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2015 – The Corporate Partnersof the Year awards were established to recognizeorganizations thatgoabove andbeyond to supportUWMandour community.

2012 –A committeeoflocalleaders exploredthearea’sneedsand UWM’s roleinthe community. This led to atransformational strategic planthatcalled for expanded fundraisingandtheestablishment ofanopengrantprocess allowingmorenonprofits to apply forfundingandpartnerwith UWM to meetdefinedgoalsand communityneeds.Sincethis reset, UWM’s strategy continues to evolve through community-led strategic plans everythree years.


2002-10 –UWM’s211 Helpline expanded from four countiesin 2002 to coveringthe entire state by 2010. In2003,the211Call Center wasaccredited forthefirsttime by theAllianceof Information& Referral Systems,andin2010 the Stateof Nebraska funded211 to take “SafeHaven”calls.

1998 – The Court-Referred CommunityService Program (CRCSP) wascreated. Thisprogram, withsupport fromDouglas County, refers criminaloffenders to agencies for completionof judge-ordered communityservice.

1987 – The Tocqueville Society was established. Thecharter groupincluded 12members whosevision andbeliefin the community spurredothers to joinand give.

1987 –UWM combined forces withUnited Wayof Council Bluffs to expand fundraising effortsinthe greatermetro area,andalso createda partnershipwith the Combined Health Agencies Drive (CHAD).

1966 –“Volunteerism” wasadded to theorganization’s mission,increasing opportunities forthe community to participate in supportingourcause.

1972 – The“Citizenofthe Year” awardwasestablished to recognize individuals fortheir commitmentand dedication to our community.

1975 – Weofficially became“United Way oftheMidlands.”

2019 –Duringthe catastrophicflooding, UWM worked to helpwith aidand recoveryefforts raising over$1million andmaking statewide pay-outs,settingup a temporarycall center forFEMA, takingdisaster reports for NEMAand more.

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