy barbeque provided by owners Bob and Carla Smith. Grays Harbor County Commission Candidates Wes Cormier and Allan Shores shared about their campaigns and their goals for the county. The next Grays Harbor Chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, October 4 at Bridges Restaurant in Aberdeen.

Lewis County

On September 19 the Lewis County Chapter hosted their “Candidates’ Night” program. Members had an opportunity to visit with Lewis County Commissioner candidates and share industry concerns. The October 17 meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at Ramblin Jacks Rib Eye in Napavine.

Allan Shores, Grays Harbor County Commissioner Candidate, District 2(R) addressing the Grays Harbor Chapter members as Wes Cormier, Grays Harbor County Commissioner Candidate, District 1 (R) looks on.

South Pacific

The South Pacific Chapter will not meet in September. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 4 at the Lightship Restau-

rant in Long Beach and will feature Candidates’ Night.

Mason County

The Mason County Chapter kicks off their fall meetings on Tuesday, September 25 with a Chapter Candidates’ Night. The meeting will be held at The Grove Brewhouse in downtown Shelton. Frank Romero from BIAW will be the speaker in October. The next meeting will be held on the regularly scheduled night, Tuesday, October 9.

Welcome New Members Advance Glass, Inc. Assoc-OMB Dena Orndorff 2316 Olympic Hwy N Shelton WA 98584 P: (360) 426-0985 F: (360) 426-8052 E: Sponsor: Doug Karman Alternate Rain Company Assoc-OMB Ed Copeland 6805 Dena Ct SE Olympia WA 98501 P: (360) 956-0693 E: Sponsor: Heath Howerton Amp’d Electric Assoc-OMB John Evans 2725 83rd Ct. NE Olympia WA 98506 P: (360) 790-6223 E: Sponsor: Heath Howerton Bennett Design Inc. Assoc-OMB Bruce Bennett 2813 Montclair Ct SE Lacey WA 98503 P: (360) 456-0715 E: Sponsor: Heath Howerton Capital Tree Experts Assoc-OMB Barry Specht 2935 Blake Lake Blvd SW Tumwater WA 98512 P: (360) 870-0699

E: Sponsor: Heath Howerton Carpet One Design Center Assoc-Lewis Dave Parkhurst 1613 Grand Ave Centralia WA 98531 P: (360) 623-8000 F: (360) 736-4461 E: Sponsor: Scott Nolan Chehalis Plumbing, Inc. Assoc-Lewis David Critcher 765 NW State Ave. Chehalis WA 98532 P: (360) 748-4952 F: (360) 748-0727 E: Sponsor: Holly Constantine John Easter Roofing, Inc. Bldr-Twin Harbors John Easter PO Box 510 Mccleary WA 98557 P: (360) 495-4062 F: (360) 495-4082 E: Sponsor: Rich James

OTB Construction Inc. Assoc-OMB Oivind Boger P.O. Box 641 Mckenna WA 98558 P: (360) 790-4716 F: (360) 400-0826 E: Sponsor: Jim Simmons

Mike Anderson Construction, LLC Bldr-OMB Mike Anderson 3626 65th Ave SW Olympia WA 98512 P: (360) 943-7608 F: (360) 357-8263 E: mikeandersonconstruction3@ Sponsor: John McKinlay

Pacific Air Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Assoc-OMB Jim Brewer 2727 Martin Way Olympia WA 98506 P: (360) 357-4328 F: (360) 956-9859 E: Sponsor: Jim Simmons

Minuteman Press Assoc-OMB Clo Foote 1025 Black Lake Blvd SW Olympia WA 98502 P: (360) 754-8779 F: (360) 357-7457 E: Sponsor: Heath Howerton

Residential Excavating & Demo Assoc-OMB Tracy Specht 2935 Blacklake Blvd Tumwater WA 98512 P: (360) 870-4442 E: Sponsor: Heath Howerton

Modern Home Improvements Inc Bldr-OMB Jacob Rios PO BOX 14654 Tumwater WA 98511 P: (360) 888-6881 E: mhiinc@modernhimprovements. com Sponsor: Heath Howerton

Kamin Excavation, LLC Assoc-Mason Jayni Kamin PO Box 2491 Shelton WA 98584 P: (360) 426-0003 F: (360) 427-0266 E: Sponsor: Janine Ezzell

Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line

M & M Plumbing Assoc-OMB Richard G. Mccaslin 4619 74th ave se Olympia WA 98501-9668 P: (360) 491-9422 F: (888) 708-7893 E: Sponsor: Jim Simmons

Signdezign LLC Assoc-OMB Steve Shreve PO BOX 1666 Olympia WA 98507 P: (360) 709-0505 E: Sponsor: Heath Howerton

See “New” 10

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September/October 2012

“New” continued from page 10

Trimtek, Inc. Assoc-OMB Dan Pritchard 1202 Black Lake Blvd. SW Ste. F Olympia WA 98502-7208 P: (360) 866-2019 F: (360) 956-0990 E: Sponsor: John Kaufman

Western Interlock Assoc-OMB Jimmie Domaschofsky 10095 Rickreall Rd Rickreall OR 97371 P: (360) 878-9301 F: (360) 584-9153 E: Sponsor: Heath Howerton

Vaughn Mechanical, Inc. Assoc-OMB Vaughn Murphie 5201 Capitol Blvd. Ste. #201 Tumwater WA 98501 P: (360) 357-9973 F: (360) 754-7737 E: v.murphie@vaughnmechanical. com Sponsor: James Peterson

Woody’s Septic Specialties, Inc. Assoc-So Pacific Mr. Woody Pierson Jr PO BOX D Long Beach WA 98631 P: (360) 642-4459 F: (360) 642-7163 E: Sponsor: Greg Stevens


President..............................James Peterson First Vice Pres.................... John McKinlay Treasurer.................................. Scott Nolan Assoc. Vice Pres.............. Blake Knoblauch Second Assoc. VP.......................Ross Irwin Secretary.................................... Tina Allen Immed. Past Pres....................Janine Ezzell Builder at Large......................Ron Deering Bldrs. Council Chair.......... John McKinlay

Builder Directors

Jim Asher Andy Gruhn Harv Lillegard

Thank You

Associate Directors

Kim Asay Rusty Ruiz

to these renewing members

20+ Years Smithco Homebuilders Olsson Insulation Andy Johnson & Co., Inc. Truss Components Hamilton Properties, LLC Gary’s Bulldozing, LLC MC Squared, Inc. 15-19 Years Eubanks Glass MC Construction Consultants McMeekin Construction, Inc. Pacific Mobile Structures, Inc. Preszler, Larner, Mertz & Co. Hoffman Enterprises T. Amundson Construction Chehalis Sheet Metal Heating Cooling & Roofing, Inc. Freestone, Inc. D.J. Hartman Homes, LLC 10-14 Years Huttmann Electric, Inc. Quigg Bros., Inc. Hired Hands LLC TwinStar Credit Union Hansen Construction Group Custom Security Systems John J. Karnas Co. John Erwin Remodeling, Inc. Energy Star Systems & Stoves Lane French Construction Town & Country Roofing, Inc. Madsen Electric, Inc. Martin & Martin Constr., LLC Capitol Glass

September/October 2012

Rich James Holly Constantine

Legal Counsel

July and August 2012 30+ Years Puget Sound Energy

Scott Bergford John Kaufman Walt Robertson

Jay Goldstein

National Directors

Daimon Doyle James Peterson

5-9 Years J R Applications, Inc. Top Notch Plumbing, Inc. Viridian Northwest Capitol Lumber, Inc. Genothen Holding, LLC Brooks Plumbing Co. Great Floors Washington Federal Tech Electric, LLC Capital City Stove & Grill LeMier Phillips Constr. Co., LLC CERTIFIED Indoor Air Pete’s Lawn & Garden Maint. Adam Laneer Construction, Inc Shanex, LLC Kugel Corporation

Linda Mosier-Vaudt

State Directors

Tina Allen Ron Deering Harv Lillegard Don Koidahl John McKinlay Aaron Nester James Peterson Jim Simmons

Tim Dickey Janine Ezzell. Blake Knoblauch. Karen McClennen. Paul Muldoon. Scott Nolan. Carmen Rowe. Lori Wirkkala

Life Directors

Jack Anderson Debbi Boyd William Childress Michael Cornforth Daimon Doyle Peter Fluetsch Don Koidahl Mason Manning Linda Mosier-Vaudt Brian Panush Tommy Poplin Mark Shaffer Andrew Spear

2-4 Years Sunrise Landscaping & Tree Removal LLC Coldwell Banker JT Painting Company, LLC Washington Media Service Virgil Adams Real Estate, Inc. Pardiman Productions Ferguson Ent. #3024 Brumfield Construction, Inc. Signature Safety Carnahan’s Pest Control Co. Tires, Inc. The Golf Club at Hawks Prairie Hardel Builders Center

Rick Borovec Clark Burkheimer Patrick Connor Merrilee DeForest Stuart Drebick Bob Kagy Bob Love Karen McClennen Al Mullins Bill Peters Rob Rice Greg Stevens Brad Wilson

Life Members

George King Mary Gordon, Honorary Douglas DeForest, Honorary

Lewis County Master Builders

President...................................Scott Nolan First Vice Pres....................... Jason Reimer Assoc. Vice Pres........................Rich James Secretary............................... Rick Borovec Immed. Past Pres...................... Scott Nolan Builder Directors.................... Don Koidahl Dave Danton, Dustin Westfall Associate Directors.................. Emma Ball, Becky Rieger, A.J. Treleven

Mason County Master Builders

President.................................Aaron Nester First Vice Pres....................... Rob McGuire Assoc. Vice Pres....................Todd McPhee Secretary..................................... Bob Love Immed. Past Pres................... Rob McGuire

South Pacific County Master Builders

President................................Lori Wirkkala First Vice Pres.......................... Ray Bonnie Immed. Past Pres...................... Glen Trusty

Twin Harbors Master Builders President.............................. Harv Lillegard First Vice Pres..................................... TBD Assoc. Vice Pres........................ Rusty Ruiz Secretary....................................Bob Smith Immed. Past Pres........................ Mike Foss

Association Staff Executive Officer......................Laura Worf Dir. Member Services......Stacey Genzlinger Govt. Affairs Director................Angela White Bookkeeper............................Sally Darrow Mbr. Marketing Coordinator. Regina Adams

Chalk Line is the official publication of the Olympia Master Builders, an affiliate of the Building Industry Association of Washington and the National Association of Home Builders. The Olympia Master Builders can be contacted at 1211 State Avenue NE, Olympia, WA 985064234. Telephone 360-754-0912 or 800-456-6473. Fax 360-754-7448. Visit our web page at

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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line




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Olympia Master Builders / Chalk Line


September/October 2012

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